Waveshare 0.49inch OLED Display Module, 64×32 Resolution

Waveshare 0.49inch OLED Display Module

Waveshare 0.49inch OLED Display Module, 64×32 Resolution, I2C Communication, Black/White Display Color, for Raspberry Pi/STM32 and Other Controller Boards

0.49inch OLED Module0.49inch OLED Module0.49inch OLED Module

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Customer Reviews 4.0 out of 5 stars 1 4.1 out of 5 stars 8 5.0 out of 5 stars 2
Price £11.99£12.99£12.99£17.99£16.99£17.41
COLOR White 65K colorful White 65K colorful 65K colorful 65K colorful 1/4 yellow , 3/4 blue
RESOLUTION 64×32 128×128 128×32 96×64 96×64 160×80 128×64
DISPLAY SIZE (MM×MM) 14.40×11.50 15.21×15.21 22.38×5.58 20.14×13.42 20.14×13.42 21.70×10.80 21.7×11.2
INTERFACES I2C 4-wire SPI I2C SPI(4-wire SPI) SPI(4-wire SPI) 4-wire SPI 3-wire SPI, 4-wire SPI, I2C
DRIVER SSD1315 GC9107 1306 1331 1331 ST7735S 1306
DIMENSION (MM×MM) 15.5×13.0 19.0×22.5 36.0×12.5 31.7×37.0 31.7×37.0 32.5×26.0 33.0×33.5
PINHEADER MX1.25 connector GH1.25 connector PH2.0 connector angled/horizontal straight/vertical PH2.0 connector angled/horizontal

Weight: 10 g
Dimensions: 4 x 3 x 2 cm; 10 g
Brand: Waveshare
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Waveshare
Dimensions: 4 x 3 x 2 cm; 10 g
Reference: 0.49inch OLED Module

3 Responses

  1. NoeliaTempleton says:

     United States

    I’ve just started experimenting with a Raspberry Pi after many years of wanting to play with one. This little display is a fun way to experiment with it and gives me some ideas on applications such as a network monitor or weather gauge.

    Works well, looks very good and easy to read.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This very easy to connect up to a Raspberry Pi board (I normally use a 1, 3, and 4). Waveshare does a great job of documenting the pinouts, as well as providing some sample code and libraries for the variety of displays that they offer.

    The OLED display here is perfect for minimal text only displays. The (almost!) 1/2″ size is absolutely tiny! My current plan is to integrate into a 3D printed enclosure with either a Raspberry Pi, or a Pi Pico. It’s perfect for displaying basic status, such as battery life, signal strength (trying some Pico WiFi experiments), etc.

  3. BelenRaposo says:


    Zur Darstellung von Leistungsdaten fr einen Mikrocontroller verwende ich dieses kleine 64 Mal 32 Pixel OLED-Display. Dieses leuchtet in weier Farbe auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Ansteuern lsst es sich ber die I2C Schnittstelle. Vorteilhaft ist die geringe Versorgungsspannung von 3,3 oder 5 Volt, sodass das Display auch fr akkubetriebene Gerte verwendet werden kann. Das Display ist auf einem Breadboard mit Sockel montiert. Ein 4poliger Stecker ermglicht die einfache Steckverbindung mit einem Mikrocontroller. Fr das Display kann auf eine Arduino Libary verwendet werde. Fr den Preis ist das Display jedoch recht teuer.