Quansheng UV-K5 VHF UHF Portable Walkie Talkie Rechargeable

Quansheng UV-K5 VHF UHF Portable Walkie Talkie Rechargeable Two-way Radio (with Radio Holder) for Studio/Outdoor/Car (1 Pack)

Quansheng UV-K5 VHF UHF Portable Walkie Talkie Rechargeable Two-way Radio (with Radio Holder) for Studio/Outdoor/Car (1 Pack)
This radio is a good quality. Built quality seems to be good as well. This radio have huge 1600mah li-ion battery which hold the charge for good amount of time but it also depends on your usage as well.
This radio pack came with antenna, holder, charger, belt clip and a manual.
This radio can be used as NOOA emergency weather receiver for the outdoor workers.
Price wise it little bit on the higher side.
Great ergonomics, menus, firmware, USB-C charging on the side of the HT, Clones tones for unknown and known channels in about 15 seconds, Two separate scan lists WITH priority scanning and it works.
MASSIVE RX range, Configurable side button actions. Nobody needs that alarm function, get rid of it!
The monitor mode button is a TOGGLE. This is such common sense, why don’t my other cheap radios do this?, FM radio has VFO, 20 slot memory and an auto-scanner to populate the slots, Belt clip,
Can be operated with NO battery, just USB-C power.