GAGAKU Wooden Makeup Set Kids Pretend Makeup Sets Wooden Toy

GAGAKU Wooden Makeup Set Kids Pretend Makeup Sets Wooden Toy Kit Montessori Fake Makeup Play Dress Up Kit with Hair Dryer Mirror for Toddler Children Little Girls Perfume Gifts Ages 3 +
GAGAKU Wooden Makeup Toy Set Kids

Kids Hairdressing Set
Recommended for 3-8 Years Old
Imaginative Play for Toddler Girls
Recommended for 3-8 Years Old
Imaginative Play for Toddler Girls
Recommended for 3-8 Years Old
Imaginative Play for Child
Main Educational Object
Social Skills & Hand-Eye Coordination
Main Educational Object
Role Play & Hand-Eye Coordination
Main Educational Object
Role Play & Social Skills
Dimensions: | 21.01 x 15.01 x 13 cm; 699 g |
Model: | G06MU2401 |
Material: | Wood |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 36 months – 8 years |
Assembly: | No |
Dimensions: | 21.01 x 15.01 x 13 cm; 699 g |
Material: | Wood |
I recently received this Wooden Makeup Set for my daughter, and it’s been a big hit. The set includes a variety of pretend makeup items, a hair dryer, and a mirror, all made from sturdy wood, which feels much safer and more durable than plastic alternatives.
The attention to detail is impressive, with each piece designed to look realistic, making the playtime experience even more engaging. My daughter loves pretending to do her makeup alongside me, and it’s great for imaginative play.
This set is not only fun but also aligns well with Montessori principles, encouraging creativity and fine motor skills. Overall, it’s a fantastic gift for little girls aged 3 and up, providing hours of entertainment and learning.
I am thrilled with this Wooden Makeup Toy Set for my daughter! It’s beautifully crafted with durable wood and includes everything needed for imaginative play—perfect for toddlers and young girls. The styling tools are realistic and safe for children to use. This set encourages creativity and role-playing, making it an ideal gift for birthdays or Christmas. It’s educational and promotes fine motor skills while fostering a love for beauty and imagination. Highly recommended for any parent looking for a quality toy set that sparks joy and creativity!
Ich habe das GAGAKU Holz Kinderschminke Set fr meine Tochter gekauft, die schon immer davon getrumt hat, ihre eigene Schnheits- und Frisierwelt zu erkunden. Dieses Set hat nicht enttuscht und bietet eine wunderbare Mglichkeit fr kreatives Spiel und fantasievolle Abenteuer.
Das 16-teilige Set ist wirklich umfangreich und beinhaltet alles, was kleine Stylistinnen bentigen: von einem Schminkspiegel ber verschiedene Schminkutensilien wie Lippenstift, Lidschattenpalette bis hin zu einem Haartrockner und einem Kamm. Die Holzkonstruktion ist nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern auch robust und langlebig im Vergleich zu vielen Kunststoffspielzeugen.
Meine Tochter liebt es, mit mir oder ihren Freunden interaktive Salonszenarien nachzuspielen. Dies frdert nicht nur ihre Kreativitt und sozialen Fhigkeiten, sondern auch ihre Feinmotorik. Die glatten Kanten und die bunten Farben machen das Spiel sicher und ansprechend.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist die Aufbewahrungsbox, die nicht nur zur Aufbewahrung des Spielzeugs dient, sondern auch zur Frderung von Ordnung und Verantwortungsbewusstsein bei meiner Tochter beitrgt.
Insgesamt ist das GAGAKU Holz Kinderschminke Set ein groartiges Geschenk fr kleine Mdchen, die sich fr Schnheit und Mode interessieren. Es bietet stundenlangen Spa und Lernmglichkeiten zugleich.
Fr Eltern, die ein hochwertiges, sicherheitsbewusstes und lehrreiches Spielzeug suchen, das die Kreativitt ihrer Kinder frdert, ist das GAGAKU Holz Kinderschminke Set eine ausgezeichnete Wahl. Meine Tochter liebt es, damit zu spielen, und ich bin sicher, dass es auch anderen Kindern viel Freude bereiten wird.
Questo set ha tutto! Nostra figlia lo adora, le piace giocare al salone con suo padre ed una delle poche attivit che possono svolgere insieme che gli d un minuto per sedersi e riposare. La nostra pi piccola ora ha 2 anni e le piace anche giocare con i giocattoli, quindi non passer molto tempo prima che lei e sua sorella si facciano finta di truccarsi. Dall’eccezionale qualit dei giocattoli posso dire che sono abbastanza resistenti da essere sparsi in giro dai miei bambini di due e 3 anni. Ogni pezzo bellissimo. Sono rimasto molto sorpreso che la lozione e il profumo abbiano effettivamente un’azione pompante, quindi sembra vero, il che fantastico perch i miei Littles adorano pompare la lozione dalle bottiglie (ahah). La custodia assolutamente perfetta per contenere tutti i pezzi del set. Set di giocattoli davvero bello, di ottima qualit, sono davvero colpita e i miei bambini lo adorano.
Ich habe das GAGAKU Holz Kinderschminke Set fr meine Nichte zum Geburtstag gekauft, die sehr an Frisieren und Schminken interessiert ist. Dieses 16-teilige Set hat sich als wunderbares Geschenk erwiesen, das nicht nur Spa macht, sondern auch sicher und lehrreich ist.
Design und Inhalt:
Das Set besteht aus einem robusten Schminkkoffer, der einfach zu transportieren und zu verstauen ist. Innen finden sich verschiedene Schminkutensilien, darunter eine Brste, Lippenstift, Lidschatten und sogar ein kleiner Fn — alles aus Holz gefertigt und schn gestaltet. Die Teile sind bunt und ansprechend, perfekt fr die Stimulation der Fantasie eines Kindes.
Material und Qualitt:
Alle Teile sind aus hochwertigem Holz hergestellt, was ich besonders schtze, da es viel sicherer und langlebiger als Plastik ist. Die Farben sind auf Wasserbasis und somit ungiftig, was fr Spielzeug, das von Kindern hufig in die Hand genommen wird, essenziell ist.
Sicherheit und Haltbarkeit:
Die Teile sind gro genug, um sicher fr Kinder ab drei Jahren zu sein, ohne Risiko des Verschluckens kleiner Teile. Die Verarbeitung ist ausgezeichnet, ohne scharfe Kanten oder Splitter, was fr zustzliche Sicherheit sorgt.
Pdagogischer Wert:
Dieses Set frdert nicht nur die Kreativitt und Selbstausdruck, sondern auch die Feinmotorik und Hand-Augen-Koordination. Kinder knnen Rollenspiele durchfhren, was sehr gut fr die Entwicklung sozialer Fhigkeiten und die Interaktion mit anderen ist.
Das Schmink- und Frisier-Set eignet sich hervorragend fr den Einsatz zu Hause, in Kindergrten oder sogar bei kleinen Partys. Es ermglicht Kindern, auf spielerische Weise Beauty-Routinen zu erkunden und nachzuahmen, was sie bei Erwachsenen sehen.
Angesichts der umfassenden Ausstattung, der hochwertigen Materialien und der vielfltigen Einsatzmglichkeiten bietet das GAGAKU Holz Kinderschminke Set ein ausgezeichnetes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis. Es ist eine langfristige Investition in die Spielzeit und Entwicklung eines Kindes.
Das GAGAKU Holz Kinderschminke Set ist ein ideales Geschenk fr Kinder, die sich fr Schnheit und Mode interessieren. Es ist sicher, lehrreich und bietet unzhlige Stunden kreativen Spiels. Ich wrde dieses Set jedem empfehlen, der auf der Suche nach einem hochwertigen und sicheren Schminkset fr Kinder ist.
The quality is exceptional. Love that it comes with a small carrying case. I don’t usually make time to write reviews but this kit is so adorable & I love that it’s wooden!
I ordered this set for my 3 year old granddaughter. I was hoping she’d like it, but apparently I got HUGE grandma points as she LOVES it! This set is great quality and absolutely beautiful. All the items come in a sweet little pink zippered cosmetic bag. All the items inside were individually wrapped in tissue paper and she’d squeal and exclaim as she opened each piece. Each item is beautifully made of wood and finished in shades of pink and white paint. The eyeshadows and blush are colored stickers so no mess! The little toner “bottle” and perfume “bottle” have little pumps that you can pump. The little mirror is cute and actually reflects. The scissors were almost a little too realistic sounding while she was giving me a pretend haircut, but they are blunt and perfectly safe and I couldn’t cut anything. The little lipsticks and nail polish are adorable as well. I can’t say enough nice things about this little set. It definitely makes a wonderful gift for a toddler girl!
Makeup Toy Set, mainly made of wood, very sturdy and not easy to break;
16 pieces: curling iron, eyeshadow palette, hairdryer, mirror, comb, blush, nail polish, lipstick (x2), makeup brush, eyebrow pencil, perfume, makeup bag, toner, scissors, and powder puff.
Can help children improve their hands-on and cognitive abilities;
With a storage bag, it can be stored and carried more easily;
Suitable for children over 2 years old to play. Beautifully packaged, can be used as a gift.
Disadvantages: The mirror in the makeup bag is made of glass, and parents need to pay attention to safety when children play.
I love wooden toys so any time we pick up toys and they’re primarily wooden, that’s a plus for us. This makeup kit, which is VERY PINK-THEMED, comes with a multitude of items that you’d expect in a real life makeup kit, including perfume, comb, facial toner, mirror, hair dryer, makeup palette and brushes, hair straightener, lipstick, and more! The small size of the components are quite tiny though so definitely keep it out of range of babies and toddlers, since they can easily swallow them by accident. The wood is very smooth to hold though and we weren’t worried about the possibility of splinters which is great when it comes to wood items. For 32.99 included, we thought it was a great value considering its a wooden toy and you get so many accessories!
This set has it all! Our daughter loves it, she enjoys playing salon with her dad and it’s one of the few activities they can play together that gives him a minute to sit and rest. Our youngest is 2 now and she likes to play with the toys as well, so it won’t be long before she and her sister are giving each other pretend makeovers. I can tell from the exceptional quality of the toys that they are durable enough withstand being scattered around by my two and 3 year old. Each peice is beautiful. I was very surprised the lotion and perfume actually have pump action, so it feels real which is great because my Littles love pumping lotion out of bottles (lol). The case is absolutely perfect to contain all the peices of the set. Truly beautiful set of toys, very good quality, I am so impressed and my kids are loving it.