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Carbeth Plants – 10 x Ranunculus Bulbs Corms Mixed Colours

Carbeth Plants – 10 x Ranunculus Bulbs Corms Mixed Colours – Persian Buttercup Perennial Flower Summer Bulbs – Garden Bulbs for Planting Outdoors – Cut Flowers – Grow in Beds, Borders and Patio Pots

carbeth plants summer bulbs cormsCarbeth plants summer bulbs ixia corms roots tubersCarbeth plants summer bulbs begonia corms roots tuberscarbeth plants summer bulbs corms

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With over forty different bulbs, mixes tubers and corms available, shop our entire range of summer planting flowers for your garden now.

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100 x Summer Bulb Mix

Summer Festival 100 x Mix

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20 x Ixia Bulbs Venus Red

60 x Ixia Bulbs Spotlight

60 x Ixia Panorama Pink

Customer Reviews 4.0 out of 5 stars24.8 out of 5 stars6
Price £19.99£14.99£5.99£12.99
Count 100 x Bulbs 100 x Bulbs 20 x Bulbs 5 x Tubers 20 x bulbs 60 x bulbs 60 x bulbs
Colour Mixed Mixed Orange and Yellow Red, Pink and White Bright Red/Pink White. Pink centres Bright Pink
Conditions Full-part sun, well draining Full-part sun, well draining Full-part sun, well draining Full sun, sensitive to cold Full-part sun, well draining Full-part sun, well draining Full-part sun, well draining
Flowering time Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer
Planting Spring after winter frost Spring after winter frost Spring after winter frost Start indoors or harden off Spring after winter frost Spring after winter frost Spring after winter frost

Dimensions: 100 x 100 x 100 cm
Manufacture: Carbeth Plants
Dimensions: 100 x 100 x 100 cm