Neato Robotics D8 Intelligent Robot Vacuum, Vacuum Robot with Laser Navigation, long runtime of 100 minutes, Alexa connectivity and app control, indigo blue

  1. neato
  2. neato
  3. neato
1 Get cleaning in minutes 2 Eco and Turbo Modes 3 Auto-Recharge and resume

Why Neato D8 is best?


Neato D8 maximum-performance vacuum picks up 20% more dust than prior models*


The Neato D8 has the largest dust bin* in the stand-alone Robot Vacuum Category. This means less time to clean and less effort emptying the robot!


Which neato


D-Shape design

Side Brush

Spiral Combo Brush

Main brush type

Spiral Combo Brush


Filter type


Up to 100 minutes*

Runtime per charge

Up to 200 minutes*

Quick Boost charging


D-Shape design

Side Brush

Spiral Combo Brush

Main brush type

Spiral Combo Brush


Filter type


Up to 100 minutes*

Runtime per charge

Up to 300 minutes*

Quick Boost charging

  1. Neato
  2. Neato

Weight: 3.66 kg
Dimensions: 32.28 x 33.58 x 10.13 cm; 3.66 Kilograms
Brand: Neato Robotics
Model: 945-0373
Colour: Indigo
Colour: Indigo

177 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Oui il laisse quelques coins non aspirs… Oui son rservoir est petit… Mais il fait tout le reste trs bien, surtout les tapis pais ! Il est programm, il est autonome : on rentre, l’appartement est propre ! Et a, c’est gnial !

  2. XiomaraMerrett says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased an xv11 in 2012 whilst visiting the USA . I lived in Jamaica at the time and the cycle difference made the clock inaccurate to a slight degree. Thats the only done side I can think of. I now live in Spain and the supply is 220v
    and the switch was seamless. The machine works 5 days a week and apart from new batteries , filters and brush blades not a single problem. This is by far the best investment in a household unit I have ever made

  3. Anonymous says:


    Nachdem wir je einen D7 im Erd- und einen D7 im Obergeschoss unseres Hauses haben und mit beiden sehr zufrieden sind (OG=Teppichboden, EG=Fliesen+Pakett, je knapp 100 qm), haben wir fr den Keller einen D4 angeschafft.
    Fernbedienung mittels App, wie von seinen groen Brdern gewohnt, funktioniert sehr gut. Einzig die Funktion das Gert anzupingen” steht nicht zur Verfgung.
    Navigation funktioniert wie gewohnt sehr gut.
    Saugleistung und Akkukapazitt sind gegenber dem D7 merkbar geringer.
    Im Keller muss der D4 bei uns Fliesen- und Teppichboden ( insgesamt ca. 50 qm Flche) beackern.
    Auch das Gehuse ist nicht ganz so hochwertig, wie beim Topmodell.
    Als Einstiegsmodell erfllt der D4 seine Aufgaben, wie erwartet.
    Preisleistungsverhltnis passt sehr gut.

    Beeindruckend ist bei beiden Gerten, in welch enge Parklcken” sie doch hinein navigieren knnen.

    Top in seiner Klasse

  4. admin says:


    Bis jetzt sind wir sehr zufrieden. Wir haben einen Hund mit langen Haaren (Gilden Retriever) und 4 Katzen und saugen damit jeden Tag den ersten Stock. Hier befinden sich die meisten Zimmer und die Tiere drfen berall rein. Der Sauger erkennt die Treppe von selbst und ist bis her nur einmal hngen geblieben weil er dachte er wrde im Bad unter den Schrank passen aber da die Kamera etwas hher ist, hat das nicht geklappt.
    Die Entleerung finde ich seh einfach.
    Als Manko finde ich die Akku Leistung. Nach 46 Quadratmetern wirds schon knapp. Er erkennt alle Teppiche. Mit den hochflorigen im Bad klappt es nicht immer, weil diese nicht liegen bleiben und umklappen. Er fhrt aber drber.
    Bis jetzt bin ich sehr froh den Sauger fr knapp 340 gekauft zuhabe

  5. ElwoodStallings says:


    Ich habe eine kleine stark verwinkelte Wohnung mit Regalen als Raumteiler, nicht durchfahrbare Sessel, Sthle die immer wieder woanders stehen. Ich habe es bislang fr unmglich gehalten, hier berhaupt einen Saugroboter sinnvoll einzusetzen. Mit dem Neato, seinem Navigationssystem, dem systematischen Abfahren, den NoGo-Linien klappt das aber ausgezeichnet. Dadurch das systematisch gereinigt wird, ist die Reinigung auch recht schnell erledigt.

    – beim Einrichten war der Server 2 Tage nicht erreichbar, aber egal, es funktioniert jetzt
    – das Filterelement setzt sich leicht zu und muss hndisch mit einer Art Kamm gereinigt werden
    – heute kam die Fehlermeldung der Staubbehlter msse gereinigt, diese Meldung kommt hin und wieder, also Staubbehlter raus, geleert, Filter gereinigt, das ganze wieder eingesetzt – die Meldung kommt wieder, Staubbehlter rausnehmen, einsetzten, rausnehmen, einsetzen… die Meldung verschwindet nicht, einschalten, ausschalten, Kombination mit Staubbehlter rausnehmen… Herstellerseite und Foren durchforstet, schwach fr so ein neues Gert. Lsung: Es gibt einen mechanischen Schalter der das Einsetzen des Behlters erfasst, dieser ist verklemmt! Lsen ist einfach, aber das geht doch sicher besser.

  6. JonahHaveman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought a cheaper roboto vac that worked well, but broke a few weeks after – the motor on one sidebrush became very sluggish and felt like it was grinding so I suspect a bearing.

    The replacement sent was a lower model, so both were returned.

    This one, unlike those two, actually maps the area it cleans and it’s cleaning time is therefore <30mins compared to >2hours with the ones that just wander around.

    It’s squared off edges mean it gets into corners better, as well.

    It does occasionally trip itself up with the sunlight at certain angles – it seems the transition between sunlight and shadow can trip the anti-fall sensor, but that’s no biggy (and I reckon most people would prefer that to it not detecting a fall!).

    It picks up a tremendous amount of fur (one small doggo) and crud and even sends a reminder to the app to empty the dust collector.

    So far, really impressed.

  7. IKDJoycezuw says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Top stofzuiger, zou de volgende keer wel voor een met een kant borstel kiezen.

    Zuiger werkt perfect, connectie en app stukken minder. 2 uur bezig geweest om hemet wifi verbonden te krijgen, dit is een bekend probleem bij deze zuiger.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my second robot cleaner and I am impressed
    It has a more powerful suction than I expected and learnt the layout of the downstairs quicker than my previous robot.
    It really comes into its own with getting under sofas, we have three in our living room
    Moving sofas to vacuum is just the pits and this as its predecessor is just the job, admittedly we have decent sized legs on our sofas but it zooms underneath them getting all that dust and cat fur really well.
    It also manages to get up onto our deep pile rug well and gives it a right going over.
    The charge is good enough for the downstairs which is hard floored, I assume carpets would be more draining but I could believe it would still make it around them all in one charge.
    You still have to move obstacles and wires, but you have to do that anyway when vacuuming.
    I am well impressed, does a good job, app is ok, better than iRobot.
    Oh yeah, the cat hates it, but over time adjusted to merely a deep suspicion of it.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have used it for a couple weeks now. It has caused us a couple damage when we didn’t set up the no-go line for some area and it has broken the cables on the floor and have a bit of front door mat screw off. So no doubt on its sucking power. However, what i think it annoys me is that, you can only have the zone function if you get the more expensive version. It’s obviously not the mechanical limitation of the product. They just want to spend extra hundreds pounds for a little hardware improvement but mainly the software function. It shows the company itself isn’t aiming for the customers but money.

  10. CarlosBromham says:

     United Kingdom

    Pretty good product for the cost. Relatively easy to set up and run. Hardware is spot on, software could be upgraded. Doesn’t have the ability to load multiple floor plans (so Can’t use no-go lines when you have multiple floors). Seems like the memory on the robot is limited as you can’t set up zones for cleaning either.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What a great addition to the family Ralph is (yes I have named it!) Setting him off for the first time he was very chaotic whilst building his map. Now he cleans mathodicly and does a great job. Would highly recommend as it has exceeded my expectations

  12. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo scelto questo robot dopo diverse valutazioni.
    Avendo la necessit che andasse anche mentre non fossi stato presente ho ritenuto indispensabile la mappatura laser e non mi ha deluso.
    Funziona benissimo al buio, mappa perfettamente la casa indicando con precisione dove passato e dove no alla fine di ogni ciclo di pulizia e se si dovesse scaricare prima di finire, torna alla sua base e si ricarica per poi riprendere dove aveva lasciato.
    Non ha alcun problema con i tappeti, sale da solo e li aspira bene.
    L’unico difetto sono le istruzioni non del tutto chiare ma si trovano molti video esplicativi su google.
    Ottimo aiuto e per chi allergico consiglio di prendere subito il ricambio del filtro migliorato.

  13. MarcoMorrill says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEnfin satisfait ! Je me suis pench sur ce Neato car ils ont trs bonne rputation et je ne suis pas du. J’avais un Xiaomi auparavant (roborock S5) mais j’ai d m’en sparer car ce dernier n’allait pas sur mes tapis noirs. Verdict au bout de quelques utilisations :

    Les avantages :
    – Silencieux et aspire bien (29 M2 en 36 minutes)
    – Va sur tous les tapis (mme les noirs) et franchit bien les obstacles
    – Enorme bac poussire ! L’un des plus grands sur le march
    – Poigne pour pouvoir le dplacer

    Les inconvnients :
    – La Premire connection au wifi a t galre, plusieurs essais ont t ncessaire. Je vous conseille de l’initialiser ct de la box internet pour avoir la meilleure synchro wifi possible.
    – Bac poussires pas pratique vider du tout. C’est pas genre on sort le bac, on l’ouvre, on le tape et hop tout sort d’un coup (comme je faisais avec mon autre aspi). Non, ill faut l’ouvrir via le filtre et donc la poussire reste littralement colle ce dernier. C’est LE point noir car il faut toute une organisation pour pas en mettre partout.
    – L’entretien n’est pas pratique non plus. Les diffrentes pices ne s’embotent pas naturellement. Y’a toujours un truc qui coince. j’ai d aller sur youtube pour voir certains tutos.
    – Batterie limite. Je consomme la moiti de cette dernire en 35 mins.
    – La base du robot est trop lgre, le robot peut la dplacer en voulant se recharger cette dernire. Il faut bien la fixer contre un mur.
    – L’appli bien que ractive aurait p tre mieux fichue en terme d’ergonomie. Par exemple la fonction de nettoyage cibl ne peut pas se faire en indiquant le lieu sur la carte (il faut dplacer physiquement le robot). Pas mal d’erreurs au “premier” lancement du robot on ne sait pas trop pourquoi car juste aprs l’avoir relanc sans rien toucher, tout se passe bien.
    – Des comportements tranges par exemple, quand on enlve le bac poussires pour le vider, le robot va se mettre biper tout le temps de faon alatoire pour indiquer que le bac n’est pas prsent. C’est trs agaant.
    – Hors cycle de nettoyage, il n’y a pas de bouton “retour la base”. Il faut le dplacer manuellement. Assez ennuyeux quand on lance un nettoyage cibl donc car il faut le dplacer et le replacer manuellement.
    – Pas possible de le lancer en nettoyage classique (hors fonction cible) s’il n’est pas connect la base.

    Bref, rien de bien mchant mais a mrite une toile en moins voire deux, j’ai hsit. Disons que par rapport au S5 qui tait mieux fichu en terme d’entretien, une fois qu’on a “chop le coup”, on s’habitue ces dsagrments.


  14. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Userspro:
    – navigazione ottima, torna sempre alla base e copre in genere tutta la casa
    – anche con tapperi e ostacoli, sale sove deve salire e si ferma dove deve, il vecchio robot a volte saliva e si incastrava
    – i muri virtuali su mappa sono il motivo dell’acquisto, figata per chi ha ostacoli / tende o zone dove non deve girare
    – la potenza di aspirazione notevole
    – ho un gatto a pelo lungo ma la spazzola non si riempie di peli come nel vecchio robot IMPORTANTE
    – se finisce la batteria (che pochina) si ricarca e riprende

    – con alcuni tipi di configurazione wifi non funziona la mappa , strano dovrebbe essere indipendente
    – il rumore alto non solo perch aspira molto (che ci sta) ma proprio rumoroso internamente, potevano mettere anche le rotelle piccole in gomma
    – va a sbattere in continuazione (piano), il mio vecchio robot non toccava nulla, non ha sensori di prossimita
    – la batteria pochina

    non ho una grande esperienza di robot ma per ora mi ha soddisfatto

  15. NelsonBristow says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der Roboter fhrt auch auf hohe Teppiche so wie wir bentigen.
    Kopplung zwischen App und Roboter verlief problemlos, jedoch untersttzt er nur 2,4GHz WLAN.

  16. Aaron Smith says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic, absolutely love my Neato – nothing like sitting in work receiving a message to let me know he’s finished the hoovering.

  17. Anonymous says:


    L’ho preso usato Amazon a 250. Perfetto! Stratosferico! Mamma mia che bellezza aver casa sempre PERFETTAMENTE PULITA senza far pi nessuno sforzo. L’associazione wifi-cellulare-robotino non istantanea n facilissima n stabile nei giorni/settimane ma…pazienza, le pulizie le fa da Dio. talmente piccolo e basso che passa sotto letti e armadi. Pulisce bene anche tappeti e tappetini, senza incepparsi. L’intelligenza artificiale che lo guida nell’ambiente strabiliante. Consiglio di fargli fare le pulizie tutti i giorni e di pulire il filtro (operazione di pochi secondi) ogni giorno. Strepitoso. Chi non ha un robottino simile in casa un babbeo. NB: questo modello, avendo lettura laser degli spazi, gira anche al buio! TOP !!! Non compratene uno non laser. NB2: tirate su sedie ecc prima di farlo girare cos pulir veramente ovunque senza incastrarsi/bloccarsi/fermarsi. Non resta che mociare!

  18. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Macht was es soll und fr Fliesen oder Parkett perfekt.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent Hoover – changed our lives – we have named him Fluffbot as he has taken the cat fluff out of our lives and so no more clothes brushes needed 🙂

  20. Brian says:


    Trs facile d’utilisation
    Trs satisfaite du rsultat avec un chien et un chat a la maiso

  21. DaltonClawson says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottimo prodotto sotto tutti i punti di vista, facile da usare e facile da programmare. Utile anche per chi ha pi piani in casa

  22. Jayme says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLieferzustand:
    Wir haben ihn als gebraucht Gert mit dem Zustand “neu” gekauft. Er kam sehr gut verpackt im Originalkarton und inklusive Bedienungsanleitung bei uns an. Laut Amazon sollte er kleine Schnheitsfehler am oder im Gert haben. Bis heute haben wir keinen finden knnen. Sollte der Roboter schon mal in Gebrauch gewesen sein, wurde er sehr, sehr grndlich gereinigt. Wo auch immer ich im Gert suchte, ich fand keinen einzigen Krmel oder Fussel. Auch die Brstenwalze war neu.

    Nach installieren der App und einem kurzen Studium war sehr schnell klar, wie er darber bedient wird. Er fhrt auf zwei Stufen. Die erste saugt schon absolut zufriedenstellend Dreck inklusive Tierhaaren (wir haben zwei Hunde und vier Katzen) weg. Schaltet man den Powermodus ein hat auch der letzte Dreck in Ecken und Kanten keine Chance mehr.
    Man kann ihn auch so einstellen dass er besonders vorsichtig fhrt. Und das funktioniert tatschlich. Im normalen Modus fhrt er bis an die Mbel heran und berhrt diese auch mit seinen “Stostangen”. Im vorsichtigen Modus sorgt sein Laser sehr przise dafr, dass er wirklich nichts berhrt. Unsere Hunde beachten ihn gar nicht mehr wenn sie auf dem Boden liegen, so vorsichtig fhrt er um sie herum.
    Einmal muss er den gesamten zu subernden Bereich gesaugt haben. Dabei scannt er den Bereich und legt einen Raum Plan an. Nachdem er dies getan hat benachrichtigt er einen ber die App. Anschlieend ruft man den Plan auf und kann mhelos No Go Linien ziehen. Soviele man will. Einziger Wermutstropfen ist, dass man nur einen einzigen Plan anlegen kann. Subert der Roboter ein anderes Zimmer, in dem auch No Go Linien gezogen werden sollen, muss der bestehende Plan gelscht werden und der Roboter muss den neuen Raum scannen und somit einen neuen Plan anlegen. Mann kann ihn aber auch ohne Plan beauftragen zu saugen.
    Er meldet zuverlssig wenn er tatschlich doch mal irgendwo fest klemmt. Er meldet wenn sein Schmutz Tank voll ist. Er meldet wenn er fertig ist und an die Ladestation zurck fhrt. Er teilt seinen Akku Zustand mit. Auerdem hlt der Roboter in der App die Arbeitszeit fest und zustzlich teilt er noch mit, wie viel Quadratmeter er gesubert hat. Visuell wird im Raumplan gezeigt wo der alles lang gefahren ist.

    Anbindung an einen Sprachassistenten:
    Hier wird es nun etwas kniffliger. Wir haben ihn in Alexa eingebunden. Zuvor braucht Alexa aber einen Skill. Der Roboter findet sich sehr schnell im WLAN wieder und kann anschlieend ber Alexa bedient werden (die Bercksichtigung der No Go Linien funktioniert aber nur beim Start ber die App).
    Man kann Alexa aber nicht beauftragen, den Roboter zu starten, sondern muss ihr mitteilen dass sie den Roboter informieren soll, dass er starten soll. Bis das funktioniert hat, hat es einen Augenblick gebraucht. Danach aber lsst er sich super mit Alexa als Vermittlerin steuern.

    Alles in allem ist er der beste Roboter, den wir bisher am Start hatten. Ich wrde ihn jederzeit wieder kaufen.

  23. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersJe l’utilise pour aspirer quotidiennement mon appartement. Il peut faire tout l’appartement (70m2) d’un seul coup. J’ai deux chats, a aspire tout les poils mme dans mon tapis!!!
    Je recommande.
    /! j’ai d ajouter une limite pour ne pas qu’il aille sous un meuble d’o il n’arrivait pas sortir.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Habe den jetzt seit drei Monaten und bin recht zufrieden. Lautstrke geht in Ordnung. Der erklimmt sogar unsere beiden hohen Teppiche und saugt die ab. uerst selten das er sich mal fest fhrt, Probleme hatte er bei uns unterm Esstisch mit den Sthlen. Jetzt stellen wir die halt hoch wenn er da saugen soll. Wenn er mal nicht weiter kommt versucht er alles um sich zu befreien bis er Alarm schlgt, sieht schon lustig aus.
    Saugleistung gut, Akku knnte etwas lnger halten, ohne unsere beiden Teppiche wrde er die Wohnung aber problemlos schaffen. So fhrt er halt zum nachladen und macht dann weiter.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce modle pour remplacer mon Nato “Signature ” achet en 2016 qui prsentait certains dfauts (mauvais contact lectrique du bac poussire, cassure partielle du dispositif de fixation de la brosse, batteries faibles remplacer).
    Ce nouveau modle prsente de nombreuses amliorations : un dispositif de guidage laser permettant de fournir le plan de la pice et des zones nettoyes, un bac poussire plus grand, une hauteur plus faible 10 cm au lieu de 13 cm pour passer sous les meubles, une association WIFI avec la box assez aise par WPS pour la commande par smartphone, un bruit de fonctionnent rduit.
    La puissance de nettoyage est toujours aussi bonne. il suffit d”utiliser Nato aprs avoir effectu le mnage fond avec des moyens traditionnels : le bac poussire est moiti plein !

  26. AXNDoreenaah says:

     United Kingdom

    This is our first robot vacuum cleaner so I’m comparing it against having to use a manual vacuum, and in that regard it is definitely worth a 5 star rating. In how it compares against other robot hoovers other reviewers might be able to help. There is plenty good about this robot vacuum:

    * Having this saves me time. No longer do I need to hoover the house. The robot does it for me. Almost all of it. He still can’t do my stairs. And there are other things he can’t do, he can’t hoover my car or inside drawers and things like that. But in covering the floors he is doing the majority of the hoovering. So that is great although you’ll still need a second hoover for the other, smaller jobs — perhaps a handheld wireless one.
    * This robot hoover doesn’t require heavy lifting, although you may want to take him from downstairs to upstairs and vice versa. But compared to our old hoover he is much lighter and much easier to carry around.
    * This robot hoover takes up less space than a conventional vacuum cleaner. He doesn’t have all the hoses or accessories either which take a lot of room.
    * He isn’t too noisy. The spec says 69 decibels which will drown out other noise like TV etc. but isn’t as bad as my old hoover. And you can set it to work when you are not in the house anyway.
    * His suction seems to be good, which hasn’t been the case with cordless vacuums I’ve tried in the past.
    * It is very clever. It works in a systematic pattern to cover all the floor and is very good at getting in the corners. Plus it gets in the corners gently meaning no damage to your furniture. Then when it is running out of charge it finds its own way back to the charger and charges itself.
    * Emptying it is easy. You just lift off the compartment from the top of him and transfer to the bin. Plus the dust holder is see-through so you can see if you have accidentally hoovered something you didn’t want to and rescue it. It is definitely more convenient than emptying a dust bag.
    * My children have a great time with him. It makes hoovering fun. For them it is a little like the pet they don’t have.

    And maybe on the negative side:
    * We have app issues (although the vacuum works without the app but you have less control over it then).
    * The manual recommends replacing the filters every 1 to 2 months and the battery every 12 to 18 months, depending on amount of use. Therefore there is an extra maintenance cost compared to a normal vacuum (which doesn’t need battery replacement).

    But overall we this.

  27. NicolasMarks says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Contente de mon achat. Mets mon premier aspirateur robot avec des glises et je trouve que sa nettoyer mieux les bords des murs

  28. MarisolStoll says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Pulisce molto bene, durata batteria sufficiente per il nostro appartamento, indica i metri quadri puliti a fine ciclo. Qualche problema con la mappatura, a volte la perde, probabilmente se si sposta la base anche solamente di 1 cm va in crisi, peccato perch va rifatta e vanno rimesse le linee di demarcazione. Non lasciate oggetti bassi in giro senn si arrampica!!!!!

  29. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersHabe mich nach lngerer Suche nun fr den Neato D450 entschieden. Ich wollte einen Saugroboter der eine Karte erstellt auf der ich Bereiche einzeichnen kann, an denen nicht gesaugt werden soll. Ich wollte keine Magnetstreifen oder irgendwelche Trmchen dazu aufstellen.
    – Saugleistung absolut in Ordnung
    – No-Go-Linien werden eingehalten
    – Saugt seinen kompletten Bereich ab und ldt sich ggf. von selbst wieder auf und macht an der Stelle wieder weiter, an der er aufgehrt hat
    – App fr die Steuerung ist gut gemacht
    – Das Einrichten der App und die Verbindung zum Saugroboter funktionierte nicht auf anhieb, ich musste die Schritte mehrfach wiederholen
    – Es fehlt dem Roboter eine Seitenbrsten um direkt bis zum Rand zu saugen
    – Erstellt die Karte fr nur eine Etage
    – Bei Steuerung ber Alexa werden die No-Go-Linien nicht bercksichtigt
    Fazit: Bin bisher ganz zufrieden und wrde mir den Roboter wieder kaufen!

  30. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersVllig Begeistert und Beeindruckt von der Technik und Leistung
    Wir haben uns nach lngerer berlegung und Produktanalyse fr den Neato entschieden und sind absolut begeistert von Ihm.
    Es wird ein Vorwerk Vr200 auf einer anderen Etage eingesetzt. Der Neato ist von der Leistung definitiv nicht schlechter und das fr diesen Preis.

    Nach wie immer schneller Lieferung durch Amazon und dem ffnen des Kartons war der erste positive Eindruck, dass alles im Karton sehr strukturiert und ordentlich verpackt war.

    Die Kurzanleitung ist vllig ausreichend und erklrt einem in einfachster Art und Weise jeden einzelnen Schritt, was dazu fhrte, dass wir nach 5 Minuten schon zum Schritt App download und Regestrierung kamen.

    Die Einrichtung des Neato ist kinderleicht und geht zgig voran. Ein integriertes Video zeigt sogar, welche Tasten man am Neato drcken muss. Daumen hoch dafr an Neato Robotics.

    Es folgte noch das Update auf die neueste Firmware und schon konnte es los gehen.

    Erster Saugtest:
    Der D450 hat unsere Wohnung (75qm) 45Minuten lang gesaugt und das Ergebnis ist berragend gut.

    Der Robotor ist mehr als zu empfehlen, und ich empfehle ihn absolut weiter, ja er ist nicht ganz gnstig, aber hier bekommt man fr sein Geld Qualitt, kein Plastikschrott und eine ausgereifte Sensor Technik mit vielen kleinen aber ntzlichen zustzen.

    – einfache Installation
    – Top Saugleistung
    – Raumscannung und einzeichnen von No Go Linien
    – Akkuleistung
    – ausgereifte Technik

  31. Anonymous says:


    Buon prodotto acquistato in offerta a un prezzo vantaggioso.
    Pulisce mentre si fuori casa passando al di sotto di mobili e divani (verificare le misure).
    Aspirazione potente, rumorosit inferiore ai classici aspiratori a filo, ma ovviamente non silenziosa.
    Questo modello non presenta la spazzola laterale, tuttavia, salvo alcune zone di difficile accesso, riesce ad aspirare la quasi totalit di polvere e residui.
    Abbiamo un cane a pelo lungo e questo robot ci ha semplificato la vita: stop panni elettrostatici e stop fastidio di dover passare l’aspirapolvere al ritorno dal lavoro.
    Manutenzione facile e rapida.
    Unica pecca la durata della batteria, per un appartamento di circa 100 metri quadri deve sempre fare una sosta (automatica) per ricarica.

    Pet friendly: il mio cane si adattato fin da subito, mentre sempre stato infastidito dal classico folletto.

  32. MichellJuan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI am amazed how good our Neato is! I didn’t hold out much hope of it getting round our large ground floor on one charge and it didn’t quite make it but the fact it can charge and resume resolved that issue. I also know we can upgrade the battery to one that lasts longer. I didn’t expect edge to edge cleaning but it gets pretty close and as it cleans daily there is very little dust accumulating at the edge of rooms. As it can’t climb skirting I dust those and flick any dust from the edge, behind doors etc further into the room. I can see carpet being more of an issue but we only have hard floors downstairs. The no go lines took a while to get right but they stop it climbing into the dogs water bowl etc. I have to empty the dust box daily. We have two dogs that shed a lot and I’ve never seen my floors so clean. Well worth the investment to keep our floors looking like new.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersLes plus :
    -Bruit infrieur mon aspirateur habituel (qui n’est pourtant pas particulirement bruyant)
    -Contrle distance par l’application, possibilit de le programmer l’avance pour le mettre en marche aux jours et heures voulues
    -Possibilit de crer des lignes de dmarcations virtuelles pour qu’il n’attaque pas les gamelles du chat ou mes rideaux
    – Contact lger avec les murs et meubles, pas de traces, n’abme rien
    – S’aligne bien pour aller dans les coins des pices
    -Carte des zones nettoyes la fin de son passage
    -S’il n’a pas assez de batterie, retourne se charger puis revient finir son mnage
    -Appel l’aide si besoin (envoie une notification s’il est coinc par une chaussette sauvage qu’il n’a pas russi aspirer ou s’il faut vider le bac poussire etc)
    -Lien vers le site de Neato sur la notification d’appel l’aide pour plus d’explications (comment nettoyer la brosse etc).
    -Nettoyage facile
    -Brosse + coupe fil fournis pour le nettoyage
    -Escalade les petites surfaces en se soulevant, passe bien au dessus des cbles et du tapis mousse
    -Aime beaucoup mon canap, le dessous n’a jamais t aussi aspir
    – Personnalisation du nom de l’aspi (c’est gadget mais c’est drle)
    -Mode maison ou mode 4×4 pour une surface donne.

    Les moins :
    -Plutt lent : Met en moyenne 1min15 pour 1m chez moi (mais j’ai pas mal de meubles et chaises contourner)
    -Nettoyage facile… Mais pas pratique : Je nettoie le filtre dehors sinon a met de la poussire partout
    -Tourne bien autour des pieds de mes chaises mais ne passe pas dans les recoins de mes pieds de table en L
    -Trajets globalement logiques mais parfois tranges, mais heureusement il pique des sprints quand il repasse un endroit dj aspir pour ne pas perdre trop de temps

  34. BillieMackay says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI’ve been very pleased with my Neato vacuum. A friend had a Roomba, and I didn’t like how they randomly zig zgag with no logic. The Neato however, laser scans the room, cleans around the edges, then cleans every other part of the floor, methodically. It is not very loud. I’ve found it is important to not have loose items on the floor, as they can be disturbed. It wasn’t a problem to do this, and is sensible anyway as it makes my area look cleaner.

    In the first couple of weeks, the dust holder filled up within a couple of cleans, so it must have been sucking up dirt that previously was missed by a conventional vacuum, or perhaps I had not been cleaning enough. Now it lasts a week or more before I have to empty it.

    It has an automatic scheduling feature that I don’t use, but you can set any variation of schedules. For example, you could have it automatically clean at 3PM every other day.

    It’s fantastic watching it drive around, and then find its base and reverse into it to recharge.

    I think it makes a positive improvement to life to have vacuuming done automatically, and I would say this is the best manufacturer of robot vacuums. This particular model seems the best value for money. If you wanted features such as the little side brush, which would do a slightly better job on the edges of rooms, you could pay more, but I decided this was the best choice for me.

    Neato vacuums clean methodically rather than randomly, which is much bette

  35. MuoiBerger says:

     United Kingdom

    Great development over our old Neato which we’d had for a number of years. Great improvement with no-go facility, much quieter and better cleaning cycle. Pity that Alexa link negates most features other than start and stop. Overall we are well pleased and wouldn’t be without this home help.

  36. SarahMgfulhqba says:

     United Kingdom

    Hopefully, these products will start to end the need to have that daily struggle with the vacuum cleaner! I leave it charged up and as long as I keep the floor clear this is a quick tap on the app and I can relax while the Robot does the task it’s designed for! I haven’t rated the Alexa integration as I do not have one, but the iPhone experience is good, it was a little fiddly, but once set up it is great! I just wish that Lithion battery technology was better as this thing desperately needs it’s charging station! It runs down quickly, this could be because I have cats and keep the turbo mode on, but even though they Moult for England, it copes well!
    Over the Moon with this product! ACE!

  37. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Dj client du premier aspirateur robot Neato , J’ai repris ce modle mieux au niveau qualit au niveau bruit et efficacit.
    Je suis trs satisfai

  38. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersNach langem berlegen und Abwiegen der Pro und contras eines Staubsaugerroboters, haben wir uns fr den Neato D450 entschieden. Kaufgrund war hauptschlich die Funktion der NoGo Linien, die andere Hersteller oft nur mit teuren Zusatzprodukten bieten.

    Mittlerweile gehrt er seit 2 Monaten zur Familie und ist beinahe nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Steuerung per App und WLAN funktioniert einwandfrei und auch der Geruschpegel hlt sich in Grenzen.
    Die Anwendung mit den NoGo Linien funktioniert perfekt.

    Einziges Manko bei diesem Haushaltshelfer ist, dass er sich hin und wieder etwas bld anstellt und nicht mehr zur Ladestation findet. Dieser Fall ist bis dato jedoch lediglich 2 Mal aufgetaucht und der Fehler lsst sich leicht beheben, indem man das Gert selbst zur Station bringt.
    Da es jedoch unser erster Staubsaugerroboter ist, kann ich nicht sagen ob andere Gerte dieses Problem auch haben.

    Trotzdem kann ich den Neato D450 daher nur weiterempfehlen!

  39. SharronKeesler says:

     United Kingdom

    Great cleaner – love the fact that I can control this from my iPhone. Only down side is that sometimes it does not get back to the docking station as it can run out of power.

  40. BryanHeavener says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersOn m’avait conseill cette marque et en effet a marche super bien !
    La cartographie est indispensable aujourd’hui.
    Au moins on sait o il est pass !
    Seul petit dfaut, c’est le manque de brosse rotative sur un ct pour nettoyer plus en profondeur les coins et bords.
    Mais bon c’est dj trs bien, on ne passe pratiquement plus l’aspirateur classique !

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely love my Neato, I got my first one soon after I returned to work from maternity leave and couldn’t believe how amazing it was. To come home every night to a freshly hoovered house makes the house feel cleaner and tend to keep it tidier so Neato can clean. I now have one that cleans downstairs and another that cleans upstairs.

    Added bonus is there are less spiders or bugs in my house.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love love love. Finally my dream of a robot vacuum is fulfilled! This little guy is brilliant, picks up yaaaaay more stuff than I thought it would. Holy cow. Doesnt fall down stairs and hardly ever gets stuck. Used the phone app to vacuum while we were on holiday!! Other than my dog putting things in front of it sometimes…trying to sabotage it or feed it I’m not sure…it works so well!!

  43. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLavora veramente bene. Rimango sempre meravigliato di come aspira e lascia il pavimento perfetto. Avendo due gatti era proprio necessario in casa. Prima di farlo partire bisogna adottare degli accorgimenti ovvero cercare calzini o altro che possa ostruire la spazzola sottostante, le sedie sempre meglio capovolgerle per lasciar spazio sotto al tavolo, lavora bene anche sui tappeti di corto pelo.Io lo aziono anche da fuori casa.Per le prime volte vedete bene come lavora e cercate di agevolarlo…altrimenti va in crisi e si blocca sotto ai comodini. Consigliatissimo.

  44. Jayce Wagner says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI was new to the concept of having a robotic vacuum cleaner but I am completely won over with ‘Dave’ (you name yours so Alexa can tell it what to do) I have physical disabilities and this really is a great help to me. The vacuum strength is great, it cleans equally well wool carpet and Lino, and navigates my small flat in 9 minutes, producing at the end a map of the areas it’s cleaned. I have tucked the charging station away under the table. The instructions say that you should leave space either side, however I’ve found this is fine and keeps everything looking tidy. Dave runs on 4 wheels, which together with his curved backside enables him to pirouette in place and clean right up to edges, and the sweeper bars (only good for wood or Lino) gets in close to the edges and flings the dust into its path. These bars are cleverly designed, being a magnetic slot in clip, enabling easy swop out when you replace them. (4 months in and I don’t have to change mine yet despite half the floor being wool). The vacuum bin itself is really easy to empty, and the filters it uses are HEPS rated and cheap to buy replacements for when the filters get filled with fluff. I think this would be an absolute game changer for disabled and elderly people, as long as they can bend down to physically lift out the dustbin then they’ll be able to use the system. I have linked mine to Alexa enabling me to voice activate it, however there is an equally fantastic app (IPad, iPhone Android). (and also I think…. Mac and Windows PC’s too, though I cannot say that for sure).
    The suction seems to be honestly fine, Dave cleaned and then I used my Dyson handheld and it was only light dust from the stairs which obviously this cannot do, together with the edges tool.
    You can also lift the unit up and put it on your second floor, it’ll plod on round their too, however because it’s not starting from the base station you have to physically press the blue button. A map is then produced there too.
    Now, it can get caught up on tassels. Also on throws on the sofa if they drape. Socks and laces are also it’s nemesis. However you simply lift it up and gently unravel the tangle.
    The technology in these are astonishing, revolving laser scanning, 3D mapping, memory of your rooms, voice activated via Google home or Alexa. You are also able to schedule cleaning during the night if you want so you come down every day to a freshly cleaned floor. It’s all Truly Astonishing. .
    Yet really really simple to use. That’s the real key. Some tech is great…. but it takes so long for you to get it started your quicker doing it yourself. This is the complete opposite.
    It also comes with replacement brush bars and filters to get you started.
    In conclusion…. wow! I’m definitely not going back.

    Much much better then I imagined it would be

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought it after an older version died after 10 years. I loved the old one. It was actually smart even if it didnt look pretty.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We use this to hoover our flat every day while we’re at work, it gets most of the flat every day, fairly rarely getting stuck.

    Only issues have been a few wifi issues at first, and getting it round our flat before we could set up some no-go lines (an excellent feature!)

  47. MinniePamphlett says:


    Este robot puede funcionar simplemente dndole al botn de encendido/apagado o bien mediante la App que te descargas y te instalas en el mvil o la tablet. No tiene ni mando a distancia ni botones para “indicarle” el modo de limpieza.

    De hecho no tiene “modos de limpieza” como otros robots.

    La App que estaba disponible para su descarga es muy sencilla.

    Primero eliges el perfil de limpieza, que puede ser Eco (ciclo de limpieza ms largo y silencioso) o Turbo (limpieza muy potente con la mxima recogida). Si el Neato limpia cada da, con el perfil Eco es suficiente.

    A continuacin puedes elegir entre que limpie toda la casa o que limpie una habitacin. Nosotros de lunes a viernes tenemos escogida la opcin Casa y los sbados vamos habitacin por habitacin para que limpie detrs de las puertas.

    Si tienes muebles o objetos delicados puedes escoger el modo de navegacin “Especial Cuidado”. En este caso el robot se acerca a los muebles y objetos con suma delicadeza. Pero la limpieza sigue siendo igual de eficaz.

    Tiene un sistema de mapeo que va siendo ms eficaz a medida que pasan los das y va limpiando la casa. El primer da slo limpi la mitad pero luego ha ido aprendiendo y ahora ya pasa por todas las habitaciones.

    La App te muestra el mapa de lo que ha estado limpiando junto con unos grficos del tiempo de limpeza (en horas) y el rea limpiada (en metros cuadrados).

    Cuando considera que ya ha limpiado toda la casa, vuelve a la base de carga.

    No es excesivamente ruidoso, sobre todo cuando lo pones en modo Eco.

    El hecho de que la parte frontal sea cuadrada le da cierta ventaja respecto a otros robots aspiradores redondos, pero no veo que significativa.

    La base de carga tiene un recogecables para que podamos dejar guardada la parte de cable que no necesitamos para tener el robot enchufado.

    El depsito es fcil de desmontar, vaciar y volver a montar. Y el Neato tiene en su parte superior un espacio para agarrarlo y que sea fcil su transporte (por ejemplo para llevarlo a la cocina y vaciar el depsito o para llevarlo de una habitacin a otra).

    Es sin duda EFICAZ tanto en lo que se refiere a la limpieza (realmente limpia a fondo) como al mapeo de la casa. Adems es METDICO: va recorriendo la casa de manera sistemtica y no se deja nada por limpiar.


    * El depsito no es muy grande y hay que vaciarlo cada da o cada dos das todo lo ms.

    Para vaciar el depsito tienes que quitar el filtro. As que lo mejor es hacerlo encima del cubo de la basura. Y a continuacin, hay que limpiar el filtro, cosa que es un tanto laboriosa. Por suerte, en la caja viene un “peine de pas” que permite agilizar la limpieza del filtro y dejarlo razonablemente limpio.
    Es un sistema de vaciado de depsito que no me acaba de gustar.

    * A veces (muy pocas, por suerte) se pierde y no es capaz de volver a la base de carga.

    * Mi versin de la App no permite programar el robot para la limpieza semanal. Yo lo que hago es ponerme una alarma para acordarme de ponerlo en marcha a una hora determinada, la misma cada da.

    Tampoco me permite ponerle barreras virtuales.

    Espero que con el tiempo salgan actualizaciones de la App para mejorar la eficacia de este Neato.

    Limpia a fondo y su inteligencia artificial hace que vaya aprendiendo a mapear la casa.

  48. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Bonne aspiration mais un peu bruyant.
    Programmation par zone trs utile dans mon cas.
    Mais bug assez rgulirement lorsqu’il est programm. Je solliciterai le service client si cela persiste.

  49. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    E’ pi scrupoloso di me nella pulizia e funziona bene anche sui miei tappeti.
    Ormai mi devo solo preoccupare di sollevare alcuni oggetti da terra e spolverare periodicamente!

  50. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersJe ne parle que de ce qui ne va pas
    Impossible d enregistrer plusieurs carte
    Recuperateur de poussierre tres fragil
    Autonomie 60 m2
    Bien que lazer il but dans les meubles
    Manque la petite baleillette de cote mais je le savais.

    Et n est pas compatible avec tous les portable pour l initialisation. Huaiway ca passe samsung j5 ca passe pas

  51. ValeriaHalstead says:

     United Kingdom

    Had a Neato before, ran every day for about four years before it died, this one is even better. Runs round the flat when I’m out and I never have to vacuum. Well worth it, don’t think about buying a cheaper brand (I did and it was rubbish and got sent back!)

  52. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBuona aspirazione, intuitivo utilizzo della app e delle principali funzioni di aspirazione e delle diverse opzioni. Non pulisce perfettamente gli angoli ( mancano le setole girevoli laterali).
    Ho qualche problema con la creazione della mappa in pratica per qualche strano motivo non riesco a salvarla, costringendomi a rifarla ad ogni pulizia. Dopo aver contattato il servizio clienti non ho ancora una soluzione

  53. teen health - Google News says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Per ora ad un mese dall’acquisto tutto ok (tranne la sostituzione della spazzola perch rumorosa , assistenza Neato ottima ma deve ancora arrivare ) ;
    Pro :

    Contro :
    Non aspira ai lati
    Con i Tappeti leggeri si incastra
    Non raggiunge una zona della casa e non capisco il motivo ( ho aggiunto anche un ripetitore per il Wi-Fi ma non quello ), forse troppo lontano dalla base ma non credo .

  54. AJ Dellinger says:


    Arrivato in 1giorno.

    Ha la funzione di mappatura laser dell’appartamento e la possibilit di inserire delle barriere virtuali sulla mappa per escludere alcune zone.
    La forma a D permette di avere una spazzola pi larga dei Robot rotondi. Pulisce secondo un criterio a linee che assicura di coprire il 100% dell’area in minor tempo.
    Per un appartamento di 4 stanze e 2 bagni di 110mq impiega meno di 2h.
    Al termine invia una mappa delle zone che sono state pulire.
    Se si blocca ti arriva un messaggio.
    Tutti i robot della Neato hanno la stessa funzionalit software e la stessa potenza di aspirazione (ci sono degli utili confronti su YouTube).
    Volevo comprare Xiaomi ma ho temuto la scarsa possibilit di supporto in caso di problemi, mentre Neato ha centri di assistenza anche in Europa.

    Ho un gatto che lascia molti peli in giro per la casa e adesso sempre pulita.

    Supera facilmente piccoli ostacoli.
    La funzione delle barriere virtuali solo disponibile se si avvia la pulizia manualmente dalla app. Se invece si programmano i giorni pulizia, viene sempre pulito tutto l’appartamento.
    Devo vuotare il cassetto ogni 2giorni (meglio se si svuota ogni giorno).
    Qualche volta ha perso il collegamento Wi-Fi (ma non so il motivo, forse perch rimasto bloccato fuori base e si scaricato).
    Ottimo supporto via chat in inglese
    Per pulire 110mq ha bisogno di ricaricarsi 1 volta, ma fa tutto da solo.
    Si infila sotto le sedie anche se lo spazio molto giusto.

    Se ci fosse la possibilit di indicare quale stanza pulire sarebbe il top!

  55. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAvec 4 chats poils longs, la lutte contre les poils est permanente ! et bien maintenant, c’est Arthur (c’est le nom de mon robot !) qui s’en occupe.

  56. AlanHeffron says:

     United Kingdom

    Picks up pet hair and does a fantastic job, app works well

  57. Daniel DiClerico says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersMi ha cambiato la vita! Ho tre gatti e tanta polvere..un aiuto davvero prezioso per chi lavora e non ha il tempo per dedicarsi ogni giorno alla casa ..che tra l’altro anche pi ordinata visto che per lavorare il robot nn deve trovare molti ostacoli.
    Per tutta la casa (circa 120 mq) impiega un paio di ore e deve fare la pausa di ricarica. Se la vaschetta raccogli polvere e la batteria fossero stati pi prestanti sarebbe stato meglio..
    Manca anche la spazzola laterale presente in altri modelli e che mi sembra abbastanza utile. Nel complesso comunque un acquisto che davvero migliora la qualit di vita (frenetica) di ognuno di noi. Lo sto consigliando a tutti gli amici!

  58. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto ottimo , funziona bene aspiraZione potente la configuraZione qualche intoppo iniziale ma poi tutto tutto si risolto sono contenta di questo acquisto

  59. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Angeliefert wird der Neato Robotics D450 mit einer Ladestation, zwei Netzkabeln (EU/US), zwei Ersatzfilter, einem Reinigungskamm, einer Spiral-Kombibrste fr Tierhaare und einer deutschen Gebrauchsanweisung. Dabei kommt auch direkt der erste Kritikpunkt: die Reinigung wird in der Gebrauchsanweisung nicht beschrieben und es dauert schon eine Zeit, bis man herausgefunden hat, wie es funktioniert. Zudem ist die Reinigung des Filters aus meiner Sicht etwas aufwndig mit dem beigelieferten Kamm, denn die Staubflusen lassen sich damit nicht so ganz entfernen.
    Der Neato navigiert sich mit Hilfe eines 360-Lasers von Raum zu Raum, dabei kann man ihn mit einer App ber Putzplne oder manuell steuern. Der herausragende Laser fhrt allerdings dazu, dass der Neato im Gegensatz zu anderen Saugern etwas hher ist und daher nicht mehr unter Hindernissen durchfahren kann, die die andern (z.B. Roomba). Zustzlich ist die Steuerung natrlich auch am Roboter direkt mglich. Die Saugleistung wird dabei nicht automatisch der Umgebung angepasst, sondern kann in der App auf “ECO” oder “TURBO” eingestellt werden. Zudem knnen hier Zeitplne festgelegt werden und nach der Erstellung der ersten Karte hat man die Mglichkeit sogenannte NoGo-Zonen einzurichten.
    Starre Hindernisse wie Tisch- und Stuhlbeine sind kein Probelm und werden einfach umkurvt. Durch die D-Form kommt der Neato auch gut in die Ecken und befreit sich in engeren Situationen, indem er sich hinten einfach anhebt. Dabei stt er aber auch schon mal unsanft gegen die Mbel, was mir nicht so gut gefllt. Auch mit Metallstreben bei Mbeln hat er einige Schwierigkeiten beim berfahren. Dort kann es passieren, dass er sich festfhrt. Aber es gibt ja die Mglichkeit, diese Zonen einfach mit einer NoGo-Linie zu sperren. Mit losen Kabeln kommt er allerdings wie viele andere seiner Kollegen nicht klar. Hier muss man den Raum halt vorbereiten. Nach einem kurzen Scan fhrt der Sauger den Raum linienweise ab, was meist zu einer vollstndigen Abdeckung und einer schnellen Arbeitsweise fhrt. Das gefllt mir besser als bei meinem alten Roomba, der das nach dem Zufallsprinzip macht. Allerdings erkannte dieser besser stark verschmutzte Flchen und hat diese dann im Kreismodus ergiebig gereinigt.
    Der Neato schafft in etwa ein greres Wohnzimmer (ca 50 m, Fliesenboden) in einem Durchgang und kehrt dann selbstndig wieder zu seiner Ladestation zurck. Die Reinigungswirkung ist gut, da wir keine Teppichbden haben, kann ich hierzu keine Angaben machen. Auch auf einem Korkboden im Obergeschoss bin ich mit der Reinigungsleistung sehr zufrieden.
    Insgesamt ist der D 450 ein guter Staubsaugerroboter, der mich durch die gute, systematische Navigation in Linienform, eine gute Reinigungsleistung und eine funktionale App berzeugt hat. An Ecken und Kanten ist die Reinigung nicht ganz optimal, was sicherlich auch an der fehlednen Seitenbrste liegt. Bei der Navigation in engen Bereichen sollte er etwas sanfter manvrieren und lieber einmal um Hilfe rufen. Gut finde ich die Mglichkeit des Akku-Wechsels und die insgesamt solide Verarbeitung. Daher gute 4 Sterne!

  60. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOttimo prodotto, esegue perfettamente le sue operazioni di pulizia, anche se in alcuni angoli e battiscopa non riesce a rendere perfetto come al centro.
    Ottima la durata anche se richiede pi di una ricarica durante la pulizia, ma va in automatico alla base quindi nessun problema.
    Peccato per la mancanza della pulizia a zona, la pulizia viene eseguita sempre per tutta la mappa, interessante la memorizzazione dei punti gi puliti cos da non ripassare a poche ore di distanza.
    Manca la richiesta della sua posizione, mentre lavora non si pu chiedere in quale ambiente si trova, ma se si blocca per qualche motivo emette un suono.
    Peccato la mancanza della possibilit di inserire il dispositivo in casa intelligente di Alexa, perch la skill non compatibile attualmente con casa intelligente di alexa, impedendo di fatto l’inserimento del robot in una routine, ma comunque compatibile con i comandi vocali di alexa.
    Nel complesso ottimo prodotto, configurazione facile e pulizia eccellente o quasi.
    Emette un po’ di rumore durante la pulizia ma sopportabile. Possibilit di creare muri virtuali oltre i quali il robot non deve andare ma peccato per la mancanza della pulizia a zone, speriamo venga inserito come aggiornamento software

  61. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersFantastico con il fatto di avere la mappatura do casa passa ovunque e fa il suo pi di quello che mi aspettavo

  62. TWS says:


    Neato Robotics nos presenta su nueva gama de robots aspirador, que no te dejara indiferente, en especial el modelo D450 edicin mascotas, un robot aspirador muy inteligente y que realiza su trabajo como ningn robot aspirador que yo haya probado antes, es una maravilla de la ingeniera

    En la serie D450 encontramos dos modelos la edicin bsica, y la edicin mascotas, la diferencia entre ambos reside mayormente en los cepillos usados, y sus recambios, tecnolgicamente el robot aspirador es el mismo

    El uso
    La experiencia de uso ha sido increble, yo recomiendo lo primero de todo ver el video explicativo que disponemos en su aplicacin Neato, la cual podremos descargar desde nuestra tienda de aplicaciones, nos sacara de muchas dudas, ya que no funciona igual que cualquier otro robot que hayamos tenido, y lo digo, porque yo que vengo de roomba y me paso, y crea que el robot tena un fallo y no es as

    Lo primero a tener en cuenta es el sitio donde vallamos a ubicar la base, es muy importante tener una distancia de 1 metro como mnimo entre los laterales y no tener nada por encima de la base, y si movemos la base posteriormente de haberlo sincronizado nos dar error, y no funcionar correctamente, tendremos que borrar el mapa y volver a crearlo de nuevo

    A continuacin, desde la app descargada nos ira indicando muy fcilmente la sincronizacin y el uso, es muy sencillo y cmodo realizarlo, la app nos dar la opcin una vez creado el mapa crear las lneas de limite, estas lneas limitan al robot a que pase, se recomiendas crearlas unos milmetros antes del sitio que no queremos que no cruce

    Neato D450 funciona con Wi-fi en la red 2,4Ghz nicamente, con respeto a su Skill para que funcione con Alexa, a da de hoy y despus de hablar con el servicio tcnico an no est disponible en Espaa pero me indican que a lo largo de este ao si lo estar, es decir de momento no lo podremos utilizar con Alexa, pero no hay problema con la app de Neato desde cualquier punto del planeta siempre que dispongamos de conexin la podremos activar y usar

    En referencia a la Limpieza es de 10, increble la aspiracin que realiza este robot, el patrn tan inteligente que usa este robot no dejndose ni un solo rincn olvidado, como digo vengo de roomba y sabemos que dicho robot es redondo y por esto mismo no puede limpiar las esquinas, pues bien, Neato no tiene este problema, y las esquinas las limpia perfectamente arrimndose al mximo en la pared y limpiando cada esquina y rincn

    Yo tengo dos perros un yorkshire y un chiguagua el chiguagua cuando cambia de pelo es terrible y ahora est en ese momento, este modelo limpia como ni siquiera muchas aspiradoras de mano lo hace, es perfecta para cualquier mascota que tengamos, adems el comportamiento con mis perros es perfecto pues si lo detecta cambia de direccin, y es que este robot es muy inteligente, limpia muy inteligente incluso yo he visto como ha abierto una puerta a un cuarto de estar cerrada, me ha sorprendido mucho

    Tanto la app como el robot son actualizados peridicamente, esto es muy bueno pues cualquier fallo o carencia la solucionaran en el futuro

    Lo peor:
    Si el robot se queda atrapado y lo llevamos a su base al no haber terminado nos dar error al comenzar de nuevo, yo la nica manera que lo he podido solucionar es reseteando el mapa y volvindolo a crear

    No me gusta que el mapa de nuestra casa se suba a una nube lo veo innecesario son datos privado que no sabemos que harn con ellos

  63. eliben says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Pour que ce genre d’appareil fonctionne bien, il faut avoir un logement sans trop de meubles, car sinon devient vite une galre nettoyer. En effet l’appareil se coincera et ne fera pas toutes vos pices.
    Je retiens ces points positifs :
    -l’application est facile d’utilisation,
    -l’appareil se programme, donc peut travailler quand vous tes absent,
    -il fait les coins,

    Les points ngatifs l’ensemble de ces produits :
    -les brosses doivent tre nettoyes rgulirement et c’est galre nettoyer
    -le compartiment poussire doit tre vid tous les jours, sinon vous abmez votre appareil car la capacit n’est pas extraordinaire non plus.

    Ceci tant dit, cet appareil me permet de passer l’aspirateur moins souvent moi-mme. Donc, au final, j’aime bien mon Naeto.

  64. KristaGrover says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersUn aspirateur qui rpond bien au attente. Il aspire tout sans problme les tapis et les sol carreler, mme dans les coin, tout en faisant, moins de bruit que la premire version qui ma dure 5 ans, le NEATO BOTVAC 85 et en ne cognant pas mes meubles.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe den Neato Robotics D450 Exclusive Tier Edition jetzt einige Wochen ausprobiert. Das Einrichten geht, wenn man der Anweisung folgt, recht einfach. Natrlich braucht man eine App, die man sich kostenlos herunterladen kann. Okay, man knnte jetzt auch den Saugroboter einfach so starten, ohne App, aber dabei wrden viele Vorteile flten gehen.

    Als erstes baut man die Ladestation auf dem Boden auf. Diese bleibt dort, wo sie ist und muss vom Neato angefahren werden knnen. Dann ldt man sich die App runter und kann starten…

    ber die App (Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung: auch hier) ist es mglich, den Neato ber das heimische WLAN – Netz (Key bereitlegen!) zu koppeln, dann zu starten. ber die App kann man im Folgenden auch dem Neato “sagen”, dass er an die Docking – Station (z.B. zum Aufladen) fahren soll. Auch kann man ber die App den Neato pausieren lassen oder eine Zeit einstellen, in der der Roboter eigenstndig losfhrt und saugt. Beim Saugen zeichnet der Roboter auf, wo er langfhrt und erstellt so eine “Landkarte” der Wohnung, eine Art Grundriss, wo er langgefahren ist. Auf dieser Karte kann man markieren, wo die Zonen sein sollen, wo der Neato nicht langfahren soll. Ich z.B. habe eine Stelle, wo stndig ein Kabel auf dem Boden liegt (sehr klein, welches er auch beim ersten Mal “gefressen” hat – ich konnte es aber wieder herausziehen…). Da “darf” er nun also nicht mehr langfahren.

    Der Neato tastet sich vor, fhrt beispielsweise gegen eine Wand, dreht dann und ertastet sich seinen Weg in jede befahrbare Gegend. In meiner 70 Quadratmeter-Wohnung gab es teilweise Probleme: Er fand den Flur zuerst nicht, mit der Zeit aber dann schon und so fand er auch den Weg in die Kche. Dauerte nur etwas. Ein wenig kann man ihn ja auch “lenken” (einfach in den Weg stellen), so dass er seinen Weg findet… und er merkt sich ja, wo er berall war (ber die App).

    Beim zweiten Gebrauch lies er sich nicht koppeln. Ich lschte die gesamten Einstellungen (bzw. den Neato in der App) und koppelte ihn neu. Seither geht es wieder.

    Der Neato saugt normalen “Staubsauger-Schmutz” ohne Probleme auf (Grobes, besonders Kabel vorher hochlegen / entfernen!). Er fhrt auch gerne unter Betten, wo ich ungern sauge. Das ist jetzt viel besser – dort ist nun quasi kein Staub mehr. Allerdings muss er sich erstmal merken, wo er berall hin kann und soll. Dazu muss er gelegentlich viele Male einen Weg absaugen, ehe er merkt: “Ach, da ist ja noch ein Durchgang!”…

    Wenn er fertig gesaugt hat, fhrt er von selbst zur Docking-Station und ldt sich auf. Toll!

    Das Leeren des Neato ist einfach. Klappe auf: Fach herausnehmen, ber einer Mlltte oder einem Karton ausklopfen und das evtl. “Grobe” in Filter und Fach per Hand reinigen.

    Die App bekam krzlich ein Update, welches (auch?) an den Neato via WLAN bertragen wurde.

    Fazit: Es ist dem Neato anzumerken, dass er (leidlich) intelligent saugt. Es ist eine Freude und erinnert an einen SciFi-Film, wenn man ihm bei der Arbeit zusieht. Die Arbeit, die er verrichtet ist irgendwo zwischen “gut” und “befriedigend” anzusiedeln. Dabei besticht seine tolle Leistung unter den Betten! Durch die Updates ist die Leistung noch steigerbar, nehme ich an. Ich bin zufrieden. Der Preis ist natrlich sehr hoch, aber das ist auch schon besondere Technologie.

  66. DaveGleeson says:

     United Kingdom

    Since I saw the first of the robot vacuum cleaners, I have always been put off by the question of how good the clean would be plus how it would handle some of the more tricky aspects of rooms, such as moving between rooms and navigating slight changes of height and rugs. Given it’s been quite a while now since the first of these came out, I hoped that things had stabilised somewhat and gave this one a go.

    Setup is pretty straightforward, you plug the base into the wall then connect from the app to the bot, then the bot connects to your wifi. The connection in the first place I tried (where other items have a solid signal) wasn’t great but moving it closer the set up was then easy. First thing you send it off on is a mapping run, which heads off around your rooms bumping into things and scanning to create a floor plan which then shows up in your app. For me this was pretty accurate and only took about 40 mins, with the option to then draw lines to show the robot where absolutely not to go.

    In terms of the actual clean, this was impressive, the shape gave it the ability to get into the corners and it picked up a reasonable amount of stuff. The container aims to do 90 mins of cleaning before you need to empty it, while additional rollers and filters are also provided in the box for you to change over. In terms of navigation, it doesn’t do the same route you would as a human but does cover all the areas and find it’s way out of the door as long as they were at about 45 degrees. Rugs seemed to be no problem, neither did steps up to a couple of cm as the robot makes multiple attempts to cross these thresholds – first directly at speed and then at an angle which solved most problems. If it does get into trouble, beeps alert you to rescue it and you can put a line onto the floor plan in the app to stop it going there in future.

    Overall therefore, this did a much better job of a number of things than I expected and overcame most of my concerns. While some of the navigation still seems a little primitive and emptying every 90 minutes and moving it over the larger steps is a bit annoying the fact that my house can be cleaner when I get back than when I left makes up for most of that. If you’re hesitant like I was, it may be worth giving it a try.

  67. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought this second hand on the Amazon website. The described damage cannot be seen, the device looks new. It was easy to set-up and the app is super handy, I can basically set it off from anywhere in the world whenever I want to. As a dog owner, it was important for it to vacuum well and it completes that task. Sure, we have to remove some cables, and mats in the bathroom, but that is easy and not really a hassle. The filter is full after every cleaning cycle so it won’t manage two cycles without being emptied but that is mainly due to us having a large apartment and a dog that loses hair. Definitely a worthwhile purchase.

  68. Anonymous says:


    Oggi con i dispositivi intelligenti fare le faccende di casa tutto pi facile, visto che
    gran parte fanno tutto loro.
    Il robot in questione un Neato D450 Premium Pet Edition, questo modello ha
    un’intelligenza molto intuitiva con la sua mappatura laser e Wi-Fi, e infatti grazie alla
    mappatura dell’ambiente entra in azione, e avendo tracciato percorsi con la funzione
    laser smart, nella completa autonomia pulisce ogni angolo della nostra casa, favorisce
    la pulizia anche di piccoli angoli, la sua caratteristica forma a trapezio, queste caratteristiche
    fanno si che Neato si possa muovere senza mai girare a vuoto, avendo memorizzato i
    percorsi gi puliti, passando di stanza in stanza, questo apparecchio ideale
    per raccogliere i peli di animali, non perch abbia animali in casa, ma raccoglie comunque
    i capelli svolazzanti, ne perdiamo anche noi tanti al giorno, questo ha la compatibilit con
    i sistemi Alexa.
    Per quanto concerne la sua installazione, abbastanza facile e immediata, nel manuale
    di istallazione troviamo anche come prenderci cura del robot per una corretta manutenzione
    e pulizia, a corredo del dispositivo troviamo anche i cavi di collegamento e la base di ricarica,
    non troveremo il telecomando in quanto azionabile e gestibile con la app dedicata, la
    connessione molto intuitiva e semplice, i passaggi sono esplicati sia sul manuale che nella
    stessa app, e in poco tempo avremo il nostro Neato pronto per entrare in opera, quindi dal
    nostro dispositivo mobile avremo a disposizione tutte le funzionalit che come gi detto
    sono la mappatura, avviare le pulizie, come programmarle, impostare le modalit di pulizia
    e impostare anche il raggio d’azione, ecc.
    La facilit e l’immediatezza d’uso sono garantite dalla capacit di pulire su ogni tipo
    di pavimento (parquet, piastrelle, moquette), tappeti compresi; riesce anche laddove
    non riesco, una pulizia veramente a tutto raggio che mi ha soddisfatta, anche il pulviscolo
    pi insignificante stato intercettato e rimosso, compresi i capelli svolazzanti, peccato per
    la mancanza delle spazzole laterali.
    Ormai nelle faccende domestiche con questo genere di apparecchi siamo proiettati
    nel futuro, per una casa pi smart.
    Non avendo il telecomando sul dispositivo sono presenti pochi ed essenziali tasti,
    che sono il tasto ON/OFF, questo doppio in quanto da un lato per l’effettiva accensione,
    dall’altro per la funzionalit per la pulizia completa della casa o parziale, queste due
    differenti modalit le riscontriamo nell’accensione delle luci LED.
    Un buon prodotto tecnologicamente avanzato, funzionale , sicuramente un valido aiuto che
    fa ridurre il tempo delle faccende domestiche, anzi fa tutto lui.
    Veramente un bel dispositivo, che fa diventare un gioco fare le faccende di casa,
    con una buona autonomia.

  69. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIl y a quelques annes j’avais achet un robot Kobold donn comme un Neato amlior par la prsence de brosses sur les cts avant. Il en reprenait le fonctionnement.
    Aussi j’ai t intress pour tester ce Neato de nouvelle gnration.
    Tout d’abord, il faut savoir qu’il existe 2 principes de balayage:
    1) le balayage alatoire o le robot erre au gr de sa fantaisie. Il en rsulte un temps assez long pour faire toute la pice, ce qui ncessite une batterie de grande capacit,
    2) le balayage dit intelligent o le robot est surmont d’une tourelle possdant un laser. Ce laser scanne la pice balayer et dmarre un nettoyage par bandes adjacentes. Ce balayage est plus rapide et peut se contenter d’une batterie plus petite. C’est le cas du Kobold et du Neato.
    Ensuite, un autre point important est la capacit faire les angles et les bandes. Les robots en forment de D sont mieux adapts cela avec leur face au carr pousant mieux les angles. C’est le cas du Kobold et du Neato.
    Ce nettoyage des bords peut tre amlior par la prsence d’une ou de 2 brosses latrales allant chercher la poussire dans les angles. Le kobold possde 2 brosses, ce Neato, modle D4, n’en possde pas. Le modle D6 en possde une du ct droit.
    Un dernier point considrer est la distance entre la fin de la brosse et le bord du robot, permettant celle-ci de s’approcher au mieux des plinthes. Pour ce robot, la distance droite est de 1.5 cm, qui correspond la zone oublie en l’absence de brosse.
    Ce robot est dit connect. On peut l’associer un smartphone qui permet de mmoriser une cartographie de la pice et de programmer un mode doux le faisant se cogner moins violemment dans les meubles.
    J’ai eu quelques difficults tablir la connexion avec mon smartphone et je n’ai pas encore bien compris comment grer cette cartographie. Les explications sont trop succinctes. Cependant, j’ai constat que le robot vitait mieux les obstacles une fois un apprentissage fait. Le modle D4 ne peut stocker qu’une carte alors que le D6 peut en mmoriser plusieurs. Mais, je trouve qu’il s’agit plus d’un gadget que d’une relle efficacit.
    Et il n’y a aucun cran de contrle. Avec le bouton, on ne peut que lancer un nettoyage basique. Toutes les autres fonctions ne sont accessibles que via l’application. Un epu dommage.
    Ce robot est livr avec 1 brosse et 2 filtres supplmentaires. Un petit peigne utilis pour nettoyer la brosse complte le kit. Mais je ne peux que conseiller de nettoyer brosse et filtre au compresseur d’air si on a la change d’en avoir un.
    Le robot arrive avec 2 cordons secteurs: 1 avec prise europenne, 1 avec prise anglaise.
    La base est suffisamment lourde pour ne pas bouger sous la pousse du robot qui vient s’y connecter. C’est un dtail mais qui n’est pas le cas pour d’autres marques.
    Son efficacit est surtout intressante pour nettoyer sous les meubles ou sous les lits. Plus besoin de se mettre quatre pattes ou de se faire un tour de rein.
    En conclusion, je dirais que ce robot fait parti du haut de gamme , tant pour le prix que pour l’efficacit, mais qu’il sera toujours complter avec un aspirateur sans fil type Dyson pour finir les coins.
    Et, pour la diffrence de prix, arriv ce niveau de 460 , mettez 100 de plus pour le D6 . Le kobold VR300 est, quant lui, nettement plus cher.

  70. ClaudioStroud says:


    Da quando sono stati immessi sul mercato sono sempre stato scettico nei confronti di questi robot che vantano di tenere casa spazzata in totale autonomia addirittura ricaricandosi da soli tornando alla base..
    Mi poi capitata l’occasione di provare questo e nono me la sono lasciata sfuggire.

    Nella confezione c’ il robot, la base di ricarica, una striscia di gomma magnetica e i seguenti ricambi: una spazzola, uno spazzolino laterale e 2 filtri.

    Le dimensioni del robot non sono ridottissime, 33×31 cm, e pesa pi di 3 kg e mezzo, questa cosa all’inizio mi ha un attimo spiazzato ma dopo averlo utilizzato mi sembra quasi impossibile, considerati i risultati, che un aggeggio cos piccolo possa fare cos tanto.

    Metterlo in funzione facilissimo, basta scaricare l’app e creare un account, piazzare la base di ricarica appoggiata ad un muro, registrare il robot sull’app come da libretto di istruzioni e siamo pronti!

    Prima di fargli fare la prima scansione della casa e anche le successive pulizie meglio mettere le sedie sul tavolo e spostare gli oggetti che possono essere di intralcio, ovviamente lui li evita o li incontra e cambia strada per lasciargli campo libero significa una migliore pulizia della casa.

    Una volta predisposto tutto appoggiarlo alla base, aspettare che si completamente carico e far partire dall’app la prima pulizia con scansione degli ambienti, cio il robot far vari giri per mappare la casa e poter poi successivamente effettuare la pulizia in modo pi preciso.

    Ho allegato uno screenshot della mappa del piano terra di casa mia per farvi capire quanto sia preciso, ha rilevato anche i piedi del tavolo in cucina e del tavolino in salotto, salito sui tappeti e si infilato sotto una poltroncina rimanendo bloccato per un po’ ma dopo vari tentativi ha trovato la via per uscire, non l’avrei mai detto.
    In una sola occasione sono dovuto intervenire in quanto rimasto incastrato nel perno di ferro alto circa 2 cm che esce dal pavimento dietro la porta per fissarla; in quel punto non ce lo far passare pi perch non voglio si danneggi.
    Una volta finita la pulizia e scansione torna da solo alla base, si ricarica e aspetta in standby che gli diate il compito di effettuare la pulizia o quando lo ritenete opportuno o programmandola dall’app.

    Mi ha colpito positivamente anche il poco rumore che fa.

    La prima scansione con pulizia l’ha fatta in 42 minuti per un piano di circa 35 mq, con l’autonomia di batteria dichiarata avrebbe potuto fare molto di pi,

    La pulizia dei filtri e delle spazzole va fatta ogni volta che il robot termina una pulizia, ne va della sua longevit, il contenitore non , per forza di cose, capientissimo e va svuotato e inoltre occorre rimuovere i capelli o altri fili dalla spazzola perch se si accumulano ne bloccano il movimento rovinando il robot. Operazione di pochi minuti che nulla ci costa se consideriamo il tempo risparmiato per non aver spazzato tutta casa..

    Altra funzione a mio avviso fantastica quella di poter tracciare con il dito delle linee sulla mappa della casa per creare una sorta di barriera invisibile che il robot non passer; io uso questa funzione per impedirgli di andare dietro la porta dove c’ il pomellino che lo fa incastrare o pu servire quando non vogliamo farlo avvicinare alle scale per non fargli fare un volo o semplicemente vogliamo tenere le porte aperte di tutte le stanze ma non farlo entrare in una determinata.
    Per chi volesse c’ anche la striscia di gomma magnetica che si posa per terra e il robot quando vi si avvicina la rileva e non va oltre, ottima per definire com massima accuratezza, ad esempio, lo spazio destinato alle ciotole dell’acqua degli animali che se urtate potrebbero versare liquido o per tenerlo lontano da altri oggetti delicati. La striscia si pu tagliare e va fissata al pavimento con del nastro biadesvo.

    Come si vede dalle foto allegate funziona e come, usarlo anche una volta al giorno consente di avere una casa costantemente pulita e per chi, come me, ha dei bimbi che vanno e vengono dal cortile, vanno mangiando biscotti in giro etc etc trovare al mattino casa spazzata una grande cosa, una veloce lavata prima che le pesti si sveglino e non ci dobbiamo pi preoccupare di casa non pulita se rientriamo con qualche amico incontrato per strada.
    Il costo alto rispetto ai molti modelli economici di cui non ho sentito parlare un po’ maluccio, diversamente molto inferiore rispetto alla marca pi nota ma, considerate funzioni e risultati che ho ottenuto, non credo abbia molto da invidiargli

    Un altro passo avanti verso l’autonomia domestica..

    Ottimo robot, spazza bene e la mappatura è ben realizzata e gestita

  71. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersProgramm pour passer 4 fois par semaine, le robot est un parfait assistant. Aprs avoir cartographier la surface il passe partout, mme sous les meubles bas condition d’avoir au moins 10cm de hauteur. Rservoir facile manipuler lors du vidage que je fais aprs chaque passage car j’ai un chien et 2 chats donc beaucoup de poils. videmment, lui laisser l’espace libre sinon il peut se coincer. Envoie un message sur le smartphone ds qu’il a fini de travailler. Trs bon rapport qualit /prix. Je ne regrette pas mon achat. videmment, cela ne dispense pas un nettoyage plus fond dans la semaine mais cela maintient la maison propre en attendant.

  72. [email protected] Dan Forcella says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our Users“Alexa, ask Neato to clean the house”. That’s it, off it goes. So easy!
    Initial set-up via the app is just a matter of registering an account with Neato (from California, of course) and getting it visible on the WiFi. Find a space to put the charger/docking station, charge up and off it goes. It explored and mapped our complex, cluttered ground floor and did a good job of cleaning all surfaces from hardwood flooring through carpets to a very long-pile rug. It gets over the thresholds well with a rise of its wheels and makes a valiant attempt at getting over Ikea chair frames 30mm high.
    If it runs out of charge it goes back home, charges up and then goes and finishes. After two or three goes it has established a good map of four rooms and a hallway. You do need a quick check of the floor for trailing cables which can get wound round the wheels. The app can establish “no go lines” but I found it easier just to tidy up the floors and walk round to check before I set if off (with Alexa of course). When I get fully confident I’ll set a schedule to go in the middle of the night.
    The app shows the status if the flashing lights don’t make sense, e.g. empty the bin and clean the filter. That’s a really easy process, every two or three cleans – I use a hand-held vacuum from a well-known British inventor to clean the filter.
    This model is marketed for pet hair. We don’t have that problem but the very clean carpets and rugs suggest it would be effective at that.
    Like Daleks, it can’t climb stairs and this model (D4 on the box, actually D450 Premium Pet Edition) only supports a single map, so if you want to do another floor it forgets the map and starts mapping again. Other models do have multiple maps.
    It’s not perfect at cleaning edges as it just has roller brushes – other models do have edge brushes.
    Our non-robot real human cleaner was not offended at Neato’s arrival – she has plenty of other stuff to do and appreciated the good job it does.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis is our second robot. Our other is the Samsung PowerBot VR7000, which this year has dropped to about the same price as the Neato. This review will compare them.

    The Neato D4 sits in the middle of the range, with the D7 at the top.

    The Neato comes very nicely packaged, and with more spare brushes than with the Samsung, so a plus there. Neato makes some play about its D-shape, but it is almost identical in size and shape to the Samsung, and for the same cleaning-related reasons. Basically, a round unit can’t reach into a corner. It’s a round-peg-in-square-hole situation, meaning the D-shape is a big advantage.

    The Neato is easy to operate. Press a button and it starts cleaning. It cleans much quicker than the Samsung, but I don’t think it is as thorough. The Samsung makes more of an effort to get close to complex shapes, such as toilet bowls and bins, and around table and chair legs. The Neato seems to do better at a quick clean. The Samsung adjusts for carpeted and hard flooring, whereas the Neato does not. Both are good at coping with cliff edges, such as the stop of the stairs. Both have a lift-up feature to raise itself off things it has got stuck on.

    One big plus with the Neato is that it is MUCH better at handling rug fringes and shoe laces than the Samsung. For the Samsung, we have to remove all such obstacles because it will get tangled in them. Neato recommends folding over rug fringes but I’ve found that’s not necessary.

    The Neato returns to base much quicker than the Samsung, though it does sit for a while to think about where it is before heading for the base. However, the base seems to need much more space around it than the Samsung base.
    The Neato cleans very well despite not being cyclone. It picks up dirt from hard a soft floors as good as a conventional vacuum cleaner, but the Samsung’s power adjustment is better. The Samsung is better at picking up bigger bits, but the Neato seems better on pet hair. However, the Samsung has an impressive edge-cleaning feature that extends out automatically to get right into edges. The Samsung also gets through narrower gaps, which means it reaches parts of rooms that the Neato simply does not.

    Now for control. The Neato wins convincingly in every respect except spot cleaning. The Samsung has a dedicated remote control unit. This allows you to simply point at a place on the floor, and the Samsung will go to that point, cleaning it, and then return to base. Both machines are mainly control via smart phone apps and Wi-Fi. Samsung uses Smart Things, whereas Neato uses in-house software. I found Smart Things a pain to set up. The Neato was relatively easy. Neato uses a map, which you can draw on to mark no-go areas. The Samsung simply does not have this, and relies on sentries that you place a no-go barrier. Neato’s solution is vastly less expensive magnetic boundary marker tape.

    Alas, I haven’t got Alex here, so could not try it. However, I do hear good things about it.
    We use the Samsung downstairs and the Neato upstairs. Interestingly, if you put them both on the same floor, they get along well, even when they collide, and the controls and apps don’t seem to conflict.

    The VR7000 is more sophisticated and powerful cyclone machine. It came out in January2018. The D4 came out in August 2018. In this very fast-evolving market, eight months has seen prices fall and features rise. The Neato is easier to use, quicker to do the job, and has better. The Samsung is more thorough and gets into tighter spaces.

    Of the two, I have to say I prefer the Neato D4. Spot cleaning is a faff but, apart from that, it is quicker, handles tangle dangers better, is easier to control, is better for pet hair, and the Neato no-go barrier solution is far more cost-effective.

  74. PorterMettler says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Mein bisheriger Saugroboter war ein Deebot 600, der ber keine Kartenerstellung verfgt und mehr oder weniger gut meine Wohnung gesaugt hat. An ihm hat mich immer gestrt dass er manchmal die Kche oder das Wohnzimmer doppelt gesaugt hat und dafr Badezimmer oder Schlafzimmer ausgelassen hat. Ausserdem schob er gerne die Fressnpfe meiner Katze durch die Gegend und Kabel mussten aus dem Weg gerumt werden.

    Ich hatte nun ein paar Tage Zeit um mich an den Neato 405 als neue Haushaltshilfe zu gewhnen und stelle folgende Vorteile und Kritikpunkte fest.

    + Es ist zwar etwas schwierig Mbel auf der sehr kleinen Karte, die der Neato erstellt auszumachen und No-Go Linien einzuzeichnen, aber hat man dies geschafft klappt es wirklich tadellos! Fressnpfe sind immer noch an Ort und Stelle wenn ich nach Hause komme und Neato hat sich auch nicht unter dem Aneboda Ikea Schrank festgefahren (da passt er nmlich nicht richtig drunter)
    + Die Saugleistung ist sehr gut. berall wo er war ist es auch wirklich sauber. Katzenstreu ist kein Problem.
    + Jeder Raum wird gesaugt
    + Die Zeitplanerstellung funktioniert einwandfrei.
    + Er navigiert vorsichtig und ist sanft zu Mbeln
    + Seine Ladestation findet er zuverlssig und schnell!

    – Der Neato ist um ein vielfaches lauter als der Deebot 600. Man sollte ihn wirklich eher dann saugen lassen, wenn man nicht zuhause ist. Wer einen leisen Robo sucht, der vor allem saugen soll wenn Leute im Haus sind, ist mit dem Neato 405 nicht gut beraten.
    – Er ist ziemlich gro und lsst meine Tischgruppe mit 6 Sthlen daher leider komplett aus, weil er nicht zwischen die Stuhlbeine passt
    – Er verfgt ber keine Seitenbrsten und ist an Kanten nicht so grndlich
    – Das Gehuse ist weniger chic und robust als beim Deebot 600. Er bekommt schnell Kratzer.
    – einzelne Rume werden nicht grndlich genug gesaugt. Mein Bad saugt er beispielsweise jeden Tag nur zur Hlfte.

    Alles in allem haben beide Roboter ihre Vor- und Nachteile. Den Neato kann ich aber empfehlen wenn einem die No-Go Funktion sehr wichtig ist. Aus diesem Grund wird er auch nun den Deebot bei mir ablsen. Ich kann ihn sorglos saugen lassen wenn ich aus dem Haus gehe.

  75. CarrolEllison says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve had ‘Bob’ and ‘Bert’ for some time now. Bob was a Neato from 2 years ago and Bert is the new PET version of Bob.

    So things you need to know.

    1. Make sure all your cables are off the floor. Bob and Bert love to try and eat these and can get tangled and stuck. Same for long curtains or curtains with tassels.
    2. Make sure ALL doors are WIDE OPEN. Remember the robot will try and clean behind the door and may nudge the door closed and effectively trap itself in the room.
    3. You may want to set Bob running before you go to bed … *but* remember if the robot gets stuck he’ll text you again and again saying he’s stuck and come and help him. Not so much fun if it’s 4am. Best let them run around when you’re out shopping.
    4. Remember to empty the dust box EVERY time. It’s only small so it will fill almost every clean.
    5. USE the ROBOT. I went on holiday and shut him down and then didn’t set him going again for another few weeks. when I finally did he was dead. I was advised to buy a new battery but through sheer persistence of draining the robot then fully charging and draining about 6 days in a row it finally got full capacity back into the battery. USE IT OR LOSE IT.
    6. Keep yourself and the robot up to date and make sure it can access your home network while it’s charging.
    7. You’ll find that because Bob only has one corner brush he will have a specific route he will travel to keep that brush wall side. Miele Scouts have two brushes so clean a room quicker … but who cares? Bob works methodically and carefully and still gets the job done … and is a lot cheaper.
    8) Replacement filters and brushes. Never replace Bob’s brush in 2 years and the filter once. So it’s pretty durable.
    9) Once every 3-4 months give bob a light dusting and shake out …

    Other than that pets (dogs in our case) soon learn to ignore Bob 🙂

  76. Anonymous says:


    Le packaging de ce Neato Botvac D4 (Made in USA) laisse augurer d’un bon produit.
    La dcouverte de l’appareil confirme cette premire impression, de par un matriel prsentant une belle qualit de fabrication et une apparence de robustesse.
    On trouve donc, dans cet emballage, l’aspirateur, la base, ainsi que 2 rallonges lectriques (Une aux normes US, et la suivante aux normes europennes), 2 filtres de rechange, une brosse rotative de remplacement (la premire tant dj en place dans l’appareil), un petit peigne de nettoyage ainsi qu’une notice simplifie.
    L’installation est trs simple, puisqu’il s’agit de brancher la base et d’attendre une premire charge complte. L’application Neato s’installe aisment.
    Cette dernire est assez intuitive et permet de piloter le D4 :
    – Marche/Arrt (Pause)
    – Retour la base
    – Profil de nettoyage (Mode co, avec nettoyage plus silencieux et plus long, ou mode turbo, avec nettoyage plus puissant et aspiration maximale)
    – Navigation douce (on/off)
    – Programmation journalire
    – Cartographie
    Cette dernire option permet au robot de tracer son espace de travail, en effectuant un cycle ne nettoyage spcifique. Cela permet de dfinir des zones ou vous ne souhaitez pas que l’aspirateur intervienne, en dessinant simplement des limites sur le plan restitu par l’appareil.
    Ne reste plus qu’ le mettre en marche.
    Le systme reste un tantinet bruyant, mme en mode eco, mais moins toutefois moins qu’un aspirateur classique. Cela reste correct. Le travail est efficace, bien que je trouve que le trajet suivi est un peu anarchique (Mais pour cet essai, je n’ai pas retir les meubles, tels que les chaises ou autre.). Il semble que sur des grandes surfaces libres, son parcours soit plus linaire.
    Sa forme en D me parait mieux que la forme ronde d’autres modles, et permet plus facilement d’aller dans les coins.
    Une petite diffrence de niveau entre ma cuisine ouverte et le reste de la pice (Environ 1 cm) ne l’a pas empch de passer partout.
    Cycle termin, retour sur sa base. Travail efficace, et cela permet de garder un sol propre entre 2 lessivages (Mais si certaines petites petites zones n’ont pas t couvertes). N’ayant pas d’animaux, je n’ai pas eu l’occasion de vrifier ses aptitudes dans ce domaine.
    (Bien lire les conseils d’entretien du filtre et de la brosse rotative qui ncessitent aussi un petit nettoyage manuel en fonction de l’utilisation faite)
    La notice prconise de laisser un espace libre d’un mtre de chaque ct de cette base. Pour autant, je l’ai place 20 cm d’un meuble, et cela ne semble pas gner le retour au bercail du robot aspirateur.
    Il y a quelques temps encore, il n’y avait pas de compatibilit avec l’assistant google, bien que l’ensemble des informations disaient le contraire.
    C’est aujourd’hui (Enfin !!!) le cas. Neato fait bien partie des marques reconnues pas l’assistant, et les commandes vocales (En franais) fonctionnent trs bien.
    Depuis cette dernire volution, je suis vraiment satisfait par cet aspirateur.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The Neato Botvac D450 seems to be a slightly upgraded version of the D402, but arrives with just simply “D4” on the box, what the exact differences are, I am not sure, but I think the D450 has upgraded brushes and filters from what I can ascertain.

    In any case, the little Botvac makes a great first impression, appearing sturdy, well made and surprisingly (and somehow reassuringly) heavy for its relatively small size. The information provided with it is pretty basic, but the most important info is provided by the accompanying app, which needs to be downloaded from the app store. The package also includes the charging dock and an additional brush bar and 2 spare filters, which I think might be exclusive to the D450? So an excellent first impression with everything having a quality premium feel.

    The Botvac arrived with absolutely no charge at all so the first port of call was to setup the docking station and give it a full charge, which took about 2 hours or so. It was then necessary to go through the setup process on the app, which I won’t go into details with, but suffice to say it is straight forward enough, just follow the on screen instructions.
    Once all setup, I was able to set the D450 off on its first exploratory run. This does take a while, so be patient, especially if you have a couple of failures like I did, but eventually, it should let you know you now have a floor map that the Botvac will now use. Before you start this process, make sure you clear the area to be cleaned of obstacles and ensure any doors are open. Once all this is done you are then all set to schedule when you want the Botvac to run to suite your own needs.

    It is important to note that a good WIFI signal is quite essential for the entire floor that is being cleaned, otherwise you will lose contact between the Botvac and the app. Also, it seems to be little unreliable without A wifi connection. This is one thing I don’t like about this cleaner. I would prefer to be able to stay connected directly and not connect to wifi at all, but I did not see any sign of this being possible, which is a shame.

    In use, the Botvac is surprisingly good. It has managed to navigate our house with relatively little trouble, but it is important to remember not to leave things in the way or leave doors closed. The vac was able to make its way over smaller obstacles like rugs with ease, by raising itself up and essentially climbing over, much to everyone’s delight in this household. It also seems to be able to cover most of the floor space surprisingly well, even going to the trouble to wriggle its way into the smallest of spaces.

    So how good a clean does it do?…a very good one overall. As it takes it’s time and covers just about every inch it can reach, I think it does a better job than many of us can bothered to do. We vacuumed before its first run, but managed to collect plenty more. So expect to need to empty its small basket very regularly.

    On the negative side, the battery does not seem to last anywhere near the 75 advertised minutes. Although I have not timed it, I would say 45 minutes to an hour max. The ability to have multiple floor plans mapped is not available for this model so using this on more than one floor is not really viable, which is a real shame. The app is also a little on the poor side. I have experienced a couple of crashes and some usability and reliability issues, nothing show stopping, but not great either. Finally, the prospect of replacing filters, batteries and rollers on a regular basis, could prove expensive if they need changing as often as recommended…time will tell.

    Overall, this is a great Botvac that sometimes feels more like a pet 🙂 but it is not perfect and results will vary by environment, but if you are in the market for a robotic vacuum cleaner, this one is recommended!

  78. EpifaniStillwel says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the first time I’ve ever used an automated ‘robotic’ vacuum cleaner and I was very curious to see how it would negotiate our living room, which is full of obstacles.

    The first thing I did after unpacking the vacuum cleaner was charge it, it appeared to be already charged but I charged it anyway and while it did this I downloaded the app and got it connected to the D450, which was very straightforward. After the charge was complete I then used the app to start the D450 and away it went, carefully navigating our living room. As mentioned before, our living is full of furniture and has a little bit of clutter so on the first run it took the D450 a little while work its way around, but it got there in the end and I was hugely impressed by the way it managed to guide itself around everything.

    It actually managed to vacuum more or less every part of the floor that wasn’t obstructed, before automatically returning to its charging station, which is very cute to watch! Trying it out on our hall and kitchen was even quicker, there’s far less clutter in those areas and the D450 was much speedier vacuuming these areas.

    This is definitely a viable and ultra-convenient alternative to a conventional vacuum cleaner, it’s amazing being able to just switch it on then forget all about it as it diligently vacuums the floor. It’s also not too noisy either, so you can easily get on with other chores uninterrupted. Obviously you will still need to manually vacuum all the nooks and crannies that the D450 can’t get to, as it there’s many places it physically can’t reach, but in terms of taking the hard work out of vacuuming the D450 is superb.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a superb little botvac.

    The pet edition from Amazon includes extra filters and brush bar making it great value.

    It was easy enough to setup as was the alexa integration.

    The vac itself is well made and quite frankly a little marvel!

    Once you have it setup the vac just cracks on. I set mine to go when I leave and it does a pass across the bottom of the house.

    It seems to cope well with objects and the integrated wifi allows for remote use. The way the wheels adjust to overcome changes in floor ie hardfloor to carpet etc is fascinating.

    There are a couple of cleaning modes and despite already having cleaned it surprised me how much additional dust and debris it found.

    Superb and clearly the future.

  80. TMR Research says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI think it is everybody’s dream to be able to do the cleaning with little to no effort.
    Well this goes a long way to fulfilling that dream.
    Easy to setup. You plug in the charging station in a part of the house that is out of the way but gives it easy access and then place it’s back again the charging station and it happily charges. No plugging the vacuum cleaner in direct.

    Once fully charged it is ready to go. You press its button and it shuffles forward a bit. Makes a noise and then starts off.
    It starts working it’s was around the room. I think it is working out the rooms dimensions here and spends a fair time going around before it will start going back and forth in strips doing the central parts.

    I am actually quite impressed with its ability to get into little corners. It works out a way. If there are table legs in the way, if it can find another way around it does. In my office I have a chair where from the side it would not fit so it found it’s way under from the front. The device is smart and intuitive. I took it to my Mums for her to see and it went under her dresser which has only a narrow gap and it cleaned all under there.

    Stairs are no problem. It senses them and stops. Only time it fell down was when I put it directly at top with its back to them. So you need to start it away from the edge so it has time to turn and sense.
    And no unfortunately it won’t do the stairs themselves.

    Obstacles and thick rugs on the floor are something it can overcome. It can raise itself up and if it does get stuck will spend time figuring out how to extract itself and nearly always manages to do so.

    It’s suction is great. When I took it to my Mums she had already vacuumed the day before yet this still picked up a fair amount.

    When it is running low on charge or thinks it has finished it will do a little shuffle the return itself to its charging station on its own which is great.

    It is very easy to open and clear out what it has collected. And it is also very easy to change the filters which can be washed
    under the tap. And it comes with 2 extra filters and a spare sweeper.

    I have not tried the APP and Alexa yet so read other reviews for them but use of those is no requirement. You can run it never using those.

    Overall it is fantastic. I will run it every other day rather than cleaning every fortnight. And though it is still not quite as good as doing it yourself, it is really close.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    + Great suction
    + Thick pile rug and wildly uneven floorboards no problem
    + Life massively improved
    – A little bigger than I thought
    – App not the greatest

    Let’s get over the fact I LOVE this machine and it has changed my life.

    I have a small, cluttered cottage, and it’s been really hard to find a vacuum with enough flexibility to get under the beds and into the inaccessible places. This charming little bot totally does that, and it had solved more or less all my annoyances in one go.

    You have to download an app in order to instruct it, after which it does a little exploratory clean, and maps out your floorplan using its laser sensors. You can then set ‘no go’ areas if you choose, which it will abide by on future cleans.

    We have uneven floors with 200-year-old floorboards abutting 40-year-old adjustments. The D450 dealt with that no problem. Cat hair everywhere: no problem (admittedly, for us, on hard floors). It rolled happily over rugs, leaving them clean, and negotiated our very awkward rooms and under-stair area with ease.

    You do have to empty its little dust collector after each clean, which is easy and no bother to do. It takes about 20-25 minutes to clean our small cottage downstairs.

    The negatives: It’s a little bigger than I thought, so I’m careful to position furniture so the D450 can crawl comfortably past; for our small house that means often putting chairs pretty much in the middle of the room. It simply can’t get into the very small areas (awkward little spots between furniture), so I’m careful to brush dust out of there before I set the D450 off. I can live with that.

    The app is only OK — a lot of negative feedback from App Store regulars, but that’s often to do with WiFi signals and really nothing to do with the D450. It does, however, do the job for me. The feedback I get from the machine is useful: it warns me to empty the dust collector, and also warned me that it needed dusting off so its lasers could operate properly.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The literature for this says you’ll be able to update your app to a multi-floor function (where the bot remembers more than one floor). At time of writing, this is NOT TRUE. That is only true of the D500, D600 and D700 series. I will edit this statement out if/when I am able to update the app to include multi-floor mapping.

  82. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Je suis trs satisfaite de ce robot, je retire une toile car il n’aspire pas bien les coins et il lui arrive de se bloquer sous mon canap, j’ai deux chiens qui perdent beaucoup de poils et il les aspire parfaitement.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Item arrived packaged in a box, in a box, in a Neato box. Fortunately the majority of the triple packaging is recyclable. The Neato Botvac Connected D4 is an impressive fellow – very reminiscent of the robots that populate most of the Star Wars stories.
    It took only a few minutes to unpack, read the informative instructions, download, register and connect to the Neato app and then add the Alexa skill. This was a stress free and relatively simple process.
    You can stick with the default name, or give your Botvac a name of your choosing. You can also choose ‘quiet’ (Eco) or ‘turbo’ mode, as well as ‘Extra Care’.
    After a couple of hours charge Ed 209 was ready for his first mission. Simply press start on the app (or ask Alexa to start your Botvac for you) and Ed 209 tentatively shimmied his way out from his docking station for his first wander around the house. The Botvac first scopes out an area, finds out the boundaries and then covers the area within. Ed 209 copes well with obstacles (in my case cat food dishes and water bowls, a guitar stand, a dining table and chairs and two Swedish wooden chairs) and he will even try climbing over small obstacles to clean inside and out and then will spin round and use the same route for egress.
    Ed 209 is quite powerful, picking up an awful lot of pet hair. Emptying his small dust ‘bag’ (more like a small lunch box) was very easy to achieve.
    Ed 209 covered 36 square metres in 53 minutes vacuuming over carpets, laminates, floor tiles, rugs and doormats with ease. He did have to return to charge himself in mid clean so I went to the pub. Halfway through my meal, I had a message on my phone letting me know he had completed his task. This comes with a floor plan which shows the areas he can and can’t reach.
    Integration with Alexa works well and you can even check your Botvac’s battery level.
    Obviously I still need to do the stairs so will still need a ‘normal’ vacuum for this but otherwise Ed 209 has coped admirably with a multitude of obstacles (including a deaf cat who refused to move for him on his second adventure, eventually she sat on top of him which stopped Ed 209 moving. He was then confused for about five minutes as to what he should be doing)
    I have set up a cleaning schedule, which Ed is sticking to. I have noticed that maintenance may be costly for Ed, as he needs new brushes and filters fairly regularly and these are not cheap.
    However, from first impressions my Botvac is very impressive – simple to setup and operate and very user friendly.

  84. Laura Miller says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Da anni i robot per la pulizia di casa aiutano a risparmiare tempo da poter dedicare ad altro ma sinceramente non l’ho mai ritenuta una cosa indispensabile, almeno fino ad oggi. Ho avuto modo di provare questo nuovo prodotto di NEATO e devo dire che ne sto apprezzando le qualit tanto da farmi dire…se l’avessi provato prima…

    Cominciamo col dire cosa troviamo nella confezione:
    – la base di ricarica
    – due filtri di ricambio
    – una spazzola di ricambio
    – un pettine per la pulizia
    – un cavo con spina schuko
    – un cavo con spina inglese
    – manuale d’uso

    Cosa fare prima di iniziare a far funzionare il NEATO D4? Intanto bisogna posizionare la base di ricarica ed il consiglio che viene dato leggendo il manuale d’uso quello di individuare una presa elettrica che garantisca uno spazio libero a destra, a sinistra e davanti di 1 metro.
    La base di ricarica consente di regolare la lunghezza del filo grazie ad una serie di incavi posti sul retro che accolgono il filo in eccesso.
    Collegata la base occorre avvicinare e poggiare i contatti del robot con quelli della base per avviare il ciclo di ricarica che si completa in circa 2 ore.
    Occorre poi scaricare l’applicazione di NEATO per abbinare il robot al proprio account tramite connessione WI-FI. L’operazione intuitiva ed immediata dal momento che il riconoscimento del robot avvenuto con estrema facilit.

    Ora non resta che iniziare il ciclo di pulizia disponibile, sempre tramite App, in due modalit: ECO per una pulizia pi lunga e tranquilla oppure TURBO per una pulizia superpotente con il massimo di raccolta.
    Durante il primo avvio il robot, grazie alla tecnologia LaserSmart, procede, navigando, alla mappatura della casa.
    Ecco subito la prima sorpresa! Il NEATO D4 se incontra piccoli ostacoli in grado di scavalcarli grazie alle ruote motorizzate estensibili. Nel mio caso, dovendo procedere alla pulizia del pavimento, sotto ad una tavolino da living, ha oltrepassato con stupore la struttura in ferro dello stesso alta circa 2 cm!

    Tramite App possibile anche indicare delle linee di demarcazione virtuali nei punti dove si desidera che il robot non proceda, ad esempio se avete bambini in casa potrebbe essere utile evitare zone dove sono posizionati i loro giochi o se avete animali magari potrebbe essere utile evitare le zone dove posizionate il loro cibo.

    La pulizia si rivela assolutamente accurata grazie alla spazzola di dimensioni generose e soprattutto al profilo a D del robot che lo distingue dai robot di forma circolare che siamo abituati a vedere. In questo modo il NEATO D4 riesce ad aspirare anche negli angoli con estrema facilit.

    Poich l’autonomia del robot di circa 75 minuti, se l’appartamento da pulire richiede pi tempo, torner autonomamente alla sua base di ricarica per riprendere il ciclo di pulizia fino alla conclusione.
    Nel mio caso con una singola ricarica ha pulito 63 mq della mia taverna per poi riprendere dopo il ciclo di ricarica e terminare i restanti mq. Anche la rumorosit accettabile e non disturba pi di tanto.
    Altra chicca dell’App di NEATO la possibilit, terminato il ciclo di pulizia, di visualizzare la mappatura dell’ambiente con evidenziate le zone pulite durante la sessione.

    L’operazione di svuotamento del contenitore da quanto aspirato e la pulizia del filtro molto semplice e viene per altro indicata sull’App quando necessaria.
    Ovviamente la stessa App consente di avviare la pulizia di casa anche quando non si presenti oppure programmandola nei vari giorni e orari della settimana. Personalmente, avendolo visto in azione ora mi fido a lasciarlo lavorare da solo in casa 🙂

    Insomma che dire? Credo proprio che questo robot di NEATO sar un fido compagno per le pulizia di casa concedendoci un po’ pi di tempo libero da dedicare ai nostri interessi.
    Il costo al momento della recensione di circa 580 euro, sicuramente un prezzo importante ma se potete permettervelo il NEATO D4 ha qualit costruttive e caratteristiche tecniche innovative che non vi faranno rimpiangerne l’acquisto.

    design a D
    potenza aspirazione
    supera piccoli ostacoli
    App dedicata
    mappatura zone pulizia completata
    solidit costruttiva



    NEATO D4 : un ottimo alleato per le pulizie in casa!

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThe Neato Botvac Connected D4 arrived for review just after Mrs Helpless had vacuumed our downstairs rooms with a rechargeable vacuum cleaner. Mrs Helpless is not keen on connected technology and as I spent a few minutes downloading the appropriate Neato App to my phone she showed her sceptical side and said she didn’t see the need for this because she had already been round with a cleaner. She rolled her eyes and went to make herself a cup of tea.

    In the time she made her cup of tea, I had the charging base unit plugged in, the App downloaded and connected by WiFi, went through a quick naming ceremony giving the Neato D4 an identity and then was registered and ready to go. It was seriously easy and quick with simple to follow instructions.

    Then it was all hand on deck, I opened all the downstairs doors, opened the App and hit the start button. Boris the Botvac bleeped, wiggled and he was on his way.

    In operation Boris the Botvac isn’t particularly noisy and does not drown out the television. I kept it running on the Eco setting, but there are two others to choose from, Extra Care or Turbo. Runtime is around 70 mins though if on the Turbo setting operating time is somewhat reduced.

    It follows the edges of the room using radar and then fills in the gaps, it moves from room to room. In around 26 minutes it had covered 23 square metres on a mixture of surfaces, carpet, wood floor laminate and rugs. Mrs Helpless stood by the door with her cup of tea in hand and curious look on her face. She said she didn’t see the point as she had already done the work.

    Boris the Botvac had vacuumed the designated areas, the brush head stopped spinning the vacuum switched off and he drove himself back to the charging station and then with a wiggle reversed to connect for a recharge. Finally he produced a graphic on the App of all the areas that had been cleaned. At that point I updated the software to the latest build.

    I’d also like to point out that if the Botvac is running low on charge it will return to the base station for a recharge before carrying on where it left off. The graphic is excellent and tells you where the device has cleaned, the time taken and the area covered.

    I checked the dust container and triumphantly sought out Mrs Helpless and asked if she had really vacuumed the house earlier on. She was not entirely amused by my smug smile.

    Ok, so the Neato D4 has a couple of minor downsides. We have a couple of raised areas downstairs and it cannot climb steps or stairs so like the early model of Dalek it has a small disadvantage.

    Also, there are future running costs involved. Firstly, there are filters to be changed every few months and the brush heads may need replacing every 8 months or so. These consumables will depend on how much you use the D4. The brush heads are not cheap at around 36 but at least you can get alternative filters that will save you quite a bit of money. The battery should be changed after 1-2 years depending on usage and costs around 50. It also has a one year guarantee.

    In conclusion I think it is a great device and it vacuums really well and I do think Mrs Helpless has seen the benefit in using it as she has already got it programmed for scheduled vacuuming while we are all out at work. On alternate days it deals with downstairs and then we relocate it to upstairs.

    There is the cost of the unit, but this one comes with a replacement brush head and two extra filters so it should see you through the first year of operation. I really do have to forgive its shortcomings and give it 5 stars.


  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A quirky product, a gimmick, but still really ‘cool’ to have running around your home.

    The vacuum (not a ‘Hoover’, Britain) will last around an hour which is sufficient for our three bed flat (we’ve restricted the third bedroom for the vacuum cleaner as too much clutter to navigate, which can be a problem) to get the once over. It does a surprisingly good job, though the dust compartment will require manual emptying.

    The greatest single point (in my opinion) of a robotic cleaner like this D4 is the ability to schedule when it operates. Early morning, middle of the night, in the middle of the day during school/work hours etc. for communal areas is just perfect as it won’t get in the way of a busy household. The build quality is fantastic. I’d not heard of Neato before hand, but this vacuum has filled me with confidence in the brand.

    As I mentioned in the headline however, this is a gimmick above all else. Somethings are just better done, or more efficiently done by a human. For instance, if there is one particular section of floor that just needs a quick vacuum, then this isn’t suitable. If you have clutter, a person is still required to move things out of the way etc. A person will still need to empty the vacuum of all the sucked-up contents, so manual intervention is still required. And that’s where this product falls down. Don’t get me wrong, it is a great product for what it is, but for the price point, you can buy a Dyson V10. So consider, do you want an automated vacuum that will do the general cleaning, still requiring emptying AND another vacuum and manual effort to properly clean difficult areas or areas cover with clutter from time to time. Or do you want to invest in a single vacuum and just do the job manually.

    At this price point, I can’t recommend the Neato D4, though it is really cool.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I held off reviewing this for a while, as I had a few problems with it, and got a bit annoyed with it. Although it vacuumed really well, easily coping with lots of animal fur etc., it flatly refused to go any further than half way up one room, although it was supposed to do the whole ground floor. I tried over and over again, always getting the same result, until I got fed up with it and left it to sit on it’s base.
    Just before Christmas, we bought a couple of new sofas, so I thought maybe I could try again with the Botvac in case it found the new room layout easier to manage, although I didn’t hold out too much hope. I was amazed when it passed it’s previous red line, and then carried on…into the kitchen and the hallway. It was such a relief to see it doing what it was supposed to do, at last! And do it so well too. We have three cats and two dogs, so there is always plenty of furry carpets to be cleaned, as well as the stuff which rolls around like tumbleweed on the tiled kitchen floor. The Botvac easily sucked all this up, as well as some leaves and other stuff that the dogs had brought in. I was particularly pleased that it went under the sofas and spent quite a while thoroughly cleaning under there. So much easier than moving them out.
    Other reviewers have said that they thought it was noisy, but we’ve had a much older model of this, and I thought this one was much quieter. I’d be very happy to set this to vacuum overnight and I don’t think it would wake me up providing the bedroom door was shut.
    As I said, I have had one of these before, and when they go where they are supposed to, they are absolutely wonderful. I move as much furniture as I can to give it a clear a run as possible, and move all wires and dog’s water bowls out of the way. I think the ‘D’ shape of this is much better than the round ones, as it can get right into the corners, The battery charge is excellent, easily managing the whole of the ground floor.
    So far I haven’t been able to connect it to the internet via the app. this is a bit annoying because my older Botvac had a tine little screen which told you why it was going back to its base and when the timer was set for, whether it needed emptying etc. I presume that this information is displayed on the phone screen instead, but I can’t tell until I can connect it. I’d like to try it with my Alexa too.
    These are things that I need to work out how to do, but hopefully the Neato web page will be useful for that. When everything works as it should, Botvac’s are amazing and so easy to use.

  88. MargartGillilan says:

     United Kingdom

    I was slightly skeptical about this product before it arrived, mostly due to the very high price tag for a vacuum, but I have to say I am way beyond impressed, it is fantastic!

    You place the docking station/charger somewhere convenient for your home, and after downloading the app which is really easy, and quick, you are pretty much good to go.

    The vacuum has good suction, looks really smart and does a really brilliant job of cleaning the your floors. It also provides something interesting to both look at and talk about with people as it goes about its work. I was amazed at how much this managed to pickup to be honest. I hoover nearly every other day and this picked up just as much if not more actually than the regular vacuum, and all without me having to do anything!

    Emptying is really easy, and it stays pretty clean. It can last upto 75 mins which is much longer than my handheld, and very expensive vacuum. You can use the app to programme where, when you want it to clean, and everything about this is incredibly convenient and well thought out.

    I am absolutely over the moon with it to be honest!

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a robotic vacuum cleaner that you control via the app or with Alexa. It was easy to set up just following the instructions I was able to download the app and get started right away
    The little cleaner has a docking recharging station where it sits until needed
    The first thing it does is feel its way around the room where the docking station is, it works its way around the edges and spirals and zigzag around the entire room. Once it knows it’s way around it gets faster. After a while it knows when a doorway is and travels around it.
    The vacuum motor is more powerful than you think and Copes really well with day to day cleaning, it had a squared shape to its front for corners and copes quite well although it does miss spots in places as it negotiates its way around things
    On the app it shows you the map of the room or cleans and while it’s cleaning it says cleaning, when it’s finished it says returning to base station and then say completed when it’s safely tucked up in its docking station. It’s rather cute in the way it gets itself back to its charging point as it wiggled its bum until it finds the metal contacts, we had a funny moment in the kitchen when it spent ages trying to find the charging station in the end it wiggled its bum backing onto our dishwasher!! Now every time it cleans the kitchen it seeks out the dishwasher confusing it for the charging docking station! I think she’s found love!
    The unit is good at finding doorways ,obstacles because of sensors either side of the squared ends but we were a bit apprehensive about the stairs but it knows them too and avoided them. I’ve made a little video to show how it moves about.
    I had to laugh, in the box it shows you it can be called something other than its brand name, one of the suggestions was Rosie, my youngest daughter is called Rosie so it had to be its name. Although my daughter has left home i still get to say “Alexa, get Rosie to do the cleaning”

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve hankered after one of these for a while now having seen various models in action at friends houses. Going back 40 years when I first started housekeeping, this would have seemed like a futuristic dream; a vacuum which works on its own! Its reall though. Out of the box I had some apprehension about setup as in my experience this type of product can often be a hassle to get going, but no it started up seamlessly, paired instantly with my iphone via the app, and with a pause to complete charging it was away. I just did a very straightforward clean the first day, it pootled around the kitchen and at the end the dust box was full of an embarrasing variety of bits and fluff. Its easy to empty this out and a small ribbed tool is provided to complete the clean up. The vac is quiet in action, and on completing the clean it returns to base and texts me to say its finished.

    The results are excellent. Not that I’ll never use a hand vacuum again, I will, its not perfect, but a daily or twice weekly round with this is just the thing to keep the fluff and dust at bay. over the first few weeks use I have learned how to set up scheduled cleans so it can do its thing before i get up in the morning. Really useful! It hasnt had a blip at all yet and just cleans, returns, recharges and sets out again the next day. I do have to make sure the floor is clear though otherwise it takes ages manoevring around obstacels. After the clean I can view a map of where its been which is satisfying (or am I a bit sad?).

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have always been a traditional vacuumer up until now and this is my first experience with a robo-vac.

    Out of the box, the set up of the machine was simple, with my only problem being that I don’t have any floor based power sockets so needed an extension cable, but to be honest, that is not the fault of the machine. I then followed the instructions, and let the robot fully charge at its charging base, then when it was ready to go, downloaded the Neato app from the app store. The pairing process was also painless and the vac and my phone were paired in under two minutes.
    So then, after ensuring that there were no lose wires or cables on the floor, myself and my children sat back to watch the vac do its thing. I have to be honest here, and say that it isn’t really a spectator sort, and my 4 year olds got bored pretty quickly. However, after a slow start while the machine ‘learned’ the room, it then went efficiently up and down in rows along the carpet and over a pretty thick pile rug with no problems. When it had finished, it took itself back to its base and parked up.
    I also set it going on the kitchen floor, which is just lino’d, and it did this type of floor really well also.
    This particular model can only hold one floor-plan in its memory so it has to relearn the rooms each time I want to do them, which is a bit of a pain.
    However, upon emptying the collection tray, I was quite surprised at how much stuff had been picked up from both the carpet and the lino.
    As my first experience of a robot cleaner, I am quite impressed, however it comes with a hefty price tag so that goes against it. But I guess as the tech gets better it will start to become cheaper too.

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have been super impressed by this little robot vacuum cleaner after trying it out the past couple of weeks.

    – The setup is so easy – get it charging, download the app, and you are in control in minutes.
    – The little robot will give your house a first go, whirring around to get a feel for the place, after which it seems to ‘learn’ and get a bit more savvy about avoiding obstacles and getting around the rooms.
    – Despite its small size, it picks up most dirt and dust well, and it is quite satisfying to not worry about little bits of dirt on the floor, knowing the robot will get them later.

    It has the same downsides as other robot cleaners – a small dust capacity meaning frequent emptying, and limited battery capacity meaning frequent charging.

    But all in all, this is an outstanding robot vacuum cleaner – easy to set up, with a brilliant app, and effective dirt removal in use.

  93. SusannahStultz says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been a bit dubious of the quality of vacuum cleaning robots for ages. They used to just bump into things a then slowly navigate around them simply by using very basic heuristics (I designed something that did this 30 years ago for a gcse project as it isn’t very hard). They also had problems returning to their base plate. However after using this Neato robot I can confidently say that all of this has changed.

    When you get it out of the box it looks like quite an aggressive thing, a bit like something imperial out of star wars. Put the charging stand against the wall and back the cleaner against it. Download the neato app, create an account, and sync it with the robot. So far so good…now you can get it to start cleaning. It’s pretty noisy, but it does a surprisingly good job – so good in fact that my son has been relegated from vacuuming the downstairs. It quite happily goes from room to room and when it’s finished you get a copy of the map it made whilst vacuuming sent to the app. You can schedule it, you can link it to Alexa based devices (Alexa tell neato to clean) you just need to add the neato skill. It will do hard floors and carpet and to be honest I’m loving it.

    There are a couple of problems with it however.

    1. The model I’ve got doesn’t have the edge brushes so it doesn’t get right to the edges on a hard floor (to be fair it gets pretty close) but in a kuchen you will find things near your kickstands, skirting boards stay there and you will catch them when you mop up.

    2. You need to make sure that everywhere is tidy before you set it off. I did get a notification from it whilst I was at work, telling me it was stuck – I could see where it was stuck on the map it had created. Fortunately my wife was working at home so I asked her to rescue it and it had just got stuck on some USB cables that were on the floor. It does a good job of going from carpet to hard floor, floor to base of stools etc, but it can get stuck.

    3. I’ve also had it set off my alarm at home, I think it bumped in to a door and shut it, which triggered the alarm so you may not want it roaming around the house whilst you aren’t in.

    4. You need to clean the filter every time you send it off…not a massive problem to be honest but something to think about as the filters need replacing every 2 months, the brushes every 8 months and the battery every year….not sutre what the running cost will end up being after all of that, it may be cheaper to give it back to my son!!!

    However it’s BRILL – does a decent job and so far has been maintenance free.

  94. KassandMacfarla says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI am very impressed with this latest generation of the Neato Botvac connected series. The D4 can manage a 75 minute run time on a single charge, enough for a 2-3 bedroom house.

    I had the unit out of its smart packaging, charging on the base, and connected to the iPhone app, in a matter of minutes. The unit, packaging and app all have a premium feel, and reflect the fact that you are basically investing in a fairly advanced computer.

    In use, the D4 does an excellent job, as long as you do some prep. These robot cleaners excel at all floor types, provided that the floor is clear of clutter and items likely to get tangled. The way I think of it is: if you put in some work tidying up your floor, you can sit back and let Neato do the vacuuming – the hard bit. Neato does a more thorough job than most humans, taking a scientific approach to floor coverage, guided by lasers, rather than just guessing.

    Neato can’t go upstairs, move obstacles, or get fully into corners or around the circular base of chair legs. However, the patented D shape is the most effective of all the robot vacuums I’ve tried, and really pulls up pet hair and dust effectively. I recommend the turbo mode rather than eco mode – although turbo uses more battery, Neato is smart enough to return to base when it needs a recharge, and then return to where he or she left off.

    This D4 model doesn’t have the side brush of the more expensive models, but I’m not convinced it makes much of a difference. The D4 is thorough and didn’t leave anything substantial on the floor, whether on carpet or tile.

    Cleaning and maintenance is straightforward, and the online or in-app help is genuinely easy to access and follow. Using D4 is a pleasurable experience – these robots have something akin to character – and has made me enthusiastic about home and cleaning automation more widely. The build quality is superb and the unit feels robust in the way a vacuum should – it doesn’t feel like a delicate computer cruising around your living room.

    For busy, but organised people, the scheduling feature ensures you will come home to a clean floor, simply by preparing the floor before you leave home, and setting the schedule via the app.

    These robot vacuums are all about convenience, and the D4 hits a sweet spot of performance, convenience and affordability. Highly recommended.

  95. PISFreeman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWe are absolutely in love with this. It may be that I am not the most technologically savvy person on the planet but I am blown away by how effective the Neato Botvac is. Before we got into the more advanced stage of having it actually map the house, we put it on to a general clean mode just to test it out and it surpassed my expectations by a long shot. I was worried that it wouldn’t have the suction power to do more than a superficial job but it actually left the floors (carpet, rugs and hardwood) looking better than they do when I go over them with our traditional vacuum cleaner. I was stunned at just how much it had collected after it’s first run through the house. We have a Jack Russell and a cat and they both leave behind a lot of hair. I didn’t think the Botvac would be able to handle it all but it did an admirable job, as was evidenced when I emptied it for the first time. Emptying it, by the way, is an absolute breeze. Just take hold of the handle, pull it from its housing, dump out the receptacle and put it back. Couldn’t be easier. I was reluctant to attempt the mapping process as I was sure it would be a nightmare but my wife took the reigns and had it mapping the house in no time. The mapping itself is incredible – it emails you a report of exactly where in the house it has gone and is remarkably thorough! It gets into all kinds of little spaces that we generally overlook and has yet to get stuck (it nearly did once and spent a little while doing a 50 point turn to get out from under a chair, but it managed it in the end!) It is worth being aware that it needs to be emptied after every use as the capacity isn’t gigantic (though it is more than enough for a day’s hoovering). Also, you need to clear the floor of anything that might get in the way like shoes, footstool….basically anything you would move before hoovering int he traditional manner. Most importantly, you will want to remove anything wet and smearable. Our cat left us an unwanted gift next to his litter box. The Botvac ran over it and spread the mess around the floor….. Luckily cleaning it out wasn’t difficult and hasn’t affected its performance at all. We haven’t tried hooking it up to Alexa as we don’t use it, but the app is an extremely simple and effective means of controlling it, and my wife managed to start it cleaning the floors while she was on a train home from London yesterday.Oh, and another amazing little feature – when it is running low on charge, it will take itself back to the charging station for a boost so it can finish the job!! This thing is incredible!! On top of that, it looks cool and makes the occasional beep to let you know it’s finished or ready to be emptied or whatever, making it a bit like having your own R2-D2 in the house. The future, it would seem, is now….

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Probably 3.5 stars. This robot vacuum cleaner is very compact and sits nicely in our living room. It was very easy to set up (took only minutes) and connected to the wifi through an app on my phone. There was a bit of a delay in waiting for it to charge but we were able to give it a test run not long after. It’s a little noisy but very effective – picked up more than our Dyson i think, which is a real plus point. It travelled round the room, crashing into things and, at one point, getting completely stuck on the base of one of our chairs. When we tried it again the next day, it did a much better job so did show evidence of having learned where the furniture was on its first run. This definitely does not replace the need for a vacuum cleaner operated by humans though, as it can’t move furniture to get into those tight spaces. So for example there are still crumbs around our table legs. I can imagine it might be quite handy for a once a week freshen up of our living room, but i will still need to hoover myself to cover the entire room. Be sure to get wires etc out of the way before starting it up and if you have a pet then be prepared for it to be totally baffled.

  97. SheliaHeane says:

     United Kingdom

    This review concerns the Neato Robotics Botvac D402 Connected – Compatible with Alexa – robot vacuum cleaner with charging station, Wi-Fi & App, price at review 479.00.

    Having recently had the opportunity to test and review a robotic lawnmower, I was interested to discover how the technology had been implemented for in-home use.

    Measuring just 33x33x8cm this surprisingly lightweight, compact machine features a full width brush, beater roller mechanism.

    The included charger, complete with 2 x 2m leads attenuated with UK 13amp and Continental 2pin moulded plugs respectively.

    Initial setup is exceedingly easy, simply place the charger alongside the skirting board and connect to a nearby power point. Then just push the D4 such that it touches the charger on the rounded side. Initial charging takes about 90minutes.

    Whilst recharging download the IOS or ANDROID APP, and take time to read the 4 page manual.

    As I read the manual I became aware of possible restrictions that may restrict the use of the machine in our home.

    We have a 1980s 3 bed detached bungalow with small tiled entrance hallway with 1 bedroom, lounge and kitchen off, plus a further inner hall with 2 bedrooms and bathroom off with a second lounge/study off the kitchen. With the excellent exceptions of the kitchen and bathroom all floor surfaces are carpeted with some further shaggy deep piled rugs on top.

    Whilst the D4 can be used manually, simply push the on button and away it goes, initially in random directions and in our case after about 80 minutes – job completed with great results.

    However should you require fully automated operation there are some advised requirements that a prospective purchaser should be aware of.

    Ideally the charger needs to be positioned on a non-carpeted surface, with about a 1m straight surface extending each side and then connected to a non-switched power point. A minimum 1m gap measured from the front of the D4 when docked in charger to the opposite wall is also recommended.

    Not withstanding these advised requirements the results are most impressive, even in our somewhat cluttered, variable floor surfaced home!

    Interestingly, the minimalist height of the D4 enables it to slip beneath kitchen units – assuming no kick boards are fitted.

    In a modern, uncluttered home as featured in many magazines the multitude of features accessed by the App make this a very versatile machine.

    Substantially quieter than a conventional vacumn cleaner, albeit with a smaller capacity this is a very versatile, accomplished device.

  98. MalloryConingha says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDespite being a techie and loving anything that’s smart home I have to say that I was more than a little sceptical about this before it arrived. Partly due to the price of these and also a family member having a auto vacuum that’s not particularly good.

    So this arrived, a nice slim box with the vacuum unit and the docking station. I decided to place the docking station under a shelf unit in the dining room to have it tucked out of the way whilst it docks and charges. Now, my house was always going to prove somewhat of a challenge as it’s used as business / home and there’s always lots of boxes, clutter and general day to day things all over the place for this to navigate around. The manual states that the dock needs a 1m clear gap but this doesn’t seem to be the case, you could have this in a an area just wider the vacuum unit itself.

    So, I downloaded the app, setup an account and within a few minutes I was watching this clever device vacuum my downstairs, the turbo mode isn’t all that loud and to be completely honest does a great job of picking up bits that a large plug in vacuum would struggle with if it was a year or two old… I’d recommend that you let Neato do a recki around your home to create a floor plan.

    I added the Alexa skill and I can now tell Neato to start, Stop, Pause and re-dock… So after a few days of running the device on a schedule of Every other day Midweek (Mon, Wed, Fri) I now have a cleaner downstairs than ever. The real question is though “does a device at this price justify itself, when it doesnt do cobwebs, cannot do the stairs and is single floor use only…? My answer would be YES! If you have time to vacuum and are quite house proud then you’re likely going to want to be that perfectionist yourself, if you’re a busy person, or just don’t like cleaning then this is for you.

    Simply put I can’t recommend this enough.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is our first experience with a robot vacuum and we were all excited at the prospect of sitting back while the vacuum cleaning takes care of itself! In reality, that’s not quite the case with a robot vac.

    Straight out of the box, this Neato Botvac is so easy to set up that a child could do it. I only ever intent to use this Botvac with the dedicated Neato App so that is what I’ve used to conduct the review.

    Install the charging base as instructed along a flat wall with at least 1 clear meter either side and within distance of a mains power outlet. I would advise that you then place the vac onto the charging base and leave it on charge until full.

    While it is charging, you can download the Neato App from the App Store (apple) or the Google Play Store (Android). Upon first power up, the vac will remain in pairing mode for 60 minutes. Start the Neato App on your phone and follow the instructions to pair up your device with the vacuum. This for me was accomplished in under 1 minute. Very easy indeed and credit to Neato for creating a nice, easy and intuitive app.

    You are then well advised to tidy up any loose wires hanging around and any other such items lying around on the floor which could become tangled in the vacuum.

    I then used the app to start the vacuum and creat “My Floor Plan”. At this point, the vacuum takes a moment to identify its surroundings before setting off around the whole room, bumping into obstacles (chair legs, tables etc) and defining its floor plan. Once it is complete, it returns to base automatically and you are informed that a new floor plan has been created. At this point you can add “No Go Lines” onto the map (displayed on your mobile phone/tablet). I added one simple no go line to the plan created.

    This is where I came across my first issue with the botvac. A little while later, with the Botvac fully charged, I restarted the app to give the vac it’s first full cleaning cycle using the floor plan it created earlier. The botvac started on it’s journey, but appeared to do just the same as it had on it’s “learning” run earlier. Bumping into everything as it felt it’s way around and also ignoring my no go line. Maybe I’m doing something wrong here but I can’t see how I can be.

    As for it’s cleaning ability, I am amazed how good it really is for such a small (if a little heavy) device. It picked up an amazing amount of stuff and fluff. Very impressive indeed. Emptying the bin couldn’t be easier. Simply pull on the lid and the container disconnects so you can carry to the bin and empty it. You can give the filter a clean at the same time bu simply pulling it from the front of the waste container.

    There are various selections you can make for vacuuming duties. You can select from “Eco” mode (for a quieter and longer cleaning run) or “Turbo” for a super powered run with maximum cleaning and pickup. You can also select an added option of “Extra Care” for what is claimed to be “Gentle Navigation”. This in my opinin has little of no effect. The vacuum still wanders around bumping into stuff.

    Overall, it’s been an impressive first experience of robot vacuums, let down only by the fact it seems to ignore the stored floor plan. It’s not as quick as going around yourself with a conventional vacuum cleaner either, but it’s mighty convenient to just sit there, load the app and watch the robot do the graft!

  100. nickcampi says:

     United Kingdom

    Being my first time to use a Robot Vacuum Cleaner, I expected a lengthy setup and possible hiccups. But instead, I was up and cleaning in about 15 minutes after removing it from the box and that includes installing the Android App, creating a Neato Account and connecting the Robot to my WiFi Network.

    The Account Creation is fast, only an email address, password and country. You activate the Account and then you can use the App to connect the Robot to the Homee Network. The App is polished, it just works.

    The Cleaning:
    This was fun. The little guy does the job. It may leave a few debris and go further but does return! It even went under the Dining Table and cleaned the mess my kids created the previous night. I just had to pick a few particles very close to the table legs as those are just out of reach. I cleaned our Living Room and a corridor leading to the Kitchen and it did a very good job. Because it is not very high, it was able to get under our Shoe rack, repeatedly getting in and coming out, an area I struggle to reach with a manual vacuum cleaner. It is easy to empty the dirty.

    I haven’t yet created ‘No – Go Lines’ but I was able to pause it when I felt it may cause or end up in problems if the area was not well prepared for an unmanned robot. I would then clear the area and press resume or lift it and place it elsewhere and resume the cleaning.

    If the battery goes flat, it indicates and it initiates “Return to Base”. The base (charge station) should be placed according to instructions if the Robot is to be able to return on its own. From the App, you can schedule a job and the Robot will do its job. I will try to schedule a night job and clear the place but that will be after I have defined no-go lines. If you own a cat, scheduling a job can turn into a nightmare if the cat poops and the robot runs on the poo, smearing it all over, oops!

    It feels heavier for such a small device, the built quality is very good. I guess it would be even more fun if used with Alexa or similar AI technology.

    Easy to set up, very good App, does the Job