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InsectiX Premium Moth Killer – 6 Pack, Pheromone Moth Traps

InsectiX Premium Moth Killer - 6 Pack

InsectiX Premium Moth Killer – 6 Pack, Pheromone Moth Traps for Wardrobes – Protects Clothes, Bedding and Fabrics, Each Moth Trap Effective for 3 Months

Moth trapmoth repellentmoth trap for clothes

Clothes and carpet moths lay eggs in dark, undisturbed areas, and their larvae are the real culprits behind fabric damage! They feed on wool, silk, and other natural fibers, creating holes in clothes and patches in carpets.

Protect your home with InsectiX Pest Solution – a safe and effective way to stop moth damage before it starts!

Dimensions: 10 x 3 x 10 cm; 80 g
Part: 1
Manufacture: PEST EXPERT LTD
Dimensions: 10 x 3 x 10 cm; 80 g
Reference: 1