Zhiyun CINEPEER CM25 Video Light, 25W Camera Light, Bi-Color

Zhiyun CINEPEER CM25 Video Light, 25W Camera Light, Bi-Color Portable Mini LED Light for Photo and Video Lighting, Built-in Fans Support, PD Fast Charge,14000 Lux@ 2700K-6200K CRI 96+/TLCI 97+

CINEPEER CM25 Core Specs
Power | 25W |
Color Temperature Range | 2700K~6200K |
Illuminance (1 meter) | 883 Lux , 4300K/100% Brightness |
TLCI | ≥97 |
CRI(RA) | ≥96 |
Product Net Weight | 232g |
Light Size | 133*78*29mm |
Built-in Lithium Battery | 2S/2000MAH |
Charging Time | 1H 20min |
Continuous Runtime | 30min |
LED Chip | 112(56PCS Cool Lights+56PCS Warm Lights) |
4300K/100% Illuminance | 883lux, 1 meter |
4300K/100% Illuminance | 3360lux, 0.5 meters |
4300K/100% Illuminance | 9120lux, 0.3 meters |
Extension | 1/4″ Threaded Hole |
LED Chip | 112(56PCS Cool Lights+56PCS Warm Lights) |

Lightweight Design, 25W High Brightness
The CINEPEER CM25 features a portable pocket light design and weighs only 232g. It features a high-density chip array with 112 chips, capable of producing a maximum power output of 25W and a maximum illuminance of 3360 Lux (tested at 0.5m, 4300K, 100% brightness).
High Capacity Built-In Battery
The CINEPEER CM25 is equipped with two built-in 2000mAh batteries, providing up to 30 minutes of stable, full-power output (based on 4300k color temperature), providing peace of mind during extended shooting sessions.
Diverse Power Options
It supports PD adapters and PD-compatible power banks, allowing you to charge and use the light simultaneously at full power.
Expand Accessories Display
The CM25 comes with a silicone cover to make the light softer, and it can also be paired with a tripod or extension rod to meet the needs of different scenes.
Easy to Operate
Its intuitive dial-based interface allows for easy and precise adjustments. The integrated 1/4-inch screw hole at the bottom of the light seamlessly connects to various tripods and accessories.
What’s in the Box
- Diffuser x1
- Quick Start Guide x1
- Charging Cable x1
Weight: | 232 Grams |
Dimensions: | 7.8 x 2.9 x 13.3 centimetres |
Brand: | ZHIYUN |
Model: | CINEPEER CM25 |
Part: | Zhiyun CINEPEER CM25 |
Colour: | black Video Light |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. |
Dimensions: | 7.8 x 2.9 x 13.3 centimetres |
La uso para fotos y videos de redes sociales en discotecas y es increible, se ha convertido en una parte imprescindible de mi equipo, tanto que me pillare otra en breve… 100% recomendada
This is yet another small, light, and powerful video light from Zhiyun. I have the 60W RGB light from Zhiyun which obviously outperforms this one, but for simple cool/warm light setups this portable little light is fantastic and really doesn’t add too much when rigged up to my camera cage which can be done with a 1/4″ thread to cold shoe adapter.
A feature I really like about these newer lights is the larger nobs to choose the mode, brightness and colour – much, much easier than fiddling about with tiny little buttons.
Zhiyun are really hitting it out of the park for me with these lights and I’ve used many name brand lights.
This ZHIYUN CINEPEER CM25 video light is a small, lightweight and portable 25 watt video light that is adjustable from 2700K to 6200K. It has two dials, a power and a color temperature dial. The power dial is also the on/off switch and then rotates from 0 to 100% brightness. The color temp dial goes from 2700-6200k. There’s no LCD display so the color temp is hard to dial in to an exact number, but that’s not really a big deal for me as I mostly use this as a practical light or an accent or hair light. It’s very lightweight and battery powered so I can just stick it on a shelf out of the frame to light up the background or rig it using a magic arm and super clamp to just about anything. The only way it could be more versatile is if it had magnets and could stick to metal objects. Overall, I really like this little video light and keep it in my kit because I never know when I might be able to use it. It has come in handy several times already!
This camera light comes safely boxed together with instructions and charging cable. Build quality seems very good, the light is lightweight and simple to operate with adjustable brightness and colour temperature. It has a standard screw hole for mounting and a built-in fan. Battery life is impressive but even if it runs out the light can still be used when charging, a great feature. It’s a compact size and works well, I’m very happy with this light.
The Zhiyun CINEPEER CM25 Video Light is a game-changer for any photographer or videographer seeking professional-quality lighting on the go. This compact yet powerful LED light packs an impressive punch, delivering stunning illumination for both photo and video projects.
First and foremost, the versatility of this light is unparalleled. With its bi-color temperature range from 2700K to 6200K, I have full control over the warmth and coolness of the lighting to suit any environment or creative vision. Whether I’m shooting indoors or outdoors, day or night, the CM25 ensures that I always achieve the perfect lighting conditions for my subject.
The built-in fans support is a brilliant addition, ensuring that the light stays cool even during prolonged use, preventing any overheating issues that could affect performance or longevity. This feature gives me peace of mind, allowing me to focus solely on capturing the perfect shot without worrying about equipment overheating.
One of the standout features of the CM25 is its impressive brightness. With a maximum output of 14000 lux, this light provides ample illumination even in low-light situations, allowing me to achieve crisp, clear footage and vibrant photos with every use. The high CRI (Color Rendering Index) of 96+ and TLCI (Television Lighting Consistency Index) of 97+ ensure accurate color reproduction, resulting in stunningly lifelike images and videos.
Another aspect worth mentioning is the PD fast charge capability, which allows for quick and convenient recharging, ensuring that the CM25 is always ready to go whenever inspiration strikes. Whether I’m shooting on location or in the studio, the fast charge feature ensures that downtime is kept to a minimum, maximizing productivity and creativity.
Overall, I couldn’t be more impressed with the Zhiyun CINEPEER CM25 Video Light. Its compact size, powerful performance, and advanced features make it an essential tool for any photographer or videographer looking to elevate their work to the next level. If you’re in need of a reliable and versatile lighting solution for your creative projects, look no further than the CM25
The CM25 packs serious brightness for its size. The build quality feels solid, and I love the built-in fans for longer shoots. The bi-color temperature control is smooth and accurate. My only complaints are that the battery life could be better and the dial controls take a little getting used to. Overall, a great light for on-the-go video work.
Dieses Licht ist wunderbar vielseitig einsetzbar. So nutze ich es im heimischen “Studio” als Spitzlicht und gelegentlich fr Akzentlichter. Dabei ist natrlich die hohe Lichtleistung und der kabellose Betrieb super.
Aber es ist auch kompakt genug, um es immer dabei zu haben und auch in schwierigen Beleuchtungssituationen gute Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Und auch fr Portrtaufnahmen eignet es sich trotz der geringen Gre erstaunlich gut. Der dicke Silikon-Diffusor ist ein groes Plus und schafft ein sehr weiches und gleichmiges Licht.
Design und Verarbeitung
Das CM25 bietet ein modernes und vor Allem kompaktes Design. Es ist aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertigt und fhlt sich robust an. Mit einem Gewicht von nur 232 g ist es ein echtes Leichtgewicht und passt auerdem problemlos in die Tasche.
Lichtqualitt und Leistung
Trotz seiner kompakten Gre bietet das CM25 eine hohe Leistung . Mit einer maximalen Leistung von 25 W erreicht es eine Helligkeit von bis zu 3360 Lux (bei 0,5 m, 4300 K, 100 % Helligkeit). Der Farbtemperaturbereich reicht von 2700 K bis 6200 K, so dass Sie sowohl warmes als auch kaltes Licht erzeugen knnen.
Die hohe Lichtqualitt (CRI 96+ und TLCI 97+) sorgt fr natrliche und farbechte Ergebnisse.
P.S.: Die maximale Helligkeit ist bei 4300 K (Neutralweis) am hchsten. Umso mehr die Farbtemperatur abweicht, umso geringer wird die maximale Helligkeit.
P.P.S.: Typischerweise wird die Lux-Zahl aus 1 m Entfernung gemessen. Dadurch ist die Luxzahl mit anderen Lampen schlecht zu vergleichen.
Bedienung und Funktionen
Das Licht wird intuitiv ber zwei Drehknpfe gesteuert, mit denen sich Farbtemperatur und Helligkeit stufenlos einstellen lassen. Das Licht verfgt auerdem ber einen integrierten und sehr leisen Lfter, der fr eine effiziente Khlung sorgt und so eine lange Lebensdauer gewhrleistet. Der Akku wird ber USB-C geladen und untersttzt PD-Schnellladung . Dadurch ist die Lampe auch nach kurzer Zeit wieder einsatzbereit. Auch der Betrieb mittels Powerbank ist dadurch mglich.
Das CM25 wird mit einem Silikondiffusor geliefert. Der schluckt zwar recht viel Licht, erzeugt aber eine sehr weiche und gleichmige Lichtverteilung. Auerdem eignet sich der Silikondiffusor auch als kleiner Transportschutz. Dank des integrierten Gewindes ist die Installation an Stativen und Kamerakfigen mglich.
Pro und Contra
kompakt und leicht
Hohe Helligkeit
Groer Farbtemperaturbereich
Hohe Lichtqualitt
der Difussor macht wunderbar weiches Licht und dient auch als Transportschutz
Intuitive Bedienung
Integrierter Lfter
Lange Akkulaufzeit
sehr gute Verarbeitung
guter Preis
Fest eingebauter Akku
Zhiyun liefert ein hervorragendes LED-Mini-Licht, welches sich sowohl fr Foto- als auch fr Videoaufnahmen eignet. Es berzeugt mit seiner kompakten Gre, hoher Lichtleistung, guter Lichtqualitt, einfacher Bedienung und seinem gnstigen Preis.
I find it can be very useful to have access to a controllable light source which can used for augmenting ambient light or to create atmosphere. This Zhiyun CINEPEER CM25 Video Light has a very useable 25w output with bicolour LED’s enabling the light to be tailored to match the ambient colour temperature. It can also be used to light a subject across a range of colour temperatures to suit the user’s requirements.
Both brightness and colour temperature are controlled by a pair of dials on the side of the light. There is a cooling fan incorporated inside the housing which cuts in when the light requires some additional cooling. It is also supplied with a useful diffuser which can be fitted and used to soften shadows and provide a more even light spread. A USB charging cable and instructions are also included. It is sufficiently compact to be mounted onto a camera cage and has the standard 1/4 mounting thread on the underside making it compatible with most light stands or tripods.
In use I have found that it provides more than sufficient light for shooting video when reasonably close to a subject and it has worked very well when I have been using it for macro photography. I have been charging it using a V battery or power bank with PD output and I like that I can continue using it while it is charging. Overall it is in my opinion very useful light source which is sufficiently compact to fit into my camera bag. It looks and feels well made and I am very happy with how it performs. Recommended.
J’ai t trs rapidement conquis par la puissance de cette lampe portative ! Entre l’esthtique moderne, la lgret, la puissance d’ clairage et l’autonomie, cette lampe rponds parfaitement mes attentes et mes besoins en terme d’clairage pour la photographie.
The design of the white and gray really go well together, there are 2 large dial on the side for adjusting brightness and colour temperature which is really smooth. However, there are no clicks or settings as such so any accidently touching the dials will make unwanted change to settings.
The LED are very bright and there is a fan at the back which will kicks in when it runs hot, it does not make any noise and my LAV mic did not pick up any noise while using it close by. The silicon diffuser does a good job softening the light and also added drop protection to all sides.
There is a 1/4″ thread for mounting this on a tripod or table top stand, it is great for product photoshoot and outdoor nighttime vlog etc.
It has a medium size rechargeable built in battery which can be charged via a USBc cable, it will work while charging so there will be no down time waiting for battery to charge.
Luce ausiliaria per foto e riprese video.
Spesso i cellulari e le action cam non hanno luce-flash adeguate o sensibilit in grado di compensare l’oscurit ambientale, allora ci si pu dotare di sistemi come quello in oggetto, una lampada ausiliaria dotata di regolazione per intensit e calore della luce e integrante una batteria.
In questo caso, i led in grado di erogare fino a 14.000 lumen, potrebbero aver bisogno di raffreddamento e questo modello integra oltre ad un dissipatore passivo, anche un sistema di ventilazione forzata.
Alla base presente il foro per il fissaggio su un calletto o su una cage di macchina fotografica.
Inoltre presente la presa USB-C per la ricarica e l’alimentazione.
L’autonomia molto interessante, circa mezz’ora alla massima potenza, che aumenta di molto se si sceglie un’intensit luminosa inferiore.
La lampada pu venir agevolmente riposta in una tasca dello zaino o della borsa e durante il suo utilizzo, su staffa, in mano, appoggiata… insomma.. molto versatile e i video ben illuminati hanno una resa decisamente migliore.
La luminosit davvero intensa, non ce la farete a guardare direttamente la lampada.. non credevo avesse questo livello di intensit massima.
The CINEPEER CM25 25 Watt bi-colour video light is small and lightweight and usefully bright when it comes to using it hand-held on your camera’s pistol grip – see the ninth photograph with the camera on a short 15mm rod rig with a D-Tap battery mounted at the rear, underneath.
The unit measures 13 x 8 x 3cm and weighs 240g without the diffuser – with the diffuser, it weighs 296g and has a thickness of 4cm. On the bottom, it has a quarter inch BSW fitting so it will fit on virtually anything that has something to do with photography and in the back is a fan cooler unit that only comes on when it is needed and it is not particularly loud when it does.
On the right – as you look at it from the back – are the colour temperature and brightness controls which are both continuous – there is no step change with any of these. The colour temperature goes from 2700K to 6200K and is produced using blue-white and orange-white LEDs as you can see in the third photograph. The light that it produces renders colours reasonably well although you can see from the spectra in the penultimate image, the classic OLED signature of a blue LED light fluorescing an orange phosphor to make white light gives a small gap in the spectrum between the blue and green.
You can also see from the spectra the difference between the high and low colour temperature colours – with the low colour temperature, more of the blue light is used in fluorescence and the shape of the red end is different with more deep red emission showing that they have used a different phosphor rather than just more of it. Here, I checked out my own camera’s response to the lighting by making a spectroscope, as you can see in the final photograph where the light is viewed using the camera which gives a better interpretation because it is the camera that is going to be using this light, not your eyes.
Over the front of the unit, you use the supplied silicone diffuser which doesn’t cover up anything vital and you can still get access to all of the controls and ventilation holes. The diffuser takes the light level without it at 600 lux at 1 metre down to 250 lux at 1 metre so it loses just a little over a stop.
Just above the controls is the USB C socket which allows you either to charge the unit up when it is not in use or, if you have it on, it will take current from it to use directly for lighting. The unit is rated at 25 watts so any power supply that you use will need to supply a similar amount of power so for this, a D-Tap battery block will work – here mounted on the 15mm rods using a block and v-mount although you can have one of these on your belt if you want to with the USB cable running up your sleeve to the light. You can see the power rating for the USB C at the D-Tap battery is just short of 30 watts. If you are running it with the diffuser on, that doesn’t get much hotter than warm. If you run it on its own, it will run for around half an hour – I got it to run for 32 minutes – at full power which is long enough to do anything you are likely to use it for on social media. If you do run it right down to the point at which it switches itself off, just remember to physically switch it off before you start charging it as it will switch on again instead of just charging the batteries and if you are looking at it at the time, you will remember to switch it off the next time. The internal battery charge level is given by four LEDs and when you are charging it up, these flash to show you that it is being charged.
In all, this is a very useful lighting unit to have either as a fill light in a studio setup or as a light source for video outside.
Nice little camera fill light, ideal for videography or photography. Very bright and can also be mounted on a small tripod to be used for vlogging etc. Ideal to have in your kit back!
-very small light for 25W
-2 dials and that’s it (brightness and temperature)
-includes silicone diffusor (enough room for gels behind it)
-can mount it via 1/4″-20 receptacle on the bottom
-tested: will take 15W of charge from a PD power source (14V 1A)
-can charge and use it at the same time
-spec lists its CRI as greater than 97
-there is a noticeable (albeit small) jump in colour temperature at some settings, while most of the warm-to-cold settings are perfectly smooth
-noticeably loud fan at higher levels.
-curved bottom of the case. Not great if you want to set it on e.g. a desk
-needs a 1/4″-20 receptacle on the side
-instruction manual is minimal
1* substandard, mostly cons
2** barely acceptable, cons outweigh the pros
3*** meets the basic requirements, cons balance the pros
4**** good product, pros outweigh the cons
5***** exceptional, all (or almost all) pros
Vorweg: das Licht kann sehr sehr hell werden. Die 25W entsprechen im Gegensatz zu manch anderem Produkt wahrscheinlich der tatschlichen Ausbeute. Ich war positiv berrascht.
Vorweg: das Licht kann sehr sehr hell werden. Die 25W entsprechen im Gegensatz zu manch anderem Produkt wahrscheinlich der tatschlichen Ausbeute. Ich war positiv berrascht.
Das Licht kommt gut verpackt und gepolstert an. Der Difussor ist im Grunde eine dicke Silikonhlle, die gleichzeitig auch gut Ste von vorne abfngt. Die Drehregler fhlen sich qualitativ hochwertig an und bieten Widerstand genug, um przise Einstellungen vorzunehmen, aber nicht zu viel um anstrengend in der Bedienung zu sein. Ein Kabel liegt bei. Schliet man es an, wird der Akku umgangen und das Licht direkt mit Strom versorgt, solange Strom anliegt.
Das resultiernde Licht ist berdurchschnittlich weich fr ein so kleines Gert, was vermutlich am dicken Material des Diffusors liegt. Der Lfter ist hrbar, aber nicht “nervend”. Unter ca. 50% Helligkeit bleibt er angenehm leise und wird nur langsam lauter, je nach Temperatur des Gehuses. Dreht man das Licht voll auf, geht der Lfter direkt mit. Das war aber zu erwarten bei einem derart kleinen Gehuse mit ordentlich Dampf hinter den LEDs.
Wie erwhnt funktioniert die Regelung des Lichts problemlos. Es ist aber weniger eine stationre Studioleuchte, als ein flexibles Werkzeug fr unterwegs. Ich nutze es teils dennoch als Zusatzlicht, das ich schnell irgendwo hinstellen und ungefhr auf dieselbe Temperatur wie der Rest der Leuchten einstellen kann. Das funktioniert zu 98% schnell und gut genug, ich bin also auch bei diesem Einsatz zufrieden mit der Leuchte.
Schnellladung per Power Delivery funktioniert auch wie versprochen. Die 2000mAh sind ratzfatz aufgeladen mit dem entsprechenden Netzteil. Dann hlt es um die 30 Minuten wenn man es voll aufdreht. Das wird man aber vermutlich selten nutzen. Bei 50% ist man bei mehr als einer Stunde, da die LEDs auf 100% natrlich auch ineffizient arbeiten.
Zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension kostete das Licht mit Aktionscode knappe 50. Das ist ein gnstiger Preis fr dieses gut verarbeite, helle und vermutlich sehr zuverlssige Licht.
I didn’t think I’d be too impressed with this but after a play with it I decided it’s actually not bad. I’ve had issues with similar types of light causing shadow, but that’s something I didn’t experience the same with this. Although the lighting function dials seemed like an old fashioned cheaper option; they feel like quite good quality dials and work perfectly with excellent variation of colour tone and brightness. I’m not really into selfies or photography but I do get that a warmer light offers a more softer and even tanned portrait.
No doubt this is an impressively compact light that has a whooping 25W output (it’s very bright!). In regards to light output, it outshines all of my other compact lights, excuse the pun. Another positive is that it can fit in my jeans pockets and takes up minimal room in my photography bag.
Whilst the output is great, I don’t like the fact you can’t see exactly which CCT value you have selected because there is no screen to tell you; instead you have markings on a control knob with big jumps between the marked ranges, e.g. 2700K, 3500K, 4300K, 5000K, 5600K then 6200K).
As for mounting options, it has a 1/4″ thread located on the underside.
Overall, it’s a brilliant compact light, it’s hard to fine-tune the lighting adjustments.