DMT WM8FC-WB Duosharpplus Bench Stone Fine/Coarse with Base Knife Sharpener, Grey

The DMT Difference
Since 1976, DMT has been in business to do just one thing: make the world’s best diamond sharpeners. Product innovations such as our signature polka-dot interrupted surface, and others with our continuous surface of high-performance diamond, are praised worldwide for their superior quality.
From pocket-sized whetstones to heavy-duty bench stones, the difference arrives time and again through our undivided pursuit of sharpening excellence.
For DMT products, no oil or pressure must be used to sharpen the tool or knife.
Quality must be manufactured, not fabricated
Diamond Coverage differs widely from one manufacturer to the next. For long-lasting performance, DMT makes certain that each sharpening surface carries the most diamonds per square inch in the industry.
Diamond Uniformity is also key to sharpener performance. DMT uses a proprietary process that ensures near-perfect consistency in grit size. The result is a micronised monocrystalline diamond that covers evenly across the sharpening surface to prove effective with every use, year after year.
Beware of imitators!
Surface Flatness can mean the difference between a well-honed tool and one that is barely serviceable. Flat surfaces maintain consistent, even contact with the edge to produce a bevel that carries the same degree of sharpness from end to end. DMT sharpeners are engineered to be the flattest on the market, and built to outlast other products, which are variable in surface, and often warped, hollowed or grooved.
DMT Benefits
- The most diamonds per square inch in the industry
- Near-perfect consistency in grit size
- The DMT sharpener produces a clean, razor-sharp edge
- Best Surface Flatness
DMT – Applications
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Home and CulinaryDMT Diamond Sharpeners will quickly sharpen the hardest stainless steel kitchen cutlery while removing a minimum of material from the blade, unlike electric sharpeners. Whether you have a Chef’s knife, a Sashimi Knife, Ceramic knife or even a steep angled meat cleaver, DMT kitchen knife sharpeners can do it all. | Gardening and LandscapingHone pruners, knives, loppers, edgers, axes, shears – even lawnmower blades. DMT sharpeners enable gardeners of all skill levels to keep all of their gardening and landscaping tools in top condition. With a sharp edge, garden and landscaping tools produce smooth, clean cuts that are better for plants. | Outdoor Sports and TacticalOutdoor Enthusiasts worldwide prefer the award winning DMT products to care for their edges. They withstand harsh environments and sharpen all kinds of knives, tools and edged equipment that hunters, hikers, rock climbers, adventurers, campers and sportsman rely on to survive and enjoy the outdoors. | WoodworkingSharp tools make every job easier. Unleash your creativity with woodworking tool sharpeners and chisel sharpeners that work with you, not against you. Our woodworking tool sharpeners are valued by woodworkers who want effective, precise sharpening for all of their tools. |
DMT – Product line
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DuoSharp and Dia-SharpThe first rule of shop maintenance is sharpen your tools. DMT Diamond Whetstones, DuoSharp Bench Stones and Dia-Sharp Bench Stones, are renowned by woodworkers and others for their remarkable sharpening speed, precision flatness and ease of use. | Diafold and Mini-SharpThe lightweight DMT Diafold and Mini-Sharp sharpeners are easy to use. The compact models are ideal for on the way. During transport, the handle is used as a protective cover for the diamond surfaces. | Guided SharpeningThe DMT grinding systems enable a professional edge care, regardless of the manual skill. Both novice and professional will enjoy precise, professional, consistent sharpening results. | Diamond SteelDMT Diamond Steel Sharpeners combine high performance diamond and ceramic sharpening surfaces with the realigning and convenience of traditional steels for sharper results! DMT sharpening steels truly sharpen- not just hone. |
Weight: | 490 g |
Dimensions: | 33.66 x 33.66 x 29.21 cm; 490 Grams |
Model: | WM8FC-WB |
Colour: | Grey |
Manufacture: | Acme United Corporation |
Colour: | Grey |
I prefer larger stones, I bought this as a backup. It still works very well. If you like DMT stones, you already know what you are buying. I’ve been using DMT for about 30 years and I’m ‘branded’ to their stones.
Mit dem DMT Bankschrfer bin ich sehr zufrieden.
Mein Skandi auf Null Schliff kann ich damit super schrfen ohne eine Microfase anzubringen.
Der Versand durch Schmiedeglut war perfekt!
Works as intended. I use Trend diamond lapping fluid with i
Es ist eine tolle Hilfe fr meine Messer ” mit denen ich zum Brocken reiten konnte “. Jetzt sind sie wieder richtig scharf und wieder einsatzfhig.
Very easy to flip sides. Identification of grit could be a little bigger, but works okay. Sturdy, non slip.
Very easy to flip sides. Identification of grit could be a little bigger, but works okay. Sturdy, non slip.
This is dope. Raises a burr quick and you cannot gouge it like a whetstone
Love this sharpener. My kitchen knives are always sharp now. I gave two as gifts this past Christmas.
Brought back our kitchen knives to original sharpness in 10 strokes on the coarse side.
Don’t waste your money on cheap stone or sharpening tool.
Not sure how it sharpens compared to others. seems good though
Mu noch ein bisschen lernen. Mache schnelle Fortschritte. Sau gut.
Product is rescuing cutlery that had long since lost its edge
Das Messerschrfen geht ohne viel Druck, ohne Wasser in sehr kurzer Zeit mit optimalem Resultat.
Der Schleifstein wurde pnktlich geliefert und hlt das, was er verspricht! Im Video wurde fr den normalen Haushalt die Krnung grob und fein empfohlen! Absolut richtig! Klar sind 100 nicht billig aber in diesem Fall im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes preiswert!
Super Teil. Kein Vergleich zu Schleifsteinen. Dann noch bers Leder abziehen und Sie knnen sich rasieren.
Love this! Sharpened up all my knives and chisels nicely. Follow with a few swipes on a fine grade stone and they are better than new.
Ich habe ja den DMT Duo fein/extrafein. Auf der feinen Seite waren zwei kleine Lcher. Das war meine Frage ob Mangel oder Produktbedingt. Es ist Produktbedingt, also wegen dem nicht zurckschicken. Ich lade ein Bild hierzu hoch.
Ich habe japanische Schleifsteine fr Global Messer und auch andere bis zu 18.000 er Schleifgrad. Ist halt immer eine Sauerei und fhrt an manchen Nachmittagen bei doch nicht unerheblicher Anzahl zu mediativem Schleifaktionen.
Habe auch ne elektrische Maschine. Aber der Diamantschleifstein funktioniert sehr gut wenn die Messer nicht gerade ganz stumpf sind. Sonst sollte man schon mal mit 240er nass anfangen….. Ergebnis ist schon fr mich sehr zufriedenstellend. Man(n) kann ja nie genug so Spielereien haben.
Klar, man sollte schon mit Stein schleifen knnen, aber das kann jeder lernen. Geht flux. Also Kauftipp. Japaner ziehen die Messer auch oft an einem Baumwolltuch ab. Also Mutters altes Bettlaken lngs einen Streifen abschneiden, mit einem Fu unten draufstehen, oben halten und dann Messer abziehen. Dazu gibts auch auf youtube von Global eine Anleitung. Geht schnell – besser natrlich Abziehleder mit Diamantpaste. Aber immer Zeit und Ergebnis gegenber stellen. Vielleicht hole ich mir noch den sehr sehr fein, aber man sollte ja die Kirche irgendwann auch mal im Dorf lassen.
Nochmals: die zwei Lchle sollen normal sein. Dann mal los.
Hoffe, das konnte helfe
Great sharpener and easy to use knives never been bette
Den Dreck mit Wasserschleifsteinen wollte ich nicht haben. Da ich schon einen Diamandschleifer fr unterwegs habe, wusste ich wie gut die Ergebnisse werden knnen. Muss mir zum Geburtstag noch den grob/sehr grob dazu holen, habe zwei alte Messer, die will ich noch nachschleifen.
ber den Hndler (Schmiedeglut) kann ich nur positives sagen. Das ist nun meine 2. Bestellung dort und jedesmal wurde rasend schnell geliefert. Die Produktbeschreibung entspricht genau dem Produkt und hlt, was sie verspricht. Das war nicht meine letzte Bestellung bei Schmiedeglut.
Puts a nice edge on my kitchen and camping knives. I used to use traditional Japanese whetstones, but whetstones are very high maintenance (i.e. require flattening/re-leveling, submerging in water before use, drying after use) and were more manually intensive (i.e. more passes or strokes) to achieve the same sharpness. With this DMT diamond bench stone, I can restore the edges to my knives much more easily and conveniently, and it takes much less effort to achieve the same or better result. Some might disagree, but I don’t know why I tortured myself for so many years using traditional whetstones.
Easy to work with and does a super job sharpening every blade I have tried so far. Had to get used to sharp knives in the kitchen again, actually knicked myself a couple of times until I quit using my knives in a careless fashion.
I have 3 of these. Cutting rate goes down with use but continues to work. Best used submerged in a pan of water. Don’t push too hard, doesn’t help and bows the “stone.”
leg on stand should have way to secure it to surface so I don’t have to hold it in place. Otherwise it’s everything they say it is.
This works great, it’s a bit of a pain to get the plastic holder off to flip the stone, but the stone does a quick job of sharpening knives and the surface is large enough to accommodate most knives easily.
Great as always! These things are always flat I mean flat flat. They don’t seem to wear out at all. I’m talking after the break in point. I love these things!