HAFOKO 50M (164ft) Osmo Pocket 3 Waterproof Case Housing

HAFOKO 50M (164ft) Osmo Pocket 3 Waterproof Case Housing Protective Underwater Dive Housing Shell Osmo Pocket 3 Accessories for DJI Osmo Pocket 3
From the brand

OSMO Pocket Stand Base
Dimensions: | 20.5 x 9.5 x 7.3 centimetres |
Brand: | HAFOKO |
Model: | CEU-OP3-FX-FSK |
Part: | CEU-OP3-FX-FSK |
Dimensions: | 20.5 x 9.5 x 7.3 centimetres |
Ho acquistato questa custodia impermeabile da 50 metri per il mio DJI Osmo Pocket 3 e non potrei essere pi soddisfatto della mia scelta. Questo prodotto si rivelato fondamentale per le mie avventure subacquee, consentendomi di utilizzare la mia fotocamera in condizioni che altrimenti sarebbero state impossibili. La prima cosa che ho notato stata la qualit costruttiva della custodia; realizzata con materiali robusti e resistenti, il che mi ha immediatamente dato fiducia sulla sua capacit di proteggere la mia attrezzatura. L’assemblaggio stato semplice e intuitivo, con istruzioni chiare che mi hanno permesso di montare la fotocamera senza alcun problema. Una volta chiusa, la custodia offre una sigillatura sicura, garantendo che non entri acqua, polvere o sabbia, rendendola perfetta per immersioni, snorkeling e altre attivit acquatiche. Ho testato la custodia durante un’immersione di snorkeling e sono rimasto colpito dalla facilit con cui ho potuto accedere ai controlli della fotocamera. I pulsanti sono ben posizionati e facilmente utilizzabili anche sotto l’acqua, e la trasparenza del materiale consente di visualizzare chiaramente lo schermo della fotocamera, il che un grande vantaggio per monitorare le riprese mentre si in azione. La visibilit della lente stata eccellente, senza alcun riflesso o distorsione delle immagini, e la qualit video rimasta impeccabile anche sott’acqua, con colori vividi e dettagli nitidi. La custodia progettata per resistere alla pressione fino a 50 metri, il che pi che sufficiente per le mie esigenze; non ho mai avuto preoccupazioni riguardo a possibili perdite o danni, anche a profondit significative. Inoltre, la custodia dotata di un attacco per treppiede, il che mi ha permesso di montarla facilmente su supporti o galleggianti, rendendo le riprese pi stabili e professionali. Ho apprezzato anche il fatto che la custodia non aggiunga troppo peso o ingombro alla fotocamera; abbastanza leggera da poterla portare con me senza alcun problema. La protezione laterale un ulteriore vantaggio, poich aiuta a prevenire graffi e danni alla superficie della fotocamera durante il trasporto. Anche dopo diverse immersioni, non ho notato segni di usura o deterioramento, il che dimostra la solidit e la durata della custodia. Questa custodia ha superato le mie aspettative in termini di prestazioni e qualit; la mia esperienza di registrazione subacquea stata notevolmente migliorata grazie a questo accessorio. In sintesi, non posso che raccomandare questa custodia impermeabile. La sua robustezza, facilit d’uso e prestazioni eccezionali la rendono un acquisto imperdibile per chiunque desideri esplorare il mondo sott’acqua senza compromettere la qualit delle riprese. Non vedo l’ora di utilizzare questa custodia per altre avventure e di catturare ricordi indimenticabili sotto il mare.
I really didn’t get this to do any deep diving but I often like to use my Osmo Pocket in inclement weather and I’m always worried about it getting wet. This probably isn’t the best housing for that but if you are going to be doing some snorkeling, this would be perfect.
As other users have stated, you do get some flares from the sun but I guess it’s a tradeoff if you want underwater shots.
I took this waterproof case on a scuba diving trip, and it did a fantastic job keeping my Osmo Pocket 3 safe and dry. The case feels sturdy and well-built, and I didn’t experience any leaks or fogging issues underwater. The quality of the materials is reassuring, and it held up well during my dive.
However, I did find that the field of view is a bit narrow when the camera is inside the housing. It’s also challenging to keep the camera perfectly steady, so you might end up seeing the edge of the frame if there’s any slight movement. If you plan to use it on a tripod in rainy conditions, it works flawlessly. Just keep in mind that for underwater use, you’ll need a steady hand or some creative positioning to avoid catching the edges in your shots. Overall, it’s a great accessory with a few minor drawbacks!
We do not use this for a phone, we use this to put into the saddlebags on the Harley with the insurance and registration documents. These have not got wet at all since using it. Nice product for different things.
This HAFOKO (China) Pocket 3 Waterproof Case/Housing states it is rated up to 50M (164ft). I did not test that max depth theory but my Pocket 3 survived a 10 foot pool without any leaking. The case is pretty clunky and awkward but the Pocket 3 is also awkward itself. You must keep the screen in the vertical position but you can still set the camera to record horizontally in the settings before putting the camera into the case. Once in the case you can only power on/off the camera… stop/start recording… flip between front and selfie mode (2 different ways)… and reset the gimbal position (which you will have to do a lot). You will need to make all of your video (and other) settings how you want them prior to putting the camera in the case. It is also obvious that the microphones are not going to work to well in the case or underwater. The main issue with this case (which is not really 100% the fault of the case) is that since there is no way (currently) to manually “lock” ALL axes on the gimbal of the Pocket 3 so as you move the case around the Pocket 3 gimbal will not necessarily move with the case so you will be filming the inside corners of the case unless you constantly reset the gimbal position (double click the joystick) to face the front… There is also a lot of focus hunting/breathing and glare from the case as well. This case works but not sure if the Pocket 3 is a good candidate for needing an underwater housing to begin with.
When reviewing this item, I needed to keep in mind its intended purpose – to make your Osmo Pocket 3 waterproof. The instructions said to test it before use by putting in underwater for at least five minutes before inserting the camera. I did that, and all was good. And then I put the camera in, secured the latches, and carefully tried it again. All was good. The insides were watertight and the control buttons worked as they should. So…for the purpose it was designed for – this meets the criteria to earn five stars.
I was actually getting this to use, not underwater, but as a raincover for my Pocket 3 if I wanted to use it in less than ideal weather conditions. I like the camera so much that I wanted a way to protect it from the rain should I find myself in that situation. The enclosure does not work as well for that purpose, but could still be used in a pinch. The issue I had was that in some cases I was picking up a light reflection (or something) in my pictures. It was noticeable in the monitor, so I knew that when taking video. I could move the camera around a bit and eliminate all or most of that reflection – but that wouldn’t always work depending on my subject’s location and my location. I’m pretty sure it was how the light was reflecting off the plastic cover before it hit the lens. Again…this case wasn’t meant for that purpose – so I was just testing it.
If I were to give this a grade for using outdoors as a protective device from rain, I would rate it three stars just because of that problem. But…it does offer protection and there is value in having this for that extra purpose. The built-it mics aren’t able to work properly – everything’s just sounds muddy. However, it does work fine if you use the DJI wireless mic. There’s no issue with the camera not getting proper audio.
The product does have a built-in cold shoe on the top and it’s packaged with a GoPro-style mount.
Again, for underwater use (as intended)…this product is great. Well worth the money.
I bought this to take on a snorkeling trip. Tried it out with a tissue before leaving, just to make sure, and the seal didn’t let in any water. Something to note before you actually put your camera inside is that you need to set the camera to either photo or video before sealing it up, that you’ll only be able to shoot in vertical mode, and that you should seriously consider putting it on gimbal freeze mode. I forgot to do that last one and the camera spent a lot of time spinning around trying to focus on something, anything. You’ll get some great shots of the inside of the case if you don’t force it to focus out of the case window. I took off one star because this doesn’t come with a wrist strap, and I had to buy a pack of those because I wanted the extra security.