Fisher-Price Preschool Toy Wooden Space Jigsaw Puzzle

Fisher-Price Preschool Toy Wooden Space Jigsaw Puzzle with Stacking Blocks, 42 Wood Pieces for Sorting Play Ages 3+ Years, HXY42

These toys help develop:
- Curiosity & Wonder
- Fine Motor Skills
- Cause & Effect
Say hello to happier parenting
Our early childhood development experts at the Fisher-Price Play Lab have been watching and learning from babies & big kids for decades. Our research helps us design toys and baby gear that foster growth & learning in the most fun ways. Because after 90 years of making toys, we know every child develops at their own pace, and we’re here to help you find the joy in every stage!
Dimensions: | 29.5 x 25 x 2 cm; 914.9 g |
Model: | HXY42 |
Material: | Wood |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 42 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 36 months – 7 years |
Assembly: | No |
Dimensions: | 29.5 x 25 x 2 cm; 914.9 g |
Material: | Wood |
Quantity: | 42 |
Trs joli puzzle aux pices douces et arrondies. D’une belle paisseur pour qu’elles soient bien prises en main par l’enfant. Les couleurs sont “flashy” et j’adore. a change des tons nudes et du tout neutre. La qualit est parfaite, je n’ai rien en dire de ngatif. C’est un super jouet !
Questo puzzle di legno di Fisher-Price davvero un bellissimo gioco da regalare ai bimbi di 2/3 anni per farli approcciare al mondo della logica con un prodotto bello e colorato impilabile senza problemi e senza preoccupazioni da parte dei genitori.
L’ho preso per mio figlio di 3 tre anni e lui essendo un grosso amante della luna e delle navicelle spaziali ne rimasto affascinato e da quando glielo ho dato lo smonta e ricostruisce 10 volte al giorno.
I pezzi di cui composto sono realizzati maniacalmente, senza angoli vivi o imperfezioni del legno che potrebbero graffiare o far male il vostro bimbo.
Insomma, se dovete regalare un puzzle ad un bimbo, questa soluzione di Fisher-Price mi sembra un’ottima scelta per bellezza, naturalit e colorazione molto vivace. Di certo sar un regalo apprezzato!
Mein fast 2 jhriger liebt es und will es stndig mit Mama Puzzeln. Einige Teile kann er schon selber reinlegen, aber natrlich ist er generell noch zu jung. Ich finde die Verarbeitung richtig super und daher klare Kaufempfehlung!
Il Fisher-Price Puzzle dello Spazio in Legno un giocattolo eccezionale che ha conquistato il cuore dei miei bambini. Non solo offre ore di divertimento, ma anche uno strumento educativo prezioso.
Qualit dei Materiali: I blocchi in legno sono robusti e ben rifiniti, con bordi lisci e sicuri per i bambini. Il legno di ottima qualit, resistente e durevole, perfetto per sopportare le mani curiose e vivaci dei piccoli esploratori. I colori sono vivaci e attraggono subito l’attenzione dei bambini.
Design Educativo: Questo set da 42 blocchi impilabili fantastico per aiutare i bambini a riconoscere forme e colori. Ogni pezzo progettato per incoraggiare il pensiero creativo e lo sviluppo cognitivo. Il tema spaziale aggiunge un tocco di magia, alimentando la loro immaginazione mentre costruiscono e giocano.
Stimola la Creativit: I miei bambini adorano creare storie e scenari spaziali con questi blocchi. incredibile vedere come riescono a dare vita a nuove avventure ogni giorno, stimolando la loro fantasia. Il set perfetto anche per giocare insieme, rafforzando le abilit sociali e collaborative.
Facilit di Utilizzo: I blocchi sono di dimensioni perfette per le mani dei bambini, facili da maneggiare e impilare. Non c’ bisogno di istruzioni complicate, il che permette ai piccoli di iniziare a giocare immediatamente.
Sicurezza: Fisher-Price sinonimo di sicurezza, e questo giocattolo non fa eccezione. realizzato con materiali atossici e conformi agli standard di sicurezza, offrendo ai genitori la tranquillit che cercano.
Conclusione: Il Puzzle dello Spazio in Legno di Fisher-Price un giocattolo che combina divertimento ed educazione in modo brillante. perfetto per bambini di 3 anni e oltre, e diventer sicuramente uno dei loro preferiti. Lo consiglio vivamente a chiunque desideri un giocattolo che stimoli l’immaginazione e supporti lo sviluppo delle abilit cognitive.
Le motif en forme de fuse dans l’espace est mignon et assez facilement comprhensible . Les pices sont toutes en bois, les couleurs sont pastel et suffisamment vives pour tre attrayantes aux yeux des petits. C’est un puzzle assez complexe car il contient quand mme 42 pices.
Il n’y a pas de pr-assemblage o l’on peut voir exactement o va chaque pice. Donc, partir de 3 ans, ce n’est pas vident, mais avec l’accompagnement d’un des deux parents, c’est facilement ralisable . Pour un jeu sign Fisher-Price de la marque Mattel, la conception est de trs bonne qualit et les pices en bois sont bien peintes avec une finition trs russie.
Voici un puzzle Fisher-Price
Le contenu du packaging : 42 pices
Les du produit :
en bois
pour fille et garon
thme de l’espace
patron trac en dessous
Les du produit :
En conclusion : une belle marque de jouets pour enfant, de qualit, robuste, bien pens et prix correct. Rien redire
Produit comment le 30/07/2024
El Fisher-Price Puzzle Espacial de Madera es una joya para los pequeos aventureros. Con sus 42 piezas de madera, este puzzle forma un vibrante cohete espacial que captura la imaginacin de los nios. Pero lo que realmente destaca de este juguete es su compromiso con el medio ambiente, ya que est fabricado con madera certificada por el FSC. Esto asegura que cada pieza proviene de fuentes sostenibles, lo que aade un valor ecolgico al juego.
El diseo del cohete es tanto atractivo como educativo. Las piezas son lo suficientemente grandes para que los nios las manipulen sin dificultad y el proceso de ensamblaje ayuda a desarrollar habilidades de resolucin de problemas, coordinacin mano-ojo y paciencia. El puzzle es una manera estupenda de ensearles sobre colores y formas mientras se divierten armando el cohete.
Adems, la durabilidad de este puzzle es impresionante. Las piezas estn hechas para resistir el uso frecuente, y los bordes estn suavemente acabados, lo que asegura que sean seguras para los nios pequeos. Aunque el puzzle es sencillo y puede no desafiar a los nios mayores, es perfecto para los ms pequeos y es una excelente opcin para actividades en familia.
En resumen, el Fisher-Price Puzzle Espacial no solo proporciona entretenimiento, sino que tambin apoya el desarrollo infantil y promueve prcticas respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Es un juguete que combina diversin, educacin y sostenibilidad de manera brillante.
Fabricado con madera certificada FSC, respetuosa con el medio ambiente.
Diseo colorido y atractivo que entusiasma a los nios.
Ayuda a desarrollar habilidades cognitivas y motoras.
Piezas grandes y seguras, perfectas para manos pequeas.
Resistente y duradero para un uso prolongado.
Puede resultar demasiado simple para nios mayores o ms avanzados.
El nmero de piezas puede no ofrecer el desafo necesario para algunos.
El diseo fijo del cohete limita la creatividad comparado con puzzles ms modulares.
Puzzle de madera con dibujo espacial y 42 piezas de la marca Fisher-Price.
Es un puzzle para formar un cohete, con planetas, estrellamuy bonito y de muy buena calidad
Es una preciosidad, los colores son muy bonitos, muy bien pensado y ideal para trabajar muchos aspectos diferentes con los nios pequeos: reconocer colores, mejorar coordinacin ojo-mano, imaginacin, construccin, habilidades motoras…
A mis hijos les han encantado por los colores, el tacto, y porque encajan muy bien.
Adems el puzzle es de madera, con los bordes finitos y pintados en colores llamativos no txicos. Una preciosidad. Ideal par regalar.
Con una relacin calidad precio correcta (aprox 22)
De calidad y seguros
Para nios a partir de 3 aos (son muchas piezas, 42)
con un marco de madera o soporte con las figuras pintadas para ayudar a los peques
A comentar
Es un puzzle para nios a partir de 3 aos, tiene bastantes piezas.
Precio a valorar
En resumen, ideal para trabajar muchos aspectos y para regalar.
Espero que las fotos y comentarios te hayan sodo tiles
Fun and educational, this puzzle helped develop fine motor skills and problem-solving. The floral design was attractive, and the stacking blocks were engaging. The guidelines on the tray assisted younger children in sorting shapes. Made from FSC-certified wood, it felt durable, though some pieces were slightly loose.
Item received in good condition in a plastic wrap. The wooden board is very well made and a great idea having the outline of the shapes marked in to the base to help build the picture. The wooden pieces are really nicely made and some bright fun colours.
There are lots of pieces making this a great toy and takes a while to complete. The end picture is fun and exciting for little minds to wonder.
Das Motiv ist unisex und sehr s gemacht. Die einzelnen Holzblcke haben nicht die beste Verarbeitung. An manchen Stellen waren schon von Werk aus Beulen enthalten. Fr 3 Jahre finde ich es eventuell noch etwas zu schwierig.
Es sind die Steinformen auf dem Holzuntergrund aufgezeichnet, sodass es einfacher ist die Steine zuzuordnen. Das hier die Steine verschiedene Formen haben macht es herausfordernder aber auch interessant.
Das Fisher-Price Weltraum-Puzzle aus Holz ist ein fantastisches Spielzeug fr Kindergartenkinder ab 3 Jahren. Mit 42 hochwertigen Holzteilen bietet dieses Puzzle endlosen Spielspa und frdert gleichzeitig die motorischen Fhigkeiten und die Hand-Augen-Koordination. Die farbenfrohen Stapelblcke und die vielfltigen Puzzleteile laden die Kinder dazu ein, kreativ zu sein und die verschiedenen Formen und Farben zu erkunden.
Besonders beeindruckend ist die liebevolle Gestaltung der Weltraum-Thematik, die die Fantasie der Kinder anregt und sie auf spannende Entdeckungsreisen schickt. Die robuste Verarbeitung der Holzteile garantiert eine lange Haltbarkeit, selbst bei intensivem Spiel.
Eltern werden die pdagogischen Vorteile dieses Spielzeugs schtzen, whrend die Kinder stundenlang Freude am Sortieren, Stapeln und Puzzeln haben. Ein rundum gelungenes Spielzeug, das in keinem Kinderzimmer fehlen sollte!
In a nutshell:
Things I liked:
+ It’s pretty and well-made. Every shape is unique so it is perfectly possible for a young child to match each piece up with its outline on the main board.
+ All the pieces are very nicely finished and pose no problems to a young inquisitive child (who, let’s be honest, will put each piece straight into the mouth!)
+ Great to complete together with a parent (plenty of communication opportunities around shape, colour etc) or independently.
Things I didn’t like:
– Everything is very loose. Not a criticism, just something you need to be aware of – there is a ridge round the board, but only that and gravity is keeping the pieces in place.
Do I recommend it?
Yes, absolutely. It’s a lovely toy for any child. Be aware that you’ll need to keep it in a little bag or something as it doesn’t come in a box like a jigsaw would.
I love Fisher Price toys; we have two generations of the toys going back to the 80s still in use. The brand is a sign of quality, but also of plastic and noisy characters. FP are looking a little to the past and to the future with their latest wooden range. The past, as some adults like the idea of old-fashioned wooden toys, but also the future as it is sustainable, and the fashion could be leading that way again.
This ‘Mandala Geometric Design’ is one of the more complex puzzles in the range and is for the older pre-schooler as they will need to think hard to get it right. It is a geometric jigsaw puzzle, made tricky by all the pieces being loose and sliding against one another and not clicking in. You get the design on the base, but it will still take time.
Like with the FP plastic toys, the quality is top notch. The wood is smooth and safe, it all fits together and feels like quality. The issue is storing the puzzle. It is open and flat. This means you can store it at the bottom of a toy cupboard, but any jostling and the pieces fall out. A box or bag would have made storing it simpler, I have already done this puzzle myself a couple of times as it has been spilt.
Das Fisher-Price Weltraum-Puzzle aus FSC zertifiziertem Holz enthlt 42 Holzteile und ist ab 3 Jahren empfohlen. Vermutlich geht es schon ab 2 oder 2.5, die Teile sind alle ausreichend gro und man muss keine Angst vor einem Verschlucken haben. Die Teile sind gut verarbeitet und ordentlich lackiert. Das Puzzle ist sehr schn. Im Holz Rahmen sind die Teile eingezeichnet, damit es nicht zu schwer ist. Ich htte einen Deckel noch praktisch gefunden, so ist das Verstauen schwierig. Ein hochwertiges Spielzeug, das sich auch zum Verschenken eignet.
42 pieces of colourful multi-sized puzzle pieces for ages two and up in my opinion. The pieces are smooth with rounded added to protect those little fingers. The quality is really love, I can see this being handed down. It is entirely constructed of wood and then it is plastic wrapped.
The unusual shaped pieces which fit only I very specific spots helps our little one focus on problem solving and fine motor skills. It challenges her understanding and together we can reinforce her hard work, determination and rewarding her for seeing the puzzle through to the end.
A lovely top which she has played with over and over.
5 stars
his wooden puzzle is beautifully made and excellent quality.
it’s is a joy to play with and will be a big hit with the youngsters.
it’s a little expensive but the quality is there.
would make an ideal gift or holiday present.
This is a lovely vibrant puzzle from Fisher-Price however my 3 year old daughter struggled with this one and so needed help from me to complete this. The pieces fit together well and are easy for little ones to hold however as many of the pieces look the same this is why my daughter struggled however this puzzle will be perfect for her to grow into. The only downside to this puzzle though is the way it has been packaged and there is no box to put it back into afterwards due to it being presented in cello wrap which is a shame and not sure the reasoning behind this, luckily i have a large plastic box which this fits into and because of this i have marked down one star!
The Fisher-Price Preschool Toy Wooden Puzzle with Mandala Geometric Design is a bright and colourful puzzle. Children are soon attracted to the shapes and colours and the printed tray guides helps them to focus on where the different shaped pieces can go, and it has surprised me how attentively my grandson played with it. There are good smooth and solid wood pieces so completely safe for young children. My only criticism is that it would have been good to include a bag to keep the pieces in when not in use, especially when you consider the cost and that it is from Fisher-Price. A good toy/puzzle for young children but I have dropped a star for the lack of a bag to stores the wood pieces.
Gorgeous puzzle!
This is a very attractive and high quality toy. Not a puzzle for adults as the pattern is simply a series of concentric circles of similar pieces – it has 10-fold rotational symmetry (I’m sure there’s a term for that). But for young children it will be brilliant
Solid wood pieces, none small so no choking hazards.
Beautiful colours
Simple design, but assembled off the board it will challenge movement control as well as cognitive skills inc pattern detection.
Added bonus – children can be asked to build other patterns using the same blocks
A bag or lid would have been nice as once the factory shrink wrap has been removed for use, there’s nothing to retain the pieces together.
The puzzle is great quality as expected from Fisher Price, and it’s nice they are doing a wooden toy range. the pieces are finished safely with no rough edges and they are nice and chunky so they won’t go into little ones’ mouths easily.
The puzzle pieces are easy to hold and are very colourful, they make a rather cool rocket picture and the backboard has an outline of the shapes so your child can complete the puzzle independently.
A fun well for kids to learn and solve puzzles.