Summer Sunflowers Fresh Flower Bouquet Delivered

Summer Sunflowers Fresh Flower Bouquet Delivered in Prestation Vase | Sunflowers, Green Bell, Ruscus & Seasonal Greenery | Natural Card Vase & Yellow Satin Ribbon | AMFL004
What do I get?
Flowers! | All of our bouquets are handmade by one of our expert florists. All with a wealth of experience, they hand pick and build each flower bouquet to ensure they are of high quality and arrive perfect every time! |
Presentation Vase | All of our bouquets are presented in our card presentation vases. This means they are ready to display and gift straight out of the box! |
Satin Ribbon Bow | Tied around our presentation vases we have a soft satin ribbon tied into a bow, for a touch of extra elegance and luxury! |
Flower Food | A packet of high quality flower food is added to each order. When you are ready to cut and rehome your flowers to a glass vase, simply mix the flower food into normal tap water to ensure your flowers have the correct nutrients to last for longer! |
Delivery Box | We pack our bouquets in fully recyclable cardboard boxes, with bamboo stick added into the arrangement to ensure they are nice and secure during their journey to you! |
How to keep my flowers for longer?
About Flowerline…– Based in the East-Midlands. – Family owned and ran. – Over 75 full time staff and flower experts! – 25+ years experience in the flower market. 1 Response |
Ordered in England for my sister in Scotland yesterday, arrived today & the quality is 2nd to none! Highly recommend