Powerball NSD Hybrid Autostart Range – Hand, Grip, Wrist & Forearm Strengthening Gyroscopes

Powerball, NSD Powerball, Gyroball, Autostart Powerball, Wrist Pain, Wrist Strength, Strong Arms,
powerball hybrid, powerball hybrid pro, lcd speed counter, grip strengthening, rpm power powerballs
carpal tunnel syndrome, pianist, guitarist, musician, bodybuilder, warmup, gym, fitness, home workou

Dimensions: 13.46 x 11.43 x 7.11 cm; 354 Grams
Brand: Powerball
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: RPM Sports

19 Responses

  1. YEVLourdes says:


    J’ai achet ce powerball la fois par curiosit et parce que j’avais une longue tendinite du poignet soigner. Ma 1re impression est trs positive sur le modle hybride pro, la qualit semble bien l et la performance aussi. Bien que ce ne soit pas un modle lumineux, l’cran digital s’allume (led orange) lorsque la rotation est en route ce qui peut tre utile en environnement sombre mais surtout pour tmoigner du dmarrage correct de l’exercice. L’autostart fonctionne bien mais il faut s’y habituer pour que a marche du 1er coup : juste aprs la libration du rotor il faut faire tourner la boule rgulirement avec le poignet uniquement, sans bouger le reste du bras. A noter qu’il n’y a pas besoin de tourner le poignet trs rapidement, surtout lorsqu’on ne travaille pas la musculation mais le rtablissement d’une articulation ; une vitesse de l’ordre de 3000rpm est amplement suffisante pour maintenir la rotation interne et gnrer une force adquate pour la rducation (le modle hybride, comme ceux en mtal, gnre plus de force que les modles plastiques pour une vitesse donne). Pour la muscu, ce modle peut monter au-del des 20000rpm et ainsi gnrer une force colossale, mais ce rgime n’est pas atteignable pour la plupart des utilisateurs et personnellement je ne dpasse pas les 7000rpm pour le moment.
    Concernant les informations affiches durant l’exercice, on peut voir en particulier la vitesse de rotation instantane et la vitesse maximale atteinte durant la sance. Mme s’il est peu ais de suivre ces infos en plein entranement, on peut tout de mme y arriver en prenant le powerball avec l’cran vers l’extrieur et en faisant attention ce que le rotor ne frotte pas contre la paume. Chaque consultation ncessite un bref arrt dans l’effort toutefois, mais il n’est pas difficile de ralimenter la rotation interne par la suite. L’cran reste allum jusqu’ ce que la vitesse devienne vraiment trop faible (<2000rpm environ) et on peut en fin d'exercice le consulter un certain temps et changer d'affichage grce au bouton.
    On a souvent l'impression que la boule veut s'chapper de la main, surtout lorsqu'on monte dans les tours. Il faut bien avoir l'esprit que c'est l que les muscles des doigts vont travailler et on a tout intrt adopter une bonne prise ds le dbut de l'exercice. Pour ne pas se faire mal aux doigts inutilement, des ongles bien coups et lims sont recommander (l'emploi de gants ne m'a pas trop convaincu en revanche, surtout pour le remontage de l'autostart). Les forces centrifuges gnrs par le modle hybride sont telles que la boule glisse dans la main malgr la bande agrippante centrale et je ne vois pas comment une autre conception ou d'autres matriaux pourraient y remdier, sauf imaginer un futur modle pourvu de trous pour les doigts (un peu la faon d'une boule de bowling).
    En rsum le modle hybride est un bon produit qui tient bien ses promesses, mais pour en tirer le meilleur parti il ne faut ne pas chercher tout prix le faire tourner toujours plus vite, sous peine de se blesser ou d'envoyer le powerball dans le dcor...

  2. Michael6228 says:

     United Kingdom

    I injured my wrist tendons 6 months ago rock climbing and had to take several months off to fully recover. As part of my recovery I looked into all sorts of aids and tools to help. I have previously had a powerball that I used as a desk toy and remembered that it was supposedly good for circulation and warming up tendons before doing something intense like climbing. I’m delighted to report that it seems to really help. I currently use the powerball as a pre-warmup to promote circulation to my forearms, wrists and hands. I also use it once I return from the gym at lower revolutions to cool down. I’m not a doctor and don’t offer any of this as medical advice but for me it works well and let’s be honest it’s a lot of fun too!

  3. Anonymous says:


    Giocatore di tennis con numerose precedenti fratture. Ultimamente giocando a tennis si manifestata una fase iniziale di sindrome del tunnel carpale. Lavoro da circa 20gg con Powerball e si sono ridotti notevolmente i classici sintomi notturni. Fantastico.

  4. JeffereyShumway says:


    He tenido tendinitis de Quervain en ambas muecas, compr la Powerball para fortalecer la zona y evitar nuevos episodios (en el fondo es un problema crnico, pero se pueden evitar recadas). Es fcil de utilizar y muy til, se hace mucho, mucho ejercicio en la zona del antebrazo. Adems, este modelo no necesita de cuerdas.

    Lo malo, el precio. Se nota que est fabricada con piezas de la mxima calidad, pero es muy cara. Si tienes mi problema, se amortiza, si la vas a utilizar como anti estrs, busca algo ms barato.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Despues de dos das de uso, puedo decir que la fuerza que hay que ejercer para aguantar la bola es muy alta. A bajas revoluciones relaja. A altas, 6000 o mas, yo no soy capaz de mantener 7000, trabajas el agarre, mueca y antebrazo de forma sobresaliente

  6. NateHeffron says:


    Correspond mon besoin – pour l’utiliser besoin d’explications et d’exemples que l’on trouve sur internet.

  7. Wendell0919 says:

     United Kingdom

    Really happy with the purchase. Works fantastically well compared with old models.

  8. Anonymous says:


    J’ai visionn les vidos sur YouTube avant de recevoir ma PowerBall. Je l’ai dmarr au quatrime coup. La PowerBall est beaucoup plus efficace que je ne croyais et j’en ai ressenti les effets la seconde journe. Je ne regrette pas mon achat car la PowerBall est fantastique

  9. VonnieU65sjaxvq says:


    J’ai malheureusement perdu ma Powerball Fusion, donc j’ai craqu pour en reprendre une, mais cette fois avec le rotor en mtal. Et bien, la diffrence est norme niveau sensations ! Je la trouve aussi moins bruyante. Trs content de cet achat, et j’attend la dispo de la titan car c’est apparemment encore autre chose…

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDoes the job, very well made and can feel the difference already

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersGot a pair of these, partly for fun and partly for rehab. I managed to dislocate and break my shoulder, and badly sprain both my wrists when I got dumped off my EUC at 30mph.

    They wind up pretty easily and are much easier to start than my old one with a starter string.

    They have helped a lot with the serious wrist sprains… I really like the workout you can get, and my grip is pretty strong when I use these regularly. They haven’t helped much with the rehab on the shoulder.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Envo rpido y el producto presenta una buena calidad. Cumple expectativas.

  13. Anonymous says:


    This powerball works as expected and has a noticeable amount of kick with the zinc rotor. The poly carbonate shell may not be up to the task as it flexes and creaks when in use. I guess time will tell. I find the readout to be uncomfortable in the palm of my hand seeing that you really need to grip this bad boy once it’s rocking.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersExcellent! Takes patience initially to learn how to get it rotating but afterwards it’s quite addictive and definitely exercises your arm and wrists. I recommend you watch the various powerball YouTube videos for tips and how to get the best exercise for each upper body part as it works on shoulder muscles as well a arms and wrists.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Does exactly what it says on the tin. Google for more info and videos. Superb, inspired product. Not sure about the point of the LEG display, though, as you can’t see it while using the device. Doesn’t matter to me, though. It was never a selling point.
    Get one and stick with it – it’s marvellous.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFor many years I have had the older style clear orange Powerball (with a green inside disk and red lights) which I have used on and off. The old one weighs 233 grams and this new one is almost 60% percent heavier at 363 grams. They are almost exactly the same diameter, although the new one feels larger due to the LCD display on top. The top outside edge of the display does seem to bite into my hand a little bit, but its not too bad, and I really like the information it provides. My hand size is at the lower end of the large range.

    I would class the old one as more of a toy, and this new one as more of a professional unit. The new one is much smoother than the old one, and without trying too hard, I can get the new one up to about 8,000 rpm. I also noticed that because of the smoothness, the new one is MUCH easier to start. I can quickly roll the inside ball 7 strokes with each thumb (for 14 in total), and it starts every time. You don’t think it is going to start, because it is so quiet, but it does. The older one, I run along the top of my leg (down to my knee – as it doesn’t have the spring start) and I am lucky if I can get it to start one out of three times, and then you don’t know for a minute or so because it is so noisy, and difficult to tell with the noise and the shaking if your hand movements are having any effect.

    I purchased this unit because it is in the pro category, but not as expensive as the two styles above it. And I have always been fascinated looking through the clear outside case, as how something so simple can generate so much force. It was expensive, but I think it was worth it. I really like it, and I am glad I bought it.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHad one of these (or something similar) as a teenager. It started with a string and was annoying to get going. The autostart with this is excellent and very easy.

    4 stars for 2 reasons: 1 – I have XL sized hands, and I hold the powerball basically with 2 fingers and my thumb, with my ring and pinky fingers tucked beside it. The ball is too small/my hand is too big to hold it without my fingertips hitting the gyro. If it came with eg an optional neoprene sleeve to increase the diameter, that would be great. 2 – It feels like a lot of $ for what it is.

    In terms of results, it’s surprising how well it works at relieving my pain. From the first time I used it, I noticed a huge drop in pain. Shocking actually. I hardly ever write reviews, but in case there’s someone reading this with horrible tendonitis towards their elbow, considering this to help… it works.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Expensive for what it is but a good thing to have around ….unique exercise to add to routine.

  19. Patsy79Pzpkoed says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAs a competitive breakdancer I put my wrists through lot of punishment. I bought this with the hopes that it would help rehab my injured wrist. I use it every day to help recover all the injured tissues and I feel it’s working great. It’s a great physiotherapy tool. I did find that my education in kinesiology indefinitely my athletic background definitely helped use it more effectively. For anyone who isn’t comfortable with something like this I’d recommend talking to a professional or at least study the tutorial videos carefully.

    As a competitive breakdancer I put my wrists through lot of punishment. I bought this with the hopes that it would help rehab my injured wrist. I use it every day to help recover all the injured tissues and I feel it's working great. It's a great physiotherapy tool. I did find that my education in kinesiology indefinitely my athletic background definitely helped use it more effectively. For anyone who isn't comfortable with something like this I'd recommend talking to a professional or at least study the tutorial videos carefully.