Thrustmaster Ferrari F599XX EVO 30 Wheel AddOn Alcantara Edition (Wheel AddOn, 30 cm, Alcantara, PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / PC)

Dimensions: 335 x 335 x 110 cm; 1.4 Kilograms
Model: 4060071
Origin: France

130 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Sehr gute Qualititt, solide Verarbeitung, viele Einstellungen und nicht zuletzt der sehr guten Preis.
    Alles in allem empfehle ich dieser Lenkrad ohne Einschrnkung.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 83 From Our Users599 EVO:
    Un volante que revisa calidad, que cuando lo coges, sientes que tienes un volante de verdad, no un juguete. El tacto es increble pero si lo quieres mantener, has de jugara con guante, cosa que para mi no es problema ya que siempre los uso.
    Quizs echo en falta algn botn ms, pero si sabes configurar bien lo que ms usas, tiene muy bien.
    Por defecto, el botn negro, pertenece a la X de la PS4, cosa que se hace un poco incomoda a la hora de ir moviendo por los menos con la cruceta y dandole a X para confirmar la opcin, pero si remapeas la X a un botn de los de la derecha, no es ningn problema.
    Lo uso en un T300 y las sensaciones no pueden ser mejores, mas cuando venia de un G29.

    Ferrari F1:
    Un volante que engaa por su aspecto. Parece que tiene un montn de botones rotarios y dems y la mayora no se mueven. Son puro plstico de esttica. Lo uso en un T300 y en una PS4 y claro, la cruceta esta repetida, no se puede asignar una funcin a la de la derecha y otra a la de la izquierda, son la misma pero repetida. Los interruptores que hay en la parte inferior que son de dos posiciones, neutral (centro) que no hace nada, arriba y abaja que es lo mismo, en PS4 corresponde a los botones Share, PS, etc… el resto de botones, si los podar asignar sin que se repitan, aunque has de tener cuidado, ya que es posible que si coincida alguno con la misma opcin. OLVIDATE de los rotarios del medio, son de pega. En las fotos que he puesto se ve perfectamente.
    A la hora de usarlo, las sensaciones que transmite, son buenas, pero claro, lo hace la base del T300. El agarre es bastante duro y como no juegues con guantes, yo siempre juego con ellos, tienes el 99% de las papeletas para que te salga algn callo. Usa guantes o pon cinta de la que se usa en las raquetas de tenis para hacerlo ms mullido.
    Como coleccin, esta bien, para tenerlo como nico volante, NO lo recomendara.
    El precio, es demasiado alto, para todo el plstico que lleva, si a eso le sumamos, que el cambio de levas es todo uno (cuando aprietas laleva derecha, la izquierda se mueve en el sentido contrario), no independientes como llevan todos los volantes de la marca Thrustmaster.

    -TM – Open Wheel.

    Volante que aunque ponga que es para Xbox, funciona perfectamente en PS4, al menos en la base del T300RS que es donde le uso, junto a otros que ya he analizado.
    en cuanto a botones, no son de muy buena calidad, pero cumplen su funcin. Su disosiciuon en el volante es cmoda, no has de forzar la mano para llegar a ellos con el pulgar. es la misma disposicin y funcionamiento que tiene el Ferrari 599 EVO Alcantara.
    Este aro, es abierto, lo que a mime hace ms comida la conduccin, ojo, menos en rally. tiene acabados en aluminio y es resistente. La forma de agarre es para mi gusto, perfecta. Quizs los que tengan la mano pequea, les resultar algo grueso (pienso, no afirmo). El acabado de tela afelpada o cuero invertido, si juegas sin guantes, no es mi caso, te ser agradable al tacto. Es bastante suave y evitar que te salgan cayos.
    Un aro, que ha aumentado mi coleccin y que recomiendo a todo aqul que quiera sentir otras sensaciones al pilotar.
    Como pega, aparte de los botones, me hubiese gustado que fuese de 30cm en vez de los 28 que tiene, pero al final te acostumbras.

    Sparco R383 Mod.
    Este volante revisa calidad all por donde lo mires y lo toques. La sensacin que da al cogerlo es igual a la de un coche de verdad. Sin duda, es el mejor volante que he probado hasta ahora, cmodo a ms no poder, sientes las curvas de otra manera, no se como explicarlo, hay que probarlo para darte cuenta de lo “sencillo” que parece correr con l.
    El trabajo que han hecho las dos compaas, es de diez.
    Los botones son de buena calidad, lleva un joystick en la parte superior izquierda que a la vez es botn, por lo que le hace muy rpido y cmodo para moverte entre los menos del coche y ajustar cosas, como, traccin, mapa motor, etc… INSUPERABLE por el resto de volantes.

    SPARCO P310 mod
    Aqui me quedo sin palabras con esta obra maestra hecha por la fusin entre Sparco y Thrustmaster, (siempre ablando de la gama media de aros, como es Thrustmaster.
    La forma poligonal que tiene el volante puede echar para atrs a mas de uno, pero no. este se adapta muy bien, pudiendo agarrar de tres maneras/formas, 10:10, 15:45, y 16:20 . Lo que te posibilita conducir tranquilamente con un descapotable por carreteras de montaa viendo el paisaje, meterte de lleno en un circuito con un GT3, GTR, F1 etc, o conducir el las tensionantes y emocionantes carreras de Nascar.
    La construccin es robusta y viene con un alcanzar o piel vuelta, que tendras que usar guantes, si quieres que esta te dure ms, a parte de los cuidados de mantenimiento que has de tener con este tipo de pieles. Una cosa que no me ha gustado nada de nada, las juntas que hay en los brazos del volante. Si os fijis en las fotos que he puesto, parece que han puesto retales, en vez de haberlo puesto todo de una pieza, como se ha de hacer. Un aro de este precio, ha de cuidar esos detalles al mximo.
    La disposicin de botones es correcta y llegas a ellos sin problema. Es la misma disposicin que la de su hermano Sparco R383.
    Lleva unos tornillos en las levas por si algn dia quieres cambiarlas por una que ms se ajusten a tu forma de conducir o mano. Todo un detalle.
    Es el aro que mas uso ahora y no por la novedad, por la versatilidad que tiene como he dicho. Que pena no haberlo comprado antes, quizs el precio echa un poco para atrs, esta bastante inflado, y aunque merece cada euro que cuesta, si lo comprais en una oferta rpida o en el Black F. seguro que lo comprais ms barato.
    Este aro es una apuesta segura.

    Muy Bueno 599 EVO, Malo Ferrari F1, Estupendo el TM Open Wheel, Insuperable Sparco R383. P310 Perf

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 56 From Our Users599 EVO:
    Un volante que revisa calidad, que cuando lo coges, sientes que tienes un volante de verdad, no un juguete. El tacto es increble pero si lo quieres mantener, has de jugara con guante, cosa que para mi no es problema ya que siempre los uso.
    Quizs echo en falta algn botn ms, pero si sabes configurar bien lo que ms usas, tiene muy bien.
    Por defecto, el botn negro, pertenece a la X de la PS4, cosa que se hace un poco incomoda a la hora de ir moviendo por los menos con la cruceta y dandole a X para confirmar la opcin, pero si remapeas la X a un botn de los de la derecha, no es ningn problema.
    Lo uso en un T300 y las sensaciones no pueden ser mejores, mas cuando venia de un G29.

    Ferrari F1:
    Un volante que engaa por su aspecto. Parece que tiene un montn de botones rotarios y dems y la mayora no se mueven. Son puro plstico de esttica. Lo uso en un T300 y en una PS4 y claro, la cruceta esta repetida, no se puede asignar una funcin a la de la derecha y otra a la de la izquierda, son la misma pero repetida. Los interruptores que hay en la parte inferior que son de dos posiciones, neutral (centro) que no hace nada, arriba y abaja que es lo mismo, en PS4 corresponde a los botones Share, PS, etc… el resto de botones, si los podar asignar sin que se repitan, aunque has de tener cuidado, ya que es posible que si coincida alguno con la misma opcin. OLVIDATE de los rotarios del medio, son de pega. En las fotos que he puesto se ve perfectamente.
    A la hora de usarlo, las sensaciones que transmite, son buenas, pero claro, lo hace la base del T300. El agarre es bastante duro y como no juegues con guantes, yo siempre juego con ellos, tienes el 99% de las papeletas para que te salga algn callo. Usa guantes o pon cinta de la que se usa en las raquetas de tenis para hacerlo ms mullido.
    Como coleccin, esta bien, para tenerlo como nico volante, NO lo recomendara.
    El precio, es demasiado alto, para todo el plstico que lleva, si a eso le sumamos, que el cambio de levas es todo uno (cuando aprietas laleva derecha, la izquierda se mueve en el sentido contrario), no independientes como llevan todos los volantes de la marca Thrustmaster.

    -TM – Open Wheel.

    Volante que aunque ponga que es para Xbox, funciona perfectamente en PS4, al menos en la base del T300RS que es donde le uso, junto a otros que ya he analizado.
    en cuanto a botones, no son de muy buena calidad, pero cumplen su funcin. Su disosiciuon en el volante es cmoda, no has de forzar la mano para llegar a ellos con el pulgar. es la misma disposicin y funcionamiento que tiene el Ferrari 599 EVO Alcantara.
    Este aro, es abierto, lo que a mime hace ms comida la conduccin, ojo, menos en rally. tiene acabados en aluminio y es resistente. La forma de agarre es para mi gusto, perfecta. Quizs los que tengan la mano pequea, les resultar algo grueso (pienso, no afirmo). El acabado de tela afelpada o cuero invertido, si juegas sin guantes, no es mi caso, te ser agradable al tacto. Es bastante suave y evitar que te salgan cayos.
    Un aro, que ha aumentado mi coleccin y que recomiendo a todo aqul que quiera sentir otras sensaciones al pilotar.
    Como pega, aparte de los botones, me hubiese gustado que fuese de 30cm en vez de los 28 que tiene, pero al final te acostumbras.

    Sparco R383 Mod.
    Este volante revisa calidad all por donde lo mires y lo toques. La sensacin que da al cogerlo es igual a la de un coche de verdad. Sin duda, es el mejor volante que he probado hasta ahora, cmodo a ms no poder, sientes las curvas de otra manera, no se como explicarlo, hay que probarlo para darte cuenta de lo “sencillo” que parece correr con l.
    El trabajo que han hecho las dos compaas, es de diez.
    Los botones son de buena calidad, lleva un joystick en la parte superior izquierda que a la vez es botn, por lo que le hace muy rpido y cmodo para moverte entre los menos del coche y ajustar cosas, como, traccin, mapa motor, etc… INSUPERABLE por el resto de volantes.

    SPARCO P310 mod
    Aqui me quedo sin palabras con esta obra maestra hecha por la fusin entre Sparco y Thrustmaster, (siempre ablando de la gama media de aros, como es Thrustmaster.
    La forma poligonal que tiene el volante puede echar para atrs a mas de uno, pero no. este se adapta muy bien, pudiendo agarrar de tres maneras/formas, 10:10, 15:45, y 16:20 . Lo que te posibilita conducir tranquilamente con un descapotable por carreteras de montaa viendo el paisaje, meterte de lleno en un circuito con un GT3, GTR, F1 etc, o conducir el las tensionantes y emocionantes carreras de Nascar.
    La construccin es robusta y viene con un alcanzar o piel vuelta, que tendras que usar guantes, si quieres que esta te dure ms, a parte de los cuidados de mantenimiento que has de tener con este tipo de pieles. Una cosa que no me ha gustado nada de nada, las juntas que hay en los brazos del volante. Si os fijis en las fotos que he puesto, parece que han puesto retales, en vez de haberlo puesto todo de una pieza, como se ha de hacer. Un aro de este precio, ha de cuidar esos detalles al mximo.
    La disposicin de botones es correcta y llegas a ellos sin problema. Es la misma disposicin que la de su hermano Sparco R383.
    Lleva unos tornillos en las levas por si algn dia quieres cambiarlas por una que ms se ajusten a tu forma de conducir o mano. Todo un detalle.
    Es el aro que mas uso ahora y no por la novedad, por la versatilidad que tiene como he dicho. Que pena no haberlo comprado antes, quizs el precio echa un poco para atrs, esta bastante inflado, y aunque merece cada euro que cuesta, si lo comprais en una oferta rpida o en el Black F. seguro que lo comprais ms barato.
    Este aro es una apuesta segura.

    Muy Bueno 599 EVO, Malo Ferrari F1, Estupendo el TM Open Wheel, Insuperable Sparco R383. P310 Perf

  4. MerissaFeldman says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    30cm rim makes all the difference to the force feedback…The Alcantara quality is amazing and so good to touch and grip it oozes only con the buttons and gear paddles are standard thrustmaster gear..but I highly recommend this rim..please remember this is an add on you need a compatible thrustmaster base to connect too..A+

  5. TeddyLangwo says:

     United Kingdom

    30cm rim makes all the difference to the force feedback…The Alcantara quality is amazing and so good to touch and grip it oozes only con the buttons and gear paddles are standard thrustmaster gear..but I highly recommend this rim..please remember this is an add on you need a compatible thrustmaster base to connect too..A+

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Had one a couple of years ago. The only downside is wear patterns after use. What I did second time around is apply protection before use. I used fabric guard to prevent oils and dirt getting deep into thr material. Many other choices out there. Great wheel over all

  7. ErikaBicheno says:

     United Kingdom

    Had one a couple of years ago. The only downside is wear patterns after use. What I did second time around is apply protection before use. I used fabric guard to prevent oils and dirt getting deep into thr material. Many other choices out there. Great wheel over all

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDie Produkte von Thrustmaster sind Top habe auch das Ferrari F1 Wheel und jetzt das Ferrari 599xx evo ist auch Top

    Thrustmaster ist einfach Top

  9. Jamison56O says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Have been using this for past few months, excellent quality alcantera with smooth finish and stitching. Made the game better experience and steering.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Have been using this for past few months, excellent quality alcantera with smooth finish and stitching. Made the game better experience and steering.

  11. Gabriel3264 says:


    Chi ama i simulatori con questo STERZO ha un feetbak quasi reale

  12. slansky says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEste volante forrado de alcntara y de 30 cm de dimetro es lo ideal para pilotar en un simracer, el nico inconveniente si se puede llamar as es que hay que conducir con guantes para que no se deteriore el revestimiento.

    La calidad es magnifica

  13. Krissy90220 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Fantastic wheel, I have to wear gloves when driving with it otherwise I get carpet burn. However the wheel is absolutely great slightly bigger than the most wheel but when you fine tune the wheel weight and FFB it is the bear wheel ever.

    Absolutely worth the mone

  14. BVVJaninawbf says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic wheel, I have to wear gloves when driving with it otherwise I get carpet burn. However the wheel is absolutely great slightly bigger than the most wheel but when you fine tune the wheel weight and FFB it is the bear wheel ever.

    Absolutely worth the mone

  15. Chris Pereira says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersLo compre en reacondicionado a un precio realmente bajo, pensaba que vendra con la alcntara machacada pero no fue as, producto totalmente nuevo con la caja daada.

    – Dimetro del aro de 30cm, lo cual se nota una barbaridad frente a los de 28cm,
    – Tacto realmente premium
    – Botonera y levas con buenas sensaciones de calidad
    – Aspecto fsicamente bonito con el logo de Ferrari en el centro

    – La alcntara hay que cuidarla y usar el volante con guantes de calidad

  16. ShantellLnf says:


    Este aro esta muy bien, lo llevo en mi ts-pc racer y la verdad que de lujo el alcantara es una maravilla aunque se desgaste muy rapido y el tamao, distribucion de botones es muy buena. La unica pega que sacaria de este aro serian las levas que me parecen muy “suaves” con los cascos no oigo nada “es normal” pero tampoco siento nada, no siento un click al pulsarlas y eso hace que parezca que no le das, por lo demas genial un aro que cuesta el precio que tiene.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Este aro esta muy bien, lo llevo en mi ts-pc racer y la verdad que de lujo el alcantara es una maravilla aunque se desgaste muy rapido y el tamao, distribucion de botones es muy buena. La unica pega que sacaria de este aro serian las levas que me parecen muy “suaves” con los cascos no oigo nada “es normal” pero tampoco siento nada, no siento un click al pulsarlas y eso hace que parezca que no le das, por lo demas genial un aro que cuesta el precio que tiene.

  18. Joe Miller says:


    Trs bon nouveau volant, meilleur grip et taille idalement mieux par rapport au model d’origne, juste que je pense qu’il va moins bien vieillir au niveau des coutures qui semblent plutot fragile sur le long terme.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Un trs beau volant, la qualit est l, la prise en main est vraiment bonne, et le ressenti trs sympa sur un TS-PC.
    Juste ce systme de fixation qui est quand mme moins pratique qu’un vrai quick release mais pour le reste c’est top.

  20. MikeVidaluwklr says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDevo ammetterlo: ero un po scettico sull’acquisto di questa corona da abbinare al mio Thrustmaster TX… Vuoi per il prezzo, vuoi per l’utilizzo “sporadico” che faccio del volante… Ma vi posso assicurare che vale ogni euro speso! ( l’ho preso a circa 130 euro)… Il feel incredibile: l’alcantara davvero fantastica al tatto, il peso del volante rende il forcefeedback pi sincero, e i tasti hanno finalmente un bel feeling.. Se avete un volante schifoso come quello che avevo io (quello base del TX 458 fatto con la plasticaccia delle bottiglie riciclate), fate questo investimento, non ve ne pentirete!

  21. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDevo ammetterlo: ero un po scettico sull’acquisto di questa corona da abbinare al mio Thrustmaster TX… Vuoi per il prezzo, vuoi per l’utilizzo “sporadico” che faccio del volante… Ma vi posso assicurare che vale ogni euro speso! ( l’ho preso a circa 130 euro)… Il feel incredibile: l’alcantara davvero fantastica al tatto, il peso del volante rende il forcefeedback pi sincero, e i tasti hanno finalmente un bel feeling.. Se avete un volante schifoso come quello che avevo io (quello base del TX 458 fatto con la plasticaccia delle bottiglie riciclate), fate questo investimento, non ve ne pentirete!

  22. James Rodger says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNada mas sacarlo de la caja hay un gran contraste:
    Al cogerlo notas la calidad del aro y el buen tacto del alcntara… pero por otro lado enseguida ves el logo de Ferrari de plastiquete y los acabados de plstico de los botones que te indican que sigues estando a medio camino entre un juguete y algo mas “pro”.

    Al tocar las las levas vuelves a notar esa buena sensacin de materiales como el aro y el alcntara, son unas levas muchsimo mejores que las de logitech por ejemplo. Tienen un tacto muy bueno y preciso y su funcionamiento es perfecto. Por contra el boton PS/Share/Options se nota “blandengue” y al accionarlo notas que no es un componente de gran calidad. Presionndolo es el botn PS y girndolo es el Share y el Options siendo necesario usar dos dedos, lo que no es muy practico.

    La cruceta y los otros botones cumplen su funcin sin ms.

    En general mejora la experiencia si tienes el aro original del TX/300RS/300GTE, que estn un escaln por debajo de este aro.

    La caja solo trae un pequeo manual y muy poca proteccin para el aro (solo un corcho por la parte inferior y una funda de plstico) as que si no viene bien embalado, como pas en mi caso reza para que no venga daado.

    EDITO: La leva izquierda me ha dado problemas, cuando reduces varias marchas rpidamente falla y tienes que pulsar de nuevo. Solicitado reemplazo, esperemos que el nuevo que me enven funcione bien…

    Podría ser mejor si cuidasen los detalles

  23. LiamYoung says:


    Sehr gutes Lenkrad, leider ein wenig teuer, daher noch die Anmerkung das fr diesen Preis dir Aluteile der Paddels auch entgratet bzw. abgerundet sein mssen.
    Leider ist mein Servocontroler des TX nach knapp 3 Jahren mit durchgebranntem Netzteil kaputt gegangen. ber Thrustmaster ist dieses Netzteil als Ersatzteil nicht zu beziehen !!!!!!

  24. ZYJGabriel says:


    volante add-on per thrustmaster. che dire,magnifico! prodotto con licenza ufficiale ferrari e replica della 599xx evo. rivestimento in alcantara a dir poco perfetto,solido da tenere tra le mani che trasmette benissimo il feedback della base. 5 stelle meritatissime, soddisfatto!

  25. LucileList says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersj’ai roul des annes avec une 28cm, momo, logitech… et bien c’est ce volant procure une sensation de ralisme accrue, due ca taille lgrement mais suffisamment plus grande, incroyable.

    Au touch, tres agrable… bref, vraiment contant avec cet achat!!

  26. BrittanyFerrell says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as a present but I am told it is brilliant!

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as a present but I am told it is brilliant!

  28. Jess Weatherbed says:


    Es una rplica muy buena del volante real de Ferrari de competicin. El cuerpo est realizado en aluminio y la zona del aro est recubierta de alcntara. Si le tuviese que poner una pega es que hay que tener mucho cuidado con la alcntara porque si se juega sin guantes se estropea relativamente pronto.

    Las 4 estrellas se las doy porque me parece que tiene un precio muy alto y aunque es muy, muy bueno, solamente es un add-on.

  29. Tamarra Kemsley says:


    Oh man… ich habe alle mglichen Lenkrder schon durch, von Logitech, Thrustmaster zu Fanatec und durch das hervorragende TS-PC Racer wieder zurck zu Thrustmaster. Da dieses nur das Formel-Wheel verbaut hat, habe ich mir dieses AddOn nachtrglich gekauft. Ich habe daher einen guten Vergleich von Fanatec’s BMW Rim zu diesem F599XX.
    Eines kann man sagen, natrlich ist das Fanatec BMW Wheel haptisch und materiell dem F599XX berlegen, kostet allerdings auch das Doppelte und ist mit 2.5kg einfach viel zu schwer. Dadurch gehen feinste Details einfach unter und genau hier punktet das Thrustmaster F599XX.
    Eines knnt ihr mir glauben, beim fahren merkt man die wertigere Materialanmutung des Fanatec Wheels ohnehin nicht mehr, bestenfalls noch an den Knpfen. Aber das Alcantara des F599XX ist ein absoluter Traum und definitiv besser, als das am Fanatec BMW! Es ist herrlich samtig weich und mittlerweile nehme ich es Thrustmaster auch ab, dass dieses Alcantara von Ferrari verwendet wird bzw. Thrustmaster originalles Ferrari Alcantara verwendet. Hier habe ich leider kein Vergleich parat, zwar bin ich schon Ferrari gefahren, aber dort war ein Lederlenkrad verbaut.

    Ich bin mit dem Wheel sehr zufrieden und es ist vllig ausreichend, hier muss bei 150 keiner neidisch zu Fanatec rberschielen!

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    what a wheel !!! just love it … 30cm as it should be super add on must have it to know what im talking abou

  31. Anonymous says:


    Avevo gi preso in passato questo volante addon ma non si sa come il corriere non ha mai consegnato perch ha perso il pacco, ovviamente sono stato rimborsato da amazon ma comunque ero un po restio a ricomprarlo. Ora mi son deciso ed andato tutto bene per fortuna.

    Il montaggio immediato: basta allentare la vite di bloccaggio e togliere il volante ferrari 458 e inserire questo al suo posto, in 3 minuti si fa tutto e si pronti per partire. Il volante fatto con materiali di pregio; corpo centrale e palette pi grandi in metallo, pulsanti, manettino e pad direzionale in materiale plastico, corona di 30cm ricoperta in alcantara, fa sembrare il volante standard un giocattolino, anche se offre una buona sensibilit lo stesso. Bisogna abituarsi alla diversa disposizione dei pulsanti e poi si nota immadiatamente una maggior precisione di guida grazie al diametro pi grande, che assieme all’ aspetto decisamente professionale non fanno decisamente rimpiangere i soldi spesi.

    Punti negativi non ne vedo proprio, anzi se proprio devo dirlo, puo venire la paura di rovinarlo da quanto bello.

  32. MadelineBowlin says:

     United Kingdom

    what a wheel !!! just love it … 30cm as it should be super add on must have it to know what im talking abou

  33. Anonymous says:


    Excelente aro. Excesivo el costo sin dudas. Gran acabado y tacto. El agarre es muy comodo y su tamao es justo

  34. Anonymous says:


    Fantastisches Lenkrad – fhlt sich toll an und liess sich problemlos nachrsten.
    Kann ich jederzeit weiterempfehlen. Alle Knopfe sind intuitiv erreichbar und gut verarbeitet.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersSuper fast delivery to Sweden (4 days earlier actually).
    First impression: I fell in love with the 599 wheel at first sight (It is replacing my T300rs). It is really top quality wheel.
    No complaints so far.

    Same goes for the TH8A shifter. I used it as an analogue handbrake on PC until my Fanatec CSL elite load cell pedals arrives.
    Follow up review will follow up on both after some heavy use.

    Here are some photos (Rseat RS1 rig will be here soon)

    A must Have add-ons

  36. Anonymous says:


    Corona fantastica, ha reso il mio t300 rs un volante di ottimo livello. Migliora la guida e il realismo in game grazie al maggior diametro. Materiale ottimo se avete un t300, un t500 o un PC race il migliore!

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersSuper fast delivery to Sweden (4 days earlier actually).
    First impression: I fell in love with the 599 wheel at first sight (It is replacing my T300rs). It is really top quality wheel.
    No complaints so far.

    Same goes for the TH8A shifter. I used it as an analogue handbrake on PC until my Fanatec CSL elite load cell pedals arrives.
    Follow up review will follow up on both after some heavy use.

    Here are some photos (Rseat RS1 rig will be here soon)

    A must Have add-ons

  38. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Users… de l’essence dans le cockpit.
    J’utilisais le volant d’origine de mon T500RS, donc un peu “too much plastoc”.
    Je viens donc de basculer dans un autre monde: l’alcantara, la finesse de la finition, les palettes qui suivent le volant. C’est juste parfais et l’immersion est dornavant totale!
    Le montage est ultra basique, en 5 minutes c’est pli.

  39. ErnestiUribe says:

     United Kingdom

    A big improvement on the stock tx wheel, the fb for whatever reason feels better – feels like a ‘real wheel’

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A big improvement on the stock tx wheel, the fb for whatever reason feels better – feels like a ‘real wheel’

  41. Anonymous says:


    Probabilmente il migliore del parco volanti Thrustmaster: il feeling dell’alcantara nettamente superiore a quello della simil-pelle. Tuttavia vorrei far rilevare, a parte qualche difetto di rifinitura, che la corona troppo piccola secondo me, avrebbero potuto fare una riproduzione 1:1 della controparte reale. Comunque un prodotto che consiglio.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersJ’ai pris cette roue pour remplacer celle d’origine en plastique de mon tx resultat je suis plus precis et le toucher est vraiment tres agreable c’est vraiment le jour et la nuit entre les 2

  43. Anonymous says:


    Spedizione veloce, il volante veramente bello e funzionale, non ho riscontrato problemi di alcun genere.lo consiglio a chiunque abbia una base thrustmaste

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is an absolute must have for anyone with a Thrustmaster wheel base. Comfy and resulted in improved laptimes most probably due to the increased diameter.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an absolute must have for anyone with a Thrustmaster wheel base. Comfy and resulted in improved laptimes most probably due to the increased diameter.

  46. Anonymous says:


    ottimo volante… il raggio della corona aumentato e i materiali migliorano sensibilmente l’esperienza di gioco… consigliato…. una stella in meno solo per il prezzo esageratamente caro

  47. Anonymous says:


    Ich benutze das Wheel an einer TX-Wheelbase auf dem Raceseat und berwiegend mit Assetto Corsa, habe aber auch viele Runden Forza Horizon 3 hinter mir und eigentlich alles was an Rennspielen so anfllt. berwiegend aber Sim.
    Der ursprngliche Kaufgrund fr mich war eigentlich der Durchmesser von 28cm der einfach von Haus aus schon ein besseres, realistischeres Feeling erzeugt als das bei mir orginal verbaute 26cm Wheel.

    Anfangs hatte ich etwas Bedenken bezglich Alcantara, ich hatte im echten Auto schon einige Alcantara Lenkrder (OEM) im Betrieb und wenn man da nicht etwas Acht gibt sind die schnell speckig und irgendwie “grmmelig” beim anfassen.
    Scheint aber bisher in diesem Fall kein Thema zu sein.

    Die Wertigkeit ist wirklich voll berzeugend, habe jetzt schtzungweise so um die 100-200 Stunden an dem Ding gedreht, und es ist noch absolut im Neuzustand. Schn schwer auch, Tasten und (fr mich am wichtigsten) die Schaltpaddles fhlen sich absolut top an.
    Das es unten abgeflacht ist stellt fr mich einen kleinen Nachteil dar, ist aber sicher keinen Stern Abzug wert, da es auch nur ganz leicht abgeflacht ist. Zudem htte ich gerne eine Porsche Version 😉 (schon klar, wirds von TM nie geben, da hilft nur basteln)

    Wertet meine Wheelbase enorm auf, sieht genial aus und macht haptisch richtig was her, da ist der Preis durchaus angemessen.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch benutze das Wheel an einer TX-Wheelbase auf dem Raceseat und berwiegend mit Assetto Corsa, habe aber auch viele Runden Forza Horizon 3 hinter mir und eigentlich alles was an Rennspielen so anfllt. berwiegend aber Sim.
    Der ursprngliche Kaufgrund fr mich war eigentlich der Durchmesser von 28cm der einfach von Haus aus schon ein besseres, realistischeres Feeling erzeugt als das bei mir orginal verbaute 26cm Wheel.

    Anfangs hatte ich etwas Bedenken bezglich Alcantara, ich hatte im echten Auto schon einige Alcantara Lenkrder (OEM) im Betrieb und wenn man da nicht etwas Acht gibt sind die schnell speckig und irgendwie “grmmelig” beim anfassen.
    Scheint aber bisher in diesem Fall kein Thema zu sein.

    Die Wertigkeit ist wirklich voll berzeugend, habe jetzt schtzungweise so um die 100-200 Stunden an dem Ding gedreht, und es ist noch absolut im Neuzustand. Schn schwer auch, Tasten und (fr mich am wichtigsten) die Schaltpaddles fhlen sich absolut top an.
    Das es unten abgeflacht ist stellt fr mich einen kleinen Nachteil dar, ist aber sicher keinen Stern Abzug wert, da es auch nur ganz leicht abgeflacht ist. Zudem htte ich gerne eine Porsche Version 😉 (schon klar, wirds von TM nie geben, da hilft nur basteln)

    Wertet meine Wheelbase enorm auf, sieht genial aus und macht haptisch richtig was her, da ist der Preis durchaus angemessen.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I thought about getting this wheel to add to my Thrusmaster wheel collection for awhile I already own the GTE rim and the F1 rim. I wasn’t sure if this would feel any different to the GTE rim to be honest and the price of this rim is double the price of the standard GTE rim. But I am so pleased I purchased this 599XX Evo rim it just screams quality the moment you get your hands on it. The Alcantara used is imported from the same source that Ferrari use on there rims. The rim is bigger than the other Thrustmaster rims at 30cm I know that is not a massive amount of difference but its enough to make it feel like the real deal. This wheel feels so nice to drive with and really helps to immerse you in the driving experience. Force feedback feels so much better to me. I will say to anyone buying this wheel rim to invest in a pair of gloves to protect the Alcantara it is easy to clean but I like wearing the gloves anyway just to deepen the experience a stage further. the wheel wouldn’t look out of place in a glass cabinet on display just as a collectors piece. I would without question recommend this wheel to anyone who takes there sim racing seriously or anyone just wanting a quality wheel for there Thrustmaster eco system.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I thought about getting this wheel to add to my Thrusmaster wheel collection for awhile I already own the GTE rim and the F1 rim. I wasn’t sure if this would feel any different to the GTE rim to be honest and the price of this rim is double the price of the standard GTE rim. But I am so pleased I purchased this 599XX Evo rim it just screams quality the moment you get your hands on it. The Alcantara used is imported from the same source that Ferrari use on there rims. The rim is bigger than the other Thrustmaster rims at 30cm I know that is not a massive amount of difference but its enough to make it feel like the real deal. This wheel feels so nice to drive with and really helps to immerse you in the driving experience. Force feedback feels so much better to me. I will say to anyone buying this wheel rim to invest in a pair of gloves to protect the Alcantara it is easy to clean but I like wearing the gloves anyway just to deepen the experience a stage further. the wheel wouldn’t look out of place in a glass cabinet on display just as a collectors piece. I would without question recommend this wheel to anyone who takes there sim racing seriously or anyone just wanting a quality wheel for there Thrustmaster eco system.

  51. UtaMedeiros says:


    Ottimi materiali…stupendo e ben fatto!! ne vale veramente la pena riproduzione identica e pulsanteria veramente ottima! Lo consiglio vivamente a tutti…

  52. LeomaCPAxxooiq says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis wheel really is a must for anyone with some spare cash burning a hole in your pocket .
    The extra size isn’t much different from the stock wheel (20mm) but makes a big difference in the overall feel from the FFB .
    Talking of feeling ……wow ,soft and very comfortable, buttons are well placed and much more convenient.
    Did my first race with this rim last night (first time I used it) with project cars at zoldar (40 laps 23 of which were thunderstorm)in the GT3 Z4 and finished 45 secs ahead of P2 after starting at the back of the grid after Quali was ruined by a cut track …….did the wheel help ? Most definitely yes , could feel the car slipping out and correct much easier .
    The settings I had for the standard rim will need adjusting to add a bit more overall FFB as it feels weaker with this rim .
    Had a quick drive on Assetto as well and even better feeling .
    Can’t tell you enough how well made this item is and just how great it feels ….highly recommended
    If you can afford it , buy it , you won’t be disappointed

  53. RTAJamikazm says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis wheel really is a must for anyone with some spare cash burning a hole in your pocket .
    The extra size isn’t much different from the stock wheel (20mm) but makes a big difference in the overall feel from the FFB .
    Talking of feeling ……wow ,soft and very comfortable, buttons are well placed and much more convenient.
    Did my first race with this rim last night (first time I used it) with project cars at zoldar (40 laps 23 of which were thunderstorm)in the GT3 Z4 and finished 45 secs ahead of P2 after starting at the back of the grid after Quali was ruined by a cut track …….did the wheel help ? Most definitely yes , could feel the car slipping out and correct much easier .
    The settings I had for the standard rim will need adjusting to add a bit more overall FFB as it feels weaker with this rim .
    Had a quick drive on Assetto as well and even better feeling .
    Can’t tell you enough how well made this item is and just how great it feels ….highly recommended
    If you can afford it , buy it , you won’t be disappointed

  54. Anonymous says:


    Un volante veramente bello, con impugnatura che da subito impressione di realismo e che non da x nulla sudorazione, estremamente consigliato!

  55. Anonymous says:


    Bellissimo!!! Replica fedelissima Ferrari FXXK alcantara perfetta con i suioi 30 cm comodissimo al tatto immersione totale nel gioco,lo uso con xbox one e lo trovo spettacolare. Come al solito Amazon impeccabile.

  56. Anonymous says:


    Das Lenkrad fhlt sich verdammt gut an.
    Die Polsterung liegt angenehmer in der Hand und fhlt sich nicht so billig an wie das Standardlenkrad.
    Mir gefllt auch die D-Form ein bisschen besser als die Standard-Lenkrder.

    Allerdings hatte ich auch das Problem der “nicht klickenden” Schaltwippe rechts. Nach einiger Zeit hab ich aber die Schrauben nachgezogen (scheinbar ein Muss bei Thrustmaster) und es hat ordnungsgem funktioniert.

    Das Add-on ist kein muss, aber wenn man z.B. ein T500 hat und ein Add-on mit Schaltwippen mchte, die am Lenkrad montiert sind, ist das die Beste Wahl.

  57. BufordMcrs says:

     United Kingdom

    Great wheel, makes driving the t300rs feel more authentic and more comfortable while also adding to your control over the wheel. Highly recommend, quality product..

  58. StuMack says:

     United Kingdom

    Great wheel, makes driving the t300rs feel more authentic and more comfortable while also adding to your control over the wheel. Highly recommend, quality product..

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIve had this wheel rim for a while now and its still in mint condition that Ive kept it in. I use it with the Thrustmaster T300rs Base for PC/PS4/PS3

  60. Mason says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIve had this wheel rim for a while now and its still in mint condition that Ive kept it in. I use it with the Thrustmaster T300rs Base for PC/PS4/PS3

  61. Michelle Andrews says:


    ho un T300 GTE e volevo un volante con una finitura migliore per le mie serate goliardiche
    Ottimo prodotto, pesa 200 grammi in meno rispetto al GTE e questo ne migliora le performance (a mio avviso)
    Materiali buoni e rifinito molto bene
    ho provato prodotti blasonati ma devo dire che non sfigura, certo non un replica BMW come propongono altre case e le pulsantiere sono praticamente identiche a quelle del GTE, ma credo che valga tutti i soldi spesi e anche di pi

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    perfect addition on for the tx base such an improvement over the stock rim in quality and feel.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    perfect addition on for the tx base such an improvement over the stock rim in quality and feel.

  64. Anonymous says:


    Hatte dieses Lenkrad ca. 3 Monate in Gebrauch. Es ist ber den originalen Krnzen eine klare Aufwertung. Gre ist angenehm.
    Leider wird das Lenkrad, wenn man ohne Handschuhe fhrt nach einiger Zeit etwas speckig. Kann an meinen schwitzigen Hnden liegen.
    Liegt aber eher in der Natur der Sache von Alcantara.
    Ziehe einen Stern ab, da ab und zu mal der “Klick” der Schaltwippen verschwand. Wenn man die hinteren Schrauben aber beizieht/einstellt geht es wieder.
    Gebe trotzdem eine Kaufempfehlung.

  65. EtsukoLarcombe says:


    Molto vicino alla realt per dimensioni ed estetica, l’alcantara fa la sua porca figura e rilascia una sensazione di controllo che con il plasticoso GTE non avevo.Lo consiglio a chiunque volesse acquistare una base Thrustmaster. Speriamo che anche la durata sia coerente al resto.

  66. Anonymous says:


    Hatte dieses Lenkrad ca. 3 Monate in Gebrauch. Es ist ber den originalen Krnzen eine klare Aufwertung. Gre ist angenehm.
    Leider wird das Lenkrad, wenn man ohne Handschuhe fhrt nach einiger Zeit etwas speckig. Kann an meinen schwitzigen Hnden liegen.
    Liegt aber eher in der Natur der Sache von Alcantara.
    Ziehe einen Stern ab, da ab und zu mal der “Klick” der Schaltwippen verschwand. Wenn man die hinteren Schrauben aber beizieht/einstellt geht es wieder.
    Gebe trotzdem eine Kaufempfehlung.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this wheel as I have the Ferrari GTE 28cm wheel add on but found it was giving my hands cramp. I also saw that there was a leather version of the same wheel but decided against it as it would still give me the same problems due to also being 28cm diameter. Since getting this wheel I no longer get cramps & I find it ergonomically better than the 28cm versions. The button layout I find is also good, although the D-pad is a little stiff but in a way is a good thing to minimise errors caused when changing settings for example when doing a race.
    Just to note if you want to preserve the Alcantara finish like new, then wear gloves. Normally after prolonged use it tends to give a “shiny” effect where it has been handled which is common with this kind of material & also suede. Just make sure your hands are dry when using this wheel & avoid anything made with oils since this can really mark the material.
    What I would like to see Thrustmaster come up with is a 32cm diameter version wheel. The reason they might not do this is because with bigger & heavier wheels, you feel less of the force feedback strength due to the weight. So far at the time of typing this review, doing your own wheel mod is the only way forward. I am in the process of modding a Sparco d shaped wheel which is 32cm in diameter but it is very light to still feel those force feedback movements. I would recommend that wheel if this of interest to you & also the guides out there on how to mod it for compatibility with Thrustmaster wheels.

  68. Tough Cookie Mommy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this wheel as I have the Ferrari GTE 28cm wheel add on but found it was giving my hands cramp. I also saw that there was a leather version of the same wheel but decided against it as it would still give me the same problems due to also being 28cm diameter. Since getting this wheel I no longer get cramps & I find it ergonomically better than the 28cm versions. The button layout I find is also good, although the D-pad is a little stiff but in a way is a good thing to minimise errors caused when changing settings for example when doing a race.
    Just to note if you want to preserve the Alcantara finish like new, then wear gloves. Normally after prolonged use it tends to give a “shiny” effect where it has been handled which is common with this kind of material & also suede. Just make sure your hands are dry when using this wheel & avoid anything made with oils since this can really mark the material.
    What I would like to see Thrustmaster come up with is a 32cm diameter version wheel. The reason they might not do this is because with bigger & heavier wheels, you feel less of the force feedback strength due to the weight. So far at the time of typing this review, doing your own wheel mod is the only way forward. I am in the process of modding a Sparco d shaped wheel which is 32cm in diameter but it is very light to still feel those force feedback movements. I would recommend that wheel if this of interest to you & also the guides out there on how to mod it for compatibility with Thrustmaster wheels.

  69. KristiAstudillo says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased through a friends amazon account. This is alot better than standard wheel and bigger than I expected. First thing I noticed was the ffb felt alot better, not sure why but does. Good quality wheel, pleased with purchase and you must wear gloves otherwise you will wear alcantara out. Very pleased
    Check out my youtube channel Track Select Sim Racing

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased through a friends amazon account. This is alot better than standard wheel and bigger than I expected. First thing I noticed was the ffb felt alot better, not sure why but does. Good quality wheel, pleased with purchase and you must wear gloves otherwise you will wear alcantara out. Very pleased
    Check out my youtube channel Track Select Sim Racing

  71. ShirleyKillian says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEs de un tamao cercano a un volante de verdad.

    La replica esta bien lograda. Los materiales son de buena calidad y con buenos acabados.

    En general un producto a la altura de su valor.

    Lo nico malo es que es bastante caro.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I don’t usually write reviews about products that I have bought but as I really like this one I decided to write a review. I bought this wheel as an add-on for my tx racing wheel and I have to say that I am very pleased with it is very comfortable to use for long periods of time the build quality is very good and it is a lot better than the stock one that comes with the TX racing wheel base which is made of rubber and very rubberised I also find it very bulky to use after about an hour of using it becomes very uncomfortable.Which I can say is not the case with this thrustmaster 599xx evo 30 wheel the material is very well made and stitched together and the main part of this wheel is made of metal which does in my opinion make it a lot better and stronger which means it won’t be so easy to break it is a very comfortable wheel to use I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a decent wheel to add on to The TX racing wheel base and Yes I would recommend it.

  73. DevinFields says:

     United Kingdom

    I don’t usually write reviews about products that I have bought but as I really like this one I decided to write a review. I bought this wheel as an add-on for my tx racing wheel and I have to say that I am very pleased with it is very comfortable to use for long periods of time the build quality is very good and it is a lot better than the stock one that comes with the TX racing wheel base which is made of rubber and very rubberised I also find it very bulky to use after about an hour of using it becomes very uncomfortable.Which I can say is not the case with this thrustmaster 599xx evo 30 wheel the material is very well made and stitched together and the main part of this wheel is made of metal which does in my opinion make it a lot better and stronger which means it won’t be so easy to break it is a very comfortable wheel to use I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a decent wheel to add on to The TX racing wheel base and Yes I would recommend it.

  74. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our Usersles plus : 30 cm de diamtre a fait un peu moins jouet
    trs agrable au touch
    boutons et commande trs fonctionnelles

    les moins : le prix…

  75. Gwyn Topham says:


    Habe das Lenkrad nun seit ende Januar und schon einige (Km) damit abgespult. Ich bin mit der Verarbeitung sehr zufrieden. Es liegt gut in den Hnden und die Gre ist ebenfalls gut! Fr mich der Kaufgrund Nr. 1,die sich mitdrehenden Schaltwippen….. 😉 Fazit: Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung, auch wenn es ein paar Euro kostet, berwiegen hier klar die Vorteile bzw. Annehmlichkeiten.

  76. Alexis36Npd says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good size, great feel. Soft and spongey. Feedback feels nicer too, more natural. Crazy expensive though for what it is

  77. AJ says:

     United Kingdom

    Good size, great feel. Soft and spongey. Feedback feels nicer too, more natural. Crazy expensive though for what it is

  78. Kara Kamenec says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFor the price I was put off for a long time but I had purchest a gt wheel add on for my t500rs rig as the standered wheel is a lovely size but very cheep to feel has no paddle shifters & in general a bit naff on buying the Ferrari gt wheel I loved the button lay out but yet again found it very cheep to feel & a little small the 599evo 30gt wheel on the other hand is everything I wanted in a wheel the size weight & feel is amazing plus size makes it perfect for use with th8a shifter or paddles alike must admit when new the stitching can be a little wearing on the inner thumbs from over driving but soon softens up I must admit I’ve never been a fan of Ferrari but finding a smart sparco wheel centre cover was no problem & really looks the part even writing this review makes me yearn to get back on the track but when new would recommend gloves for a while

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFor the price I was put off for a long time but I had purchest a gt wheel add on for my t500rs rig as the standered wheel is a lovely size but very cheep to feel has no paddle shifters & in general a bit naff on buying the Ferrari gt wheel I loved the button lay out but yet again found it very cheep to feel & a little small the 599evo 30gt wheel on the other hand is everything I wanted in a wheel the size weight & feel is amazing plus size makes it perfect for use with th8a shifter or paddles alike must admit when new the stitching can be a little wearing on the inner thumbs from over driving but soon softens up I must admit I’ve never been a fan of Ferrari but finding a smart sparco wheel centre cover was no problem & really looks the part even writing this review makes me yearn to get back on the track but when new would recommend gloves for a while

  80. EmileTillman says:


    Ottimo il rivestimento in alcantara.da migliorare un po le plastiche dei pulsanti e il logo ma per il filing di guida si pu chiudere un occhio

  81. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersKann mich den 5 Steren Bewertungen nur anschlieen und will da gar nimmer viel was darber schreiben den das Teil ist einfach Spitzenklasse und jeden Euro wert! Ich hatte brigens auch diese “Wippen-Klick” Problem wobei bei mir die linke Wippe schon gar nimmer hrbar “klick” gemacht hat. Bei mir half das nachziehen der sechs hinteren Schrauben die sehr locker angezogen waren um das Problem zu lsen.Jetzt macht es wieder “klick” so wie es sein sollte.Das Lenkrad liegt sehr gut in der Hand und das Alcantara fhlt sich einfach wunderbar an.

  82. Anonymous says:


    Alter Schwede ein stolzer Preis. Allerdings wirklich jeden Pfennig wert!!!!
    Die Verarbeitung des alcantara ist hervorragend, die Nhte sind alle sauber und es lst sich nix auf! Auch wie in anderen Bewertungen zu lesen “wabbelt” der Bezug bei mir nicht.
    Die Tasten, das D-Pad und schaltwippen funktionieren tadellos und es knarzt und quietscht nix.
    Das einzige was mich strt ist das klicken der schaltwippen knnte etwas lauter sein. Dies ist aber nur mein persnliches Empfinden. Missen mchte ich das Lenkrad nicht mehr.
    Ich kann das Lenkrad nur empfehlen.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Brilliant wheel..
    I was not sure on purchasing this product as the price was steep for a gaming wheel and the stock wheel on the T300rs is acceptable but rubberised not to my liking..anyway after some homework on this wheel i decided to go for it… i was not disappointed with this add on by thrustmaster the best feeling wheel ive had in my hands well made, well stitched, larger , looks the business, better feel to the force feedback etc.
    No going back to my smaller stock wheel…
    A note: if you want your nice new wheel to still look good after a few month’s then a pair of drivin gloves are needed…. overall this wheel is worth every penny and feels real..
    A must have for the sim racer.

  84. LakeishaZUY says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant wheel..
    I was not sure on purchasing this product as the price was steep for a gaming wheel and the stock wheel on the T300rs is acceptable but rubberised not to my liking..anyway after some homework on this wheel i decided to go for it… i was not disappointed with this add on by thrustmaster the best feeling wheel ive had in my hands well made, well stitched, larger , looks the business, better feel to the force feedback etc.
    No going back to my smaller stock wheel…
    A note: if you want your nice new wheel to still look good after a few month’s then a pair of drivin gloves are needed…. overall this wheel is worth every penny and feels real..
    A must have for the sim racer.

  85. Jackie Dove says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGuidare con questo volante qualcosa di fantastico, e lo consiglio senza ombra di dubbio…

    Non vi pentirete dell’acquisto 😉

  86. Gannon Burgett says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat wheel, Larger diameter, better feel with Project Cars.
    You do need gloves with this wheel so be warned or the wheel will suffer.
    Buy a pair of beginners Karting gloves they give good feel and not too thick.

  87. Amanda Oleri says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat wheel, Larger diameter, better feel with Project Cars.
    You do need gloves with this wheel so be warned or the wheel will suffer.
    Buy a pair of beginners Karting gloves they give good feel and not too thick.

  88. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMuy buen tacto y ligero, para ser una rplica autntica le faltan dos botones ms que tiene el aro original y la insignia de Ferrari…., de plstico…, sin comentarios 😉

  89. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMuy buen tacto y calidad 9/10 seria mejor en 32″. Facil montaje y ninguna complicacin perfecto montar y jugar. Precio un tanto excesivo

  90. Anonymous says:


    Muy buen volante idntico en cuanto a mecanismo,pero lo que es el aro muy buen tacto y muy bonito,buena compra

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a very sexy wheel, yeah it’s the most expensive in the Thrustmaster range, but it’s very comfortable and well made.

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a very sexy wheel, yeah it’s the most expensive in the Thrustmaster range, but it’s very comfortable and well made.

  93. bergdorf says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEs un volante super realista estoy muy contento con su compra es algo caro pero parece que merece la pena

  94. William Rainwater says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersJeden einzelnen Euro wert.
    Absolute Kaufempfehlung.
    Kein Vergleich zum Standard TX Lenkrad.
    Hatte nun schon einige Lenkrder in der Hand, aber dieses lass ich nicht mehr los.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI bought a Thrustmaster TX earlier this year, but as you may have read, the feel of the TX’s standard 458 wheel is quite disappointing. It’s all plastic or rubberised plastic (except for the paddles), feels light, creaks a bit and the buttons feel like standard Xbox controller buttons. I upgraded to the 28 GT initially, which was a good improvement but still left a bit to be desired. Then this appeared and after trying to talk myself out if it I went and bought it.

    The main thing I don’t like about Thrustmasters cheaper wheels (458 GTE, T500RS, 458 Italia) is the cheaper feel of them. The 458 GTE and T500RS wheels are covered in rubberised plastic which is acceptable but not what I’d call quality. The 458 Italia that comes with the TX feels like a toy and as if it has been lifted from a 50 non-ffb wheel. The 28 GT improved upon these because it is leather wrapped which makes it better looking and feeling all of those. The 599XX rim, in my opinion, takes this up yet another level with a really high quality feeling Alcantara wrap and smoother stitching (although this might just be luck of the draw). The downside of Alcantara is that it is likely to wear a lot quicker than the 28 GT’s leather wrap, particularly if you don’t wear gloves. Add this to the metal, the strength and the overall feel of the rim, it’s a very high quality product. This strength and added weight also results in the force feedback from my TX feel a bit smoother (albeit slightly weaker) than with the 458 Italia rim.

    The button placement and paddles are all the same as the GTE & 28 GT wheels which means the buttons and paddles are further away from your fingers while driving. On the other wheels, at least two buttons can be pressed without moving my hand at all, while on this wheel I have to move my hand to reach all the buttons. The 458 rim is the best in this regard as it has 8 buttons which were easy to access without moving your hand much/at all. That said, the buttons are laid out well, the paddles feel great and the buttons all feel fine.

    The design of the wheel is probably the best Thrustmaster makes. I think it is easily the nicest looking as well as the most comfortably shaped. The shape of the wheel’s grip extensions make it far more comfortable than the 458 Italia and to a lesser extent more comfortable than the 458 GTE & 28 GT wheels. The padded Alcantara adds to this comfort too. The wheel is 30cm compared to the 28cm offered by the 458 GTE, 28 GT & 458 Italia. While this sounds insignificant, it really does go a long way to making this wheel feel more realistic. 30cm is still smaller than most real wheels, but when using it in a simulator environment, for me it is above the threshold of noticeably small and therefore doesn’t detract from realism. I have a feeling I might actually perform better with the 28cm wheels though, but it’s difficult to say.

    In summary, it’s a huge upgrade over the standard 458 rim in terms of feel and quality and feels like a quality piece of equipment rather than a Fisher Price toy, but the lack of compensation for the added size does impact the buttons ease of use and it is also quite expensive. Like with the 28 GT rim I also reviewed, I would say this is something to get once you have an otherwise complete sim setup and some spare cash, particularly if you have the T300RS.

  96. Troy Media says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI bought a Thrustmaster TX earlier this year, but as you may have read, the feel of the TX’s standard 458 wheel is quite disappointing. It’s all plastic or rubberised plastic (except for the paddles), feels light, creaks a bit and the buttons feel like standard Xbox controller buttons. I upgraded to the 28 GT initially, which was a good improvement but still left a bit to be desired. Then this appeared and after trying to talk myself out if it I went and bought it.

    The main thing I don’t like about Thrustmasters cheaper wheels (458 GTE, T500RS, 458 Italia) is the cheaper feel of them. The 458 GTE and T500RS wheels are covered in rubberised plastic which is acceptable but not what I’d call quality. The 458 Italia that comes with the TX feels like a toy and as if it has been lifted from a 50 non-ffb wheel. The 28 GT improved upon these because it is leather wrapped which makes it better looking and feeling all of those. The 599XX rim, in my opinion, takes this up yet another level with a really high quality feeling Alcantara wrap and smoother stitching (although this might just be luck of the draw). The downside of Alcantara is that it is likely to wear a lot quicker than the 28 GT’s leather wrap, particularly if you don’t wear gloves. Add this to the metal, the strength and the overall feel of the rim, it’s a very high quality product. This strength and added weight also results in the force feedback from my TX feel a bit smoother (albeit slightly weaker) than with the 458 Italia rim.

    The button placement and paddles are all the same as the GTE & 28 GT wheels which means the buttons and paddles are further away from your fingers while driving. On the other wheels, at least two buttons can be pressed without moving my hand at all, while on this wheel I have to move my hand to reach all the buttons. The 458 rim is the best in this regard as it has 8 buttons which were easy to access without moving your hand much/at all. That said, the buttons are laid out well, the paddles feel great and the buttons all feel fine.

    The design of the wheel is probably the best Thrustmaster makes. I think it is easily the nicest looking as well as the most comfortably shaped. The shape of the wheel’s grip extensions make it far more comfortable than the 458 Italia and to a lesser extent more comfortable than the 458 GTE & 28 GT wheels. The padded Alcantara adds to this comfort too. The wheel is 30cm compared to the 28cm offered by the 458 GTE, 28 GT & 458 Italia. While this sounds insignificant, it really does go a long way to making this wheel feel more realistic. 30cm is still smaller than most real wheels, but when using it in a simulator environment, for me it is above the threshold of noticeably small and therefore doesn’t detract from realism. I have a feeling I might actually perform better with the 28cm wheels though, but it’s difficult to say.

    In summary, it’s a huge upgrade over the standard 458 rim in terms of feel and quality and feels like a quality piece of equipment rather than a Fisher Price toy, but the lack of compensation for the added size does impact the buttons ease of use and it is also quite expensive. Like with the 28 GT rim I also reviewed, I would say this is something to get once you have an otherwise complete sim setup and some spare cash, particularly if you have the T300RS.

  97. EdnaFerguson says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersEin sehr schnes Teil fhlt sich sehr gut an macht Spa damit zu lenken habe es mir fr das T500RS gekauft und kann es jedem Empfehlen der mit dem Gedanken spieist sich sich dem zu bestellen
    Ich weis ist nich gerade billig aber jedem Cent we

    Nach langem überlegen habe ich mich doch für das Lenkrad entschiede

  98. MalindaGosling says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSchne Verbesserung fr mein t300 rs.Sieht und fhlt sich sehr hochwertig an.bin total begeistert und kann es jedem empfehlen,dem das Standard Lenkrad zu Gummimssig ist!

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat alternative to plastic or leather but the alcantara (faux suade) can wear more easily especially if your a tight gripper going into some late braking turns.

    The leather version is half the price but this is brand new and I’d expect prices to even out soon. Never the less a great wheel that also fits the Thrustmaster TX system. Buttons are replica of the 599 so no specific PS Xbox buttons here, you’ll have to remember what you’ve mapped to each yourself.

    Another great plus point is that it’s slightly bigger than the 458 Italian wheel meaning you’ll feel each bump and shudder more do, the 3 and 9 o’clock position is also nicely padded. I’m told these are made in Italy where the actual Ferrari 599 wheels are too! Great item treat yourself :0)

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat alternative to plastic or leather but the alcantara (faux suade) can wear more easily especially if your a tight gripper going into some late braking turns.

    The leather version is half the price but this is brand new and I’d expect prices to even out soon. Never the less a great wheel that also fits the Thrustmaster TX system. Buttons are replica of the 599 so no specific PS Xbox buttons here, you’ll have to remember what you’ve mapped to each yourself.

    Another great plus point is that it’s slightly bigger than the 458 Italian wheel meaning you’ll feel each bump and shudder more do, the 3 and 9 o’clock position is also nicely padded. I’m told these are made in Italy where the actual Ferrari 599 wheels are too! Great item treat yourself :0)