FREEWOLF M96 Wireless Gaming keyboard, Knob Control

FREEWOLF M96 Wireless Gaming keyboard, Knob Control Bluetooth/2.4G Wireless Mechanical Feeling Keyboard, RGB LED Backlit with Display Screen, PBT Keycap, 3000mAh, US Layout for Win/Mac – Shimme
From the brand

K8 Mechanical Gaming keyboard
Weight: | 790 g |
Dimensions: | 40 x 16 x 4.5 cm; 790 g |
Brand: | FREEWOLF |
Model: | M96 |
Colour: | Shimmer |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | FREEWOLF |
Dimensions: | 40 x 16 x 4.5 cm; 790 g |
I’ve been using it for a day and have been loving it so far! the keys do need to be pressed abit harder than my last keyboard but that’s the only thing that’s a slight bother. the keys are extremely quite and have a creamy feel to them. the background colours are more of a pastel than a bright rainbow which absolutely love! however i got this keyboard second hand as it was slightly cheaper and when it arrived i did have to take of the caps and clean it since there was all sorts of gunk and hair underneath but after a nice and proper cleaning it looks and feel great!
I chose this for my son who is a constant gamer and has a degree in game design.
He liked the retro look very much and the overall design – it caught his eye right away.
Surprisingly, his kit doesn’t have blue-tooth so he had to connect it wired but as he explained, this guarantees a better response speed which may explain the lack of blue-tooth on his desk top.
After the attractive appearance, the first thing he noticed was the quietness of the keys and I concur, I haven’t heard such a quiet tapping of the keys other than on a laptop which is great if you’re playing games that require furious tapping of the keys.
The LED readout isn’t really necessary but it adds to the look and is a nice novelty touch.
The main negative is that my sons regular keyboard has a ramp on the front which supports the wrists, which is important when playing for extended lengths of times. This isn’t a deal breaker though.
The illumination is good and helpful and at the current price it gets an overall thumbs up from my son.
Tastiera da gioco wireless con connessione bluetooth o wireless. La prima risulta piuttosto pulita mentre la seconda ha delle incertezza, con qualche piccolo lag e anche un paio di disconnessioni.
Visivamente molto impattante il design simpatico e unisce qualcosa di nuovo a qualcosa di vintage andando a ricordare le primissime tastiere.
Layout USA quindi non troveremo i tasti accentati, poco male se si scrive a memoria.
Feedback tattile buono, i tasti grandi provocano qualche rumore.
Complessivamente una buona tastiera, nulla di eccezionale sotto nessun punto di vista.
Anche a livello di durata della batteria mi sembra piuttosto in linea con quella di altri modelli sul mercato.
Il prezzo un tantino esagerato.
Para lo que vale, y tras unas semanas probndolo, estn muy bien. Eso si, no le pidas peras al olmo. El teclado va fenomenal, apenas he notado latencia y para jugar, no est mal en su gama de precio. Tacto bueno, tamao adecuado, tal vez las teclas pequeas pero por el golpeteo, son silenciosas no suenan como uno mecnico. He estado unas semanas, todos los dias, y no me han pedido cargar por ahora, o sea, que duran bastante.
NB produit reu gratuitement pour valuation impartiale dans le cadre du programme Amazon Vine
Mon avis en quelques mots :
Avant tout, mise au point : c’est un QWERTY et je l’ai command sans y prter attention. Et je le regrette, car en AZERTY a aurait t une tuerie. L, j’ai d le cantonner aux jeux Android et la commande de Youtube sur la TV. Mais malgr cet imprvu, j’ai vraiment pris plaisir ce test. Tour d’horizon…
Dj, A l’arrire a part TRES bien : 2 canaux Bluetooth diffrents + 1 connexion 2.4 Ghz : autant dire la possibilit de l’utiliser sur 3 appareils. C’est bien simple, je n’avais jamais vu a. La prise en main est plaisante, les plastiques ajusts au centipoil. On teste alors les ractions des touches. Et l, la claque : un toucher type “mca” mais en silence ! L encore, c’est une premire : prcision ET silence !
Si je devais citer un dfaut, ce serait la disposition des touches, qui m’a un peu rebut au dbut. Mais c’est le cas chaque fois que je change de mon antique HP du bureau, auquel je suis habitu.
Niveau prix, il est quand mme cher, ce clavier. Mais compte tenu de la qualit, du ressenti, je n’arrive mme pas enlever la cinquime toile. Je l’aurais eu en AZERTY, je remplaais mon vieux clavier HP, c’est dire…
Dans le cas de ce clavier Freeworf mca QWERTY:
La note : 5 toiles
Le prix au moment du test : 44.99
pour info, mon systme de notation :
Produit excellent, rapport qualit-prix irrprochable
Bon produit avec bon rapport qualit-prix
Produit qui prsente un dfaut gnant, ou un tarif trop lev, mais qui pourrait convenir
Produit viter, vrai problme de qualit ou de prix
A fuir, produit mdiocre ou dangereux ou encore un prix stratosphrique
The keyboard connects via bluetooth but it disconnected. I recommend to use the 2.4hz connection which has stable connection. If you purchase this the dongle is located on the bottom of the keyboard under the flip elevator lever.
So I’ve been using this keyboard for about a week now, I mainly use it for office work. The keyboard is light weight and is quick when it comes to connecting to the device, so there is no waiting times and no soft needing to be installed.
Unfortunately I’ve run into 3 Minor issues with the keyboard these are
Key caps, some of the key caps are miss printed so they are non centred like the other keys, there is only two.
The keys, the keys have a little resistance with each press so the button press is a little delayed, not a major issue, just need to press harder, I’m guessing it is because it is new.
Lastly is the caps lock, so it is a little delayed with the caps lock light coming on, but as soon as you press the button it acts like a normal keyboard just the light which is delayed.
Overall review, it’s a 4 stars, all of the issues I have had are superficial and I use it for work, and for 32 for a wireless dual channel keyboard I will not complai