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Billing Solar Pond Foundtain with Battery Backup, 6W 300L/H

Billing Solar Pond Foundtain with Battery Backup, 6W 300L/H Solar Water Pump with 3000mAh Battery Backup, with Filter DIY 5ft Tubing Solar Fountains Water Feature for Garden Ponds, Pool, Fish Tank

solar pond pump with batterysolar powered water fountainsolar water pump for water feature
  • What solar pump is right for my project?

    Our solar water pumps are made for bird bath fountains, water features and small ponds.

    If you need to create a bird bath fountain, my advice is to choose a 1.5W-4.5W pump. More powerful water pumps are suitable for small ponds and water features.

  • Does the whole solar panel need to have direct sunlight in order to work?

    Solar panels are best in direct sunlight. But it with battery backup, so it will also work well in cloudy day.

  • Can the solar pump run without water?

    Our pumps are all dry-run protected. This means as soon as the water level gets too low they will automatically shut off. This prevents the pump from being damaged due to low water level.

  • Does this fountain have a kit with battery backup?

    Yes, but this solar water pump can’t work at night. The battery is to ensure that the solar fountain can work stably and continuously during the day.

  • How to contact Biling after-service?

    It’s recommended to ask for help through your order page.


solar pond fountain

Solar Pond Pump

solar water pump

Solar Pond Fountain

solar fountain for bird bath

Solar Water Fountain

solar fountain pump for bird bathbird bath

Solar Fountain

solar water pump

Solar Water Pump

solar water fountain

Solar Water Fountain

Customer Reviews 3.6 out of 5 stars1815.0 out of 5 stars84.1 out of 5 stars4314.1 out of 5 stars2263.9 out of 5 stars344.1 out of 5 stars431
Price £32.99£9.99£19.99£32.99£25.99
Solar Panle 10V/8W 9V/6W 6V/1.5W 6V/2.5W 10V/7.5W 7V/3.5W
Pump with Dry-run Protect ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
with Baterry Backup ✔ ✔
Height of Spraying Water 15-37″ 15-35″ 15-23″ 15-23″ 15-35″ 15-27″
Maximum Flow Rate 83 GP 80 GPH 48 GPH 32 GPH 83 GPH H26 GPH
Tubing Length 5 ft 5 ft / 4 ft 5 ft 4 ft
Cable Length 10 ft 10 ft / 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft

Weight: 940 g
Dimensions: 25 x 21 x 6 cm; 940 g
Brand: Biling
Model: DPY25-06
Dimensions: 25 x 21 x 6 cm; 940 g