Tobii Eye Tracker 5

Tobii Eye Tracker 5



The Next Generation of Head and Eye Tracking.

Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is the next generation of head and eye tracking, engineered for PC gaming.

The only device capable of tracking both head and eye movements for game interaction, esports training,

and streaming, Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is a revolutionary new way to play and compete in your favorite games.


  • Enhanced responsiveness: the custom-built optical sensor of the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 brings improved speed and responsiveness with minimal latency. Together with a broad field of view, it is designed to seamlessly capture your every move. This is a key parameter within esports games, such as League of Legends, where even milliseconds count. ·
  • More robust head tracking: a new algorithm for head tracking has been implemented to capture head movements more precisely. The enhanced precision will be particularly useful in simulation games, such as Euro Truck Simulator. ·
  • A new universal flex mount: Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is equipped with a new flex mount that is designed to be universal and adaptable, making it easy to connect the eye tracker to built-in screens, curved screens, and screens of various sizes. ·
  • Durable and portable: Made with more durable, lightweight materials, the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is built to last. Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is a Windows-Hello certified device. Within it sits a biometric sensor that enables facial recognition which is approved for enterprise-grade password replacement.


How Tobii eye tracking is used in gaming: Tobii eye tracking is used by gamers who want to take their game to the next level with deeper analytics, improved game control, and greater streaming options. The three common usage scenarios include:

  • Game-control: Use head and eye movements to control the in-game camera, to act quicker, and to have more immersive game experience. Players effortlessly affect game elements using the eyes, for example, to aim, pan the camera around the screen, or select objects.
  • Training: Become a better player with the knowledge of how your visual attention impacts your play. Players use eye tracking analytics with metrics such as tunnel vision, awareness, and focus to make quicker and better-informed decisions.
  • Streaming: Create and stream content that provides insights about your decision-making, fixation, and awareness. By visualizing the eye movements, streamers allow viewers to get a greater understanding of the gameplay.


Tobii Eye Tracker 5 does not work with Microsoft Windows eye control as of today. But we’re keen to expand functionalities as soon as possible.



Dimensions 285 x 15 x 8.2mm (11.2” x 0.59” x 0.32”)
Operating distance 45-95cm | 18-37”
Recommended screen size 27” with 16:9 30” with 21:9
USB 2.0 0.8m | 31.4” integrated cable 1m | 39.3” extension cable
OS compatibility Windows 10 (64-bit) RS3 or never
System recommendations 6th generation Intel Core (i3/i5/i7-6xxx) and later or equivalent AMD 64 bit processor. ,Minimum 2GHz 8GB RAM and USB port.
What’s in the box? Tobii Eye Tracker 5 ,USB extension cable ,Two magnetic flat mounts ,One flex mount ,How to get started and safety documentations

Dimensions: 28.5 x 0.82 x 1.5 cm; 97 Grams
Manufacture: Tobii Tech AB
Reference: 12007827

125 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAlmost as good latency as a TIR5. Would love to see some improvements and more compatibility across games.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Produit gnialissime pour tout type de joueur ! avec les jeux adapter pour ! et ils finissent par tre nombreux.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Must have pour les jeux de simulation!
    Article de qualit, dans un emballage premium, ce qui fait tjrs plaisir.
    Installation et configurations aises.
    Ex sur Euro Truck Simulator 2: les rglages par dfaut proposs par le jeu sont gniaux! Bouger la tete pour changer rapidement de vue, bouger les yeux pour changer doucement! C’est simplement extra!

  4. UATEdwinayuiutw says:


    Livraison rapide et colis en bon tat.
    Un grand plus pour l’immersion en jeu (vrifier les titres compatible). Test et adopt sur Star Citizen.
    Juste faire attention entre la distance cran -> tte (maximum 90cm).
    Et n’est pas compatible avec tout les tailles d’cran en fonction de leur ratio : Maximum of 27″ for 16:9 aspect ratio and 30″ for 21:9.

  5. Elisa6270yk says:

     United Kingdom

    Ready to go out the box everything included amazing for simulator games which it supports hundreds of games. Dont listen to negative reviews on youtube the only bad ones come from TrackIR sponsors.

  6. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto veramente ottimo.
    Rileva il movimento degli occhi persino con scarsa luce.
    Nei giochi che lo permettono, come euro truck Simulator o american truck Simulator, rileva anche il movimento della testa, rendendolo assolutamente indispensabile.

  7. M. Lance Lusk says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an eye and head tracker not a camera and works well in games.
    As a wherhouse purchase sadly some bits wee missing but offered extra discount.
    With import intent the uk prices have gone up so what should be Value for money is a luxury item.

    Otherwise a fantastic piece of kit, works in star citizen.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Theirs nothing to dislike about this product. its actually an amazing bit of kit. I play star citizen and this changed the game for me. I come from a vr background so microsoft simultor, DCS, Elite Dangrous and so on. im a person that needs to live the experance with star citizen not supporting vr right now i looked for head tracking sofware. i was in two minds about trackIR and tobii. after doing the research i took my chances with tobii eye tracker. instlation was a breeze then i turned on the ghost tracking and it pinpointed every eye moment i made on the screen. its that impressing it could replace a mouse. add that to head momentent and star citizen became a world i lost myself in. I was in dog fights and could see every moment of my enemys ship. i could land my ship with ease. Even on those train rides i found myself looking around to take in the sights.

  9. TorstenErtel says:


    Tobii Eye Tracker 5
    Cette barre amovible (magntique) est plus pratique qu’un TrackIR car il n’est plus ncessaire de porter quelque chose sur la tte, de plus les LEDS infrarouge pallies au manque de luminosit. Cette barre intgre une mini camra pour la reconnaissance facial, ce qui vous vitera d’avoir saisir votre mot de passe chaque reboot de votre PC. Mais ce produit manque de notorit notamment dans les jeux, donc ne jetez pas votre vieux TrackIR. Un Tobii, un TrackIR, et une camra HD, a commence faire du monde sur ma Tl !
    C’est livr avec un support en deux parties, l’une coller (sur ou sous) l’cran, et l’autre est pourvu de velcro et d’aimants. Le support une fois fix peut tre lgrement orient verticalement. Je recommande ce produit mme s’il est vendu au prix du caviar.

  10. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich verwende den Eyetracker fr ATS und ETS2. Ich bin einfach nur begeistert von dem Produkt. Hochwertige, robuste und dadurch langlebige Verarbeitungsqualitt.
    Die Software-Installation bzw. Kalibrierung ist ein Kinderspiel.
    Einen Nachteil gibt es fr Curved Displays von HUAWEI. Da sich der Einschaltknopf bei meinem Monitor genau in der Mitte unter dem Monitorrahmen befindet, lsst sich das Flexmount leider gar nicht anbringen. Habe mir daher eine Ersatzkonstruktion unter Verwendung der mitgelieferten Originalverpackung und einem Metall mount gebaut, welche unterhalb des Monitors genau mittig platziert wurde. Funktioniert einwandfrei. Sitze mehr als 60 cm von dem Eyetracker entfernt und trotzdem erkennt der Tracker meine Kopfbewegungen in ATS und ETS2 problemlos. Zum Preis: Nicht billig, aber zum Konkurrenzprodukt IRTracker eindeutig fr mich persnlich die bessere Wahl, da ich keine Kappe anziehen bzw. ein Headset mit zustzlichen nervigen Kabeln tragen muss.
    Klare Kaufempfehlung.

  11. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der EyeTracker mscht das was er soll und das auch gut. Der Preis ist knackig da er ja wirklich nur auf Eye und Headtracking begrenzt ist.

    Die mitgelieferte Plastikhalterung ist der letzte Mll. Der Kleber von den Klettstreifen lst sich sofort bei Wrme. Soll ja vorkommen, dass Monitore auch mal warm werden. Egal er das sich das ausgedacht hat, ich hoffe die Person wurde entlassen.

    Im Angebot unter 200 trotzdem zu empfehlen.

  12. OKXRonaldtzdqu says:

     United Kingdom

    If you are fed up slipping on a VR Headset for games such as Euro Truck then this is your answer – absolutely fantastic piece of kit and works really well in the games that I have personally tried it on which includes ETS2 Valhalla and Far Cry

  13. Stephen Regenold says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersHaving used trackIR in the past and also having used an Oculus Quest 2 for my Flight Simulator 2020 I feel the Tobii is the perfect compromise.

    The TrackIR you always had to place something on your head with wires to your pc if you used the powered IR lights.

    The VR route is by far the most immersive option but with the oculus quest 2 at least its a bit hit or miss with the connection making starting a game with it a bit of an ordeal.

    Tobii just sits there… and once you start a supported game it just works! There is the usual sensitivity tweaking per game ofcourse but thats fine.

    I so far used it in:
    Flight Simulator 2020
    Star Citizen
    Far Cry 6

    Warning for Flight Simulator 2020: If you have, like me another VR device installed you have to de-install everything that looks like a VR driver or program I found out otherwise the Tobii menu under options>controls does not appear or one menu called trackIR. This feels like a typical Microsoft Bug.. It worked fine with Star Citizen and Farcry with my Quest installed.

    Eye/Headtracking with little effo

  14. RubinPleasant says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Utilisez votre retine pour actionn votre souris, il y a pleins d’applications possibles visitez leur site pour dcouvrir ce produit et surtout trs pratique en jeux vido pour viser ou regarder au alentour sans utiliser la souris pour les jeux de voiture ou tire c’est excellent mais demande quelques rglages pour une utilisation optimale. C’est assez simple d’utilisatio

  15. Anonymous says:


    Fhlt sich sehr qualitativ an, Einrichtung ist in Sekundenschnelle fertig und luft 1a

  16. LorenzoH04 says:

     United Kingdom

    I use this product for my personal computer as well as to play my favourite games

  17. ColumbuWainscot says:

     United Kingdom

    Much better than my old track ir5 Took some tweaking in Star Citizen setting for it but nailed it now, absolutely cannot play it without. It’s more expensive than I would have liked though.

    Mighty Impressive!!!

  18. Anonymous says:


    Immersion top! Gute Verarbeitung und erfllt seinen Zweck anstandslos. Fr z.B Star citizen ein enormer Gewinn.

  19. Anonymous says:


    great stuff! I can only recommend it, it feels like having color television, having watched black/white tv all your life.

  20. ShereeChristmas says:

     United Kingdom

    I am a twitch streamer and a player of star citizen, the interaction with chat is great, aswell as having the ability for looking around the cockpit of whichever ship im piloting is a huge help for both dogfights and landing/ takeoff. Highly recomend for both streamers and star citizen players

  21. DanaTalbot says:


    Da es schon etliche Rezensionen zum Tobii Eye Tracker 5 gibt, beschrnke ich mich auf zwei kleine Besonderheiten:

    Funktioniert Tobii Eye Tracker auch mit GROSSEN Monitoren?
    Ja, nahezu tadellos. Ich habe an meinem PC einen Gigabyte Aorus FV43U ( 16:9 4K, 43 Zoll) und einen Samsung Odyssey G9 (32:9 5K 49 Zoll). Beide Monitore liegen deutlich auerhalb der Empfehlung des Herstellers. Auf beiden Monitoren funktioniert das Eyetracking wunderbar. Beim 43 Zoll werden lediglich blicke in den uersten Ecken, also evtl. 3-4cm von der Ecke entfernt ungenau erkannt. Der Rest geht sehr genau.
    Beim 49 Zoll mit 32:9 Format wird es etwa in den letzten 10% der Flche zu den Rndern hin schwierig. Der Rest geht auch hier tadellos. Im Spiel merkt man davon berhaupt nichts.

    Bei so groen Monitoren, wie nah muss ich da dran sitzen?
    Ich sag mal “normaler” Abstand gengt. Bei meinem 43 Zoll Monitor sitze ich etwa 100-120cm (Abstand Augen zum Bildschirm) und bei meinem 49 Zoll eta 75-95 cm entfernt. In beiden Fllen habe ich aber nach hinten nicht wirklich noch Spielraum, bis die Augen-Erkennung abbricht. Headtaracking, also Kopfbewegung geht noch ein ganzes Stck weiter entfernt.

    Wie gut funktioniert der Tracker im Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020)
    Zunchst einmal empfehle ich, fr das Umsehen im FS2020 (auch DCS) das Eyetracking zu deaktivieren (ja wirklich!) und die Blicke nur mit Headtracking zu steuern. Tobii 5 wird also nur als Headtracker genutzt. Mir persnlich ist es zu nervig, wenn das Bild bei minimalen Augenbewegungen jedesmal mitgeht. Reines Headtracking ist fr sehr genaue Blicksteuerung (rechts links oben unten) vollkommen ausreichend und bereichert die Flugsimulation absolut. Man kann seinen Blick sehr genau damit z.B. auf die Landebahn richten und diese verfolgen, whrend man im Queranflug ist.
    Headtracking im Raum (also auch durch Kopf nach vorne gehen nher an Instrumente heranrcken) ist noch ein recht neues Feature und teils noch etwas ungenau. Zumindest kam es bisher immer wieder zu Problemen, wenn ich z.B. nahe an die Instrumente blicke und danach meinen Kopf wieder zurck nehme. Oft ist dann die Position im Cockpit nicht mehr in Ausgangslage. Ich behelfe mir damit, auf dem Joke einen Knopf fr den “Blick-Reset” zu haben.
    Ich habe auch einen IR-Headtracker. Natrlich sind die etwas genauer. Aber ich wrde sagen, tobii 5 kommt schon zu 95% an den IR headtracker ran und ich brauche kein extra Equipment am Kopf.

    Raum nur 4 und nicht 5 Sterne?
    Mir fehlt eine Mglichkeit, den Eyetracker bei Nichtgebrauch softwareseitig zu deaktivieren. Die roten Lampen brennen dauerhaft. Man muss also wirklich den USB Stecker ziehen. Ich hoffe, hier kommt noch ein Update.

    Groe Bildschirme sind kein Problem. Fr FS2020 und DCS bin ich von IR-Tracker auf Tobii Eyetracker 5 gewechselt und sehr zufrieden damit.

  22. Brooke33Nq says:


    Der Tobii Eye Tracker 5 ist so ziemlich das teuerste Produkt dieser Klasse auf dem Markt. Dafr bekommt man hardwareseitig auch ein wertiges Produkt und keinen Plastikmll.

    Aufbau und Einrichtung ist problemlos in wenigen Minuten erledigt. Das Produkt funktioniert nach einer kurzen Kalibrierung problemlos in untersttzer Software. Mchte man das Gert jedoch perfekt auf sich abstimmen, muss man in jeder Software, die den Eye Tracker verwendet, separat einiges an Zeit investieren, um alles fr sich persnlich einzustellen.

    Nach abgeschlossener Einstellung funktioniert das Gert super. Head- und Eye Tracking funktioniert sehr gut, ganz ohne Sensoren am Krper zu tragen, wie es bei konkurrierenden Produkten zumeist der Fall ist. Dass beide Funktionen in einem Gert untergebracht sind, scheint der Trackingqualitt keinen Abbruch zu tun. Auch optisch strt das Gert, letztlich nur eine schmale Leiste, das am Monitor anzubringen ist, nicht. Ob das den im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz doch recht hohen Preis rechtfertigt, muss jeder selbst entscheiden – fr mich ist dem jedenfalls so.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love trucking sims and this sweet little add on just totally revamped the game for me muck about with the settings to your heart’s content but once you get used to head tracking you’ll have it set on maximum yaw and tilt anyway brilliant bit of kit!

  24. Anonymous says:


    Nicht ganz billig, aber definitiv ist es die Anschaffung wert. Ich spiele Flugsimulatoren und hierfr einfach klasse. Deutlich dem TrackIR berlegen, da sowohl Kopf- als auch Augentracking mglich und alles ohne weiter Hilfsmittel wie Basecaps o. . Regiert sehr przise und zuverlssig. Die Einstellmglichkeiten sind gerade beim MSFS2020 vielfltig. Von mir aus: Daumen hoch.

  25. StephanRobey says:

     United Kingdom

    I initially purchased this for its headtracking feature as an alternative to TrackIR, however I have used the eye tracking feature in supported games too. I’ve owned this for almost two years now, so it’s fair to say I have used enough to review it.

    At this price range you basically have two options for tracking, you have TrackIR which involves an infrared camera and reflectors you have to wear attached to a hat or headset. The second option is this, the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 which involves mounting the device under your primary monitor. It’s worth saying that you can only use it on your primary monitor (I personally have two monitors) but this shouldn’t be an issue unless you play sim games stretched 3 monitors. There is also a max supported monitor size of 27 inch (30 inches with ultrawide) but you can use it with monitors which are bigger – it’s just not “officially supported”. I initially got it for Euro Truck Simulator 2 which it worked pretty well for, headtracking was as good as I could expect. I also use it a lot for Star Citizen, Microsoft Flight Simulator and DCS World. I used it on those games before it was even officially supported using a workaround. Game compatibility has gotten much much better over the past few years, at the start I almost had to always set it up myself (using Facetracknoir, it simulates it being TrackIR for games that only support TrackIR. This is what you use for games which don’t support the eye tracker directly but do support TrackIR).

    On quality of tracking I’ve been pretty impressed, especially with head tracking. It can do head tracking with 6 DOF (same as TrackIR, so it can sense every direction) and eye tracking is useful for extended view, however you’ll probably use head tracking a lot more. Streamers have a few things with being able to show what you’re looking at on stream, I tried it once with a few friends on discord and it worked fine but I’m not a streamer so it’s not something I used much. Immersion wise you really need to use some sort of tracking feature in games like Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen or any simulator really. Being able to move your head to look around improves your immersion and gameplay so much. I use a joystick setup in flight/space simulators so being able to just look at targets instead of having to move a camera with my hat stick makes it so much easier and it feels more natural.

    I’ve also had it set up with Windows Hello and it has worked flawlessly since the day I got it. You set it up in windows settings and your PC will wake in seconds if you’re in front of it, no complaints here at all.

    So why did I take away a star? The tracker stopped working a few weeks ago, while I’m still under warranty and it is being replaced this is something to be aware of. It’s not an isolated incident, many on Discord were complaining about the same thing and also got replacements. They are replacing all units affected so it isn’t too big of a deal, more just annoying as you do have to pay for your own return shipping and it takes a while. It might be fixed with newer units anyway, I got this pretty much at launch.

    Another thing is note is while game compatibility has gotten better, they do have to buy a special license from Tobii to be able to use the tracker in their own games which not all will do. For games which don’t support the tracker directly, try using it with Facetracknoir and search up a few tutorials on how to set it up. I used it for Star Citizen for months before official support and it worked fine. Eye tracking won’t work with it though, only head (but lets be honest, you want this for head tracking more than eye if you’re gaming).

    Overall I would recommend this product, it adds a level of immersion that is only beaten by VR. Just be aware it will involve setup on your end (you will need to likely adjust settings on each game to get it perfect) and some troubleshooting if it goes wrong. If you’re someone who wants things to “just work”, look into TrackIR as that is much more mature. This is a much more elegant solution compared to having to wear reflectors on your head though and windows hello is really useful.

  26. Anonymous says:


    fonctionne parfaitement bien ! Mon mari est ravi de son cadeau !

  27. Anonymous says:


    Vraiment trs impressionnant.
    Le kit de fixation l’cran est fournis avec, plus une rallonge usb3 dont je ne me sert pas (j’ai 2 ports usb3 sur l’cran, donc 1 pour la webcam pour la fois (expressions du visage en temps rel) et l’autre pour le eye tracker.
    Le tout ragis vraiment bien, je l’utilise pour starcitizen, j’ai dj du mal porter un casque audio, donc les autres marques trackir, qui obligent porter un ustensile en + sur la tte avec un fil ne me plaisait pas beaucoup. l, pas de cble, rien, il ragit aux mouvements de la tte et celui des pupilles, vraiment bien pour starcitizen qui prends en charge les 2 simultanment en jeu, donc a veut dire que l’on peut tourner la tte tout en fixant quelque chose, l’cran ne fait pas n’importe quoi.
    Un seul dfaut le prix, a reste un gadget pour de la simulation.
    Mais je recommande quand mme !

  28. EzekielAmato says:


    Funktion 32:9 Fast volle funktion bei Star citizen.
    Ca. 10cm am Rand wird es Etwas Ruckeln, da er deine Augen nicht mehr bis dort hin kalebrieren kann.
    Aber aus meiner Sicht volle funktion um die Displays im chiff zu sehen.

  29. Anonymous says:


    I bought it for the sole purpose to use it with Elite Elite Dangerous. And it delivers, it feels like natural extension to this game, like it should be in there by default (kinda hard to imagine not playing this game without it, now that i have it.)

    I own 27′ inch monitor, and it works perfectly with it, and i sit around 1m away from screen, and it tracks my eyes and head with no problem.
    There is perhaps 0,1ms lag/delay between the device and with what happens on the screen, cuz it needs to calculate all ya movment etc, but thats understandable.
    I very quickly got used to it, and it really dosent inflaunce exp in any negative way, it becomes very natural, its just another way for player to communicate with game.

    The apps that need to be downloaded from ms store, “tobii exp”, and “tobii gaming”, are mandatory, and they have to be run in background while playing, so that Elite could work with eyetracker itself (there is a lot of options in tobii gaming app, to modify/tweak eyetracker settings for Elite and other games, and they are set by default in very good way. I tweaked em just a little bit to my personal liking.)

    Are there cons? Well, device comes at the stip price (yes yes the inner scrooge) Is it nessessary for being good at the game? Ofc not, eytracking is really nice addition, it will increase your situational awareness, but it wont make u a MVP lol, and it also helps with ImMeRsIoN.
    Its like “budget” VR, without VR, kindoff.
    Its like cherry on top, especially if u use HOTAS, *french chef kiss*

  30. FrancesSoubeira says:


    It is expensive, but this isn’t a plastic part, the body is metallic and sturdy, it works great for gaming, DCS is what I bought it for, it’s better than my trackir for sure, less hassle and no need for caps etc but you do need to be closer to the screen ie at full arm extension the throttle and stick would need to be at an “on the desk” distance, also works great in third person games like tomb raider, it bridges the gap between controller and mouse control for aiming. Also for work on my large monitor simply jiggling the mouse brings the cursor to wherever I’m looking, wouldn’t have thought that would be so useful but it is.

  31. Product Reviews Net says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSetup with msfs2020 is easy. Just turn on TrackIR in the app. Documentation could have been better. I had to do some searching for what I needed, but it wasn’t too hard to find. In msfs it works, but isn’t fast to respond. TrackIR5 is much more sensitive, which is not always good. Eye tracking seems hit and miss. In msfs there are no adjustments available. On the other hand, it doesn’t require a lot of tweaking like TIR5. It has a lot of potential. The biggest plus is that it is conpletely hands/head free. I am slowly getting used to using it. I hope to eventually be able to increase my rating.

    1/7/22 Update: As promised I am adding a 4th star. Apparently the MSFS fix took care of the disconnect issue. Used it most of the day and had no issues with Tobii whatsoever. I am actually liking it a lot and don’t miss the 6 degrees of movement that my other head tracker has (in MSFS Tobii is limited to 3 right now). In fact I find it easier to use without all the extra moving. It would be nice to be able to lower the sensitivity just a little, but overall it is now a solid operator in MSFS2020, once I got the positioning adjusted correctly. I did recalibrate a few times in the app, which may or may not have helped. Now I can definitely recommend it.

    1/6/22 Update: Con- I am on the verge of returning it. Yesterday it kept disconnecting from MSFS2020. It stayed powered on, but MSFS turned it off in the game, and would not let me reactivate it (the software button would not move in the settings). I tried some troubleshooting tips from Tobii without success. So I started the refund process.

    Pro- Today MSFS2020 put out a big bug update. Among the fixes is mentioned TrackIR (they only use the Tobii in their software now- other trackers work outside of it). So far it is working, but I haven’t run everything I ran before…yet. Prior to yesterday I found that raising my monitor height and adjusting the tilt on the Tobii sensor bar greatly increased the sensitivity. I have been pleased with how it works now (when it stays connected). I like it much better than my other name brand tracker.

    Conclusion- I am neither raising nor lowering my 3 star rating for now. If it continues to disconnect, I will still return it. If it stays connected and continues to be as responsive as it is now, I will give it another star. Time will tell. There are a lot of gamers who like it, and a lot who are having problems. Trying to stay optimistic!

  32. Anonymous says:


    Tuve que regresarlo, funciona en Windows como mouse pero para los juegos es muy deficiente, la presicion an montado en un monitor de laptop deja mucho que desear. Lo us para valhala y fallaba mucho al apuntar, quiz el movimiento de la cabeza era lo nico extra. Por lo dems est considerado como un cheat as que si lo piensan usar con algn juego que tenga un poco de seguridad anticheat no va a funcionar en lo ms mnimo aunque solo lo usen para saber en dnde estn mirando no va a funcionar. Est fue la principal razn para regresarlo, buen producto pero no es para m

  33. lhefez says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a well made piece of equipment. Unfortunately it would not work with Microsoft Flight Sim 2020. I contacted Tobii Technical Support and despite their suggestions, I could not get the eye tracker to work. There is no criticism of Tobii, their Technical Support was first class. The problems are all within MS FS2020. I have returned the item and have continued on using Delanclip head tracker.
    I would buy this again if MSFS seamlessly supported it.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a well made piece of equipment. Unfortunately it would not work with Microsoft Flight Sim 2020. I contacted Tobii Technical Support and despite their suggestions, I could not get the eye tracker to work. There is no criticism of Tobii, their Technical Support was first class. The problems are all within MS FS2020. I have returned the item and have continued on using Delanclip head tracker.
    I would buy this again if MSFS seamlessly supported it.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Have you seen this thing? It, like, tracks where you eyes are looking….. what else are they tracking?

  36. Quan Campbell says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a must have but of kit if you’re into Driving Sims or any kind of Virtual Reality Gaming. It really makes a massive difference to the gaming experience and makes it very immersive to play.

    I recent bought – and now addicted to – Euro Truck Sim 2 for the PC. And this sleek device makes the experience a 1000 times better.

    It’s easy to set up, using Tobiis software to calibrate the IR on the device, and you’re ready to go.
    For ETS2 you have to dig into the settings to let the game know you’re using eye tracking software, and you can further refine the settings so the gadget tracks your eyes and head movements, how sensitive/ quick/ rotation etc. I spent around and hour tweaking the settings within ETS2 to meet my needs, but it’s a testament to how much control and super fine adjustment you can set on the Tobii Eye Tracker gadget.

    Don’t get me wrong, this is a brilliant device, however it’s also prohibitly expensive at over 200! Yikes!! I don’t think it’s worth that much, but it’s still a great device if you’re looking for an immersive experience in VR gaming. So I’m knocking 1 star of my review. It’s a costly device!

    It’s metal and well built, and when it’s plugged in, you can see the red IR lights on it, doing their magic.

    Superb, but prohibitly expensive

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a must have but of kit if you’re into Driving Sims or any kind of Virtual Reality Gaming. It really makes a massive difference to the gaming experience and makes it very immersive to play.

    I recent bought – and now addicted to – Euro Truck Sim 2 for the PC. And this sleek device makes the experience a 1000 times better.

    It’s easy to set up, using Tobiis software to calibrate the IR on the device, and you’re ready to go.
    For ETS2 you have to dig into the settings to let the game know you’re using eye tracking software, and you can further refine the settings so the gadget tracks your eyes and head movements, how sensitive/ quick/ rotation etc. I spent around and hour tweaking the settings within ETS2 to meet my needs, but it’s a testament to how much control and super fine adjustment you can set on the Tobii Eye Tracker gadget.

    Don’t get me wrong, this is a brilliant device, however it’s also prohibitly expensive at over 200! Yikes!! I don’t think it’s worth that much, but it’s still a great device if you’re looking for an immersive experience in VR gaming. So I’m knocking 1 star of my review. It’s a costly device!

    It’s metal and well built, and when it’s plugged in, you can see the red IR lights on it, doing their magic.

    Superb, but prohibitly expensive

  38. Emma Christensen says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersAprs beaucoup de temps a le tester et le paramtrer dans tous les sens, J’atteste que la prcision et la finesse du tracking des mouvements de la tte n’est pas la hauteur d’un Track-ir 5 par exemple.
    Le seul avantage et de pouvoir se passer d’un casque ou d’une casquette pour l’utiliser. Le tracking des yeux est un plus si vous en trouvez l’utilit. D’ailleurs c’est l o il brille le plus.

    Pour du pure Simulateur, passez votre chemin ou attendez qu’ils amliorent encore leur technologie sur la partie head tracking.

  39. Anonymous says:


    Insegue il movimento degli occhi e della testa con accuratezza

  40. Jared DiPane says:


    Nach langer Zeit wollte ich meiner so gerne gespielten Gamereihe “Tomb Raider” ein zustzliches Feature geben und zwar den Eyetracker 5 von Tobii. Eher durch einen Zufall bin ich bei einer Sonntags-Google-Suche auf dieses Gert gestoen. Erst mal alle Rezensionen die sich auftreiben lassen gelesen und schlielich entschlossen zu bestellen, da ich die Anmeldung mit Windows Hello auch als praktisch empfand.
    Gert angeschlossen, Treiber installieren lassen, was bei Windows 10 automatisch geschah, sofort hatte ich irgendeine Fehlermeldung die auf eine fehlerhafte Installation hinweist, die roten Leuchten vom Gert waren aber aktiv. Neu gestartet und mit der Tobii Experience App Funktionen geprft. Alles okay, nach der Kalibrierung folgte der “Halo” meinen Augen. Windows Hello einrichten, Fehlanzeige, es wird kein kompatibles Gert aufgefhrt… “Raise of the Tomb Raider” gestartet und unter den Einstellung vom erkannten Tobii Device erstmal nichts verndert. Spiel luft und ich kann die Umgebung mit meinen Augen und durch Kopfbewegung erkunden, wenn auch in einem fr mich sehr eingeschrnkten Bereich. War dann erstmal auf die Erde zurckgekommen mit meinen Erwartungen.
    Als nchstes habe ich den Tobii Support wegen dem Windows Hello Problem kontaktiert, welcher sich unverzglich meldete (Ganz groes Kino, wie man dort bemht ist, zu helfen!). Mir wurde ein neuer Treiber zum Download angeboten und den habe ich installiert.
    Nach einem Neustart konnte ich dann auch in Windows Hello die Tobii Kamera fr Windows Hello erfolgreich einrichten. Die Anmeldung ist jetzt durch einen Blick auf den Monitor erledigt (Freu!).
    Als ich dann Tomb Raider startete fiel mir auf, dass der Bewegungbereich durch Kopf- und Augenbewegung deutlich vergrssert wurde durch den neuen Treiber (Doppel-Freu!).
    Fr mich ist das Spiel jetzt anders zu spielen aber mit deutlich mehr Fun. Das anivisieren von Gegnern und Tieren durch schieres Ansehen macht Spa. Werde mir jetzt sicher noch ein paar andere Spiele die mit dem Tobii eyetracker interagieren knnen zulegen. Shadow of the Tomb Raider habe ich schon und ist als nchstes dran.
    Summa Summarum sicherlich ein etwas teureres Vergngen aber wenn ich mir heutzutage die Preise von Grafikkarten ansehe, na ja, dann ist der Tobii Eyetracker fr das was er bietet ein Schnppchen.
    Ich bin froh ihn gekauft zu haben, bringt er mich doch auch dazu, die letzten beide Teile von Tom Raider erneut “mit anderen Augen zu sehen”. Nur schade, dass der erste Tomb Raider Teil keine Tobii Unterstzuung findet. Nun ja, warte ich auf die nchsten, kommenden drei Teile…

    Thank you Tobii

  41. EwanFrederick says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersBought as a special treat to myself primarily for for flight sim and driving sims.
    Quite easy to install and worked pretty much out of the box for me. Setup was very easy. Need to make some tweaks to get optimum performance and need to be mindful that there is a maximum distance for which this will work reliably.

    Biggest benefit for me was being able to use it without any attachments or hats, unlike other alternatives such as track ir. Great feeling of freedom and helped the sense of immersion.

    Would award it 5 stars but marked down to four for two reasons:
    1. Minor point really, the device must be mounted under the monitor and the means of doing so is a little clunky but not a big deal for me.

    2. Main reason for the 4 stars is the price. At over 200 it is very pricey for what it is. Much more expensive than say Track ir. Really needs to be more around the 150 mark or even less to get the extra star rating.

    So far I have been very pleased with it. If you have the money to splash then it should be on your shortlist.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought as a special treat to myself primarily for for flight sim and driving sims.
    Quite easy to install and worked pretty much out of the box for me. Setup was very easy. Need to make some tweaks to get optimum performance and need to be mindful that there is a maximum distance for which this will work reliably.

    Biggest benefit for me was being able to use it without any attachments or hats, unlike other alternatives such as track ir. Great feeling of freedom and helped the sense of immersion.

    Would award it 5 stars but marked down to four for two reasons:
    1. Minor point really, the device must be mounted under the monitor and the means of doing so is a little clunky but not a big deal for me.

    2. Main reason for the 4 stars is the price. At over 200 it is very pricey for what it is. Much more expensive than say Track ir. Really needs to be more around the 150 mark or even less to get the extra star rating.

    So far I have been very pleased with it. If you have the money to splash then it should be on your shortlist.

  43. JarredBYFbmd says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt works very well on American truck sim and Euro Truck sim2. you get used to the movements it performs
    perfectly. Would recommend this item, though it is a little pricey.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt works very well on American truck sim and Euro Truck sim2. you get used to the movements it performs
    perfectly. Would recommend this item, though it is a little pricey.

  45. SteveRickard says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJe m’en sers plutt pour jouer Star citizen et vraiment contant de mon mon Tobii
    Pas de rglage ni calibrage faire, brancher et profite

    Vraiment contant de mon acha

  46. Kevin Fitzpatrick says:


    Der Eye- und Head-Tracker funktioniert erstaunlich einfach und zuverlssig. Plug-In, kurze Kalibration und los geht es. Feinabstimmung folgt dann im Spiel (nutze es fr ETS2).
    Also Funktion = top. Der Preis = flop
    Nein, echt. Fr rund 200 Euro ist das Ding einfach mal mindestens 100 Euro zu teuer.

    Ich habe den Tracker trotzdem behalten, da es irgendwie so ein technischer Zwischenschritt zwischen manueller Mausbedienung und VR-Brille ist, den ich genau so wollte.

  47. AdelaMansergh says:


    For those of us who don’t want to go the full VR route this is a great alternative. It works really well although you will find that you need to tune it carefully to the games you play and the results you want.
    Does eye tracking and head tracking; I find head tracking only best for FPS, and eye tracking only best for SIM Racing, but your requirements may vary. I’m using it on a big curved monitor (bigger than the recommended spec) and it works really well. Very happy.

  48. Stefan Abram says:

     United States

    Nice product
    Useful tool for Windows Hello and eye-tracking
    However, after playing for a long period of time, the eye-tracking function seems a bit lag, which is ok after replugging in the USB connector.

  49. OlivaBivens says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDer im wahrsten Sinne augenblickliche beste Tracker fr Gamer, den es derzeit zu kaufen gibt?

    Tobii Eye Tracker 5 ist, wie der Name schon sagt ein Augentracker, der die Bewegungen deiner Augen wahrnimmt und diese transformiert ingame oder gar in der Windows Oberflche.
    Damit ist aber noch nicht Feierabend. Im Gegenteil. Zustzlich zum Eye Tracking kann Tobii noch Headtracking und die Kombination aus Headtracking plus Eyetracking. Also ein echtes Multitalent unter Tracking Systemen.
    Damit gerstet wird Tobii auch von Windows Hello untersttzt und ihr knnt so euren Rechner mit eurem Gesicht entsperren.

    Tobii hat eine ausgereifte Hardware und Software hier anzubieten. Tobii Dynavox bietet komplette Lsungen fr Augensteuerung an im professionellen Bereich insbesondere Maschinensteuerung aber auch Augensteuerung fr behinderte Menschen. Der Tobii EyeTracker ist quasi ein Ableger davon und ist die Huldigung der Gamer.

    Die Aktuelle Version ist EyeTracker 5. Noch recht verbreitet findet ihr die Version 4C. Der Tracker Treiber wird automatisch nach Fixierung beim Anstecken installiert und ldt direkt die Software “Tobii Experience” herunter und fhrt euch automatisch in den Kalibrierungsprozess. Das geht einfach von der Hand. Es werden alle 6 Achsen fr das Headtracking untersttzt und X&Y fr EyeTracking. Der mitgelieferte Halter wird mit 3m Velcro Stripes befestigt und kann in der Neigung ausreichend verstellt werden. Wichtige Anmerkungen gibt es zum Thema Kompatibilitt und dem Thema: Wo muss der Tracker angebracht sein und welche Monitorgren werden untersttzt?” Das sind die meisten Fragen, die es dazu gibt, gleichzeitig aber auch oftmals nur halbe Antworten. Ich fasse das gerne im Folgenden fr Euch zusammen.

    Die Position, wo er anzubringen ist, hngt davon ab, was ihr nutzen wollt.
    Wollt ihr Eye Tracking oder die Kombination EyeTracking & Headtracking verwenden, dann ist der Sensor zwingend unten am Monitor anzubringen und eure Augen & Kopf mssen von dem Sensor frei erkannt werden. Das hngt damit zusammen, weil die Errechnung der Position eurer Augen technisch gesehen nur da erfasst wird und transformiert wird. Wenn der Sensor oben am Monitor wre, kann die Hardware die Position nicht mehr ermitteln. Zwar klingt das erstmal gaga, da es eigentlich nur eine Negierung von Rechenergebnissen ist, aber es ist derzeit das einzig Mgliche. Vielleicht werden folgende Generationen des Tobii es knnen. Auch kann der Sensor nur einen bestimmten Winkel der Augenbewegungen erfassen, was gleichzeitig die Limitierung fr das Bildschirmformat von 21:9 ist und bei 32:9 Monitoren am linken und rechten Rand das EyeTracking nicht anschlgt. Bildschirmgren werden nach Angaben von Tobii bis 34 Zoll untersttzt, jedoch geht auch mehr, aber das Tracking KANN etwas ungenauer werden.

    Wollt ihr aber rein nur Headtracking verwenden, dann kann der Sensor auch oben am Monitor angebracht werden. Die Hardware und Software ermittelt die Kopfhaltung perfekt und ohne Fehler.
    Die Monitorgre ist fr reines Headtracking unerheblich und funktioniert ebenso bei 32:9 oder auch Triple Monitor SetUp mit einem Verhltnis von 48:9.

    Wichtig ist auch zu wissen, dass der Sensor nicht zwingen direkt am Monitor sein muss, sondern auch weiter davor. Das Ergebnis passt, wenn man den Tracker an der gleichen Position kalibriert hat. Das ist insbesondere dann hilfreich, wenn ein weiter Abstand zum Monitor ist.

    Untersttzte Spiele haben die entsprechende Schnittstelle und die Einstellungen werden ingame gemacht. Es ist also keine zustzliche Software erforderlich dazu neben den Treibern und Tobii Experience. Trotzdem bietet Tobii noch eine Software namens Tobii GamingHub an, wo man vorgefertigte Profile fr Games erstellen oder herunterladen kann.

    Das Tracking ist sehr gut, flssig und strungsfrei selbst bei sehr heller oder sehr dunkler Umgebung. Besonders gut finde ich, dass man weder Kabel noch irgendwelche Caps oder Clips aufhaben muss. Das ist unbeschwertes Gaming vom Feinsten. Das gilt fr alle Arten des Tracking mit dem Tobii 5.

    Empfehlung: absolut. Auch wenn der Preis kein Pappenstiel ist, so hat man einen Mehrwert beim Spielen, der quasi unersetzlich ist. Es ist eine lohnenswerte Vorstufe zu VR.

    Ich habe bisher alle am Mark erhltlichen Tracking System intensiv genutzt und habe daher ein Bild anderer Anbieter oder Lsungen wie TrackIR, dem ED Tracker oder auch LowBudget Varianten mit Cam und Clip.
    Tobii ist das Beste, was mir bis dato unter die Finger gekommen ist


  50. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersJe suis ttraplgique, dommage que le clavier visuel ne soit pas compatible.

  51. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersJusque l je jouais Elite Dangerous en VR et c’est vraiment bien de pouvoir regarder autour de soi juste en bougeant la tte mais porter un VR est compliqu pour moi. J’ai donc cherch une solution pour continuer jouer ED tout en ayant le ct pratique de la VR et j’ai entendu parler du Tobii via un concours.
    J’ai essay d’en trouver des tests sur internet mais peu de rsultats. J’ai tout de mme tent l’exprience.

    Alors le produit est bien emball, il est de bonne qualit et bien fini. Cependant je ne suis pas convaincu du support scratch, j’ai prfr placer le capteur sous mon cran avec du double face.

    La configuration est trs, trs simple et dure quelques secondes et qu’est que a fonctionne bien !
    Que ce soit le Head Tracker ou l’Eye Tracker, a fonctionne vraiment bien sans galrer avec la configuration et le rsultat est identique en plein jour ou dans le noir tant donn que le capteur dispose d’un clairage infrarouge puissant.

    Pour Elite Dangerous c’est vraiment parfait, le mouvement de regard se fait naturellement et instantanment.

    On peut trouver le capteur un peu cher, l’objet est petit, on interagit pas physiquement avec mais est-ce vraiment trop cher quand on voit la qualit de fabrication, la simplicit de configuration et d’utilisation, et le fonctionnement impeccable ?

    Je trouve dommage que ce genre de capteur n’est pas trs rpandu chez les consommateurs et dans les jeux, pourtant cela ajoute une nouvelle dimension aux jeux.

    Il y a une chose que je n’aime pas vraiment : il faut passer par le Microsoft Store pour installer Tobii Exprience qui est indispensable son fonctionnement donc s’il devient indisponible on ne pourra pas retrouver un installeur sur internet.

    Mme si je l’utilise principalement que dans deux jeux, je ne regrette pas mon achat.

  52. FE Online says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersJusque l je jouais Elite Dangerous en VR et c’est vraiment bien de pouvoir regarder autour de soi juste en bougeant la tte mais porter un VR est compliqu pour moi. J’ai donc cherch une solution pour continuer jouer ED tout en ayant le ct pratique de la VR et j’ai entendu parler du Tobii via un concours.
    J’ai essay d’en trouver des tests sur internet mais peu de rsultats. J’ai tout de mme tent l’exprience.

    Alors le produit est bien emball, il est de bonne qualit et bien fini. Cependant je ne suis pas convaincu du support scratch, j’ai prfr placer le capteur sous mon cran avec du double face.

    La configuration est trs, trs simple et dure quelques secondes et qu’est que a fonctionne bien !
    Que ce soit le Head Tracker ou l’Eye Tracker, a fonctionne vraiment bien sans galrer avec la configuration et le rsultat est identique en plein jour ou dans le noir tant donn que le capteur dispose d’un clairage infrarouge puissant.

    Pour Elite Dangerous c’est vraiment parfait, le mouvement de regard se fait naturellement et instantanment.

    On peut trouver le capteur un peu cher, l’objet est petit, on interagit pas physiquement avec mais est-ce vraiment trop cher quand on voit la qualit de fabrication, la simplicit de configuration et d’utilisation, et le fonctionnement impeccable ?

    Je trouve dommage que ce genre de capteur n’est pas trs rpandu chez les consommateurs et dans les jeux, pourtant cela ajoute une nouvelle dimension aux jeux.

    Il y a une chose que je n’aime pas vraiment : il faut passer par le Microsoft Store pour installer Tobii Exprience qui est indispensable son fonctionnement donc s’il devient indisponible on ne pourra pas retrouver un installeur sur internet.

    Mme si je l’utilise principalement que dans deux jeux, je ne regrette pas mon achat.

  53. docbungle says:


    Der Tobii Eye Tracker lsst sich leicht und ohne Probleme installieren.
    Ich habe einen 27 Zoll Curved Monitor, und die beigefgte Halterung passte auf anhieb.
    ber die Software Tobii Experience wird der Tracker angelernt indem man auf verschiedene angezeigte Punkte schauen soll bis diese zerplatzen. Damit ist die Installation abgeschlossen und der der Tracker kann sofort benutzt werden.
    Es gibt noch das Programm Tobii Game Hub mit dem diverse Einstellungen fr verschiedene Spiele vorgenommen werden knnen. Teilweise werden die Einstellungen direkt in den Spielen vorgenommen.
    Ich habe bis jetzt die Spiele Assassins Creed Valhalla, Elite Dangerous und Star Citizen getestet und bin wirklich berzeugt. Besonders bei den beiden Weltraum-Flugsimulation steigert das die Immersion erheblich. Ich habe jeweils das Eye-Tracking und Head-Tracking am laufen, wobei ich die Empfindlichkeit fr das Eye-Tracking stark reduziert habe, da man manchmal nur einen Punkt ansehen mchte ohne das das Bild gleich stark mit dreht. Es bietet aber einen deutlichen Mehrwert wie man sich so in Game umsehen kann. Wie stark die Rotation mit der Kopfbewegung oder den Augenbewegungen ist lsst sich jeweils individuell einstellen und es lassen sich auch verschiedene Profile im Tobii Game Hub erstellen.

    Einige hatten berichtet das sie die Infrarotabtastung bemerken und stren wrde, das kann ich bis jetzt nicht besttigen. Wenn ich direkt in die Tobii Leiste sehen, sehe ich natrlich das Licht, aber das habe ich bisher nicht als Strend empfunden, zumal man sich ja auch mehr auf das geschehen auf dem Bildschirm konzentriert. Ich finde das wirkt eher wie etwas gro geratene Standby Leuchten an einem Fernseher.

    Der Preis ist mit knapp 230 natrlich nicht gerade wenig, und man sollte im Vorfeld genau schauen welche Spiele und Programme untersttzt werden und berlegen ob man genug Verwendung findet.
    Ich fr meinen Teil kann nur sagen das ich bisher mehr als zufrieden bin und den kauf definitiv nicht bereue.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I like it better than the trackir 5 I have been using since it came out.

  55. Dante7596hpk says:


    This tool is just incredibly well thought and professionally assembled. I use it as head/eye tracker on games and I couldnt love it more, its much more convenient compared to the clumsy track IR. Love it!

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great piece of kit, had a few teething problems to begin with the drivers or windows 10 not sure which. But all working now.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great piece of kit, had a few teething problems to begin with the drivers or windows 10 not sure which. But all working now.

  58. KristyKczuv says:


    Hat eine Weile gedauert bis es in allen Applikationen auch lief. Aber der Support war von Anfang an hervorragend.

    Wichtig: generic pnp Monitor. Auf keinen Fall non-generic pnp Monito

  59. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersPour personne en situation de handicap. Fonctionne avec un logiciel de reconnaissance oculaire.

  60. FlorenciaWang says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI had a hard time finding a balance that worked for me in SC. Between a deadzone that let me use the controls on the MFD’s and dogfighting. In the end the goal in the game is to increase immersion by ‘simulating’ VR in a way. The sweet spot you have to keep your head in is very restrictive and if I looked down at my keyboard, my character would over react and try to tuck his head between his knees. The eye tracking… So if you look at something and the camera moves toward the object, the location on the screen changes, a constant chase between camera and eye tracking. They kind of solve this by having a lag or delay between look and move. It’s just not the same.

    As for the product itself, compact, well built, neat and accurate technology. For purposes like auto lock and unlock based on retina scanning, amazing. But for the single purpose I purchased it for. Not so much. Only thing I would change if possible is an option to mount on top of the screen. It really can’t be done right now based on internal mirrors. Or maybe have a version for over monitor tracking?

    Some people have had a better result than me but I sometimes wonder if they have really experienced true head tracking immersion that something like an index with 3 base stations can provide. Once you do that, there is no gimmick that can even come close.

  61. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe mir den Eye-Tracker bestellt um ihn in Spielen zu nutzen, was auch ganz gut funktioniert.
    Jedoch sollte man beachten, dass bei zu groen Bildschirmen das Sichtfeld bis zum Monitorrand nicht ganz abgedeckt wird.

    z.B. bei einen 49″ Ultra Wide Monitor fehlen links und rechts ca. 10.15 cm vom Sichtfeld.
    trotzdem kann man ihn ganz gut auf so einem Bildschirm nutzen.
    Dafr gibt es einen Stern Abzug.

    Den 2. Stern fr den doch schon enormen Preis.

    Fazit. Ein nicht ganz gnstiges Gert, welches aber sehr tolle Funktionen mit sich bringt.

  62. EdmundoHostetle says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBought to use with ETS2. Previously I was using a webcam and Viewtracker from Stream which was ok but I wanted more. This delivers! I’ve used the default head tracking profile in ETS2 and turned off auto center. Immersive driving experience! Previous solution used up to 35% cpu, but the Tobii barely used any cpu and provides a slick and reliable experience.

  63. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersMarche merveille dans star citizen.
    L’objet reste quand mme assez chre, je l’aurai plus vu autour de 99euro. Il y a un kit de montage pour l’adapter votre cran + une rallonge USB. Le montage est simple et rapide et ainsi que l’installation des drivers avec son talonnage. Une fois activ, il n’y a plus qu’a lancer le jeu est jouer. Les rglages et la sensibilit se font en jeu. Il y a une liste des jeux compatible avec le tobii eye dans le logiciel tobi experience, la liste de jeu reste assez faible.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBought to use with ETS2. Previously I was using a webcam and Viewtracker from Stream which was ok but I wanted more. This delivers! I’ve used the default head tracking profile in ETS2 and turned off auto center. Immersive driving experience! Previous solution used up to 35% cpu, but the Tobii barely used any cpu and provides a slick and reliable experience.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTrack IR 5


    Track IR 5


    tobii experience


    game hub


  66. JesusHolloman says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDopo le prime difficolt riscontrate nella calibrazione (non ho letto le istruzioni e lo avevo posizionato sopra lo schermo).
    La precisione della lettura degli occhi non affatto male, anche se in alcune aree del monitor risulta fuori di qualche millimetro dal punto in cui guardo.

    L’ho provato solamente su Star Citizen (prima della patch con il supporto ufficiale alla periferica, utilizzando un programma esterno per lettura di testa e occhi) e subito dopo la patch con il supporto nativo.
    In entrambi i casi la resa spettacolare e una volta eseguite le regolazioni di sensibilit e “corsa” degli assi risulta molto funzionale, il livello di immersivit che aggiunge spettacolare.

    Il costo non certo irrisorio ma considerando la qualit della lettura dei movimenti anche al buio e con gli occhiali da vista credo valga assolutamente la pena.

  67. WilhelmSalcido says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDopo le prime difficolt riscontrate nella calibrazione (non ho letto le istruzioni e lo avevo posizionato sopra lo schermo).
    La precisione della lettura degli occhi non affatto male, anche se in alcune aree del monitor risulta fuori di qualche millimetro dal punto in cui guardo.

    L’ho provato solamente su Star Citizen (prima della patch con il supporto ufficiale alla periferica, utilizzando un programma esterno per lettura di testa e occhi) e subito dopo la patch con il supporto nativo.
    In entrambi i casi la resa spettacolare e una volta eseguite le regolazioni di sensibilit e “corsa” degli assi risulta molto funzionale, il livello di immersivit che aggiunge spettacolare.

    Il costo non certo irrisorio ma considerando la qualit della lettura dei movimenti anche al buio e con gli occhiali da vista credo valga assolutamente la pena.

  68. [email protected] Charlotta Gronberg says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersFirst, I want to say that the tracker itself works beautifully. The head tracking and eye tracking work flawlessly for me both on the desktop of my computer and within Elite Dangerous, the game I bought it for. It was easy to set up once installed and gives me zero issues even if I sit at slightly different angles each time I use it.

    That said, my only complaint is not with the tracker but with the newer mounting solution.

    The old-style mounts (2 included) that stick directly to the lower bezel of your monitor adhere very well. If you’re going to use one of these mounts, I recommend you magnetically snap it to the back of the tracker first before removing the cover on the adhesive strip. Then place the whole thing against the bezel as centered as you can and hold it there for a few seconds while applying pressure so the adhesive can bond. When doing it this way, I found it much easier to align and level the tracker as I mounted it.

    But the new universal mount? The adhesive was nowhere near as sticky on this mount as it was on the old mounts. I cleaned the bottom of my monitor to clear it of any dust and then dried it as the instructions said to. Then I placed the mount, making sure that the maximum amount of surface area between the adhesive pads and the monitor bezel were in contact before holding it there under pressure for a few minutes. Once the tracker was snapped on, the mount stayed in place for about 30 seconds before falling. The adhesive pads, which weren’t very sticky to begin with, got dirty as the thing bounced around on my desk, rendering the new mount totally useless. Further attempts to re-stick it to the bottom of my monitor met with even less success than the first.

    So to recap, the newer, universal mount is my only complaint with this produce. I think it would be much better if the adhesive were stickier like it is on the older mounts. Tobii could also consider including a few spare velcro adhesive pads for this mount so that follow-up attempts with it could be made if the first one fails and the adhesive gets too dirty to stick anymore.

  69. the-health says:


    Nur 4 Sterne, da nicht von Windows 10 untersttzt.
    Ansonsten alles prima.

  70. Anonymous says:


    Die Installation ist ( auf einem 55 Zoll Samsung TV ) etwas mhsam, aber wenn es dann geklappt ein Augengenuss beim ETS2. Die volle Punktzahl konnte der Tobil Eye Tracker 5 nicht erreichen durch die fehlende Deutsche Informationen, nur Englisch und Chinesich ist vorhanden. Auch auf dem groen Curved TV funktioniert der Tobil Eye Tracker 5 zufrieden stellend, ich bin begeistert. Die Einfhrung im Ets und ATS ist in Deutsch und mit vielen Einstell Mglichkeiten wenn’s dann funktioniert einfach Spitze damit zu fahren.
    Der Marwitze

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAs someone who wears glasses, I was really concerned when purchasing this that it may interfere with the tracking. I’d tried tobii eye trackers previously on laptops and they didn’t work too well, but I’m glad to say this generation seems much better.

    The tracking quality is good, though the device struggles when I look at the edge of my monitor. I’ve tried calibrating and recalibrating numerous times, and the results are hit-and-miss. Despite this, it works really well anyway (especially as you rarely ever need to look at the edge of your screen).

    Overall it’s a very solid product, but I’d like to see more proper support for big titles.

  72. Geoffrey Morrison says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAs someone who wears glasses, I was really concerned when purchasing this that it may interfere with the tracking. I’d tried tobii eye trackers previously on laptops and they didn’t work too well, but I’m glad to say this generation seems much better.

    The tracking quality is good, though the device struggles when I look at the edge of my monitor. I’ve tried calibrating and recalibrating numerous times, and the results are hit-and-miss. Despite this, it works really well anyway (especially as you rarely ever need to look at the edge of your screen).

    Overall it’s a very solid product, but I’d like to see more proper support for big titles.

  73. VelvaParedes says:

     United States

    Very easy to install and setup. Literally, “Plug n Play”

    Very easy to install and setup. Literally, "Plug n Play"

  74. RamonitaMcGuirk says:

     United States

    Takes a bit of adjustment to get used to gaming with it, but works great even with glasses

  75. MilagroBurgin says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSolo para jugar, no es para uso en windows, no tiene precision como x ejemplo clicar un icono de tamao normal, tiene un error mas o menos de 6cm cuadrados.
    Para juegos es muy practico, velocidad de respuesta instantaneo.

  76. NickiForehand says:


    Ich bin sehr positiv berrascht wie przise der Tobii die Augen und die Kopfbewegung erfasst egal ob bei vlliger Dunkelheit oder bei starkem Lichteinfall. In der Software fehlen mir die Einstell Mglichkeiten, was aber zum Glck dass jeweilige Programm/Spiel zum grtenteil mitbringt.
    Ich bin absolut zufrieden.

  77. ZGWAltacshttrw says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersExactly as described, mounted to the monitor in less than a minute, and set up software-wise in about the same. Functioned better than I had imagined it would even, I purchased this mainly for use in Star Citizen but in flight simulators as well. FUNCTION wise, it handled beautifully without a single disruption.

    Except the mounting system.

    On day 2, in a 76F room (because I know people will ask :),) I learned that the point at which the device itself magnets to the monitor mount, is a thin piece of metal that is pre-adhered to the plastic base. I learned that, because it just fell right off when the adhesive there failed. Looking at the thin piece of metal, I found that the adhesive had almost entirely lost its stick and after just a touch or two was totally smooth, without so much as a slight catch.

    Going to try gluing the metal piece back on or maybe even just finding a more secure way to mount it than magnets and adhesive anyway. Going to contact their support as well and see if they have replacements for this as mine is now bent (by my own fault) from it being a thin piece of metal and my trying to re-adhere it to the base.

    Like I said though, the device itself outperformed even my hopes for it, and despite some other reviews I think its worth the money if you’re an enthusiast or just a big nerd who could benefit from it. Just a shame that the most crucial point of the mounting system (the part that holds the device on) failed on me on day 2 🙁

    EDIT: I discovered after leaving the review that they include 2 extra strips of metal with adhesive to use when the pre-installed one inevitably fails. I have installed one of those (after almost throwing them away, as they are well hidden on the back side of some of the packaging) and it has held much more strongly than the original since then. I’d rather a product that doesn’t fail at all than a failing product with replacements included because they know it will fail, but regardless of that though, it felt unfair to leave this review up without mentioning that there were replacements included :). Device itself still functioning well beyond expectation. Raised to 4 stars!

  78. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Excelente producto, funciona muy bien en los juegos, lo recomiendo, vale lo que cuesta

  79. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersZuerst….nein! Die Led’s sind nicht so gro und hell. Das macht die Kamera. Ich besitze einen Asus ROG 34 Zoll curved WQHD. Tobii funktioniert super…Bei Einrichten ruhig etwas Zeit nehmen. Ich suchte Star Citizen gut und gerne mal 8 Stunden am Tag durch und bis jetzt keine Probleme. Immersion top…

    Immersion top!!!!!!!

  80. Leah Vanderwerp says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersI just wanted head tracking on par with Track IR 5 without having to wear headgear to get it. Tobii ended up delivering that, and more. I have a window right next to my PC setup, and during certain times of sunny days, it would cause issues with tracking on Tir5. With Tobii 5, I have yet to see any problems with sunlight, bright lights, or even complete darkness. As far as head tracking goes, it seems to be just as responsive as Tir5. I have no complaints, so far.

    For games (all simulators, I have not used it with standard games yet) that don’t offer integrated Tobii support, I use 3rd party software (FaceTracknoIR). It allows you to use Tobii 5 fairly easily with programs that support Track IR. It performs great for me in those situations, as well. Another thing I have noticed is it doesn’t go out of whack (lose tracking) either. I can get up, go make a sandwich, and come back… soon as it locks on to my head and eyes, everything is back where I set it. I expected to have to reset the view often (like Tir5), but that hasn’t been the case so far. Then there is eye tracking……

    One sim I play is just now adding integrated Tobii support. Because it it newly added, I expect it to get better over time. Never the less, so far it is great. Head tracking is spot on, and fully adjustable. It’s also my first use of eye tracking, and I’m very pleased with how it works. Leaving the default setting for head to eye tracking ratio, I can move my head around the cockpit, then move the view slightly more within my head directions gaze using my eyes. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s actually pretty cool. The only downside is that every so often, the view does get out of whack, but it’s easily fixed with the press of a button to reset the center of view, like Tir5. Not sure if this has to do with it being newly added to the sim, or the combo of head and eye tracking, but it’s a minor thing that I had to do way more often with Tir5, anyways.

    One worry I had was monitor size support. However, through a little research, I saw the monitor size limits were focused on eye tracking. Larger monitors apparently handle head tracking just fine. You can still use eye tracking on larger then stated monitors as well, but eye tracking on the edges larger than recommended screens will suffer some. I use a 32 inch 2560×1440 16:9 monitor, and both head tracking and eye tracking have worked fine for me, so far.

  81. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersVan muy bien con windows 10. Es un poco lioso para instalar los drivers de la web de Tobii pero una vez esta configurado todo funciona muy bien. Mi madre padece ELA y con una tablet con windows y el tobii puede comunicarse. Buena compra.

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersVeramente spettacolare dai giochi alle semplici azioni su schermo.. Con ets2 sembra proprio di stare sul. Camion consigliato a tutti

  83. Brie Barbee says:


    Great product
    Takes a little time to get used to but works well,
    easy to setup good for flight sims and racing games

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI upgraded from the Tobii4C.

    The device itself is far more accurate and the issue I had with the mounting bracket for the 4C has been resolved. The new solution works brilliantly.

    I had a slight issue with claiming the free game as my account had my old 4C registered so couldn’t automatically see my new tracker but Tobii’s customer services resolved it quickly and helpfully, they seem genuinely enthusiastic about resolving problems and I can’t speak highly enough of them

    As to the device it’s of a better build, is more accurate and the software to calibrate is very easy to set up. It works in enough games to be worthy of a purchase and performs very well.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI upgraded from the Tobii4C.

    The device itself is far more accurate and the issue I had with the mounting bracket for the 4C has been resolved. The new solution works brilliantly.

    I had a slight issue with claiming the free game as my account had my old 4C registered so couldn’t automatically see my new tracker but Tobii’s customer services resolved it quickly and helpfully, they seem genuinely enthusiastic about resolving problems and I can’t speak highly enough of them

    As to the device it’s of a better build, is more accurate and the software to calibrate is very easy to set up. It works in enough games to be worthy of a purchase and performs very well.

  86. BonitaKellerman says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOttimo, buona adattabilit a vari schermi, con diversi modi per attaccarlo, ottima qualit di ricezione visiva

  87. Anonymous says:


    Prodotto come in descrizione,tutto perfetto. Velocissimi anche nella spedizione, arrivato con 2 giorni di anticipo. Molto soddisfatto.

  88. Anonymous says:


    Der Titel sagt alles.ich bestelle mir jetzt neue Klebe-Pads.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThe detector camera is very well built and makes me think I have got something quality for my money.

    The install on my monitor was easy, the box contains a couple of stick-on plates for use with the magnet, so if you needed to swap between a couple of PC’s easy. There is also a larger plastic mount which I would have used but for it blocking the monitor button. Once in position, wait for the software to load and follow the setup instructions.

    The drives install just as they say and setup is easy. First, you adjust for your monitor size, by adjusting a couple of on-screen arrows to point to the marks on the Tobli. Once that is done look at some spots until they blow up, calibration done. Initially, I had this plugged into my hub, didn’t work perfectly, sometimes the drivers would fail. So I used the included USB extension cable and connected direct to my PC. What a difference it now works perfectly with Windows Hello, I just need to look at my PC to unlock it.

    At present that’s about all it will do on a standard PC until you play a game. You can not use it as a standard camera. It would be nice if I could and also if it worked with more business type applications, i.e. use it to scroll the browser while reading. Not sure how that would work while typing but I’m sure the developers will be working on something.

    I have tried it with a couple of games and it again worked perfectly. Took me a while to get used to the screen scrolling just by looking. I don’t play the shoot/fight games so for me it’s flight sims and driving.

  90. brendan leonard says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThe detector camera is very well built and makes me think I have got something quality for my money.

    The install on my monitor was easy, the box contains a couple of stick-on plates for use with the magnet, so if you needed to swap between a couple of PC’s easy. There is also a larger plastic mount which I would have used but for it blocking the monitor button. Once in position, wait for the software to load and follow the setup instructions.

    The drives install just as they say and setup is easy. First, you adjust for your monitor size, by adjusting a couple of on-screen arrows to point to the marks on the Tobli. Once that is done look at some spots until they blow up, calibration done. Initially, I had this plugged into my hub, didn’t work perfectly, sometimes the drivers would fail. So I used the included USB extension cable and connected direct to my PC. What a difference it now works perfectly with Windows Hello, I just need to look at my PC to unlock it.

    At present that’s about all it will do on a standard PC until you play a game. You can not use it as a standard camera. It would be nice if I could and also if it worked with more business type applications, i.e. use it to scroll the browser while reading. Not sure how that would work while typing but I’m sure the developers will be working on something.

    I have tried it with a couple of games and it again worked perfectly. Took me a while to get used to the screen scrolling just by looking. I don’t play the shoot/fight games so for me it’s flight sims and driving.

  91. Nathan Sanel says:

     United States

    I like to in the program you can move cursor whit eyes and click with mouse, if you add this the eye traker is perfec

  92. Linwood8565 says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI’ve been using Tobii eye trackers since 4, then 4c, now 5. I use it in gaming as well as through third party tools for accessibility. I bought the 5 within the first few days of learning about it. It has a new mount to finally attach to curved screens, better hardware size and weight, better head tracking, superior eye tracking and increased accuracy. The latter two are incredibly important to users like me and I immediately noticed. It has improved my gameplay.

    Now to be completely clear, I have used this with third party software called Project Iris for my needs. I can’t recommend the software I use because it is very bug prone and zero support. If Tobii would ever make software that was similar I could be confident in its professional quality.

    The current supported games are growing but I honestly don’t use that much. I did early on but my usage needs are extreme now so I create my own setups. Make sure you read the limitations such as 27 inch screens (for accuracy) must be sitting close to screen, not across a room, double check your USB version and drivers. It is reasonable to say if you have three monitors this product will definitely become an irritant if you are functioning across three, that should be fairly straightforward.

    The immediate and most important question is, should you upgrade now? I would say definitely if you are a power user. If you have a 4c and aren’t a power user you may want to wait. If you have a 4, I would definitely consider upgrading.

    I like supporting Tobii especially because they are a class act, support has been fantastic and they continue to innovate eye tracking. This field holds hope for many people who are disabled and less abled.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersUpdate: Added a star even tho the below is true because when I had an issue they replied to me within a couple of hours and were happy to resolve the problem in any way they could.

    Problem is, there aren’t that many games written for it (at least ones I play) and I’m not sure more will be written for it in the future as there’s not much online noise about it (I’ve tried to find out about both Dying Light 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 but not gotten a response).
    Companies seem to be more interested in getting eye tracking built into VR headsets, which is a good thing but for games that don’t support VR the Tobii is an excellent eye / head tracker, if it could emulate the IR Tracker for head movement that would vastly increase the amount of playable games.
    Whilst there is software that can use it to do mouse actions (something I thought would be built into the base software), there’s an extra cost to use that, plus the demo of Iris I tried was too sensitive and by the time I went back to try different sensitivity options it had timed out.
    The quality of the device feels good, but if you have a curved screen you get this cheap bit of plastic where the magnetic strip glued to it fell out after a month causing the tracker to drop to the monitor base causing unknown damage (this was the problem that they fixed within a couple of hours and assured me the small drop would cause no damage).
    In games it works with, it’s phenominal tho’, really precise tracking.

  94. FinnBettencourt says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersUpdate: Added a star even tho the below is true because when I had an issue they replied to me within a couple of hours and were happy to resolve the problem in any way they could.

    Problem is, there aren’t that many games written for it (at least ones I play) and I’m not sure more will be written for it in the future as there’s not much online noise about it (I’ve tried to find out about both Dying Light 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 but not gotten a response).
    Companies seem to be more interested in getting eye tracking built into VR headsets, which is a good thing but for games that don’t support VR the Tobii is an excellent eye / head tracker, if it could emulate the IR Tracker for head movement that would vastly increase the amount of playable games.
    Whilst there is software that can use it to do mouse actions (something I thought would be built into the base software), there’s an extra cost to use that, plus the demo of Iris I tried was too sensitive and by the time I went back to try different sensitivity options it had timed out.
    The quality of the device feels good, but if you have a curved screen you get this cheap bit of plastic where the magnetic strip glued to it fell out after a month causing the tracker to drop to the monitor base causing unknown damage (this was the problem that they fixed within a couple of hours and assured me the small drop would cause no damage).
    In games it works with, it’s phenominal tho’, really precise tracking.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersExactly what i Expected from watching demonstrations in Arma 3 & Dying light.

    Delivered early and working perfectly. Had it setup in less than 5 minutes of plugging into my PC. (Flat 27″ 1440P monitor.) I tried it out in Dying light, Arma 3, Farming Simulator 19, Hunter Call of the Wild, 7 days to die. Still have to try Elite Dangerous, Tomb Raider and DCS world.

    I hope more developers incorporate this into future games, the extra immersion is great and convenient. i.e. Picking up items and looking around, piloting in Arma while staying in control, HUD being hidden except when i want to see it.

    A tip for setting up the device:
    Plug in the Tobii Eye tracker before mounting it to your monitor, the set up program will assist you in centring the mount and camera using a handy 2 line guide on the screen.

  96. ShannanGonzalez says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersExactly what i Expected from watching demonstrations in Arma 3 & Dying light.

    Delivered early and working perfectly. Had it setup in less than 5 minutes of plugging into my PC. (Flat 27″ 1440P monitor.) I tried it out in Dying light, Arma 3, Farming Simulator 19, Hunter Call of the Wild, 7 days to die. Still have to try Elite Dangerous, Tomb Raider and DCS world.

    I hope more developers incorporate this into future games, the extra immersion is great and convenient. i.e. Picking up items and looking around, piloting in Arma while staying in control, HUD being hidden except when i want to see it.

    A tip for setting up the device:
    Plug in the Tobii Eye tracker before mounting it to your monitor, the set up program will assist you in centring the mount and camera using a handy 2 line guide on the screen.

  97. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is one of those devices I never knew I needed. But now that I have it, cannot imagine not having it.

    In-flight simulators like DCS, IL-2 this thing is a bargain. Because it is very accurate, with its accuracy being at least on par with IR Tracker, if not more so. and comes with a myriad of other uses that IR Tracker does not. Like Windows Hello integration, the ability to use your eyes to interact with your desktop instead of a mouse and more.
    Furthermore, it is useful in more than just Flight Simulators, but games like Assassins Creed and ARMA.

    So if you were considering IR Tracker for DCS or something similar, stop considering that overpriced crap and just buy this instead. You won’t regret it.

  98. Anonymous says:


    echt faszinierend das erkennt sogar mein Augenbewegung und mein Kopf this is crazy

  99. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDer Tobii Eye tracker 5 ist wirklich spitze, leider ist mein Main monitor ein Optix g24c von MSI und hat nur 24 Zoll, der Eye tracker versuchst ber den rand des bildschirmes meine augen zu tracken wenn ich an den rand schaue was zu einer ungenauigkeit fhrt, ich habe das gleiche an einem 27 Zoll Monitor ausgetestet und auch direkt etwas gemerkt, erstens der Eye tracker war fast perfekt genau, zweitens sollte der Monitor nicht eine gewisse hhe erfllen oder leicht tilt-bar sein kann es dazu kommen das es wieder zu ungenauigkeiten kommt.

    Overall ein echt qualitatives Produkt selbst fr diesen Preis! 4 / 5

  100. Lisa Marie Segarra says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI have both the 4c and now this 5 and they both are great devices, but I could instantly tell a HUGE difference on responsiveness and precision! This thing is so accurate and smooth you won’t regret it.. is a gamechanger for sure it makes for next level immersion in games I’ve previously played before without the tracker. Like I’m playing an entirely enhanced game were you just turn your head slightly and it pans the camera over for you or locks onto targets with your eyes plus much more. Solid purchase for sure