LEGO 42128 Technic Heavy-Duty Tow Truck with Crane Toy Model Building Set, Engineering for Kids Series

Dimensions: | 58.2 x 37.8 x 11.8 cm; 2.92 Kilograms |
Model: | 42128SIOC |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Dimensions: | 58.2 x 37.8 x 11.8 cm; 2.92 Kilograms |
Model: | 42128SIOC |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Anche se la qualit dell’oggetto elevata, il costo comunque spropositato!
Good set, good price at Amazon. We got it for less than 90 euros.
Sopra alle aspettative. Molto grande e bello. Tiene impegnati un bel po di tempo. Soddisfatto di aggiungerlo alla mia collezione
Fr ein 8 Jhriges Kind als Geschenk gekauft … herrlich … einen Tag lang Stille und ein konzentriertes und begeistertes Kind. Ich denke fr Lego Technik Fans ist der Schwerlast – Abschleppwagen super.
Absolument magnifique quand il sera termin……
Et l c’est autre chose, la notice de montage est superbe, mais pas il faut tre extrmement vigilant pour ne rien oublier
(J’ai oubli une petite roue dentele et c’est une vrai catastrophe, le dmontage est pire que la construction
Bon courage aux prochains acheteurs
… and “toy” just complex as it should be for a 13 year old kid
Gutes Model, Preis etwas zu hoch weil eine Funktion nicht gewhrleistet ist. Mute Model nochmal auseinander nehmen und neu aufbauen damit alle Funktionen gewhrleistet sind . Auch aus den Ersatzteil
Fundus mussten einige Teile dazu genommen werden.
Il m’arrive de ne pas tre un grand fan du design des Lego technic. Je dois avouer que celui-l est vraiment trs beau et ne manque pas de fonctionnalits. On en a pour son argent. Bravo Lego !
Lego bellissimoLo ha fatto mio figlio di 6 anni in circa due giorni di quarantena.
Dettagli unicimeccanica favolosa con organi di trasmissione realistici e complessi
In pi i movimenti pneumatici lo rendono ancora pi interessante da parte anche di un adulto
Da un amante dei camion Technic devo dire che non avevo grandi aspettative, ma mi intrigava il fatto della pneumatica. Mi sono dovuto ricredere, questo mezzo mi ha davvero entusiasmato. Consigliatissimo
Es muy lindo. Se han divertido mucho mi esposo y mi hijo armandolo. Fue un regalo de cumpleaos para mi esposo
Ohne Aufkleber ein schnes Set. Die Pneumatik finde ich gut . Leider kein drucktank mit dabei.
Der Kranarm htte was stabiler sein knnen und optisch was schner.
Aber nach den Set s der letzten Zeit, mit einer der der besten von lego.
Modelo con detalles increbles, todo el sistema hidrulico de la gra, detalles del camin en si , aconsejable de todas todas. Personalmente me ha sorprendido gratamente mi nieto encantado de jugar con el.
Camion Grua de Lego perfecto para Construir un nio con un adulto por ser 2070 piezas y por tener tantos sistemas Hidrulicos que a veces cuesta poner ya que tiene muchos tubos pero con paciencia puedes colocar yo he tardado en montarlo 30h unos cuantos das pero esta muy bien organizado en bolsas y manual lo recomiendo acertars seguro Lego nunca defrauda Garanta y Calidad piezas muy resistentes puedes armarlo y desarmarlo todas las veces que quieras en amazon los mejores precios y set Legos Feliz Verano
Pre et fils enchants j’ai d en acheter un 2me pour le tonto
Ein tolles Modell, das beim Zusammenbau (ca. 6 Stunden) viel Spass macht. Mit einem kleinen Manko – die Pneumatik funktioniert nicht so recht, mal werden die Zylinder aus-/eingefahren, mal nicht. Mal nach einem kurzen Anstupser mit der Hand dann pltzlich, alles in allem ist die Pneumatik hakelig und die Schwachstelle des Modells. Sehr Schade, daher nur 4 Sterne.
I bought this for my husband who is an avid Lego fan. He spent hours and I means hours building this. Great for any Lego fan and if you want to get rid of your hubby for a few days.
Die Ware kam schnellend ich gehe davon aus,dass Lego eben Lego ist.
fr 125 euro geschossen. Der UVP ist weit drber geschossen. Ein schnes Modell, macht auch Laune den zu Bauen…. macht auch einen stabilen Eindruck. Die Farben gefallen mir ganz gut. Die Funktionen sind auch gut ausgedacht worden.
As you can expect from Lego, a very high quality set. Lots of features and at times a challenging build. The fully assembled truck is heavy, sturdy and functional, the pneumatics were something new for my 10 year old lad, pipes were pre-cut and ready to go. All in all a good set and a bargain, this will no doubt go up in value of you keep the box and instructions.
Klappt super beim Zusammenbau (1 Woche als Anfnger). Allerdings waren manche Teile in anderen Tten “versteckt”, d. h. grundstzliche alles aus einer Tte “brig gebliebene” fr die nchsten Tten aufbewahren. Da muss man allerdings als Anfnger erstmal dahinterkommen. Ansonsten alles wirklich genau und nach ein paar Stunden wei man, wie es geht.
I bought this model for my Grandad to give him something to do and as expected being a Lego Technic set this has more than delivered.
As with any Lego set the quality was second to none and there were no missing pieces so I am very happy with the purchase
Hat mein 7 jhriger Lego Experte in 3 Tagen ohne Probleme (und ohne Hilfe!) zusammengebaut. Dann wieder auseinander, und nochmal gebaut. Einfach toll! Die verschiedenen Funktionen sind super, macht Gro und Klein viel Spa!
kann man sich nicht beschweren, tolles Produkt und Super verpackt.
Hab beim Top Preis zugeschlagen 🙂
I was fortunate to pick this up at a reduced price, and I am so glad I did! The LEGO box came inside a perfectly sized thick cardboard box so it was well packaged and protected. As ever LEGO thought about the building of this model with comprehensive instructions (over 400 pages!) with the 2000+ pieces separated into several bags numbered 1 – 4 for 4 stages of building. This made locating pieces quick and easy, in fact I left the pieces in their bags and grabbed the parts as required. Building the model didn’t take too long and is not at all complicated. Once complete the Heavy Tow Truck is impressive in it’s size and function. The pneumatic function is well thought out, with three levers to direct the force where needed. The Dual Winch works well, with plenty of string length for realistic play. Overall the finished Heavy Tow Truck is realistic, functional and very playable, even for an AFOL! Recommended!
gnial, un grand moment de plaisir ; et pourtant , j’ai 62 ans et je suis merveill comme un gamin , je recommande
Brilliant set, in short. I’ve bought and built a lot of technic, and this one is by far one of the most interesting, both in terms of building process and final set. The pneumatic functions are fascinating and work well, if a little bit slow to trigger at times; the one gripe is that the hoses can be quite difficult to install, and are a tiny bit too long, but not enough to be problematic. The set is large enough to be impressive, looks good on a shelf, and can be hooked up to other technic cars for a bit of fun in display and play. Very worthwhile set.
Se la regalamos a mi sobrino que tiene 11 aos y le encant , queda un camin muy chulo , buen tamao y estuvo entretenido unos das, perfecto
This will make an excellent present – great price and delivery was quick too.
Bought this a last a present and was well received. Had a piece missing but easy to order it free of charge. Would definitely recommend.
I bought this when it was on a deal, but even at full RRP it would have been worth it.
Presented in the usual Lego way, sturdy colourful box. Easy to understand instructions, while remaining a challenging and fun build.
The pneumatics are new to me, and I think they work really well. I installed some micro LEDs to just enhance the overall look.
It’s a must have item for any Lego fan.
Die Wertentwicklung, besser und sicherer als Aktien. Es gab vor 10 Jahren einen schwarzen Abschlepp Truck dieser kostet jetzt 1000
Das ist sehr schnes Modell, es baut sich gut und die Qualitt ist wie immer gut. Es ist ein sehr robustes Modell, mit dem auch mein kleiner Sohn spielen kann. Die Funktionen sind gut, allerdings wre es schn gewesen, wenn Lego einen Airtank dazu getan htte, leider haben sie den, wie vieles andere, eingespart obwohl er hier genau das richtige gewesen wre. Alles in allem aber sehr schn, preislich gu
Der Truck ist Super aber die Farbe nicht gut alles andere 100% Technik. Danke.
Bought as a birthday present to keep him amused. He loved it and our grandson eyes it with envy!
Great set well worth the money but that’s what you get with lego
Well, this lego model is fantastic, it’s amazing value for money, great build, the part count, design and functionality make it stand apart from many sets costing much more, the pneumatic functions work very well, as do the linear actuators. The only thing I don’t like are the stickers, they look cheap and garish, so I left them off. All in all a brilliant model and I highly recommend it.
This is my first Lego model and I really enjoyed building it. When finished it was well detailed and sturdy with excellent functional details. I now look forward to the next one when I decide which to buy.
Great model to build kept me busy for a while
aber auch mit Farbseuche was die Achsen und Pins angeht. Ist wahrscheinlich schon jedem bekannt das die Lego Baustze wie ein bunter Salat aussehen. Ebenso sind viele Sticker dabei aber es ist immerhin mal wieder ein Lego Technic Set mit vielen Funktionen was garantiert einen hohen Spielspa mit sich bringt und nicht nur fr die Vitrine geeignet ist.
120-130 finde ich fr das Set vollkommen in Ordnung. Dafr gab es schon deutlich schlechtere Produkte.
Fr mich ist das das beste Lego technic set 2021!
Zur optimierten Verpackung: Das Set wird in einen Karton mit hoher Passgenauigkeit gelegt. Dieser wiederum wird in einen Standard Karton die man sonst so von Amazon kennt verpackt. Das Produkt kam top an und hatte absolut keine Mngel. Fr jeden der also wert auf eine intakte Originalverpackung legt kann ich diese Versandoption nur empfehlen. Bei der Standard Verpackung hatte ich schon Probleme das die Lego Verpackung auch beschdigt wurde.
My 11 yr old managed to do this, in a few days.
Awesome. For me the joy of Lego is in the construction as well as the sense of completion of what is in effect a very detailed model. I really do take my time with these things and built this over several weeks. What a huge bit of construction this Tow Truck is! It’s been so cleverly and well designed with so much attention to detail. As with all Lego, the instructions are so well detailed that it’s a simple joy to follow them. Once the fun construction bit is finished the truck in completed form is amazing to look at and interact with. It feels very solid and its very tactile. An excellent product.
Fijne set om te bouwen. Leuke functies, en niet al te moeilijk. Design van de stickers is niet mijn smaak. Voordeel is, is dat je ze niet hoeft te gebruiken. Wat mij betreft de beste technic set uit 2020.
Used it to improve my dexterity due to cancer treatment causing neumotheropy.
Wow, this thing is big! I did not expect it to be as large as it is so definitely if your wanting a good solid piece get this! Measuring at 22 inch long and 7 inch high but reaching up to about 16/17 inch high with the crane fully operated it’s a fair unit!
It’s taken me a good bit of time to fully complete this Lego piece as it definitely takes up some time. Also it took me a while because I had pieces missing which I had to try replace with other bits I had lying around. There was 4 long bars which were meant for the doors and to hold the bonnet together but they were no where to be found so I had to improvise but obviously that meant it doesn’t really function properly.
It’s a very expensive piece but I find it to be worth a little extra as it had a hydraulic system which can be pumped to raise the crane and other bits shown in the video. It is also very accurate in the way it had all the pistons moving in the engine bay and each wheel is connected differently it’s just amazing. All the stickers ass that little bit of an extra real feeling to it with the warning signs and instruction signs too.
I do like how it overall operated with all the different knobs which move different bits of it, there’s an instruction manual in the back of the building book but it is quite vague as doesn’t explain the hydraulic pump and how it works.
I love al the little this with this like the small seats in the cab and the fact it turns with the knob above the cap, along with the small opening doors and little wing mirrors. Attention to detail has definitely gone over and above with this one.
The wheels and rubber tyres feel very solid and I’m impressed with how good quality they are, all fit together nicely and slide straight on the truck no problems at all.
The string that’s provided for the crane is really good quality too, feels as it had a film over the top of it so it’s not loose string it’s a lot more sturdy. The was the crane operates is a masterpiece with all the hydraulic pump and tubes, and the knobs turning it and pulling the string in and out.
Overall it’s a great bit of kit, I’ve definitely enjoyed building it (aside the fact getting very frustrated scouting around for pieces I didn’t receive). It’s very realistic and lots of fun messing around with too.
Non l’ho ancora montato ma la lego sempre una garanzia.
Schnelle und unkomplizierte Lieferung. Beschreibung sehr gut, allerdings fehlten 4 kleine Bauteile.
My partner will love it he already has a few other models
Preso a 138 euro, che dire una figata da costruire con mio figlio
I have to say this looks amazing finished. My husband spend the whole day building this he’s very good at all this Lego puzzle stuff. Lego is Lego great quality and bold colours. This would manor an ideal gift for someone who’s a fan of Lego.
This is the perfect gift for my truck mad nephew for Christmas. He will love building this and keep him occupied for ages.
Un set Lego davvero piacevole, sia nella costruzione che nell’utilizzo una volta finito. Permette ai bambini di tutte le et momenti di puro svago e divertimento.
E’ un technic si, ma non di quelli estremamente complicati. Non c’ un cambio ed il motore si assembla in modo semplice. Piacevolissimi invece i vari movimenti azionabili anche con pistoni idraulici funzionanti ad aria compressa. La possibilit di agganciare, sollevare, trainare, ruotare, fa si che non resti puramente un oggetto da esporre ma da utilizzare come un vero e proprio giocattolo. La sua robustezza tipica dei set Lego.
Con i suoi poco pi di 2000 pezzi ti permette anche di poterlo smontare e montare nuovamente.
L’unico piccolo difetto, se cos vogliamo chiamarlo, che il movimento dei pistoni tenta a volte di far saltare la bancata dove alloggiano i cilindri sotto al cofano motore, ma un piccolo intervento in “officina” riporta tutto alla normalit.
Assolutamente consigliato sia per se stessi, che come regalo !
Standard Lego quality always a bit pricey but you know what you are getting
Beim Bau des Truck’s selbst gab es keine Probleme , alles passte ohne Probleme. Einzig sollte man aufpassen das die Getriebe/Zahnrder ohne Spiel aber auch ohne zu “klemmen” eingebaut werden , was man aber ja direkt whrend des Bauens probieren kann.
Die Bauanleitung ist leicht verstndlich . Die Pneumatik funktioniert tadellos. Einziger Wunsch von mir wre ein “Tank/Behlter” fr die Luft den man mit der Pumpe fllen kann und somit dann ohne stndig pumpen zu mssen die Funktionen zu bedienen.
Ich bin am berlegen ob ich noch eine RC-Steuerung einbauen soll.
Von mir gibt’s fr dieses schne Modell volle 5 und somit auch eine klare Empfehlung
Took a few days to put together but it was great fun. We used M.E.K to glue it together as we went, but had to be careful around moving parts. Stops the lego from falling apart if playing with it.
A really great size truck with loads of moving parts. All the grandsons from 5 up to 15 were fascinated with this lego toy, and they all had a great time helping put it together.
Each section comes in its own bag with its own instructions. So this kept everything neat to build each section.
I did do an in-depth review with loads of pictures from the start of the build to the finish and showing the instructions and individual section bags but it disappeared.
Interessante Funktionalitten, schickes Design und gutes Fahren. Wrde ihn wieder kaufe
Hab es hier zu nem Angebotspreis von rund 105 ergattert und ich bin voll zufrieden. Der Bau war angenehm und nicht kompliziert, knnte zwar gerne etwas anspruchsvoller sein aber es das hat schon gepasst.
An Funktionen hat man diesem Modell reichlich und endlich auch mal wieder eine Pneumatik.
Der einzige negative Punkt sind die grausigen Aufkleber. Die hab ich selbstverstndlich nicht angebracht. Ich wei auch bis heute nicht, was sich die Designer dabei gedacht haben, die sind echt scheulich.
Ansonsten kann ich dieses Modell wirklich nur empfehlen. Die Farbkombination ist zwar etwas gewhnungsbedrftig aber eigentlich nur wegen dem Blau. Das Weiss und Orange geht zusammen klar wobei ich echt sagen muss, dass das Orange an sich auch schon wirklich eine sehr coole Farbe ist.
Top Modell, kleine Defizite, zB Sticker.
Aber robustes Teil ohne flexen, tolle Funktionen.
This is not just an impressive model. It’s a challenging build, that’s fun and culminates in a sturdy impressive toy that you can be proud of building. I think it’s a great project to do with the children as all the components go together really nicely.
Brilliant. A really nice engineering design project for older children . Though it comes in many parts the instructions appear straightforward and there is a real sense of achievement once completed. It’s really fun to play with as well, the truck and the crane have many moving parts, it looks stylish and professional. It’s best taking your time whilst assembling it to get it right so in that respect it is a project rather than an open up the box and play toy. Worth the time and effort though.
I haven’t started it yet but if it’s anything like the others I have built it will be excelle
Although not yet finished, my 11 year grand-nephew is fully engaged with this 2000+ piece Lego set. In 3 weeks, he is now about half way through, based on number of steps in the guide. Although not simple to build, with care it us well within his capabilities and looking at it, do far, the finished toy will have loads of play value.
Like most quality things, e.g. Lego, this isn’t cheap, but the price does match the quality.
So, not cheap, but very good.
Well this truck is amazing! Got it for the boy who loves constructors! Interesting time spent while building. A lot of fun time together! Looks the same like in picture, some of the parts can be moved.
This Lego Technic tow truck has certainly been a challenge for my 11 year old Grandson. He hasn’t finished building it yet, but is enjoying every moment, (although he did tell me it is sometimes frustrating for him.) He has refused any help whatsoever but he won’t give up.
This is quite a complex kit but the step by step instructions are so detailed and easy to follow; however you can’t skip anything as missing one little step will cause immense problems down the road. A lot of patience (oh and space) is needed but the end result will be a big achievement.
Excellent build quality as always with Lego Technic Building sets. The price is high but you can see why – the detail of the realistic movement and mechanisms of the moving pa
This technic lego kit is truly amazing in its construction. Its quite complex and you certainly need to study the instructions to build this. Despite a tricky build the vehicle is a brilliant it has so many functions and my son has had hours of fun not only building with me as a father son activity, but role play. The pneumatic controls operate fairly smoothly and give a real functional ability.
Like all lego kits the instructions provide detailed step by step guide. It took around 6 hours for us to build. But the result is great and a real sense of achievement. The lego kits are generally pretty expensive but for the complexity and involvement think this kit is much better value that others we have built. Overall well worth it.
his kit is great to assemble but you need to take it slowly so that you dont make mistakes .It took about me about a week to finish but it looks really good. you do need to trim the tubes down to fit properly .
This was a gift for my husbands collection and he absolutely loves it.
This is a big boys/girls lego piece of kit. It is a Heavy duty tow truck model with a fully functioning pneumatic crane on the back . Its about 60 cm in length when built – it took my son and I about 4-5 hours to build including some coffee breaks! Obviously you dont have to build in one and can do it over a few days, if you have a table clear but my son and I were eager to complete this. Looking at all the pieces can be a bit overwhelming at the start but the instructions are so good and if you are well organised, it can be a relatively easy build.
This product has been so well thought out to make it as realistic as possible, it has features like, pneumatic pump functions including an extending lifting boom, a lifting crane boom and an extending crane boom, lifting axle which pulls down extra wheels for uneven loads, you can steer the truck by rotating the pin on top of the roof or open the bonnet to see the 6-cylinder inline engine with moving pistons. EVERYTHING has been thought of and this machine is just amazing, it really is, the attention to detail to try and get it as close to the real thing is great. This is much much more than just a basic bit of lego, it takes in mechanics and engineering and will appeal to such a wide array of people, it is so interesting to build and also to see in use after its built, and the satisfaction and delight on my kids face knowing hes constructed this amazing piece is priceless. Its also a great way of teaching your kids how things work with engineering and mechanics whilst you build.
The price of this item is very high but when you think about all the time and work thats gone into developing this item, you have to understand the price and appreciate it. All in all, this is an amazing Lego creation that is well worth the price tag.
Huge tow truck you build yourself. Complete kit to assemble a fully functioning pneumatic crane on the back of a large towtruck. Its about 60 cm in length when built – its an impressive thing. Took me just over 3 hours to build, so make sure you have a clear table and a free evening!