Bowers & Wilkins PX Bluetooth Wireless Headphones, Noise Cancelling – Space Grey

Noise cancelling ✓
Conectivity Bluetooth aptXHD Wired 3.5mm Bluetooth aptX Wired 3.5mm
Design Over ear Over ear On ear On ear
Rechargeable battery ✓ ✓
Unpowered audio ✓ ✓ ✓
Bowers & Wilkins App ✓
Charge via USB ✓ ✓
Ear pads Leather with ballistic nylon outer Leather Leather Leather
Drive units 2 x 40mm 2 x 40mm 2 x 30mm 2 x 30mm
Frequency range 10 Hz to 20 kHz 2 Hz to 30 kHz 10 Hz – 20 kHz 10 Hz – 20 kHz

Weight: 335 g
Size: Standard
Dimensions: 17.5 x 7.49 x 19.99 cm; 335 Grams
Model: FP39683
Colour: Space Grey
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Colour: Space Grey
Size: Standard

160 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSound
    Es ist ein Schock, von den schon recht fhigen kleinen Ohrstpseln Jabra 65t auf den PX Wireless umzusteigen. Der erste Eindruck ist erstmal merkwrdig, weil es so viel Sound auf die Ohren gibt, so viele, auch feinste Details aus allen Richtungen. Unglaubliches “Timing”, alles auf den Punkt, analytisch, spielfreudig, brilliant. Mitten-berbetonung kann ich nicht feststellen, vielleicht etwas viel oberen Bass. Der Kopfhrer legt die Charakteristik einer Aufnahme sehr stark offen, auf einmal klingt Musik je nach Material sehr unterschiedlich. Es wird alles abgebildet, von oben nach unten, es fehlt nichts.

    Es hat was von Studio-Monitor: Schlechte Aufnahmen klingen auch so, und richtig gute Aufnahmen klingen superb.

    Das (gut gemachte) Noise Cancelling in normalen Broumgebungen braucht man nicht, das Set geht bei mir komplett ber die Ohren und schirmt schon physisch gut ab. Ansonsten funktioniert es gut, und natrlich frisst es etwas Qualitt wie bei anderen Headsets auch, aber nicht so, dass man emprt auf die Strae zum Demonstrieren muss gegen Bowers & Wilkins. Viele andere Reviewer scheint das zu rgern, mich nicht.

    Fest, ich muss ab und an mal korrigieren, weil es doch durch die Federkraft manchmal etwas drckt. Den von vielen bemngelten, hart auf dem Kopf sitzenden Bgel hatte ich schnell vergessen, den merke ich kaum.

    Ich bin vielleicht ein alter Sack, aber lauter darf der bei maximalem Pegel nicht sein.

    Ach, die Verbinderei ist ein Kreuz. Wenn’s mal luft, ok, aber manchmal ist der Handshake, besonders am Anfang natrlich, echt wie Teer in der Sonne anfassen. Beim iPhone war’s nicht ganz so hakelig, beim Mac hat es ewig und viele Versuche gedauert, bis das Teil mal auftauchte. Aptx fehlt mir nicht, ich hre zwischen iPhone und dem relativ neuen Rechner (der kann aptx) keinen Unterschied. Aptx ist von Qualcomm, und ich rechne auch nicht, dass sich das mal breit etabliert. B&O supported das auch nicht, und auch da fehlt das kaum jemandem.

  2. Helen says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing battery life with great sound quality; highly recommended!!! I use these for both work (calls) and music; it works like a charm. There is no background (amplified) noise, the noise and active cancellation works perfectly!

  3. BPGAlyceamg says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDer B&W PX hinterlsst bei mir einen gespaltenen Eindruck. Einerseits ist da das sehr gute Erscheinungsbild. Optischer Eindruck, verwendete Materialien, Anfassgefhl, Tragekomfort: das ist alles vllig OK.

    Klanglich war ich nicht ganz zufrieden. Die Bsse sind abgrundtief, sehr przise, niemals aufdringlich. Die Abstimmung bei hheren Frequenzen ist, einfach ausgedrckt, dumpf! Man kann das sehr gut mit Hilfe eines Equalizers ausgleichen, indem man ab ca. 3KHz sanft anhebt. Man bekommt dann eine sehr hoch auflsenden Klangeindruck, der niemals lstig wird. Aber man hat nicht immer einen Equalizer zu Verfgung und der PXsollte schon mit verschiedenen Quellen zurecht kommen. Letztlich ist das Geschmackssache.

    Was mir sehr negativ aufgefallen ist, ist die Klangqualitt im NC-Betrieb. Sobald NC ber die App oder die Taste am Hrer aktiviert wird, ndert sich das Klangbild von volumins zu “blechern”. NC dmpft Umgebungsgerusche wirksam und lsst sich auch vielseitig anpassen aber die Verschlechterung des Klangs ist fr mich nicht akzeptabel. NC blieb daher die meiste Zeit aus.

    Der PX beherrscht u.a. die Bluetooth Standards SBC, aptX HD aber kein aptX Low Latency. Fr Videoanwendungen ist er damit nur bedingt geeignet. Die Latenz im HD-Modus ist deutlich ausgeprgt.

    Die Akkulaufzeit ist ziemlich lang, eine Ladung reicht bei intensivem Gebrauch tagelang. Was mir allerdings nicht so gut gefallen hat, war die Ladeanzeige in der B&W App. Da werden noch 20% Kapazitt angezeigt, und Minuten spter ist das Ding leer. Ldt man mit dem mitgelieferten USB-C -Kabel und einem geeigneten Ladegert, in dem Fall eines von LG, wieder auf, meldet die App schon nach ein paar Minuten wieder 90%. Tatschlich dauert der gesamte Ladevorgan ca. 2-3 Stunden, bis die grne LED am PX “voll” anzeigt. Das Batteriemanagement hinterlsst daher fr mich keinen vertrauenswrdigen Eindruck. Zumal sich der Akku vom Benutzer nicht wechseln lsst und der PX mit leerem Akku auch ber die Klinkenbuchse keinen Mucks mehr macht. “Notfallbetrieb” ber Kabel: Fehlanzeige!

    Positiv fllt auf, das sich die Ohrpolster sehr leicht auswechseln lassen. Sie werden durch ein paar Magnete am Grundkrper fixiert. Ersatzpolster sind zwar nicht billig, aber immerhin gibt es sie und sie sind kinderleicht auszutauschen.

    + prziser, wenn auch etwas dumpfer Klang
    + aptX HD
    + ausgezeichnete Verarbeitung
    + sehr gute Bedienung ber Tasten am Kopfhrer und B&W App
    + lange Akkulaufzeit
    + einfach zu wechselnde Ohrpolster
    + angenehm zu tragen, sitzt nicht zu stramm

    – etwas dumpfe Abstimmung
    – Batteriemanagement, Batterie lsst sich nicht wechseln
    – kein Betrieb bei leerem Akku mglich
    – deutlich schlechterer Klang im NC-Betrieb

    Der PX hat Potenzial, man knnte die Hhenschwche z.B. per Equalizer im KH ausbgeln. Aber derzeit entspricht er leider nicht meinem Anforderungsprofil.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Comfortable, good looking and give the feeling of being a quality bit of kit.
    Linked to my phone easily, though as intuitive to use as bose head sets I’ve had before.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Picked up after listening along side Sony and Bose. Sound is a subjective thing so won’t say the others were bad. What I really loved is the build, style and clarity. Few mins of listening and you will know how natural they are. As an audiophile, I use these with my CD player or Tape deck (non NC mode) and there it shines. Fortunately my head is smaller so fit is awesome. NC works well as indicated. I would recommend this to anyone who can look beyond consumer models like Bose or Sony.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I did not buy my headphones from Amazon, but direct from B&W. But thought I would add my findings for others. First of all, these look and feel the quality that they are. The main thing about these headphones is, the sound is absolutely incredible, and just gets better with use. They may not have the best noise isolation, and, initially, may be a bit uncomfortable, but, again, after a bit of use, they wear in. No problems pairing with Bluetooth at all. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Definitely. Oh, did I mention how fantastic the sound is?

  7. BrockYazzie says:

     United Kingdom

    Step up from P5 in sound quality, Bluetooth connection excellent with astell & kern player. Finish typical B&W (good). Fit good over my big ears.

  8. David Carnoy says:

     United States

    I have had Skull Candy Aviator, wireless Beats earplugs, Beats By Dre (the ones that cup the ear), and other lesser quality headphones throughout the years, but I believe these to be one of the better if not the best headphones I have ever had. The sound quality is impressive, the battery life averages 20 hours. In terms of sitting on one’s head, I can say these are far more comfortable than the Beats By Dre, especially if you wear glasses as I do. The Beats would press the glasses up into the side of your head and become uncomfortable to wear after about 1 hour. With the B and W PX, I can wear these for 2-3 hours with glasses and there’s no tenseness or desire to take them off.

    The ability to cancel noise is 4.5/5; it cancels noise quite well, and helps when desiring to be immersed in a movie going or music enjoying experience. I honestly see no point for using the Active Noise Cancelling features; if I’m using these I have the sound up and do not want to have the quality degraded like ANC does.

    Bass is deep and colorful.

    You can use these with the wire, but they have to be powered on. So unless you have a device with Bluetooth capabilities, it’s somewhat pointless to utilize the wire.

    Otherwise, these are amazing headphones that I highly recommend for any sound aficionado and the price that they retail for.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Ich hatte zuvor die B&W P3 und die P5, welche irgendwie nie so wirklich gefallen haben.
    Die P3 drckten zu hart auf die Ohren und konnten hchstens eine halbe Stunde auf den Ohren bleiben, die P5 waren durch das Leder direkt auf den Ohren zu warm und sahen nach einigen Jahren Nutzung nicht mehr ansehnlich aus.
    Nachdem ich mir einige andere Kopfhrer angesehen habe (Beats Studios, Bose Q35, usw.) habe ich mich fr die PX entschieden und bin seitdem begeistert.
    Sie sind recht schwer, aber stren auch mit Brille nur wenig, wenn man sie auch richtig aufsetzt.
    Die Software braucht ab und lange, um die PX zu finden, aber ich nutze den ANC fast gar nicht, da die Kopfhrer ohnehin schon sehr viel Umgebung abdecken durch ihr umschlieendes Design.
    Ich wrde mir wnschen, dass man sie einfacher transportieren knnte, wie z.B. die P9, aber im Endeffekt, bin ich zufrieden, dass Sie so stabil sind.
    Die mitgelieferte Tasche empfinde ich als etwas sinnlos, da ich die PX nie ordentlich da hinein bekomme. Daher trage ich sie bei Nichtgebrauch um den Hals.

  10. ErrolDarby says:

     United Kingdom

    Give the phone 35 hours of play! And You will feel the difference.

  11. SherrilCintron says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    ber die Verarbeitung kann ich nur sagen: verdammt gut. Ehre dem Ehre gebhrt. Sie sitzen auch gut fr eine optimale Geruschsunterdrckung, die aber an die von Bose und Parrot nicht ganz dran kommt. Tests habe ich unteranderem im Rechenzentrum durchgefhrt, da ich in einem arbeite. Optimaler kann man Unterscheide mit dem menschlichen Gehr nicht messen und da ich ber keine Messevorrichtung verfge war das optimal.

    Die Ohrpolster knnen aber eventuell, bei manchen, nach lngerm tragen, Druckstellen erzeugen. Wirklich weich sind sie nicht.

    Der USB Typ-C ist fr mich die optimale Lsung, ebenso die Bedienelemente. Da gibt’s meinerseits keine Kritik eher Lob.
    Ich finde sie auch optisch gelungen, wenn auch nicht ganz so stylisch wie die Parrot Zik.

    Jetzt aber zum wichtigsten Punkt, dem Klang!
    Ja sie brauchen zwingend Einspielzeit! Am Anfang war ich fast schon entsetzt, weil ich fr 400 eine entsprechende Erwartung hatte, aber sie klangen flach und dumpf. Nach zwei Tagen Einspielzeit mit einem tragbaren CD Player ber Kabel war es doch merklich besser geworden. In dieser Zeit habe ich sie bewusst nicht getragen, um einen besseren Aha-Effekt zu bekommen. Denn jeder der ehrlich ist, wei dass man sich in Kopfhrer reinhren kann, da der Mensch ein Gewhnungstier ist. Ich habe sie dann mit Bose, Parrot und Tao Tronics verglichen ber Kabel und Bluetooth mit einem NAD CD-Spieler meinem LG V30 (LG baut derzeit die einzigen Handy mit Quad Audio DAC-Wandler, allerdings nur ber Kabel hrbar). Und zu guter Letzt mit meinen kabelgebunden Kopfhrern verglichen.
    Nach der Einspielzeit ist der Klang ausgewogen und sehr liniar, mir fehlt aber das Tiefton-Fundament und die Klarheit die ich gewohnt bin, er hat kaum eigenen Klangfarbe, bzw. wenn jmd behauptet er htte eine, dann gefllt sie mir eben nicht. Denn es ist immer eine Frage des eigenen Gehrs und Geschmacks. Aber zur Info, ich hasse die meisten Beats da sie zu viel Bass haben und der ist auch noch schwammig und der Hochton und Mittelton schlecht sind.
    Mir ist auch klar dass es geschlossene Kopfhrer sind die ber eine nicht so groe Bhne verfgen knnen wie offene Bauweisen.
    Aber da B&W durch ihre Nautilus-Serie ber das Wissen und die Erfahrung von Schnecken-Gehusen verfgt, die einen unendlich Raum hinter dem Chassis simulieren, htte ich hier vielleicht etwas mehr Innovation erwartet, auch auf die Gefahr hin den Kopfhrer grer zu machen, aber das ist halt immer eine Gradwanderung. Alternativ eine bessere Equalizerung. Bei einem Breitbnder, ist sie richtig angewendet, keine Schande. Da nun mal jeder Lautsprecher passiv oder aktiv equalizert werden msste.

    Ich hoffe dass ich Entscheidungshilfe bieten konnte, fr 200 brigens htte ich ihn behalten und ich muss auch zugegeben selbst besitze ich bei den Overears mit Bluetooth nur einen Parrot Zik 2 und einen Tao Tronics, den Bose leihe ich mir zum vergleichen immer von meinem besten Freund, aber ich habe auch schon einige gehrt, so wie jetzt den B&W. Meine Sammlung an Overears in Schnurgebunden ist grer.

    Ich stehe auf die Kunst das ein Hersteller eine gute Preis/Leistung hinbekommt, da ich keine Minderwertigkeitskomplexe habe, die ich mit einem teuren Produkt kompensieren muss. Ich habe die B&W im Warehouse Deal fr 282 bekommen, wren sie so gut wie erwartet gewesen (Klang), wren sie jetzt mir! “Zwinker”

  12. Jocelyn9877 says:

     United Kingdom

    Build quality, sound quality, noise cancelling. These headphones got all in highest level, I am big music fan and listen everywhere, bought these for gym and general listening and they are brilliant. Not cheap but worth every penny
    Very useful app too.

  13. Eva Smith says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersIch schreibe diese Rezension kurz und knapp, nachdem ich die Lieder Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin & Where Did You Sleep Last Night – Nirvana (MTV Unplugged) anscheidend mein leben lang in einer so miserablen Qualitt gehrt habe hat mich das hren dieser lieder mit dem Bower & Wilkins PX Kopfhrer in einer Art und Weise erfasst das es nur schwer in Worte zu fassen ist. Beim hren der Lieder sind mir Tne, Instrumente und Gesnge erschienen die ich vorher nicht wahrgenommen habe. Die dadurch entstandene Emotionale tiefe dieser Lieder hat mich so erschttert das Trnen kommen mussten.

    Nur einige Impressionen zum Kopfhrer selber.

    -sehr Stabil gebaut
    -edle Materialien verbaut
    -sehr einfacher Verbindungsaufbau mit dem Smartphone
    -Klangbild sehr neutral und echt
    -lange Akkulaufzeit
    -USB-C (Welcome to 2k19 Bose/Sennheiser)
    -Noise Cancelling funktioniert gut
    -automatischer Stand By Funktion ist sehr hilfreich
    -Moderne Bluetooth Standards (Aptx HD, AAC)


    -keine klappbaren Ohrmuscheln
    -wenig Zubehr (kein Flugzeug Adapter, kein 6,35 Adapter)

    Fazit: Einfach ein guter Kopfhrer fr Menschen die keine Bass explosion am Ohr wollen sondern Musik wie sie vom Knstler gehrt und gedacht ist.

  14. Jordon Cox says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI switched the Sony 1000XM3 for these and pleased I did. Better build quality, look much nicer and importantly for me the call quality is a LOT better. ANC not as good but still decent. Overall a premier set of headphones from a British company

  15. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 90 From Our UsersUm den Lesenden hier ein wenig Zeit zu sparen, mchte ich kurz auf das eingehen, was der Kopfhrer nicht kann:
    -Bei ANC On ein extrem (fr mich) schlechter Klang (Direktvergleich Sony 1000 und Panasonic 605 gleichzeitig an Cowon R), Rauschen, angehobener Bass – ein vllig verhangenes Klangbild…., selbst Bowers besttigt das in der Bedienungsanleitung und empfiehlt den Betrieb ohne ANC fr besten Klang…
    -ANC ist nicht ausgereift, bei Tests an Bosch Akkusauger, Kaffeemaschine und im
    Strassenverkehr fand bei allen Modi kaum eine ausreichende Unterdrckung statt…, da sind Bose, Sony und Panasonic deutlich weiter, was ja auch nicht verwundert…
    -der Tragekomfort (Anpressdruck) ist fr Brillentrger ab mittelgroem Kopf zu Anfang m.E. absolut unertrglich, durch einen Tipp eines Bekannten habe ich das Problem aber gelst und den 400 Euro Hrer eine Nacht lang einer
    groen Salatschssel aufgesetzt – es funktioniert, die U-Metallschiene im Kopfbgel wird flexibler
    und jetzt passt alles (keine Angst, es kann nichts kaputt gehen)…
    -die Abschaltautomatik ist unsinnig, habe diese ber die App ausgeschaltet, sonst kann der Kopfhrer auch kaum eingespielt werden ( ber der Salatschssel )
    So, alles schlecht und doch 4 Sterne ??????? Warum das ?
    -die Dinger sehen gut aus, vllig anders und m.E. besser als der Einheitslook… selbst meine geliebten H7
    gefallen mir jetzt nicht mehr so gut… Die Materialanmutung und Anfassqualitt sind einfach nur super…
    -Nach Salatschssel sitzt der PX jetzt gut und die Polster sind auch mit der Zeit weicher geworden
    -Die Bedientasten (zum Glck kein Touchpad) sind gut zu fhlen und zu unterscheiden, guter Druckpunkt und stabil
    Zum Wichtigsten:
    Der PX hat den besten Klang aller mir bekannten BT-Kopfhrer im BT-Betrieb. Zum Testen besitze ich folgende Gegner: Bose QC 35 II, Sennheiser Momentum 2.0, Beoplay H4 und H7, Sony MDR 1000
    Als Zuspieler : Fiio M9 AptxHD (der Knaller !!!!!), COWON R, Shanling M2, Pioneer XDP 100, Lotoo PAW (Cowon R AptX zum Vergleichen doppelt)
    Der PX hat den besten Hochtonbereich von allen, dicht gefolgt vom H7, eine geniale Balance zwischen unaufgeregt und trotzdem voller Informationen.
    Der Mitten- und Stimmbereich ist genial, keine Verfrbungen, absolute Durchhrbarkeit auch bei extrem komplexen Arrangements, die Bhne schn breit und alles niemals aufdringlich.
    Der Bass ist extrem sauber und absolut gut hrbar, aber eben auch nicht leicht angehoben… Wo wenig ist, kommt auch wenig raus…. Der Sennheiser ist hier auf Augenhhe, fr Freunde der leicht wrmeren und etwas erdigeren Art ist der M2 dem PX durchaus berlegen….
    Fr mich ist der Klang traumhaft, ein direkter Umstieg vom Bose oder H4 mit gleicher Musik ist gefhrlich, dann suggeriert die Klangerinnerung eine fade / dnne Klangkulisse, da die beiden anderen durch die Badewannenabstimmung viel flliger und fetter klingen. Fr Bewegung und Sport ziehe ich die beiden sogar vor, fr intensives Hren und Eintauchen ist der PX erste Wahl.
    Fr die Basskritiker empfehle ich mal Slayers South of Heaven Intro erster Song, es sind mehrere Gitarren !! und die BD wandert voller Wucht durch den Raum, echt knackig….. da gibt es nichts mehr zu meckern. Auch empfehlenswert ist Moonspell Extinct, top produziert, der Bass per PX ber das ganze Album voller Kraft, hnliches gilt fr Sentenced Cold White Light.
    Meine Klangrangliste:
    Bowers PX
    Sennheiser Momentum 2.0
    Beoplay H7
    Sony MDR 1000 / Panasonic 605 / M & D MW 60
    Audio Technica S5R BT
    H4 / Bose QC II
    Sennheiser BT 4.40 / JBL BT 55
    Alles per BT !!

  16. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I have been looking for a good over the ear-headphones for a while now. I have been enjoying the Bose in-ear headphones for the last 6 years and wanted to buy a wireless headphones for 2 years. I tried Sony 1000xm3 ,Bose quite comfort 35 II, and Dolby dimension (Just came out in end of 2018). My requirement was comfort and sound as the number one thing and then build, design, battery life. All of these headphones came short in either in comfort or sound.
    I was traveling back to US and saw the ad for this Bowers and Wilkins PX. I loved the design from the ad. I ordered it about 3 days ago and just started using it yesterday.
    – Great out of the box experience. No issues connecting to my phone.
    – Out of the box sound was perfect. I have been listening to music for over 2 hrs now intermittently. I read that the sound system needs to be broken-in before it sounds great. I can assure you that it already is great. If it gets better than this, that will be a cherry-on-the-top. So far, this headphone has the best sounds that I experienced so far.
    – Great build quality with premium looks. I really liked the textured skin around the ear-cup.
    – I liked the auto-pause functionality when you remove it from your ear. Kudos for that.
    Cons: Evaluating
    – I read online that the only department where this headphone suffers is comfort especially at the beginning hrs of using it. Apparently, the ear pads also needs to be broken-in. People also talked about a pressure point where it touches your head. This was a bit concerning for me but I still wanted to give it a shot and try listening for long hrs and see if I can handle it. Maximum time I have been listening to is about 1 hr now. I do see the pressure point issue but for me it’s mostly places where the ear cups touch my skin. Hopefully this will go away. In terms of getting my ear warm (and this is a big one for me), so far so good. My ears are getting warmer but it is still within range of my comfort. FYI, I am listening in a room set to 76F. I bet if I use it outside with temp of 40-50F, it will take longer to warm up. I will continue to wear it as much as I can and update my experience. I am hoping it will get better or I will get used to it. The sound is so great that I am willing to stretch this issue and ignore it for now. 🙂
    – Evaluating battery life as well. with out-of-the-box battery of 75% and with listening for an 1 hr, the level dropped to 72%. This evaluation will be updated.

  17. EvanNexhzp says:

     United Kingdom

    Really great sound and very easy to use! Battery life is good. Robust. Easy to store. Only issue (which could be due to my ear size) sometimes the noise cancelling momentarily stops as a move my head left.

  18. EvieI72flu says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHabe den PX nach dem P7 gekauft, die Geruschunterdrckung ist eine Wohltat fr Ohren und Gemt. Deutlich verbessert ist die Bedienbarkeit der Tasten, die beim P7 nicht so deutlich abgesetzt sind. Sinnvoll ist das Anhalten der Musik beim Abnehmen von den Ohren. Angenehm deutlich ist auch die umfassende Form der Hrmuschel, da trgt das Leder beim P7 zustzlich auf, was die Auflage weniger ber, dafr mehr auf das Ohr fhrt. Dennoch wren die Hrmuscheln des P9 genau richtig, die sind sowohl deutlich abschirmend als auch ausreichend gro. (Deshalb den einen Stern Abzug beim Komfort, auf Dauer werden die Lauscher schon ein wenig bedrngt). Zum Design, zunchst fand ich die schlichten Bgen gewhnungsbedrftig, ebenso fehlte mir die Eigenschaft, die Muscheln einklappen zu knnen. Inzwischen gefllt mir der dezentere Stil (gegenber den markanten silbernen Bgeln mit kreisrunden Glanzflchen beim P7) deutlich besser. Selbst wenn sie mal abgenommen werden, lassen sich die PX sehr gut in jeder Tasche verstauen. Wie schon beim P7 hat mich auch beim PX die erst mit der Zeit deutlich verstrkte Klangflle. Selbst bei sehr geringer Lautstrke – und die macht Dank der Geruschunterdrckung ja auch Sinn – kommt einem enormes Klangvolumen entgegen, ohne zu drcken. Das ist eine ganz neue Qualitt. Fr sensible Genieer, die ihr Hrvermgen schonen wollen, lohnt der Umstieg auf PX garantiert. Klare Kaufempfehlung, auch fr Umsteiger.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I’m just going to mention my experience with the sound of these headphones. But I’ll mention a couple things up top.

    They have a lot of clamping force. If you have a large head you may find these uncomfortable

    The active noise cancelling is adequate and it does alter the sound on every of the three levels. I personally don’t care about ANC.

    The auto pause function when removing them works very well (when set to “more”) and is a very nice feature.

    I don’t notice much difference between wired and wireless other than more volume wired.

    Glasses do in fact seem to “break the seal” and you do lose a lot of the low end frequency while wearing them.

    These headphones were definately engineered for music. They would never be my choice for games or movies.

    The mic appears to be adequate. My wife said I sound more clear than with previous hesdphones.

    They’re beautiful.

    I like to listen to music on my towers. As headphones go I like a pair of no frills, high end, open ear Senn headphones on my hi-fi. If I’m on the move and using my phone I’v never been picky. I’ve liked wireless for convenience but sound quality hasn’t been a factor because I didnt think excellent sound was possible via bluetooth. It appears Ive been doing it wrong. I’ve been using a modest pair of AKG Y50s which, to my ears sound great. They have punchy bass like most inexpensive consumer headphones. But it turns out they have little in the way of clarity and sparkle for a bluetooth headphone. When I first swapped them with the PXs I was underwhelmed and pretty sure they were going back. I swapped between Mother Mother, Zeds Dead, Slayer, M83, Pharcyde, Diplo, songs I am intimately familiar with, looking for that deep bass, chunky mid and trying to figure out why the sound was so gutted despite the consistent feedback that these are one of the best sounding wireless phones on the market. Lows were neutral, highs seemed sterile. Going back and forth my brain wasn’t registering the QUALITY of sound it was receiving. I decided to give them a couple days and it turns out I look forward to my commute to work more than ever. I may be addicted to the presence I experience when wearing them. The PX have a very, very natural sound signature. They will produce bass when bass is there but there is no additional excentuation that we’ve been told is the measure of a headphone’s quality. If the recording is crap these are not going to improve that. What they do have is an extremely balanced sound with incredible clarity. Are they going to be a go to headphone for electronic music or hip hop. They might be because music just sounds more exciting even if my eyeballs aren’t vibrating.

    Overall I’m very happy with my purchase. I haven’t got much to compare them to but I do feel like they’re what I was looking for; an engaging musical wireless experience.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThe materials and sound quality are very good. These get compared to the Bose a lot and the Bower & Wilkins PX material and build are just much better for the same price. Bonus the sound quality is awesome even wireless.

    I own the Bose QC35 and the QC30. Hands down the noise canceling is the best there is. But the sound quality of the music could be better.

    That being said I added a picture comparing the size of the PX vs the QC35 in their respective cases. Both are large just in different dimensions. The PX does not really fold at all. If I were traveling a lot I’d pick my QC30 over either the PX or the QC35 because of size. But for general use I would pick the PX because of sound quality.

    I tried all with the phone calls in relatively quiet environments. People said I was quite clear with the QC35 and the PX. The QC30 seemed to be the least able to handle phone calls well. Everyone complained about how I sounded when using the QC30.

    The few issues
    -You can only connect to one device at a time. So you have to go through a connect dialog if you want to switch devices. Either Bose will connect to 2 devices and switch pretty easily between them.
    -the buttons are right where I grab the headphones. I need to adjust where I hold the earphones when I pull them on and off.
    -No folding. The headphones turn so they are a little flatter but really the size for traveling is quite large
    -The ANC control is through an app. There is a button to turn it off and on – but if you want to adjust the ANC you have to use the app.
    -The ANC on/off button is jarring. Everything stops for a second then comes back.
    -I tried messing with the ANC during a phone call and the phone call died. Not sure what I did but I was playing with the button and the app while on a call and the person on the other side stopped being able to hear me.

    Comfort – I find them good enough. It’s high quality padding and material – so it will take some time to get everything fitting and soft. But definitely if you have a larger head you should try these on at a store to get a feel for them. I could see there being too much pressure for some people.

    Overall – these are going to be my daily headphones for use at a desk and in the office. The adjustable ANC and the sound are what I need. Plus being able just to pull off the headphones to pause everything (like the AirPods) is a big selling point for me. People stop by my desk all the time and this is a great feature for the office.

    Awesome Quality and Sound - Some minor annoyances

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersGreat sound, good noise canceling, not sure they’ll last…but I hope so

    First, I really like these headphones. They’re not too heavy, they feel like they’re well made. They sound quite nice, best bluetooth headphone I tried. I tested out a few from Sennheiser to Bose and the PX’s provided the best sound and feel of any that I tried.

    I use these daily, and unfortunately, the headband pad is already pulling out of the metal band (see pictures). My Bose QC15’s lasted way longer before showing any material defects (used daily for about 6 years). For a relatively expensive pair of headphones, I’d expect them to last more than a year.

    On that, the warranty should kick in for the headband, if you can ever get in touch with Bowers & Wilkins to file for the warranty that is. The website doesn’t seem to work well enough to send a warranty request and unfortunately you only get an answering machine for the repair telephone line.

    Great headphones, some issues with build quality

  22. butwhymummywhy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersFirst off – these things are very impressive, in pretty much all aspects.

    Materials and build quality are light years ahead of the closest (wireless/noise cancelling) competition at the same price point. I came from a pair of Bose QC35s (loved them too) but it’s really no contest. Steel, leather and gorgeous textured/woven nylon.

    Usability wise these things win too, the sensors that pause and resume music when you take the headphones or an earcup off are magical, and the fact that B&W themselves recommend using that function instead of ever turning the headphones off (meaning instant pairing and resumption of music playback the moment you put them back on) really adds to the experience of using these headphones. The buttons on the right earcup are easy to find your way around, and the addition of a button to toggle noise cancelling on and off is a godsend coming from my old QC35s, which needed to use the bose app.

    Sound wise very impressed, much wider and clearer sounding than I’ve listened to before. Sounded great out of the box – rather different from the QC35s or HyperX Cloud 2s that are my ‘normal’ over-ears for different uses but certainly better to my taste. Not sure whether burn-in improving the sound noticeably is a thing or if it’s just getting used to the sound profile of new headphones but either way the sound on these is nothing short of stellar in my opinion.

    Some people have complaints about comfort – they do have a slightly firmer than usual grip on the sides of your head and to a lesser extent the top, but I can’t describe them as anything but ‘very comfortable’. Maybe I’m just fortunate that my head shape matches these quite well! The leather earcups and headband lining look and feel gorgeous, and should last longer than the faux leather and soft foam of some other headsets. They’re attached magnetically too so replacing down the line should be dead easy.

    USB C for charging should be the norm these days, and the fact that you can listen through *either* usb c or a 3.5mm cable on these things is very good in my book. Battery life excellent also, especially if you don’t use the noise cancelling to death – the isolation on these things even without ANC on is pretty impressive!

    Overall, I can’t recommend these things enough, no regrets at all having switched to these from my QC35s!

  23. BillieSneed says:

     United Kingdom

    You know this is quality the moment you open the box. Everything is just where it should be with first class UK support. The cans themselves are on the heavy side of average but then the build. You get the feeling that these cans can suffer abuse and not even show a scratch. The pouch inside is OK protection but a hard case would be appreciated.
    Once the somewhat fussy Bluetooth pairing is out of the way and the app is downloaded the headphones/app search for the latest software. Mine came with Firmware V1.066 20 minutes later it had upgraded to latest firmware. Dont worry if you phone goes to sleep, my update was successful even in this state.
    So fully charged the cans are ready to go and boy are your ears in for a treat. The sound is a tad warm but bass is well controlled and mids are clear. Treble is clear but somewhat rolled off. They do sound there best with NC off but given that they fit so well they do a good job passively. This is the headphone for the hifi enthuasist as they dont really need any eq. They fit well with a fairly high level of clamp and the buttons are nicely spaced and click well. Battery life is a solid 22 hours which is slightly better than most but is bettered by the Sony XM3. USB C is a nice addition for not only charging but also connecting from a phone as well as the standard 3.5mm jack.
    I believe you can get the battery changed by B & W but no idea of cost.
    Noise cancelling is effective and you have three levels each one controlled by the app. Each selection does alter the sound somewhat and can create NC hiss. Talking of the app its fine and works well at least its does now. The pause and auto switch off have so far been flawless. All in all this is the gold standard buy them you will not be disappointed only if the very best noise cancelling is your number 1 goal then maybe the Bose is better or the Sony XM2’s (not the 3’s).

  24. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIch hatte mir diese B&W PX und die Bose QC 35II zum vergleich bestellt.
    Als erstes bekam ich die Bose und war vom ANC begeistert, der Sound war ok. Dann ein paar Tage spter kamen die B&W PX und ich muss sagen, ich war sofort hin und weg von diesen Kopfhrern. Der Sound ist um Welten besser als von Bose, das ANC wrde ich als gleichwertig bezeichnen.
    (Habe heute eine Runde auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt mit der Typischen Weihnachtsmusik und dem viele Leute Geplapper gedreht. meine Einstellung war Flugzeugmodus und 1/3 der Musiklautstrke und ich dachte ich war alleine unterwegs. So gut wie keine strenden Gerusche von auen.)
    was mir Persnlich auch sehr gut gefllt, ist dieses tolle Design und die hochwertige Verarbeitung.
    Ganz anders die Bose Dinger, sie wirken einfach nur billig vom Material und der Klang ist im vergleich nur matschige und basslastig.
    Ich bin froh mir die B&W PX bestellt zu haben und behalte sie. Bose geht zurck, durchgefallen.

    Fazit, wer wert auf guten klang legt und ein paar Taler mehr ausgibt, ist mit diesen B&W Kopfhrern bestens bedient.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A real pleasure to listen to, superb quality sound producing every detail, have many useful features, very pleased I chose these.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    These are simply fantastic, comfortable, and provide great sound and noise cancellation.
    Would recommend these to anyone.
    Don’t be put off by certain reviews, you won’t be disappointed!

  27. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHe utilizado decenas de audfonos, y en este modelo encontr todo lo que realmente necesito (portabilidad, simpleza en su uso, constantes actualizaciones adaptndose a los cambios que surgen, calidad en el material, varias opciones de conexin, y desde luego, un audio que me seduzca. El sonido es fantstico, pero es insuperable cuando se conecta directamente con el cable de los audfonos. Si quieren calidad, a cambio de un precio justo, no duden ms y endulcen sus odos a la brevedad.

    Ya les dije que estoy muy satisfecho con mi compra?

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m happy with this product.
    I experienced no problem.
    The sound quality as well as the comfort are superb.

  29. Martin Brinkmann says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAfter reading all the reviews on high end noise cancelling headphones I was tempted by the Bose offering but I always trust What HiFi’s views and they were spot on. These headphones offer detailed sound and once broken in they sound great. The trade off with giving such detail is that if the source is below par it will sound worse in these that perhaps the other offerings. They are really comfortable and easy to use along with app support. There is a firmware update through the app too so get that on and enjoy the Orchestra in your ears.

  30. WillyE50vjb says:


    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersExcellent produit
    Le son est extraordinaire. Vraiment. Il manque seulement de clart gnrale due un manque dans les 20khz. Je ne pensais pas que a s’entendrait, mais c’est vrai que le son peu paratre un peu mtallique sur certaines voix. Par ailleurs, le casque fait son poids. En tant qu’homme, pas de souci. Mais pour une femme avec une petite nuque, ce serait un peu lourd au bout d’une heure.
    Mais sinon, pour le reste c’est vraiment gnial topissime. Le systme d’arret Automatique, la capacit qui tient largement les 20heures d’ecoute, la rapidit de recharge, le confort, la qualit de fabriquation. Et surtout, le son dans les graves est extremely fun et subtile. Un rgal sur des morceaux de type teardrop de massive attack ou du violoncelle, …etc

  31. lzy9 says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSpedizione e imballaggio perfetti. La cuffie sono racchiuse in un’elegante scatola di cartone bianco e alloggiate in un supporto modellato a misura. Compleato la dotazione un cavo minijack, una per la ricarica una custodia in stoffa nera imbottita e un manuale. La costruzione e i materiali impiegati sono assolutamente di primissima qualit: al tatto, plastiche opache e metalli satinati sono piacevoli da toccare. Indossandole il confort assoluto: le orecchie entrano totalmente nel morbido alloggio e garantiscono un’assoluto isolamento acustico anche in ambienti particolarmente rumorosi tipo aeromobili. Per ovviare al totale isolamento, presente una funzione, attivabile a piacere, che riproduce l’audio esterno a volume pienamente controllabile dall’utente.. Si possono collegare via cavo In dotazione oppure, per una migliore qualit data dal dac interno, via bluetooth. Il suono davvero impressionante! Le trovo abbastanza neutre con suoni e sfumature musicali molto sottili e dettagliati; i bassi si fanno sentire, ma senza essere troppo invadenti. Con file non compressi o in High resolution audio, una piccola curva di equalizzazione si ascolta musica davvero come si deve! Consigliate ad utenze esigenti. La qualit B+W c’, e su tutti i fronti. Neanche minimamente paragonabili con AirPods o Beats.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt took me a while to decide between sony M3 and B&W. As much as i like the nc of sony i ended up buying the B&W due to better sounds quality. The details and crisps of sound in B&W is superior than sony even after i tried adjusting the sony’s eq in apps. B&W sounds has more resolution than Sony let me put it that way.

    For nc B&W nc is very good too. Although sony can cancel the voice frequency a little better than B&W.. B&W nc is also very good in cancelling the background noise, which means you can still enjoy listening to your music at a very low volume even in a busy place like the starbucks as an example.

    Issue… i found the bluetooth unstable in my imac everytime i reconnected the B&W to it. The work around is I have to reboot my 27 inch 2009 IMAC right after pairing it. Bluetooth connection is solid after it auto reconnected during the bootup of the IMAC. No bluetooth connection issue in windows and s8 at i think it is somehow an issue in the imac 2009 os.

    With it comes to comfort, sony is lighter and softer in my ears. B&W is not and i actually felt a hot spot on the top of my head after day 2 but it went away after day 3 which i think the break in period. I highly advice that you try it by your self first before buying it just to see how it will fit on your head and ears. Ensure that you have some allowance on your head for adjustments incase if needed.

    I missed the nfc feature of sony and i always have to reset the B&W to factory default settings from the apps to clear its memory everytime i want to reconnect it to different devices. E.g. from s8 to imac and vice versa.
    But i like that B&W can remember the last device that i used and it can always auto reconnect from standby with out an issue.

    i tested it also in my wife’s iphone 7 and i found that the sounds of B&W is a lot better in s8. E.g. the mid and high are a little crips in s8 at eq default settings.

    B&W is definitely Highly recommended.. the auto standby and pause when taking it off is a plus! I dont need to turn off this head phone at all.

    I put 4 stars in battery life cause sony is 6 hrs better than B&W but the 22 hours battery life of B&W is good enough for my needs to be honest.

    Hope this review will help you on your buying decision.

    Excellent sound quality! Better than Sony M3 in my experienced.

  33. RetaDesjardins says:

     United Kingdom

    Any issues that the headset had before have been fixed, very good quality headphones deserving of all its rewards

  34. Troy Christian says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI reviewed all the major makes and chose Bowers & Wilkins and I have to say they are perfect for my needs, from the presentation to the latest software updates the ease of setup, the immediate connection and pausing off music, the finish is outstanding,w and I have found no problems as to the weight, and the sound oh the sound is brilliant well worth the money.

  35. IrisHNQhfq says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersDespus de usar por un par de aos los Bose QC25, decid cambiar a B&W y probar, no me defraud, la calidad de los materiales son excepcionales, la piel en las almohadilladas y diadema son un buen detalle para soportar el desgaste diario que con los Bose era complicado cambiar la piel sinttica cada rato. El ajuste de la diadema tiene un mecanismo suave cosa que creo es un gran detalle. La calidad de sonido es demasiado buena, el hecho de que la puedas adaptar la cancelacin de sonido es muy conveniente. Al principio los senta un poco duros pero despus de un tiempo se fueron soltando y adaptando lo que me hace pensar que se pens en eso desde un principio. Vali cada centavo muy recomendado para melomanos exigentes con un muy buen gusto en detalles pequeos pero que marcan toda la diferencia.

    Calidad Material y Auditiva

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 71 From Our UsersI’ll keep it as brief as I can and also try to address some of the points raised in other reviews:

    Sound – is fantastic, I owned a pair of p3s and these have a bigger soundscape (due to the larer drivers I think?) warm and natural with plenty of texture and precision. Acoustic/rock/classical music sound incredible.

    Active Isolation – As good as my Wired Bose Quiet Comforts, it does affect the overall sound quality, so use the active isolation only when you need to. The additional environment ‘pass-through’ settings are very useful. Office – allows you to hear nearby conversations etc. City – You can hear nearby traffic and crowds. Plane – knocks out everything. One additional note is that I found the Pxs have a natural amount of passthrough when making calls – minimising the YEAH, I’M JUST ON MY WAY NOW…WHAT? YEAH IT WAS CRAP scenarios.

    Build – Oozes quality, leather ear pads will soften nicely a little after wearing for a few days. Hinges and headband look and feel very well made. Would’ve liked a hard case included, but the soft one looks pretty classy.

    Fit/ weight – Some reviewers complained about the the fit after a few hours, I had a little ache on the top of my head (I have a little ridge at the top of my skull), I just loosened the fit and not had the problem since. Would’ve like the headband cushion to be a little bigger and softer – I have a pair of beyerdynamic DT770 Pros which have a better headband imho.

    Ease of Use – iOS app installed and updated the firmwear on my Pxs in about 15 minutes (no fuss at all). Controls responded as expected, nice and responsive. Auto power off and mute etc is handy – you might need to choose one of the 3 settings for it to behave predictably on your head – no biggy.

  37. RetaWoodward says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    These are my first set of wireless and noise cancelling headphones and I have to say I’m very impressed. I’ve been listening to them for a few days mainly in work. The noise cancelling is great, it doesn’t create total silence but it does reduce the background noise levels to a degree where you don’t need high volumes to drown out the noise. There is an option to allow ‘break through’ of voices which works well but obviously lets in the sound of people talking, but this can be turned off.

    The sound quality is excellent, it’s very clear and doesn’t over do the bass or any other element of the music.

    The Bluetooth connection to my iPhone 8 is rock solid and the lack of wires is great. B&W supply a 3.5mm headphone cable should you want a wired connection. Apparently this only works when the headphones are charged.

    The headphones have a sensor in them that pauses music when you take off the headphones. In my experience this works great.

    The only downsides are they do create hot spots on the the top of my head but as they can be moved this isn’t a great issue. Also the multi function button on the headphones is a little fiddly to get it to do what you want. A double click should skip to the next track, but I’ve found you need to be very quick on the double click otherwise it pauses the music – annoying but not a big issue.

    Overall I would highly recommend these, while expensive they are worth the money.

  38. Anonymous says:


    I had B&W P5 Wireless, P7 Wireless, now PX. I read tons of reviews in the Internet about PX. Most of them position PX as one of the best sounding wireless headphones on the market. Now after month of listening – personally, I am disappointed with their sound. It seems a little bit dull…. I used them wireless, wired, through USB-C, 3.5mm, connected directly to my Dell XPS 15 2018, directly to my HTC 10 (it has not bad sound processor), also connected to my Onkyo DAC-HA200 (all possible interfaces – USB, 3.5mm)…. The source is of high quality music – up to 24bit, 96kHz, 5Mb/sec… Sometimes it’s better, sometimes – less, but overall impression – it’s not what I expected after reading of all those reviews. Most probably I got over-expectations.

    GOOD: fantastic interfaces – USB-C, 3.5, sensors, BT. They are very comfortable and the quality of materials and build is perfect.
    SEEM TO BE BETTER (personal opinion): sound feels clamped, sound like comes from inside, not from outside (I mean it does not create sound stage which is outside of you, but it’s somewhere inside, may be this is exactly what’s needed though :)). Noise cancellation – when it’s ON, the sound is just bad.
    OVERALL: I did not send them back as they are just OK, with very good connectivity options.

    UPDATE: After 5 month of use, I would give +1 star for the sound. It doesn’t mean, it got improved, but realization of its nature came. I now like it more, it’s different from B&W P7W, not worse. However the sound still seems slightly tubed, and I still avoid noise-cancelling feature.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’ve been reading a lot of reviews on the best wireless headphones. These were my top choice as I favour sound quality, but I wasn’t sure about the comfort or tech in them after reading user reviews. I can say after wearing them for about 6 hours now, they are very comfortable. No idea what people are talking about.

    Also, when I take them off the music stops, when I put them back on it plays. They work perfectly. The new firmware update seems to have fixed the “problems” some people are having. As for sound quality, I’ve used my gf’s Bose QC35ii a lot and the B&W are much better. Possibly the best sound quality you can get with Bluetooth. Phenomenal headphones.

  40. Sondra91Nl says:

     United Kingdom

    If I had to buy life support for myself tomorrow, this would still be the best piece of tech that I’ve ever bought.

    The quality of the build, the sound, it’s just insane. I was on the train watching a movie and on the background of the scene there was a crow doing the classic crow noise. The noise of the train was so imperceptible that I looked out of the window. That is how good these are.

    I have rediscovered music I thought I knew.

    The noise cancelling lowers the quality though, and that is heavily noticeable with deep bass songs.

  41. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIch habe dank dieses Kopfhrers schon so einige Reisen im Flugzeug und in Zug und Bahn (wieder) genieen knnen! Das liegt hautpschlich an dem Noise Cancelling, welches ich vor mehreren Jahren erstmalig ausprobiert habe. Das Noise Cancelling dieses Kopfhrers ist mit den damaligen Standards absolut nicht mehr vergleichbar und so blockt es wirklich viele bis fast alle der Hintergrundgerusche effektiv aus! Beachten sollte man allerdings, dass viele Airlines auch heuzutage immer noch keine Bluetooth-Verbindungen im Flugzeug erlauben! Man sollte sich also vorher informieren, bevor man das “Notfall-“Kabel, ber die sich der Kopfhrer ebenfalls verbinden lsst, zu Hause lsst. Die Einstellungen des Noise Cancelling per App finde ich dabei auch sehr gelungen – wren da nicht die langen Ladezeiten der App. Obwohl der Kopfhrer per Bluetooth direkt mit meinem iPhone verbunden ist, dauert es unter Umstnden eine ganze Minute, bis die App meine Kopfhrer erkannt haben und man in das Einstellungsmen fr das Noise Cancelling gelangt (der Kopfhrer kann aber auch mit einer anderen Quelle verbunden sein um Einstellungsnderungen vorzunehmen). Ein schnelles Umschalten ist also definitiv nicht mglich. Positiv berrascht war ich hingegen von der Funktion, Straengerusche durchzulassen. Ich hatte hier (wieder aufgrund meiner alten Erfahrungen) mit blechernen, dumpfen Wiedergaben der Straengerusche gerechnet – wurde aber von der Qualitt der Auenmikrofone und der Weitergabe der Gerusche positiv berrascht!

    Der Klang berzeugt mich definitiv! Er ist sehr ausgewogen, d.h. weder Tiefen, Mitten noch Hhen dominieren und damit ist er meiner Meinung nach eher etwas fr Audioenthusiasten als fr den durchschnittlichen Musikhrer, den ich aus meinem Bekannten und Familienkreis kenne. Ich persnlich kann aber nur bei einem ausgewogenen Klang auch ber lngere Zeit Musik hren, da es mir ansonsten auf Dauer zu anstrengend wird und daher ist genau dieses Klangbild das richtige fr mich. Kleiner Zusatz: Im Gegensatz zu Bluetoothkopfhrern von vor mehreren Jahren ist auch das Serien oder Filme schauen ber die kabellose Verbindung ohne fr mich wahrnehmbare Verzgerung mit diesem mglich.

    Die Verarbeitung und die verwendeten Materialien bei dem Kopfhrers ist ein Traum! Da kann im direkten Vergleich ganz besonders der Bose QC35 – aber auch der Sony WH-1000XM2 – nicht mithalten und auch optisch ist der Bowers Wilkins wesentlich eleganter und macht einen wertigeren Eindruck. Vor allem das (angebliche) Echtleder an den Ohrmuscheln wirkt, als msste ich mir auch mittelfristig keine Gedanken ber neue Ohrpolster machen. Wenn es allerdings um den Komfort geht, hinkt der Bowers & Wilkins hinterher – nicht zuletzt vielleicht auch aufgrund der wertigeren Materialien. Ein leichtes Drcken verspre ich durchaus von dem Kopfhrer, welches sich durch Anpassungen der Bgellnge meist ausmerzen lsst. Eine perfekte Einstellung habe ich allerdings dennoch nicht gefunden und so ist der Komfort einer meiner grten Kritikpunkte. Mein zweiter Kritikpunkt liegt in der automatischen Pausenerkennung. Also in der Theorie die Funktion, die die Musik pausiert oder gar den Kopfhrer in den Standby setzt, sobald man die Ohrmuschel anhebt oder den Kopfhrer abnimmt und ber den Nacken baumeln lsst. Leider darf ich trotz Ausprobieren der verschiedensten Einstellungen meinen Kopf nicht einmal (auch nur leicht) schrg legen, denn bereits dann reagiert die Pausenerkennung meines Kopfhrers sodass ich nach einer Woche des rgerns und Ausprobieren die Funktion aufgegeben und deaktiviert habe.

    Update 11/2018:
    Ich habe zwischenzeitlich das Problem mit dem Sensor zur automatischen Pausierung durch ein Reset auf die Werkseinstellungen ber die App in den Griff bekommen, sodass die Funktion mittlerweile bei mir vllig problemlos funktioniert und ich auch meinen Kopf nun schrg legen darf!

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought my pair direct from Bowers & Wilkins, but thought I’d leave a review here to help others thinking of picking them up.

    I have tried a few different pairs of headphones, the Bose QC35 2, Sony WH-1000MX2 and a few others, and the B&W PX for me have the best sound. Incidentally, the Bose have the best comfort and the Sonys the best controls.

    Good stuff:

    Anyway, the B&W PXs, after 24hr+ burn in time, sound fantastic wired and wireless. Less so when using the ANC. They support APTX (MacOS/Android) and AAC (iOS mainly), and will default back to SBC if neither of those codecs are available.

    They were comfortable for me off the bat, smallish head/ears, but as mentioned below I did have some issues.

    USB C charging. I think B&W might be ahead of the curve here, and great to see the newer standard being incorporated. On that note, battery life is pretty strong:

    Up to 22 hours BT/ANC
    Up to 29 hours BT/no ANC
    Up to 33 hours ANC/wired
    Up to 50 hours wired/no ANC

    Not so good Stuff:

    Having to use the app to change ANC settings. Seems a shame not to have the 3 settings mapped to a button for ease of cycling through the modes. Being able to turn on and off is a compromise I guess.

    The headphones are active, so need power even if using wired. So if the battery dies, they die. Also, no voice prompts to alert you to this fact. Battery status does show up on iOS taskbar, tho.

    All the good stuff, for me at least, is killed by the fact when wearing glasses, due to the shallow nature of the pads, you don’t get a full seal. So end up losing the bottom end of the music. Take glasses off and the bass definition reappears. I won’t beat B&W too hard with this stick, as it is a hard thing to manufacturer around, but the issue is less noticeable with other companies products.


    If you don’t wear glasses, or can listen with them off (I can’t really as blind as a bat without me specs), then I would 100% recommend them. The bottom line is a headphones main requirement is to sound good, and these really do, and in most cases the comfort shouldn’t be an issue. They sound good enough I am debating whether to keep hold of them and just accept I will have to listen blind…..literally.

    Great headphones, but not ideal with glasses.

  43. Tegoeh Chuzy says:


    Golden Review Award: 45 From Our UsersRiconosco che la mia recensione probabilmente un po troppo lunga, ma devo aggiungere necessariamente un importante Update alla prova, che sinceramente non fa che confermare la recensione precedente per quanto riguarda la tecnologia Bluetooth ma forse denigrava un po troppo la cuffia in se.. Mi mancava una prova da fare, collegare la cuffia in passivo al AK70 e il risultato stato pazzesco, ha surclassato quasi tutte le mie cuffie in prova compreso la mitica hifiman 400i anche se in questo caso forse la sorgente non il massimo per una planare.
    una cuffia per acustica, la batteria letteralmente divina, schiocca che un piacere sax chitarre prendono davvero vita. Per non parlare dei violini! Ha un medio alto sopraffino veramente di classe, tutto particolarmente esaltante. Sono estremamente sensibili quindi molto rivelatrici ogni distorsione contenuta nel brano viene esaltata. Percussioni riprodatte in questo modo non le ho mai sentite onestamente, veramente esaltante e ridicolizza la povera sennheiser m2 o b&o h6 provata ovviamente con la stessa sorgente. Solo la grande phidelio x2 la supera in qualit ma stiamo parlando di una cuffia aperta con driver da 5cm! Enorme e intrasportabile. Voglio fare i complimenti a b&w per una grande cuffia passiva che pu essere usata all’occorrenza anche in modalit bluetooth e filtro ambientale. Io la vedo proprio cos ora 300 li vale tutti e me la tengo stretta.. Pensare che l’ho pagata una cifra ridicola..

    All’ora mi accingo ad eseguire una recensione ad una delle cuffie top del panorama Bluetooth oggi esistente. Ho letto decine di recensioni in cui si lodava la qualit musicale superiore a tutti i concorrenti diretti, sony bose e sennheiser. In questa mia breve prova ho avuto diverse conferme e nessuna sorpresa. Premetto l’ho acquistata a 202 usata in perfette condizioni pari al nuovo approffitando del prime day. L’ho provata accoppiata ad un s7edge, ipad pro e astell&kern ak70 che sfrutta il mitico aptxhd quest’ultimo con tracce flac prevalentemente a 24bit. Prima conferma il chip bluetooth della samsung penoso si sente decisamente meglio ipad che sfrutta il codec aac in teoria inferiore al aptx samsung. Non ho avuto nessun tipo di problema che ho letto su una miriade di recensioni negative al riguardo del sensore dei padiglioni che mette in pausa le cuffie quando vengono rimosse, l’ho sballottate per bene ma non ha mai interrotto la musica una sola volta, probabilmente hanno risolto il problema con il nuovo firmware, direi molto comodo. Ho costatato che suonano decisamente meglio senza filtro ambiente con musica ad alta qualit e con il filtro settato su ufficio con deezer sul samsung (pi pulizia nell’ascolto meno confusione).
    A livello costruttivo non le sento eccessivamente pesanti, stringono un po troppo ma ci si fa l’abitudine presto, comunque decisamente inferiori alle b&o play non sono minimamente confrontabili, pelle d’agnello e alluminio, il top.
    Vediamo al suono, ho avuto la conferma ancora una volta che le cuffie Bluetooth non sono a livello delle cugine passive, la ho confrontata con una sennheiser momentum 2.0 passiva, b&o play h6 seconda gen. Hifiman 400i e philips fidelio x2, cuffie che costano tutte decisamente meno dei 350 della px prezzo al nuovo qui su amazon. Per correttezza le ho collegate ad un modulo Bluetooth anstell&kern xb10 e non direttamente al ak70 (non ci sarebbe partita) che svolge il ruolo di sorgente aptxhd, ultima nota il modulo xb10 non riesce a pilotare adeguatamente le hifiman 400 un carico troppo elevato, questa la collego direttamente al ak70.
    Ebbene su ogni prova la px ne esce sconfitta. Il suono decisamente flat con i medi messi in risalto, la curva simile al hifiman ma ha differenza di questo decisamente pi calda, i bassi sono presenti ma molto veloci e gli alti alquanto delicati, forse gli avrei preferiti un po pi in risalto ma il giudizio di un quarantenne magari non ci sento pi molto bene, diciamo non aggiunge niente alla musica e questo sicuramente positivo. Quello che manca qui la dinamica pura, la separazione tra gli strumenti, la pulizia tra il silenzio e il suono il famoso s/n in cui il povero amplificatore del px esce malamente sconfitto dal piccolo xb10. Non che il px non sia potente anzi se pilotato dal ak70 ti sfonda letteralmente i timpani ma li manca quel qualcosa.. Anche la tridimensionalida del suono a mio avviso non il massimo, molti nelle recensioni enfatizzavano la spazialit degli strumenti grazie al posizionamento degli altoparlanti, io sinceramente non ho notato niente di particolare, anzi l’ho trovata alquanto mediocre, le sennheiser mi piacciono decisamente di pi.
    Per le mie prove sulla qualit del’amplificatore io uso sempre la stessa canzone “private investigations” dei dire straits a 24 bit flac, qui che si sente tutta la dinamica di una cuffia dove lo stadio di amplificazione la fa da padrone, tutto batteria basso chitarra elettrica e tastiere danno vita ad un sound esplosivo, la migliore qui decisamente la philips fidelio x2 seguita da vicina da hifiman 400i, la px la esegue in modo piatto non travolgente al quanto deludente. Addiritura anche il pianoforte di einaudi ha un suono quasi artificioso non saprei, la differenza con l’uscita del ak70 con la medesima traccia parecchio marcata.
    Siamo alla resa dei conti la ricomprerei? A 350 assolutamente no, avrete capito che per me la caratteristica fondamentale di una cuffia la qualit audio, se quello che cercate per ascoltare della buona musica intorno alle quattro mura di casa ma volete una connessione Bluetooth io suggerirei un modulo Bluetooth collegato ad una buona cuffia passiva, non dico necessariamente anstell&kern, ho avuto anche il fiio non era niente male, se non vi importa del bluetooth all’ora un buon dap magari con il Bluetooth come ak70 o fiio x3 o ibasso dx200, un amplificatore per cuffie sarebbe il top ovviamente ma parlo di libert di movimento. Se vi serve la portabilit ora ha senso acquistare queste genere di cuffie ma ho qualche dubbio sulla portabilit della px, ho le bose on-ear e sono tutta un’altra cosa piccole e leggere, ma si sendono decisamente peggio delle px.

  44. Taylor Frint says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    After being bitterly disappointed by the Sony 1000XM2’s (over engineered, crackling sound), I decided to look at something more…luxurious. Right out of the box these headphones look (and smell, albeit not in a vegan-friendly way) the real deal. Personally, I think these headphones outsmart the B&O H9i’s on looks. Quality materials throughout and a great design to boot. Many reviews mention these headphones are uncomfortable and this just wasn’t the case for me at all. The Sony’s had flimsy ear cushions with heavy ear cups which meant a) tons of ear sweat and b) they kept sliding down my head. What a difference with the B&W PX! Lovely firm solid grip and whilst slightly heavier, this stopped the headphones from moving on my head- these babies weren’t going anywhere! Even better, as the leather ear cups soften these become worn in and personalised to fit the wearer even better- give them time.

    For me the initial sound was a bit average. This was until I started to customise the EQ settings on my phone (there are none that come with the app and that’s just fine)- upping the lows and highs, reducing the mids. With a boost to volume (way much more oomph than the Sony’s by the way), these headphones really, really came alive. As many other reviewers have said, the B&W signature sound is one of authenticity. Unlike the Sony’s, the sound feels as it’s supposed to be and almost 3 dimensional in its presentation. Incredible in every way, which is not surprising as B&W have spared no expense with the sound drivers, apparently taking them from their headphones that retail at almost 1000. If sound is your biggest priority- make no mistake, these headphones for this price range and style are simply the best out there.

    And so come the negatives and alas there are a few. Firstly, the active noise cancellation (ANC) is comparatively gentle. It’s like B&W have said we really don’t like this technology as it interferes with the sound and therefore we’ll only pay lip service to it. Compared to the Sony’s (albeit the ANC was really pressured, crackly and extremely uncomfortable) the B&W ANC is notably inferior, not just in terms of effectiveness but also in terms of it dampening the sound. With the Sony’s, train announcements were all but gone and sat next to a plane engine during take-off, the noise some 75% reduced with full ANC. Not the case with the B&W’s which struggled to even reduce the noise by 45%. Don’t get me wrong, the ANC does work, it is just a lot less aggressive than the Sony’s and apparently the Bose QCII’s also.
    A couple of other niggles. It takes a very fast double click of the play/pause button to advance a track. 3 fast clicks will take you back only to the beginning of the song. To get to the previous song takes more, I counted 6 clicks in rapid succession and it’s hit and miss.
    My last niggle is that I did have a few short-lived Bluetooth dropouts. I suspect this was because I was in a busy area with my phone in a back pocket, nevertheless with such an impressive range of Bluetooth codecs, I expected flawlessness which I didn’t get.
    Is the incredible sound and only average ANC enough for me to recommend that you buy these? Yes, it really is. Just not if you want to use for regular long flights.

  45. Vera91Mzqcwxi says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 86 From Our UsersAight I’ve had these for like half a year now. Sound-wise they’re the best wireless noise cancelling headphones you can get. There’s not really a competitor. The Bose equivalents sound like tin cans compared to these. I’ve had a few ups and downs with them just because they’re expensive for headphones, but in terms of what you get these are actually mad cheap. They sound like boutique phones that go for over $1k.

    1. Best sound available, really no competitor.

    2. Auto stop and start thing is pretty cool. It can get a tiny bit annoying if you’re wearing glasses or whatever and the ear cup isn’t totally lined up, but it’s really easy to turn it off in the app.

    3. Battery life is freaking wild. Especially if you use the auto stop / start thing. I forget that I even need to charge these. It says 21 hours or whatever but I think that’s 21 hours of use, because I charge mine maybe once a month or so.

    4. The noise cancellation is great. Bose is maybe a tad better with this specifically, but even with the cancellation off these are pretty isolating. Active noise cancellation isn’t really the dopest thing in the world yet anyways. Both these and Bose are really only going to cut repetitive white noise and low-end frequencies. It’s just how the tech works, so if you’re looking for your cone of silence active noise cancelling phones are not going to be that thing. If you’re looking for a little noise reduction tho these are where it’s at. ANC will also effect the EQ of the music you’re listening to, but I think B&W took extra time to make sure it wasn’t too extreme with these. I noticed way more frequency loss (frequencies of the music that I actually wanted to hear haha) with the Bose ones.

    5. They actually do get better as B&W releases firmware updates. I thought that was some major BS when I first saw it haha but they seem to get more reliable every time they update them.

    6. They look awesome. B&W design has always been a step above, and these are right on par. I’m a professional musician and audio engineer, and every time someone comes through the studio and sees these I get compliments.

    1. They don’t start off comfortable. Like they really don’t. I almost took them back, but then I tried another pair of the Bose QC35s and was reminded that in terms of sound quality, the QC35s are probably 60% of these maximum. Anyways, the ear cups and headband on these are leather with some kind of padding in them that takes a bit to wear in, but that means they’re gonna last forever once they do. I pretty much just wore a hat for a month or two when I wore these (to keep the headband off my head) and now they feel great. Just give them some time.

    2. You can’t use these if they aren’t charged. Even with the cable. But if I’m not mistaken that’s because of they’re active speakers so… that’s just how active speakers work. Did I mention that they sound ridiculous? Like ridiculously good.

    3. The connection does occasionally get jumpy. For mine it seems to be when I turn my head all the way to the right and look way over my shoulder. Bose has issues like this too tho so I’m still all about these. It’s more of a general bluetooth thing. Also just a note but this only happens when I’m walking around in the streets of NYC, so it might have something to do with interference.

    Anyways that’s all the main stuff right there. I’ve seen a bunch of reviews from people being like ‘one star cuz they aren’t exactly like my other bowers and wilkins stuff’ which is dumb and misinformed. Of course they aren’t. You gotta do different stuff to make headphones noise-cancelling, including switching up cup materials and all that. These headphones are dank af and the only reason you’ll regret buying them is if audio fidelity isn’t worth the $400 to you. But if it’s not idk why you would buy them in the first place u feel me?

  46. MickeySilvestri says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersWer sich mit Audio beschftigt wird schnell feststellen, dass dieses ein teures Hobby ist. “Premium” und “High Fidelity” (oder High Resolution) bedeutet hier oft Preise die open-end sind. Dies mchte ich gesagt haben, bevor wir ber diese nahezu 400 teuren Kopfhrer sprechen.


    iPhone 7, Bluetooth AAC connection, Musik bereitgestellt durch Amazon Music MP3 oder durch selbst gerippte CD’s im Apple Lossless format.


    Ich persnlich empfinde die B&W PX Kopfhrer als uerst neutral und ausgewogen im Klang, ohne aufdringlichen Bass aber mit schnen breiten Tiefen und genug Druck fr eigentlich alles. Der Sound ist extrem gut aufgelst, feinste Nuancen sind erkennbar. Ruhige und melodische Lieder transportieren den Hrer aus dem Bett durch die Decke direkt ins Weltall. Hier bekommt man wirklich was fr’s Geld geliefert. Besser wird es, denke ich, am iPhone nicht.

    Verarbeitung und Design:

    Edel, erstklassig und wertig. Die Materialien schmeicheln der Haut und mir liegen die Hrer perfekt am Ohr.
    Ich hre fr gewhnlich 30-60 Minuten am Stck.

    Features und Funktionen:

    Der PX registriert ob er auf den Ohren sitzt, oder abgenommen wird und pausiert die Musik automatisch und speilt sie auch wieder ab. Das funktioniert bei mir zuverlssig und ich finde das gut. Die ANC (aktive noise canceling) tut was sie soll, hier fehlt es mir an Interesse und Vergleichsmglichkeit. Der Verlust an Qualitt ist bei sehr ruhiger Musik und gutem Ohr sicherlich zu erkennen, aber ich mache den ANC eh nur an wenn es drumherum laut und sub-optimal ist.

    Die Kopfhrer lassen sich durch eine kostenfreie App ein bisschen personalisieren. Die Strke des ANC lsst sich (nur) ber die App steuern; am Hrer selbst wird sie nur an- oder ausgeschaltet.

    Die Tasten am Hrer sind ein bisschen gewhnungsbedrftig und haptisch nicht sofort zu erkennen. Wenn man aber einmal verstanden hat wo sie liegen, ist es kein Problem mehr sie zu bedienen.

    Die Verbindung zu meinem iPhone erfolgte immer zuverlssig und problemlos. Ein initiales Firmwareupdate ber die App und Bluetooth hat circa 30 Minuten gedauert.


    Ein Manko gibt es, welches eigentlich inakzeptabel ist. Der Betrieb der Kopfhrer mit Kabel ruft aus irgendeinem Grund ein merkliches Grundrauschen hervor; egal ob mit oder ohne ANC. Ohne Kabel, ber Bluetooth ein akustischer Genuss. Mit Kabel, selbst ohne Quelle angeschlossen rauschen die Hrer sofort. Merkwrdig, aber fr mich kein Problem.


    Update nach einem Jahr:

    Die B&W PX haben mich beim ersten Hren direkt aus dem Zimmer katapultiert. Das Klangerlebnis ist das ganze Jahr ber sagenhaft geblieben. Instrumente sind klar und gut aufgelst, die Klangfarbe von B&W gefllt mir. Auch die technischen Spielereien haben mich nie im Stich gelassen. Die Bluetooth Verbindung ist stabil. der Akku hlt richtig gut und die Verarbeitung lsst nichts zu wnschen brig.
    Das einzige was das Erlebnis nun krzlich bertroffen hat war ein komplettes Audio Setup bestehend aus dem B&W P9 plus einem Chord Mojo DAC/KHV fr Musikgenuss am Macbook.
    Achtung: Dieses Set kostet knapp 1500 (ohne Abspielgert) und kann nur bedingt mit dem PX alleine verglichen werden.

    Im Direktvergleich zeigt der PX Schwchen in den Hhen und Bssen. Als Anhnger des Djent Genres lege ich besonders wert auf breiten, warmklingenden Bass und klare Hhen. Tiefen und Bsse werden beim PX angenehm aufgelst; wer kein Bass-Fanatiker ist wird hier zufrieden sein. Der P9 mit dem Chord Mojo bringt hier jedoch einfach mehr Volumen mit. Das einzig echte Manko zeigt sich beim PX in den Hhen; sehr klare, hohe vocals knnen komprimiert klingen. Da schwchelt das Gert.
    Seine Portabilitt und das nach wie vor grandiose Klangerlebnis haben mich dazu bewegt den PX parallel zum P9 zu behalten. Fr unterwegs und Bluetooth und fr diesen (fr Audiophilie gnstigen) Preis ist der PX spitze und erhlt von mir immer noch eine klare Kaufempfehlung!

  47. Anonymous says:


    Me cost mucho trabajo entender que para iniciar el modo de emparejamiento, hay que PRESIONAR el botn de encendido. Como este botn parece switch (se arrastra a la derecha para activar los audfonos), pensaba que haba que arrastrar este swtich y dejarlo as unos segundos para iniciar el emparejamiento. Sin embargo, este switch tambin funciona como botn y se debe PRESIONAR (no arrastrar) para emparejar un nuevo dispositivo.

    No he logrado utilizar estos audfonos con cable para conectarlos por cable a un control XBox. Sin embargo, s los puedo utilizar por cable para escuchar en telfono celular o tablet.

    La calidad de sonido es excelente, como siempre es para Bowers & Wilkins. Si el telfono soporta aptX HD, se obtendr mucho mejor calidad. Personalmente, prefiero usarlos con cable pero los compr porque lamentablemente muchos telfonos celulares ya no estn incluyendo puerto de 3.5 mm

    Curiosamente, estos audfonos pueden mantener dos conexiones en dos dispositivos diferentes: una conexin desde la aplicacin para configurarlos, y otra configuracin para escuchar el audio. El hecho de conectar los audfonos por la aplicacin no implica que los audfonos se hayan conectado como salida de audio del telfono… esto lo verifiqu en Android.

  48. DanaePZAzhminbu says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    To set context to this review, I mainly use my headphones for watching movies and listening to music while working in the house.

    Having tried the Bose SoundLink II and been disappointed by its build quality (sound was above average), my previous headphones were the B&W P7 Wireless — beautifully crafted with a sound level to match. Nevertheless, I am always on the search for better and I was aware that the ‘Top 3’ were the Bose QC35, Sony WH-1000XM2 and B&W PXs.

    I tried the Sony with great expectation, but after 2 week’s use, was disappointed. They were uncomfortable and made my ears hot. Sound was ok but not noticeable better than my P7s so I could not justify the extra expense.

    So, back to the B&W brand and PXs. These ‘cans’ are what you would expect from B&W — beautifully put together and ergonomic. Bluetooth pairing to both the TV and my iPhone X was easy. Fit around my ‘big’ ears was snug, but not uncomfortably so. Sound quality — wow — very good!

    Overall, at this price point, you are getting a beautifully crafted and well put together headphone that has the sound quality expected at this price — you do not feel like you are being cheated by brand vs. substance. One thing this experience has highlighted is that buying headphones is like buying clothes — some suit you i.e. your body type etc, while others, although look nice, do not match your style. I would suggest that you try all three, Bose, Sony and B&W as between them, I am confident you will find your perfect match.

  49. OctaviaQWK says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I simply can’t believe some of the negative reviews on here, especially from wearers of specs who complain endlessly about comfort without mentioning how good the sound quality is from these cans. These are, without doubt, the purest sounding and most exciting headphones at this price level, wireless or not. If you prefer the Bose equivalent, there is something wrong with your hearing!

    You HAVE to buy these. Awesome sound and clever functionality (auto detection when you put them on connects them automatically to your music source). Oh and did I mention that they look gorgeous and are solidly built unlike the cheap looking plasticky efforts from Bose and Sony. Ignore the idiots, these are a 10 out of 10.

  50. ClintonChaves says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 99 From Our UsersIch hab den Kopfhrer jetzt seit geraumer Zeit im Einsatz und ja dieser Kopfhrer muss auf alle Flle eingespielt werden, steht ja auch in der Beschreibung. Die Soundqualitt verbessert sich nach einiger Zeit doch sehr stark. Es hngt aber auch vom richtigen Zuspielgert sehr viel ab, wie ich in diversen Tests feststellen konnte. Hier sind die Unterschiede in der Soundqualitt mit unter eklatant, spter mehr dazu.
    Den Kopfhrer hab ich mir damals gegnnt als ich auf das neue Iphone 8 Plus umgestiegen bin, da dieser Kopfhrer unter anderem auch die AAC bertragung beherrscht, die die Apple Iphones liefern.
    Am Anfang war ich Enttuscht ber die Klangqualitt des Kopfhrers, aber wie gesagt man muss ihm die Zeit zum Einspielen geben. Auerdem hab ich am Iphone die Klangverbesserungen ausgeschalten, was fr mein Gehr auch nochmals eine Qualittssteigerung brachte.
    Ich war immer InEar Ohrhrer von Ultimate Ears gewohnt und dementsprechend Sound verwhnt war ich natrlich. Nach der Einspielzeit der Kopfhrer empfand ich den Klangumfang jedoch als besser nur der Bass war nicht so ausgeprgt wie bei den Ultimate Ears, was aber auch klar sein sollte durch den Umstand InEar und OverEar.
    Nachdem der Klang fr mich nun passte konnte ich mich der Rauschunterdrckung und den Sensoren widmen und die Enttuschung war vorerst wieder gro. Bei der Rauschunterdrckung verlor der Sound merklich an Dynamik und wurde sehr dumpf. Die Sensoren funktionierten berhaupt nicht wie angegeben und speziell im Zug, bei der Durchfahrt von Tunnels, fielen sie immer wieder aus und man musste den Kopfhrer neu mit dem Handy verbinden. Das wurde aber in der letzten Zeit durch diverse Firmwareupdates behoben und auch die Soundqualitt bei der Rauschunterdrckung hat sich hrbar verbessert. Alles in allem war ich also zufrieden, so dachte ich zumindest und doch war ich neugierig wie sich den AptX und AptX HD im Vergleich zu AAC anhren und hab mal herumgespielt 🙂
    Meine Gattin hat das Samsung Galaxy S8 das den AptX Standard beherrscht und so hab ich den Kopfhrer mit diesem Handy mal ausprobiert, immer mit ITunes Music sei hinzugefgt.
    Im Vergleich zum Iphone 8 Plus merkte ich beim Samsung Galaxy S8 keine merkbaren Qualittsunterschiede, einzig die Soundeinstellungen am Samsung sind besser und Feiner auf den Nutzer einstellbar und somit ergeben sich kleine, wenn auch feine, Qualittsunterschiede die aber, meiner Meinung nach, nicht gravierend ins Gewicht fallen. Hier kann man es sich noch aussuchen ob man eher ein Iphone Verliebter, so wie ich, oder eben ein Android Anhnger ist. AAC im Vergleich zu AptX ist fr mich das Gleiche an Qualitt. Nur reichte das noch nicht da ich AptX HD noch nicht testen konnte, so hab ich mir ein Huawei P20 Pro besorgt das den AptX HD Standard beherrscht und das war fr mich die Offenbarung in Sachen Soundqualtitt schlechthin. Das Huawei P20 Pro bietet keinerlei Einstellungsmglichkeiten bezglich Sound, aber die hrbare Qualitt die dieses Handy auf die Kopfhrer gezaubert hat war einfach nur Beeindruckend, wie gesagt immer noch mit iTunes Music und 256 kBit wie bei den anderen Handys.
    Ich war regelrecht Sprachlos ber dieses Plus an Qualitt und bin es immer noch. Meine Gattin meint es wre jetzt bald an der Zeit mein Rundumlcheln beim Musikhren zu beenden, aber es geht einfach nicht weg 🙂
    Der Qualittsunterschied im Vergleich zum iPhone mit AAC und dem Samsung mit AptX ist einfach nur WOW. Ja ich wei, das ist Subjektiv und jeder hrt anders. Stimmt schon, fr mich ist aber das die beste Kombination. Fr andere mag die Tatsache dass man beim Huawei bezglich Sound nicht wirklich was verstellen kann abschrecken sein, war es fr mich auch am Anfang – hat sich aber nicht besttigt – und somit werden diejenigen mit einem iPhone oder den weit besseren Einstellmglichkeiten eines Samsung Handys besser bedient sein. Ich selber hatte seit 2007 nur iPhones im Einsatz und mit kabelgebundenen Kopfhrern sind sie immer noch eine Wucht, vor allem mit Ultimate Ears. Beim Einsatz von Bluetooth Kopfhrern, wie dem B&W PX, gibt es aber bessere Zuspieler wie ich feststellen musste.
    Somit war der Kauf fr mich ein voller Erfolg und der Kopfhrer verdient, nach den Firmwareupdates, nun die vollen 5 Sterne. Aber wie gesagt hngt die Soundqualitt auch sehr stark vom verwendeten Handy ab.

  51. M.C. says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Users*I didn’t buy these headphones from Amazon, just posting this review for people who are considering buying these headphones.

    Don’t get me wrong, this pair of cans is expensive. I’m a student and I (somehow) persuaded my parents to get me these as an early graduation present “to help me concentrate on revision”. I want to say they are – and I guess we’ll soon see – but all too often, I find myself distracted, going back to appreciate the nuances of all the songs I love, because listening to music on these headphones is so addictive. Now to the review…

    When they arrived, I promised that if they weren’t up to scratch they would immediately sent back, as 330 is not an amount to be taken lightly. I had read that B&W headphones are better with a burn-in, and so didn’t even bother listening to these for the first two days I had them. After this period, the first time I physically put them on I was far from blown away: the earpads were solid, the clamping force was tight, and the sound was all distorted. The treble was far too bright (to the point of giving me headaches), and the lower frequencies were barely present. I stretched them (as much as I dared to!), which solved the comfort problem, but as for the sound, I was on the brink of sending them back.

    I decided to give them a week to improve. And man, was that the right decision. 40+ hours of burn-in later:

    The more they burnt in, the more the treble toned itself down, and the bass came into its own. The angled drivers direct the music straight into the ears and if you can manage a good seal, the detail is stunning. I came from using Beats Solo and B&W P5 (a pair which broke soon after purchase which is why I was wary of buying B&W again). I am not ashamed to admit that I was very satisfied with the sound of the Beats, it was a fun sound without being too muddy, but these PXs blow them both out the water now. I have never heard such an impressive soundstage on a pair of headphones – each and every instrument holds its own in the melody and totally immerses you in the music. I usually use Spotify, but I have a couple of FLACs, and with these files, the headphones sound EVEN better! Every spare moment I have, I grab these headphones, even if just to listen to one single song.
    These ARE NOT the most bass heavy headphones out there. The kick of bass has enough impact to make its mark on the track without being overpowering. My music taste touches on many genres, but I mainly find myself listening to House and Drum and Bass, so bass is important to me, and for me, these deliver perfectly. However, anyone looking for lower frequencies to shake your brain, look elsewhere, but for me, they are sufficient as they are.

    In terms of ANC, I haven’t had a chance to try it properly as of yet. From what I have been able to ascertain, they don’t block out as much noise as, for example, the Sony 1000XM2, but they do a decent job. I did one test run and it blocked a good amount of sound, but then again maybe I’m used to ambient sound, coming from cans without ANC. SQ does drop on the higher levels of ANC, if you’re concentrating in a quiet place you’ll certainly hear the difference. Bobbing along on a commute, I doubt the ANC will make too much of a difference to the experience.

    If I had to pick out any niggles, it would have to be the fact that they have to have charge to be used at any time, even passively when wired. The battery life wired with ANC off is 50 hours, so it realistically shouldn’t be a problem anyway. Also, the carry case is a glorified pouch – has been said many times, and I will say it again: for this price point, maybe a more rigid case would be better to protect the headphones in transit.

    Overall, I am in love with my PXs. I have never felt so immersed and addicted to my music collection. I was doing the washing up the other day, listening to music and it brought a tear to my eye just because of how dang good the sound quality of these headphones is. Just for clarification: that has never happened before! Don’t discount them before the end of their burn-in. That, I can’t stress enough!

    Was it worth getting these headphones instead of a special “post-graduation trip”? Maybe, just maybe…

  52. My Mummys World says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI read a bunch of reviews (on amazon, youtube, as well as reddit and head-fi forums) before purchasing this product so I’ll go over what others are saying and validate it from my own experience having used this on an airplane as well as casual use at home.

    Active-Noise Cancelling:
    I would say these are not ‘truly’ active-noise cancelling (ANC) headphones as the ANCs are not on-par with others at this price point. During my plane ride, the engine was still very loud. If powerful ANC is necessary, go with the Bose QC35s.

    The PXs have good passive noise cancelling but definitely not enough active noise cancelling and this is the general consensus between all reviews. In my opinion, you compromise ANC for the good sound quality you get out of them.

    The reviews are true on how much these headphones clamp, but only for a little while.

    For me, when I first got my PXs they seemed really tight out of the box. I’m not sure if I just got used to the clamp or if the band on the headphones adjusted but for sure they are more comfortable now. In the beginning, I could probably only wear these for 1-2 hours but recently on a plane ride (13 hours) I left them on for the entirety of the flight. I would say comfort is a person to person basis and no one can really tell you how they really feel until you demo the product yourself as everyone has a different bone structure/head size. For me, they feel great and comfortable but it took some time.

    Sound Quality:
    Most reviews are also true but I don’t think they emphasize this enough, the sound quality was the reason why I purchased these and it’s probably the reason why most people keep these. The sound-stage is crazily accurate and even re-listening to some tracks that I have over 200 plays on I can differentiate new instruments/sounds. I mainly listen to EDM (mostly progressive/melodic bass) and classical on these and both of these sound superb. I’ve also tested these for top 20 western tracks, and I would say Pop is decent, but not as good. I would not recommend paying for these if you listen to mainly Pop as the sound signature (in my opinion) is not suitable for that.

    Its important to note that with these headphones, a complete seal between the ears and the earcups make a huge difference in sound quality. If you find that pressing the left and right cups towards your head has a ‘better sound’ chances are the headphones aren’t being sealed completely.

    I cannot discuss anything about durability as this is still a new purchase for me, I’ll update this when I’ve used them more but all-metal build quality is gorgeous and having magnetic left-right earcups make it very easy to just purchase new earcups to swap when they wear down in the future.

    The only comment I can make for now is that they’re holding up nicely.

    I dislike the app but after setting it up once, I rarely touch it. Nice to see that firmware updates are available meaning B&W can push changes to their headphones overtime.

    Only setting I really changed on the app are:
    ANC to office-mode
    Wear sensor sensitivity to “More”

    The buttons are very tactile and have good feedback but sometimes when I double-tap the center button (to skip track) it only registers as one-click making it very annoying because the pause inbetween makes people think its the next track starting but really its just that the headphones paused the music….

    I own a Macbook and its very irritating that iTunes opens everytime I put on my headphones (including when I’m taking it off just for a little while to talk to someone quickly). If B&W is reading this review, please change this. I own AirPods and Apple seems to be more intuitive on what you should and shouldn’t do when taking on/off earphones. Software is just as important as Hardware especially at this price point.

    Good set of headphones, not so good on active-noise cancelling but amazing sound quality. Some important UX/Software quirks that need fixing but overall a good investment.

  53. CarolYMNlsl says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSimply the best… if you are looking for a pair of headphones which can accurately sustain a dynamic soundscape with authority and total emersion… these are the best around. Not cheap, but awesome for audiophiles. Ignore the comments about comfort, the PX are plenty comfortable. No they are not exactly discreet, but I don’t care how they look, because they sound great! (Which is why for the price they are worth every penny.

    Supported by a great App, these headphones are a must have for anyone serious about sound rather than fashio

  54. Emelia27Rrf says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersI have never in my days spent so much on a pair of head phones and initially never entertained anything by Bowers & Wilkins. I was happily looking about the 150 mark until my wife, who is serious about getting all she can out of listening to her music, suggested that we chuck in half each and get a really decent pair. That opened the research doors wider and having looked at the comparable Bose and Sony head phones the Bowers & Wilkins PX just stood out on paper like the “daddy”. At 329 I was a little bit apprehensive that they would match the expense. Once they arrived that worry was blown out of the water. These are quite simple stunning. The build is solid, it just feels quality. But it is when you put them on that you can hear why they command such a hefty price tag, (that said they are by no means the dearest headphones out there, not by a long shot). They sound absolutely fantastic. I have a new Sony telly running through a dedicated sound system and these headphones leave it for dead. The sound is crystal clear for the quality of recording being played. The better the recording the better it will sound and this is great. It is good to hear older recordings as good they were meant to be heard for their time, but, obviously on new recording, with all the latest bells and whistles these headphones really stand out. Low, mid and high tones are all reproduced beautifully, especially the bass which is solid but in no way overpowering. The ear cups fit perfectly over my ears and are nice and snug without being in any way tight. I have worn them for about 9 hours in one sitting and never at any time did I notice any discomfort. Once you get used to the control positions they are easy to navigate and use. The Android app does what it should although I could not get anything to work for my wife’s Apple products. Battery life has not caused any issues so far. I have not used them to the point of needing charged to carry on but over a few days must have easily had them working for about 17 or 18 hours and the app still showed 15% life remaining so 22 does not seem too much of stretch. If I had to be picky, and I mean really picky I would have given them a nice leather case/pouch instead of the soft fabric one. Don’t get me wrong, the Fabric one does the job of storing them and keeping the dust off but a leather one would have offered more protection and looked more the part of such great looking and great sounding headphones. Also i have only used them at home and in a hospital treatment clinic so cannot comment on the flight mode etc. I found that leaving them un-altered was best for the two environments I had been in. If you are considering buying these then crack on, you wont be disappointed and I just cannot imagine how spending more could improve the actual sound quality. I dare say it obviously does, I just don’t think me ears need anything better that what the PX supplies.

    Now that I know how good audio sound can be I have started researching Streaming Hi-Fi systems for my wife who has always wanted something of quality so she can listen to her favourite music as it was meant to be heard. Something that can only compliment the quality supplied via the headphones so be warned, buying these headphones could cause you further expense 🙂

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought for my partners Christmas and they haven’t been off her head since 😀

  56. SofiaBEVAzkcz says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat product ! Worth paying the money ! Nice fit, very good sound quality, a few interesting features … One of the best ( if not The Best ) pair of wireless noise cancelling headphones.

  57. PearlGladney says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersMit dem Testsieger habe ich letztens tatschlich bei der ersten Benutzung meinen Kln-Berlin Flieger verpasst, so weit weg war ich von dem Trubel, die Maschine hatte versptung, ein Fluggast pbelte wie wild herum … beim Einchecken stellte sich heraus, dass ich am falschen GAte gewartet hatte … gut fnf Stunden Bahnfahrt hat der Akku dann auch noch leisten knnen.
    Mit der kostenfreuen App von B&W, die man sich auf das Handy ldt kann man zwischen drei Lrm-Unterdrckungsmodi whlen: Bro, Stadt, Flugzeug … das klappt perfekt … auch die Koppelung mit dem von mir genutzten iPhone geht ruckzuck. Das Brummen der Tribwerke im Flugzeug wird komplett weggekapselt. Man ist fr sich und kann abschalten, wegdsen, die Ruhe geniessen. Die Akkulaufzeit konnte ich noch nicht testen. Bisher war ich eben maximal sieben Stunden unterwegs und da war noch genug Luft fr weitere Stunden. Die Akkulaufzeit wird natrlich auf der App angezeigt. Im Office hatte ich bisher die Kabelvariante eines anderen Unternehmens genutzt (darf man hier sicher nicht nennen), dann kaufte ich mir davon auch die Bluetooth Version … ja, aber der Sound, die Bedienung und NR Modi sind einfach einmalig beim B&W. Im Test wird bemngelt, dass der Kopfhrer straff sitzen knnte. Ich bin Motorradfahrer und habe Gre 63 … also hier muss jeder selbst testen, ob etwas drckt. Ich kann den PX auch vom Tragekomfort bestens empfehlen.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI was in the market for new Bluetooth over the ear headphones and I ended up deciding on these . I tried the comparible Sony’s and Sennheisers and I honestly liked the base more on those headphones than these , but at the end of the day it was all the other aspects that made my decision.

    What sold me on these is Bluetooth 4.2 , USB C , he fit and finish and the amazingly accurate and clear sound. The ANC is amazing as well, but I found that with the amazing sound and snug fit of the headphones makes it almost an after thought . Yes the ANC is amazing , but it is almost like you don’t need it . The sound and memory foam ear cups shield out everything as is. Sound quality is slightly better with the ANC off.

    As for the Sony and Sennheisers the fit and finish just isn’t there. They look and feel like Beats over the ear head phones. They certainly don’t feel like 400$ headphones. Say what you want , it’s just the way it is .

    Charge lasts a long time . I have taken long flights with them on the whole time and been at 85% battery by the end of it .

  59. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersViel ist hier schon geschrieben worden und ich muss mich den positiven Meinungen anschlieen. Die ist ein sehr schner, brauchbarer BT Kopfhrer mit sehr gutem Klang. Ich hatte/habe einige andere Exemplare von Konkurrenz, B&O H7 und H8, BOSE, Sennheiser PXC 550… der B&W ist zur Zeit mein Favorit. Keiner der anderen mag die Rumlichkeit, die Bhne der anderen zu produzieren, was der Anordnung der Systeme geschuldet sein drfte. Der Bass ist fr mich genug, wenn der Hrer richtig sitzt.
    Und dami kommen wir zu Hauptschwachstelle des Gertes. Setzt man ihn nicht richtig” auf, so dass die Polster auch komplett abschlieen, bleiben also zu viel Luftlcken um das Ohr (gerade unterhalb des Ohres passiert das schnell mal) dann ist der Vass fast verschwunden, der Klsng wird topfig wie bei einem Billighrer. Und es geht hier, zumindest bei mir und meiner Kopfform, wirklich um geringste Luftspalte. Ich kann daher nur jedem empfehlen zu Beginn mal ein wenig zu experimentieren. Ich hatte den Hrer am Anfang nicht tief genug gestellt.
    Sitzt er richtig, kann das Klangerlebnis beginnen…vorzugsweise ohne Geruschunterdrckung. Diese ist nicht so unnatrlich brachial wie BOSE reicht fr mich im Flugzeug mehr als nur aus…

  60. ShennaInouye says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a pair of Sennheiser HD595s (open back decent over-ear) and Yamaha EPH-100 (decent in-ear buds) and these are a great complement to these.

    The PX looks fantastic, the build quality is great too, and all the buttons have a satisfying feel. The leather is soft, though the padding is very thin. The sliding mechanism is smooth and strong. They can get a bit uncomfortable on the crown of your head after a while, but sometimes I can wear them for hours without noticing, other times I notice them after half an hour or so, not sure why. I have a pretty big head, and I wouldn’t say the comfort should be a deal breaker. The HD595s are lighter and more comfortable, but the difference isn’t really that much.

    ANC is good, it’s not going to block out everything but it works well for getting rid of the low rumble of train engines, extractor fans, vacuuming etc. Sound quality with ANC on is decent, certainly not as good as the other two though, and the EPH-100s are pretty good at isolating some background noise.

    Bluetooth is sometimes patchy, and the wear sensor can be a bit hit-and-miss, though this is greatly improved by adjusting it in the B&W app. I still generally have it disabled though, it’s just more consistent and it’s not a great bother to just turn the headphones off manually (they’ll auto turn off after 2 mins anyway without any input).

    Finally, the sound is extremely rich, sometimes overpoweringly so. On bluetooth with aptxHD, bass, mids and treble are all wonderfully defined but there is a lot in the mids, making the sound excellent for vocal heavy songs and lighter acoustic tracks, or electronic with a heavy bass/treble focus whilst detracting from the sound on busy rock/metal or classical where the overpowering mids kind of take everything over. It still sounds nice, but it just takes some getting used to.

    Wired (over USB-C) they sound unbelievable, much better than the HD595s, though not as open obviously. It doesn’t make so much of a difference with Spotify Premium, but listening to FLAC over USB-C these sound so detailed, crisp, clear, rich and smooth it’s amazing. B&W will give you a free trial of their society of sound, so you can get some free FLAC albums to give it a go.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI’m really liking these so far. This is just from a few hours of listening to music today, about 4 hours I would say. I did quite a bit of research on these and they weren’t my first choice. I already own the Plantronics Back Beat Pro 2’s since June of 2017 and the Audio Technica ATH-DSR7BT since October of 2017 and I’ve been happy with them both. I auditioned the Bose QC35 back in June of 2017 and decided on the BB Pro 2’s. The Bose to my ears just didn’t let the music come through, made me feel like I was in a “pressure cabin” or something and I couldn’t even switch ANC off. Anyway I wanted another pair of ANC headphones to rotate in my daily listening. In the morning after checking my HRV the headphones go on and I actually wash my face and brush my teeth with them on, I do take them off before I shower. I was going to sell the Audio Technica but couldn’t find a reason, to me they really let the music come through. I like the way the BB Pro 2’s sound too, although they can be a little heavy on the bass, but the music is enjoyable and the Pro 2’s are feature rich.

    Now to add another set of ANC cans to my rotation I had Sony WH1000xm2 in mind. I actually ordered them and while they were on the way to me I kept reading about the cracking head band piece so when they got here I picked them up from UPS and didn’t even bother to open the box and just sent them back. I also considered the Sennheiser PXC 550 but decided not to get those because they didn’t support AAC (I own the Senn HD-700 wired as well as the Senn HD-598 wired just for reference). Although I do have an Android phone that supports aptX and aptX HD this is the phone I run and exercise with. Now I did do some comparisons between my iPhone using AAC and the Android phone using aptX HD and to be honest I couldn’t hear the difference, maybe it’s my old ears or something but the music I listened to sounded good using either codec on either phone. Anyway even if I couldn’t hear the difference I wanted something that supported all the codecs out there, who knows, maybe I’ll experience a miracle and be able to here the difference one day, in other words I want to be ready even if I don’t get to go!
    So I ordered the B&W PX’s (B&W is what we called the company back when their 801 reference speakers hit the scene). B&W, like Audio Technica as well as Sennheiser has a history of making various devices, equipment in the audio reproduction/recording industry (I guess Bose too with their in the corner 901’s I think?). Anywho I got my PX’s today and I love them and read that they get better after some burn in time, who knows?. The first thing I did was plug them in, turn them on, connect them to the app and update the firmware. So far everything has been going smooth. The only thing I kind of dislike is the power button. Why not a regular slider or rocker switch that stays in the position of off or on? Other than that it’s pretty straight forward. The music shines, just comes through on my iPhone X. I have to say to my ears the PX’s are on the neutral side of the spectrum, where as the BB Pro 2’s are on the “warm” leaning towards a fatter bottom end. The ATH7’s are more neutral as well. the PX’s and the ATH7’s to my ears are really close in their presentation. This is just my initial observation and opinion and like I said to my ears and perceived matched volume level. I did notice that on a particular recording (India Arie) there’s some distortion (bass riff) in the recording that I had not noticed until listening to the PX’s. I first thought that something was wrong so I went to the ATH7’s and heard the same thing, but not as pronounced as on the PX’s. Don’t know why, maybe it’s because of the different sensitivity between the two cans. I didn’t listen on the BB Pro 2’s yet but will and maybe I’ll add more to this note of my experience.

    I also read that to some the clamping force or fitment of the headband on the PX’s were a little uncomfortable to them, to me they’re just fine. I didn’t experience any heating up of the ear cuffs around my ears either. I’m a big sweater, I perspire just sitting around so It’ll be interesting this summer but I do have air conditioning in my home, thank goodness :). I don’t expect any problems. I’ve used my BB Pro 2’s while cutting my grass but not sure if I’ll bring my PX’s outside use while cutting grass. anyway over the last few months I’ve acquired some really good sounding LG and Sony earbuds that have passive noise cancelling that I use when I run outdoors so the Pro 2’s are relieved of outdoor duty too. As far as comfort I would say the ATH7’s then the BB Pro 2’s then the PX’s. This could change in time after I get used to them and or the pads get softer or broken in. The pads or ear cups can easily be replaced on the PX’s too so who’s to say that B&W won’t make some that are softer. The PX’s are keepers for me! I forgot to mention the ear pads/cuffs fit over my ears (ears are inside the cuffs) and form a perfect seal.

    Update: 3/12/18: Very revealing. If it’s a good recording then then that’s what I hear. Listening to a compilation of female vocalists. Natalie Merchant; “Cowboy Romance”, layered, open and her husky voice is right there. Instruments, not sure what they are but could some kind of synth sounding like maybe an organ, violins and some stringed instruments are very harmonic. India Arie; “The One” another very good sounding recording to me. Nice bass lines, guitar strumming and everything just sounds so good. Her mature silky voice just comes through. I noticed on Norah Jones “What am I to You” sounds a little vailed, not as open as the first 2 I mentioned. I believe this is more to do with the recording. Her voice is still immediate and sounds very good. Organs, drums and guitar are very noticeable but the recording itself is just not as open and airy, still sounds good though. Sarah Bariellas “Love Song” sounds pretty open and well recorded, her voice is just right there along with the piano and accompanying instruments, drums, guitar etc. right there. Alanis Morissette “All I Really Want”, her squeaky high pitched voice and rhythmic drums, and what sounds like an harmonica and organ, just have to move, pat my feet!. Just a sample of how enjoyable these are to me. I listen to a wide variety of music, to the above mentioned to “Red Hot Chili Peppers”, “Sheryl Crow”, “Adele”, “Maroon 5”, “Parliament/Funkadelic” and on and on. Just love what I call music and the different expressions. And the added features of the PX’s are a plus. I haven’t used the various filters a lot but just played around with them and to my ears they don’t distract much from the music and works pretty good. I don’t use the “proximity sensor” thing, I don’t really care for it on the BB Pro 2’s either so I leave it off, on both headphones. I like the position of the controls and they work pretty good, as I said I don’t care for the on/off button, it order for me to get it to work right I have to hold the headset in my hands, so turning them on and off I’m holding them, not a problem though, just the way it is for now. Maybe it’ll change once I’m used to it. So that’s it. I’m done. These are excellent to me. Like I said, “Revealing” , what you got (recording) is what you hear. Also I’m using Tidal HiFi downloaded recordings to my iPhone X. I haven’t listened with my Android (LG G5) yet but mainly use that for exercising, running and gym but I’ll get around to connecting them to it sooner or later. Sorry for the rant, hopefully you can get my point.

  62. Joanna Partridge says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese are amazing. A lot of people complain about how they are not comfortable after 30 minutes of wearing, how they turn off randomly – I experienced none of these issues and I wear them more than 7 hours a day. And the auto-silence/sensors can be adjusted or turned off from the app. The noise cancelling could be better, but my expectation are probably too high about it. I couldn’t be happier.

  63. Used Furniture Review says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersFirst this is a written copy of my video review, which can be found on youtube under the title “Bowers & Wilkins PX – The Wireless Headphones to Beat in 2018” If you would like to watch that rather than read, then head to youtube and copy and paste that title into the search engine. And as always thank you for the support. Below is my written review.

    Hello Ladies & Gentlemen, Devon from Dcon here and these are Bowers & Wilkins PX wireless headphones. They are noise-cancelling headphones and they weigh 335 grams. Bluetooth 4.1 is built-in and these headphones are APTx HD compliant.The battery life ranges between 22-29 hours and USB Type-C is implemented for recharging. These headphones and are very low key and modern. I have the space grey version, which allows it to be even more minimalistic, but there is also a blue and gold variant that is a bit more exuberant if that’s your thing. Each cup rotates 135 degrees giving the headphones a foldable design making it easy to pack away into the carrying pouch. The outer cups and headband are covered in this checkered fabric, while the inner earcups and headband is constructed of memory foam and are enclosed in a soft leather material. The memory foam and leather are really nice and allow the headphones to be extremely comfortable. The circumference of the earpads is a bit on the small side. They’re fine for my ears, but I could see this being a problem for others as it may cause some discomfort. The headband is adjustable and can be extended by simply pulling each side downward. The speaker wire is nicely covered in a nylon-braided cover and runs along each adjustable rod. While in design this looks great, in practicality it is a poor design-choice as they will likely get damaged if you get caught in the rain. Back to the ear cups for a second, this plastic piece here is more than just a branding opportunity; it also covers the rear part of the speaker. This allows the headphones to be a closed-back headphone opposed to an open-back headphone.

    So you may be thinking Devon why do I care if my headphones are closed-back? Well one reason is they help limit noise from leaking out of the headphone as well as preventing noise from coming in. This is nice for when you are in a crowded area such as a coffee shop and you don’t want to disturb or be disturbed by anyone around you. Closed-back headphones also provide you with a more confined soundstage which allows for a more intimate listening experience, whereas open-back headphones allow for a much more expansive soundstage. Think of this as seeing a concert at a much smaller venue such as Lincoln Hall versus a much larger venue such as the Red Rocks. The main reason why these are close-backed though is to implement the noise-cancelling feature, which I’ll talk about further in a minute.

    Along the right earcup is where all the functionality lies. The power button doubles as the Bluetooth pairing button. Holding the button down for a few seconds sends the headphones into pairing mode, where up to 8 devices can be remembered. To turn the headphones off, you slide the power button to the left. Interestingly enough, B&W does not recommend turning the headphones off, they recommend letting the headphones go into standby mode. After a few minutes of no activity the headphones will go to sleep. This actually works quite well as the battery holds a fantastic charge while in standby and is just one less thing you have to worry about when taking them off.

    Just above the power button is the “environmental mode” button. This activates the noise-cancelling feature. There is three sensitivity options for noise-cancellation, all of which are accessible via B&W’s phone application. Airline is the most aggressive of the three, as it attempts to cancel out any external engine noise. The noise-cancellation works well, but is nowhere near as aggressive or effective as Bose’s quiet-comfort series, which virtually cut out all sound around you. This can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference, I personally prefer the less aggressive approach of these headphones. The included three modes are a nice touch, but I honestly couldn’t tell a major difference between them. The noise-cancellation is great when in a noisier environment, but I recommended leaving it off when you are in a quiet environment as the sound is degraded some and your battery will discharge at a slightly faster rate with it activated.

    The remaining buttons are your standard volume up, volume down and play/pause in between. The play button also doubles as a track selector. Pressing it twice will move to the next track, while pressing it three times will select the previous track. With the headphones on, there is a slight learning curve with all of the buttons. The play button is slightly raised to differentiate it from the volume up and down, but I don’t think it’s enough to minimize mistakes. After extended use, you’ll get used to it, but I just personally think it could have been better designed. Spacing the buttons apart and texturizing the play/pause button would have been ideal.

    Since these headphones are Bluetooth, they’re capable of receiving calls. To answer a call, you simply press the play button. To reject a call you simply hold the play button down. In terms of call quality it was slightly awkard hearing the person I was talking to. The connection and quality was fine, but their voice was really muffled. The included microphone does a nice job however and everyone I talked to reported positive feedback on call quality.

    Located toward the bottom is the 3.5mm headphone port and the USB type-c port. Both are capable of listening to music via a wired connection. The USB type-c cable allows you to listen to music and charge at the same time. These are convenient options if you wanted to use a device that is not APTx HD compliant and you wanted to listen to lossless music, otherwise they kind of defeat the purpose of wireless headphones.
    Before I talk about the sound quality, I wanted to quickly mention the battery. It is a 850mAh lithium-ion rechargeable battery and it is fantastic. B&W is touting 22 hours of battery life when using noise-cancellation and 29 hours when only using the headphones wirelessly. During my testing I was able to get around 20 hours with noise cancellation and 26 hours without it. All while allowing the cans to go into standby mode in between.
    Alright now on to what really matters: the sound. These headphones are APTx HD compliant and in short APTx HD means these wireless headphones can receive lossless audio from any compatible device. This is insane, because lossless audio was only available via a wired connection due to their large file size and now with the APTx HD codec, lossless audio is available via wireless connections.
    For anyone unfamiliar with lossless audio, essentially this is audio without any compression. Audio printed on CD’s for example is completely lossless. While music streamed from Pandora, spotify or purchased from iTunes is all compressed. Compressed audio is bad because you end up losing a lot of the fidelity that makes music so amazing.

    Alright now I will actually talk about the quality of sound these headphones produce. These headphones sound really, really good. They hit low enough to make bass feel substantial without bottoming out or sounding boomy. The midrange is nice and accurate, while the treble is a little on the bright side and can cause some minor ear fatigue after long listening sessions. The soundstage presented is a bit constrained and that is a limitation of the closed-back design, but the actual separation of instruments is really nice. By this I mean there is nice clarity among different instruments on a track when they are all playing at once. For example, you’re able to differentiate a guitar from a bass guitar all while hearing a tambourine off in the distance when listening to “New Slang” by The Shins. Instruments don’t necessarily sound as true to life as you’ll find on more expensive headphones and that’s only due to the limitations of the drivers implemented, which is honestly expected for any headphone under $500 dollars.

    Overall the sound is very impressive and in my opinion is the best sounding wireless headphone available in 2018.
    If you’re like me and you want a minimalistic wireless headphone without compromising on compressed audio, then this is absolutely the headphone for you. Not only is lossless audio possible with these, but the battery life is incredible and they are very comfortable for extended periods of time. The noise-cancellation is implemented nicely, although it is not as aggressive as Bose’s quiet-comfort series. So if noise-cancellation is your main priority for flights, work or studying and you don’t care about lossless audio capabilities, then go with the quietcomforts. But if you care about sound quality first and foremost, these are your guys!

    Bowers & Wilkins PX - The Wireless Headphones to Beat in 2018!

  64. GwendolynPia says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Quirky operation but really good sounding headphones.
    App is not fantastic and sensors sometimes need a reboot to function properly, easily done though.
    Faffy to get to seal on your head and because of this I would not recommend them to people who wear glasses or have a massive beard. The seal to your head has massive implications on both the sound and noise cancelling ability. The bass is awol if you get this wrong.
    Cups aren’t huge either so if you are related to dumbo forget it.
    All this aside, get them on your head right and they beat the best of noise cancelling headphones from Sony and Bose hands down for sound quality and compete well with the noise cancelling.
    Must admit though they aren’t as comfy as their competition, but they don’t creak like them either.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLos auriculares inalmbricos con menor calidad de sonido que he probado, una verdadera pasada

    El diseo es muy bonito, con un gran acabado.

    Tiene adems detalles muy interesantes por ejemplo, cuando los quitas de los odos lo detectan y pausan la msica! Y cuando te los vuelves a poner la reanudan, es muy til esta funcin!

    La cancelacin de ruido es muy buena y permite si lo deseas dejar pasar la voz, para enterarte cuando te hablen

    Lo malo : son muy pesados, se termina ganando el cuello y son muy incmodos. Si los vas a tener puestos durante horas NO te los recomiendo. Los ms cmodos que he probado y con una calidad de sonido muy parecida los bose quietcomfort 35 II

  66. AidenPulleine says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI know there are reviews of these that are negative and I can understand because out of the box they sound flat and sad. After turning off the wear detection and playing my favorite album at 65% volume for a couple days they opened up. The sound quality is so much better now. Bass is still lacking which I feel can be fixed by later updates to the software. I love the build quality of these headphones. They are amazing and sounds fantastic at all times. If you switch from noise canceling mode to nothing you’ll hear a drastic difference but that’s nothing new with any brand that offers noise cancellation. The top three (Bose, Sony, and B&W) are so close to each other it’s a matter of choice in design and finish. Test all three before you buy so you know which you want. The B&W PX are the heaviest of the big three but after over a couple straight hours of use I wasn’t uncomfortable or in any pain. Would recommend them for anyone looking for a more robust build feel. Almost no plastic and I love it. The only negative thing I can think of is the case for the headphones. It’s pretty useless if you do anything other than have them in it on a table. In my personal opinion a hard case should have been standard for $400 headphones.

    I know there are reviews of these that are negative and I can understand because out of the box they sound flat and sad. After turning off the wear detection and playing my favorite album at 65% volume for a couple days they opened up. The sound quality is so much better now. Bass is still lacking which I feel can be fixed by later updates to the software. I love the build quality of these headphones. They are amazing and sounds fantastic at all times. If you switch from noise canceling mode to nothing you’ll hear a drastic difference but that’s nothing new with any brand that offers noise cancellation. The top three (Bose, Sony, and B&W) are so close to each other it’s a matter of choice in design and finish. Test all three before you buy so you know which you want. The B&W PX are the heaviest of the big three but after over a couple straight hours of use I wasn’t uncomfortable or in any pain. Would recommend them for anyone looking for a more robust build feel. Almost no plastic and I love it. The only negative thing I can think of is the case for the headphones. It’s pretty useless if you do anything other than have them in it on a table. In my personal opinion a hard case should have been standard for $400 headphones.

  67. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI owned the P7 wireless before this. These are a much more balanced sound profile. The P7s are much warmer. I haven’t had them for long (B&W customer support suggests 30 hours before they truly open up) but I’m already amazed. I feel like I’m sitting in a studio.

    The mids are amazingly present, the highs crisp and the lows can kick when they need to (though these cans are not for bass lovers). What is supremely amazing about these headphones is the soundstage…I’m almost fooled into thinking they’re open backed headphones…and that’s in wireless mode. They have an amazing internal DAC. This is just with 320 mp3 files not lossless and my note 8 does not have aptxHD (maybe with Oreo?). I’ve read that the onboard B&W DAC upscales even without aptxHD and I believe it.

    They do not have the best noise canceling (and the highest levels do degrade quality) but they have great passive isolation even without adding electronic wizardry. The office mode is the least intrusive and allows passthrough…if you need minor noise canceling I recommend this mode as it affects the sound the least. Flight I imagine will be adequate but it’s certainly no bose or sony…but then again you don’t get this magical sound with either.

    I have had no issues with the sensors. I immediately installed the newest firmware with the app (the app is pretty basic) and didn’t have to touch the sensitivity at all. Lift an ear cup…music pauses. Take them off my head and the music stops. Leave them off and they go to sleep. Put them back on hours later and like magic reconnects instantly to my phone and begins playing where I left off. I have no issues when moving my head.

    Ok. Downside…they do clamp like crazy and the headband can develop a sore spot with my head shape (the P7s did too) and the earpads arent particularly soft but I will put up with a little discomfort for this sound. While not soft the memory foam type pads do seem to accommodate my glasses ok.

    So long as you realize you aren’t buying these for their stellar noise canceling (it’s still adequate) and love a balanced sound profile I can’t see how you would be disappointed. Plus you know B&W uses only quality materials in their construction (caveat: the soft case while certainly quality isn’t very protective).

    Certainly the best wireless cans I’ve ever heard to date!

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersQuite simply the best headphones I’ve ever owned. I’ve always used in-ear headphones but went for a change this time, and I’m glad I did. B&W are acoustically perfect. They offer sound quality that isn’t surpassed. If you’re after perfect ANC, ultimate comfort or ear-shattering bass, these aren’t for you. These can handle bass brilliantly but do so with delicacy. They’re still very comfortable, but not as good as Bose, for example. But what they lack there, they give everywhere else. It took me about a week to get used to the subtle difference in sound quality – I’d been used to power and volume with too much middle for years. I’ve spent 100-200 on various headphones before hoping for quality, but always fallen short. Don’t waste money buying different headphones for cheaper every few years. She’ll out the e tea bucks Now and buy these. Now that I’m used to them, I’ll never buy anything else. Absolutely perfect.

  69. ShanelKHZZ says:

     United Kingdom

    OK in short not good enough for the price! Yes the sound is good, and the quality is good, but 330 quids worth hmmm I feel a bit done.! They do what they say they do and they are comfortable for short flights, but anything over say 2 hours and the top of your head is gonna hurt. It’s wierd the headphones I bought my son for his Xbox (turtle beach XO) are more comfortable, yes the plastics are more profound on that particular unit but why are they more comfortable? These things cost nearly 6 times the price. For that money I expect quality, but you get plastic in places, and why can’t I walk with them round my neck? I have to take them off turn them around then they fit? Stupid. The sensor for automatic turning off and on doesn’t work, I turned it off, as it kept interrupting my song or audio book when I turned my head, then when it comes to switching the unit on and off, a switch would be better, this toggle thing is fine if it would work, but it’s a bit hit and miss, I toggle on and nothing, I toggle longer then hey it switches on. Hmmm.

    Basically im saying these headphones are good, I expected better which is why I’m miffed. The use of plastic on a set of headphones at this price should not be on the table. And the fact that they are uncomfortable is kind of a deal breaker. But I’m only a month in, so let’s see what the durability of the unit is?

  70. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersExtremely good product! The Bluetooth connection holds almost perfectly 100% of the time, the sound is incredible, and the battery life is unreal – my first charge lasted me a solid 2 weeks of medium-light usage (~2 hours daily, minus weekends). The app is a little buggy, but that doesn’t impact the product itself too much.

  71. JudithLionel says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHow much for a pair of headphones?!?!

    That was my first thought, but on opening this it is very clear that this is a premium product at the top of it’s class. from the carry bag to the actual build quality of the headphones it’s all evident that it’s worth every penny.

    Paired seamlessly to several different devices it’s simple to connect and there’s even an app for it (that looks great on OLED screens too). The B&W are very comfy, although the hinge to rotate them round was a bit odd at first it makes them easy to put on and when on your ear they are a really snug fit.

    Oddly, you need to break these headphones in – as they use top quality materials then you need to break them in to reduce the stiffness of the factory provided materials. It means they sound better over time, and boy do they sound good. The sound is simply outstanding with a really rich range from deep bass to mellow sounds of a violin. It is exquisite sound that really is on a different level and makes everything else pale in comparison. There is also a noise cancelling feature that again words superbly and can easily be turned off or turned according to the background – it really does work and allows you to become absorbed in the music or sound that you’re listening too.

    Battery life isn’t outstanding but I got around 20 hour use in one charge – good enough for a trip and back without a charge.

    The price is huge for these, but if you can afford them, then they are worth every penny as an outstanding physical pair of headphones that give an unparalleled sound quality.

    Was tempted to give 4 stars, but it really is a 5 star product. Highly recommended.

  72. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersDer PX ist ein Kopfhrer der wirklich gut durchdacht worden ist.
    Nach dem die Verpackung geffnet wird und man sich den kompletten Kopfhrer ansieht zusammen mit dem Zubehr — kann man es als hochwertig bezeichnen.
    Der Kopfhrer besteht zu groen Teilen aus Metall, Echtleder und Stoffbespannung.
    Das gesamte Erscheinungsbild ist sehr gelungen und zeigt das sich hier einige schlaue Kpfe Gedanken gemacht haben.

    Die Verbindung zum iPhone /iPad gelingt per Bluetooth einwandfrei und zgig.
    Auch das zusammen spiel mit der App ist perfektioniert.
    Verschiedenste Modifikationen sind in der App whlbar und somit fr jede Gelegenheit durchdacht.
    Hier kleiner Tipp, versucht den Regler auch selbstndig zu bewegen und nicht immer auf die Standard Einstellungen sich zu verlassen.
    Einige Personen meckern hier ber den Klang des Kopfhrers, dabei wurde mit Sicherheit dort nichts verndert.
    Einige Rezensenten haben nicht mal die App auf den Smartphone installiert.
    Die App ist auch dafr da um den Klang oder das empfinden zu Personalisieren.

    Sitz der Kopfhrer bei dem Brillentrger kann ich als sehr gut bezeichnen.
    Es drckt nicht oder verrutsch, meistens sind die Kopfhrer bei mir um eine Stunde auf den Ohren –den solang ist mein Arbeitsweg.
    Aber auch schon nach 2 Stunden war bei mir kein Gefhl von Unannehmlichkeit zu spren.
    Die Unterdrckung von auen Geruschen ist sehr gut gelungen.
    Bei mir ist der Kopfhrer in der Preiskategorie bis 500 Euro und in der Noic-Cancelling Sparte an der Spitze gelandet.
    Whrend der gesamten Bus und Bahnfahrt, nehme ich keine neben Gerusche wahr — solange die Musik abgespielt wird.
    Auch im Bro werden die B&W sehr hufig von mir genutzt, es macht Spa die Musik auch dort zu genieen.
    Deswegen behaupte ich das die Kopfhrer zu Zeit als einsame Spitze auf dem Markt sind,
    die den Klang und Noic-Cancelling zusammengekoppelt haben.

    Meine Lieblings Playlisten habe ich fter mal durchgespielt und dem Kopfhrer und mir viel Zeit gegeben.
    Mir ist bekannt das das Klang empfinden Personen bezogen ist und jeder hat fr ein anderes empfinden.
    Wer den Kopfhrer kaufen mchte und das ntige Geld dazu hat, sollte sich dann auch die Zeit nehmen und in Ruhe anhren.
    Er klingt nicht bertrieben, wie das einige Hersteller wollen.
    Den Klang wrde ich als zwischen warm und neutral einstufen.
    Nie aufdringlich, auch wenn hohe stimmen zum Vorschein kommen.
    Auch den Bass wrde ich als Przise und direkt bezeichnen.
    Auf jeden Fall ist er auch den Preis wert und ich wrde den immer wieder kaufen.

    Ich werde die B&W Kopfhrer auf jeden Fall behalten und auf Reisen immer mitnehmen.

    Hoffe die Rezession hat euch gefallen und bei Fragen stehe ich gerne zu Verfgung.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been using these headphones for almost a week now, and I’m really quite impressed by the sound and function set. I’ve used them with an iPod Nano 7th gen, an iPad pro and a MacBook. One thing I haven’t really explored is the noise cancelling function (I’m travelling by train soon, so I’ll give it a bash then). The iOS app is easy to use and works well. The same can’t be said for the Android app. On my phone at least, you can’t stop it reporting usage to B&W, plus it requires access to your location. This is unnecessarily intrusive and really needs some attention from the developers. The microphone works well on VOIP apps such as Skype for Business.
    Physically, the headphones feel solidly built, and I find them very comfortable for lengthy periods.
    Worth the price? Not sure, and that along with the Android app issue is why I knocked a star off.

  74. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 35 From Our UsersExcellent casque sans fil rduction de bruit active ! On apprcie la finition trs soigne typique de B&W et le look sans pareil. Et toujours cette facilit de nettoyage incroyable avec les coussinets aimants !

    La restitution sonore offre une signature classique pour Bowers & Wilkins bien plus agrable que ce que l’on trouve chez Bose.

    La rduction active de bruit influe un peu sur la qualit de l’ecoute dans le mode le plus pouss avion, mais isole la perfection. Dans les autres mode la distorsion est trs limite, et l’isolation dj excellente. Mention spciale au mode ville qui offre un excellent compromis. On apprcie de pouvoir rgler indpendamment du niveau de l’isolation globale, le filtrage des voix. Une fonction talk through activable manuellement pour discuter sans enlever le casque en appuyant sur un bouton aurait pu tre intressante et pourrait tre ajoute de faon logicielle, un peu la manire du Sony wh1000x2. Quoique, il suffit de soulever le casque pour mettre la musique en pause, ce qui est peut tre plus naturel…

    Mention spciale la recharge qui se fait par USB C, enfin une marque qui vit avec son temps !

    On regrettera peut tre que l’application compagnon ne se connecte pas un peu plus rapidement au casque, cela peut prendre de 2 30 secondes.

    Derniers reproches, dommage que la casque ne se reconnecte qu’au premier des deux appareils simultanment connects la remise sous tension. Bilan si une tablette et un smartphone s’etaient connects dans cet ordre, si le casque se met en veille, il tentera ensuite de se reconnecter la tablette uniquement et non aux deux appareils ! Il faudra donc lancer la connexion manuellement depuis le menu Bluetooth du smartphone. Dommage !

    Enfin on apprcie la gestion intelligente de l’energie, avec un appareil que l’on a jamais besoin d’eteindre. Un vrai plus, il suffit de poser le casque sur ses oreilles et c’est parti. Pas de bouton d’alimentation triturer ou de bouton lecture presser pour entrer dans sa bulle de confo

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersWay,way better than my last pair of noise-cancelling headphones (some old Audiio Technica’s that went berserk anywhere near a mobile phone). Out of the box I let them have a few hours charge, installed the B&W app on my phone, and then updated to the latest firmware. That firmware update seems to be quite important, I have had none of the issues with cutting out or very low sound levels that others have reported. And then on to a few hours of listening. The sound quality is excellent, both with and without the noise cancelling active, there is a tight and well defined bass – these are not for bass heads, they give you what bass is there on the recording, no more, no less – the mid range and treble are clear and natural, and the sound staging is good for a pair of closed back headphones. Overall a very well balanced and natural sound (and neutral, if what you are listening to is badly recorded or low quality, these headphones will do nothing at all to hide it or improve it), the quality does vary according to how they are connected and a direct USB connection seems to be the best . Probably the only issue I have with them is that the ear pads need to be a little larger, my ears are not huge but the pads don’t quite fit round them to make a good seal..So far, for what I want them for – travelling, trains, planes – they are very very good. No, not as good as my Audio-gd & Hifiman home setup, but I reckon it would be very hard to find anything better for use on the move.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 109 From Our UsersI really wanted to like it…

    I like many others was undecided for weeks. Fortunately Amazon have a good returns policy.

    These sound crystal clear – every detail is sharp. The likes of which I have never heard. I was truly stunned.

    But, and it is a big but, they were uncomfortable – for me. I developed a hot spot on my head where they rested. The ear padding is not as soft as the Seinheisser Momentum (which are not nearly worth the price IMO) but it was still comfortable after a few hours. I think the padding was adequate around the ears. Due to their slightly heavier weight, they do seem to move more than other headsets when you move your head quickly. My other problem was the lack of foldability – a problem for some and not all. But I want to use these regularly and be happy sliding them in a bag pocket or even a jacket pocket – and these did not allow for it.

    Having now purchased the QC 35 II, I can say that the Bose sound good but not as good. I still have even a little discomfort with these (so take my above comment on discomfort in light of this, it might just be my head shape). The ANC is great with the Bose but was equivocal with the PX – but as others note, the sound suffers with the increased ANC settings you use. The intuitive features of the PX were great and I miss them. So the only two reasons I chose the QC 35 II over the PX was the comfort level and the slight reduced size. If these are not an issue to you then I say PX all the way.

  77. KerrieCampos says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBefore I got these I saw poor reviews relating to the bluetooth functionality but I was mainly buying for sound and build quality. So qhen I first put the headphones on and hit play I was kinda disgusted honestly, they were impressively warm and had extremely veiled and recessed mids. However I kept listening and I don’t know if it was real burn in, “brain burn in” or both but now they sound pretty amazing. Yes the mids are recessed so the headphones have a slight V shaped sound signature, but I have never heard such textured sub bass and the mids being recessed is a product of the good soundstage. The build is exceptional, I believe the only plastic on the exterior is the buttons and I still cant tell if its aluminum or plastic but thats a good thing. The leather is thick and feels nice with hard memory foam underneath, they are actually exceptionally hard at first but the memory foam adjusts and the hard clamp becomes no issue. The pads actually fit my ears unlike the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 where the bottom sat on my earlobe and i would take them off after 30 min rubbing my ears. All in all I strongly reccommend these headphones.

  78. GerardPDRnjxqx says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersAwesome B&W sound, with decent noise cancellation to boot.

    I’m a big fan of the B&W sound, and I’m a big fan of headphones also… since I have young kids and I also travel a lot for work, most of my music listening these days are by the way of headphones. I used to have all sorts of DACS, tube amps, etc… but with young kids they become impractical….. so these days its 95% of the time bluetooth and 5%th dragonfly red with a cable into the headset…. so, I’m always keen to try a good bluetooth headset.

    To date, my favorite bluetooth headset has been the B&W P7 wireless and the B&O H9. The B&O H9 does have noise cancelling, but the volume doesn’t get very loud, and the noise cancelling is not very good…. in quiet environments, where you don’t need noise cancelling or very loud volumes, its a great pair of headphones… but it stays at home most of the time. the B&W P7’s sound very good, but doesn’t have noise cancelling and its a little too tight on my head (the B&O are a little too loose…).

    I use the Bose QC35’s primarily for in plane noise cancelling…. the sound is ok, but the noise cancelling is amazing… nothing beats the Bose for noise cancelling alone.

    so here comes the B&W PX …. looks and feels premium, excellent sound, a bit more open then the P7 wireless, the noise cancelling is very good, not up to the Bose standards, but much better than the B&O… but the thing is it sounds great…. obviously it sounds better without noise cancelling engaged (3 settings, office / city / plane), but it stills sounds great with noise cancelling on …. so on the way back on a 30 hour + plane / airport marathon .. I solely used the PX .. I had the bose with me, just in case, but I only used the PX…. very comfortable, great sound and very good battery life.. I did charge it a couple of times during my long trip, but it was excellent..

    the case is similar to the P5 wireless, but mattt black, not glossy… the P5 case looks better IMHO. but the case is overall flat and takes less space than the Bose QC 35’s, but the bose’s case is hard, which would probably offer better protection. One thing which is not great is that it doesn’t come with a plane adapter ….. both B&O and Bose do…. so B&W don’t go cheap skating here and include a plane adapter going forward…

    so, to date, this is my favourite pair of bluetooth headphones… I haven’t used it with the dragonfly yet, but I don’t think you can bypass the internal circuitry on these headphones, meaning, there is no point using an external DAC…. but the B&W headphones are very good .. I haven’t done any critical music listening yet as I was mostly in transit and in plane… but I love these headphones…. and highly recommend them … I prefer them to the P7 Wireless… and the P7 wireless sounded better than my old P7…..

    another benefit of these ones vs the P7 wireless is that it partners with the B&W headphone app, so you can perform software upgrades, customize the noise cancelling and the sensitivity of the automatic on/off when you remove the headset…. the P7 and P5 wireless don’t offer those ….

  79. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 126 From Our UsersIch hre Zuhause Musik mit einem Stereo Setup:
    Cambridge CXA 80, Boxen Quadrat Platinum M50.Zuspieler Streaming ber Synology zum Airport Express 44,1kHz mit Spdif (Licht digital) auf den Cambridge alle Quellen sind digitalisierte CD’s Lossless.
    Der KH soll nahe an der Anlage sein, ich kenne die Titel und wei wie Sie klingen mssen.Mit dem Setup kann ich auch gute von schlechten Aufnahmen unterscheiden. Seit dem Aufbau hre ich im Direktmodus, Hhen und Bassregler brauche ich nicht.
    Nach einigen Hifi Kopfhren, speziellen HighRes Playern (Basso DX90) fr Unterwegs. Will ich ohne Kabel hren, unterwegs auch mit dem iPhone, die grte Hrde ist hier Bluetooth ich werde wohl nicht ganz an den IBasso ran kommen.
    Sony MDR1000 oder Bose Quitcomfort 35 habe ich schon aussortiert. Der Bose war mir zu basslstig wobei das ANC der Hammer war.
    Beim Sony hat mir die Verbreitung nicht gefallen ANC war TOP Klang .. er hrt sich gut an aber er ist irgendwie nich mein Fall.
    Hier wird fr meinen Geschmack “aufgehbscht”.

    Nun zu den Kopfhren
    Verarbeitung beide geben sich hier nichts! alles sehr hochwertig.
    H9: der KH ist ein wahrer Ohrenschmeichler er Sitzt sehr leicht lediglich der Bgel ist ein wenig hart. Beim lngeren Tragen wird es wrmer wie beim PX
    PX: er sitzt straffer wird aber ber lngere Zeit nicht unangenehm (ich bin Brillentrger).
    Der H9 schlgt hier den PX

    Die ANC Funktion steht bei mir nicht im Vordergrund, mir ist der Klang wichtiger.
    Ich habe die Funktion auch nur Zuhause und im Bro getestet.
    H9: leichtes Noise Cancelling die Strke ist nicht einstellbar. Mit eingeschaltetem NC klingt er besser. Ich hatte schon den H7 hier, welcher auch nicht so stramm sitzt, mit ihm war hren bei niedrigen Lautstrken nicht mglich. Es kamen zuviel Gerusche durch. Deshalb habe ich mir den H9 zum Testen geholt. Das NC gleicht diesen Makel super Haus, der Klang des H9 liegt ber dem H7.
    PX: Das NC ist im Bro Modus ausreichend und effektiver als beim H9. Der PX schirmt schon ohne NC gut ab. Auerdem kann man das NC in der Strke verstellen, wobei bei Flugzeug” der Klang stark leidet. Fr meine Anwendung besser mit Luft nach oben.
    Beim ANC schlgt der PX den H9

    Konnektivitt / App / Technik
    Mit dem PX geht es ein bisschen weiter weg von der Quelle, getestet mit MacBook im APTX Modus. Weiter geht es mit AAC oder SBC.
    Der H9 hatte die ab und zu bleibt aber im Rahmen.
    H9: Ich habe zwar ein iPhone (Touchscreen), aber die Bedienung des H9 ist nicht meine. Das Touchfeld reagiert nicht immer gleich mit der Lautstrkeregelung hab ich mir schon die Ohren abgeschossen :-).Und der Hammer die Wahlwiederholung was fr ein Bld.. bei 2x Tippen wird die WW des iPhone ausgelst. Beim Testen habe ich die 2x ausgelst und meinen letzten Kontakt angerufen. OK zur Freundschaftspflege nicht schlecht.
    PX: klassische Tasten nicht alle sind erfllbar die wichtigen sind es: Laut, Leise, Pause/Play, 2x Pause/Play Titel vorwrts 3x Pause/Play rckwrts.

    Eine super Funktion des PX der Sensor im Ohr beim Abnehmen geht die Musik auf Pause beim Aufsetzen geht es wieder weiter. Nach einer lngeren Pause geht der PX beim Aufsetzten aus dem Sparmodus, verbindet sich und spielt weiter. Der Sensor lsst sich in der Empfindlichkeit einstellen, funktioniert super mit Brille.

    Der H9 muss hndisch pausiert werden, das Touchfeld fordert hier bung. Ist er lnger aus muss man ihn ber den Schiebeschalter aktivieren was umstndlich ist.
    Mehr Einstellmglichkeiten beim PX was das ANC angeht. Dafr kann beim H9 der Klang angepasst werden.Ganz ehrlich ist das nicht meins, ein Equalizer wre in Ordnung gewesen aber das? Es kommt einem zwar erst innovativ vor aber irgendwie kann man nicht den Bass abmildern ohne auch was anderes zu ndern.

    Nun zum Klangtest.
    Ich habe beide KH an einem MacBook Pro mit aktiviertem APTX getestet. Alle Titel sind im Lossless Format vorhanden.
    Beide Kopfhrer hab ich zuvor bei leicht erhhter Lautstrke >24h einspielen lassen.
    Beim H9 hatte das kaum Auswirkung beim PX schon das Einspielen hat seinen Charakter sehr zum positiven verndert!

    Queen – Another one bites the dust
    PX: Er hat die deutlich mehr Volume und geht mehr ins Ohr, die Rhythmusgitarre ist klarer ortbar
    H9: spielt hier fr meinen Geschmack zu zurckhaltend der Bass ist zwar krftig hat aber nicht so straff”

    Gregory Porter – Hey Laura its me
    PX: die Stimme hat mehr Krper, feinere Details und Dynamik. Das Saxophon ab 1:40 hat Krper und spielt direkt.
    H9: frbt die Stimme sehr warm, der Bass ist krftig und berlagert leicht das Klavier, das Saxophon klingt ein bisschen bedeckt und warm.

    Inge Marie Gunderson – Some Things Never Change
    PX: Die Trompete am Anfang mit viel Krper, das Klavier klar ortbar und die Stimme sehr akzentuiert, man hrt sehr viele Details.
    H9: Die Trompete am Anfang mit mehr wrme nicht ganz so direkt. Das Klavier wird ein bisschen vom Bass (Instrument) berdeckt, die Stimme klingt warm und angenehm.

    Charlotte Gainsbourg – Ring-aRing O’Roses
    ein sehr guter Titel um die Unterscheide der beiden zu erkennen (Basslastiger Elektropop)Kaum hat das Lied eine gute Basslinie stellt der PX das sehr direkt dar, trotz allem beleibt jedes der Instrumente” gut ortbar und hrbar.Den H9 katapultiert seine starke basslastige Abstimmung hier ins Abseits der Bass am Anfang bertnt alles selbst die Stimme wird ein wenig in den Hintergrund gedrckt.

    Dream Theater – Metropolis-Part 1 (Album: Images and Words)Eines meiner Lieblingsalben der Titel ist anspruchsvoll auch fr meine Anlage.
    PX: Sehr Dynamisch auch wenn der Titel Fahrt aufnimmt alle Instrumente klar ortbar und gut heraus zu hren.Die Stimme im Vordergrund klar und verstndlich TOP
    H9: Am Anfang bis 30 sec sehr gut aber wenn es schneller und komplexer wird hat man das Gefhl der H9 ist leicht berfordert der Bass ist fr den Titel zu stark, bertnt auch hier, der Rhythmus die Dynamik des Titels bleibt ein bisschen auf der Strecke, die Stimme wird vom Bass in den Hintergrund gedrngt.

    Herbert von Karajan – Mozart Symphony No. 40 Molto Allegro
    PX: Die Dynamik ist umwerfend wie soll ich das erklren ich bin kein Klassik Kenner. Wenn das Orchester loslegt dann fliegen einem die Tne nur so um die Ohren, einzelne Instrumente gehen aber nicht unter, alles wird ganz klar dargestellt. Das reist mit.
    H9: Auch der H9 zeigt hier eine gute Dynamik. Das Stck reit einen aber nicht ganz so mit. Instrumente sind gut ortbar (hier gibt es auch keine Basslinie die sich in den Vordergrund spielt), die Bhne ist nicht ganz so breit.

    Der PX spielt alle Genres sehr auf einem hohen Niveau (fr einen Bluetooth KH) bisher der beste Bluetooth KH denn ich gehrt habe.Er schnt nichts spielt direkt und die Titel sind meinem Stereo Setup am nchsten, also nichts fr die Beats Fraktion. Obwohl er gefhlt strammer sitzt wird er nie lstig aber man sprt Ihn. Ich werde Ihn behalten.

    Der H9 spielt sehr warm angenehm und entspannt. Bei komplexen Titeln hat er Mhe und der Bass bertnt so manch andere Spur. Er ist vom Sitz ein wahrer Ohrenschmeichler”, bei lngerem Tragen wird es aber auch warm unter den breiten Polstern.
    Fr Jazz und Klassik Liebhaber bestimmt keine schlechte Wahl.Wem Elektropop gefllt, fr den ist er bestimmt auch ansprechend, da wummerst dann schon ganz schn.

    Nachtrag 9.12.:
    Die App hat heute den PX auf die Firmware v 1.066 upgedatet.
    Ich habe noch iPhone und MacBook verglichen die Auflsung und Rumlichkeit ist unter APTX besser.
    iPhone ist aber trotzdem fr mich Ausreichend. Bin schon gespannt wenn es mal Bluetooth Dongles mit APTXHD gibt.
    Zustzlich habe ich den Bluetooth Explorer fr den Mac installiert. Hiermit kann man am Mac die Verbindung mit APTX oder AAC erzwingen. Beides habe ich getestet APTX ist besser. Mit dem Tool kann dann auch die aktuelle Datenbertragungsrate als Kurve angezeigt werden.
    APTX: 44600 byte/sec = 356,8 kbit/sec
    AAC: im Mittel bei 25000 byte/sec = 200kbit/sec
    Das erklrt wohl auch die Unterschiede im Klang
    Mit dem PX hat man dann also durch das APTX HD noch Luft nach oben!!

    Nachtrag 28.01.
    Immer noch voll zufrieden er lst mittlerweile noch einen Tick besser auf! Das ist der erste Kopfhrer den ich wirklich oft benutze und ich hatte schon viele. Bisher nur Kabelgebundene Sennheiser und NAD aber keiner hat mir diese Freude an der Musik bereitet. Er reit mit und bleibt dabei aber “analytisch”.
    Der Akku hlt bei normalem Gebrauch bei mir eine Woche, dadurch wird er auch lange halten den er wird ja nur 50x im Jahr geladen :-).

    B&W PX vs B&O H9

  80. Cosmetic Lover says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI tried some of the most famous Bluetooth headphones with active noise reduction. PXs are superior to the Sony 1000xm2 and 35 wh-Bose QC II (with the rankings in that order) for the sound quality and the pleasure of listening. When you run the headphones from your ears the sound interrupts and resumes from the same point. No matter use the shutdown button, because PXs remain on standby until they are again placed on the head. Noise reduction (selectable on three levels) is quite effective, maybe less than that of the other two headphones. Anyway the PX offer a sublime listening experience, similar to that of P7.
    About the people who have problems with Wireless signal interruption, I would note that you will need to download the application for your smartphone to change possibly Bluetooth sensitivity and that you have to upgrade your firmware, as indicated in a message of the application for iOS or Android

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersFollowing the collapse just outside the warranty period of my previous noise-cancelling headphones from a rival manufacturer, the first port-of-call for my next pair was B&W because of the obvious pedigree (and my hope that they will last longer than the previous set).

    I was hugely sceptical about wireless headphones (both in terms of connectivity and quality of sound) but given my inexplicable commitment to the Apple ecosystem (which is determined to do away with the 3.5mm jack) and damaged cables on my last two sets, having tried a few rivals, I took the plunge.

    The headphones paired quickly and easily (I am running an iPhone 6 and expected some issues with the older phone. A week in I experienced some drop-out on a journey, turned Bluetooth on-and-off and normal service was resumed) and while I was initially dismissive of the app, it allows you to customise the extent of the noise-cancelling across 3 separate modes (office, city and flight – the last is the best of these but the others have their place). It’s not necessary to remain in the app to listen through the headphones but it is useful. Control is otherwise through the discreet buttons on the right cup. These are also ‘smart’ headphones with playback starting and stopping when you put them on/lift a cup up/take them off. This feels like some kind of witchcraft at first and some other reviews have suggested that your mileage may vary but I had no issues and soon got used to the convenience (though after extended non-use, you may find that an iPhone defaults to playing whatever is in iTunes – this is a known issue that doesn’t just afflict headphones, it runs to car connections too but this is a mild irritation only because I never use Apple’s bloated app anyway).

    As ever with B&W, a run-in period is necessary to get the full benefit but even out of the box these were noticeably better than my previous headphones. After a few hours, sound quality was crystal clear and has only improved since. As above, noise-cancelling was a cut above and battery life has been exceptional. Out of the box, over a five-day week, my general use was two hours a day plus a few hours in the office and come the following Monday, battery life read 52% (if you want the specifics). Doubtless this will calibrate the more I use them.

    In terms of comfort, I have historically been put off by the ‘on-ear’ approach across the rest of the B&W range which I haven’t found comfortable but these fit over instead and provide complete immersion. That being said, the PX’s are undoubtedly a premium product and have a heft to match. There was a marked change in weight to my last pair so I do recommend you try them on first if you can but that is not really representative of how comfortable they are after a week’s use (and the sound and quality of the noise-cancelling has been worth that adjustment period). There are the little details too: the resistance on the controls, the soft hue of the headphone light (rival products make their wearers look like embarassing cyborgs) and the jingles the PX’s emit when they start up and connect. The whole experience is quite typically B&W.

    There is no doubt that these are an expensive outlay but given the extent to which I rely on my headphones the investment has been worth it. With the pairing over Bluetooth being quite straightforward, I’ve found myself using them all over the house so if the quality of sound hasn’t yet sold you and you’re looking for that final justification, there it is. A highly recommended piece of kit.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersVery good, but buy depending on what you prioritise:

    Sound: 10 / 10 – If sound is king for you, these are absolutely superb, as ever with B&W. Buy them.
    Comfort: 8 / 10 – Good, but foam pads are stiff when for first ten minutes. The weight is not a problem for me.
    Portability: not great / 10 – they do not fold and are quite bulky. Not ideal.
    Style: 8 / 10 – very nice premium materials, but look a tad big on the head.
    Technology: 10 / 10 – sensors everywhere to stop / start at your thoughts. Similar to the technology in Apple’s wireless headphones. USB type C charging, a very welcome bonus!

  83. WarnerPatti29 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersThis is still getting me chilled out.
    I’ve read so many reviews over this headphones over the past few days that I was decided not to buy them!
    Although I’m planning a long trip next week and I had BW (my hi-fi election brand) P7 Wireless without ANC, and I was getting annoyed that I would fly with plane noise, so over the heat of the moment I decided to sell P7 Wireless and buy PX.

    First thing first, I much prefer P7 Wireless sound is such a harmony of silence.
    Second don’t read 2 much reviews over the internet, specially from previous owners of P7W or Bose QC35.
    Sound is good, crisp and has a lower bass than P7W.

    ANC is awesome in the office, I don’t have to hear ghost noise and voices over the sound pads.

    Material is not so premium as P7W, those really look exquisite and expensive, this are more urban style. I’ve read a comment for someone who used pX over an Eames and ottoman chair, and I really can picture this.

    So at this point, my only deception is that I would prefer to have both, p7W for home pX for the rest, if you can only afford one pair, just check what is most important, quietly enjoying music or day2day ANC.

    Update: I’ve reviewed this for 4* the first time, after using them for 2Weeks I must say that the sound is stunning and I’m changing my review to 5*

  84. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI received my pair on Tuesday, and have had two full days with them, clocking in around 50ish hours of listening primarily over Bluetooth (to my Galaxy S7 Exynox) with ANC off. I’m definitely no audiophile, but I have a few thoughts mostly about functionality and a bit about sound.

    Before I get into it, I’ll say that I picked these up for a few primary reasons: their good looking build quality, their reported excellent sound quality, and their optional ANC.

    I’ll start with functionality first, divided into Pros and Cons:

    – They are absolutely gorgeous to hold and feel like they are built very well. I think what lends to this is the lack of moving parts. The earcups swivel, and you can adjust the arms, but that’s it. I really think the lack of folding (which I originally felt was a drawback) lends to their sturdiness.
    – I personally loved the rigidness of the padding right off the bat, but did get some discomfort around the ears. They are definitely improving comfort-wise and as for the strap over head, I haven’t personally had any warmth or discomfort. I wear glasses with thicker arms around the ears and this hasn’t been a problem.
    – I was looking for BT ANC headphones when I picked these up, and specifically headphones that could toggle the ANC on or off over BT. The passive noise cancelling is so good that I haven’t actually tested the ANC because I haven’t needed it.
    – For battery, due to not needing ANC on, I’m at around 50% after 2 full days. Getting 4-5 days of battery from a charge with normal use is more than enough for me
    – I have had quite a few BT issues with past headphones. My last pair was the Momentum 2.0 wireless which I’d constantly get signal interruptions walking to and from the subway, and while walking my dog. These fair much better. BT Interuptions are now the exception rather than the rule (which was the case with the M2s). The same condo towers and busy intersections that gave me issues before are no longer problematic. I still get a hick-up every now and then (even when stationary) but I think it’s due to my phone.

    Cons (in no particular order):
    – I really wish I could listen passively via aux, without battery. Given that I will only be charging maybe three times every two weeks, I can see the battery lasting a while before it no longer holds a charge, but it’s still a con in my eyes.
    – I didn’t really care about the “Smart” controls that were touted as a feature, and I read about how they hadn’t worked very well for most. This has been my biggest surprise as I find that for the most part it works really well. It’s so nice to take off the headphones at work to get a coffee or go to the bathroom, have my music pause instantly, and then pick up again as soon as I put them back on. I’ve had a few hiccups in my second week where the headphones will power off completely at random, and twice I’ve had to perform a hard reset as they were completely unresponsive
    – The App takes a long time to connect to my headphones. I don’t need to adjust the ANC or “Smart” features that often so it’s not a big deal
    – The case doesn’t look as nice as the P7’s. Admitedly, I haven’t seen the P7 case in person, but I find the PX case seems a bit cheap and not very protective.
    – I wish the supplied aux cord had a mic

    Now, on to sound:
    Again, I’m no audiophile. As for my tastes in sound, I LOVED the way the Momentum M2s sounded. I’ve heard them described as warm, and I couldn’t put it better. As I mentioned, I’ve listened to the PXs through two full charges. Probably 30-40 hours of my regular music as well as 16hrs of pink noise for additional burn in.
    Mostly been rotating through the following artists and albums:
    – Norah Jones – Discography (320kbps MP3 and FLAC)
    – The Weeknd – Starboy (Flac)
    – Tyler, The Creator – SF;FB (Flac)
    – Jay-Z – 4:44
    – Lorde – Pure Heroine (Flac) and Melodrama (320kbps mp3)
    – Adele – 21 (320kbps mp3)
    – Sam Smith – The Thrill of It All
    – Various K-Pop (Blackpink, Twice, Mamamoo at 320kbps)

    Overall, I’ve really enjoyed the headphones. So far, I enjoyed the sound of the Momentum M2 Wireless more but that is shifting in the PX’s favour.

    The Highest of highs are great (bells, symbols and the rattling of snares sound great) but when the mid-highs get loud, I feel like things sort of get muddled and fall apart. This distortion in the treble is my biggest issue, although I’ve heard for others the problem doesn’t exist, so it may be just my unit. I noticed this most of all with artists like Sam Smith and Adele.

    I’m pretty happy for the most part, although a little disappointed with the sound, but I’m thinking that my unit may be defective.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBowers & Wilkins dipped their toes into the waters of wireless headphones a couple of years ago with cordless versions of their P5 and P7 headphones. These were very successful and the company has now gone the whole hog with the PX, which not only has wireless operation but active noise cancelling as well.
    The phones are very classy and well made like all B&W headphones, but the ear cups on this model are more elliptical than the squarer shapes I’ve become used to, but this is not a bad thing because I find these units much more comfortable to wear than either the P5’s or the P7’s.
    The battery needs to be charged before use and connection is made through the supplied cable, unusually fitted with USB to USB C connectors. The USB C allows for a direct cable connection to laptop computers and the like.
    A small slider switch turns the phones on and pairing is a simple matter of enabling Bluetooth on your mobile device and selecting ‘Bowers & Wilkins PX’, my iPad connected in seconds. It’s also a good idea to download the free accompanying Bowers & Wilkins Headphone app from the app store as this allows you much more control over the headphone’s functions.
    Once you’re connected you’re ready to play. Controls on the right ear cup allow you to control the volume, track forwards and backwards, pause and switch the active noise cancelling on and off. Now B&W have been very clever here in that they have introduced 3 levels of noise reduction according to where you are listening, these go from office listening where close conversations can be heard, street listening which ramps the noise cancellation up a bit to aircraft mode where the noise cancellation is at its maximum, selection is made from within the app and the phones remember the selection until it’s changed. Furthermore if you take the phones off or lift an ear cup to talk to someone the phones mute and pause the music. Play is automatically resumed when you replace the phones on your head. If you take the phones off and put them down they will enter a ‘deep’ standby state after 2 minutes which effectively turns them off. Placing them back on your head turns them back on again. However I did find a little quirk here in that when bringing them back to life they will automatically start playing from you left off and if the app you were playing from isn’t available it will randomly start playing from a different app, in my case my iPad music library. This means that you have to stop the music, close the app and go to where you want to play from so I’ve decided it’s easier just to turn them off using the slider switch.
    Now to the crunch bit, sound quality. With the noise cancelling turned off the sound quality is superb, the angled drive units, derived from the top of the range P9 headphones, deliver a smooth even sound with crystal clear trebles and a good solid bass line and the stereo imaging is the best I’ve ever heard. Turn the noise cancelling on and there is a barely perceptible hiss with no signal and when listening to music the sound quality takes on a warmer feel, still high class, but for the best audio performance I prefer the noise reduction turned off.
    Wired or Bluetooth? Here I got a big surprise because I could her very little difference in the sound quality between the two. The Bluetooth connection employs the latest aptXHD technology and this delivers superb sound. I use an app on my iPad which allows me to play hi resolution audio files and to my delight these headphones effortlessly handle 24Bit 192Khz files without any drop-outs whatsoever. Furthermore I can wander around all the ground floor of my house without losing connection, superb.
    To sum up, sonically these are among the best headphones I’ve ever heard at any price and with the added convenience of wireless working and noise cancellation they are a more than welcome addition to my headphone library. Look out Bose and Sony, you’ve got competition!

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersSummary
    These are excellent sounding headphones once you’ve run them in for 24hrs. They’re very well made but slightly heavier than the mainly plastic competitors such as Bose. The noise cancelling works well but on the strongest setting the sound quality does degrade slightly. Finally, they don’t fold down as small as you might like for travelling.

    Like all of the Bowers & Wilkins headphones I’ve owned, these MUST be run in for a period of time to sound their best. This is because headphones and loudspeakers are mechanical – the drivers physically vibrate to create sound. Cheaper headphones use materials like paper in their drivers and their sound doesn’t really change, but hi-fi manufacturers use stiffer materials for better sound, like metal or Kevlar. Straight from the production line these are very stiff and need a period of use to reach their optimum. I connected the PX to an iPad with the headphone lead supplied and left them playing at 50% volume for 24hrs. To do this you’ll need to use the app to turn off the proximity sensing, otherwise they’ll stop playing when not on your head.

    All sound testing was done with the Spotify playlist ‘Songs to test headphones with’ and a random selection of songs picked for me by Apple Music. Once run in, the PX have a detailed, dynamic sound with a very wide soundstage. The sound is a little different from the typical B&W house sound – there is still a warmth that stops them from being too harsh with all the detail retrieval, but I didn’t notice any of the mid-bass bloom that people either love or hate about the P9 Signature. They passed the best test that I can ever give headphones: I forgot I was supposed to be reviewing and just got carried away enjoying the music. The PX are very transparent and clearly show the difference between good and poor recordings; though nothing sounds really bad, good recordings are much more apparent. The drivers are tilted towards your ear in the same way as the P9 Signature, but while I can’t say I’ve noticed it to make a difference in the P9, there is a definite stereo image with these. Listening to Three O’Clock Blues from Eric Clapton and BB King, I got a real sense that BB and Lucille were in front on my right and Eric with his Strat on my left. A keyboard player, drummer and bassist were spread across the rest of the stage in a really impressive and highly enjoyable way. The other benchmark for quality hi-fi is to hear something you’ve not heard before. I had this with When Things Go Wrong from the Steve Miller Band, where a harmonica is clearly playing along on the far left of the soundstage.

    Given that all of this was with standard Bluetooth from an iPhone, I imagine the sound from a Bluetooth aptx or aptx HD device would be even better. Unfortunately I don’t possess anything that could confirm this. The sound from a wired connection is slightly better as you would expect, but note that the PX must have some charge level to be able to listen even with a wired connection.

    Noise Cancelling
    Noise cancelling can be enabled either with a button on the right ear cup or, with more options, using the app. The app lets you customise the effect using three presets and a slider. The Office and City presets apply mild cancelling and have an equally mild effect on the sound. Flight provides the strongest effect but also noticeably changes the sound, becoming more ‘squashed’ which is a little disappointing. The Bose QC25 that I’ve generally used only when flying don’t exhibit this change to the sound character. It’s a while until I next fly so I can’t report on how effective it is.

    The PX look and feel the part, clearly a well engineered piece of equipment with comfortable leather ear cups and padding on the headband. I have quite large ears and found them most comfortable with my earlobes tucked inside the cup. This provided a good level of isolation even without enabling the noise cancelling. What I don’t like is the band connecting to the outside of the earpieces. This is no doubt done for reasons of sound quality, being similar to the P9, but it means the band is proud of the side of your hear by a couple of inches. This makes them look physically bigger and more obvious when out and about, plus increases the chance of something getting caught in the gap. While testing I went into the garden and almost had them ripped off my head by a tree branch.

    The second thing I don’t like is that they don’t fold flat properly. They do fold flat, but after wearing them a few times the headband curves at a shallower angle so the earpieces are wider apart when folded flat and no longer go into the bag unless you squeeze the headband. Even then, they naturally twist inwards inside the bag, making it bulkier. Related to this is wearing them around your neck when not in use. As soon as you remove them (or lift an ear cup) the sound pauses and they will go into standby after a few minutes. If you then hang them around your neck the earpieces won’t fold flat against your chest unless you remove and reverse them first. It’s a real shame as when they’re the wrong way round (L&R) they lay neatly against the chest and don’t constrict neck movements, but the right way round the opposite is true.

    Overall, as a wireless set of headphones they sound fantastic. As a noise cancelling set of headphones they’re also very good, unless in Flight mode when they’re merely good. There are a couple of niggly physical design flaws that would make me think twice about wearing them in certain situations, and they’re not quite as portable as they might be. Fundamentally the sound is the most important thing to me, and they sound so good that I would only drop one star for the things I don’t like, but you may consider it as 2 dropped if portability and noise cancelling are the primary requirements.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Having briefly owned a pair of B&W P9 Signatures – they were returned as they were a poor impedance match with both a high-res digital audio player and the high performance portable amplifier later purchased as a possible solution to the problem; output was barely audible at any volume setting with the player alone or via the amplifier. It was therefore difficult to appreciate the audio quality they were supposed to deliver and they were replaced by another brand costing only slightly less and which provided the expected sound levels. These “Bowers & Wilkins PX Wireless Headphones, Noise Cancelling – Space Grey” share some of the P9’s technologies, not its problems, and are a very recent addition to the B&W product line-up.

    Both models are designed and packaged as luxury items and sell at prices to match; these are only slightly the less expensive, appear to offer similar luxurious design but with a wholly different appearance. Packaging is almost identical with a pouch hidden beneath the phones; its cables are in a small pocket within the pouch. The P9’s earpieces are rectangular and cabled and are designed to fully enclose the ear lobes, as are these. Comfort is very high although that need not be equally true after long periods of wear. The earpieces here are oval, less angular and they are Bluetooth but with the option to use them wired – the audio cable is one of those included. Power is via a rechargeable battery that is claimed to provide up to 22 hours of use; that could be enough not only for a long flight but journey time to and from the airports and waiting time. That is a massive improvement upon the few hours of use by alternatives offering similar dual-usage options, including one from Bose that retails at the same level.

    Adaptive noise cancelling is its prime feature. Sensors will pause them immediately upon lifting from the ears and then power off once removed from the head. The USB cable is not only used to recharge them but for data transfer to install any future firmware updates upon release – there isn’t one at the time of review. There is also a downloadable app obtained via the usual Stores that is used to adjust specific areas of its performance via a smartphone or tablet.

    Frequency response is an excellent 10 Hz – 20 kHz whether used via cable or Bluetooth, the latter imposing a minor limitation on potential response as it precludes frequencies above 20 kHz that typically carry much of the harmonics information; some lesser Bluetooth systems may start to filter at 16 kHz or below. Sound quality is very good out of the box but they will need a burn-in period to achieve their best and to remove any ‘rough edges’, were there any – 100 hours of continuous reproduction at high volume is normally suggested and you will need the audio cable and an audio source; a CD played in continuous loop or a DAB radio would be excellent. You need not listen during the burn-in and placing them under a pile of towels will help deaden the sound.

    Volume is less of an issue with these than it was with the P9s; they are never going to deafen as maximum volume is held to a comfortable level. All controls are are on the edge of the right ear unit, most obviously its volume controls with a domed media play button between them – usage info for that is in the guides. There is a tiny button to enable and null the noise cancelling and another similar for power. The phones paired with a device automatically within a few seconds once switched on. They were received essentially fully-charged; a few minutes connected to a USB power charger saw the charge indicator turn solid. The instructions are brief and do not include a charging time – the LED will flash until complete. Other than an obvious loss of output when the battery is flat, it isn’t clear from the documentation whether a warning colour change occurs to show when the battery is close to empty.

    There are no obviously exaggerated peaks in response at the bass end or in the treble as can be commonly encountered. Although not yet fully burned-in – about 4 hours thus far – their response appears to be ‘flat’ from end-to-end across its range and should suit most types of music for the audiophile and appreciative listener. Voice reproduction, a combination of dialogue from a movie and from a couple of vocal tracks, was excellent with a wide stereo stage and excellent distinction between characters where relevant. Although not immediately able to fully test the noise cancelling system with traffic or train sounds etc it appears to perform well and without affecting reproductive quality. Had these been available about a year or so previously, they would have proven the ideal companion for the audio player. They are expensive and may not be ‘the solution’ for all but, if you can justify the outlay, you will appreciate their performance.

    Since first posting this review, it was learned that they are intended to be the successor to the wireless P7 model that preceded the P9. Although never owning or experiencing the P7, a relative owns a pair and considers them to be the best headphones owned and surpassing one of Sennheiser’s top-of-range professional wired models from the early millennium years. Presumably, the PX improves upon the P7!

  88. Trailrunmag says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersVery good headphones, the SQ is amazing, the design is superb, the comfort is gonna get better I’m sure (previously had P7W and they became super comfortable after 1-2 months) but these are not good for office use for 2 reasons.

    1- The ANC is not that good. It doesn’t have ANY effect on voices. (QC35s or MDR1000Xs don’t cut them either but at least they lower them)
    2- These headphones leak sound like CRAZY. If you ever have the volume more than 75%, I’m pretty sure your colleagues will warn you. I hope they will release better earpads that would leak less in the future. (Or hopefully some third party manufacturers)

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 93 From Our UsersDay 2. Spent many sleepless nights procrastinating and scouring YouTube and the internet for reviews of the Apple, Bose, Sony and other specialist offerings. The single poor PC mag review of the B&W was putting me off but I decided to risk it as Amazon has such a good returns process. Delivery was prompt from the Sevenoaks retailer that hadn’t ran out of stock like most other places. On unboxing the PX I was greeted with an exquisitely engineered set of headphones, the materials are similar to those found on a dashboard of a luxury vehicle or aircraft. Although I loved the look of the gold and navy set I plumped for the discreet looking space grey in the hope that the average hoody / mugger wouldn’t recognise the brand …

    Pairing with my IPhone 7 and IPad were seamless and the headset arrived already charged. The app was straightforward to use and I had no issues with dropped connections. Everything rock solid so far. Then I was concerned when the headset paused at every adjustment made to the fitting. This was quickly rectified by setting the wear sensitivity to low. The only issue I could reproduce from the negative reviews was that if you use it just for noise cancelling, then lift one ear phone to pause, on resuming your last music track plays. No big deal considering the auto detect can be switched off entirely. It took a day to get used to the feature and I never have to touch the power button.

    Sound quality is fantastic, great range, clarity, depth and presence. You can hear instruments that previously went undetected with standard headphones. Tried a few genres such as pop, classical, R&B, jazz, easy listening…Lord of the Rings 21st Century symphony orchestra, Blue Lab Beats, Dua Lipa, Coldplay, Innocence, Soul II Soul, Sam Smith – all sound different in a good way. Didn’t get much sleep and the NC also blocked out the train commute and loud office chatter the day after. Watching movies was also an experience, like having a home cinema system plumbed into your ears.

    I thought 300+ was too much to pay for such an item but I have been proven wrong, what a fantastic product this is.

  90. VictoriUwu says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersJust got these after much deliberation and can honestly say these are the best headphones I have ever owned and I have had Bose and Beats.
    The noise cancelling is amazing as is the sound.

  91. GeraldMcCollom says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersAfter owning Bose earphones some years back and been disappointed in the sound quality, particularly the bass I’d converted to Yamaha in ear wired earphones which have served me well.

    I then bought my wife some Bose QC35’s which were OK but still lacked real sonic brilliance. So I set my sights on the new Sony’s but was put off by warnings over build quality and breaking headbands, after trying a pair I could see why.

    So when I saw the PX’s I had to give them a try. The build quality was unbelievably good, quality materials, solid metal architecture and wonderful design. So far so good. Then I put them on, loaded up some tracks and everything from acoustic Lumineers through to Holy Thursday Jazz just sounded outstanding. Throw in some heavy guitar tracks from Free or solo vocals from HEM , all are crystal clear; highs, lows and everything in between.

    Noise cancelling is good, slightly behind the Bose but in terms of pure sound, streets ahead. Sat in the back of a noisy car or a plane all becomes bliss.The app is a bit hit and miss, working sometimes but not others. that said you don’t really need it.

    Only negative is they don’t pack up as small as the latest Bose but I’d forgive that for the better build quality. Price wise they are a bargain given the quality they offer.

  92. Elenoraauu90 says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersI’ve owned a lot of headphones and I’m very particular on the right pair for me. I like the sound balanced with the ability to sound good from everything from Abba to U2 (I tend to have eclectic taste). I don’t need anything that has an excessive amount of bass but I like a clear sound that makes me feel like I’m in the studio. Years ago I picked up Bowers and Wilkins P5 headphones and have loved them ever since. The BW sound has always been my favorite but they are on the ear which aren’t super great for long stretches of time (I wear them at work). Since then, I’ve had the Bang Olufsen H8’s and the Bose QC25’s. Since I’ve upgraded to the iPhone 7 and had to get pushed into the bluetooth arena, I wanted something that is comfortable, over the ear, and bluetooth. I narrowed my options down to the Bose QC35’s and BW PX.

    The reviews for the Bose have always been steady and I do like their awesome noise cancelling feature. However, I always thought they felt cheap with all the plastic and the design isn’t as elegant as Bang Oluf and BW headphones. Yes, I do like a good aesthetic as well. With the reviews on Amazon so far about the BW PX’s, I was nervous about taking an expensive leap on them but I figured if I buy through Amazon, it’s not a gamble with their return policy.

    After putting them through their paces that meet my standards– listening to music, watching videos, comfortability, latency, and ease of use– the PX headphones definitely met my standards. I’m sure the Bose has a little better noise cancelling abilities but it was sufficient for my needs. One of my favorite features about the Apple Airpods are their ability to pause whatever you’re listening to when you pull an earbud out. I love that PX’s do the same thing. Whenever I’m interrupted by something, I don’t have to fuss around for the pause button. It’s a small feature but super handy.

    The quality is of course to the Bowers and Wilkins’ standards and they are very comfortable on my head and ears. I did find that to get maximum comfort, I need to take my earrings out but that’s fine by me. The headphones were so comfortable, I fell asleep with them on! Which is good since the battery life is long, I think 22 hours or something. I can also see me being able to use it with the Nintendo Switch on flights as well and use the headphone cable to do that. Quite versatile to keep me occupied for long international flights.

    Headphones are always a personal choice for people. I find that the PX’s live up to everything I want in headphones. When I think about a feature I would like to add, nothing comes to mind. I love that I found my headphones that will stay with me for a very long time!

  93. rthibode says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersLike many others who have reviewed these, I was initially disappointed with the sound, especially the first days listening, however, over the next couple of days they really took on a character all of their own.

    The detail these pull out of a recording is remarkable, plenty of weight and heft when needed and subtle and gentle when listening to more laid back music (I primarily listen to metal which these do with ease). Bass is tight and punchy, the mids are sublime and although the treble is a bit rolled off they just sparkle and everything as a whole just works exceptionally well.

    Comfort wise, again, I found them a bit tight to begin with but now I can sit with them for hours on end with no discomfort whatsoever.

    All in all, they are awesome and highly recommended. Super stylish and built to last, I won’t be changing these any time soon!

  94. Mayra says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThere’s one of two reasons to write a review – because something is terrible or it’s amazing. Having been a Bose advocate for a very long time I’d admit I was sceptical but returned Q35s made me make the jump. It was a leap of faith but I’m pleased I made it. They take a little bit of time but spending time in communal offices and on plane makes the notice cancelling essential – calling out the fact that you can tweak the cancellening depending on where you are…

    Battle tested the PXs on a long haul flight and they were awesome – particularly battery wise.

    I don’t get the sense that you need to run these headphones in per other reviews but maybe that’s just me. I’ve likened it to the comfortable you shape you end up forming on a sofa. They grow on you and I think that’s a great thing (particularly for the cost). They’ll be with you for a while.

    Unless Bose knock it out the park, I don’t see a reason in going back. They are my go too and couldn’t be more happy with them – I’m cancelling your noise right now….

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersAs music evolves and becomes portable, intuitive and accessible, I’m sad to say that the romance and fundamental pleasure of listening to great tunes is dissipating away. Yes, we need to embrace the evolution of technology but at what cost? Style and convenience over substance?

    Step forward Bowers & Wilkins. Having bought a B&W Zeppelin a year or so ago, I’ve been a huge fan of the brand. Style AND substance and in my opinion, comfortably the best performance to price ratio in the market today.

    Imagine my excitement when I read about B&W’s PX release and a brand new concept – the “intelligent headphone”.

    I was a little scared that the noise cancelling and auto on/off functionality would compromise the quality of the sound – oh how wrong I was. Let me get this straight – these headphones are beautiful. Yes, the sound takes time to develop (see a number of other reviews) but that’s what I love about them! They have character, they mature with age, they make you fall in love with your favourite songs all over again.

    If you’re looking to explore the nuances of your music whilst looking like an absolute champion, buy Bowers & Wilkins. You’ll never look back.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI’ve been using these for a few days now coming from the B&W C5s and I must say, they were definitely worth switching for.

    These are my first pair of Bluetooth headphones and my first pair of over ear headphones, luckily I found none of the issues of intermittent connections or discomfort after long periods that I so feared all of these years. I’ve worn them more or less continuously for 12 hours a day from the start of my commute to my working day and then the commute home again, removing them every now and then for the odd meeting at work. I’ve not had any noticeable discomfort even while wearing glasses.

    The initial setup and connection to my phone was a breeze and most of the time I forget they’re even linked together, I already have the habit of picking up my headphones and just pressing play to carry on from where I left off. The noise cancellation took a moment to get used to but the three different settings help a lot, I find myself mostly leaving it on the city setting as it seems to be the best all rounder and I can still hear someone say my name to avoid them giving me a fright when they sneak up on me.

    From a purely aesthetic point you can’t really ask for more, they look sleek with a very premium luxury item feel. It has a satisfying weight to it without being too heavy. They definitely feel rock solid and set ready to withstand many years of use and abuse.

    Finally to the sound, They’re very honest and won’t emphasise one range over another unlike some other brands who’ll artificially boost their bass. In my experience they sound just as good playing Nick Cave as they do playing Kanye. The bass is booming when you want and the highs clear the rest of the time.

    All in all, a very quality product.

  97. ChristianDFP says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 87 From Our UsersAs a long time Bose customer who has been looking into the Bowers and Wilkins brand for some time now I can say that I am quite well qualified to provide an accurate impartial review of these headphones from a consumer listener point of view.

    I have owned Bose noise cancelling headphones since their conception in the early 2000’s, my most recent set being the quiet comfort 3’s which I have been mostly happy with, that was until I received these…

    Following my absolute adoration for the Zeppelin Wireless speaker I purchased just under a year ago I thought I was ready to give B&W headphones a try and the PX’s seemed like the perfect all rounders. Wireless, Adjustable noise cancelling and drivers from the much more expensive studio headphones that cost 700 was all I needed to read to click buy!

    Upon receiving the headphones I was impressed with the Packaging and Quality of the headphones, unlike the Bose units the frame is metal and sturdy and the Leather is real. They just feel like they are going to last much longer, my Bose QC3’s have worn badly, the silver plastic black in some areas and the Ear cups have been replaced twice due to the plastic just wearing down to cheap fabric underneath. I don’t think that will be a problem here.

    Pairing was easy, as was installing the app and I straight away started listening! something I had been waiting to do ever since ordering. Other reviews and feedback have mentioned a running in period is necessary but I have to say out of the box the sound is everything I have come to expect from B&W- Warm, rich, never overpowering and never harsh and almost comforting in how they deliver so much depth. The vocals sound powerful but not too bright like many powerful headphones can. I have also noticed a marked improvement from this impressive baseline after only 5-10 hours of listening. I always know when I have purchased an audio product I like as I re listen to all my favourite tracks and these PX’s are no exception, they replicate all the notes that the Zeppelin Wireless does so well that other systems don’t even capture or register.

    The noise cancelling function is strong and stronger than I was expecting from reviews I have read but not flawless, the app does however help here. I have found being able to tune in vocals from outside means I can actually use these headphones in my office without worrying I am going to miss something important and being able to turn noise cancelling off but use the headphones makes absolute sense. Are you listening Bose?? If you are doubting buying these for whatever reason I implore you to try them, you will not be disappointed. I am sat writing this thinking of a bad point…. err they have made me become quite anti social in the last few days as I am found with headphones on tuned out but I don’t think I can blame B&W for that, the noice cancelling could be stronger as they are with the Bose but I value the rich quality sound more.

    The feature that adaptively turns the headphones on and off is also brilliant, if you pull an ear cup away from your ear to talk to someone they instantly mute, why has no one done this before! And I no longer have to worry when I realise I forgot to turn them off, they have 100% accurately done it themselves every time. I think I need to stop now as the more I think about how much I like them the more I realise I will probably never take them off….

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 35 From Our UsersWhen I first unboxed and started using them, I have got to be honest I was disappointed with the sound quality. The sound quality of the PX (with noise cancelling switched off) did initially lack the bucketfuls of energy and sparkle I get from my Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless.

    Admittedly it shouldn’t need to be done, but it is discussed extensively online (by both audio product manufacturers and other people in the know) that some audio products ranging from hifi speakers, through to headphones/earphones (got to remember earphones and headphones are speakers to) really only sound at their best after they have been used for a period of time (many people online suggest anywhere between 20-40 hours). This period of use is called running-in time. I did the following:

    1: Last night, I left the PX running all night at 50 volume, to give them around 9 hours of use/run in.
    2: I also did the same today for around 6 hours.
    3: I will do the same overnight again.

    Even after the 15 hours of run-in (probably over 20 hours with the other use I’ve give them as well) this is now my conclusion:

    I have got to admit, they do sound like a totally different headphone. The difference in sound quality from when they were first unboxed is astonishing, its like night and day.

    Now the sound has lots of energy (which was lacking when first unboxed) and the detail and sparkle are now there and are indistinguishable from what I get with the Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless.

    Despite from appearances, the headband doesn’t look as padded as the P7 Wireless I had, the PX are actually more comfortable by a large amount, don’t get me wrong, the P7 were not uncomfortable, but, weirdly, the PX seem to be more comfortable, the longer I wear them (which you would think would be the opposite). The same can be said to for the ear cups. I can only assume that Bowers & Wilkins are using different padding in the headband and ear cups, that perhaps becomes softer with the heat from your body, the longer you wear them. Anyway, whatever the reason, these are by far the most comfortable headphones I have ever worn. I could see me wearing these for hours and not have any ear or head fatigue.

    Now on to noise cancelling.
    With all active noise cancelling, the sound quality will ever so slightly change, but this is the nature of all active noise cancelling tech I’m afraid, but it is subjective on if it changes enough to really notice or degrade the sound. The thing with noise cancelling is, you are going to only use it in noisy environments and if you didn’t use the noise cancelling, you wouldn’t be able to fully enjoy your music. You have three choices in the noise cancelling setting in the app, OFFICE, CITY, FLIGHT, I find the FLIGHT has the most aggressive (for want of a better word) noise cancelling, but all of the three mentioned modes can be adjusted within the app, you can even choose how much of the outside noise you want to hear, so this would be really useful if you were listening to music at an airport or railway station and wanted to still be able to hear the announcements. Personally I find that when the noise cancelling is switched on, the sound changes ever so slightly (and it is ever so slightly) and I expect some people might prefer how the sound, then sounds as sound is subjective.

    I don’t really use headphones outdoors and instead use them at home to chill out and relax and a lot of my use of headphones is to wear them to listen to You Tube videos with. Now where I have my computer is right next to our TV, which has a Soundbar around 3 feet from where I sit. With my other headphones (P7 Wireless) I often struggle to hear what is going on in the video, due to the sound from the Soundbar overpowering it. This usually means I need to tell my other half to turn it down (which usually results in some choice words been said to me, which I cannot write on here haha). The PX active noise cancelling is absolutely superb and allowed me to drown out the noise, I could only ever so slightly hear the TV sound and certainly not enough to distract from what I was watching, this kept the other half happy and she could enjoy her TV without me telling her to turn it down a bit.

    Now on to some niggles I have, but to be fair it is the app and not the headphones, but I thought I would mention this as its part of using the headphones:

    The battery level shown in the app, is different from what is shown in the battery widget (which you access by swiping to the right in iOS 11). The Bowers & Wilkins app shows my battery at 79 percent, but the battery widget in iOS 11 shows battery at 100 percent, which is quite a difference and begs the question of which is correct?

    I’m hoping that a bit of fine tuning with the app will allow the app to access the battery level quoted by iOS 11 and from there, be both in sync.

    Another slight complaint is. When you load up the app, it can take a few seconds to connect with the PX headphones. I would like to see a quicker access time, and again hoping future updates will achieve this.

    And lastly. I would like to hear some audible feedback through the headphones when I press the environment filter button, which is on the right ear cup, that switches on/off the active noise cancelling, as unless you go into the app, you do not know if this is switched on or off. Again, hopefully a future firmware update will allow this feature. Too be fair, it’s a good app and allows great customisation for the PX headphones.

    One last thing to add. Bowers & Wilkins reached out to me on here with some help/suggestions, when I posted my first review, where I was airing my initial disappointment of the PX. I was really impressed with this personal touch on customer support and reinforces my opinion of Bowers & Wilkins.

    To sum up:

    If you get these and you are initially disappointed, then please bear in mind about running them in and perhaps follow my running-in advice above. I only wish that speakers, headphones, earphones etc could be run-in before the customer gets them, but think of the PX as a wine, and running-in as time and adding them both together will massively improve them. But in the meantime, I hope that Bowers & Wilkins could include some literature in the box or perhaps some text printed inside the box, that mentions about running-in and advice on her to do this.

  99. KennethFerres says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThese are my first Bowers & Wilkins headphones and i absolutely love them.

    They are extremely comfortable and also stylish. They do not slip down my head when i am walking unlike other wireless headphones i have had in the past.

    The sound is quality is the best i have had experienced from a pair of headphones. The music is extremely clear and there is no distortion when listening via Bluetooth. I have experienced this with other headphones in the past and i assumed this was the norm but these have proved me wrong.

    They have 3 types of noise cancellation for different scenarios which is great as i commute daily and need to block out the train/people noise. You can also just turn it off completely using the App if that is what you prefer.

    The battery life is great as well which is also an added benefit.

    I am very happy with my purchase and would recommend these headphones to anyone.

  100. Amanda Ellis says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersSo here is an update after using it for few days while pair is being burnt in….
    Upping the stars to 4… Noise cancellation experience is fantastic.. Sony MDR was hurting my ears but PX is doing fantastic. Tested in tube and expect for some stretches of Jubilee Line, it is very quiet.

    Sound quality has improved with usage and it is sounding pretty good compared to first hour after taking them out of the box. P7 Wireless still wins for my taste. Having said that, it is not that sound is is bad at all but just that it is different.

    The missing star is just for the sound signature comparison between P7 and PX. As for comparing with other brands, definitely it is 5*s.

    Customer Services are fantastic and are in touch with me to see how I am getting on with this pair. That is another + as a customer.

    I am still holding on to PX and will give it another week before taking the final call. Seems more likely I will keep it.

    —- Original Feed back–

    Agree with previous reviewers. If you are on P7 Wireless and expect same impressive signature from PX like me then you will disappointed.

    I got newsletter from BW in my inbox about PX and within few mins I ordered it directly.

    Looks like this will be going back unless someone confirms that sound will improve as it burns.