Maxi-Cosi Emerald S i-Size, 360 Swivel Baby car seat, 0-12
Maxi-Cosi Emerald S i-Size, 360 Swivel Baby car seat, 0-12 Years 40-150cm, Group 0+123 car seat, Isofix 0-36 kg car seat, Rearfacing, 4 Recline Positions, G-Cell Side Impact Protection, Tonal Black
Evolving & growing with your child
Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 S
Emerald 360 S ensures lasting comfort and safety, suitable from birth up to 12 years old. With FlexiSpin 360° rotation and four comfortable recline positions, Emerald 360 S is there to meet your family’s needs at every stage and on every adventure.
Evolving car seat
Emerald 360 S offers lasting functionality from birth up to 12 years old (150cm)
FlexiSpin 360° rotation
360° rotational system that enables the seat to easily rotate in any reclined position
Four recline positions
With four recline positions, your child will always be comfortable on the go
G-CELL Side Impact Protection
Provides maximum protection with improved 3D impact absorption
At Maxi-Cosi we have carried over 60 million babies home from the hospital. Our intuitive and innovative products help carry families happily into the future, standing by our singular promise: whatever the future carries, we carry the future.
Weight: | 15.1 kg |
Dimensions: | 72.5 x 44.2 x 80 cm; 15.06 kg |
Model: | 8620104110 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Composition: | 41% Steel, 52% PP, 2% memory PP, 2% EPP, 2% aluminum; Textile: 10% Cotton, 30% Polyester, 60% PU foam |
Dimensions: | 72.5 x 44.2 x 80 cm; 15.06 kg |
Wir haben den Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 i-Size Kindersitz fr unseren derzeit 6 Monate alten Sohn gekauft und sind insgesamt sehr zufrieden mit unserer Wahl. Der Sitz bietet eine beeindruckende Kombination aus Sicherheit, Komfort und Flexibilitt, die uns als Eltern sehr wichtig ist.
Die Mglichkeit, den Sitz um 360 zu drehen, ist ein echtes Highlight. Es erleichtert das Hineinsetzen und Herausnehmen unseres Sohnes erheblich und macht den tglichen Gebrauch sehr komfortabel. Zudem ist die Verarbeitung des Sitzes hochwertig, und die verwendeten Materialien wirken robust und langlebig.
Besonders praktisch finden wir die mitwachsende Funktion des Sitzes. Die verstellbare Kopfsttze und die flexibel anpassbaren Gurtsysteme ermglichen es uns, den Sitz optimal an die Gre und das Gewicht unseres Sohnes anzupassen. Dies gibt uns das beruhigende Gefhl, dass wir in einen Sitz investiert haben, der ber mehrere Jahre hinweg genutzt werden kann und mit unserem Kind mitwchst.
Einziger Kritikpunkt ist die Liegeposition fr Babys. Diese knnte etwas weiter nach hinten geneigt sein, um gerade bei lngeren Fahrten fr eine bequemere Schlafposition zu sorgen. Unser Sohn scheint sich zwar dennoch wohl zu fhlen, aber eine tiefere Liegeposition wre wnschenswert.
Trotz dieser kleinen Einschrnkung sind wir sehr zufrieden mit dem Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 i-Size Kindersitz. Er berzeugt durch seine Sicherheit, Flexibilitt und den hohen Komfort, den er unserem Sohn bietet.
Als vader van een 14 maanden oude dochter ben ik super blij met de Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360. De draaifunctie is echt een ‘rugredder’, voornamelijk mijn vriendin is met deze feature heel blij. Het maakt het zoveel makkelijker om mijn dochter in en uit de auto te krijgen, eerst was het tillen uit de autostoel en dochterlief wordt iets zwaarder, dus flinke last van je rug af en toe. Nu is het draaien en er uit tillen.
We zijn onlangs naar Oostenrijk op vakantie geweest en deze stoel was echt een uitkomst. De stoel even kantelen en zij lag al snel heerlijk te slapen
De installatie ging soepel, De bekleding is zacht en ademend, wat fijn is voor lange ritjes.
Kortom, de Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 vinden wij een echte aanrader en zo te zien onze kleine meid ook.
La razn por la que decidimos comprar la sillita Maxi-Cos Emerald 360 FlexiSpin es por la comodidad de mi peque y sobre todo por la seguridad que tiene.
La verdad es que desde que la estamos usando estamos encantados vengo de haber comprado muchas sillitas y ninguna me ha gustado,es muy fcil de mover a la hora de sacarla y meterla y eso es muy cmodo para nosotros,me parece un acierto ya que adems de tener un diseo bonito ,se limpia fcil y es muy sencilla de usar,se regula fcilmente para la altura y el cabezal tambin es un plus para que la cabecita vaya bien sujeta y lo mejor de todo es que se puede usar hasta los 12 aos,la recomiendo calidad precio asequible
Nous avons choisi ce sige auto car il volue avec l’age de l’enfant, c’est un investissement sur le long terme 😉
La fonction 360 et les diffrentes possibilit d’inclinaison permette d’assurer un confort aux parents et bb.
L’installation dans la voiture est facile, l’installation de bb l’est galement car tout est ajustable.
Le tissu est agrable et confortable.
Gran bel seggiolino, solido e ben fatto.
Facile da montare con i ganci isofix e il piede di supporto, che poi non verranno piu usati man mano che il bimbo cresce (vedi manuale di istallazione).
Viene consegnato con in dotazione il riduttore per neonati.
Materiali traspiranti, ma soprattutto riciclati al 100%, e questo ci piace molto.
Il poggiatesta si pu aggiustare in base all’altezza del bambino, e si possono scegliere varie reclinazioni dello schienale.
Con un clic su un pulsante della base, si pu ruotare senza sforzo verso lo sportello per fare salire/scendere il bambino.
Tirando una cintura sulla seduta, tra le gambe del bambino, si possono tirare/allentare le cinture a cinque punti.
Questo seggiolino davvero molto intuitivo da usare, anche per noi nonni.
omologato secondo gli standard di sicurezza i-Size (R129/03).
Noi siamo molto soddisfatti dell’acquisto, soprattutto perch ci accompagner fino ai 12 anni circa del nostro nipotino, che al momento apprezza molto visto i lunghi pisolini che fa in questo seggiolino.
Se trata de una silla que, adems de parecernos estticamente bonita, de momento se adapta a nuestras necesidades. Es cmoda para nuestro nio y para nosotros por varias razones: Es fcil de instalar (tenemos dos coches y aunque uno es el de referencia, si algn da puntual, porque pesa y no es cmoda de llevar, lo necesitamos, se puede colocar rpidamente en el otro), se adapta a su crecimiento y cubre todas las etapas de desarrollo y gira con mucha facilidad.
Caben destacar algunos aspectos que para m gusto se pueden mejorar, como son que, a pesar de que ocupa nicamente un asiento, es bastante voluminosa, no se pliega como otros modelos y que a m hijo cuando se duerme, se le cae la cabeza hacia delante con mucha facilidad al quitar una adaptacin, por lo que una adaptacin intermedia sera fantstico.
Ik heb deze stoel gekocht voor mijn baby van 7 maanden. Na veel gesjouw en gebuk met een niet draaibaar 0 klasse autostoel was ik op zoek naar een 360 graden stoel. Dat deze tot 12 jaar meegaat spreekt mij erg aan, nu heb ik maar 1 keer een keuze moeten maken en geld moeten investeren.
Ik heb geen ervaring met andere draaiende stoelen dus moeilijk vergelijken maar mijn bevindingen tot nu toe:
+ Voelt als een solide en stevige autostoel
+ Luxe stof, ziet er comfortabel uit voor het kind.
+ De stoel was makkelijk te installeren met het isofix systeem.
+ De riempjes zijn makkelijk te verstellen, en ze gaan gelijkmatig mee!
– De baby inzet is tot 74cm maar mijn baby van 70cm/9 kg kreeg ik er niet in. Dus gelijk eruit gehaald.
– Ik vind de knop op de base zelf om de stoel te draaien irritant, moeilijk te bedienen met lange nagels. De knop aan de stoel vast werkt veel beter maar kom je niet bij als je kind achterwaarts kijkt.
– Het draaien gaat niet meeeega soepel, maar ik weet dus niet of dit bij andere stoelen ook zo is.
– De handleiding is vervelend, alleen maar afbeeldingen met ‘push!’ ‘pull!’ en ‘click!’ Er mag wat meer begeleidende tekst bij.
– Ik dacht dat ik de base ook kon gebruiken voor andere maxi Cosi stoelen maar dat kan dus niet want het is geen Family. Is niet heel vervelend vooralsnog maar wel goed om te weten.
Nous avons normment aim ce produit. Convient autant aux bbs qu’aux enfants plus gs. Il est super simple installer grce aux indicateurs de couleurs de bonne installation et aux isofix. Le prix est un peu cher mais rien ne vaut la qualit maxi cosi. Le fait qu’il soit pivotant est un rel avantage, ce qui facilite l’installation de l’enfant en voiture. Il est trs esthtique et trs simple d’utilisation. En revanche j’ai t embte car le dos route n’est pas faisable, le sige est trs imposant et touchait mon sige conducteur donc impossible de le pivoter. Le harnais 5 points est trs scuritaire ainsi que les protections latrales qui renforcent la scurit de l’enfant en cas de choc.
Este producto se trata de una sillita de coche infantil, indicada para crecer con la criatura, desde los 0 a loso 12 aos.
Lleva incorporado un reductor para poder usarla con recin nacidos, llevndolos a contramarcha hasta que cumplen los cuatro aos. En ese momento se pone en posicin a favor de la marcha. Se debe usar hasta los doce aos, entre los 40 y 150cm de la criatura o entre los 0 y 36kg. En el momento que se llega a este mximo de edad, altura y peso, ya no hace falta sillita infantil.
Esta sillita es muy segura, ya que cumple con los estndares de seguridad de la UE (ECE R129/03). Viene con conectores ISOFIX los cuales garantizan que la base de la silla se fije firmemente en el automvil, siempre y cuando ese automvil lleve ese tipo de fijacin ya incorporada de fbrica. Hay que comprobarlo.
Debido al sistema giratorio de rotacin de 360, esta sillita de coche puede girarse en cualquier posicin de reclinacin. Esto facilita que la criatura tenga una fcil entrada y salida del coche.
Realmente, lo que mas me gusta, es la proteccin lateral adicional que lleva. Aparte de darle comodidad a la cabeza de la criatura, estas protecciones laterales sirven para distribuir las fuerzas de impacto lateral lejos del nio y reduciendo las posibles lesiones en cabeza, cuello y hombros.
Se puede ajustar con cuatro posiciones de reclinacin, pudiendo la criatura ir sentada mirando por la ventana hasta ir cmodamente tumbada en caso de dormirse o querer descansar mejor. Adems lleva 14 alturas de reposacabeza para ajustarla segn va creciendo. Tambin el arns de seguridad, que se usa hasta los cuatro aos, lleva cinco puntos de ajuste.
Ottimo seggiolino, intuitivo sia nel montaggio che nell’uso quotidiano.
Seduta ben studiata, si ruota con un clic e la rotazione avviene in maniera molto fluida.
Ottimi materiali (il bimbo non suda), riciclati. Poggiatesta e reclinazione della seduta regolabili in base a et/altezza del bambino (si consiglia di leggere bene il manuale).
Nel nostro caso lo stiamo usando con cintura a cinque punti, isofix e piede di appoggio, ma sai capisce gi che ben studiato anche per i bambini pi grandi quando non servir piede di appoggio e verr usata la cintura di sicurezza.
Siamo molto contenti dell’acquisto e lo consigliamo vivamente.
Wij hebben de Maxi Cosi Emerald 360 mogen testen en zijn super tevreden over deze autostoel. Deze stoel is te gebruiken voor baby’s en kinderen tot 12 jaar. Dat scheelt een hoop andere tijdelijke autostoeltjes te kopen. De stoel is dus lekker duurzaam. Voor de baby’s is er zelfs nog een stoelverkleiner. De autostoel wordt kant-en-klaar geleverd, je hoeft dus niets zelf in elkaar te zetten en dankzij de isofix bevestiging is de stoel heel gemakkelijk vast te zetten in je auto. De hoofdsteun is in hoogte verstelbaar en er zijn verschillende ligstanden. Voor elke leeftijd en kindje is er dus een comfortabele houding mogelijk. Het allergrootste pluspunt is natuurlijk dat de stoel 360 graden kan draaien. Dat werkt zo fijn! Geen gehannes meer met een kind dat je in gekke houdingen een autostoel probeert in te krijgen of een maxi cosi die je met baby en al in je auto moet zetten. De stoel is met n simpele knop draaibaar, een kind kandewasdoen.
The Emerald 360 S car seat is excellent. The 360 function makes it so much easier moving your child in and out and saves time. The best part is that can be used from birth to 12 years old. For birth there is a cushion which is supplied with it. The quality of the seat and the base are great as well as the design and the color.
Although the Maxi Cosi Emerald child seat is really weighty which is not that easy to lift, this is also a necessity for both safety and stability.
The fabric is soft and breathable and machine-washable, which is a huge plus for dealing with the general spills and messes with kids. The adjustable headrest and harness system are easy to use and recline positions are comfy for naps. It comes with an infant insert perfect for a newborn. Installing the seat was a straightforward as the instructions are clear with visual indicators. We appreciate how easy it is to rotate the seat with one hand, the Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 S Multi-age Rotating Car Seat has been an excellent addition for our ever growing family making journeys with the little ones so much easier. If you’re looking for a versatile, long-lasting car seat that grows with your child, we recommend giving this a try, I don’t think you’ll regret it.
From the moment we unboxed it, we were impressed by the sleek design and high-quality materials. The fabrics are not only soft and breathable but also machine-washable, which is a huge plus for dealing with the inevitable spills and messes (which we expect in a matter of days with our 8-month-old).
But let’s talk about the real star: the 360-degree rotation. It’s like having a mini carousel for your child. Buckling up? Just spin it around — no backache, no head bumps, no struggles. And the SlideTech technology? Genius. Lock, slide, spin, and go — it’s the future of car seats.
Safety-wise, the Emerald 360 S doesn’t play games. It’s got G-Cell technology, which sounds fancy but basically means it’s got your kiddo’s back in case of any impact. And the rearward-facing position? It’s like wrapping them in a protective hug.
Installation? Piece of cake, thanks to the ISOFIX system. No wrestling with seat belts — just click and secure. And the multiple recline positions? Perfect for those long road trips when naptime calls.
Now, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. The seat is a bit on the heavier side, so moving it between cars might require some biceps. And some users have mentioned that the harness lock could be smoother.
But overall, the Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 S is a winner. It’s safe, comfy, and makes parenting a tad easier. So, buckle up, spin around, and enjoy the ride — because this car seat is all about making memories
Where to start. Came very well packaged. Does not need any assembly as all ready to be installed. Quick 2 click iso installation. Literally took me 2 mins. Quality is amazing and design is beautiful. Great size for my boy and best part it grows with the baby so its a long term solution. Very comfortable and very easy to rotate and use it. I would day one hand functions.
I like this product very much, it is very comfortable, it rotates 360 degrees, it is great, I can turn my baby on the back seat, my baby is very comfortable and sleeps for long hours.
As a parent, choosing the right car seat can be quite daunting, but the Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 S Multi-age Rotating Car Seat has truly been a game-changer for our family!
From the moment we unpacked it, we were struck by its sleek design and premium materials. The fabrics are soft, breathable, and machine-washable, which is a huge advantage for dealing with the inevitable spills and messes from our 8-month-old.
One of its most impressive features is the 360-degree rotation. This makes getting our little one in and out of the car a breeze. I also have back issues, so the smooth, quick rotation towards the car door eliminates the need for awkward twisting and turning. Trust me, your back will thank you!
This car seat is designed to grow with your child, which is fantastic. Suitable for newborns up to 12-year-olds, it should last us over 11 years! The adjustable headrest and harness system are super easy to use.
Our little one loves the comfort of this seat! The multiple recline positions are perfect for on-the-go naps, and the plush padding keeps him cozy. If we have another baby, the included infant insert will keep them secure during the first few months.
Installing the seat was straightforward thanks to the clear instructions and visual indicators. The ISOFIX system clicks securely into place, and the top tether adds extra stability. We also appreciate how easy it is to rotate the seat with one hand – ideal for those hectic mornings and when your hands are full of shopping.
While we absolutely love this car seat, it is on the heavier side, which might be a consideration if you need to transfer it between cars frequently.
Overall, the Maxi-Cosi Emerald 360 S Multi-age Rotating Car Seat has been excellent so far. If you’re looking for a versatile, long-lasting car seat that grows with your child, we highly recommend giving this one a try!
Good car seat for a baby. We started to use it when our son turned 4 month, so far (4 month after purchase) it feels comfortable for him during ride, easy to adjust and to fasten/unfasten seatbelt. Good quality of materials and steady while fixed to isofix base. In case of a small car (we have VW polo) there is not much space on top of seat for parent to place baby in, but it is related to the car design, and there is also another model from maxi cosy with rotation base which is probably more comfortable in this particular case. Hope this car seat will serve for next few years while our baby will grow.
I really like Maxi-Cosi as a brand. This is a good seat. It will last as there are multiple inserts so the car grows as your child does. My child looks comfortable in the seat and there seems enough room for her too. It was easy to install and easy to adjust to the size of my child. It is disappointing that there is no 360 swivel function. I think this is fine for older children but would be more awkward for a younger child or newborn. When you tighten the straps the little bit of plastic keeps popping out because of the angle which can be annoying but can easily be put back in. Overall I am happy with the seat though
This car seat was really easy to install, typical of most maxi cosi seats we have used previously.
When purchasing a car seat the longevity of the product is really important to us, therefore this is a great long term option.
The car seat cosmetically looks great and smart.
We have used it for our newborn and our toddler to date and both have found it comfortable and have no issue with the facing back option. It’s easy enough to swap who is in, set up wise.
We’ve really struggled with twisting on other seats and so far haven’t had this problem with this seat.
In an ideal world it would be rotating as is makes it easier to put them in. This is less of an issue for our three year old who now climbs in opposed to our younger child where it can be a bit more awkward.
The car seat is easy to tighten and fix. Our only issue would be that the release button fell off the first day we used it. This happened with our last maxi cosi seat; it has no impact on the safety, it’s purely a cosmetic fault and we will be feeding this back. Just more annoying with a 300 seat that this shouldn’t happen.
First of all this is an excellent car seat for small children. It is incredibly easy to set-up/install with the ISO Fix and it has some useful features like removable covers for washing – helpful when accidents happen! It has a super safety rating and it feels safe and secure. I am very happy with it for my smallest child. For older/larger children I’m not sure it is really that good, mainly because of the difficulty of getting them in and out of it without a swivel function. The car seat sits quite high and although we have a large car, I feel it would be too difficult to get bigger children in and out without them bumping their heads. So, overall this is great for smaller ones but not for bigger ones.