Snowdrop Paraben Free Cooling Rub with Arnica and Witch

Snowdrop Paraben Free Cooling Rub with Arnica and Witch Hazel Roll On 2 x 50 ml packs

Snowdrop Paraben Free Cooling Rub with Arnica and Witch Hazel Roll On 2 x 50 ml packs

Ravensford Health LimitedSnowdrop 100 ml gel flip top tubeSnowdrop 1000 ml practitioner pack

Snowdrop Cooling Effect Shown by Thermographic Data

Snowdrop Paraben-Free Cooling Rub with Arnica and Witch Hazel provides rapid, soothing relief for muscle aches, strains and bruises.

This effective and long-lasting cooling gel has been shown to provide up to an 8-10 degree reduction in temperature lasting as long as 30 minutes (1).

Snowdrop’s modern formulation is smooth, soothing and easy to apply without residue build-up or stickiness.

(1) After Th. Zimmerman, C. Müller, H. Hübner and T. Petretti, Thermographical Institute Berlin 2008.

Brand: Snowdrop
Origin: Germany