iRobot® Roomba® s9+ connected Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal – PerfectEdge® Technology with Corner Brush – Learns, Maps, Adapts – Clean by Object – Personalized Suggestions

Meet the Genius behind your clean


Our most advanced clean

roomba, iRobot, robot vacuum

Always getting smarter

At iRobot, we’re constantly innovating the software of our robots with the latest tech and groundbreaking features* — and sending these innovations directly to your robots so they keep getting smarter.

Weight: 418 g
Dimensions: 52.2 x 43.4 x 41 cm; 418 Grams
Brand: IRobot
Model: 5060359289292

21 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Ha una logica sorprendente!
    Semplicissimo da configurare, dopo i primi 4- 5 utilizzi fornisce una mappa dettagliata di casa con la quale successivamente possibile creare le zone di pulizia o di esclusione.
    Ogni volta che parte con la pulizia di una zona procede con movimenti regolari e studiati muovendosi dapprima nel centro area e solo successivamente seguendo la perimetrale.
    Evita gli ostacoli girandoci intorno e procedendo alla pulizia della loro base!
    Cosa importantissima che rispetta la casa! non urta violentemente, anzi rallenta nelle prossimit quasi come se cercasse il punto di contatto per rastremare gli angoli ed i contorni.
    Diffidate di chi dice che rumoroso, non utile o poco reattivo.
    Il mio parere che chi si accinge ad acquistare questo tipo di robot deve sapere che l’utilizzo pi performante si ottiene proprio avviandolo quando si fuori casa! Quindi a quale rumorosit si riferisce? Di quale velocit e praticit parla?
    Personalmente ho creato routine in relazione alle mie abitudini: quando sono fuori casa il robot avvia la pulizia ed al mio rientro il pavimento lindo! Ho eseguito anche diversi “stress test”. Una volta sono uscito di casa lasciando a terra numerose perline e strassini di un bracciale che si era rotto. Al mio rientro non ne ho trovata nessuna in giro per la casa. Altro test effettuato con residui appiccicosi di plastilina per bambini (di quella invecchiata!…) . risultato? Lavoro eccelso!
    Per circa due mesi non mi sono preoccupato di svuotare il serbatoio perch grazie alla colonnina Clean Gli unici suggerimenti che mi sento di dare sono:
    -per migliorare le prestazioni di navigazione/orientamento/mappatura consigliabile avere un minimo di luce in casa(soffre il buio!). Se siete pratici di domotica potete risolvere la cosa facilmente e fare come me: integrare delle accensioni automatiche di qualche punto luce di casa che poi si spegner automaticamente quando il processo di pulizia terminato.
    (Si integra con google home, perfettamente. ovvio)
    -Riguardo i tappeti, sorprendente. Il Robot si accorge di essere salito su di un tappeto ed aumenta la potenza di aspirazione e di rotazione delle spazzole controrotanti. Il risultato che ne esce pulito e pettinato. Ho notato che la difficolt aumenta se il tappeto di tipo “leggero” perch tende a sollevarlo ed a rimanere incastrato. Quindi consiglio tappeti senza frange e con fondo gommato e pesante, aderente al pavimento, tipo moquette ikea. (Per rendere l’idea,GUARDATE IL VIDEO. posseggo tappeti Ikea per la cucina, per il bagno e per la zona giochi bimbo e zona ingresso).
    Costa tantissimo(vero!) ma con un p di sacrifici si acquista l’unico vero e valido aiuto in casa! e ne vale la spesa!

    Ero scettico ma speranzoso...mi ha conquistato e ne sono entusiasta!

  2. Anonymous says:


    Excellent aspirateur
    Performant mais un peu bruyant
    J’avais la version prcdente mais le fait qu’il se vide tout seul et qu’il communique avec le robot laveur c’est gnial
    Reu le lendemain de ma commande

  3. EricaRFGzzwkjhw says:

     United Kingdom

    It is one of the best robot vacuums but still not good enough to replace traditional vacuum cleaners. Great suction power but everything else is quite mediocor.
    Alexa integration is quite poor; it doesn’t work for cleaning by room function. The only command Alexa would understand is entire space cleaning or sending robot for charging to the base station.
    My unit won’t empty the bin itself, it was perhaps faulty.
    Although it does have the D shape but I still had to clean the corners myself.
    The main brushes would jam very often with a few hairs.
    You would still have to clean the staircase YOURSELF.
    I wouldn’t recommend spending so much money on it. It is a good toy to have but you’re much better off in spending a fraction of it on traditional vacuum cleaners if you wanted to have a vacuum cleaner.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent suction power. Cut down cleaning time in a big way. Can’t recommend enough.

  5. EddyBarger says:


    Il robot s9+ risulta essere il robot aspirapolvere pi potente sul mercato, purtroppo la app dovrebbe essere migliorata con funzioni che sarebbero dovute essere gi comprese.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Selon moi un des meilleurs aspirateurs robot du march a ce jour.
    Asses bruyant voir trs bruyant quand a aspire du robot la base .
    Rien redire d’autre

  7. Anonymous says:


    Casa pulita fatica zero !!!
    Si fa la sua mappa e poi una goduria tornare a casa e trovare tutto pulito.
    Ogni tanto mentre sono via si fa fatica ad attivare la connessione attraverso l’app ma dopo un paio di tentativi si connette e via.
    Ho letto molti che lamentano il problema della RUMOROSITA’, io ho un ottimo aspirapolvere della Miele pagato quasi 1000 che molto pi rumoroso, il Roomba lo molto meno e tra l’altro lui non lo sento proprio perch quando pulisce io non ci sono

  8. Anonymous says:


    Robot sprzta bardzo dokadnie radzi sobie doskonale z trudnymi miejscami i co wane nie omija . Jest troszk za gony ale po za tym Super !

  9. Ulrich18Bv says:

     United Kingdom

    Whilst it is expensive, the ability to create room boundaries, have multiple schedules, define virtual boundaries really helps improve the cleaning patterns and allows individual areas and rooms to be cleaned ad hoc, very useful say in entrance are of house. Further, is needs so little attention compared to my old Neato which needed emptying and filter cleaning every 2 days. The Roomba has been running nearly a month and I have cleaned the filter once and not emptied bag yet.
    For me with my previous robot vacuum it has become as essential as a Dishwasher or Washing machine, the IRoomba S9+ has increased its value here.

  10. geektyrant says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been thinking about getting a robot hoover for a while now but didn’t want to pay a few hundred pounds for something substandard that dissapointed me. The iRoomba S9+ costs quite a bit more than its competitors but believe me you get what you pay for.

    Out of the box you get the vacuum itself, the docking station, spare parts and instructions.

    Its super easy to setup – it needs to be placed in area that has space either side and in front of it to allow it to work effectively. Once the docking station is in place and the Roomba is on the dock its as simple as downloading the dedicated app and following the instructions. It’s simple and intuitive to setup and caused me no issues.

    Once you’re all ready to go I suggest letting it fully charge before setting it to work. In order to get the best out of the Roomba let it do a few ‘map runs’ before starting cleaning. This basically means he moves about your house learning your environment and creating a virtual map – he does this without cleaning so it’s faster. After two mapping runs my full downstairs was mapped out and ready to clean. A really good feature is that you can draw exclusions zones and also zones where you want extra cleaning such as a high traffic area – this has worked well for me as I excluded the area around my cat food bowls so Roomba doesn’t eat any wet cat food!

    Once your maps loaded you can then separate the areas out and name them – so for example kitchen, living room, hallway etc. This means that you can send Roomba to clean a single area and it doesn’t have to do the full area every time. When you’ve done all this and you’re ready to go you can activate him by either using the app or using your smart speaker (I use Google home and its works perfectly).

    Once Roomba sets to work he does a really thorough job of cleaning. 45 minutes work he puts into cleaning the downstairs of my house and after using a traditional vacuum first he still managed to pull up plenty of dust in those hard to reach areas! He also leaves some satisfying cleaning stripes on the carpet and you can see that he really gives it a good going over.

    Once finished his area he navigates himself back to the docking station and unloads all the dirt he picks up! No need for manual evacuation (although you can do this if you wish). There is a small bag which collects all the dust which once full needs to be replaced – the kit comes with one spare bag – I’ve had my Roomba over a month and the bag isn’t full yet and I use it regularly.

    Once you’ve finished cleaning downstairs you can then move upstairs! A feature i didn’t reslise it had – the only difference is you will need to carry Roomba upstairs and take him back down to the docking station once he’s finished cleaning. The battery life is fantastic and it can do my whole house with room to spare on a single charge.

    Build quality is fantastic and maintenance is clearly explained in the manual. Regular maintenance will help maintain to the longevity of the vacuum – I’ve been keeping it simple, cleaning hairs out of the brush bars , keeping the filter dust free and removing dust from the sensors when needed. Everything is easy to access and the whole cleaning regime is very easy.

    Other things to note – i’ve seen other reviews saying the Roomba has caused damage to their house. I have not experienced this, Roomba does bump into things but has a bumper on the front which absorbs impact and any impact is very low speed – the bumping is necessary to learn the enrivonment and for him to nagivate around. Secondly don’t worry about moving furniture around or having things in different positions – Roomba is super clever and takes all this in his stride and will just adjust accordingly to get around these items.

    Another great feature is the spot clean – if you drop an item on the floor you can put Roomba down on the area and press the spot clean button.He will the spiral outwards and clean that single area fully without having to clean the whole room!

    If you’re looking for a robot vacuum look no further – save the extra money for the Roomba and don’t settle for a substandard product. I don’t hoover my house any more because this guy does it for me and does a far better job than I ever could!

  11. AnnisWJJzvoi says:

     United Kingdom

    A tool that makes daily cleaning very easy.
    I think it is very necessary especially for those who have furry pets and small children.
    It keeps the house clean all the time.
    I think its volume is lower than that of a regular vacuum cleaner.
    Being remotely controlled makes my work even easier.
    Its performance is especially good on pile carpets.
    It gave very good results on my carpets in my house where I could not clean the hairs.
    It has relieved me of a great burden by cleaning lint and hair from my carpets.
    It made my job very easy, I recommend it five stars.


  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI must admit I’ve fancied one of these robot floor cleaners since I first found out about them a few years ago. But I also suspected they were probably over-hyped and more trouble than they were worth.

    This Roomba S9+ arrives in a large heavy box. Most of the weight is in the floor cleaner itself which is surprisingly heavy for its size. Most of the size comes from the ‘mother ship’ i.e. the charging station.

    Set up requires the download of an app. If you haven’t got a smartphone you can’t use it. If you don’t have wifi you can’t use it. The mother ship requires 1.5ft either side and 4ft in the front to be clear and with access to a power point. This gave me an immediate problem. I have a very cluttered house at the moment and there was pretty much only one space in the house that satisfied this requirement and that was between the TV and the fire. Not at all where I would have chosen to store a floor cleaner on a permanent basis. I had no idea it needed so much space. Since this thing can spin in place I would have thought a couple of feet in front would have been more than sufficient.

    After downloading the app, set up is pretty painless, all that was really needed was for me to input my wifi password. Then just tell it to clean and it wanders off cleaning and making a map of the floor space while it goes. It seems that once it is happy with its map you can name spaces and instruct it to clean specific areas but we haven’t got that far yet. Mind you looking at its map on my phone, I have no idea what the map relates to. It looks nothing like my house, so I couldn’t actually name anything because I don’t know what anything is.

    I have a very cluttered living room giving access to a hall and kitchen. It coped with half the living room on its first foray and came back to the mother ship to empty itself. This, by the way, is the single best feature of this machine. The onboard dust container is very small, but it empties into a re-usable cotton bag contained in the Mother ship, and then resumes cleaning. Of course the larger bag will need manually emptying from time to time. After emptying it ventured forth into the kitchen for a few moments, started flashing red on the top, plugged itself into the mother ship and had a sulk. Nothing in the app or instructions was helpful at this point. I checked for blockages and there were none. The dust container was empty. I plugged it back in to recharge and next time I used it everything was fine and it cleaned everywhere that was accessible to it.

    It creates its map of the floor by repeatedly bumping into things. It has enough power to move chairs and doors and small tables.

    It does a good job of edges. Though I did have a couple of big bits of fluff it missed along the edge of a bookcase. The recharging station had to go on a rug. It could not climb over the edge of the rug, it just rucked it up. I had to tape the rug down with gaffer tape in order to provide a surface it could ascend to get back home. I’ve run it over short pile carpet, Lino tiles, laminate floor, a rubber mat, and door mat and it coped with all of those surfaces.

    It is very noisy, at least as much, if not more so than any vacuum I own.

    It is also slow. I could have completed cleaning in about a tenth of the time the Roomba took with even the slowest battery powered vacuum I have. It may be quicker once it has mapped the floor to its satisfaction, but so far it has shown no inclination to clean in any way that might be considered efficient.

    You can program schedules so that it remembers to clean when you want it to. You can clean different areas at different times too. If only it could climb stairs it would be perfect.

    I’m pleased with the quality of the cleaning though, and I think it’s fair to say that it does a good job. Unfortunately it requires a good bit of space to live in and the price is ridiculous for a floor cleaner. So if you want to pay a lot of money for a slow, noisy, cleaner that you can schedule for when you’re not around, and maybe come home to clean floors every evening, then this might be perfect for you.

  13. PearlHelton says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI have a high shedding Labrador. I have tried a few robot vacuums including the i7+ and m7 pro. They either were not powerful enough to pick up all the hair, or could not self empty as they got clogged. The s9+ is a beast and collects all the hair on hard floors and carpet. It self empties without getting clogged. I now don’t have to brush the dog. I just send Karen round every day to suck it up.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Saugleistung sehr gut, bei Karzenstreu saugt er aber nicht so gut. Was ich besonders herausragend finde, er fhrt auch ber hhere Trschwelle

  15. ScarletN45 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIt’s the best vacuum I have ever used! I have two cats and the there is long-hair carpet all over the floor. It’s hard for me to move the vacuum when I used a dyson ball vacuum although it works very well! I read reviews online and decided to buy this one, it works very good and it never fell downstairs which I’m really happy. When it works it does make noise but as long as I’m not in the same floor it won’t bother me! Also, when the mapping is over, it’s super easy to draw lines on the map and manage which parts to be cleaned! Definitely recommend it for someone who has pets and need to clean frequently!

    Genuinely liberating me from vacuuming!

  16. JaneenKimbell says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMacht exact was es soll! Wir benutzen ihn auf zwei Stockwerken mit einer Akkuladung. Er schafft es sogar auf eine etwa 3cm Stufe unter dem Tisch.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI used to be fairly IT savvy until recent years but technology has left me behind. This robotic hoover has once again shown me that I am getting on in years and technology has left me in a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it!

    The thought that has gon einto this product and bringing it to market is nothing short of genius. The manufacturer has thought of just about every thing!

    To get started I would suggest you do at least two mapping runs to get the map of your property, then you can divide the rooms up using the divider option. If like us you have a log burner you can also create “no go zones” which work perfectly.

    Once we had set up the rooms we then set up a schedule to do different rooms at different times and days. Brilliant!

    Another cool feature is that it returns home when either its finished, running low on battery (it restarts where it left off when charged) or when it needs to empty its dust bag.

    I could go in but this hoover is stunning, in both design and intelligence, so if you can afford one, buy it! It’s well worth the higher price tag!

  18. Deanna69Wvp says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPulizia profonda in tutta casa
    Con la mappatura puoi fare tutte le programmazioni che desideri scegliendo anche solo 1 o pi stanze
    “rumoroso” ma come un comunissimo aspirapolvere,nn da fastidio
    Si gestisce tutto dall app in qualunque momento e sai sempre e ha concluso il giro correttamente
    Tanto tempo in piu per noi stesse durante il giorno per fare altro e pavimenti sempre perfetti

  19. BrittI06ng says:


    C’ l’ho da tre mesi e non mi posso lamentare per quello che costa poi il minimo

  20. GolfSpy_Zinger says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWe are really happy with our Roomba. I suffer with allergies and a very painful back, these seem to be reduced since having the floors cleaned daily without hurting my back.

  21. SeleneBeverly says:


    Prodotto molto valido comunica bene con Alexa e non da fastidio agli animali domestici