Krups Nespresso Pixie Redesign Pod Coffee Machine

Krups Nespresso Pixie Redesign Pod Coffee Machine with High-Pressure Pump, 2 Coffee Selections (Espresso & Lungo), Energy-Saving, Recyclable Capsules, Compact & Intuitive Design in Dark Gree

Nespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by KrupsNespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by KrupsThe video showcases the product in use.The video guides you through product setup.The video compares multiple products.The video shows the product being unpacked.Nespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by Krups
  1. Nespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by Krups
  2. Nespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by Krups
  3. Nespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by Krups
Nespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by KrupsNespresso Pixie Redesign Dark Green by Krups

Weight: 2.59 kg
Dimensions: 32.6 x 11.1 x 23.5 cm; 2.59 kg
Brand: Krups
Colour: Dark Green
Dimensions: 32.6 x 11.1 x 23.5 cm; 2.59 kg

4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Replaced an 8 year old neapresso machine which slowly failed. Solid with a few improvements. I use with Bluecup refillable pods and it works really well
    with these, and constantly good coffee (that depends on the coffee you buy). The drip tray is really good and the whole through the centre that prevents splashes an excellent feature over older designs.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Been using my Expresso machine for a few days. Feel the need to give it a few seconds in the microwave, as I like my coffee a certain temperature, but that’s just me. Going to explore cheaper pods in the supermarket to suit budget.

  3. Dr Joseph S Maresca says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my 3rd Nespresso.
    The design has stayed pretty much the same but a small improvement was to change the clear pod tray to black.
    It now looks cleaner and all the better for not seeing the used pods.

  4. fancygrlnancy says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this coffee machine to replace my tassimo machine because the pods were expensive. My new machine is much easier to use and the pods are much better price also can use compatible pods. . I also bought a milk frother to go with it Would definitely recommend this will pay for itself with the money saved from going to the coffee shop