K&F Concept 83 inch/211cm Camera Video Tripod for DSLR

K&F Concept 83 inch/211cm Camera Video Tripod for DSLR Compact Aluminum Tripod with Fluid Head and 5KG Load for Travel and Work K234A7+FH-03

Weight: | 5.37 Pounds |
Dimensions: | 52 x 13 x 13 centimetres |
Brand: | K&F Concept |
Model: | K234A7+FH-03 |
Part: | K234A7+FH-03 |
Colour: | 83" height/Fluid head |
Dimensions: | 52 x 13 x 13 centimetres |
As others have noted, this is one heck of a solid tripod, even if it’s — gasp! — made in China. It’s heavy enough not to shake, but not so heavy that it’s annoying to carry.
It has the usual bells and whistles you’d expect, and the motion is fluid. The drawback, though, is that the adjustment handle is only for positioning the camera — you don’t turn it to loosen the head.
That means you have to loosen the correct know for to allow tilting or panning, and there are a LOT of knobs because you can also raise or lower it. It sounds like a small complaint, but in the field you’ll find a lot of fussing — “Is it this knob? Is it that?” — and wondering why the handle doesn’t do anything.
All that said, once you get used to dealing with the complex ‘interface,’ it’s a fine bit of kit. But I think the engineers need to redesign those features.
Ich habe bisher schon verschiedene Stative genutzt, die deutlich gnstiger waren, und fand diese immer “eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht”. Hat man dann aber pltzlich ein Stativ mit echter Qualitt, wie dieses hier, setzt das die anderen in ein ganz anderes Licht. Ich habe direkt ausgemistet und andere sind im Mll gelandet.
Hier ist alles, wo es drauf ankommt, mit Metall verarbeitet – hauptschlich Aluminium, so dass trotzdem das Gewicht des Stativs schn niedrig bleibt. Das hat vielleicht Nachteile bei der Standfestigkeit drauen im Wind, aber Vorteile was Transport und Handling angeht – hier muss man eben wissen, was man braucht.
Ich nutze solche Stative fr verschiedene Kameras und Handys und fr einen selbstnivellierenden Kreuzlinienlaser. Mit letzterem kam es zuletzt hufiger vor, dass ich etwas knapp unter der Decke anbringen musste – da musste ich mit anderen Stativen immer tricksen und diese noch auf etwas drauf stellen, da sie nicht hoch genug war. Das war mit ein weiterer Grund, warum ich auf dieses Stativ scharf war, denn mit seinen 231 cm Hhe hat es die perfekte Hhe fr “knapp unter der Decke”, zumindest bei Neubauten mit den blichen 240 cm Deckenhhe.
Der Klappmechanismus ist ungewhnlich, aber ergibt sofort Sinn. Alles sitzt nach dem Arretieren sofort fest, lediglich auf volle Hhe ausgefahren wirkte alles vielleicht ein ganz klein wenig wackelig, aber absolut noch stabil genug. Verschiedene Messanzeigen helfen einem dabei, bestimmte Drehwinkel festzulegen. Ich werde wohl fr sehr lange Zeit kein anderes Stativ mehr nutzen.
Das Stativ ist hochwertig verarbeitet, kann sehr flexibel eingesetzt werden und macht insgesamt einen sehr guten Job. Die Bedienung ist selbsterklrend und die Standfestigkeit sehr gut.
Fr den Preis kann man wirklich nicht meckern.
A good starter tripod. It’s built well, albeit with pretty thin and loose legs. The coloring reminds me of Gordon Freeman from Half Life. The main legs are less than an inch wide so you can imagine by the time you expand it all the way the final expansions pretty thin.
The head movement is smooth and great, and dampening it a little with the controls was quick and easy to do. The knob for the tilt function is pretty and fully metal but it would of been nice to have rubber on it. It’s a little brutal to adjust in the cold or wetness.
The bag the tripod comes with is pretty great and nice quality. In fact it’s all really nicely built for the cost.
It’s not a “Last tripod you would ever own” tripod, but it’s a pretty good one that is both aesthetically pretty and functional. It does have a lot of spare features like the detachable monopod leg, hook on the center column, and reverse collapsibility that make it that much more awesome.
Much sturdier than a flimsy, portable tripod/selfie stick combo. Has many adjustment options including height, tilt, swivel, quick release plate, portable, etc. Easy to attach a camera to the release plate. I have an accessory (purchased separately) that also lets me attach a phone. The tripod design allows for pretty substantial stability I don’t have a long lens to test with it, but it feels stable. Easy to collapse and store in the nice provided carry case.
Some little nitpicks the clips that loosen/tighten to lengthen or shorten the legs feel a little cheap (the plastic) — maybe they are better than what they feel we’ll see how they hold up.
The directions for how to take off the monopod aren’t super clear basically one of the legs comes off and you can remove and fasten the top of the tripod to the monopod (leg).
The first time I attached a camera, a small piece of the rubber broke off the very easy to use quick release plate — I hope this was just an anomaly.
Overall, I like the tripod, even with some of its shortcomings. I wouldn’t call it a professional grade solution, but for a home hobbyist like me, it does everything I need.
1. Erster Eindruck und Verpackung:
Das K&F Concept Videostativ wurde sicher verpackt geliefert und machte direkt einen hochwertigen Eindruck. Die Verpackung war gut gepolstert und schtzte das Stativ und das Zubehr whrend des Transports.
2. Design und Material:
Das Videostativ aus Aluminium ist robust und dennoch leichtgewichtig. Das Design ist gut durchdacht mit einem Fluidkopf, der eine sanfte und przise Bewegung ermglicht. Die 90 Mittelsule und das abnehmbare Einbeinstativ bieten zustzliche Flexibilitt.
3. Hhe und Stabilitt:
Mit einer maximalen Hhe von 231 cm bietet das Stativ ausreichend Spielraum fr unterschiedliche Aufnahmehhen. Es ist stabil genug, um Kameras bis zu 5 kg sicher zu halten, was es ideal fr DSLRs, Camcorder und andere Kameras macht.
4. Praktische Eigenschaften:
Das Stativ lsst sich schnell aufbauen und einstellen. Die 90 Mittelsule erlaubt es, das Stativ fr bodennahe Aufnahmen zu nutzen. Das abnehmbare Einbeinstativ bietet zustzliche Flexibilitt bei der Aufnahme von Bewegtbildern.
5. Anwendungsgebiete und Einsatzmglichkeiten:
Es eignet sich perfekt fr Videografen und Fotografen, die sowohl im Studio als auch im Freien arbeiten. Von stabilen Videoaufnahmen bis hin zu przisen Fotoaufnahmen bietet das Stativ vielseitige Einsatzmglichkeiten.
6. Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Bedienung:
Die Bedienung des Stativs ist intuitiv. Die ergonomischen Griffe und die verstellbaren Beinsegmente ermglichen eine einfache Anpassung an verschiedene Gelndebedingungen und Aufnahmesituationen.
7. Fazit:
Das K&F Concept Videostativ mit Fluidkopf berzeugt auf ganzer Linie durch seine Robustheit, Flexibilitt und Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Es ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl fr professionelle Videografen und Fotografen, die ein vielseitiges und zuverlssiges Stativ suchen. Mit fnf Sternen bewerte ich es sehr positiv!
i am not a professional photographer it’s more of a hobby and this tripod has proved invaluable and well worth the money..
It’s very preofessional looking and very sturdy, i have tried a few cameras on this and the mount is universal, I am currently using a fuji film camera on this and the fit is perfect.
The tripod legs really do give this fantastic height to this and if thats not enough height for you the pole in the middle will give that extra height.
so easy to swirl the camera around with the comfortable handle.
Folds up with ease to fit inside the carry bag which in itself is great value, well made with good quality materials.
Ideal gift for any photographer and fantastic value for money.
As I write this I’m away at my summer home where I go to get away from everything, that includes the tools of my trade.
As such I only have a single camera with me to test the tripod with and it just so happens to be one of the lightest around, I will give it a full work out with heavier video gear when I get home but have littkle doubt it will perform perfectly.
As with all K&F products manufacturing has been done to a very high standard, I feel that these easily match or exceed the quality of the market leaders, you know who they are.
Whilst I have a preference for twist locks on tripod legs the levers on these are smooth to operate and don’t impede adjustment speed in any way so no pints lost there.
Adjustability is excellent catering for almost any angle one would wish for and the ability to use the central column for overhead shooting and as a monopod is more than welcome.
Is there anything I would fault?
No, for me this is as close to perfection as I would want, it is a little heavy but that is to be expected and is welcome as this adds to the stability.
To be honest I would order this on name and looks alone, K&F gear with the splash of orange has to be the best looking out there, I know this is a personal preference but I love it!
Ease of Use: Setting up the tripod is quick and straightforward. The leg locks are secure and easy to operate, and the adjustable centre column adds flexibility. However, stability becomes a concern when the tripod is fully extended, especially in windy conditions or with heavier cameras. There is a noticeable wobble, and it can be tricky to get a steady shot without additional stabilization. The tripod supports up to 5 kg, but it performs best with lighter cameras. My mid-range DSLR is fine, but anything heavier might compromise stability.
Conclusion: The K&F Concept 83 inch/211 cm Tripod is a great option for those using lightweight DSLRs or mirrorless cameras, particularly if you need a portable travel solution. It offers good value for the price, but be cautious if you plan to use it at full extension or with heavier equipment. For heavier setups or if stability is a top priority, you might want to consider a more robust tripod.
I’ll give it a 4****. Its mabe alitte too exspenceve at 90. But if you’re travelling this might be perfect for you.
This is a really excellent, solidly built and lovely looking and feeling tripod. All the moving parts are weighted and move smoothly, the locks all lock in to place tightly and have no problems holding pretty much any weight of DSLR and then some. I actually put my camera on it whilst it was mounted on a gimble and had the microphone attached just to see how it would hold up and it was completely fine. It is a touch heavy, coming in at 2kg, so it’s probably more suited to being in a studio or other static place, but it does have a padded carry case with a crossbody strap, so you can carry it out with you and it’s really not that much of a big deal. Honestly, out of the box, this is an amazing deal and probably the only thing it lacks is a 360 ball head, but I did look them up and see you can buy a matching ball head for not too much, so that’s great. For the price I think this is a fantastic bit of kit and easily up there with any other quality tripod. It’s all in the attention to detail and build quality for me and this nails it. I even think it looks good with the anodised orange parts, and whilst that may not be top priority, it’s definitely an added benefit. Well recommended.