Battery Pack Rechargeable for Xbox One/Series X|S

Battery Pack Rechargeable for Xbox One/Series X|S Controller, 4 X 3600mWh Xbox Controller Charger with LED Light, Xbox Charging Dock for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One S/X/Elite Controlle

Battery Pack Rechargeable for Xbox One/Series X|S Controller, 4 X 3600mWh Xbox Controller Charger with LED Light, Xbox Charging Dock for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One S/X/Elite Controlle
This set of batteries and a charger is a great choice if you like gaming. They fit in most versions of XBox controllers and allow you to keep playing with spare batteries that can be fully recharged on a regular basis.
They seem easy to charge and fit easily into the controller base.
Great value overall.
This is great. Really easy to set up and use. Battery life is great. Isn’t too big and doesn’t take up too much room. Great quality and good value for money.
I picked these up as I was fed up of being tethered to my PC but didn’t want to spend a fortune on AA’s.
The dock is quite small and the lighting can be turned off however you can’t turn the base itself off once everything charged.
The batteries themselves are brilliant I’ve got a controller for a 1st Gen Xbox one and they fit fine (it feels a bit tight when you first try installing them but you’ll get used to the pressure you need to use quickly enough). only thing I have noticed it that because it sits so close to the back plate it can be very hard to take that off to swap batteries.
However you wont need to do that very often, I’ve had one battery last 3 and a bit days before having to swap it out and remember you get 4 of these batteries.
All in all I’d say these are very much worth the money for anyone who enjoys gaming with an Xbox controller.
This is absolutely fantastic for the money. I ordered this because I was not happy paying a ridiculous amount for the official play and charge kits. This kit has done the job and is perfect for families. In my house we all enjoy gaming and regularly play together. We have 4 controllers in total and making sure these are all fully charged can be a hassle. Having this battery pack charger makes life easier and I really like that there is a charging stand to charge all 4. Instead of 4 separate cables we can just place the batteries on here instead. Great product for the price.
Four high capacity batteries in a charging dock. They fit our series S controllers perfectly and are very easy to swap in and out. A relatively cheap solution to the frustration of picking up a controller to find that your feckless son and run it down and not bothered charging it. Just saying.
Sehr gute Ladestation, tolle Verarbeitung, bis jetzt keine Probleme. Spielzeit ist sehr lang durch die Kapazitt, ich hoffe die Langlebigkeit wird sich auch noch prsentieren (andernfalls werde ich die Bewertung editieren). Bis hierhin, klare Kaufempfehlung.
Die Akkus wurden schnell geliefert und beim auspacken hat man schon gesehen, dass diese eine gute Qualitt haben. Die Akkus lassen sich sehr einfach in das Ladegert einlegen (Nur das Kabel ist etwas zu kurz), ebenso wie in den Controller. Die Laufzeit ist auch sehr gut. Haben bei mir ca.20 Stunden gehalten. Wrde jedem der ein gutes Akku-Pack fr den Xbox Controller sucht, diese empfehlen.
Das Gert ist wirklich klein, aber erfllt seinen Zweck, nmlich meinen Kontroller mit Strom versorgen . Wr kennt es nicht mitten im Spiel und der Controller geht nicht mehr, mir ist es sehr oft passiert. Daher habe ich einfach mal die hier probiert und die Batterien halten so um die 2 Tage. Ich lade immer das leere sofort auf, mit dem C Kabel von meinem Handy, habe so immer meine Reserve Batterien zur Hand.
Gibt bestimmt bessere die vielleicht lnger halten, fr mich Preis/Leistung vllig o.k.