8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wired Controller for Windows PC

8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wired Controller for Windows PC and Android, with 1000Hz Polling Rate, Hall Effect Joysticks and Hall Triggers, and Remappable L4/R4 Bumpers (Peach)

8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wired Controller for Windows PC and Android, with 1000Hz Polling Rate, Hall Effect Joysticks and Hall Triggers, and Remappable L4/R4 Bumpers (Peach)
You can’t go wrong with 8BitDo. And this newest controller from them is no exception. If you’re looking for a wired controller for a great price, look no further! I was able to test it with PC and Android. And then I tested it with a Steam Deck, and it worked great as well! If you are looking for wireless, they make the same controller in a wireless version for just a little more money.
I have nothing to say really bad but that it feels a bit cheap. but for 20$ you are getting the bang of your bucks. Its sturdy when holding and the controller feels responsive on the pc. Used it for souls games, rocket league, and a bit of fighting games.
Run following command in terminal:
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-8bitdo-xinput.rules
Add the following text to the document that opens:
ACTION==”add”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”2dc8″, ATTRS{idProduct}==”310a”, RUN+=”/sbin/modprobe xpad”, RUN+=”/bin/sh -c ‘echo 2dc8 310a > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/xpad/new_id'”
Save and close document then run following command:
sudo udevadm control –reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
Now the gamepad is recognized as an Xbox controller
As for how the controller feels, the sticks are perfectly smooth gliding action. The XABY buttons feel like an Xbox Series controller, the D-pad feels like the clicks on a Gameboy Advance SP with a little silicone membrane feel too. The triggers don’t require too much pressure to press and the turbo button is interesting too. I haven’t found much use for the additional L4 and R4 buttons but maybe someday I will. Overall this is a solid controller. Only time will tell if it’s as durable as a Logitech F310. Fingers crossed.