NoCry 1200ml/min Electric Paint Sprayer – 600W Motor, 100 DIN/s Max Viscosity, Adjustable Air and Paint Flow Controls, 1000ml Container, 3 Spray Patterns; 4 Nozzles Included

NoCry Electric Paint Sprayer

- Voltage: 220-240V, 50Hz
- Motor Output: 600W
- Atomizing output: 200W
- Max flow rate: 1200ml/min
- Max viscosity: 100DIN/s
- Cable length: 2.02m
- Package contents: 1 paint sprayer with a 1000ml container, 4 nozzles (1.5, 1.8, 2.2 and 2.6mm in diameter), 1 DIN measuring funnel cup, 1 cleaning pin, 1 cleaning brush
- Total weight: 1.6kg

How do I measure paint thickness?
Having the right paint thickness is key to getting an even finish. Before spraying, check that the thickness (viscosity) of your chosen material is suitable for this paint sprayer. Run your material through the included flow cup and time in seconds how long it takes for the cup to empty. If it takes longer than 100 seconds, you will need to dilute – add water (or paint thinner) and repeat the test until you have a nice even material consistency. Check your material container for dilution instructions.
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Which coating materials can be used with this paint sprayer?You can âfeedâ your paint sprayer pretty much any liquid material, so long as it isnât flammable or corrosive. Accepted coating materials include solvent or chalk-based materials, water-soluble lacquer paints, mordants, glazes, impregnation materials, oil based paints, clear varnishes, synthetic enamels, colored paints, alkyd resin varnishes, primers, radiator paints, hammer effect enamels, anti-rust paints, special-effect paints, and textured paints. Just don’t use it to water your plants, as a water gun or as a flamethrower. | Can I use this paint sprayer to paint a ceiling?Yep. Whether you wish to paint a floor, ceiling, or wall, the suction tube inside the material container can be easily angled as necessary to suck up every last drop of paint – no matter which angle you’re using the paint sprayer at. No waste and a consistent, even finish: Win-win. | How to prevent the nozzles from constantly clogging?Usually, nozzles get clogged because the paint is too thick for the nozzle (this is why you often have to thin some coating materials before using them). This paint gun can spray up to 100DIN/s and comes with four nozzle attachments of different sizes, so clogging won’t be a problem. In the unlikely scenario the nozzle or feeding tube do get clogged in the middle of a project, simply disassemble the paint gun and give it a quick clean – you’ll find some helpful tips in the user manual. |
Weight: | 1.86 kg |
Dimensions: | 29.2 x 23.8 x 13.9 cm; 1.86 Kilograms |
Model: | NC-PS-101DINS |
Part: | NC-PS-101DINS |
Colour: | Black & Red |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | NoCry |
Colour: | Black & Red |
I have done a lot of spraying in my time, cars, custom kitchens and my side line of making electric guitars using a conventional HVLP spray gun but spraying that wall called for something different.
The secret of spraying is two things, firstly getting the right viscosity for the paint, you can’t go far wrong using the instructions, use the viscosity cup provided to check that the paint is the correct viscosity, if anything err on the thin side. I found that the masonry paint that I was using needed thinning by about 30%, sure the opacity isn’t as good, but I found 2 coats did the trick and no aching wrist and lots of wasted paint on the roller
Secondly the paint needs to be well stirred and filtered through an old pair of tights or a very fine sieve, try to skip either of these stages and you will be disappointed, either it won’t spray at all (too viscous) or it constantly blocks (not filtered).
It took me around 45 minutes to put 2 coats on 30 metres of my 1.5 metre high wall and once I had the volume of paint and the airflow adjusted correctly I was amazed. I don’t know that I would spray a car with it as that requires much better atomisation of the paint, but for stuff like masonry paint or emulsion it’s the way to go. Many decorators painting new houses tend to spray the emulsion rather than roller or brush it and this sprayer would do that fine once you’ve done the prep and got the adjustments right.
Make sure you clean the sprayer as soon as you are finished. I washed out the container first and then ran lots of clean water through the gun before finally dismantling it to make sure that all traces of paint had been removed, as next time you use it paint that has dried in the sprayer will flake off and block the nozzle. Don’t forget that if you are using a solvent based paint you will need to use the approrpriate solvent to clean it, and if the solvent is anything but water a mask is an absolute must and highly advisable for water based paints as well
Mke sure that you use the right nozzle, the thinner the paint the smaller the nozzle by and large
Great with a few caveats:
Instructions are in German – No worries I’m a man, so I’ll take a cursory glance at the cover for posterity and just put it together.
The plug is European – Hmm.. I chopped it off and put a British version on (don’t own an adaptor).
It doesn’t do auto paint very well – it’s not really the intended use, but I’m on a budget, a novice and have to paint outside anyway so it won’t be perfect anyway. When I say it doesn’t do this very well I simply mean it could do with a finer nozzle for base coat applications, perhaps a 1.2mm?
All-in-all though it is a good sprayer and got me through an entire high-top long wheel base camper van. So quids in 🙂
Highly recommend this paint sprayer and at 47.00 an absolute bargain.
Excellent product. Used for spray painting fencing, huts, summer house. Also terrific at applying spray gardening products to get rid of pests etc.
Brilliant has covered furniture, garage walls,aged and fence panels. Make sure you do water down correct measurements it goes further if you do it correctly.
Superb product
Stained my 110 ft fence both sides in under an hour and it was totally covered .
Will purchase another for paint work
Wish I had this for the last 20 years instead of painting with a roller!
It’s brilliant. Highly recommend
Brilliant and done my fencing in no time at all, easy to use and clea
Just used this for the first time today. I’m using it to spray oil on my deck and it’s excellent. Powerful, good design and easy to use. It’s only my first use but so far it’s one of the best things I’ve bought. If the weather is reasonable I’ll use it regularly
This little machine is absolutely outstanding!
The instructions are clear and concise, it is incredibly easy to clean and the pressure and flow adjustments mean that you can set it to work perfectly with whatever you are using.
I sprayed 10 6×5 panels in 30mins, brilliant!
Read the easy to follow instructions and everything will go well for you.
Great bit of kit, bought for doing 30 meters of 7ft fence.
Not only does it save hours of time it saves your body and more importantly your sanity hahaha
Well I haven’t painted with it yet but the product is easy to assemble. Instructions are very easy to understand and the customer service has been unprompted though useful and informative. Product as described/pictured. Looking forward to using it.
Happy hence the four starts, very powerful and great value but beware it throws small paint dots everywhere. Could be me though so if you have a choice id buy this over the higher priced models.
It’s dead easy to use as long as you thin the paint down properly. This is a little time consuming but is absolutely necessary and applies to all of these types of sprayer.
The adjustable power dial helps to get the right flow for the job too. When you’ve finished just take apart and rinse thoroughly in warm soapy water and flush it through till it runs clear.
My biggest gripe is the cord is not nearly long enough. It really could be doing with at least double the length to allow you to scale steps to paint ceilings etc. I’m seriously considering replacing the cord with a 3m length.
Secondly, the clogging is an major issue. As the sprayer gets hot it dries the paint and clogs the jet. I’ve found the only workaround is to clean the jets in warm soapy water after every 3 refills of paint. As much as this is a pita it still beats the hell out of rollering.
Those gripes aside for 50 you cant complain. So far I’ve painted the entire upstairs of my house and the finish is superb. To put it into perspective I painted an entire ceiling of a large double bedroom including the bay in a matter of minutes. Would definitely recommend this purchase. The free extended warranty was an added bonus.
Warum nicht klassisch mit der Rolle? Wegen der Zeitersparnis beim Streichen selbst und weniger Kraftaufwand. Gerade die Decken knnen doch recht anstrengend werden mit der Rolle. Hier meine Erfahrungen beim ersten Versuch:
Als Farbe habe ich Alpina Das Original verwendet. Da diese sehr dickflssig ist, habe ich schrittweise mit Leitungswasser verdnnt. Um auf die 100 sec. Durchflusszeit zu kommen, die man mit dem mitgelieferten Becher prfen kann, habe ich in 100ml Schritten so lange verdnnt, bis ich schlielich eine 50:50 Mischung festgelegt hatte. Muss man halt erstmal herausfinden, kann dann aber in einem Mischbehlter immer wieder so vorbereitet werden. Muss auch nicht ganz exakt stimmen. Man sollte die Mischung jedoch gut verrhren. Es dauert ein wenig bis sich so dickflssige Farbe mit dem Wasser zu einer homogenen Flssigkeit vermischt. Ich habe auf einer Wand mittig testweise gesprht um den Materialauftrag zu sehen, und dementsprechend das Gert einzustellen und die Handhabung zu testen.
Als alles eingestellt war ging es dann los.
1. Das Ergebnis ist sehr gut. So gleichmig wie das Material aufgetragen wird, htte ich es mit der Rolle nicht hinbekommen. Es sieht aus wie von einem Profi gemacht.
2. Das Sprhen ging wirklich einfach und schnell. Auch die Decken sind ohne groen Kraftaufwand wieder strahlend wei.
3. Durch die 50:50 Mischung hat man die doppelte Menge Farbe. Man bentigt auch weniger weil man viel effizienter auftragen kann. Nimmt man eine hochwertige Farbe, ist trotz der Verdnnung die Deckraft sehr gut. Eine Wand war vorher sandfarben gestrichen, die durch einen Anstrich (Ansprh) wei war. Sollte man Stellen ausgelassen haben die sich farblich absetzen, kann hier einfach erneut gesprht werden. Aber Achtung: Lasst die Farbe vorher etwas antrocknen um Nasen/Lufer zu vermeiden. Solltet ihr dennoch Nasen haben, kein Problem. Einfach die Nasen etwas wegwischen, antrocknen lassen und anschlieend noch einmal drber sprhen.
1. Je nach dem wie die Pistole eingestellt ist, wird ein Sprhnebel erzeugt der sich berall absetzt. Also alles gut abkleben, Boden abdecken und euch solltet ihr auch schtzen. Atemmaske, Overall mit Kapuze und Schutzbrille sind zu empfehlen, gerade wenn ihr Decken sprht. Wenn ihr zusammenhngende Rume habt, oder Nischen und ihr wollt nur diese Bereiche sprhen, dann solltet ihr den bergang zu dem anderen Raum wegen des Sprhnebels auch mit einer Plane verschlieen.
2. Die Funktionsteile sind gut zu reinigen, das Gert selbst hat jedoch eine Oberflchenstruktur von der sich eingetrockneten Farbe nur mit viel Aufwand entfernen lsst. Also wenn ihr euer Werkzeug gerne sauber haltet, dann habt ihr ein wenig zu tun.
1. Testet erst das Sprhverhalten und das Handling.
2. Seid vorsichtig wenn ihr in z.B. in Ecken bei Fenstern und Tren auch ber die Abdeckplane sprht. Hier luft die Farbe sehr schnell. Also eher weniger und dafr zweimal. Das kann man ja an der Pistole sehr gut einstellen.
3. Sprht mit ausreichend Licht. Ihr msst sehen wie das Material aufgetragen wird.
4. Mischt euch ausreichend Material damit ihr nicht immer unterbrechen msst um neu zu mischen.
5. Nehmt euch die Zeit um die richtige Viskositt zu ermitteln.
Alles in allem haben sich meine Erwartungen erfllt und wurden durch die Materialersparnis sogar bertroffen. Mit Sicherheit gibt es Gerte die besser sind, dafr muss man dementsprechend auch Geld hinblttern. Fr meine Ansprche als Gelegenheitsmaler reicht es vllig aus. Die nchste Renovierung kann kommen!
Ich habe erst einen Raum gesprht. Wie sich das Gert ber die Zeit schlgt wird sich noch Zeigen. Bis jetzt kann ich das Gert empfehlen und bin froh, dass ich es ausprobiert habe und es funktioniert hat. Ich habe fnf Sterne vergeben, weil die Contras fr mich nicht relevant sind, jedoch mglicherweise fr andere.
Did 2 7m x 7m rooms in two hours, not a brush or roller needed. Absolutely brilliant if it breaks I would buy another straight away
I have not tested this product yet, but if it will work as it is packaged and delivered it is very good! Keep you up to date…
Purchased this a few weeks ago and only got round to using it last week. When it arrived there was a small fault with it however this was very quickly resolved and a new gun arrived next day. With the gun there is a very good instruction manual with clear instructions helping you get the best results.
Have now sprayed almost half of my kitchen doors and panels and the results are much better than I ever expected thanks to the ease of use of the spray gun.
The gun is easy to clean and re-assemble in minutes ready for the next job.
Well worth the money for a very good spray gun.
What an impressive company! My husband used the machine which worked really well initially, but then started playing up, and ultimately stopped working. I contacted NoCry and had a very fast response from Raino who dealt with it so efficiently and professionally, and sent out a replacement which arrived the next day! Such customer service is a rare thing these days, and has left us with such a positive feeling about this company and the product! Go for it – anything you paint will look fantastic and the company has integrity! You won’t regret it!!
The service so far from noCry has been excellent. I cant rate the sprayer yet as I haven’t had a project to use it on.
I am a novice to this spray painting, tried for the first time but made an awful mess. Great item easy enough to use but gets heavy after 20 minutes or so.
Being my first sprayer I didn’t realise how thin the paint would need to be to spray, however this is the case for all sprayers and my Dulux paint was sufficiently good quality that thinning it down didn’t seem to dramatically affect the opacity.
Wow I tried this for the first time today .it is so fast and so easy ..the down side was that the bottle kept calling off even tho I clicked it onto lock .easy resolved just hold the bottle and it’s still easy to use and soooo fast it ..I’ve tried all other spray things before for wood fence paint but this is far superio
Rapidly covers the intended surface, just make sure you cover anything you don’t want painted REALLY well!
Have tried this on the fencing with weatherproof paint that said was for use with sprayer. But it just kept clogging up and needed to keep unblocking, but not sure if it was because it was really cold outside, so will try again when weather warms up. But apart from that, nice bit of kit and easy to put together and take apart.
I got what i wished to have. Easy to use and very helpful tool.
Once you get the paint consistency right, this goes like a dream. Great little product, but is still quite hard work.
Has a lovely finish, but make sure you get a good face mask, as the fumes/mist from the spray really get to your head. It also goes Everywhere, so makes sure to mask and cover everything you don’t want painted.
Good product, easy to use and clean but broke after 3rd use
Very happy with this product, only used it for a small job but have bigger ones to do after xmas so I’ll update this review then,but happy with the power and weight and the instructions are second to none, even humourous
It brilliant just wish we found this years ago so easy to use and applies paint evenly has a little noise but no more than your hoover, easy to clean too
Have used this sprayer with a number of different paints on numerous jobs and it hasn’t let me down. With standard emulsion you have to thin it down with water quite a bit but it’s easy enough to do and does give a good finish. Usually requires an additional coat compared to using a roller as it doesn’t go on as thickly. Have used it for fence painting and for PVC paint and it’s just as good with them too.
Absolutely love this paint sprayer. So easy to use and clean which is a major bonus. I had an issue with the pain splattering however it was my own fault for not stirring it after adding the water. I emailed the provider and received a very helpful reply.
Water is added to the paint, no waste on a roller or tray, as I have numerous rooms to paint I will probably save money. I have told several people about this as I love it so much. Best Buy ever. Never buying a roller or brush again defiantly worth the money
The finish on the walls look so professional too. A few of my guy friends came round to help with their brushes and rollers, well needless to say, I showed them up with the Nocry airbrush. I’m sure they’re going to go out and buy one next time they need a perfect finish.
Excellent product and easy to use. I used this product to spray two protective coats on a new large wooden gate. Thanks to the efficient operation, I was able to do this very quickly. Very impressed – next job garden fencing.
Amazing piece of equipment. Did the job in half less than half the time it would have took us to paint with brushes. Definitely have recommended it to friends and family.
So far I am still in trial mode having only used it only a couple of times. There are a lot of variables to try to get working in your favour at the same time (Viscosity, pressure,paint flow, nozzle size,etc.) So far it looks good, one thing though, the paint flow adjuster, just a screw knob on the back of the trigger, if you unscrew it too far it falls out, something with a limit on it would have been better.
The hand book that comes with the sprayer is not as complete as the one available on line (doesn’t tell you which way to screw the paint flow adjuster for more or less paint).
My husband loves this Paint Sprayer and it only took a week to get to him in Spain. Excellent service from the supplie
Painted room all walls. Couldnt be more happier!
Would give 8 out of 10 . Seems if I select narrow or wide spray it gives me mixed feelings, there is no very differents spray widening, but if I twist nozzle it changes, thought its does amaizing job and will use for the rest of my projects.
Also power cable isnt long enoguh, have to carry extention with me even for a short reaches.
This spray gun is good value for the money. I have used it to paint two newly plastered rooms and found it extremely easy to use and clean. It took a fraction of the time to paint the rooms then it would have if I had been using brushed or rollers
I like the way I can do ceilings quick without getting a pain in the neck.
painted the garage interior in no time, easy to use and clean really pleased with this product.
Spraying gun was easy to use. Very powerful, so paint application was quick.I used masonry paint inside my garage and nosel was getting clogged pretty fast, so I had to clean it frequently, even though velocity was below 100. Overall happy with the product.
i used it to paint some rooms with emulsion paint thinned down with water to 65 to 70 seconds using viscosity cup provided tested spray on a sheet of cardboard first to get the right spread then held roughly 18 inches from wall parallel with it and it turned out pretty good plenty of advice online how to use a sprayer i also found it easy to clean after use certainly cut down the time it takes to paint a room and miles easier to do a ceiling
The instructions have been written with care and are refreshingly clear and straightforward to follow.
Takes awhile to get use to it. But it’s worked well on the timber fence.
Spray painted in the past, but first time with a HVLP system. This product is very good, with great service from start to finish; also comes with one of the best instructions manual, which you don’t normally get in todays world.
I have had previous paint sprayers although none has compared to the Nocry. The powerful motor ensures an excellent spray finish. Recent use has been with wood preservative and light work was made of painting a garden fence and two large sheds Keith Wallace
Barry, South Wale
Outstanding value for money, excellant instruction manual. easy to setup and use. After care also very good within a couple of days a complimentary email from the company explains who NoCry are and where they are based and further tips for using their product, I cannot fault.
Used to spray a fence with ronseal one coat, did 4 x 6 foot panels in about 20 mins! Would have taken hours by hand. Really great product and, as other reviewers have pointed out, a really well written manual in a fun style that meant i actually read it for a change.
Will be using for other painting projects.
Thanks no cry , this paint sprayer is easy to use. I sprayed some furniture with eggshell paint watered down slightly the sprayer worked very well. I did get some patches of overspray but that was my fault not the machines. More practice needed with the air control.Very impressed that the paint did not spray everything around and sprayed the paint where needed.very pleased with my purchase.
Had a small problem with operation but had response from seller immediately, problem fixed. Would recommend highly
hi. I haven’t used it yet but it looks good
It is very easy to use. It worked well for me on the low pressure setting as it gives more control when spraying.
The product is very easy to assemble, use and clean. The customer service is just incredible! Thank you!
Easy to use, especially with the 4 jet sizes. Did my decking with Oil and sprayed my shed with water based colour.
Not sure what the Black cylidrical bit could be useful for, but I used it for a filling mechanism.
Easy to clean, though the nozzle takes getting used to.
This is a very early review as I haven’t managed to use the product so far. Gale-force winds have prevented outdoor spraying! But I have already been very impressed with the speed of delivery, the quality and sound construction of the product, and the amazing instruction booklet. This instruction booklet is one of the best I have ever read – it is clearly written and presented, well-structured and the information in it is perfectly organised. Whoever wrote it needs a big pay rise!
Very easy to assemble and use. The instructions were very clear. Found the container needed refilling frequently when creocoting a long fence, when using the recommended settings. Had to stop and restart every three to five minutes.Is a larger container available or could one be developed? Should use when it’s less windy as thought a proportion of liquid didn’t hit the fence and diffused away. However, fences look much smarter now and a lot quicker than painting by hand.
Would buy again.
Could do with a bigger container and its a bit fiddly to fit when full of pai
Excellent bit of kit. Did the job in 15 minutes that would have taken at least 2 hours by hand.
I used this product for spraying the outside of my home yesterday, worked fine, easy to clean but was disappointed that i could not get the outside of the sprayer clean. Taking it apart to clean was easy, but where the paint droplets on the outer surface could not be properly cleaned. Maybe the paint i used could be the fault, dried too quickly. Other than that , i was impressed with it. Many thanks.
First and only paint sprayer I’ve used. After about an hour of reading, practising, watering down, changing nozzles and settings, got a 15 minute paint job done in 3 minutes! The bigger the job, the greater the time saving, even with prep and cleaning.
For thick fence stain, I recommend the smallest nozzle, the lowest setting for the volume of material, and the lowest air flow setting.
Great product, and such a humorous instruction manual. Credit to the author!
well, all 3 bedrooms in one day. job done. next fences. why pay someone when you can do it yourself? 50 sprayer and 150 paint. job done.
Excellent bit of kit used it to spray paint a garden wall gud coverage and the options to change spray r excelle
What a nice machine saved so much time. Sprayed the fence all round the house 3 sides in a morning with the fence protector straight from the tin.
Great customer service too !
Used straight out of the box as soon as it arrived. Normally it would take 1 full day to paint both sides of our 10 6ft high fence panels. Delivered at 4pm all finished and clean by 7:15pm.
Can’t say anymore really.
Great bit of kit. Ideal for fencing waiting to try on interior.
Excellent product my daughter loves this item so easy to use very quick to paint with
easy tool to use, saves time…. I must say 1 mist coat on fresh plaster using this spray gun seals better than any roller finish and leave a smooth finish…
paper with colour pics & has some humour thrown in. Sprayer is well constructed & easily disassembled for cleaning with provided tools. Comes with viscosity gauge / funnel. 4 year warranty.
As a DIY amateur found it simple to use once I had found out what the different controls did.
Easy to take to pieces for cleaning – really glad I was using water based paints.
Quite messy but I suppose this applies to all paint projects.
I thought one of the four spray nozzles was missing – however it comes ‘packed’ within the assembly.
A favourable first experience.
Once again great tool if you need a paint sprayer get this one its fab. If you havent used one before its worth having a practice on a masling paper to get the hang of what settings work for your paint and what you are painting.
Few tips I have found:
I pour the paint into a bucket that has a spout, this helps pouring the paint into the reservoir.
I don’t water down the paint and set the gun to max on all settings. This allows for very fast painting and won’t run if you move the strokes quickly. When the spray slows down, shake the gun up and down while spraying. This seems to clear any thick paint clogs I can paint a fence panel in 2 minutes with these settings.
Also use a piece of thin plywood as a mask so you paint the grass/paving. Watch out that you don’t have anything within 3 meters behind the fence as the spray goes far.
This is a great tool. Wish I discovered it a long time ago.
Did what it said on the tin. First use spraying my tiled verandas with water seal. Roller last year took 4 hours spray took 30 minutes.
Dislike no timings in instruction for timing viscous cup for DIN measurements
Great job, it saved hours of work with a paint brush.
This is good, operates as advertised – my only quibble is the power cord is too short. Why you’d make the power cord that short is baffling. Have to keep dragging the power extension around, which is annoying.
Excellent product using it for painting fence panels and the coverage is a lot better than I expected from an item in this price range .
Powerful easy to use ,you can ,by varying the pressure of your finger decrease or increase the intensity of the supply of paint.i painted a fence panel in about Two minutes ,it’s so quick I love it ,I’m just waiting for a dry windless day to get out and have another go ,thankyou very much ,I would highly recommend.
Took a few goes spraying more training on it .excellent and quickto use
Have not yet used my sprayer it’s been too windy. I will be using it to do my sheds and fences I’m sure it will be more than capable of doing the job.
For the money this is a first class bit of kit. It works really well. I’ve sprayed a lot in the past with airless and turbine and for the DIY er it’s spot on.
Hi,I’m using this electric sprayer to spray high class furniture and its giving me a high class finish.
Now I need to see if its durable.
Not tried the device but back up is great and prompt delivery! Plan to use on Nowegian Spruce to seal surface from rotting