SodaStream Spirit Sparkling Water Maker Machine with 1 Litre Reusable BPA Free Water Bottle for Carbonating and 60 Litre CO2 Gas Cylinder – White

How To Use SodaStream Spirit

Enjoy Fresh Sparkling Water At Home
Say goodbye to using up precious storage space, or lugging bulky bottles of sparkling water home. Keep hydrated all year round with your new at home sparkling water maker. Simply fill with tap water, watch it sparkle and enjoy!

Help Save The Planet From Single-Use Plastic
Be the change: One reusable SodaStream carbonating bottle can save up to 1282 single use plastic bottles from our planet over 4 years.
Sparkling Recipes

Citrus Fizztastic
- Sparkling waterI
- ce cubes4
- tsp fresh lime juice4
- tsp fresh lemon juice1
- tsp honeyC
- hopped fresh mint4
- lime slices

Grapefruit Cooler
- Sparkling water
- Ice cubes
- Juice from half a pink grapefruit
- A few squeezes of fresh orange
- Slice of orange to finish

Blueberry & Mint Ice Tea
- Sparkling water
- Ice cubes
- 5 peppermint tea bags
- 140g blueberries
- Sparkling water
- 2 tsp honey
- Fresh mint leaves
- A few lemon slices

Strawberry Sparkler
- Sparkling Water
- Ice cubes
- Strawberries
- Squeeze of half a lime
- Slice of lime to garnish
SodaStream Sparkling Water Makers
![]() Spirit | ![]() Genesis | ![]() Spirit One Touch | ![]() Power | ![]() Crystal | |
Manual Carbonation | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
Automatic Carbonation | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ |
Bottle Type | Plastic | Plastic | Plastic | Plastic | Glass |
Dishwasher Safe Bottle | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
Bottle Capacity | 1L | 1L | 1L | 1L | 0.6L |
Weight: | 2.6 kg |
Dimensions: | 14 x 20 x 43 cm; 2.6 Kilograms |
Brand: | Sodastream |
Model: | 2270051 |
Colour: | White |
Colour: | White |
Love the soda stream but the gas does not last as advertised which is disappointing
I like that you can choose how fizzy you would like your drink. And it does not have the plastic bottles water taste
I’ll be adding more info later on as I only received yesterday.
Delivery was fast, the machine is easy to use.
It looks nice, but it’s very plasticky.
Many people saying that they weren’t getting fizz from it, I got a great fizz from it! I’m really pleased.
Now, to the use:
Day one:
The gas that came with the equipment is already gone after I filled a few bottles, I’m uncertain if I left if leaking somehow or it was a not fully filled cylinder, for my luck I had already ordered a second cylinder and replaced this morning, let’s see if this one holds up to the promise of 60l.
Arrivato in poco meno di due giorni. Facilissimo da assemblare.
Lo faccio funzionare in combinazione con sistema filtrante aquasan(in foto, il filtro attaccato al rubinetto).
Premetto che l’acqua dalle mie parti ha durezza mediobassa( dati ricavabili dal sito acquedotto pugliese). Il filtro aquasan elimina eventuali residui di sabbia, calcare ed altro. Bottiglia in dotazione riempita con acqua presa dal frigorifero a 3 gradi, appena oltre l’indicazione degli 840 ml, tre gasature di un secondo l’una intervallate da due secondi di fermo per ogni premuta/gasatura. Risultato sorprendente. Ultimo riempimento ore 14. Aggiorneremo la recensione per vedere quanto dura la gasatura in frigo.
There is a mistake in the quick start instructions. When installing the CO2 cylinder the arrows indicate the cylinder should be tightened by turning it clockwise. This is wrong, it should be anti-clockwise. It then works fine.
Took a couple of attempts to get it right but now I always have a couple of bottles of fizzy water chilling in the fridge
It’s taking a wee bit of getting used to as it’s not carbonating as I would like.
But I’m persevering with it for now,!
Un bell’oggetto, pratico da usare, e ci consente di avere un comportamento ecologico con l’acqua frizzante. Ma il problema proprio quello: l’acqua viene poco frizzante, anche con tempi molto pi lunghi di quelli indicati sulla confezione.
Works well and is great for producing carbonated water. Arrived quickly and well packaged. Encountered difficulty putting the bottle in the machine as the picture instructions are not brilliant. Will save on the use of plastic and should save money eventually.
Made simple error at first and overfilled the water bottle – so had a bit if excess water on the kitchen top! The system is easy to use. I use prefiltered tap water using the Zero Water system. After using the sodastream I decant into quart litre kilner bottles which helps retain the fizz and put them in the fridge. Also cool to serve to guests in these. So fizz far so fizz good! After a few days of using the Sodastream, I am impressed that, having aerated the water and put the bottle in the fridge on its side, a day or two later it has lost none of its fizz and being cool, tastes great. Stopped using the kilner bottles now – only the Sodastream bottle.
With this model, you dont need to screw the bottle in. Just apply small pressure and its locked!
Love it!
I think this is brilliant! Easy to use, yes expensive but in the long run stops buying plastic bottles so saves money an less plastic waste!
Also when i used it, it does taste exactly like the water you buy from the shop so im converted! Also the canisters are refillable you just have to find a shop that refills them… i think argos do but i need to find out for sure… in the long run you save money though as this is going to be used alot!
Seriously invest in it if you like sparkling water its so easy to use! Everything clips in or screws in really easy to… by this i mean the cannister and water bottle you put in it to make the water fizzy
Great, I love it. I drink a lot of sparkling water and it is heavy to being home so this is the perfect solutio
Doing the sums shows that this is probably no cheaper than buying carbonated water from the supermarket (in large bottles). But it’s nice to be able to adjust the fizziness, to not buy lots of plastic bottles, and to not have to carry it back from the shops.
First of all, press down on the carbonate button very hard, or otherwise you get nothing. I have probably just wasyed half a bottle of the CO2 on my first drink. I was about to give a really negative review and was thinking of sending back but I read the top review, and presto, the next bottle I made was absolutely perfect.
Partendo dal presupposto che io non bevo acqua gasata ma quella leggermente gasata (alla Ferrarelle/Uliveto), avevo sempre temporeggiato nel prendere questo aggeggio per paura che non mi sarebbe piaciuto il sapore o che non sarei stata in grado di riprodurre “il corretto grado di gasatezza”. Sbagliavo di grosso. perfetto! Premendo solo due volte, mi esce fuori esattamente l’acqua che mi piace. Inoltre, la confezione aggiuntiva di bottiglie stra pratica. Le uso a mo’ di borracce.
Ammetto che il primo approccio non stato facile perch spruzzavo l’acqua ovunque, ma l’errore era mio perch non inserivo correttamente la bottiglia (consiglio di spingerla leggermente in alto quando la inserite, cos aderisce perfettamente). Una volta capito dove sbagliavo, posso dire con convinzione che tutto perfetto!
I love this, drink a lot of sparkling water and I got concerned with the amount of plastic bottles I was using. So I bought this and love i
Its really easy just to snap the bottle into place and a few presses fizzes the water. Saves money and plastic, great!
Da tanto tempo volevo acquistarlo, mi sono finalmente decisa complice il prezzo molto scontato a 53.99.
Noi filtriamo l’acqua del rubinetto con una caraffa filtrante e una volta refrigerata la versiamo nella bottiglia in dotazione per procedere alla gasatura. Bisogna inizialmente imparare a dosare la gasatura, una volta presa la mano, si ottiene dell’ottima acqua gasata.Sono quindi Super soddisfatta dell’acquisto, devo solo vedere la durata della bombola visto che ho acquistato il gasatore da pochi giorni.
I had been buying bottles of water from the supermarket, but no longer need to. This stylish water maker doesn’t take up much room on my worktop. I sometimes found the 2.5L bottles from the supermarket had lost a lot of the fizz by the time I got near the bottom of the bottle. I like that these smaller bottles keep the fizz. I buy the replacement gas from Soda Stream themselves. They take a refundable deposit. After my first order I also received a voucher for money off my next order. So glad I bought this.
Ottimo prodotto…comodissimo! Ho messo il purificatore d’acqua e per mio marito che beve acqua gassata ho comprato questo. Fa benissimo il suo lavoro…per noi che stiamo in un borgo tt in salita una manna dal cielo. Non ho messo 5 stelle per il costo…forse un tantino esagerato per un attrezzo di plastica…ma capisco che si paghi pure la marca e l’idea. Un vero e proprio mai pi senza!! Devo dire che anche esteticamente nn male e fa il suo lavoro…
Economic use of gas and still have not run out use regularly. Tidy and can be placed in a corner. Bottles to start with.
Love this SodaStream. After about 4 weeks there was a problem as the gas appeared to run out. Called helpline who immediately found the solution. Very pleased.
Being in lockdown with the whole family at home made us realise just how many cans and bottles of soda water we actually drink. The bin bags were piling up with empty bottles and it all started to feel a bit shameful. Bought the Soda Stream at the start of the year and the family love it. In terms of gas longevity, we are already on our second bottle. Usage between 3 drinkers was probably 20 days per bottle of gas.
Been wondering about buying one for ages. So glad i have. Going to reduce my plastic waste by loads and salve my conscience!
Simple and easy to use, it not really for saving money because it works out to to around the same ask buying the real coke if not a little more but where is the fun in that.
been meaning to get one for ages but thought it would be a faff x set up in minutes so now instant fizzy water which holds the fizz a long time x
This gift was very well received and is being used daily!
I love my soda stream. It’s thin so doesn’t take up room in the kitchen and is so easy to use. If you’re toying with the idea of getting one, do it!
Very happy with it. Performance as expected but would have liked a 50cl bottle included as well as the 1L bottle as the water goes flat if you don’t use it quickly.
Although there was an issue with the gas cylinder, once this was rectified this is a very good cost-effective way of producing carbonated drinks
Dopo un anno e mezzo ecco la mia recensione: dopo nemmeno 4 mesi si rotto un pezzo ma fortunatamente mio marito riuscito ad aggiustarlo. Adesso si rotto di nuovo un pezzo questa volta non pu essere aggiustato quindi va comprato nuovo. Spero che sia stato un caso e che magari sia dovuto all’utilizzo intensivo che ne facciamo, Visto che il nostro consumo si aggira sulle 6/8 bottiglie al giorno. Ogni bombola ci dura circa 15 giorni. La gasatura comunque perfetta e il risparmio sul consumo di bottiglie di plastica notevole. Considerati tutti gli aspetti vale la pena ricomprarlo.
Great machine to reduce our single-use plastic consumption!
It took a couple of tries to make it work correctly. It is really powerful and only takes seconds, also stays fizzy for a very long time.
I love that I can move it around the kitchen so easily
Would 100% recommend!
Takes a while to get the hang of the soda stream because of the pressure needed.
Ho acquistato il sodastream per smettere di acquistare acqua in bottiglia e devo dire di aver raggiunto lo scopo. Utilizzo acqua del rubinetto precedentemente filtrata con una caraffa Laica (mio figlio la beve naturale) e posso gasarla secondo il nostro gusto. La sto usando da circa 20 giorni, in due con una gasatura abbastanza alta (quattro pressioni) e per ora c’ ancora gas nella bombola.
Non credo si risparmi in termini economici, ma sicuramente si sotto il punto di vista ecologico e di fastidio di caricare casse di acqua.
Per me decisamente consigliato
Love this!! I used to buy sparkling water from the supermarket but wanted to reduce plastic waste and this system is a great alternative. I have signed up to their sparkle club as well and that has been easy and good value as well. I would recommend to anyone who enjoys sparkling drinks
A fantastic way to help reduce plastic waste, no longer needing to buy bottles of carbonated water. The result isn’t quite as fuzzy but acceptable.
Tip a good tip is to purchase a couple of extra gas bottles so you never run out of gas. I hope you found my comments useful
I got this because my wife only drinks fizzy water and was putting lots of plastic bottles in the recycling bin. Not any more because the Sodastream unit saves all that and it’s very easy to use.
A great wee addition to our family kitchen. It fits very easily into our kitchen with it being slim-lined and not bulky.
Great product. No idea what some of the reviews are on about regarding that they can’t get the bottle in. I’ve had no problems at all
Much better than the original, love the style and ease of use.
Devi dire grazie ad Amazon per avere avuto l’opportunit di provare questo prodotto!
Avevo preso la prima versione e mi si guastata dopo quasi 1 anno (perdeva del gas lateralmente mentre lo iniettava), ma Amazon me l’ha ritirata rimborsandola completamente e dandomi la possibilit di comprarne un’altra.
Ho preso questa versione dopo aver provato quella che costa meno, e devo dire che pi comoda per l’inserimento della bottiglia, che la stessa.
La versione che costa meno ha bisogno di avvitare la bottiglia, mentre questa ha un meccanismo che la cattura e la stringe in automatico al momento dell’inserimento.
Ottima la possibilit di potere gasare l’acqua al livello voluto, mentre il gusto dipende dall’acqua utilizzata.
Quella di casa mia di per se gi buona, per io ho comprato, a parte, una caraffa con filtro per migliorarne ulteriormente il gusto!
Acquisto consigliato!
Works well and so far has been a more eco-friendly alternative to shop bought soda water.
ima compra! No via a hora de ter a minha Sodastream e no me arrependi em nada de ter comprado. O manuseio pode parecer confuso no incio, mas basta seguir as instrues e os vdeos da marca no YouTube que voc percebe que muito mais fcil do que parece. A gua sai deliciosa e sua medida (muito ou pouco gs), no perdendo em nada para as guas engarrafadas que estamos acostumados. Alm disso, a garrafa fantstica! Armazena muito bem o gs e mantendo o frescor do gua! Super recomendo, uma das minhas melhores compras desse ano.
Have used it now for almost a month and love it. Very easy to use. Love strong sparkling water and it hasn’t disappointed me.
Great product, fizzes nicely with full co2. Just hard to find replacement cylinders these days
We were a little hesitant to buy the SodaStream considering some of the negative reviews on here, but we’ve found ours to be really easy to use. Unlike other users, we haven’t had to tug on it or anything to get the bottle off, so perhaps they received a faulty product?
The SodaStream comes with one gas canister, which they advertise should last for up to 60 liters of carbonated water. Since we always felt guilty about buying plastic or glass bottles of water for a one time use, we’ve actually found ourselves drinking a lot more sparkling water after buying the product. You can also go on the SodaStream website to join their gas canister exchange – it costs 22.99 per bottle, but 10 of that is a deposit that they’ll provide as a rebate if you return the canister within 1 year.
Mi sono convinto ad acquistare il gasatore Sodastream anche se inizialmente ero diffidente, alcune recensioni mi mi avevano lasciato dei dubbi. Considerato che non compro acqua in bottiglia per non produrre rifiuti di plastica e perch quella del rubinetto va benissimo non mi rimanevano molte alternative se volevo acqua frizzante. Ebbene, devo dire di essere contentissimo dell’acquisto. Per gasare una bottiglia consigliano fino a cinque pressioni sull’erogatore. Per il mio gusto tre pressioni sono sufficienti per ottenere un livello di effervescenza piacevole. L’operazione semplicissima e a prova di errori, basta non superare il livello di acqua indicato sulla bottiglia. L’acqua ha un buon sapore e le bottiglie lavabili in lavastoviglie, che ho comprato a parte, sono una comodit (quella inclusa nella confezione Sodastream Spirit lavabile esclusivamente a mano). In ottica ecologica ottimo il servizio di consegna del vuoto della bombola a fronte del’acquisto di una ricarica. In definitiva, ottimo acquisto che rifarei senz’altro.
I use it only for pure sparkling water. Not very easy to use but fine if pressed hard.
Note, once fizzed, do not attempt to force the bottle off, wait until it falls into your hand (Pull bottle towards you first. Also use SodaStream refill service, refills around 12 each
Eso si, los cartuchos si son caros, y si no tienes en tu zona nadie que te los recargue puede ser un problema serio. Pero para ello, yo he adaptado mi maquina con unos tubos que se venden y conectan con una bombona de CO2 que tengo escondida debajo de la encimera de la cocina. La bombona me llega por las rodillas y me asegura, no 60 litros como los cartuchos originales, sino probablemente todo un ao de SODA en casa…Ademas, relleno las botellas con agua fria de las maquinas que te ponen en casa las empresas de agua a domicilio con lo cual…no tengo ni que esperar a que se enfrie. Buena compra. Lo recomiendo (Si la adaptas como he hecho yo…)
I bought this as a gift. Great product if you like sparkling water. Easy to use and stylish.
I used to always buy bottle of fizzy water and now I don’t need to, so its prob good for the planet.
Very glad I bought this. After years of buying plastic bottles of water, bad for the planet and for my back when carting them around, I discovered you can make your own! The use of a water filter makes the flavour even better. Easy to use, works well, a great buy
Very easy to use and great item, however after 2 months of use I have noticed that the bottle catches somewhere in the machine and you have to twist it to release it or oull hardly. Machine made of plastic so its a bit worrying that I will oull too hard one day and break it.
I drink a lot of water and its nice to know that I dont have to buy another plastic bottle to have a fizzy water. I cant comment on flavours as I never tried any but its a great gadget to have.
Delivery on time, easy to assemble, used it straight away, great at carbonating water, value for money.
Received as a Christmas present and it’s great. Gas doesn’t last as long as I’d hoped but certainly reduces the plastic bottles I buy
Bought as a present. So easy to use and very good value for money. Arrived in very good time.
I materiali non danno l’impressione di una grande solidit, ma il gasatore funziona alla grande. Dopo aver capito come inserire correttamente la bombola (bisogna farla ruotare finch non si incastra perfettamente nell’ugello) e dopo qualche prova di gasatura andata a vuoto o quasi (il pulsante va premuto bene, fino in fondo), in un paio di giorni ci ho preso la mano e adesso, a distanza di cinque mesi, non potrei pi farne a meno. Cio, se ne pu fare a meno benissimo, ma, se vi piace l’acqua gassata, obiettivamente un grosso passo avanti rispetto alle bottiglie. Le bombole di ricambio, fra l’altro, si trovano anche al supermercato.
This was a present for my brother who is trying to lose weight and enjoys soda and lime and lives in a remote place where getting bottled water is troublesome
A little expensive but functions without issues, very easy to use. One can carbonise to taste by simply pressing a button on the of the unit (who needs a more expensive unit !!). The unit is complete with a high quality re-usable plastic 1ltr bottle. Linking up with Sodastream’s CO2 bottle re-fill service provides a great way to reduce plastic and contribute to saving the planet !!
Brilliant. I used to buy a lot of bottle carbonated water, and there was a lot of plastic bottles being wasted. This is worth every penny.
Super pratique. Pas forcment conomique vu le prix des recharges, mais au moins on n’achte et on ne jette plus des tonnes de plastique. Seul bmol : l’impossibilit de nettoyer les bouteilles sans les capsules. Dommage qu’on ne puisse pas laver les bouteilles l’eau chaude. Si j’avais su, j’aurai peut tre opt pour la sodastream avec bouteille de verre car les bouteilles en plastique prennent une odeur si on ne les lave pas avec les capsules (super chres).
I drink a lot of water to keep myself hydrated due to medical condition. I prefer sparkling water and used to buy 4x2ltr bottles. Once opened the water went flat pretty quickly
Now I have 3x 1ltr soda stream bottles which I fill twice a day. The flavour is really good and more importantly the water in the specially designed bottles holds its sparkle to the last drop
I make my own lemon syrup which so good and works well added to the water
Very importantly I have cut down massively my plastic use which can only be good
This offer was one of the cheapest I found
There is a little bit of a learning curve with this machine, but after watching a video on YouTube I am now able to make my soda without water leaking everywhere.
The fizz is great and I love the flavour.
The instructions do not tell you to screw the gas cylinder tightly, which luckily was mentioned by a reviewer, so I knew how to assemble mine.
However, after only about nine days, the cylinder that came with the machine was empty. I can imagine to have wasted “a bit” of gas in my early attempts, but still, going from 6 weeks to a little over one seems excessive. I hope the next gas cylinder lasts for longer.
I love my soda stream maker, I need to give it a few more presses than it recommends on the button, but a cylinder of gas still lasts a month and I probably make about 1.5 litres of sparking water a day. The flavour bottles I bought were lemonade and diet cola from Lakeland as that was the only place I could find them and they have lasted well as well, but the best is just to put in a slice of fresh lemon and that works a treat really bubbly and refreshing and because you can get 0.5l bottles it means that my sparkling water is always sparkling as I just make it as and when I want to drink it, so there’s no waste and no plastic bottles. You can even subscribe to get gas bottles delivered and returned and so reduce your costs through the year. Very pleased with this as a way to cut down on our plastic bottle useage, our recycling bin is now taking weeks to fill.
I don’t often write a review but wanted to give my opinion on this product.
When I was considering buying a Soda Stream type product I did what I always do, look at the products on offer and see the reviews. The one I originally wanted to buy wasn’t available so I decided to buy this one though the reviews had some negative comments, mainly about the bubbles.
Well it’s simples, you want bubbles you just press the button more! We haven’t looked back and always store a couple of bottles in the fridge so that at any time we have fizzy water. But the best thing is you can choose your bubble level and my husband prefers less so we can actually suit the bubble content to the drinker!
Also, I now don’t have loads of purchased bottles in the kitchen and that means we are using far less plastic. It’s really a win win.
This wee Gadget is absolutely brilliant. After reading some ok reviews by some people regarding this soda stream i have come to the conclusion that those people must be THICK. This little gizmo is so simple to use Fill the bottle to the mark (for best results fill slightly over the line marked on the bottle). To Insert Gas cylinder remove back cover. Tear plastic covering off cylinder then unscrew white plastic top from cylinder. Screw the cylinder up into unit and replace back cover. Insert water bottle up into front of soda stream no need to screw into place just push up then push bottle back into unit. Now this is where people may be getting it wrong. If you like your water really FIZZY press the Grey button the top for 5 two second bursts. Press firmly down don’t be scared. You may hear gas escaping perfectly normal don’t worry this means its working and you are pressing the button hard enough. Like i said before 5 times 2 second bursts makes perfect fizzy water. Should have bought one of these years ago. My wife loves it as well no more carrying heavy packs of fizzy water home from shopping. I must admit the instructions (Pictures only) may be vague but they are very self explanatory. Anyway very happy with this Soda stream GREAT Purchase. Thank you Amazo
Makes lovely soda water – can make the fizz to your preference. Love it. Saves on plastic/ glass bottles. It will soon have paid for itself! Would recommend.
My grand-daughter requested this for her 9th birthday. She was delighted with it and was able to set it up and operate it on her own.
It’s very easy to assemble. As some have said the back is quite flimsy but it holds together fine. My first attempt to fizz was hysterical I had water fountains going everywhere (the picture instructions aren’t the best) but I viewed a brilliant YouTube video and took her tips onboard. I realised I’d not pulled the tab forward before inserting the bottle which secures it in place. Rookie error.
Since then I’ve had great success. Top tip was to let the water settle a bit after each blast of gas. I like it very fizzy so do 6 blasts. THEN LEAVE IT for a minute or so to settle before taking it out of the soda stream device. Perfect sparkling water that maintains its fizz.
Also bought two empty bottles as part of the deal which I highly recommend as you can have them chilling in the fridge. I’m delighted with it. Wish I’d bought one sooner.
CO2 cylinder didn’t last long but I guess I have been using it a lot during hot weather. Recommend for diabetes sufferers who miss their fizzy drinks
Takes a bit of practice to get it right compared to the old model but good once mastered. Only complaint a bit pricey otherwise satisfied overall.
I can’t live without this how.
You can vary how fizzy your water is and the gas canister lasted me around 100 bottles of water. It’s easily refilled at places like Argos.
It’s not bulky or cumbersome to have on display and it doesn’t need a plug socket so can be put anywhere !
Had one years ago only difference is a larger bottle. I found the 500ml bottle better. This new bottle doesn’t seem to hold the gas.
This is amazing! I’m really excited to have carbonated water on tap. I can’t believe the reviewers who are saying that their water is not fizzy enough. Mine is incredibly fizzy! I was really chuffed to get it on an Amazon deal too.
I’ve had this for months now and make a bottle (750ml) of sparkling water a day. The gas lasts about a month before I need to pop down to the local Argos and swap it for a full one. The cost of the swap might not be as cost effective as buying bottled sparkling water but the reduction in plastic use along with a lighter load of shopping to carry home balance this out for me.
Really happy with the Sodastream Spirit. Very easy to use and a sleek design. As long as you fill the water bottle to the fill mark there are no issues with adding fizz – is very simple to manage level of fizz, add couple of button presses for lots of bubbles.
saves on buying so many carbonated drinks in plastic bottles, (water for me),also saves a great deal of money. refills at Robert Dyas(uk), are only 12 as long as you take back your empty. Sits nicely on the kitchen worktop.
When I first used the SodaStream according to the instructions (pics only)Ibarely got any fizz, whereas my partner got great fizz but couldn’t remove the bottleafterwards. Over the course of the past weeks we’ve worked out how to use it properlyand are happy with it, but it isn’t as easy to use as the instructions make it look like.
To give a few examples:I didn’t press down the button hard enough, so while it looked like the machine was doing theright thing, it wasn’t releasing enough gas for good fizz. To get the bottle out afterwards we found that we have to move it slightly to the left when pulling the lever forwards, then push the bottle up (instead of pull down!) until a “pop” sound occurs and the pressure isreleased.
Overall I’d give the SodaStream 3 stars for ease-of-use and 5 stars for the final result, making it 4 stars on average.
I love fizzy water! We used to get through loads of bottles of mineral water and when I saw my boss bringing soda stream bottles to work I considered getting one.
Growing up in the early 80s I thought of it as a lemonade or cola maker, we’d always had a simple siphon instead. I chose this model as it was good value for money at the time I bought it.
It is easy to operate but you must push the bottle fully upwards as you clamp it in, if not then the seal isn’t made and the water won’t be fizzy. They could have made that clear in the instructions.
I like that you can get money off the gas cylinders when you use SodaStream returns as well. That makes it economically a much better choice and it’s easy to do.
I’m a little disappointed in the quality of the item, the plastic feels very light and cheap. I suppose it is important to remember that around 25 of the cost is likely to be for the cylinder, the remainder is for the SodaStream unit.
Bought this item during black Friday sales for 40. Easy to use. Makes strong fizzy water.
I bought different flavours in France because they are not available yet in UK.
Easy to set up and use. Requires a lot more gas to make it as fizzy as store-bought water than you’d think, so you’ll probably need to replace the cylinder a lot sooner than expected. Other than that it’s excellent and the cylinder refill scheme is brilliant.
Husband delighted with this for xmas. Eady to use – sparkling water at a few button presses. He drinks it by the gallon so this will be hopefully better for the envirnment too – save using all those plastic bottles
Bought as had one many years ago and loved it used many times a week for the children . This one is easy to use and will save on plastic this Christmas and beyond
Sometimes we drink sparkling water, but using the Brita water filtering system we had to change. This is the perfect solution, easy to use, clean, fast and you can choose how much bubble you want! We really like it!
Saves plastic.
Makes decent Soda water.
The removable cover for the cannister housing at the back feels a bit flimsy.
Saves money? I am yet to work out the economics of it. I use this only for making Soda water – not as a lemonade/Cola/fizzy pop replacement. After the initial purchase, each cannister apparently makes 60L of Soda water – though I assume that is with the minimum recommended ‘fizziness’, and I put a couple of extra pumps in for my preference, which is more like store bought Soda water – and costs 23 currenly on Amazon. This works out at a little over 38p a litre. By contrast Morrisons soda water is 45p a litre (alson on Amazon). So, factoring in a probably get a little less than the 60L out of the cannister it is probably more or less even.
For me, worth it for using far fewer plastic bottles and the convenience of Soda water on demand (assuming you have the gas!)
Can’t comment on the flavour of the syrups as I haven’t used any.
L’ho acquistato per regalarlo, ma non ho resistito alla tentazione e l’ho provato.
Innanzitutto alcune premesse: come gia` consigliato da altri, prima raffreddo l’acqua poi la gaso, appena prima di berla. Per gasarla faccio un unica pressione del dosatore, per alcuni secondi, non tante piccole.
Ho notato che l’acqua cosi` gasata e` un po’ differente dalle acque gasate in commercio, o almeno cosi` mi sembra.
E` piu` ‘frizzante’ e meno ‘gasata’. Voglio dire che pizzica sulla lingua, ma sembra produrre meno gas tenendola in bocca. La cosa mi fa piacere, poiche` mi piace proprio il pizzicore dell’acqua frizzante.
Particolarmente utile la possibilita` di gasare l’acqua a piacere. Io preferisco l’acqua poco gasata, e quindi tengo premuto il gasatore per circa 2 secondi.
Facilissimo da montare ed utilizzare.
Non ho ancora dati sulla durata del cilindro, perche` lo uso da poco tempo, vedremo.
Wir hatten zuvor das Steinzeit Model mit lstigem eindrehen wodurch der soda stream nicht gerne genutzt wurde. Zudem fiel er langsam aber sicher auseinander. Dichtungen verschlissen, Sprudelhebel gebrochen (gute idee den aus hartplastik zu produzieren!) Nun ist dieses neuere Model im Haus und ich benutze es wieder sehr gerne. Der Einsteck Mechanismus ist luxus im Vergleich zum alten Sprudler oder den Glaskaraffen mit ihrem hakeligen Bayonett Verschluss. Also soweit alles Top bisher. Auch das alle alten Flaschen benutzt werden knnen finde ich gelungen. Ein tip am Rand: kaufen sie nur splmaschinenfeste Flaschen. Nach Jahren der Benutzung sind die Flaschen sonst nicht mehr zu reinigen und einfach nur noch ekelhaft.
Schade nur das ich hier schon wieder lesen muss das der Hebel gerne bricht da er wieder aus hochbestndigen Plastik gefertigt wurde. Hoffe bei uns erst nach einigen Jahren.
Glad not to be buying plastic bottles which is the only reason I bought a soda stream. Sometimes it works better than others at putting in the bubbles but I can’t work out why.
Pro’s… Fresh soda water on tap all the time
Easy to use
You can make the soda water as fizzy as you like. We just give our two bursts of gas and its just right.
Drastically reduce the amount of plastic we produce even though we can recycle plastic bottles.
Cons… None to report as yet, still on the first bottle of gas that came with it so dont know how cost effective it will be.
Can definately recommend just wish we thought of it before now.
Il gasatore Spirit rispetta tutte le caratteristiche descritte dal costruttore:
1) semplicit, sia nell’installazione della bombola di CO2 che della bottiglia (entrambe le manovre eseguibili con una mano),
2) eleganza, in quanto ottimo componente di arredo che si adatta sia alle forme che ai colori del mobilio;
3) funzionale, infatti con un semplice tocco si pu scegliere il giusto grado di effervescenza dell’acqua;
E’ un oggetto che non dovrebbe mancare in nessuna casa, non necessit di corrente elettrica e pu essere spostato ovunque, inoltre i concentrati biologici annessi sono veramente buoni e gustosi (nel mio caso gusto : limone verde e ribes nero). Il prodotto e i concentrati sono stati provati anche da amici e parenti e il risultato/opinione stata la medesima: semplice, pratico e buono. Lo consiglio a chiunque soprattutto a chi vuole quella sensazione di brio in pi