iRasptek Raspberry Pi 5 4GB Starter Kit – 64GB Pre-installed

iRasptek Raspberry Pi 5 4GB Starter Kit – 64GB Pre-installed Raspberry Pi OS(Red&White Case)

Weight: | 620 g |
Dimensions: | 15.3 x 12.8 x 9.7 cm; 620 g |
Brand: | iRasptek |
Model: | PI5EU4G-64GBKit |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | iRasptek |
Dimensions: | 15.3 x 12.8 x 9.7 cm; 620 g |
Great piece of kit. It was purchased to run digital signage software for our information screens, it works beautifully on trial screen but I have yet to connect it to our main screen,but I am sure that it will perform flawlessly, fingers crossed. Some software I wanted to use is not compatible yet, with the Rpi 5, but I am told it will be soon.Everything that you need is in the box and really well packaged.Thanks
I have just started to get a lot more into home automation and smart home devices. One of the downfalls of Ring devices is the fact you cannot use them natively in Apple’s Home app. One such solution to this is Homebridge which I recently discovered. This allows you to run a ‘server’ and connect apps to it, which in turn allow you to use devices in Apple’s Home that are not natively supported. As this needs to run 24 hours a day, I was looking for a device to host this on. I was already aware of Raspberry Pi but I had never used one before, looking at various forums it seemed this would be the perfect device for me. I needed an all in one system with everything included and this item was the perfect solution to that.
There was minimal assembly to be done with the device (took me about 2 minutes total) and even the small screwdriver you will need is included. As I knew I did not want to use the included OS, I simply formatted the included SD card and flashed it with Homebridge from the Raspberry Pi Imager program available from their website.
Within minutes, I was up and running. I was able to navigate to my new ‘servers’ IP address (that I found from my routers list of devices) and was able to configure Homebridge to get things up and running.
It turns out, there was no need for a display cable in these circumstances as nothing is shown from the Pi, it’s all in a web based browser.
Curiousity got the better of me and I bought another SD card and installed Raspberry Pi’s OS Bookworm on it and plaed around with it – what a fantastic little OS… Especially given that it is free of charge and runs a dream on such a tiny device!
I would recommend this to anybody, particularly those looking to move up a step in their smart home like me.
Final note, with the installed fan the system runs at around 50c for me. This is perfect and well within the operating temps.
The Raspberry Pi 5 kit is impressively comprehensive, with all necessary components included from the start, except for a screen, keyboard, and mouse. This kit comes with the Raspberry Pi 5 itself, a sturdy case, copper radiators, a cooling fan, a 64 GB SD card, two HDMI cables, and a power supply. These accessories are essential for optimal performance, as the powerful Raspberry Pi 5 requires effective cooling.
The cooling system is particularly noteworthy. Despite its small size, the copper radiator offers excellent thermal conductivity, superior to that of aluminum. This, combined with the compact fan, ensures efficient cooling. For best results, I recommend positioning the fan to blow air onto the components. Although there is no directional arrow on the fan, the direction of airflow can be determined by the shape of the blades. If unsure, refer to my photos for guidance.
Assembling the case is straightforward, and the final build is robust enough to provide excellent protection for the Raspberry Pi. The case’s solid construction is reassuring, adding an extra layer of security for the components.
The included microSD card also exceeded expectations in terms of speed. Despite anticipating a lower performance, the card proved to be fast and reliable. Raspbian (Raspberry Pi OS) comes pre-installed, requiring only basic configuration upon the first boot. Users will need to set up their login credentials, connect to WiFi, and install any suggested updates.
The versatility of the Raspberry Pi 5 is another strong point. This device can be utilized for a wide range of applications, including media servers, retro video game emulation, home automation, and various electronic projects thanks to its input and output capabilities. The most significant improvement in this version is the enhanced processor and RAM, which elevate its performance to that of a mini PC. The performance improvements are substantial compared to previous generations, making it a viable option for more demanding tasks. Additionally, the two HDMI outputs allow for dual-screen setups, supporting 4K resolution at 60 frames per second.
In summary, the Raspberry Pi 5 kit offers a complete and well-thought-out package. The powerful hardware, efficient cooling system, and versatile applications make it a standout choice for both hobbyists and those looking for a compact, capable computing solution.
This is the second Raspberry Pi I’ve owned but the first Pi 5, purchased primarily as a cheap retro emulation machine which it handles very well.
Minor assembly required just to fit the heat sync and insert into the case (if using), very simple to do and takes a couple of minutes max. Would recommend the 4 little screws are placed in their holes on the board before lowering into the case and then tightening as they can be a little fiddly and although they do supply a mini screwdriver it doesn’t hold the screws well even though it is magnetic.
Remove the plastic covers from the three sticky blue thermal pads before attaching the heating and connect the cable to the main board for power for the fan and then pop the case on and attach the sticky feet. Very simple overall.
Power adapter is supplied as are two micro HDMI to HDMI cables, use one of these to connect a suitable monitor and either connect USB keyboard and mouse toone of the four USB ports (2 x USB 3 and 2 x USB 2) or as it has Bluetooth built in you can utilise Bluetooth versions.
Pop in the supplied Raspberry OS SD card and turn on then follow very simple instructions to setup the OS and connect to your WiFi and that’s it. You now have a fully functioning mini computer, looks great and performs well. For setup of a retro emulation machine the instructions are readily found and you now have a snappy little emulation machine.. Great buy, nicely packaged and so much more you can do with these machines with a little imagination. Thoroughly recommend.
Super cadeau pour mon fils dbutant.
Il a pu faire une prise en main sans accros.
Entirement satisfaite.
J’ai hte de voir la suite de ces projets.
J’avais une petit crainte sur l’adaptateur d’alimentation mais il est bien conforme pour la France.
Es gibt die Raspberry Pi 5, das Gehuse, die Heizkrper, den Lfter, eine 64 GB SD-Karte, 2 HDMI-Kabel und das Netzteil.
Dieses Zubehr ist nicht optional, der Raspberry Pi 5 ist leistungsstark und kann ohne ein korrektes Khlsystem kann nicht luft richtig. Hier ist es klein, aber aus Kupfer, das eine ausgezeichnete Wrmeleitfhigkeit hat, sogar besser als Aluminium. In Verbindung mit dem kleinen Lfter, den ich empfehle, auf die Komponenten zu blasen und nicht umgekehrt. brigens gibt es oft auf den Lftern einen Pfeil, der die Richtung des Luftstroms anzeigt, aber nicht dort. Sie knnen es an der Form der Klingen erkennen, ansonsten schauen Sie sich meine Fotos an.
Die Montage des Gehuses ist einfach und das Gehuse selbst ist solide genug fr einen guten Schutz
Ich habe die microSD-Karte getestet, sie ist sehr gut in Bezug auf die Geschwindigkeit, ich habe weniger gut erwartet.
Raspbian (Raspberry Pi OS) ist standardmig darauf installiert, Sie mssen die Grundkonfiguration, Login, Passwort, das WLAN eingeben und Updates werden vorgeschlagen.
Darber hinaus ist es ein Raspberry pi 5, die Verwendungen sind vielfltig, Medienserver, Emulation von Retro-Videospielen, Hausautomation, elektronisches Basteln dank der Ein- und Ausgnge, aber die Neuheit dieser Version ist, dass der Prozessor und der RAM es ermglichen, als Mini-PC verwendet zu werden, die Leistung nimmt im Vergleich zu frheren Generationen eine neue Dimension an. Es gibt auch 2 HDMI-Ausgnge, um es mit 2 Bildschirmen in 4k60fps zu verbinden.
Un kit complet et performant pour dmarrer vos aventures numriques:
Le Raspberry Pi 5 Kit de Dmarrage rassemble tout le ncessaire pour explorer le monde de l’informatique et de l’lectronique.
Son processeur est puissant et ses nombreux accessoires vous ouvrent un large ventail de possibilits.
Abordable et riche en fonctionnalits, ce kit offre un rapport qualit-prix imbattable.
Un tremplin idal pour l’apprentissage et l’innovation:
un kit veramente eccezionale per iniziare e appassionarzi di questo mondo,in quanto e’ compreso di tutto e comunque da la possibilita di avere una macchina gia potente,io personalmente l’ho usato per la domotica e lo consiglio anche per altre gestioni smart.
dotato di un processore Arm Cortex-A76 quad-core a 64 bit che funziona a 2,4 GHz. Rispetto al Raspberry Pi 4, offre un aumento di 2-3 volte delle prestazioni della CPU. La GPU VideoCore VII da 800 MHz migliora notevolmente le prestazioni grafiche, consentendo doppie uscite di visualizzazione 4Kp60 tramite HDMI. Inoltre, il supporto della fotocamera all’avanguardia grazie al processore di segnale d’immagine.
Questo kit include una scheda Raspberry Pi 5 con 4 GB di RAM e 64 GB di storage preinstallati con Raspberry Pi OS. La versione di Raspberry Pi OS ottimizzata per il Raspberry Pi 5 e offre prestazioni desktop eccezionali per il lavoro, il tempo libero e l’impresa.
La confezione contiene una case in alluminio che protegge la scheda e offre accesso a tutti i suoi porti. Inoltre, incluso un ventilatore attivo per mantenere la temperatura sotto controllo durante l’uso intensivo1.
Per garantire un’alimentazione stabile e duratura, l’alimentatore USB-C iRasptek da 27W l’ideale per il Raspberry Pi 5. Dotato di un cavo tripolare in rame puro UL2725 17AWG ad alta capacit di carico e trasmissione, fornisce un’ottima alimentazione alle quattro porte USB di tipo A del Raspberry Pi 5
Este pack es super completo, y perfecto para iniciarse en este mundo o despreocuparse sobre la compra de accesorios adicionales. Incluye todo lo necesario: cables HDMI, cargador, una tarjeta microSD de 64GB y, por supuesto, la Raspberry Pi 5 de 4GB.
La presentacin del pack es excelente, con todo bien organizado en sus cajitas. Hay que mencionar que tanto la carcasa como la refrigeracin son muy fciles de montar. Sin duda, es una opcin ideal para quienes buscan una solucin integral.
Lista de accesorios:
– 1x Raspberry Pi 5 (4GB)
– 1x Carcasa para Pi 5
– 1x Tarjeta microSD de 64GB (preinstalada con Raspberry Pi OS)
– 1x Lector de tarjetas
– 1x Adaptador de corriente USB-C PD de 27W
– 1x Refrigerador activo
– 2x Cables HDMI 4K
– 1x Manual de instrucciones
– 1x Tarjeta de garanta
– 1x Tarjeta de referencia GPIO
Puntos importantes:
– La fuente de alimentacin USB-C de 27W proporciona energa suficiente para todos los perifricos que puedas necesitar.
– La carcasa se ajusta perfectamente a la Raspberry Pi 5, protegindola de daos y asegurando una buena disipacin del calor. Incluye un botn de encendido transparente.
– El refrigerador de aluminio anodizado con ventilador reduce eficazmente la temperatura, manteniendo un rendimiento ptimo en cargas elevadas.
– La tarjeta microSD viene con Raspberry Pi OS pre-instalado, es simplemente conectar y listo!.
En resumen, si buscas adquirir una Raspberry PI 5 que disponga de todos los accesorios necesarios, y que sea conectar y estar trabajando, sin duda este kit lo tiene todo.
Der integrierte Lfter ist ein groer Vorteil und sorgt in Kombination mit den thermischen Pads fr eine effiziente Khlung. Der Lfter arbeiter zudem angenehm leise und ist nicht strend. Das Kit enthlt alle notwendigen Komponenten fr die Montage und lsst nichts zu wnschen brig.
Ich bin super zufrieden und kann es jedem empfehlen, der ein Raspberry Pi 5 Starterkit mit tollem Preis- Leistungsverhltnis sucht.