So i got this printer as my first one. I love it. It was so easy to assemble and setup and the quality of the prints even at lower layer heights is amazing. The speed is perfect and it has exceeded my expectations in all regards.
This is 200, as such I can’t rate it any less than 5 stars.
A few negatives:
* The print area is smaller than competition
* The “Self configure” is great, but I found it needed to be run every few prints during the first 10/20 prints. One of these the self configures did a terrible job. (I lost about 40 minutes total of my life to this, with other 3d printers that would have been 4 days gone for each configuration – and god forbid if you dare to move other printers)
* This is by far the most annoying printer to set the temperature on (But you can, you just have to do it everytime you push print)
* I had to take apart the extruder to feed the thing properly
* I pushed self configure, then print, then it printed the thing, and the thing looked good
* The competition is completely incapable of doing this
* It’s mesmorising to look at
* It was about as complicated as an ikea table to put togather.
* Once again, it self configures
* My girlfriend didn’t seem to find it asthetically displeasing. Alternatively, she might just be happy she doesn’t have to talk to me anymore because of my new hobby – not sure.. probably disregard this point.
This is my first 3D printer and boy is it more complicated than I thought.
That said, most of the complexities are to do with workflow.
Once I found how to do 3D design, and find a good slicer program, the printer takes over and works really well.
I’d recommend changing noisy fans, but beyond that, this works without too much work. Just note prints can stick to the print bed and can be difficult to remove so take care and use YouTube for help.
Had to resort to YouTube to build as the instructions didn’t work (turns out that what I thought was a thumb drive was actually a card reader – however, this reader is bad. Keeps wasting the cards.)
Other than that, took about 90 mins to assemble and still learning how to use it.
Davvero inaspettata la precisione di questa stampante.
Molto rapida nelle acceleraIoni e abbastanza stabile.
Il rumore maggiore proviene dalla ventola dell’alimentatore che potrebbe essere un gradito upgrade
I ordered my Q5 based on a review of a YouTuber who did a lot of 3d printing, and im glad I did. Assembly out of the box was VERY easy, since most of the unit is already put together at the factory. I had mine built and plugged in for test printing in about 30 minutes. It has worked well with a few different brands of PLA material, and i use a cheap stick of “elmers” glue to help with baseplate adhesion. I have had good luck using the Cura “slicer” software to load my printing files onto the micro SD card. Being a “delta” printer, it prints quickly, and the quality of the print is pretty high, especially when you take into account the cost of the machine. It’s an amazing printer to learn the ins and outs of 3d printing, and they’ve even come out with some different sized models recently. Highly recommended.
Erstmal kurz zu mir. Ich habe nun vor ca. 6 Monaten mit dem 3D Druck angefangen. Aktuell nenne ich 2 FDM und 1 SLA Drucker mein eigen.
Der 2te FDM Drucker war der Q5 von FLSUN.
Ich habe mir den Drucker gekauft weil die Grundflche die belegt wird nur etwa die Hlfte meines Ender 3 ist und weil der Delta Drucker deutlich schneller drucken soll. Da war ich sehr gespannt.
Der Drucker war sehr gut und stabil verpackt. Beim auspacken kamen mir aber leider wieder die Erinnerungen hoch die beim Ender 3 Zusammenbau entstanden sind (Vietnam Flashbacks:-O)
Spa bei Seite. Der Drucker lies sich in weniger als 30 min aufbauen und somit konnte der erste Druck starten.
Vor dem ersten Druck muss aber wie bei jedem Drucker erstmal das Druckbett nevilliert werden. Aber zum Glck macht dieser Drucker es voll automatisch. Es wird ein Sensor angesteckt und im Men auf Autolevel” geklickt und schon wird alles alleine erledigt. Anschlieend noch kurz den Nullpunkt mit einem Blatt Papier einstellen und fertig.
Also der erste Druck konnte starten. Es war eine Testdatei von der SD Karte.
Ich konnte die ersten Minuten meinen eigen echt nicht trauen wie schnell der Drucker ist. Aber stimmt auch die Qualitt? Ohjaaaa ich war echt berrascht wie die Testdatei aussah. Es war eine Schraube mit Mutter und das Gewinde war extremst leichtgngig und ich war baff.
Also gleich eine Datei in Cura gesliced (das Drucker Profil ist in dem neuen Cura Update dabei) und los ging der Druck. Dieser war ebenfalls top.
Die Druckbetthaftung ist auch jenseits von gut und bse. PLA von dem heissem druckbett entfernen? Nicht ohne das Druckteil zu zerstren. Ich war baff.
Als es kalt war konnte man es einfach nehmen als ob es nie gehalten hatte. So soll es sein.
Ein Riesen Vorteil die ich zu schtzen gelernt habe war das automatische Laden und entladen von Filament. Dabei heizt die Nozzle auf und schiebt das das geladene Filament heraus oder schiebt dieses in die Nozzle.
Beim entladen muss man dann nur noch kurz den Hebel am Extruder drucken und das Filament kann entfernt werden.
Ich kann den Drucker jedem nur empfehlen der einen Einsteigerfreundlichen Drucker haben mchte welcher eine extremste kleine Grundflche nur bentigt.
Der Druckebereich von 20x20cm sollte sich fr alle gngigen Modelle reiche
If you’re something who wants get into 3D printing but is a bit hesitant incase it is complicated, this is a must, comes in 5 pieces, you bolt together, clear instructions and QR code videos. Once on, fire away, you have an auto leveller in the box, that sequence takes about 3 minutes, the touch screen is pretty clear and very easy to manovoer around. You get your .STL model, put it on the included 4GB micro SD card via the included adapter. Go back onto the printer, click print, find the model you put on and it takes does the rest. My only piece of advice, is not to play with the menus when printing, it does seem to overload the computer, jittering the print when you touch the screen. But over all, fantastic, watch some YouTube videos if in doubt about anything but for the price and when it is on offer, can’t find any better printer for price and beginners.
I bought one of these for a grand prize in a 3d printing class I taught at my kids school. It was a great incentive for note taking and attention. The student texted my son images of the printer working less than one day after getting the award. That’s impressive as a first timer kid of about 12. So the printer is working great. It’s not a big printer, but has great features for the money. Thank you for your time.
Produit trs russi ! J’ai effectu le rglage automatique, puis le test de la feuille de papier, et depuis j’imprime souvent et tout fonctionne parfaitement. Niveau vitesse d’impression, j’ai effectu un test avec une autre imprimante (Ender 3 v2) juste ct en imprimant les mmes pices. Quasi le mme temps (la Ender a gagn ;o) de quelques minutes. Je recommande sans hsiter.
Bin zufrieden mit diesem Drucker. Nimmt nicht viel Platz ein, ist sehr leise und liefert fr den Preis wirklich tolle Druckergebnisse ab. Habe nichts daran zu bemngeln.
Kam gut verpackt als Bausatz in einem sehr kompakten Paket. Der Zusammenbau dauert maximal 20 Minuten, wenn man nicht gerade zwei linke Hnde hat. Die Anleitung ist auch mit den Bildern gut beschrieben wie er zusammen gebaut wird.
Die Haftung der Platte ist wirklich ordentlich. Bitte auch Geduld haben bis dass das Werkstck und die Platte komplett abgekhlt sind. Sonst knnt ihr einen Steinmeiel holen und es damit runter klopfen 😀 Aber die Platte wird natrlich dann auch beschdigt. Also, einfach nur Geduld mitbringen oder sich eine Magnetplatte von Drittanbietern organisieren.
Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist meiner Meinung nach Spitze.
Mich hat das Prinzip der Delta-Drucker gereizt. Von der Druckgre zwar etwas eingeschrnkt – mir reicht es aber. Fr Anfnger dank Auto-Leveling bestens geeignet. Druckergebnisse fr den Preis sehr gut. Man hat gar nicht genug Ideen fr Drucke. Macht super Spass.
Hab mir denn Drucker vor Fast 3 Monaten gekauft als Untersttzung zu mein I3 mega von anycubic, da ich aber mal was anderes ausprobieren wollte und mich das automatische auto leveln interessierte hab ich ihn gekauft.
Wa soll ich sagen, ist besser als der I3 maga vor allen viel leiser und schneller Druck bereit.
Durck Qualitt ist auch super aber schneller als 60% sollte man nicht Fahren, sonst kommt nix gutes bei raus, auch sollte man aussen wie innen Flchen nicht schneller als 30% fahren vor allen zylinder kriegt er bei 60% kaum hin.
Was nicht so toll ist am Anfang hat das Durckbett mehr Haftung als es gut ist aber jetzt nach 3 Monaten musste ich schon die Oberflche anschleifen weil nix mehr hlt, vorweg reinige nur mit destilliertes Wasser mit 20% Isopropanol Inhalt.
I had a tiny little bit of experience with my friend’s printer which was one of the original wooden Makerbots. 3D printers have come a long way since then. I saw the reviews for this printer on Youtube and all were really positive. My experience has been similar. Pretty straightforward assembly and really great prints so far. I just followed the videos on the included SD card. My use case is that I am printing parts for use with other equipment we use. I am thrilled so far. I have been printing pretty much non-stop for a week. I ordered a raspberry pi 3B+ to run octoprint with an old webcam. Plus, I ordered a smart plug to use with octoprint as well. I am currently looking for a larger diameter nozzle to experiment with printing faster.
When I was researching on Youtube, I was looking for easy setup and reliability along with a moderate price since this is not really a money maker for us. This printer fits that bill. It took me about 30-40 minutes to set it up and run the test print of the nut and bolt that came on the sd card. Plus, I have been running it pretty much for a week straight because I am so excited by this thing. I only ran the calibration upon setup and it has been working great.
I highly recommend it. So much so that this is the first review I have written on any product in years.
I bought this printer 3/31/21. I was amazed at the nut and bolt demo print. I started printing right away. At first some prints were good, but never as good as that nut and bolt. As time went on the extruder started making more noise, clicking all the time. I was getting mixed prints, some just mediocre to horrible, unusable. Then month ago or so, while trying to clear an extruder jam I didn’t relieve the tension on the spring and “bing” it was gone and I couldn’t find it. I ordered a new extruder and used just the spring and put the rest aside. Fast forward a few weeks and the prints are getting worse, the extruder is making a lot of noise, clicking noise. I then went to print a couple days ago and it was just a mess. I finally took all the new extruder parts and put them on the printer. Same Titan extruder off Amazon.
6/19/21 and I have been printing for 3 days with this new extruder and so far I haven’t had any issues that I had when I first bought this printer with the stock extruder. I love this printer, since I have gotten more out of it than I ever have my Creality Ender 3 Pro.
Word of advice for FLSUN, QA and then QA again. I almost sent this printer back and for the last month was wishing I had sent it back, but now, with a new extruder (on a new printer) I am off and running.
Update: so far I am pretty happy with this printer and upped it 1 star. All in all it really has done well.
so deltas are notorious in their complexity and by rights should be a no-go for beginners. after having it for 4 days printing almost non-stop I can easily recommend this printer to anyone, I have been 3d printing for 5 years and this is by far the best bang for buck printer out there. easy setup, easy calibration, and tramming due to the auto level feature, fast heat-up times. excellent results with the right slicing software (remember your printer is a dumb machine all the good stuff is done by the slicer). Now for the bad, it’s a little top-heavy, the part cooling fan is a bit whiney made apparent as the steppers are silent (except for the extruder), the power cord can get in the way and you need to secure the Bowden tube to the cable loom so it doesn’t snag on the effector’s arms. The bottom plate is a bit meh but that’s just my opinion. given the choice between the ender3 and this machine, I would choose the Flsun q5, its a fun printer and a great starter even after considering the smaller build volume.
Als Blutiger Anfnger gleich mit einem Delta gestartet und beste Entscheidung gewesen, einziger ausschu war bis jetzt auf fehlendes Fachwissen zurckzufhren. Autolvl ist absolut der Killerfeuture zustzlich zu der abartigen Geschwindigkeit die er drucken kann. Einfache Konturen mit 100-120mm/s waren kein Problem… Da ist dann allerdings die Khlung teilweise unzureichend so das ich dem Drucker einen sauberen Druck Overall mit 75-80mm/s bescheinigen wrde.
I was very happily surprised at how good this printer works. I have had a couple other printers but this was the first one of this style and frankly, it’s great.
The one thing I would advise is to make sure the bed is 100% cool before you pull the print off the glass bed or you can damage it.. and I mean 100% cool… like.. leave in an hour or two after its done printing and the print will jump off the bed with a small tap.
If I had to search for a complaint it’s that this one did come set for 220v instead of 120 and it took me forever to figure out how to switch it. (It’s not obvious). But that’s really it.. that’s the only complaint.
This is so cool. Bought it for my son for his birthday. He is now able to create his own pieces for his mods. Now thinking about starting his own small business..
I’ve had the the FLSUN Q5 for almost 3 months now and used it quite extensively up to now. I’ve used a few FDM printers in the past and this is the first printer I’ve bought personally. I haven’t had any major issues so far.
– Easy to setup and use, would be great for beginners. Basically all the screws you need for assembly are a single size and simple to put together.
– BASE AUTO LEVELING! A little slow but its a great feature, especially for beginners.
– Great print speed and good print quality for the most part considering the price. All my prints have come out amazing for the most part except for a few overhang sections, see Cons for overhang issues.
– Smaller base with a good print volume, more table space is always a plus.
– Textured heated bed is great, almost too good. Make sure you wait for the print and bed to cool or else you might break the part while trying to get it off.
– Touchscreen is a cool.
– Cooling is a bit under-powered and the fan ducts could be better. I couldn’t get clean overhangs at about 30 degrees for a bit of time. Printed cooling duct and a better cooling upgrade would probably be required if you’re printing parts with a lot of overhangs.
– A little noisy but I think its kinda expected for a delta printer at this price.
Erst dachte ich das fr den preis nix gutes ankommen kann aber die Anleitung auf deutsch die separat dazu gelegt wurde hat mich schon etwas zum grinsen gebracht, das sieht man nicht oft bei den Druckern . Der Aufbau ging schnell und selbst wenn jemand 2 linke Hnde htte und einen IQ knapp unter Toastbrot wrde den Drucker ohne Probleme zusammen bauen knnen . Die druck Qualitt ist fr den Preis auch gut und er ist mit einem DB hchstwert beim Drucken von 50db wirklich sehr leise.
Alles in allem ein top Produkt und wrde ihn immer wieder kaufen.
Super 3d Drucker, der Aufbau dauert keine 30 Minuten. Das automatische Leveln des Druckbettes funktioniert super. Der Druck haftet sehr gut auf dem Druckbett , Vorraussetzung dafr ist natrlich das richtige Leveln. Die Druckqualitt ist super.
Ottimo rapporto prezzo qualit, a questo prezzo veramente non so cosa si possa pretendere di pi. Le stampe sono ottime, il montaggio semplice il livellamento fa quasi tutto lei e per quelle poche cose che ho chiesto, la Flsun stata sempre pronta nel rispondermi. La guardo e penso che a 199.00 non potevo fare scelta migliore. Consigliatissima!
For a first 3D printer, you can’t go wrong with the FLSUN Q5. Many of the issues that give people headaches with other 3D printers aren’t really existent with this printer.
For one, the bed never moves so bed leveling isn’t really a thing. Heat the bed to print temp, run the bed probe once. Done, and will probably never have to do it again. Also, I’ve never had a single adhesion issue with any of my prints, but you have to let the bed cool off before trying to remove the print.
The machine is extremely simple to assemble and get running. You’ll be printing your test print in half an hour.
The prints you get from it are great. Especially if you use small layer heights, like .08. Take some time, learn the machine and tune your settings in your slicer software. I prefer PrusaSlicer, which has default settings for the Q5 that are pretty spot on.
The nice thing about a delta printer is that you can print a little faster, as the lightweight hotend will accelerate quicker. FLSUN also has a great community on reddit and facebook.
There are some cons to this printer. First, there is no filament runout sensor. For the price I can’t knock it. Secondly, the build volume is a bit smaller than you think. The bed is 200mm round (Prusa lets you go to the edge and get a little more print area), so square and rectangular items have to scale down to fit in that diameter. Also, the printer looks tall but the build height is only half the height of the printer, because the hot head has to hang down.
Despite those 2 nitpicks, I can’t recommend the Q5 more for an inexpensive first 3D printer, or if you’re interested in a Delta printer and don’t want to spend a lot of money. If you want to spend a lot of time tinkering, messing with settings, and having to upgrade things then get an Ender. If you want to actually print, consistently, without having to tinker around and with speed.. get the Q5 – or the newer SR if you need larger build volume.
If you don't mind small build volume, this is one fantastic printer. Especially for first timers.
Das hier wird die zweite oder dritte Rezension die ich schreibe und das in vielen Jahren Amazon. Ich muss mich unbedingt mal zum 3D-Drucker von FLSUN melden. Das Gert habe ich direkt von FLSUN geordert und hatte mich schon mit drei Wochen Lieferzeit angefreundet. Dann kam das Gert nach drei Tagen direkt von Deutschland bei mir an der Tr an. VIELEN DANK hierfr. Zum Gert selber habe ich viele YouTube Videos gesehen, konnte es aber nicht so richtig glauben. In meiner Vergangenheit hatte ich in privater Nutzung ein NoName-Gert ala China mit dem ich nie richtig glcklich wurde. Hier lernte ich aber den Umgang mit einem 3D-Drucker. 🙂 Danach kaufte ich mir einen Anycubic i3 mega. Bei diesem Modell war ich schon sehr begeistert, hatte aber immer noch viel Aufwand bevor ich einen Druck starten konnte. Beruflich kam dann auf meine Empfehlung ein Prusa i3 MKS+ dazu. Von dem war ich dann vollends begeistert. Anschalten, Modell laden, los drucken, fertig. Nun zu diesem Gert, dem FLSUN Q5. Preis 211 Euro, Lieferzeit TOP, Verpackung TOP, Aufbau ein Kinderspiel, Inbetriebnahme tadellos und einfach. Erster Druck fast perfekt, Z0 Layer 1 war etwas zu flach. Nachgestellt und gut. Nun luft der Drucker schon 4 Tage mit verschiedensten Modellen. Immer alles perfekt !!!! Von der Druckgeschwindigkeit schneller als der Prusa und von der Qualitt mindestens genauso. Komplett meine Empfehlung !!!! Einziger “Minuspunkt” ( jammern auf hohem Niveau ) Die Aufheizzeit ist 3 Minuten lnger als beim Prusa.
Une delta pas trop cher prmontr facile mettre en uvre. La prise en main est assez simple. Je pourrais reprocher le manque de matire pour faire des test mais bon c serait abuser au prix de la bte. Si vous souhaitez dbuter a me parat un bon investisseme
Zuerst der Aufbau ging relativ zgig von statten, ca. 30 Minuten.
Das Kalibrieren des Bettes dauerte dann nochmal ca. 7 Minuten.
Dann konnten die ersten Ausdrucke schon gestartet werden.
Ich hatte am Anfang die Dse zu nahe am Bett gekegelt. Das machte sich durch eine rauhe Oberflche bei der ersten Schicht bemerkbar. Richtig eingestellt mit warmer Dse und warmen Bett top Ergebnis.
Was mir nur nicht gefllt, ist das infiltrieren. Dort habe ich mehrere Unterbrechungen. Alles sieht ein bisschen zerhackt aus. Wenn die Drucke fertig sind ist davon natrlich nichts zu sehen.
Mal schauen, eventuell kann ich noch etwas in Cura einstellen.
Ein Delta fr knapp ber 200 der eine Druckqualitt liefert als wre er ein ganz ganz Groer und dabei auch noch bedeutend schneller ist als alles was ich sonst in dieser Preisklasse kenne. Bedlevel gehrt der Vergangenheit an was gerade fr den Einsteiger eine Fehlerquelle weniger bedeutet. Einziger Wermutstropfen: Er braucht einwenig lang zum aufheizen aber was strt einem 4 Minuten Aufheizzeit bei durchschnittlich 5 Stunden Druckzeit.
Trs facile monter et installer la machine. Les impressions peuvent tre extrmement rapide. Les moteurs qui entranement la tte d’impression sont trs silencieux. Les seuls bruits qu’on entend ce sont les bruits de ventilation. Qualit d’impression trs correcte.
Montata in poco tempo, con qualit di stampa eccellente. Interfaccia del display molto intuitiva. Testata la funzione “riprendi stampa” in assenza di corrente con risposta eccellente. Consigliata!!
This is my first delta 3d printer. It is very fast. What takes my other printer 3 hours to print the Q5 can do in 1 hour. I highly recommend the FLSUN Q5.
First 3D printer and I’m loving it already, simple assembly, (MAKE SURE YOU SWITCH YOUR VOLTAGE!!) I didn’t and thought mine was broken, bought a second and figured out how that was why it didn’t show the menu. But no regrets 2 is better for buisness.
Toller Drucker. Sehr einfach aufzubauen, tolles Display und Benutzerfhrung und sehr hochwertiger Gesamteindruck. Ich hatte erst den Ender 3 bestellt aber zurckgeschickt- der war das krasse Gegenteil, ich finde den FLSUN um Lngen besser.
Nur ein Tip- oben und unten bei dem Filament Rhrchen ist eine kleine Klammer. Die muss ab, sonst kommt kein Druck. Das steht weder in der Anleitung noch bei diversen YouTube Videos.
Was surprised to have it assembled and printing in under 30 minutes. Even after a simple set up first two prints turned out amazingly!! Strongly suggest getting this I’d you want a quick setup and quite good prints!
Got this printer with a money off using voucher from Amazon. After using this for a few days I have to say I’m impressed. I own 5 other printers, one 10x the price and this prints better. Assembly was easy, bed levelling was easy, 1st few prints no issues other than what I needed to tweak in Prusa slicer (retraction, zhop etc).
The only things I don’t like about this printer are the noise, it’s slightly noisy compared to my others and the bed not being detachable making some prints difficult to get off. The latter was easily solved by buying a magnetic bed on amazon. Other than that it’s great, and I love the quicker prints without sacrificing print quality.
One recommendation for new users, make sure you use the cable ties to join together the hotend wires and filament tubes together properly, I did not do this at first and had the axis crash at the top due to the tube being in the way preventing the axis from moving up.
Out of the box, this printer performs great. Been using it now for over a year and still printing parts that have tolerances better than 0.005″. Had part of the bed that peeled up. Contacted FLSun and they said they would ship me a new sticker. When the “sticker” arrived, it was an entire new bed with wiring harnesses! Thank you flsun!
The only thing I would recommend to do is to replace the extruder driver with a tmc2208. By no means is this a necessary change. It just makes it much more silent and helps a little with surface finish. The only thing you have to do is change the extruder direction in the config file and reload it (see the flsun group on facebook).
The other thing that would be nice, but not required, is a more powerful (better cpu) in the controller. Printing larger curves at faster speeds can lead to studdering, which impacts print quality. You can still print fast compared to other printers without this happening, but if this printer had a better controller it could really fly and deliver excellent results at the same time. But hey, this is a great Printer for under $300 and I understand why the controller can’t be $$$.
Works good and all that but the glass bed started to peel the glass sounds weird right but that’s exactly what happened been watching 3 weeks for a replacement from China since noone is the USA has parts and flsun doesn’t have a true website
This is my first 3d Printer, so I have no real reference point here, but I will say this is a great first 3D Printer. I had it set up and running in well under an hour, and that was even with taking my time to make sure I got everything right.
First print I did was the Test Elephant, and it came out flawlessly. Second print was a simple bracket I’d designed for an electronics project. It also came out great and with just a few tweaks to the slicer profile, I was able to print these brackets with no problems in about 15 minutes each, so the print speed seems great.
I’ve done about a dozen prints at this point, and they’ve all been flawless. I will note that the things I design and print aren’t hugely demanding of fine details, mostly brackets and cases for electronics, so if you are looking for super fine detail you’re mileage may vary, but for prints in the 0.2mm layer range or greater, this thing has been flawless for me so far.
To be honest, I’d expected 3D printing to be far more expensive to get a machine of any workable quality, and I expected to waste a lot of filament and materials trying to figure it all out, but so far everything has just worked great, with very little fiddling or learning curve. I delayed getting a 3D printer for quite a while, hoping the early adopters would work all the kinks out, and this machine seems to have done so. It has far exceeded my expectations for a very reasonable price.
One thing I will note, getting prints off the bare glass print surface is an absolute pain, and terrifying the first few times. Using the included putty knife thing, I scratched the glass a bit (nothing too bad, but it still bothered me on a brand new machine), and it seemed like I was going to break the print. I would strongly suggest getting some kind of adhesive removable print surface so that you can remove your prints easier. I just bought some filament that comes with one, and it seems to work great. It was square and sticks over the edges of the round plate a bit, but that doesn’t seem to cause any issues, and if I wanted I’m sure I could cut it to fit better, but its working fine as is.
My first 3D printer and I could not be happier. Easy to assemble, excellent print quality, a quality built system. Documentation was a little lacking, but there are videos included on the micro SD card that do a good job of showing what needs to be done. One important tip, in order to access the content on the micro SD card, you plug it into the top part of the plug of the included USB stick. Then plug the USB stick into your PC. I had never seen a micro SD adapter like that and initially thought something was wrong with the USB stick. Once I figured that out, all was well. I’m very happy that I chose this one as my first 3D printer.
I got the Q5 at the end of July. It’s now the end of January, so this review is after about half a year of ownership and pretty heavy use. This printer was a gift for my younger son who was about to enter high school with a robotics program and team. My older son (an engineering major in college) has a lot fof 3d printing experience from school, but my younger son and i are total newbs. This was our first 3d printer. Since then we added an Ender 3V2 (black friday special) and a Sovol SV01. So i’m writing this review with about half a year of “experience” total, and two other popular printers to compare to.
Q5 Assembly and first print(s).
Super easy. FLSun did a great job of seeding review units to some youtubers (although not the best known ones), and just about every video included a detailed walkthrough of the assembly. My younger son watched a couple of those and had the thing up and running in under half an hour, and he was specifically going slow because it was his first time building.
Once build, initial setup is just as easy. Auto leveling was a breeze. Attach the little sensor to the magnet, and about 5-6 minutes later you’re done. The printer then prompts you to take off the sensor and to adjust the Z height (another minute if that) and that’s it. Ready to print.
It took another 4-5 minutes for everything to warm up, so about a 45 minute total from opening the box to seeing the first layer laid down. All done by a 14 year old newb purposely going slow. Like i said – super easy.
Print quality is surprisingly good.
The elephant and the nut/bolt combo that came on the SD card looked great to me, but then again this was my first experience with a 3d printer so i didn’t exactly have a point of reference. The big surprise was how much my older son (the engineering student) was impressed by the prints. Immediately after the first two prints from the card finished, he sliced up his own models that he previously printed in the college lab using a Raise3D printer. He’s the type that doesn’t care about finish, and is all about accuracy and proper tolerances. After measuring and re-measuring his prototypes, he declared the printer to be “good”.
Tiny desk footprint.
It’s only after i got the other two printers that i truly started appreciating just how little room the Q5 takes up on a desk or a counter. My other printers tend to “spread out”. They need room for a display on one side, the spool on the other side, plus the room and clearances needed for the bed to move back and forth etc. The Q5 is completely self contained in a triangle with 13″ (about) sides. It takes up no room compared to my other printers, and is much easier to move around.
It turned out to be a workhorse.
Both my kids’ high school and college have well equipped labs with some of the best commercial printers on the market from Makerbot etc. But due to the pandemic everything is online so they had no access to them. Between the two of them, they worked this printer like a mule. I had some things i wanted to print, and wife had discovered that this thing can make some great looking planters, so there came a point where to use the printer you had to fight someone “gladiator style”. We worked it hard, but it just kept on printing.
Sadly, it was quickly outgrown.
A 200mm diameter is not that much of a build space. If you want to print something square, the print area is really around 140x140mm. Because all the electronics are on top, and the bottom of the top panel is perforated letting all the hot air in – you can never properly enclose this printer. You can put an enclosure around it, but the all electronics inside will start to bake, especially since they’re on the very top where all the hot air tends to build up. My younger son wanted a bigger build plate, while my older one wanted the ability to reliably print ABS (requires enclosure). But that’s not the big reason why the printer was outgrown. It was due to lack of ubiquity for parts and lack of access to knowledge base and support. As of now, one of them uses the Ender while the other one has the Sovol. They have completely abandoned the Q5, which i don’t mind – it’s mine now 🙂
Ubiquity has value.
It was only after i got the Ender that i realized how much value there is in ubiquity. Replacement and upgrade parts are much easier to find and source. Amazon has great variety of anything and everything you could possible need. Even my local Microcenter carries the majority of parts one would ever need to service or upgrade their Ender. Not so with the Q5. Some parts you can replace/upgrade just like on any other printers. Other parts are custom and are semi-proprietary. For example, the hotend is a V6 clone, but it’s not like any other clone and has proprietary mounting. If you wanted to upgrade your hotend to another/better clone or a real deal from E3D you would need to perform some “metal surgery”. Holes will need to be drilled and tapped in metal etc. Not impossible, but not an easy procedure and one that required tools that we don’t have.
Flsun does have a store where they sell spare parts, and their prices are pretty good. But shipping is slow, and since some of the parts cannot be found elsewhere – you will have no choice but to wait a while for a replacement. For example, my Q5 needed a replacement heating block – a $1 part on FLSun’s website. At the moment it’s out of stock. There are no compatible replacements available on Amazon (according to Flsun support). I did get in touch with their support and they will be shipping me a new block, but it will take two weeks to arrive. Had i needed a heating block for an Ender, i could take a ride to Microcenter and have it on hand in like 20 minutes. Like i said – there is value in ubiquity.
Lack of access to knowledge base and lack of community outside of Facebook.
The “good stuff” is on Facebook. Firmware, test files, and all kinds of documentation and help from other users is on the Flsun facebook group. The group, from what i hear, is a phenomenal resource. However, this printer was bought for a 14 year old. He’s not on facebook and neither is his brother. Both have no desire to join , and i don’t blame them. I left facebook years ago. The only one in our family that still uses FB is grandma. Having to give up private information to an evil corporation just to get some help with a 3d printer seems unnecessary. The lack of community and knowledge base outside of facebook was by far and away the biggest reason my kids eventually abandoned this printer.
Getting a hold of support is tricky.
Even if you do use Facebook, the help there can only go so far. If a part fails and you need warranty service, you will need to get in touch with the company. This is much more difficult then it should be.
There came a point where our printer developed “amnesia” and would forget settings like auto-leveling and Z height after a power off/on. I tried emailing support about the problem a number of times over a course of a few months. None of my emails were answered. I eventually did get a hold of support by contacting the seller through Amazon, who gave me a name i needed to add on Skype. If you do need support from them, don’t bother emailing, just contact the seller here on Amazon and they will tell you what to do.
In contrast, i had no issues getting in touch with Creality when i needed support for my Ender. Sovol was a bit slow to respond, but i didn’t have to jump through hoops or use Skype to get a hold of someone. This is one area FLSun definitely needs to improve on.
This isn’t to say FLSun support is bad, they are actually excellent – once you find them. It’s just finding them is….. tricky.
Growing pains.
Young company dealing in a foreign market, so some growing pains are expected. The engineers did a great job designing this machine. The factory workers did an excellent job building it. The people doing the “groceries” did an admirable job of sourcing parts that allow this thing to come in at a great price. Customer service is ok’ish. However, ease of access to support and knowledge base need to improve dramatically, especially since the company is actively targeting beginners.
This is a young company full of smart energetic people – i’m sure they’ll figure it out. For now, though, be prepared to deal with some growing pains.
To conclude.
The obvious question is – would i buy it again, or would i recommend it to a friend etc. ? The answer is both yes and no.
No, i would not buy it again for my kids. The lack of ubiquitous parts for upgrades and the fact that all the “good stuff” is on facebook proved to be deal breakers for them.
Yes, i would buy it for me. I don’t need to print anything large, or use any exotic materials. The printer works great for my needs. It’s small. It’s very precise. It’s faster then my other printers. It’s easy to maintain and so far it has been proven very reliable. And for the price – it’s a great value.
My only regret in buying the Q5 is that i didn’t buy it’s bigger brother the QQS-pro. If i was making a recommendation to a friend, i would advise them to consider spending a little more and get the bigger delta if they can afford it.
So far, the printer has exceeded my expectations. I hope that parts are easy to get when the inevitable breakdowns occur, but for now, I am really happy.
Pros: Sensor for leveling the bed. Heated glass bed plate. Easy assembly. Quieter than expected. Great price. Delta style printers look cool. 🙂
Cons: Instructions for assembly are vague at best. Included software is workable, but older version of Cura really shows it’s age. So far, that’s about it. Prints seem to adhere too well sometimes to the bed, printing prints on a raft is the best solution I’ve found so far.
This was a gift and I have no feedback from the person Imgave it to other than they’re impressed with all that they can do with this printer, they have not used it yet.
This is one of the best 3D printers i have seen. so easy to assemble it was childs play.
from unboxing to actually printing a test print came in at around 20 minutes.
superior quality and outstanding features at a reasonable price.
nothing comes close.
Total begeistert!
Leider hat es eine Meldung gegeben, das die Version von CURA 2.7 auf der SD-Karte einen Virus enthlt. Also CURA 4.8 runtergeladen und es lief auf Anhieb. Ist mein zweiter Drucker.
Sehr cooles Teil!
Amazing printer for the price. 100% recommended to 3D-printing beginners. Assembly is very easy, however, if you live in the USA, you have to flip a switch from 240v to 120v which can be very hard to find inside of the cage. Other than that, the printer works very well and I recommend it.
Fr Anfnger einfach das beste,
Teil kommt teil-montiert, aufbauen der Teile ist einfach und schnell.
Gert ist kompakt, einfach zu benutzen,
Fr Anfnger PLA ist am besten zu benutzen bis man sich mit Software- und Hardware komfortable arbeite kann.
– Verpackung ist sehr gut,
– Liefertermin Gut,
– Vormontiert teil Vereinfacht das zusammenbauen,
– Preis Leistung Gut
Kann nur empfehlen 😉
Zunchst einmal vorweg: ein 3D Drucker hat mit einem Papier Drucker nur eines gemeinsam: die Bezeichnung als Drucker.
Dieser tolle kleine Drucker ist vor allem auch fr Leute geeignet, die eben nicht jede Schraube ihres Druckers kennen lernen wollen und die sich nur soweit fr die Technik interessieren, wie es eben notwendig ist, das man fr ein vernnftiges Geld drcken kann.
Der Aufbau war neben dem Pltzchen backen in ca. 45Minuten erledigt. Die Beschreibung zum Aufbau ist OK, aber es schadet nicht sich zustzlich ein paar Videos im Internet ber den Zusammenbau anzusehen, damit vermeidet man durchaus Fehler, die andere gemacht haben.
Leider war bei uns die Mitgelieferte SD-Karte Defekt. Die Daten hab ich mir ber eine Gruppe bei Facebook besorgt – an dieser Stelle vielen Dank an die Gruppe.
Der Drucker hat einige Helfer (Autoleveling, Automatischer Filamenteinzug) an Bord, was for allem fr unerfahrene 3D Druck Freunde vieles erleichtert.
Der Drucker druckt die Standard Filamente.
Die Layer sind sauber und ohne gro Stringing oder Bubble Bildung.
Kurz: Toller Drucker fr ein vernnftiges Geld.
Bin begeistert. Funktioniert “Out fo the Box”. Keine stundenlangen Einstellarien. Sehr gute Druckergebnisse mit PLA und auch schnell dabei. Autolevelling auch top. Fr einen Anfnger wie mich sehr geeignet.
After using a Laser engraver / Cutter for a while I thought it was time to try a 3D printer for my projects. I wasn’t expecting too much at the price point but I thought I would give it a go as it had some good reviews. And by golly this thing is amazing, near perfect prints every time. It surpassed my every expectation for both build quality, print quality and ease of construction. I would recommend this this printer as an intro to 3D printing. The only down side is, it’s ability to stick prints to the base plate after a few prints. Easily rectified with a glue stick. Overall I would give this printer 5*, but have to minus 0.5 stars cos the bundled slicing software is not the best.
This is my first 3d printer. It was super-easy to assemble and it prints great for simple PLA stuff. I haven’t pushed it to it’s limits but I think it would be hard to find a better printer for the price. The footprint is pretty small which works well for my setup. There’s some noise, but that doesn’t really bother me much. I’ll update the rating if I run into issues down the road. For now 5/5 based on value for money and very decent print quality.
Very easy to setup.
30 to 45 minutes from opening the box to first print.
Only difficulty was finding the switch that toggled 220V to 110V, but found a great support forum on facebook and in less than 5 minutes had the answer.
La stampante 3D stupenda e sono molto soddisfatto dell acquisto. Le stampe sono di ottima qualit , stampa anche abs chiudendola.
Il livellamento estremamente semplice.
Unica pecca il piatto che si rovina facilmente, consiglio L’acquisto di un piatto in vetro da sovrapporre.
I bought this Delta printer on a whim to go alongside my Chiron large-format cartesian and I have been incredibly impressed!
Yes, it is built to a price but it prints quietly (very!) and fast, and with excellent quality.
Good points:
Silent stepper drivers on all three axes – very quiet!
Almost no fan noise
Easy bed levelling with the levelling sensor
Printed great right out of the box
Great bed adhesion (clean it *well* on receipt!)
Bad points:
A4988 driver on the extruder, so retractions are not quiet; easily upgraded to a 2208/2209 for silent printing
The filament holder is weirdly narrow so you’ll need to print an extension for most full-sized rolls to fit
Glass bed – flexible PEI would be better but at this price, glass “ultrabase” is what you’d expect
Some folks have reported belts stretching or sagging very quickly, but I’ve had no problems in ~100hrs of printing so far.
Super easy to set up, took 1 stars off because I do not like the scratch to the metal of a “new” product. and the sample filament seems cracked/broken in odd spots… I’m having fun with it and recommend the buy but wonder about Quality check before these things ship….
Pro’s :
super fast printer
easy to set up
somewhat quite
great for newbies
minor cosmetic damage to metal frame,
Sample filament seems old/improperly packed ?
One of the best printers I’ve ever had! Easy to set up…. and prints great from the get go!
If you want to print AbS you will need an Enclosure but use the one that I got my Ender-3 and it works perfec
Zusammenbau war kein Hexenwerk, also fast ein wenig wie IKEA ohne Holz 😉
Das gert druckt ordentlich mit verschiedensten Materialien, man sollte als User bei PLA die Temperatur der Platte aber hher als 50 Grad einstellen (60 sind besser).
Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Kleiner Tip:
Da das Gert nicht netzwerkfhig ist habe ich mir den Raspberry Pi 4 bestellt, um auf ihm OctoPi laufen zu lassen.
Damit ist das gute Stck dann auch im WLAN zu erreichen.
This product was inexpensive, came with all the parts and tools needed, and included a small sample of red PLA. As a 3D newb, this was a perfect setup so far as it goes. I was able to assemble in about 30 minutes (some of which consisted of staring at tiny pictures to see if that one cable went over or under the other) but it turned out to be almost foolproof. Documentation was horrible, but it got the point across. The questions I had about how to route the cables turned out to be trivial, and the assembly was highly intuitive.
The printer comes with a micro-SD card and a USB micro-SD adapter, to allow easy file transfer. Sample g-code is included for an elephant (don’t bother) and a knurled nut and bolt. The latter set is worth printing, especially for testing. You’ll be impressed.
The printer also comes with slicer software called CURA. If you’re a newb like me, let me explain. When you see someone on Youtube print in 3D, they show an image in CAD software, then they show the print extruder making the part, and _la voila_ there’s the piece. It ain’t that simple.
First you need to create a 3D image and then save it as an .STL, .3MF, or other file. Then you open this file with a Slicer program like CURA in order to make a file in G-Code. The printer prints g-code files. The micro-SD allows you to transfer the g-code to the printer.
This is where the problem will come in for newbs: If you look up how to use a CAD program… well, it’s like asking how to bury a squirrel: Step 1, buy a backhoe. Step 2, spend 6 months learning about Backhoes. Step 3, did you know that backhoes have a cool attachment for breaking concrete? … um, is there an easier way? Maybe a shovel? Step 1: buy a steam shovel, step 2, find a source of coal for the steam shovel …
Moral of the story: Is it easy to assemble? Yes. Does it work great? Yes. Can you make a (widget) that you’ve always want to make immediately? Maybe.
TIPS: 1. For flat objects, you can also use GIF or BMP files in the CURA slicer. 2. Before printing, wipe down the build plate with alcohol and a tissue. 3. When ordering filament, LPLA is not PLA (different temperatures). 4. Let the plate cool before removing prints. 5. Print size is smaller than some printers (read specifications) 6. Be prepared to learn about backhoes.
I’m a total newbie and I was up and printing in less than an hour. Great Facebook groups with tons of helpful people. An easy and inexpensive entry into 3D printing.
Fcil de montar. Gracias a su nivelacin automtica, solo hace falta acabar de ajustar la altura, proceso sumamente simple. En poco ms de una hora desde el unboxing, se puede imprimir.
I’ve a two head 3D printer, standard format – gantry, moving baseplate and not impressed with its quality, whatever the settings. I used to design high speed laser/ water cutting machines and this is not how I’d do it. I set about designing my own, then spotted the Delta configuration by FLSUN – now that’s how to do it! No more different inertias, axis fighting on the arc, no more cartesian geometry. It’s all parallelograms and high speed light weight translation heads. Yummy!
Trouble is – expensive. Then came the Q5 and a stonking Amazon deal. I had to have it, and less than twelve hours later – there it was.
Nice packaging, easy, if fiddly, build, rubbish instructions (as usual). USB stick didn’t work and laptop can’t see it (well, it can, but can’t do anything with it). However it’s all SD driven, so no problem.
Next problem, no printer settings for the Q5 – so, in Cura, I modified the QQS settings – which seems to be fine
Unit comes with autolevelling head and Z0 setting — what a time saver — remember to take the plastic cover off of the plate though.
The whole thing is compact and nicely put together. The feed drive for the filament is powerful and pulls filament well.
The base and nozzle heat up very quickly – twice as fast as my other printer and I turned out the samples by the third attempt, adjusting the Z0 to a thicker piece of paper. The quality of the knurled nut and bolt was excellent, looked good and screwed together nicely (any threading needs to be run in and out once to clear debris).
I then started turning out my own parts, there is no doubt the quality is better minute for minute than my TLD printer.
So – pro’s – fast, easy to build, great quality, good control system, auto level. Works well in Cura and Repetier
Con’s – really needs bolting to worktop as it is top heavy – USB stick didn’t work, FLSUN slicer didn’t work, laptop can’t see it. Only a short length of filament. – so buy a roll of filamant at the same time
The Pro’s win by a mile
Update February 2021.
Well, it has been turning out parts very nicely.
I noted some comments on levelling problems. To be fair, levelling on a delta machine is far less important than with a moving Y axis machine. I have found the most important factor is the nozzle gap. I set this with the plate and nozzle at operating temperature and scarcely touch on the paper. Make sure your nozzle and plate clean before you set the gap!
I have had a couple of problems with the machine around the filament delivery system. The feed mechanism kept jamming. This is because the filament has worn the feed throat, guide and tubing. The reason for this is simple. The filament reel is in the wrong place and is always pulling to one side. As the reel depletes this gets worse. Though the pull is mild, over reel after reel, it wears one side of the fittings. To mitigate this, I load the filament with the reel in hand and unplug the belden tube to make sure it guides in correctly.
The other problem has been with the extruder assembly. Again, wear in the tubing is the cause. Always make sure that if you withdraw the tube, you make sure it reseats all the way into the head (about 50mm).
The extruder is fiddly to dismantle, partly because the delta configuration has very low friction. To square up the nozzle block, the auto level block has to come off, all rather time consuming.
Still, the results are worth it!
Easy to assemble, followed the instructions and had a working 3D printer. The only thing in the assembly was realising that yes there was a plastic sheet covering the glass bed that needed peeling off. After that autoleveled again and printed.
Q5 arrived today. What I have found so far is this is a great little printer. I have a number of years experience with3D printers and many different printer types and brands. Lately I have been exploring Delta style as they are billed as faster FDM printers than standard Cartesian models ( Square XYZ – think Ender 3, CR-10, etc.) I have tried the FLSUN QQ & QQ-S Pro Delta as well. Here is what I can say specifically above the Q5.
Packaging and Assembly –
Like the QQ and QQ-S, it comes mostly pre-assembled. Packaging is excellent, build quality looks really good, and quick assembly instructions are decent. Setting this printer up from unpacking to printing is about 25-30 minutes first time out – reading the assembly instructions.
There is really only one type of allen key type screw required to assemble this printer. The pre-assembled axis are screwed to the top and bottom bases. Coloured coded coded connectors make it easy to connect all the cables. Attaching the rods and hotend effectively complete the install. The rods highlight some of the small things that. Like about the quality of this printer. See attached pictured. (The only thing I found that may cause confusion is the orientation of the effector plate/hot end. This could be easily solved with a sticker on the plate that identifies the front). That said, the assembly doc calls out the orientation, though the photos are small. FLSUN provides quick assembly documentation, an SD card with more detailed instructions (including videos), slicer software, extra screws , a bit of filament for the test print and a just the right tools to assemble and operate the printer.
Summary: Assembly is quick and easy. (Note – if your are in Canada or the US, make sure you flip the power supply to the correct voltage, Default is 220 so…)
Once assembled, the Q5 looks great, and feels solid. I can’t say that for all the printers I have used. I kind of like that the power supply and electronics are on the topside of the Q5. The base looks slim and low profile. Not sure if there is a engineering benefit, but I like how it looks. The 2020 extrusion covers are a nice touch as well.
Getting to first print is quick. The levelling probe is easy to use and the new menus that allow Z height tweaking are easy to dial in and start the first print.
The touchscreen menu system is an improved version over earlier QQ versions I used. Some added features/capabilities make the Q5 easier to get up and running. Levelling, Z height, and extruder loading work better on the Q5 than a number of other printers I have used.
The included Titan extruder, like with the QQ-S Pro, is a cut above the standard extruder included with many printers. It is easy to load, feeds well, and supports flexible filaments better than some other extruder types. On first print, as you can see in the photos and video, it works great.
The 24v controller and power supply seem responsive and get to temperature more quickly than the 12V printers I have used. It may be a little thing, but it helps and shows some thought and quality from FLSUN.
The test print of a nut and bolt turned out really well and the fit was great. The guided levelling routine and z height worked first try.
The printer movement is quieter than I expected. Noise is mostly from the power supply.
I have attached a couple of photos and videos.
Last words:
Overall, my initial thoughts are that this printer is an excellent value and way easier to start using than many others. This may be a bit qualified , as I have a fair bit of experience building 3D printers, but it seems like it would be fairly easy for anyone. So far, the only thing I would want for this printer is to be able to printer larger :). The 200 x 200 size will do a lot, and may be perfect for many. As I have other printers that can printer large dimensions, this will likely end up being my go to for quick, higher resolution small parts that I need to print for larger assemblies.
PS: In the past I have found the support folks at FLSUN to be responsive and helpful. I would expect that it would be as good for the Q5.
Arrived early, was hoping it was coming from the Australian Amazon warehouse but didn’t but not holding that against seller.
The power IEC for system was not Australian but had plenty at home to use so make sure to speak to seller.
Packaged really well and handled well, was delivered by a fed ex van through TNT.
Did two smallish prints to test out the printer, both exceeded expectations.
Instructions are vague but if you have a general knowledge of how it should work you will be ok to build (took me about 10 minutes). For those that are more unsure plenty of YouTube videos out there for you on it.
For product I am giving a five out of five for it though just because how happy I am with how well it prints and very little mess around. Auto leveling is awesome to watch.
Make sure to have an Aussie IEC (kettle plug for you oldies)
I done some research and decided to take the plunge as new to 3D printing.
I couldn’t be more happy with my purchase, within 1h I had it put together, calibrated and running my first print that comes with the sd card.
Since then I have been running it none stop with testing and prototyping and cant fault the quality and reliability at slow and fast speeds with no modifications that were suggested on some web sites.
Overall if your starting out like me you cant go wrong with this product.
This is my second 3d printer. My first being a CR10 clone.. which cost over 400 at the time i bought it.
This is cheaper, faster and easier to setup. All printers need an element of tweaking to be spot on, and this is no exception, but i was happy with my first print from this. I like the touch screen, but its pretty small. Also the machine itself has a small footprint so its a good option if you don’t have a lot of space.
Make sure to purchase some filament if this is your first printer as you only get a tiny amount with the machine !
All in all pretty happy with it ..
From unpacking the FLSUN q5 from the the top quality packaging to being fully assembled and running took no more than half an hour, and then I was able to follow the instructions to automatically level the printer using the provided bed leveller. The touch screen interface is easy to follow, and printed instructions for assembly are provided with the printer, as well as detailed pictorial and video instructions on the included SD card.
Once I had it assembled and set up, I printed out the provided sample nut and bolt, and it printed near perfectly. I have since made some minor adjustments to improve the first layer printing, based on the tips given in the video instructions.
The printer itself is of all metal construction, and is very sturdy once put together. The heated bed is solid, with a slightly textured finish. Prints have adhered well, without the need for hairspray or glue sticks.
Assembly is very straightforward, and all tools needed are provided with the printer (basically an allen key is all you need). The wires which need to be plugged in are colour coded so it’s unlikely you will get it wrong (unlike my first 3D printer, which was extremely complicated to wire up). There is also a very good quality scraper and snips included, be careful with the scraper as it could easily injure you if you put your hand in front of it whilst removing a print from the bed!
In operation, this printer is really quiet, and doesn’t cause any vibration on my desk, which was a problem with the I3 style of moving bed printer.
This is marketed as an entry level printer, and the print volume is not huge, but it’s more than enough for my requirement, mainly making up project boxes for small circuit board modules and so on. The heated bed means it can handle most filament types, although the touch screen menu only shows the option to pre heat for PLA. However, if you can use Cura slicer software to heat the nozzle to temperatures suitable for ABS and PETG filament. There is a USB interface too, so you can print direct from your computer, or using a Raspberry Pi with Octopi software. That’s something I will be doing, but can’t comment on how well it works as I have only printed files copied across to the SD card so far.
The only (minor) dislikes I have are that the fan cooling the nozzle is a little noisy, which is a shame as the printer otherwise is whisper quiet. Also, the firmware on the printer is not open source. If you just want a plug and play printer that’s fine, but if you want to try out different firmware or tweak the existing firmware, you won’t be able to. That’s probably not that big of a deal to most people though. The spool holder works, but I feel it could be improved with the addition of some ball bearings to help it turn, but I’ve not had any problems with it so far, just feel that it might be overstraining the Bowden extruder. FLSUN don’t appear to have a website, but they do give contact details should you need help, and there’s some good groups on the internet where you can discuss and ask questions.
Overall, I am very happy with this printer. Being a delta, it’s fascinating to watch it printing, and it seems of straightforward enough construction that if it needs maintenance, that should be fairly easy. The prints I have produced so far have been pretty near perfect, without any adjustment at all, and I am sure that with minor tweaks within the slicer software I will be able to get them even better. You will need quite a tall area to house this printer, as the first photo shows, it towers over my Geeetech I3 printer.
Easy to assemble, great print quality straight out of the box
I found it very easy to set this printer up, as most of the work was already done. Everything went well and I was soon printing the test gcode. I had previously purchased the Flsun QQ-S so am familiar with Delta printers. This one actually printed a better test model than it’s big brother, so I was more than pleased with it. It is very quiet in its operation and has given me some very nice prints.
This was a simple to setup printer. I have previously been using an ender 3 Pro and had a nightmare with the bed levelling. The auto level on the flsun works perfectly every time. Print quality is very good and have been using every day for a month. Not very noisy and my only criticism is filament isn’t easy to feed but common issue on 3d printers. Would definitely buy and flsun again.
This thing is amazing. Prior to buying this I bought an Anycubic Mega X and after trying it for a couple months couldn’t get past numerous consistency problems. It seemed like it was just really buggy but I thought it could just be me not able to dial it in. I finally sent it back and bought this FLSun Q5 Delta and it immediately proved the Mega X was the problem. Where the Mega X falls short, this thing shines. Extremely reliable, consistent, fast and high quality.
The only issue I’ve had so far is printing with Geetech White Silk PLA filament. It sticks so hard to the bed it’s impossible to remove without leaving part of the model behind. Other filaments have been fine though. Adhesion is still very strong but do come off without damage, so just stay away from Geetech and you should be fine.
One other minor grievance is the sample filament; it has no spool and just becomes a knot if you try to use it. I wanted to see how well their own filament performed but it just snagged up within the first 10% of a small print. If that’s your sample, don’t give a sample. Anyone trying it for the first time would be very disappointed.
Overall though, the printer is fantastic, and looks really Star Trek when it’s going. Highly recommend it!
The printer worked right out of the box after the build with no issues. Just take your time to set it up properly. Now time to save up for the bigger model. 🙂
I was surprised to see that there were no reviews for this printer on Amazon but believe me when I say it as a first-time 3D printer owner that this printer is excellent! It was extremely easy to put together and it took roughly 1 and 1/2 hours to assemble. The print quality is great and the features are excellent especially for the price. Being someone who is not scared to Tinker and tweak things, I was very easily able to get more than acceptable prints.
Absolutely love this printer… Easy to build and a bit of auto le elling and away with a test print which works well. I also have an Ender 3, this FLSUN is faster, quieter but build size is smaller. If 20x 20 is big enough for you, go for it… I wasn’t disappointed
Well packaged. Easy to assemble. Good print quality and speed. This is a very well put together package, but even with all the great instructions and videos there will be adjustments needed to get it working well. The test prints are good, but once you get past that and onto your own prints the real trouble will start. First check that your belts are tight. This step should be added to the included instructions as well as how to set your extruder esteps. I was having under extrusion and an area on all my prints that was messing up. To tighten belts you need to remove the 3 metal boxes covering the pulley wheels and there are two screws to loosen and adjust belt tension. To adjust Esteps you need to extrude 100mm of filament and measure it to see if its accurate. If not you will need to calculate your esteps and adjust it from the firmware. None of this is explained and will most likely need to be done to get good prints especially if you print fast. You can join the flsunqq qqs q5 Facebook page for assistance.
Easy to set up and use by following some of the unboxing videos on YouTube
So i got this printer as my first one. I love it. It was so easy to assemble and setup and the quality of the prints even at lower layer heights is amazing. The speed is perfect and it has exceeded my expectations in all regards.
A few negatives:
* The print area is smaller than competition
* The “Self configure” is great, but I found it needed to be run every few prints during the first 10/20 prints. One of these the self configures did a terrible job. (I lost about 40 minutes total of my life to this, with other 3d printers that would have been 4 days gone for each configuration – and god forbid if you dare to move other printers)
* This is by far the most annoying printer to set the temperature on (But you can, you just have to do it everytime you push print)
* I had to take apart the extruder to feed the thing properly
* I pushed self configure, then print, then it printed the thing, and the thing looked good
* The competition is completely incapable of doing this
* It’s mesmorising to look at
* It was about as complicated as an ikea table to put togather.
* Once again, it self configures
* My girlfriend didn’t seem to find it asthetically displeasing. Alternatively, she might just be happy she doesn’t have to talk to me anymore because of my new hobby – not sure.. probably disregard this point.
That said, most of the complexities are to do with workflow.
Once I found how to do 3D design, and find a good slicer program, the printer takes over and works really well.
I’d recommend changing noisy fans, but beyond that, this works without too much work. Just note prints can stick to the print bed and can be difficult to remove so take care and use YouTube for help.
Der Drucker ist einfach zu bedienen. Die Haftung des Filamentes hngt am Filament und der Qualitt.
Die Einrichtung des Druckers ist super einfach.
Preis-Leistung ist einfach top. Ein schneller, guter Drucker. Auch fr Laien einfach und schnell montierbar.
Had to resort to YouTube to build as the instructions didn’t work (turns out that what I thought was a thumb drive was actually a card reader – however, this reader is bad. Keeps wasting the cards.)
Other than that, took about 90 mins to assemble and still learning how to use it.
Davvero inaspettata la precisione di questa stampante.
Molto rapida nelle acceleraIoni e abbastanza stabile.
Il rumore maggiore proviene dalla ventola dell’alimentatore che potrebbe essere un gradito upgrade
I ordered my Q5 based on a review of a YouTuber who did a lot of 3d printing, and im glad I did. Assembly out of the box was VERY easy, since most of the unit is already put together at the factory. I had mine built and plugged in for test printing in about 30 minutes. It has worked well with a few different brands of PLA material, and i use a cheap stick of “elmers” glue to help with baseplate adhesion. I have had good luck using the Cura “slicer” software to load my printing files onto the micro SD card. Being a “delta” printer, it prints quickly, and the quality of the print is pretty high, especially when you take into account the cost of the machine. It’s an amazing printer to learn the ins and outs of 3d printing, and they’ve even come out with some different sized models recently. Highly recommended.
Der 2te FDM Drucker war der Q5 von FLSUN.
Ich habe mir den Drucker gekauft weil die Grundflche die belegt wird nur etwa die Hlfte meines Ender 3 ist und weil der Delta Drucker deutlich schneller drucken soll. Da war ich sehr gespannt.
Der Drucker war sehr gut und stabil verpackt. Beim auspacken kamen mir aber leider wieder die Erinnerungen hoch die beim Ender 3 Zusammenbau entstanden sind (Vietnam Flashbacks:-O)
Spa bei Seite. Der Drucker lies sich in weniger als 30 min aufbauen und somit konnte der erste Druck starten.
Vor dem ersten Druck muss aber wie bei jedem Drucker erstmal das Druckbett nevilliert werden. Aber zum Glck macht dieser Drucker es voll automatisch. Es wird ein Sensor angesteckt und im Men auf Autolevel” geklickt und schon wird alles alleine erledigt. Anschlieend noch kurz den Nullpunkt mit einem Blatt Papier einstellen und fertig.
Also der erste Druck konnte starten. Es war eine Testdatei von der SD Karte.
Ich konnte die ersten Minuten meinen eigen echt nicht trauen wie schnell der Drucker ist. Aber stimmt auch die Qualitt? Ohjaaaa ich war echt berrascht wie die Testdatei aussah. Es war eine Schraube mit Mutter und das Gewinde war extremst leichtgngig und ich war baff.
Also gleich eine Datei in Cura gesliced (das Drucker Profil ist in dem neuen Cura Update dabei) und los ging der Druck. Dieser war ebenfalls top.
Die Druckbetthaftung ist auch jenseits von gut und bse. PLA von dem heissem druckbett entfernen? Nicht ohne das Druckteil zu zerstren. Ich war baff.
Als es kalt war konnte man es einfach nehmen als ob es nie gehalten hatte. So soll es sein.
Ein Riesen Vorteil die ich zu schtzen gelernt habe war das automatische Laden und entladen von Filament. Dabei heizt die Nozzle auf und schiebt das das geladene Filament heraus oder schiebt dieses in die Nozzle.
Beim entladen muss man dann nur noch kurz den Hebel am Extruder drucken und das Filament kann entfernt werden.
Ich kann den Drucker jedem nur empfehlen der einen Einsteigerfreundlichen Drucker haben mchte welcher eine extremste kleine Grundflche nur bentigt.
Der Druckebereich von 20x20cm sollte sich fr alle gngigen Modelle reiche
If you’re something who wants get into 3D printing but is a bit hesitant incase it is complicated, this is a must, comes in 5 pieces, you bolt together, clear instructions and QR code videos. Once on, fire away, you have an auto leveller in the box, that sequence takes about 3 minutes, the touch screen is pretty clear and very easy to manovoer around. You get your .STL model, put it on the included 4GB micro SD card via the included adapter. Go back onto the printer, click print, find the model you put on and it takes does the rest. My only piece of advice, is not to play with the menus when printing, it does seem to overload the computer, jittering the print when you touch the screen. But over all, fantastic, watch some YouTube videos if in doubt about anything but for the price and when it is on offer, can’t find any better printer for price and beginners.
I bought one of these for a grand prize in a 3d printing class I taught at my kids school. It was a great incentive for note taking and attention. The student texted my son images of the printer working less than one day after getting the award. That’s impressive as a first timer kid of about 12. So the printer is working great. It’s not a big printer, but has great features for the money. Thank you for your time.
Produit trs russi ! J’ai effectu le rglage automatique, puis le test de la feuille de papier, et depuis j’imprime souvent et tout fonctionne parfaitement. Niveau vitesse d’impression, j’ai effectu un test avec une autre imprimante (Ender 3 v2) juste ct en imprimant les mmes pices. Quasi le mme temps (la Ender a gagn ;o) de quelques minutes. Je recommande sans hsiter.
Ohne irgendwelche Kenntnisse im 3d Druck gekauft und nach 3 Stunden das erste Ergebnis auf der Druckplatte.
Bin zufrieden mit diesem Drucker. Nimmt nicht viel Platz ein, ist sehr leise und liefert fr den Preis wirklich tolle Druckergebnisse ab. Habe nichts daran zu bemngeln.
Kam gut verpackt als Bausatz in einem sehr kompakten Paket. Der Zusammenbau dauert maximal 20 Minuten, wenn man nicht gerade zwei linke Hnde hat. Die Anleitung ist auch mit den Bildern gut beschrieben wie er zusammen gebaut wird.
Die Haftung der Platte ist wirklich ordentlich. Bitte auch Geduld haben bis dass das Werkstck und die Platte komplett abgekhlt sind. Sonst knnt ihr einen Steinmeiel holen und es damit runter klopfen 😀 Aber die Platte wird natrlich dann auch beschdigt. Also, einfach nur Geduld mitbringen oder sich eine Magnetplatte von Drittanbietern organisieren.
Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist meiner Meinung nach Spitze.
Mich hat das Prinzip der Delta-Drucker gereizt. Von der Druckgre zwar etwas eingeschrnkt – mir reicht es aber. Fr Anfnger dank Auto-Leveling bestens geeignet. Druckergebnisse fr den Preis sehr gut. Man hat gar nicht genug Ideen fr Drucke. Macht super Spass.
Hab mir denn Drucker vor Fast 3 Monaten gekauft als Untersttzung zu mein I3 mega von anycubic, da ich aber mal was anderes ausprobieren wollte und mich das automatische auto leveln interessierte hab ich ihn gekauft.
Wa soll ich sagen, ist besser als der I3 maga vor allen viel leiser und schneller Druck bereit.
Durck Qualitt ist auch super aber schneller als 60% sollte man nicht Fahren, sonst kommt nix gutes bei raus, auch sollte man aussen wie innen Flchen nicht schneller als 30% fahren vor allen zylinder kriegt er bei 60% kaum hin.
Was nicht so toll ist am Anfang hat das Durckbett mehr Haftung als es gut ist aber jetzt nach 3 Monaten musste ich schon die Oberflche anschleifen weil nix mehr hlt, vorweg reinige nur mit destilliertes Wasser mit 20% Isopropanol Inhalt.
I had a tiny little bit of experience with my friend’s printer which was one of the original wooden Makerbots. 3D printers have come a long way since then. I saw the reviews for this printer on Youtube and all were really positive. My experience has been similar. Pretty straightforward assembly and really great prints so far. I just followed the videos on the included SD card. My use case is that I am printing parts for use with other equipment we use. I am thrilled so far. I have been printing pretty much non-stop for a week. I ordered a raspberry pi 3B+ to run octoprint with an old webcam. Plus, I ordered a smart plug to use with octoprint as well. I am currently looking for a larger diameter nozzle to experiment with printing faster.
When I was researching on Youtube, I was looking for easy setup and reliability along with a moderate price since this is not really a money maker for us. This printer fits that bill. It took me about 30-40 minutes to set it up and run the test print of the nut and bolt that came on the sd card. Plus, I have been running it pretty much for a week straight because I am so excited by this thing. I only ran the calibration upon setup and it has been working great.
I highly recommend it. So much so that this is the first review I have written on any product in years.
I bought this printer 3/31/21. I was amazed at the nut and bolt demo print. I started printing right away. At first some prints were good, but never as good as that nut and bolt. As time went on the extruder started making more noise, clicking all the time. I was getting mixed prints, some just mediocre to horrible, unusable. Then month ago or so, while trying to clear an extruder jam I didn’t relieve the tension on the spring and “bing” it was gone and I couldn’t find it. I ordered a new extruder and used just the spring and put the rest aside. Fast forward a few weeks and the prints are getting worse, the extruder is making a lot of noise, clicking noise. I then went to print a couple days ago and it was just a mess. I finally took all the new extruder parts and put them on the printer. Same Titan extruder off Amazon.
6/19/21 and I have been printing for 3 days with this new extruder and so far I haven’t had any issues that I had when I first bought this printer with the stock extruder. I love this printer, since I have gotten more out of it than I ever have my Creality Ender 3 Pro.
Word of advice for FLSUN, QA and then QA again. I almost sent this printer back and for the last month was wishing I had sent it back, but now, with a new extruder (on a new printer) I am off and running.
Update: so far I am pretty happy with this printer and upped it 1 star. All in all it really has done well.
so deltas are notorious in their complexity and by rights should be a no-go for beginners. after having it for 4 days printing almost non-stop I can easily recommend this printer to anyone, I have been 3d printing for 5 years and this is by far the best bang for buck printer out there. easy setup, easy calibration, and tramming due to the auto level feature, fast heat-up times. excellent results with the right slicing software (remember your printer is a dumb machine all the good stuff is done by the slicer). Now for the bad, it’s a little top-heavy, the part cooling fan is a bit whiney made apparent as the steppers are silent (except for the extruder), the power cord can get in the way and you need to secure the Bowden tube to the cable loom so it doesn’t snag on the effector’s arms. The bottom plate is a bit meh but that’s just my opinion. given the choice between the ender3 and this machine, I would choose the Flsun q5, its a fun printer and a great starter even after considering the smaller build volume.
Ich habe fast jeden auf Amazon vorhandenen Drucker getestet. Das ist der erste der bleibt. Das sagt fr mich alles. Kaufempfehlung.
Als Blutiger Anfnger gleich mit einem Delta gestartet und beste Entscheidung gewesen, einziger ausschu war bis jetzt auf fehlendes Fachwissen zurckzufhren. Autolvl ist absolut der Killerfeuture zustzlich zu der abartigen Geschwindigkeit die er drucken kann. Einfache Konturen mit 100-120mm/s waren kein Problem… Da ist dann allerdings die Khlung teilweise unzureichend so das ich dem Drucker einen sauberen Druck Overall mit 75-80mm/s bescheinigen wrde.
I was very happily surprised at how good this printer works. I have had a couple other printers but this was the first one of this style and frankly, it’s great.
The one thing I would advise is to make sure the bed is 100% cool before you pull the print off the glass bed or you can damage it.. and I mean 100% cool… like.. leave in an hour or two after its done printing and the print will jump off the bed with a small tap.
If I had to search for a complaint it’s that this one did come set for 220v instead of 120 and it took me forever to figure out how to switch it. (It’s not obvious). But that’s really it.. that’s the only complaint.
This is so cool. Bought it for my son for his birthday. He is now able to create his own pieces for his mods. Now thinking about starting his own small business..
I’ve had the the FLSUN Q5 for almost 3 months now and used it quite extensively up to now. I’ve used a few FDM printers in the past and this is the first printer I’ve bought personally. I haven’t had any major issues so far.
– Easy to setup and use, would be great for beginners. Basically all the screws you need for assembly are a single size and simple to put together.
– BASE AUTO LEVELING! A little slow but its a great feature, especially for beginners.
– Great print speed and good print quality for the most part considering the price. All my prints have come out amazing for the most part except for a few overhang sections, see Cons for overhang issues.
– Smaller base with a good print volume, more table space is always a plus.
– Textured heated bed is great, almost too good. Make sure you wait for the print and bed to cool or else you might break the part while trying to get it off.
– Touchscreen is a cool.
– Cooling is a bit under-powered and the fan ducts could be better. I couldn’t get clean overhangs at about 30 degrees for a bit of time. Printed cooling duct and a better cooling upgrade would probably be required if you’re printing parts with a lot of overhangs.
– A little noisy but I think its kinda expected for a delta printer at this price.
Erst dachte ich das fr den preis nix gutes ankommen kann aber die Anleitung auf deutsch die separat dazu gelegt wurde hat mich schon etwas zum grinsen gebracht, das sieht man nicht oft bei den Druckern . Der Aufbau ging schnell und selbst wenn jemand 2 linke Hnde htte und einen IQ knapp unter Toastbrot wrde den Drucker ohne Probleme zusammen bauen knnen . Die druck Qualitt ist fr den Preis auch gut und er ist mit einem DB hchstwert beim Drucken von 50db wirklich sehr leise.
Alles in allem ein top Produkt und wrde ihn immer wieder kaufen.
Super 3d Drucker, der Aufbau dauert keine 30 Minuten. Das automatische Leveln des Druckbettes funktioniert super. Der Druck haftet sehr gut auf dem Druckbett , Vorraussetzung dafr ist natrlich das richtige Leveln. Die Druckqualitt ist super.
For one, the bed never moves so bed leveling isn’t really a thing. Heat the bed to print temp, run the bed probe once. Done, and will probably never have to do it again. Also, I’ve never had a single adhesion issue with any of my prints, but you have to let the bed cool off before trying to remove the print.
The machine is extremely simple to assemble and get running. You’ll be printing your test print in half an hour.
The prints you get from it are great. Especially if you use small layer heights, like .08. Take some time, learn the machine and tune your settings in your slicer software. I prefer PrusaSlicer, which has default settings for the Q5 that are pretty spot on.
The nice thing about a delta printer is that you can print a little faster, as the lightweight hotend will accelerate quicker. FLSUN also has a great community on reddit and facebook.
There are some cons to this printer. First, there is no filament runout sensor. For the price I can’t knock it. Secondly, the build volume is a bit smaller than you think. The bed is 200mm round (Prusa lets you go to the edge and get a little more print area), so square and rectangular items have to scale down to fit in that diameter. Also, the printer looks tall but the build height is only half the height of the printer, because the hot head has to hang down.
Despite those 2 nitpicks, I can’t recommend the Q5 more for an inexpensive first 3D printer, or if you’re interested in a Delta printer and don’t want to spend a lot of money. If you want to spend a lot of time tinkering, messing with settings, and having to upgrade things then get an Ender. If you want to actually print, consistently, without having to tinker around and with speed.. get the Q5 – or the newer SR if you need larger build volume.
Une delta pas trop cher prmontr facile mettre en uvre. La prise en main est assez simple. Je pourrais reprocher le manque de matire pour faire des test mais bon c serait abuser au prix de la bte. Si vous souhaitez dbuter a me parat un bon investisseme
Zuerst der Aufbau ging relativ zgig von statten, ca. 30 Minuten.
Das Kalibrieren des Bettes dauerte dann nochmal ca. 7 Minuten.
Dann konnten die ersten Ausdrucke schon gestartet werden.
Ich hatte am Anfang die Dse zu nahe am Bett gekegelt. Das machte sich durch eine rauhe Oberflche bei der ersten Schicht bemerkbar. Richtig eingestellt mit warmer Dse und warmen Bett top Ergebnis.
Was mir nur nicht gefllt, ist das infiltrieren. Dort habe ich mehrere Unterbrechungen. Alles sieht ein bisschen zerhackt aus. Wenn die Drucke fertig sind ist davon natrlich nichts zu sehen.
Mal schauen, eventuell kann ich noch etwas in Cura einstellen.
Nice printer. Easy to set up and use. Very pleased with 3d printe
Its a pretty good little delta, but the pre-assembled parts of mine were very poorly assembled, so its definitely worth re-checking everything.
Ein Delta fr knapp ber 200 der eine Druckqualitt liefert als wre er ein ganz ganz Groer und dabei auch noch bedeutend schneller ist als alles was ich sonst in dieser Preisklasse kenne. Bedlevel gehrt der Vergangenheit an was gerade fr den Einsteiger eine Fehlerquelle weniger bedeutet. Einziger Wermutstropfen: Er braucht einwenig lang zum aufheizen aber was strt einem 4 Minuten Aufheizzeit bei durchschnittlich 5 Stunden Druckzeit.
Trs facile monter et installer la machine. Les impressions peuvent tre extrmement rapide. Les moteurs qui entranement la tte d’impression sont trs silencieux. Les seuls bruits qu’on entend ce sont les bruits de ventilation. Qualit d’impression trs correcte.
Montata in poco tempo, con qualit di stampa eccellente. Interfaccia del display molto intuitiva. Testata la funzione “riprendi stampa” in assenza di corrente con risposta eccellente. Consigliata!!
This is my first delta 3d printer. It is very fast. What takes my other printer 3 hours to print the Q5 can do in 1 hour. I highly recommend the FLSUN Q5.
Leichte Montage und fr ein Delta sehr Anfngerfreundlich. Druck sauberer und schneller als mein Anycubic. Wrde ihn mir sofort wieder kaufen.
First 3D printer and I’m loving it already, simple assembly, (MAKE SURE YOU SWITCH YOUR VOLTAGE!!) I didn’t and thought mine was broken, bought a second and figured out how that was why it didn’t show the menu. But no regrets 2 is better for buisness.
Nur ein Tip- oben und unten bei dem Filament Rhrchen ist eine kleine Klammer. Die muss ab, sonst kommt kein Druck. Das steht weder in der Anleitung noch bei diversen YouTube Videos.
Was surprised to have it assembled and printing in under 30 minutes. Even after a simple set up first two prints turned out amazingly!! Strongly suggest getting this I’d you want a quick setup and quite good prints!
The only things I don’t like about this printer are the noise, it’s slightly noisy compared to my others and the bed not being detachable making some prints difficult to get off. The latter was easily solved by buying a magnetic bed on amazon. Other than that it’s great, and I love the quicker prints without sacrificing print quality.
One recommendation for new users, make sure you use the cable ties to join together the hotend wires and filament tubes together properly, I did not do this at first and had the axis crash at the top due to the tube being in the way preventing the axis from moving up.
Out of the box, this printer performs great. Been using it now for over a year and still printing parts that have tolerances better than 0.005″. Had part of the bed that peeled up. Contacted FLSun and they said they would ship me a new sticker. When the “sticker” arrived, it was an entire new bed with wiring harnesses! Thank you flsun!
The only thing I would recommend to do is to replace the extruder driver with a tmc2208. By no means is this a necessary change. It just makes it much more silent and helps a little with surface finish. The only thing you have to do is change the extruder direction in the config file and reload it (see the flsun group on facebook).
The other thing that would be nice, but not required, is a more powerful (better cpu) in the controller. Printing larger curves at faster speeds can lead to studdering, which impacts print quality. You can still print fast compared to other printers without this happening, but if this printer had a better controller it could really fly and deliver excellent results at the same time. But hey, this is a great Printer for under $300 and I understand why the controller can’t be $$$.
Works good and all that but the glass bed started to peel the glass sounds weird right but that’s exactly what happened been watching 3 weeks for a replacement from China since noone is the USA has parts and flsun doesn’t have a true website
This is my first 3d Printer, so I have no real reference point here, but I will say this is a great first 3D Printer. I had it set up and running in well under an hour, and that was even with taking my time to make sure I got everything right.
First print I did was the Test Elephant, and it came out flawlessly. Second print was a simple bracket I’d designed for an electronics project. It also came out great and with just a few tweaks to the slicer profile, I was able to print these brackets with no problems in about 15 minutes each, so the print speed seems great.
I’ve done about a dozen prints at this point, and they’ve all been flawless. I will note that the things I design and print aren’t hugely demanding of fine details, mostly brackets and cases for electronics, so if you are looking for super fine detail you’re mileage may vary, but for prints in the 0.2mm layer range or greater, this thing has been flawless for me so far.
To be honest, I’d expected 3D printing to be far more expensive to get a machine of any workable quality, and I expected to waste a lot of filament and materials trying to figure it all out, but so far everything has just worked great, with very little fiddling or learning curve. I delayed getting a 3D printer for quite a while, hoping the early adopters would work all the kinks out, and this machine seems to have done so. It has far exceeded my expectations for a very reasonable price.
One thing I will note, getting prints off the bare glass print surface is an absolute pain, and terrifying the first few times. Using the included putty knife thing, I scratched the glass a bit (nothing too bad, but it still bothered me on a brand new machine), and it seemed like I was going to break the print. I would strongly suggest getting some kind of adhesive removable print surface so that you can remove your prints easier. I just bought some filament that comes with one, and it seems to work great. It was square and sticks over the edges of the round plate a bit, but that doesn’t seem to cause any issues, and if I wanted I’m sure I could cut it to fit better, but its working fine as is.
in 20 minuten zusammen gebaut gelevelt und schon druckt er und das in akzeptabler qualitt, ein kauftip auf alle flle
My first 3D printer and I could not be happier. Easy to assemble, excellent print quality, a quality built system. Documentation was a little lacking, but there are videos included on the micro SD card that do a good job of showing what needs to be done. One important tip, in order to access the content on the micro SD card, you plug it into the top part of the plug of the included USB stick. Then plug the USB stick into your PC. I had never seen a micro SD adapter like that and initially thought something was wrong with the USB stick. Once I figured that out, all was well. I’m very happy that I chose this one as my first 3D printer.
Great printer haven’t had any problems yet with it. Very happy with it.
So far excellent. Easy to assemble and auto balance worked. Instructions better than Ender which we returned.
We have not figure out if we can pause the print and resta
Q5 Assembly and first print(s).
Super easy. FLSun did a great job of seeding review units to some youtubers (although not the best known ones), and just about every video included a detailed walkthrough of the assembly. My younger son watched a couple of those and had the thing up and running in under half an hour, and he was specifically going slow because it was his first time building.
Once build, initial setup is just as easy. Auto leveling was a breeze. Attach the little sensor to the magnet, and about 5-6 minutes later you’re done. The printer then prompts you to take off the sensor and to adjust the Z height (another minute if that) and that’s it. Ready to print.
It took another 4-5 minutes for everything to warm up, so about a 45 minute total from opening the box to seeing the first layer laid down. All done by a 14 year old newb purposely going slow. Like i said – super easy.
Print quality is surprisingly good.
The elephant and the nut/bolt combo that came on the SD card looked great to me, but then again this was my first experience with a 3d printer so i didn’t exactly have a point of reference. The big surprise was how much my older son (the engineering student) was impressed by the prints. Immediately after the first two prints from the card finished, he sliced up his own models that he previously printed in the college lab using a Raise3D printer. He’s the type that doesn’t care about finish, and is all about accuracy and proper tolerances. After measuring and re-measuring his prototypes, he declared the printer to be “good”.
Tiny desk footprint.
It’s only after i got the other two printers that i truly started appreciating just how little room the Q5 takes up on a desk or a counter. My other printers tend to “spread out”. They need room for a display on one side, the spool on the other side, plus the room and clearances needed for the bed to move back and forth etc. The Q5 is completely self contained in a triangle with 13″ (about) sides. It takes up no room compared to my other printers, and is much easier to move around.
It turned out to be a workhorse.
Both my kids’ high school and college have well equipped labs with some of the best commercial printers on the market from Makerbot etc. But due to the pandemic everything is online so they had no access to them. Between the two of them, they worked this printer like a mule. I had some things i wanted to print, and wife had discovered that this thing can make some great looking planters, so there came a point where to use the printer you had to fight someone “gladiator style”. We worked it hard, but it just kept on printing.
Sadly, it was quickly outgrown.
A 200mm diameter is not that much of a build space. If you want to print something square, the print area is really around 140x140mm. Because all the electronics are on top, and the bottom of the top panel is perforated letting all the hot air in – you can never properly enclose this printer. You can put an enclosure around it, but the all electronics inside will start to bake, especially since they’re on the very top where all the hot air tends to build up. My younger son wanted a bigger build plate, while my older one wanted the ability to reliably print ABS (requires enclosure). But that’s not the big reason why the printer was outgrown. It was due to lack of ubiquity for parts and lack of access to knowledge base and support. As of now, one of them uses the Ender while the other one has the Sovol. They have completely abandoned the Q5, which i don’t mind – it’s mine now 🙂
Ubiquity has value.
It was only after i got the Ender that i realized how much value there is in ubiquity. Replacement and upgrade parts are much easier to find and source. Amazon has great variety of anything and everything you could possible need. Even my local Microcenter carries the majority of parts one would ever need to service or upgrade their Ender. Not so with the Q5. Some parts you can replace/upgrade just like on any other printers. Other parts are custom and are semi-proprietary. For example, the hotend is a V6 clone, but it’s not like any other clone and has proprietary mounting. If you wanted to upgrade your hotend to another/better clone or a real deal from E3D you would need to perform some “metal surgery”. Holes will need to be drilled and tapped in metal etc. Not impossible, but not an easy procedure and one that required tools that we don’t have.
Flsun does have a store where they sell spare parts, and their prices are pretty good. But shipping is slow, and since some of the parts cannot be found elsewhere – you will have no choice but to wait a while for a replacement. For example, my Q5 needed a replacement heating block – a $1 part on FLSun’s website. At the moment it’s out of stock. There are no compatible replacements available on Amazon (according to Flsun support). I did get in touch with their support and they will be shipping me a new block, but it will take two weeks to arrive. Had i needed a heating block for an Ender, i could take a ride to Microcenter and have it on hand in like 20 minutes. Like i said – there is value in ubiquity.
Lack of access to knowledge base and lack of community outside of Facebook.
The “good stuff” is on Facebook. Firmware, test files, and all kinds of documentation and help from other users is on the Flsun facebook group. The group, from what i hear, is a phenomenal resource. However, this printer was bought for a 14 year old. He’s not on facebook and neither is his brother. Both have no desire to join , and i don’t blame them. I left facebook years ago. The only one in our family that still uses FB is grandma. Having to give up private information to an evil corporation just to get some help with a 3d printer seems unnecessary. The lack of community and knowledge base outside of facebook was by far and away the biggest reason my kids eventually abandoned this printer.
Getting a hold of support is tricky.
Even if you do use Facebook, the help there can only go so far. If a part fails and you need warranty service, you will need to get in touch with the company. This is much more difficult then it should be.
There came a point where our printer developed “amnesia” and would forget settings like auto-leveling and Z height after a power off/on. I tried emailing support about the problem a number of times over a course of a few months. None of my emails were answered. I eventually did get a hold of support by contacting the seller through Amazon, who gave me a name i needed to add on Skype. If you do need support from them, don’t bother emailing, just contact the seller here on Amazon and they will tell you what to do.
In contrast, i had no issues getting in touch with Creality when i needed support for my Ender. Sovol was a bit slow to respond, but i didn’t have to jump through hoops or use Skype to get a hold of someone. This is one area FLSun definitely needs to improve on.
This isn’t to say FLSun support is bad, they are actually excellent – once you find them. It’s just finding them is….. tricky.
Growing pains.
Young company dealing in a foreign market, so some growing pains are expected. The engineers did a great job designing this machine. The factory workers did an excellent job building it. The people doing the “groceries” did an admirable job of sourcing parts that allow this thing to come in at a great price. Customer service is ok’ish. However, ease of access to support and knowledge base need to improve dramatically, especially since the company is actively targeting beginners.
This is a young company full of smart energetic people – i’m sure they’ll figure it out. For now, though, be prepared to deal with some growing pains.
To conclude.
The obvious question is – would i buy it again, or would i recommend it to a friend etc. ? The answer is both yes and no.
No, i would not buy it again for my kids. The lack of ubiquitous parts for upgrades and the fact that all the “good stuff” is on facebook proved to be deal breakers for them.
Yes, i would buy it for me. I don’t need to print anything large, or use any exotic materials. The printer works great for my needs. It’s small. It’s very precise. It’s faster then my other printers. It’s easy to maintain and so far it has been proven very reliable. And for the price – it’s a great value.
My only regret in buying the Q5 is that i didn’t buy it’s bigger brother the QQS-pro. If i was making a recommendation to a friend, i would advise them to consider spending a little more and get the bigger delta if they can afford it.
Great quality prints oit the box. Easy install. I recommend this printer.
So far, the printer has exceeded my expectations. I hope that parts are easy to get when the inevitable breakdowns occur, but for now, I am really happy.
Pros: Sensor for leveling the bed. Heated glass bed plate. Easy assembly. Quieter than expected. Great price. Delta style printers look cool. 🙂
Cons: Instructions for assembly are vague at best. Included software is workable, but older version of Cura really shows it’s age. So far, that’s about it. Prints seem to adhere too well sometimes to the bed, printing prints on a raft is the best solution I’ve found so far.
This was a gift and I have no feedback from the person Imgave it to other than they’re impressed with all that they can do with this printer, they have not used it yet.
out of the box top druckergebnisse. leise treiber sind bereits verbaut.
so easy zu drucken, das ich ihn sogar jedem anfnger empfehle
To be honest, I have three of these. Best Printer Eve
from unboxing to actually printing a test print came in at around 20 minutes.
superior quality and outstanding features at a reasonable price.
nothing comes close.
Total begeistert!
Leider hat es eine Meldung gegeben, das die Version von CURA 2.7 auf der SD-Karte einen Virus enthlt. Also CURA 4.8 runtergeladen und es lief auf Anhieb. Ist mein zweiter Drucker.
Sehr cooles Teil!
Amazing printer for the price. 100% recommended to 3D-printing beginners. Assembly is very easy, however, if you live in the USA, you have to flip a switch from 240v to 120v which can be very hard to find inside of the cage. Other than that, the printer works very well and I recommend it.
Teil kommt teil-montiert, aufbauen der Teile ist einfach und schnell.
Gert ist kompakt, einfach zu benutzen,
Fr Anfnger PLA ist am besten zu benutzen bis man sich mit Software- und Hardware komfortable arbeite kann.
– Verpackung ist sehr gut,
– Liefertermin Gut,
– Vormontiert teil Vereinfacht das zusammenbauen,
– Preis Leistung Gut
Kann nur empfehlen 😉
Zunchst einmal vorweg: ein 3D Drucker hat mit einem Papier Drucker nur eines gemeinsam: die Bezeichnung als Drucker.
Dieser tolle kleine Drucker ist vor allem auch fr Leute geeignet, die eben nicht jede Schraube ihres Druckers kennen lernen wollen und die sich nur soweit fr die Technik interessieren, wie es eben notwendig ist, das man fr ein vernnftiges Geld drcken kann.
Der Aufbau war neben dem Pltzchen backen in ca. 45Minuten erledigt. Die Beschreibung zum Aufbau ist OK, aber es schadet nicht sich zustzlich ein paar Videos im Internet ber den Zusammenbau anzusehen, damit vermeidet man durchaus Fehler, die andere gemacht haben.
Leider war bei uns die Mitgelieferte SD-Karte Defekt. Die Daten hab ich mir ber eine Gruppe bei Facebook besorgt – an dieser Stelle vielen Dank an die Gruppe.
Der Drucker hat einige Helfer (Autoleveling, Automatischer Filamenteinzug) an Bord, was for allem fr unerfahrene 3D Druck Freunde vieles erleichtert.
Der Drucker druckt die Standard Filamente.
Die Layer sind sauber und ohne gro Stringing oder Bubble Bildung.
Kurz: Toller Drucker fr ein vernnftiges Geld.
Der zusammen Bau ging super flott und durch das Auto Bed leveling ist der Drucker schnell einsatzbereit.
Selbst mit dem Mitgeliefertem Material und einer Standard Pla Einstellung in cura kamen direkt gute Ergebnisse zu Stande.
Den kleinen Felgeneinsatz hab ich in feinster Einstellung mit 0.06mm gedruckt und find ihn klasse.
Als Verbesserung habe ich mir noch Licht nachgerste
Me sorprendi la fcil que se arma y lo compacto que es y lo que ms me gusto es que es rpido de calibrar con el sensor que trae
La impresora llego en perfecto estado y en un periodo de tiempo correcto. Muy sencilla de emsamblar y calibrar.
This is my first 3d printer. It was super-easy to assemble and it prints great for simple PLA stuff. I haven’t pushed it to it’s limits but I think it would be hard to find a better printer for the price. The footprint is pretty small which works well for my setup. There’s some noise, but that doesn’t really bother me much. I’ll update the rating if I run into issues down the road. For now 5/5 based on value for money and very decent print quality.
Very easy to setup.
30 to 45 minutes from opening the box to first print.
Only difficulty was finding the switch that toggled 220V to 110V, but found a great support forum on facebook and in less than 5 minutes had the answer.
Il livellamento estremamente semplice.
Unica pecca il piatto che si rovina facilmente, consiglio L’acquisto di un piatto in vetro da sovrapporre.
Easy to assemble. Prints out of the box. Needs tweaking for food quality.
I bought this Delta printer on a whim to go alongside my Chiron large-format cartesian and I have been incredibly impressed!
Yes, it is built to a price but it prints quietly (very!) and fast, and with excellent quality.
Good points:
Silent stepper drivers on all three axes – very quiet!
Almost no fan noise
Easy bed levelling with the levelling sensor
Printed great right out of the box
Great bed adhesion (clean it *well* on receipt!)
Bad points:
A4988 driver on the extruder, so retractions are not quiet; easily upgraded to a 2208/2209 for silent printing
The filament holder is weirdly narrow so you’ll need to print an extension for most full-sized rolls to fit
Glass bed – flexible PEI would be better but at this price, glass “ultrabase” is what you’d expect
Some folks have reported belts stretching or sagging very quickly, but I’ve had no problems in ~100hrs of printing so far.
Super easy to set up, took 1 stars off because I do not like the scratch to the metal of a “new” product. and the sample filament seems cracked/broken in odd spots… I’m having fun with it and recommend the buy but wonder about Quality check before these things ship….
Pro’s :
super fast printer
easy to set up
somewhat quite
great for newbies
minor cosmetic damage to metal frame,
Sample filament seems old/improperly packed ?
One of the best printers I’ve ever had! Easy to set up…. and prints great from the get go!
If you want to print AbS you will need an Enclosure but use the one that I got my Ender-3 and it works perfec
Load the included Micro SD card on your PC first thing. It is a great resource for setting everything up.
Das gert druckt ordentlich mit verschiedensten Materialien, man sollte als User bei PLA die Temperatur der Platte aber hher als 50 Grad einstellen (60 sind besser).
Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Kleiner Tip:
Da das Gert nicht netzwerkfhig ist habe ich mir den Raspberry Pi 4 bestellt, um auf ihm OctoPi laufen zu lassen.
Damit ist das gute Stck dann auch im WLAN zu erreichen.
Great printer. This is my 4 printer and out the box this was built amd running in 45min with great results.
The printer comes with a micro-SD card and a USB micro-SD adapter, to allow easy file transfer. Sample g-code is included for an elephant (don’t bother) and a knurled nut and bolt. The latter set is worth printing, especially for testing. You’ll be impressed.
The printer also comes with slicer software called CURA. If you’re a newb like me, let me explain. When you see someone on Youtube print in 3D, they show an image in CAD software, then they show the print extruder making the part, and _la voila_ there’s the piece. It ain’t that simple.
First you need to create a 3D image and then save it as an .STL, .3MF, or other file. Then you open this file with a Slicer program like CURA in order to make a file in G-Code. The printer prints g-code files. The micro-SD allows you to transfer the g-code to the printer.
This is where the problem will come in for newbs: If you look up how to use a CAD program… well, it’s like asking how to bury a squirrel: Step 1, buy a backhoe. Step 2, spend 6 months learning about Backhoes. Step 3, did you know that backhoes have a cool attachment for breaking concrete? … um, is there an easier way? Maybe a shovel? Step 1: buy a steam shovel, step 2, find a source of coal for the steam shovel …
Moral of the story: Is it easy to assemble? Yes. Does it work great? Yes. Can you make a (widget) that you’ve always want to make immediately? Maybe.
TIPS: 1. For flat objects, you can also use GIF or BMP files in the CURA slicer. 2. Before printing, wipe down the build plate with alcohol and a tissue. 3. When ordering filament, LPLA is not PLA (different temperatures). 4. Let the plate cool before removing prints. 5. Print size is smaller than some printers (read specifications) 6. Be prepared to learn about backhoes.
So far so good. Amazingly accurate prints with very minor adjustments in Cura. Very impressive
I’m a total newbie and I was up and printing in less than an hour. Great Facebook groups with tons of helpful people. An easy and inexpensive entry into 3D printing.
Trouble is – expensive. Then came the Q5 and a stonking Amazon deal. I had to have it, and less than twelve hours later – there it was.
Nice packaging, easy, if fiddly, build, rubbish instructions (as usual). USB stick didn’t work and laptop can’t see it (well, it can, but can’t do anything with it). However it’s all SD driven, so no problem.
Next problem, no printer settings for the Q5 – so, in Cura, I modified the QQS settings – which seems to be fine
Unit comes with autolevelling head and Z0 setting — what a time saver — remember to take the plastic cover off of the plate though.
The whole thing is compact and nicely put together. The feed drive for the filament is powerful and pulls filament well.
The base and nozzle heat up very quickly – twice as fast as my other printer and I turned out the samples by the third attempt, adjusting the Z0 to a thicker piece of paper. The quality of the knurled nut and bolt was excellent, looked good and screwed together nicely (any threading needs to be run in and out once to clear debris).
I then started turning out my own parts, there is no doubt the quality is better minute for minute than my TLD printer.
So – pro’s – fast, easy to build, great quality, good control system, auto level. Works well in Cura and Repetier
Con’s – really needs bolting to worktop as it is top heavy – USB stick didn’t work, FLSUN slicer didn’t work, laptop can’t see it. Only a short length of filament. – so buy a roll of filamant at the same time
The Pro’s win by a mile
Update February 2021.
Well, it has been turning out parts very nicely.
I noted some comments on levelling problems. To be fair, levelling on a delta machine is far less important than with a moving Y axis machine. I have found the most important factor is the nozzle gap. I set this with the plate and nozzle at operating temperature and scarcely touch on the paper. Make sure your nozzle and plate clean before you set the gap!
I have had a couple of problems with the machine around the filament delivery system. The feed mechanism kept jamming. This is because the filament has worn the feed throat, guide and tubing. The reason for this is simple. The filament reel is in the wrong place and is always pulling to one side. As the reel depletes this gets worse. Though the pull is mild, over reel after reel, it wears one side of the fittings. To mitigate this, I load the filament with the reel in hand and unplug the belden tube to make sure it guides in correctly.
The other problem has been with the extruder assembly. Again, wear in the tubing is the cause. Always make sure that if you withdraw the tube, you make sure it reseats all the way into the head (about 50mm).
The extruder is fiddly to dismantle, partly because the delta configuration has very low friction. To square up the nozzle block, the auto level block has to come off, all rather time consuming.
Still, the results are worth it!
Easy to assemble, followed the instructions and had a working 3D printer. The only thing in the assembly was realising that yes there was a plastic sheet covering the glass bed that needed peeling off. After that autoleveled again and printed.
Packaging and Assembly –
Like the QQ and QQ-S, it comes mostly pre-assembled. Packaging is excellent, build quality looks really good, and quick assembly instructions are decent. Setting this printer up from unpacking to printing is about 25-30 minutes first time out – reading the assembly instructions.
There is really only one type of allen key type screw required to assemble this printer. The pre-assembled axis are screwed to the top and bottom bases. Coloured coded coded connectors make it easy to connect all the cables. Attaching the rods and hotend effectively complete the install. The rods highlight some of the small things that. Like about the quality of this printer. See attached pictured. (The only thing I found that may cause confusion is the orientation of the effector plate/hot end. This could be easily solved with a sticker on the plate that identifies the front). That said, the assembly doc calls out the orientation, though the photos are small. FLSUN provides quick assembly documentation, an SD card with more detailed instructions (including videos), slicer software, extra screws , a bit of filament for the test print and a just the right tools to assemble and operate the printer.
Summary: Assembly is quick and easy. (Note – if your are in Canada or the US, make sure you flip the power supply to the correct voltage, Default is 220 so…)
Once assembled, the Q5 looks great, and feels solid. I can’t say that for all the printers I have used. I kind of like that the power supply and electronics are on the topside of the Q5. The base looks slim and low profile. Not sure if there is a engineering benefit, but I like how it looks. The 2020 extrusion covers are a nice touch as well.
Getting to first print is quick. The levelling probe is easy to use and the new menus that allow Z height tweaking are easy to dial in and start the first print.
The touchscreen menu system is an improved version over earlier QQ versions I used. Some added features/capabilities make the Q5 easier to get up and running. Levelling, Z height, and extruder loading work better on the Q5 than a number of other printers I have used.
The included Titan extruder, like with the QQ-S Pro, is a cut above the standard extruder included with many printers. It is easy to load, feeds well, and supports flexible filaments better than some other extruder types. On first print, as you can see in the photos and video, it works great.
The 24v controller and power supply seem responsive and get to temperature more quickly than the 12V printers I have used. It may be a little thing, but it helps and shows some thought and quality from FLSUN.
The test print of a nut and bolt turned out really well and the fit was great. The guided levelling routine and z height worked first try.
The printer movement is quieter than I expected. Noise is mostly from the power supply.
I have attached a couple of photos and videos.
Last words:
Overall, my initial thoughts are that this printer is an excellent value and way easier to start using than many others. This may be a bit qualified , as I have a fair bit of experience building 3D printers, but it seems like it would be fairly easy for anyone. So far, the only thing I would want for this printer is to be able to printer larger :). The 200 x 200 size will do a lot, and may be perfect for many. As I have other printers that can printer large dimensions, this will likely end up being my go to for quick, higher resolution small parts that I need to print for larger assemblies.
PS: In the past I have found the support folks at FLSUN to be responsive and helpful. I would expect that it would be as good for the Q5.
Arrived early, was hoping it was coming from the Australian Amazon warehouse but didn’t but not holding that against seller.
The power IEC for system was not Australian but had plenty at home to use so make sure to speak to seller.
Packaged really well and handled well, was delivered by a fed ex van through TNT.
Did two smallish prints to test out the printer, both exceeded expectations.
Instructions are vague but if you have a general knowledge of how it should work you will be ok to build (took me about 10 minutes). For those that are more unsure plenty of YouTube videos out there for you on it.
For product I am giving a five out of five for it though just because how happy I am with how well it prints and very little mess around. Auto leveling is awesome to watch.
Very easy setup and l was printing my first model within the hour, love the auto leveling would recommend.
I done some research and decided to take the plunge as new to 3D printing.
I couldn’t be more happy with my purchase, within 1h I had it put together, calibrated and running my first print that comes with the sd card.
Since then I have been running it none stop with testing and prototyping and cant fault the quality and reliability at slow and fast speeds with no modifications that were suggested on some web sites.
Overall if your starting out like me you cant go wrong with this product.
This is my second 3d printer. My first being a CR10 clone.. which cost over 400 at the time i bought it.
This is cheaper, faster and easier to setup. All printers need an element of tweaking to be spot on, and this is no exception, but i was happy with my first print from this. I like the touch screen, but its pretty small. Also the machine itself has a small footprint so its a good option if you don’t have a lot of space.
Make sure to purchase some filament if this is your first printer as you only get a tiny amount with the machine !
All in all pretty happy with it ..
From unpacking the FLSUN q5 from the the top quality packaging to being fully assembled and running took no more than half an hour, and then I was able to follow the instructions to automatically level the printer using the provided bed leveller. The touch screen interface is easy to follow, and printed instructions for assembly are provided with the printer, as well as detailed pictorial and video instructions on the included SD card.
Once I had it assembled and set up, I printed out the provided sample nut and bolt, and it printed near perfectly. I have since made some minor adjustments to improve the first layer printing, based on the tips given in the video instructions.
The printer itself is of all metal construction, and is very sturdy once put together. The heated bed is solid, with a slightly textured finish. Prints have adhered well, without the need for hairspray or glue sticks.
Assembly is very straightforward, and all tools needed are provided with the printer (basically an allen key is all you need). The wires which need to be plugged in are colour coded so it’s unlikely you will get it wrong (unlike my first 3D printer, which was extremely complicated to wire up). There is also a very good quality scraper and snips included, be careful with the scraper as it could easily injure you if you put your hand in front of it whilst removing a print from the bed!
In operation, this printer is really quiet, and doesn’t cause any vibration on my desk, which was a problem with the I3 style of moving bed printer.
This is marketed as an entry level printer, and the print volume is not huge, but it’s more than enough for my requirement, mainly making up project boxes for small circuit board modules and so on. The heated bed means it can handle most filament types, although the touch screen menu only shows the option to pre heat for PLA. However, if you can use Cura slicer software to heat the nozzle to temperatures suitable for ABS and PETG filament. There is a USB interface too, so you can print direct from your computer, or using a Raspberry Pi with Octopi software. That’s something I will be doing, but can’t comment on how well it works as I have only printed files copied across to the SD card so far.
The only (minor) dislikes I have are that the fan cooling the nozzle is a little noisy, which is a shame as the printer otherwise is whisper quiet. Also, the firmware on the printer is not open source. If you just want a plug and play printer that’s fine, but if you want to try out different firmware or tweak the existing firmware, you won’t be able to. That’s probably not that big of a deal to most people though. The spool holder works, but I feel it could be improved with the addition of some ball bearings to help it turn, but I’ve not had any problems with it so far, just feel that it might be overstraining the Bowden extruder. FLSUN don’t appear to have a website, but they do give contact details should you need help, and there’s some good groups on the internet where you can discuss and ask questions.
Overall, I am very happy with this printer. Being a delta, it’s fascinating to watch it printing, and it seems of straightforward enough construction that if it needs maintenance, that should be fairly easy. The prints I have produced so far have been pretty near perfect, without any adjustment at all, and I am sure that with minor tweaks within the slicer software I will be able to get them even better. You will need quite a tall area to house this printer, as the first photo shows, it towers over my Geeetech I3 printer.
1st 3 d printer and was very easy to set up(with a little help from youtube videos).
Have only done a few prints but i am very impressed so far.
Took me about 30 minutes to assemble. Has been working great from the first print.
The only issue I’ve had so far is printing with Geetech White Silk PLA filament. It sticks so hard to the bed it’s impossible to remove without leaving part of the model behind. Other filaments have been fine though. Adhesion is still very strong but do come off without damage, so just stay away from Geetech and you should be fine.
One other minor grievance is the sample filament; it has no spool and just becomes a knot if you try to use it. I wanted to see how well their own filament performed but it just snagged up within the first 10% of a small print. If that’s your sample, don’t give a sample. Anyone trying it for the first time would be very disappointed.
Overall though, the printer is fantastic, and looks really Star Trek when it’s going. Highly recommend it!
Prints very well and easy to set up, with video instruction on sd card, fairly sturdy construction good value
The printer worked right out of the box after the build with no issues. Just take your time to set it up properly. Now time to save up for the bigger model. 🙂
I was surprised to see that there were no reviews for this printer on Amazon but believe me when I say it as a first-time 3D printer owner that this printer is excellent! It was extremely easy to put together and it took roughly 1 and 1/2 hours to assemble. The print quality is great and the features are excellent especially for the price. Being someone who is not scared to Tinker and tweak things, I was very easily able to get more than acceptable prints.
Absolutely love this printer… Easy to build and a bit of auto le elling and away with a test print which works well. I also have an Ender 3, this FLSUN is faster, quieter but build size is smaller. If 20x 20 is big enough for you, go for it… I wasn’t disappointed
Assembly is minor. If you need instruction beyond what is included in the package FLSUN has videos on YouTube that are extremely helpful for assembly.
Prints are clean and accurate. The printing process is quick and quiet. When I say quick I mean FAST.
The printer itself is solidly built. The self leveling bed makes leveling easy. The touch screen is very responsive and intuitive.
The 32 bit main board makes a big difference over the 8 bit printers. It is more stable and faster.
I wish the printing bed was a little larger. However it still provides a decent amount of printing area especially vertically.
Maintenance directions are included to keep your printer running in top shape.
Overall this is a great delta printer. If you want to get into delta printers for the first time this printer is a good way to start.
UPDATE: if you want or need spare parts their customer service is great! If you contact them through Amazon they will get back to you.