PetSafe Happy Ride Telescoping Dog Ramp – Portable Lightweight Pet Ramp – Ideal for Cars, Trucks and 4X4s, Durable Aluminium Frame Supports Up to 180 kg, Side Rails and High-traction Surface Desig

Weight: 6 kg
Size: Up To 180 kg
Dimensions: 43.4 x 14.76 x 100.7 cm; 6 Kilograms
Model: PTV17-16898
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Quantity: 1
Size: Up To 180 kg

117 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Rampa di ottima qualit e stabile. Il fondo forse leggermente troppo ruvido tant’ che si segna subito per le unghie del cane. Non abbiamo avuto problemi a farlo salire e scendere, anzi, sembra che gli piaccia. E’ un pastore scozzese leggermente in sovrappeso e, in attesa di una dieta idonea, abbiamo risolto con questo prodotto. Lo consigliamo.

  2. MilanIJYpfa says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use very smooth runners very sturdy my 42kg dog loves this.
    It is light weigh

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My dogs go up ramp easily. First attempt difficult but two tries and they were fine. Great help for heavy retriever and saves wear and tear on her joints.Before purchasing ramp she had to be lifted into 4×4 and not easy. Well made and excellent delivery. All in all a really super buy.

  4. ShennaCGRE says:


    Ho comprato questa rampa per il mio cane che dopo un’ernia del disco non riesce pi a fare le scalette per entrare in casa. Ho dovuto portarlo in braccio ogni volta che uscivamo. Questa rampa la soluzione perfetta, lui riesce a salire e scendere senza aiuto.

    Ne ho appena comprata un’altra da usare per l’altra uscita, per permettergli ancora pi libert.

    Unica pecca: il materiale antiscivolo moooolto ruvido, decisamente troppo per lui che la prima volta che l’abbiamo usata si ferito (visto che non riesce sempre ad appoggiare bene le zampe). Noi abbiamo risolto comprando una specie di tappeto tagliato a misura che comunque poco scivoloso e senza neanche attaccarlo tiene bene. Do cinque stelle ugualmente perch questa rampa ci aiuta tantissimo ed era semplice trovare la soluzione adatta alle nostre esigenze.

    Anche le misure sono ottime, una rampa meno larga sarebbe pi pericolosa per lui che ogni tanto non cammina perfettamente dritto.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Wir haben diese lange Einstiegshilfe genommen um sie auf die Treppe vor dem Haus zu legen,so kann unser Hund der schon lter ist wunderbar hoch und wieder runter laufen. Sehr stabil, unser Hund wiegt 48Kilo.

  6. The Single Gal and The Housewife says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s easy to use but quite heavy and difficult to store in the car. Also the catch to lock the sliding part gets caught between the two parts of the ramp

  7. fN6uF7mH9g says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product, has taken my dog a couple of weeks to get used to. He definitely did not like walking on it to start with but we are almost there now. Perseverance paying off and it will protect his legs as his a big boy with some elbow issues.

  8. johnstewart says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my dog who has IVDD so she could get in and out of the house without doing steps. It covers three steps and is not too steep for her, did not take long to teach her how to use it. The ramp rests safely on top step and has not moved when she’s using it. Would highly recommend.

  9. Anonymous says:


    I really like it and our gsd used it without any problem.

  10. TanyaVelajahm says:


    La uso per caricare sulla macchona un carretto pesante di pop corn, i materiali sono resistenti

  11. GeraldK93yex says:


    Fr unseren lteren Neufundlnder hab ich eine breitere Rampe gesucht, da er bei den normalen 38-40cm Rampen daneben getreten ist und sich leicht verletzt hat.
    Vom Gewicht her ist diese eine schne leichte und dennoch stabile Rampe. Sie lsst sich leicht auseinander ziehen und zum Transport mit einem Druckknopf sichern. Der Griff muss beim ersten Gebrauch erst etwas rausgeknibbelt werden, aber dann lsst sich die Rampe gut tragen. Im oberen ausgezogenen Bereich bietet die Kante einen schnen bertrittschutz.
    Der einzige Makel ist die Beschichtung, die wie dnnes Schmiergelpapier aussieht und sich auch genauso anfhlt. Nach 5 maligem Gebrauch sieht man deutlich wie die Krallen sich dort abwetzen. Unser Hund kommt aber bisher damit gut klar und rutscht auch nicht. Werden aber wahrscheinlich trotzdem aus dem Baumarkt eine dnne Gummimatte drberkleben.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Overall I am happy with this product. It fairly high cost, however it is sturdy and long as I have got it position correctly it does not slip. My dog is not that keen on the surface so I put a couple of hand towels on it which grip well. You do need space in the car to store it. You do have to be careful not to trap your fingers. Unfortunately the small safety strap used whilst storing has broken. Hoping I can get a replacement for that.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Das Ausziehen war fr mich gewhnungsbedrftig, nach einer Weile gehts. Mir wre es lieber gewesen, wenn das Teil das zum Auto zeigt innen liegen wrde. Ansonsten macht es einen stabilen Eindruck. Im Nachhinein htte ich lieber ein paar mehr ausgegeben und das 3 Teilige genommen.

  14. Luke Tsai says:

     United Kingdom

    Spent ages researching a ramp. This one is larger than I wanted but I wanted something non slip and very sturdy. Very happy with it, the dog loves it and it’s easy to use (just watch those fingers when you open). We saw cheaper ones and I’m sure they are good but I went with the reviews based on large dogs. Sits behind the drivers seat ok.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe diese Rampe als Einstiegshilfe fr meinen Kleinen gekauf. Die Rampe steckt seine 60 Kilo sehr gut weg. Die Mae sind wie angebeben, natrlich etwas sperriger als eine Treppe. Es gibt keine scharfen Kanten und die Verarbeitung ist solide, auch das Aus- Einklappen ist einhndig mglich. Die Gripbeschichtung ist das einzige Manko, diese wird von den Krallen des Hundes einfach weggekratzt, da werde ich wohl demnchst mal Schleifpapier aufkleben mssen.
    Diese Rampe ist kein Preiskracher, trotzdem wrde ich sie erneut kaufen.

  16. Mike Gikas says:

     United Kingdom

    Very light and easy to assemble. Feels sturdy and dog quite happy to use after a bit of bribery.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have two large male golden retrievers, and this ramp is an absolute godsend, especially for the older dog. I would throughly recommend this item.