sb components BBC Microbit Complete Starter Kit (BBC MB V2

sb components BBC Microbit Complete Starter Kit (BBC MB V2 GO)

sb components BBC Microbit Complete Starter Kit (BBC MB V2 GO)

sb components


Power 5V via Micro USB port, 3V via edge connector or battery pack, LED power indicator, Power off (push and hold power button)
Current Available 200mA available for accessories
Motion Sensor ST LSM303
Shipping Weight 0.25 kg
Processor Nordic Semiconductor nRF52833 processor
Core Variant Arm Cortex-M4 32bit processor with FPU
Speed 64MHz

BBC micro: bit V2.21 Go

micro: bit V2Learn- Play-Grow


Giving students a hands-on approach to coding, the micro: bit is an engaging classroom tool that gives students the confidence to try new things and get creative with technology.