SUNFOUNDER ESP32 Camera Pro Kit with ESP32 WROOM 32E Module

SUNFOUNDER ESP32 Camera Pro Kit with ESP32 WROOM 32E Module Enhanced Breakout Expansion Development Board ESP32CAM Rechargeable Battery Micro SD Card Slot (Compatiple with Arduino)

Weight: | 100 g |
Dimensions: | 7.62 x 7.62 x 4.06 cm; 100 g |
Model: | DE-A-ESP32 Camra Kit |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Manufacture: | SUNFOUNDER |
Dimensions: | 7.62 x 7.62 x 4.06 cm; 100 g |
Ich habe vor kurzem das SunFounder ESP32 Camera Pro Kit als Amazon Vine Produkt Tester bestellt und bin absolut begeistert von den Mglichkeiten, die dieses Kit bietet. Mit dem leistungsstarken Dual-Core ESP32 WROOM 32E Modul und der 2-Megapixel-Kamera erffnet es eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, sei es fr Anfngerprojekte oder anspruchsvolle DIY-Vorhaben.
Das Design der Erweiterungsplatine ist hervorragend durchdacht. Die Integration von Kamera, Micro-SD-Kartenslot und umfangreichen GPIO-Anschlssen macht das Prototyping einfach und effizient. Besonders schtze ich die Mglichkeit, das Kit ber eine wiederaufladbare Batterie zu betreiben, was es ideal fr mobile oder abgelegene Projekte macht. Die LED-Anzeigen fr den Strom- und Ladestatus sind ein ntzliches Feature, das den berblick erleichtert.
Die Kamera liefert ansprechende Bilder.
Was dieses Kit wirklich auszeichnet, ist die umfangreiche Projektuntersttzung. Die detaillierten Beispiele fr E/A, DAC-Ausgang, Bluetooth, WiFi, Kameraintegration und MicroSD-Kartennutzung erleichtern den Einstieg und erweitern die Mglichkeiten fr kreative Projekte.
Leider hat mein Macbook Pro anscheinend den ESP32 gebraten. Ist mir jetzt schon mit einigen Mikrocontrollern passiert. Passiert bei Macbooks anscheinend hufiger.
Ich empfehle jedem, ein USB-Hub mit eigener Stromversorgung dazwischenzuschalten,
Alles in allem ist das SunFounder ESP32 Camera Pro Kit eine hervorragende Investition fr alle, die in die Welt der Mikrocontroller und Bildverarbeitung eintauchen mchten. Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
Excellent came for use with ES32 – resolution and quality about on par with what you would expect from such a device, but works perfectly for my purpose. Highly recommended
I ordered this ESP32 and camera from SunFounder for an automatic guinea pig feeder. With the camera to monitor the cage and a micro sd slot to record video, this seemed like a good place to start.
Unfortunately, I was not able to get my laptop to recognize the ESP32. I submitted a ticket with the company, and they quickly sent a replacement that worked great.
I then had issues connecting to the camera web server app, so I again contacted the company. They replied quickly to make sure the board was connecting to the same network as my computer’s browser. I was, but I decided to switch both over to a different network, and things worked fine. I haven’t had a chance to troubleshoot what settings were preventing the connection on the other network.
This kit has a lot of useful features, and has great documentation compared to other sellers. There are a wide range of sample projects included, each with their own set of instructions.
The camera isn’t the best, but it gets the job done.
Given the excellent customer service, good documentation and total package of components provided, I would definitely recommend this kit.
This ESP32 Camera Pro Kit is a fantastic bundle for anyone wanting to explore the world of wireless camera projects. The ESP32-WROOM-32E module with its integrated camera provides a versatile platform for capturing images and streaming video.
The expansion board breaks out the module’s pins and adds helpful features like a rechargeable battery and a microSD card slot. It’s compatible with the Arduino IDE, making it easy to program and experiment with different applications. A great value for diving into the world of ESP32-based camera projects.
This could take over your life. Not in a ‘robot overlords’ kind of way (although with the right coding skills maybe I shouldn’t rule that out entirely), but in a ‘once you start you’re not going to be able to stop’ kind of way.
This is a superb starter kit for anyone thinking about getting into micro-controller programming.
That’s not to say it’s beginner friendly – you will need some tech savvy and some coding skills to get up and running with this – but there are loads of tutorials online that will halp anyone with a bit of a technical background.
I’ve been playing with Raspberry Pis since the week the first one was released back in 2012 (?), but for some reason I’ve not even looked at Arduino. This board is programmed via the Arduino IDE – I believe tere are other ways, but that seems to be the most common – and there are loads of sample projects available directly from the IDE.
The Sunfounder project that is designed for thsi kit didn;tactually work out of the box for me. That one you need to download from teh Sunfounder website and configure the IDE as per the tutorial on their website. It’s a good way to get to know some of the bits and bobs of the ESP32 board itself and the expansion board, but when trying to compile it complained about one of the LED functions not existing. After commenting out the calls to that function everything compiled and the project worked as expected.
That sample project makes use of the ESP32’s built in WiFi and the kit’s tiny camera via the kit’s expansion board. The camera quality isn’t great, but it serves well enough to demonstrate the capability of the ESP32 and as a development platform is fine.
The big takeaway from this, though, is it has opened my eyes up to the possiblities of ESP32 based projects. Since starting to play with this I an constatly dreaming new things I could do with this board – if I could find the time.
And there’s the rub. There is so much I’d like to try to implement with this kit that I could literally spend all day and every day just playing.
Once programmed the board ‘boots’ almost instantly, unlike a micro-computer with an OS such as the Raspberry Pi. This has a much more ‘hardware’ feel to it because you are flashing your code direct to the micro-controller rather than waiting for an OS to boot and then to load up and run a programme.
That means that for home automation, surveilance, machine control, robotics etc etc this is an ideal little platform.
The ESP32 board in this kit has built in WiFi and Bluetooth giving you wireless connectivity (if you prohramme it of course) and you have serial console access via the micro-USB connecto on the ESP32 itself.
The kit also comes with a rechargeable battery – charged via the micro-USB on the expansion board which can also power the ESP32. This means that the kit makes for portable projects as well… that means more possibilities and more ideas…
Really, you’re either going to have to quit your job or somehow make more hours in the day to fully explore what can be done with these boards, and this kit is a great way to start exploring.
Frher freute man sich, wenn ein Microcontroller einzelne Bits steuern konnte. Dann kam die ESP-Serie auf den Markt, die von Haus aus die Funkstandards Wlan und BLE beherrschen. Das ESP32 WROOM Camera Extension Kit geht noch einen Schritt weiter und bindet eine Kamera ein.
Das Kit besteht aus dem ESP32 WROOM Board, der Erweiterungsplatine, einem Li-Ionenakku und einer Kamera. Im Bild sieht man die kleine Kamera rechts neben dem Akku. Die Erweiterungsplatine bernimmt die Kommunikation zwischen Kamera und Board, wofr sie einige Leitungen des ESP32 belegt. Darber hinaus stellt sie ausreichen Speicherplatz ber eine Mico-SD bereit (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten). Das ist deutlich einfacher, als eine eigenstndige Verdrahtung mit einem Kameramodul herzustellen.
Dem vorliegenden Kit fehlt jegliche schriftliche Information, noch nicht einmal der Link zu den Infoseiten der Fa Sunfounder wird genannt. Dort findet man nach kurzer Suche ausfhrliche Beschreibungen. Sie erlutern im Detail die Installation der Interfaceprogramme fr Micropython (Thonny) oder fr den Arduino-C Dialekt. Das erste Micropython-Programm “hello_led” luft aber nicht. Der GPIO auf dem vorliegenden Board fr die Leuchtdiode ist Pin 2, nicht 26. Der einfachste Test zum Einschalten der blauen LED she demnach aus wie folgt: import machine; led = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT); led.value(1) (siehe Bild). Der Befehl led.value(0) schaltet sie wieder aus
Bibliotheken fr die Kamerasteuerung liegen nur als C-Code vor. Importdateien fr Micropython fehlen (noch).
Fr Menschen, die zum ersten Mal einen Microcontroller sehen, ist das Kamera-Kit nicht der richtige Einstieg. Fr die, die bereits mit einem Arduino herumspielten, werden sich freuen, ihre Sensoren auch ber Micropython anzusteuern und ber Wlan in das lokale Netz einzubinden. Die Schraubleisten mit Beschriftung vereinfachen die Handhabung. Profis werden gerne das Kameramodul ausprobieren. Vielen wird aber der Spa fehlen, Datenbltter zu studieren, um die Arbeitsweise der Interfaceprogramme zu verstehen. Ob sich die kleine Kamera ohne Chance fr eine Bildverarbeitung auf einem Microcontroller lohnt, muss jeder fr sich entscheiden. Die autarke Stromversorgung mit Ladefunktion wei jeder zu schtzen.
One of the first things I noticed was the lack of documentation in the box. No even a leaflet, or even a QR code. Sadly the only reference was a URL to sunfounder website on the back of the box at the bottom in small text. A QR code sticker to scan from the box taking to the Online Tutorials docs page for the kit would have been really useful.
There is a lot of documentation and it’s really good actually. For some reason they’ve just left a link for their ‘Online Tutorials’ right at the bottom of the product page’s listing. To be fair the second image in the listing does say ‘Online Tutorial:’ but it’s less than clickable, or easily seen once you’ve received your board.
It’s a shame because they have really good help files that is basically a tutorial for beginners, but also essential if you want to get the most out of it.
The kit otherwise is really nice, everything comes in antistatic bags, and looking over the boards they look really good quality PCBs. The only downside is it’s not the “USB-C” variant of the ESP32-WROOM, so you’re going to have to keep that Micro USB type B cable around a little while longer.
Following the documentation using the ‘Camera Web Server’ I was able to setup a basic webcam using the board and it was super easy to do. The instructions were clear with animated pictures and screenshots, probably the best part about the kit.
Fun kit to play with. Breakout board for all the pins allows for both screw down wires and jumpers, and includes a microsd memory card slot as well.
At the base of the expansion breakout board there is a on and off switch, this effectively controls everything powered by that board, including the battery or the micro USB port if connected. Keep in mind that the ESP module needs to be programmed via its own USB port and provides power that by passes the on and off switch.
The actual camera isn’t great in low light (as expected), but works as intended.
Overall, it’s a great board for learning with, and a great starting point.
Die Komponenten kommen in einem Karton mit Antistatiktten, ausser der Kamera.
ESP Board:
Es ist ein ESP32-WROOM-32E, sauber verarbeitet, alle Pins OK.
Die Power LED leuchtet direkt nach dem einschalten.
Gut verarbeitet und beschriftet. Gut finde ich die zustzlichen Steckbuchsen fr Jumperkabel.
Die Power LED leuchtet direkt nach dem einstecken der Batterie.
Ich habe keinen Hinweis gefunden wie sie abgeschaltet werden kann. – Ausser auslten.
Auf der Batterie gab es keine Typenbezeichnung. Lt. Produktseite soll es ein 3.7V 800mAh Akku sein.
Man sollte keine HigRes Bilder erwarten, aber sie funktioniert. Tipp: Wie hier bereits erwhnt wurde: CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER als Camera auswhlen.
Beispielsketch-> Datei->Beispiele->ESP32->Camera->CameraWebServer
Als Board habe ich ESP32 Dev Module gewhlt.
Das compilieren und der upload verliefen ohne Fehler.
Ein Testbild habe ich gepostet.
Insgesamt ein gutes Set zum testen und probieren.
Die Kamera ist kein HighTech Wunder aber sie funktioniert gut.
Was nicht so gut ist, das die PowerLEDs am ESP32 sowie dem DevBoard immer an sind, was fr reine Batterieprojekte von Nachteil ist.
The default code on this didnt work for me unfortunately. It seems to be pre-flashed and creates its own AP which I was able to join, however it didn’t start any web interface or similar for viewing the camera, so I re-flashed it and it works pretty well.
Nice little kit to get you into dev with the ESP32 which is one of my favourted microcontrollers at the moment as its powerful and not too expensive.
Coming with a battery and breakout board makes it super convenient to use for other projects after playing with the camera if you want to make something else (I like using these for things like WLED, and ESPHome BT Proxies)
Note that this is unfortunately microUSB only so you will need to dig one out of the drawer of cables to get these flashed.
All items were nicely stored in their own anti-static bags as well which is nice.
It is possible to insert the ESP into the breakout board the wrong way round (thats just the way these are designed, not a fault of the product as such).
Only knocked a star due to the default code not working and this really seeiming to be targetted towards beginner STEM type projects initially. Good to have demo code to show it off, then start making your own.
I have used Raspberry Pi and Arduino before but had never played with the ESP32. This is a great kit to get started with ESP32, but note that you will have to hunt a bit online to find tutorials and relevant information, and you may hit a few stumbling blocks on the way, so you need to be prepared to invest in learning about this microcontroller.
The great thing about this kit, in my view, is that it comes with the battery and charger board too. Because ESP32 has built-in WiFi and Bluetooth you can suddenly start making devices that are portable and completely disconnected apart from the occasional periodic charge. ESP32 has really great low-power modes, so you can put it into various levels of sleep and have it wake up occasionally to take a measurement or send a message. As a result, your battery life can last really well, depending on how long the board is fully awake rather than in deep sleep. The more it sleeps, the longer you can go between charges.
Note that this board is micro-USB only, rather than the more modern USB-C. The cable you use to connect your board to your computer for programming it must be a *data* cable. A USB power-only cable won’t work and your computer will not detect the device. It is plug-and-play on Windows 10.
The online information provided by SunFounder is good, including lots of material to read and a large set of video lessons, but note that some videos for this “camera module” show videos using their “starter pack” instead, so some things are different in the videos, and some instructions are also slightly out of date (such as the need for ESP board registration within the Arduino IDE).
The entire kit arrives in a tiny little box. Make sure to earth yourself before handling the boards so you don’t zap anything with static you might have picked up from scuffing around on your carpet.
The first thing I tried with this board was the classic “blinking LED” example, but I couldn’t get the on-board LED, which is normally on PIN 2, to work. Some sources online say this particular board, the “WROOM 32E,” doesn’t have a second “user” LED (i.e., one in addition to the power LED), although the board *looks* like it has one. I could not get it to flash, though. Instead I proved that the board was working and my program was running by getting it to output messages on the serial bus, and once the simple sketch (program) was uploaded, I saw messages appearing on my computer saying the board was trying to turn the LED on, then off, etc.
Getting Wi-Fi working was simple after following some tutorials that I found online, and I was then successful in making HTTP requests from the board to my PC, across my home network. I am experimenting, step-by-step, and hope to learn a lot more about this board and play with some neat little IoT use cases.
I have only tried programming this board with the Arduino IDE so far, but apparently you can also use VS Code, with their library and the Platform.IO extension. I am going to give that a try because I find VS Code is a nicer IDE to work with, and compilation in particular seems really very slow within the Arduino IDE. I am not sure if this is normal or if something is wrong there.
I can recommend this kit if you are hoping to give ESP32 a try and also want the freedom of rechargeable battery-powered devices. No documentation at all comes with it, alas, but as I said there is plenty online. There are many different ESP32 and board models available, though, so you do need to check carefully that you are following instructions/tutorials for a model that is compatible with yours. And this board does require some level of technical ability, so for young children I would recommend a fair bit of adult help to begin with to avoid too much frustration early on.
I like they bothered to pack each little item into a protective anti-static bag; this shows a good level of concern. The supplied box also has at least a picture of the product on the outside, so you know what you are getting.
ESP32s are great little items. Many online projects to check out are WLED, which is very popular. This board would be a great little addition, as the breakout box will make it much easier to wire up your system.
I will try out the camera, but this is just a play toy, as the unit lacks processing power for serious use. However, it’s great for maybe that homegrown doorbell project. Nice that the battery pack is included. This is great for a power outage, so a little project would keep on running regardless.
I would only say what is missing are some helpful documents and maybe links to sources to get people going. It assumes you have prior knowledge about what this all can do. If you have a KIT, you expect at least something to get you going, QRCODE to a video link even, but sadly, nothing is here in this respect.
If you have used these devices or similar with Arduino IDE then you know documentation is a waste of time. These are recognised and flashing programs to the device is no bother.
Finding information on this product and programs available to upload is also easy to find online.
I never expected amazing quality from the camera, but it does work as intended. I have components to pair up with this device such as motors, sensors and many more for future projects.
I suggest watching YouTube for tutorials and projects you could try yourself.
Fantastic price for an all-in-one kit.
There’s no “getting started” documentation at all included with this, and no mention of what camera it’s using. After a bit of research, I was able to load the CameraWebServer example for the ESP32 Wrover Module. After selecting CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER I loaded the sketch and connected via WiFi and was able to get the video stream.
The video quality is really bad – like on par with the first webcams I had in the 90s – but it’s also tiny and cheap, and it does demonstrate the principles.