Miuzei Case for Raspberry Pi 5 Support SSD PCIe M.2 NVMe

Miuzei Case for Raspberry Pi 5 Support SSD PCIe M.2 NVMe Shield Top X1001/X1000/X1003 Metall Case for Pi 5 4GB/8GB with Official Active Cooler Fan

Miuzei Case for Raspberry Pi 5 Support SSD PCIe M.2 NVMe Shield Top X1001/X1000/X1003 Metall Case for Pi 5 4GB/8GB with Official Active Cooler Fan, Blue

Miuzei Case for Raspberry Pi 5 Support SSD PCIe M.2 NVMeCase for Pi 5 4GB/8GB with Official Active Cooler FanMiuzei MC71 Metal CaseEasy access to all ports

15 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Sieht gut aus gut in der Versrbeitung ich wei nicht ob das am gehuse liegt aber mein raspberry pi wird sehr hei drinne alu als gehuse ist glaube ich nicht so schlau da es die hitze speichert vielleicht eine idee das gehue auch in akryl zu machen sonst top

  2. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersl;dr:
    Ich kann nur eine Empfehlung aussprechen!
    [4/5 Sterne] Gerne wieder!

    1/10 PRODUKT
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    6/10 PREIS
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    Beste Investition, die ich je gettigt habe

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    9/10 VERSAND
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    10/10 BEWERTUNG
    Nicht empfohle

  3. MaggieClaude says:

     United Kingdom

    Ordered a couple of these for my RPI 5’s, having utilised them for a couple of weeks without issue, I can recommend them as quality aluminium cases, they include the official Rpi coolers and are easily fitted in a few minutes.

    This brand seems to manufacture some quality components for the Pi 5, this case and cooler along with their (available separately) power supply are top notch products, can’t really fault it.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe mir das Gehuse fr einen RasPi 5 als Mini-Server (OMV7 mit diversen Docker-Containern gekauft). Ich habe dazu ein separat erhltlichen HAT und eine M.2 SSD verbaut. Da die Erweiterungen nicht in ein Standard-Gehuse passen, kam dieses Gehuse zum Einsatz. Wie immer ist alles mit etwas Schrauberei und basteln verbunden. Alle Teile passen perfekt, nichts ist scharfkantig, alles wirkt solide und werig gearbeitet. Der Lfter ist kaum hrbar, auch hier passt alles mit Khlkrpern etc. Der Preis ist absolut fair. Volle Kaufempfehlung.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Das Gehuse ist przise und hochwertig verarbeitet.
    Der Kunststoffdeckel erfllt seinen Zweck, obwohl nicht soooo der Blickfnger, passt er sich dochgut in’s Gesamtbild ein.

    Ich konnte den Raspi mit dem Raspberry Aktiv – Khler und ein NVMe – Extension – Board einbauen und alles sitzt perfekt.

  6. Bill Thomas says:


    La carcasa tiene un tamao compacto, pero que la vez permite ponerle disipador y shield. El disipador que trae se monta muy fcilmente y no impide la colocacin de shields, ya que tiene muy poca altura y usa los orificios especficos para el disipador, no los de anclaje de la rPi. La caja tiene una buena terminacin. Recomendado.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Previamente j tinha comprado uma caixa para o meu raspberry pi 5, caixa est que supostamente suportava a adio de SSD NVME, porm isso no aconteceu.

    Aps receber esta caixa adorei, desde do processo de montagem e esttica da mesma.
    A circulao de ar desta caixa excelente.
    Resumindo, se querem adicionar um NVME ao vosso raspberry pi esta caixa excelente!

    Recomendo vivamente!

    Exatamente o que procurava!

  8. FunnyFaceBeauty says:

     United Kingdom

    Case as described and easy to install the pi into as long as you don’t have extra large fingers (the screws are a bit small and at least one stand off is in an awkward place). Came with the official pi 5 heatsink and fan included in the price. Good value for money and looks better in a main room than the red and white official case. Easy to follow instructions.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Alles zur meiner Zufriedenheit.
    Ausfhrliche Anleitung.
    Original Raspberry Pi Khlelement.
    Artikel sauber und Gradfrei verarbeitet.
    Zusammenbau mit Raspberry Pi M.2 HAT+
    Und Raspberry Pi 5 in ca. 30 min durchgefhrt.

    Rechner funktioniert in diesem Gehuse.

    Sehr gutes Aluminum Case mit Original Active Kühle

  10. Anonymous says:


    Il nuovo case fornito da Miuzei realizzato interamente in alluminio, con parte alta in plastica trasparente, garantisce un’ottima dissipazione. Nella confezione inclusa una ventolina pwm ufficiale, che adegua in automatico la velocit alle temperature del dispositivo. IL case a differenza di altre soluzioni proposte dal venditore leggermente pi alto, il che consente di agganciare moduli Hat sulla parte alta del raspberry (non inclusi nella confezione). Molto facile da assemblare, ha un design accattivante piacevole al tocco. Avendo considerando il rapporto qualit/prezzo, le funzionalit offerte e la qualit dei materiali, assegno al prodotto un punteggio di 5 stelle su 5.

    Case in alluminio per raspberry Pi 5

  11. Anonymous says:


    Este conjunto de caja para Raspberry Pi 5 (no vale para otros modelos anteriores) me ha permitido mejorar la apariencia y refrigeracin de mi SBC (snigle board computer) en unos 8-10 grados menos respecto de la original.

    El aspecto me gusta y los acabados de la caja, tiene buen look, aunque no permite meterle placas de expansin porque dentro no quedar espacio suficiente. Viene con sus pads de refrigeracin y destornillador.

    Creo que para el precio que cuesta, lo vale.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Le boitier est en aluminium except le dessus qui est en acrylique transparent.
    Il est assez haut pour faire rentrer le heatsink officiel du raspberry pi 5 (fourni) et un hat nvme pour SSD.

    La qualit de fabrication est bonne.

    Cependant, si le heatsink officiel est une valeur sre, je trouve regrettable qu’aucun pad ne soit prvu pour la RAM qui est un lment qui chauffe galement beaucoup.
    Il existe des heatsink qui ont un emplacement prvu pour refroidir tous les composants y compris la RAM.

    Bon boitie

  13. KerryLBMjz says:


    Je cherchais un botier pour monter une Recalbox avec mon Raspberry PI5 8Go et un SSD Patriot M2 512GB P300 avec sa carte d’extension GeeekPi N04. Celui-ci est parfaitement adapt et de trs bonne facture, entirement en aluminium gris-bleu, il est livr avec un dissipateur (patchs de pte thermique dj poss) et son ventilateur (qui par ailleurs fait un bruit assez discret), des patins anti-drapants, ce qu’il faut en visserie pour diffrentes configurations (entretoises, vis) ainsi qu’un tournevis et une notice de montage explicite.

    Complet, de qualité et compatible Shield NVMe N04

  14. Guiller6733 says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant case for the pi 5, has everything needed for active cooling.very easy to install and has the option of adding an SSD for better performance. Very nicely designed.pergevt to keep the pi nice and cool

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The Scoop
    A stylish aluminium case for Raspberry Pi 5 with a built-in slot for a PCIe M.2 NVMe SSD. It includes an active cooling fan and boasts good heat dissipation.

    My Overall Sentiment
    This case offers an attractive and functional way to house your Raspberry Pi 5 with an M.2 NVMe Hat SSD. The active cooler is a fantastic addition to the Pi 5 where often the board can get very hot. The acrylic top allows me to see inside once it’s assembled, and the cut-outs around the on/off button, SD card, and PCi interface make this a well thought-out cooling case.

    What I Liked
    – M.2 NVMe support: Ideal for those who want to expand storage with an M.2 SSD as it supports the PCIe M.2 NVMe Hat.
    – Active cooling: The included fan is great quality and helps keep the Pi cool under load (it can get pretty hot at times without it).
    – Transparent top: Allows you to see the status LEDs of your Raspberry Pi.
    – Easy port access: Provides cut-outs for all the essential ports and buttons.
    – Nicely finished without any rough, burred edges to the case or around the cut-outs.
    – The cooling fan has been etched with the Raspberry Pi logo, which i thought was a really nice touch.

    The So-So’s
    – Assembly: While all the parts and instructions are included, it requires a considerable amount of dexterity to assemble the Pi board and Hat SSD with all the tiny screws and spacers. Note here that the bottom part of the case can be removed which makes installation that much easier.
    – Although I like the acrylic top, I would have preferred that it was secured with strong neodymium magnets instead of screws, as I often tinker around with the GPIO pins, so that would make it so much easier for me to achieve.

    Advertiser’s Claims Examined
    {Compatibility – Support Raspberry Pi 5 with PCIe M.2 NVMe Shield TOP}: The case seems to be compatible with Raspberry Pi 5 and supports the PCIe M.2 NVMe Hat.
    {Compact design} & {Easy access to all ports}: The case is compact and has cut-outs for all necessary ports and buttons. The transparent top allows for status LED visibility on the Pi 5 board.
    {Powerful Cooling System}: The included active cooler certainly helps with heat dissipation, and it’s really good quality too.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Miuzei Raspberry Pi 5 Case with M.2 Slot: Looks Good, Great Cooling Fan!