8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wireless Controller for Windows PC

8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wireless Controller for Windows PC and Android, with 1000Hz Polling Rate, Hall Effect Joysticks and Hall Triggers, and Remappable L4/R4 Bumpers (Purple)

8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wireless Controller for Windows PC and Android, with 1000Hz Polling Rate, Hall Effect Joysticks and Hall Triggers, and Remappable L4/R4 Bumpers (Purple)
Der Controller ist wirklich groartig – und das zu einem sehr niedrigen Preis!
Die Haptik – auch wenn die Handgriffe sehr steil nach unten gehen zu scheinen, ist sehr angenehm. Die leicht angeraute Oberflche an der Rckseite des Controllers lsst ihn auch fr lnger Zeit angenehm halten, ohne das schwitzige Hnde nervig werden knnen.
Absolutes Highlight sind meiner Meinung nach die Trigger – diese sind unglaublich reibungslos und lassen so sehr modulierte Eingaben zu. Die Sticks sind ebenfalls sehr gut – mit nur wenig Input lassen sich diese einfach leicht aus der Mitte bringen und haben durch die Hall-Sensoren eine extremst gute Langlebigkeit und Genauigkeit.
Kompatibilitt sollte auch kein Problem sein – die Akkulaufzeit ist lange, es werden sehr viele Gerte und auch Bluetooth untersttzt, wodurch eine groe Bandbreite an mglichen Einsatzzwecken abgedeckt wird. Am PC, wo ich ihn nutze, war es einfach Plug & Play, keine nervige Zusatz-Software oder Treiberinstallation war ntig – sehr angenehm!
Ein wirklich guter Controller – und das zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten von bekannten Markenherstellern (bei besserer Qualitt) !
As the craze carries forth from Linus Tech Tips and various Reddit threads about third party controllers, this definitely is worth the buzz.
The only two things that made me put it as a backup over the still better Xbox One controller is the more PS4 like controller shape that isn’t as comfortable and natural posing as the Xbox One. Its also definitely down to muscle memory so you can definitely get used to the 8Bitdo.
Bigger one is lack of Bluetooth support for Windows. Yes I know there’s Dinput support but I mean might as well go forth with Xinput.
But hey, for the price of a wireless controller, great value.
Viele Anbindungsmodi,
2,4 GHz ber Dongle an Windows PC funktioniert mit XInput, die “L4” und “R4” Schultertasten kann man innerhalb des Controllers auf andere Tasten belegen, sehr nice.
Bluetooth mit Android oder PC
USB mit PC
Switch ber Bluetooth, hab ich aber noch nicht getestet.
Sehr schnes Gefhl der Sticks, andere Tasten auch sehr gut.
D-Pad mit weichem Klickgefhl, mir gefllts!
Fr den Preis auf jedenfall unschlagbar, klare Empfehlung.
Got this controller to go with my Steam Deck living room setup – the 2.4ghz adapter is fully compatible and works out of the box.
I’ve been having issues with Bluetooth signal strength and latency recently so decided to get a controller with 2.4ghz support, the difference is night and day in responsiveness.
The sticks are hall effect so you’re able to turn the deadzones all the way down for maximum responsiveness. The buttons and triggers feel pretty standard which is a good thing, no cheap hori style wobbly buttons and short throw triggers here.
The only downside to this controller is no gyro – bummer for certain types of games (Looking at you Quantic Dream) but for 90% of games this is no issue since standard Xbox controllers also lack gyro support.
Colour is nice, but maybe more options would be appreciated, I’d like a white one to match my desk setup.
I bought this for my wife as she feels the Xbox controller was too big for her hands. I first heard about this specific controller via LTT.
She had issues with the rechargeable battery pack not working, buttons being too heavy to press. Once she started using the 8Bitdo, she fell in love instantly.
She immediately noticed the improved response times, the better joysticks for aiming. She also likes that L3+R3 are not too heavy to press vs the Xbox controller.
For reference, she doesn’t like the switch pro controller and the PS5 controller as well. So, if you have small hands this controller is for you.
i love the product havjng previously owned a ulitmate bluetooth one
though im not a giant fan of the extra button placments im glad they tried somthing new and im ajusting to them as time goes o
1) Relatively affordable vs other controllers
2) Supports bluetooth, 2.4ghz wireless transmission and wired use.
3) Has a USB-C port
4) Hall effect sensors
1) Bluetooth mode only supports “D-input” standard-which makes it useless for most PC games! So wireless Bluetooth play is really for iOS/MacOS/Android. The X-input mode used by Windows PCs for gaming requires the 2.4ghz dongle or USB cable.
2) The 2.4ghz dongle is factory paired to the controller-there’s no way to buy and connect a new 2.4ghz dongle. There is also no way for a dongle to pair with multiple controllers so if you want to use multiple controllers you’ll be plugging in the same number of dongles into your computer-which gets pretty silly. This also means that if you misplace/lose the dongle you now own a wired controller.
3) The included USB-A to USB-C cable is pretty short at 3 ft long so unless you sit right next to your gaming PC you’ll need to go buy a longer cable to use the wired mode.
I’d really like to see 8bitdo come out with a new transmitter/receiver design that allows pairing with controllers and the use of multiple controllers with one single dongle the way the Xbox receivers work. I get that this is a much cheaper product so they probably couldn’t hit the $29.99 price point and include a higher end dongle. But even if it was a more expensive optional upgrade I’d pay an extra $20 to be able to use one dongle with a bunch of controllers instead of trying to plug in endless dongles that my kid will lose!
In terms of general form factor, it’s more of the same, which is a good thing. The biggest difference is that there are no back buttons on this one; there are still extra buttons, they’re just moved up to the top and act as secondary bumpers. I have no issue with this as they are still easy to reach, but if you have smaller hands, that could be a problem. It also means that you are giving your index fingers another button to push instead of using your middle or ring fingers that otherwise don’t do anything, but ultimately I see this as a sidegrade, not really an up or downgrade.
A lot of other things have changed, though. This one has clicky bumpers, just like an Xbox controller, anti-friction rings around the (hall effect) thumbsticks that are buttery smooth, and a clicky d-pad, again like an Xbox controller. Except… it’s not THAT clicky. It’s more similar to their usual rubber dome d-pad, but with a slight click. The best of both worlds, really: the general feel of a rubber dome d-pad, but with the tactile authority and accuracy of a clicky one. I absolutely love it. Although the more I use it, I’ve noticed that it is a little too easy to hit up while pressing left or right whereas hitting down requires a bit more intention. I wish up required the same intention as it makes up diagonals a little too easy to trigger on accident. This seems to be more of an issue if, like me, you tend to press down hard because you’re INTENSE GAMING. If you can manage to commit to a lighter touch, it does not seem to be as much of an issue.
The face buttons don’t use this mushy/clicky feel, though, probably to save money. They are a bit louder than the other controller but on par with an Xbox controller. I do wish they’d used the same tech as the d-pad, though, as it’s really satisfying.
The biggest downgrades are that this does not include, nor is it compatible with, a charging dock. I wish it had the contacts so it was at least compatible, but it’s not a huge deal. It also doesn’t seem to work with the Ultimate Software, instead having you remap the L4 and R4 buttons on the controller itself. This works fine, but does mean you can’t rebind the other buttons. The manual mentions Ultimate Software V2 for firmware updates, but I don’t see this software anywhere on the web site, so maybe it’s not out yet. Regardless, this controller is half the price of its bigger brother, so it’s an understandable cut and honestly not that big of a deal.
Oh, and it comes with a color-matched (perfectly, I might add) USB cable, which is just a neat touch. I cannot say enough good things about this controller, it is seriously the best deal out there right now. Just buy one.