SteelSeries QcK Gaming Mouse Pad – XXL Cloth – Peak Tracking

SteelSeries QcK Gaming Mouse Pad – XXL Cloth – Peak Tracking and Stability – Esports Mousepad – Never-Slip – Full Desk Coverage

Legendary Esports Status
For the past 15 years, esports pros have trusted the QcK as their mousepad of choice, and for good reason: SteelSeries products have won more prize money than any other brand.
I was searching for a good mousepad till this came across i orderd it and came yesterday its a perfect one and have antislip back to not accidentally slide and big enough for people who play shooter games. I recommend it thank you
yllarca ucuz yollu mousepadler kullandktan sonra artk orjinal ve byk bir mousepad’e gemek istedim.
dokusu, komua gayet gzel. siyah olmasndan dolay her mousepad gibi toz tutuyor ama temizlemesi kolay.
mouse hareketlerini ok gzel yakalyor, fps oyunlar oynayan biri olarakfark hissedebiliyorum.
eksi olarak yaz aylarnda kolu ve bilei mousepade dayadmda terleme yapabiliyor. ama abartlacak kadar deil, her mousepadde olabilir gibi.
L olann kullanmtm daha nce mouse ok rahat kullanlyor zerinde hem oyun iin hem de gnlk kullanm iin ok gzel. Daha uygun fiyatl denemem oldu ama mouse hareket etmekte zorlannca buna dnmek istedim ev iin de. Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.