Khanka Hard Travel Case Replacement for KODAK Memo Shot ERA

Khanka Hard Travel Case Replacement for KODAK Memo Shot ERA Kids Instant Digital Camera and Photo Label Printer,Case Only (Black,Yellow Zipper)
From the brand

By chance, one day when you find yourself missing small parts, then it is already too late to regret, why not choose us earlier!
In Khanka, the design concept based on practicality, finely crafted every detail, unfold the self-evidently simple fashion.The case design is small and compact, not only convenient to carry, but also can better protect the speakers, tools, game consoles and other equipment, making your equipment more secure.
How is the quality of the product?
Our product is made of high quality EVA material, which is shockproof, dustproof and waterproof, it can protect your device from shocks and spills when you are out and about with it. Put it into a hard bag after using the device at home to prevent your items from accumulating dust.
Product design concept.
We designed the hard case to be very easy to carry and use. Both in terms of practicality and color matching, our designers are original. The case provides long-term protection for the equipment and also greatly extends the service life of the equipment.
Weight: | 265 Grams |
Dimensions: | 17 x 16.2 x 7.7 centimetres |
Brand: | Khanka |
Model: | Kk1306 |
Part: | KN-20210474-KN-20210473 |
Colour: | Black,Yellow Zipper |
Dimensions: | 17 x 16.2 x 7.7 centimetres |
This case is specifically designed for the Kodak Memo Shot ERA Kids Instant Digital Camera, and that is probably why it is made from EVA material. EVA is a very flexible plastic that is resistant to UV (Ultra Violet) radiation and other chemicals. As this camera has rolls of thermal paper that you can instantly print to, then I presume the EVA makes it the perfect choice for the protection of the thermal paper that you can also store inside it.
Not only is the thermal paper protected, but so is the camera itself as EVA is also very durable, impact resistant, waterproof and dustproof. The case has a nice carrying handle and a shoulder strap to make it easy to carry on your travels, plus the double zipper gives you easy access, whilst being very smooth in operation.
The foam insert on the deeper side of the case comes with cutouts for the camera and for 6 rolls of the thermal paper. However, this insert can be easily removed should you wish to store something other than the Kodak camera in there. I’m actually using this case to store my batteries in because of the qualities of the EVA material, and is also the reason why I went for this particular case.
This case arrived in a easy to recycle plastic bag. It’s well made from high-quality materials and offers really good protection for the contents. The outside being water resistant and dustproof, something that’s helped by decent quality zips.
It’s also nicely lightweight, which makes it ideal for daily use, travel, or even camping. Plus you also got several ways to carry it. Either by the integral hand strap or the separate comfortable shoulder strap which is included inside.
The inside is also pretty good as well. Especially the foam which absorbs impact and protects the camera and printer from drops, bumps, and scratches. Foam that keeps your kit neatly stored and prevents it from juggling around.
This foam section can also be easily removed as well. So even though it’s specifically designed for the Kodak Memo Shot Era camera & printer, with additional foam (not included) it could be used for other compact cameras. Overall ? This is a good option for protecting your camera kit at a fair price.
Ebbene si, sono malato, mi venuta la fissa per le custodie rigide e semi rigide, grandi, piccole, piccolissime o enormi che siano, tanto che sarei capace di prendere una custodia, per la custodia…
Prima non ero cos, lo giuro, tutta colpa di prodotti come questa bag a marchio KHANKA molto ben realizzate, solida, ottimamente rifinita, con una grandissima variet di colori che per me che sono un triste abitudinario non serve granch, tanto le prendo quasi sempre nere.
Un approccio “sano” all’acquisto di questa tipologia di contenitori sarebbe del tipo: “devo proteggere e/o trasportare l’oggetto X, allora prendo la custodia Y”, il mio invece : “belle, le prendo tutte, tanto poi qualcosa da metterci la trovo…”.
A mia parziale discolpa c’ che, da bravo fotografo amatoriale, tendo ad avere una cura quasi maniacale di tutta la mia attrezzatura e quando ho scoperto questa linea di custodie, ho realizzato che ogni oggetto del mio corredo sarebbe stato molto pi al sicuro se conservato all’interno di astuccio protettivo.
Scherzi a parte, in questo caso la custodia bella e grande e nonostante venga pubblicizzata come “progettata per la fotocamera digitale istantanea per bambini Kodak Memo Shot Era con stampante per etichette fotografiche, garantendo la perfetta compatibilit con Kodak Memo Shot Era”, in realt, pu essere sfruttata in ogni modo lecito poich le imbottiture interne in spugna pre-tagliate a misura per inserirvi e trattenere la fotocamera e i materiali si stampa, si possono personalizzare facilmente con un semplice cutter oppure rimosse del tutto.
Nel mio caso colorata in un bellissimo abbinamento nero, con bordini, maniglia e tracolla gialli.
Il guscio esterno realizzato in materiale plastico a base polietilene, ruvido al tatto quanto basta da garantire impermeabilit, oltre che abbastanza rigido da opporre buona resistenza agli urti.
L’interno rivestito di un morbido tessuto simil vellutino, con cucita al centro una fascetta trasversale elastica fissa per consolidare il contenuto, preservandolo da urti e scuotimenti.
La met superiore della custodia completamente vuota e libera.
I cursori della cerniera scorrono bene anche nel giro-angoli ma non sono ricoperti in gomma come in altri esemplari, perch sono costituiti dal marchio colorato del venditore.
E’ dotata di una sottile fascetta esterna che funge da maniglia per il trasporto, davvero molto striminzita e quasi aderente al guscio.
A ragion veduta, vista l’esagerata duttilit di utilizzo, le dimensioni e la qualit costruttiva, giudico il rapporto qualit/prezzo (euro 18,99) convenientissimo e aggiudico 5 convintissime stelline.
Fr Schutz und Transport der Memo Shot ERA ist das kleine Hartschalen-Etui von Khanka sehr gut geeignet und das schwarz-gelbe Design passt hervorragend zur Kamera.
Das Auenmaterial ist stabil und robust, so dass das Innenleben sehr gut geschtzt ist.
Im Inneren befindet sich ein Schaumstoffblock, aus dem Aussparungen fr die Kamera selbst und sechs Patronen geschnitten sind. Diese sind sehr eng bemessen und halten Kamera und Patronen sehr gut.
Allerdings muss man bei letzteren sehr aufpassen, dass sich aufgrund des engen Zuschnitts nicht die Klebeflche des ersten Bilds am Schaumstoff anklebt.
Trotzdem ich das Etui sehr gut finde habe ich doch einige kleine Kritikpunkte:
Der Deckel des Etuis drfte im Inneren ebenfalls noch eine Schaumstoffschicht haben, so dass er nicht direkt auf der Kamera aufliegt.
Des weiteren ist keine Aufbewahrungsmglichkeit fr das Ladekabel vorhanden. Dieses kann man aber zwischen Patronen und Kamera legen, da ist genug Platz und da das Gert per USB C-Kabel geladen wird, hat man sicher eh an anderer Stelle ein Ladekabel rumliegen.
Zudem htte ich mir eine weitere Reihe zur Aufbewahrung der Patronen gewnscht. Diese werden nmlich in Pckchen zu neun Stck geliefert und es wre toll, wenn man gleich die ganze Packung unterbringen knnte. Dass das Etui dadurch grer wrde knnte ich verschmerzen.
Trotz der kleinen Kritikpunkte halte ich das Khanka-Etui fr eine sehr sinnvolle Anschaffung wenn man seine Memo Shot ERA verstauen mchte.