co2CREA Storage Carrying Hard Case for 8BitDo Retro 18

co2CREA Storage Carrying Hard Case for 8BitDo Retro 18 Bluetooth/2.4G/Wired Mechanical Numpad (Case Only,Without Numpad)
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co2CREA Storage Carrying Hard Case for 8BitDo Retro 18 Bluetooth/2.4G/Wired Mechanical Numpad (Case Only,Without Numpad)
Rozumiem polityk o ograniczeniu odpadw, ale produkt zosta dostarczony w przeroczystej folii. TYLKO folii. Takie okazywanie przesyki uwaam za niedopuszczalne. Na ile taka forma wpyna na to, e produkt trafi do mnie w stanie wskazujcym na niewaciwy transport? Trudno powiedzie, ale etui jest w kilku miejscach lekko wgniecione i porysowane. Mi to nie przeszkadza i produkt zatrzymuje, ale… niesmak zosta.
This case is specifically designed for the 8BitDO Mechanical Numpad and it is made from EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) material. EVA is a very durable material that is soft, flexible and lightweight. This is what gives the case it impact resistance, waterproof and dustproof characteristics.
I’ll be quite honest and tell you that I have never heard of this mechanical numpad this case is designed for, and that I purchased the case for my diabetes glucose monitor, test strips and accessories as they fit perfectly inside this case. Plus this case gives it the protection that the glucose reader needs and the good chemical resistance and temperature resistance that the EVA material offers to keep the test strips in the best condition they need to work at. As any Type 1 diabetic will know, you have to be very careful not to get any other chemical on the test strips and you have to keep them within a certain temperature in order to get the most accurate readings possible.
As this case and the material it is made from offers all the aforementioned characteristics, it’s perfect for what I am using it for, and I would highly recommend it for the same purpose, but I’m sure there are so many other uses this could be deployed for as it’s such a versatile case.
There are two reasons why I have given this 4 stars instead of 5. The first reason is because of the small mesh pocket on the top shallower part of the case. It only goes about a quarter of the way up and therefore anything you do put inside it sticks out the top and tends to fall out when you open the case. It needs to go at least half way up the case to be of any use. I’m currently thinking of getting a couple of Velcro dividers to put across the upper part where these is no mesh pocket in order to rectify this issue. These dividers will then be placed over whatever i’m storing in there to prevent the item from falling out.
The second reason why I have given this 4 stars is simply because of the price. At nearly 16 it’s almost double the price of any ordinary EVA case that you can purchase on Amazon. I’m sure the numpad that this was designed for would fit in any other generic EVA case as long as the size was right, and as there are so many choices on Amazon that shouldn’t be hard to find.
This was a great case for the 8bitdo number pad. The reason I didn’t keep it is because the keyboard case I ordered also happened to fit my number pad inside. No reason to have two cases when I only needed the one.
Fits the 8bitdo Mechanical Keyboard perfectly. The 2 large pockets in the top have more then enough room for the matching mouse, and tons of other stuff.
The case design matches the keyboard perfectly. Would recommend.
Firstly, I did not order this case for storing the advertised mechanical numpad. I ordered it for keeping various medications together in my backpack that I carry to and from work.
The case itself is pretty sturdy and is not easily squashed inside a bag or holdall. It has plenty of room inside it, with a handy mesh pouch at the bottom which has a strip of velcro along the top to allow it to retain its contents.
The finish of the case is very good. The zipper works well, and it has a useful carry handle.
I think the mesh pocket could have been bigger without sacrificing any of the internal space, but that’s a minor nitpick.
Overall I’m pleased with my order and it’s great for my particular needs.
Die Tragbare Schutzhlle ist eine Schutzhlle fr das 8Bitdo Retro Mechanical Keyboard und andere passenden Tastaturen.
Die Hlle ist robust und bietet einen guten Schutz vor Sten und Kratzern. Sie ist auch wasserdicht und staubdicht, sodass das Keyboard auch bei ungnstigen Bedingungen geschtzt ist. Die Hlle ist aus robustem Kunststoff gefertigt und hat eine wasserdichte und staubdichte Beschichtung.
Alles in allem ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis und somit klare Kaufempfehlung.
Etui trs rigide, d’excellente qualit finition.
A l’intrieur, tout est bien organiser pour un rangement facile et agrable.
Les couleurs sont assez vif.
Son prix vaut sa qualit,
Je le recommande.
J’ai rcemment acquis cet tui de valise pour mon 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, et je suis absolument ravi de la manire dont il simplifie le transport de mon clavier de jeu prfr.
Tout d’abord, l’ajustement de cet tui est impeccable. Il est spcialement conu pour s’adapter parfaitement au 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard, ce qui signifie que mon clavier est maintenu en place en toute scurit sans risque de mouvement l’intrieur de l’tui. Cela me donne une tranquillit d’esprit totale en sachant que mon clavier est protg des rayures et des chocs pendant le transport.
La qualit de fabrication de l’tui est solide, avec des matriaux rsistants qui protgent efficacement le clavier. La fermeture glissire est robuste, et elle maintient l’tui ferm en toute scurit.
Una buena funda rgida de color gris claro y costuras en rojo.
En teora es para un teclado, pero yo la uso para un instrumento musical de Dj, la funda es rgida y en el interior tiene una parte con dos bolsillos de tela perforada, y otra parte con una cinta de cierre con Velcro, se ve de muy buena calidad.
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