wolfcraft VLC 800 Vinyl and Laminate Cutter I 6939000 I The professional cutter for vinyl and laminate

tools for laying flooring laminate floor laying tools laminate floor cutter laminate cutter tool


Since 1949, wolfcraft has been developing products for greater speed, precision and safety in home and professional applications. With more than 3,000 products, we make it possible for users all over the world to achieve great results at the first try.

  1. tools for laying laminate flooring floor laying tools laminate floor cutter laminate cutter tool

    Power- & dust-free

    The VLC 800 provides maximum ease for comprehensive floor laying projects. Without noise and power!

  2. tools for laying laminate flooring floor laying tools laminate floor cutter laminate cutter tool

    Precise & safe

    The blade makes cutting laminate safer and guarantees clean cutting edges.

  3. tools for laying laminate flooring floor laying tools laminate floor cutter laminate cutter tool

    Easy handling

    The clamp presses the plank against the integrated toothed cutting strips during longitudinal cuts.

  4. tools for laying laminate flooring floor laying tools laminate floor cutter laminate cutter tool

    Angles 0° to 180°

    For 90° cuts and for angular cuts from 0–180° as well as longitudinal cuts.

Cutting laminate – quickly, easily and simply

1 Power- & dust-free 2 Precise & safe 3 Easy handling 4 Angles 0° to 180°
tools for laying laminate flooring floor laying tools laminate floor cutter laminate cutter tool

VLC 800 Vinyl and Laminate Cutter

The VLC 800 vinyl and laminate cutter is your powerful tool for all extensive laying work involving customary laminate and vinyl floors. Even self-adhesive vinyl can be processed with ease, thanks to the specially coated blade. Silently, without the need for power and without producing any dust!

For what board sizes is the VLC 800 suitable?

For all laminate types up to 11 mm thick (including integrated footfall sound insulation) and 465 mm wide, click vinyl panels and self-adhesive vinyl tiles up to 6 mm thick and 465 mm wide

Can I also cut very thin vinyl material?

To cut thin vinyl material of 2 – 5 mm, simply narrow the cutting gap using the adjustable cutting bars.

Can I cut skirting boards with the VLC 800?

On the side of the aluminium profile, there is a stop for cutting strips of vinyl to a width of 55 mm for insertion into special plastic holders.

Weight: 3.87 kg
Size: Max. Schnittstärke: 11 mm, 46,5 cm Breite
Dimensions: 19.7 x 21.1 x 66.1 cm; 3.87 Kilograms
Model: 6939000
Part: 6939000
Colour: Silver
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: wolfcraft
Colour: Silver
Quantity: 1
Size: Max. Schnittstärke: 11 mm, 46,5 cm Breite

132 Responses

  1. VenettaW37 says:


    Mit dem Laminatschneider lsst sich hervorragend arbeiten.
    Sehr von Vorteil ist, dass dieser kleine “Beistelltisch” dabei ist, so dass man auch alleine stressfrei damit arbeiten kann. Auch Lngsschnitte lieen sich hervorragend durchfhren, sowie Schnitte im Winkel.
    Abhngig von der Breite des Laminat und der Dicke der Klinge fllt natrlich Abfall an, aber mit Handfeger, Schaufel und Eimer nebenbei hat man immer einen sauberen Arbeitsbereich, besser als mit Stich- oder Kappsge.
    Ein gewisser Kraftaufwand ist notwendig, aber man durchtrennt ja auch ein stabiles Material. Ich fand es jetzt nicht so bermig, so wie ich es in einigen Rezessionen gelesen habe.
    Ich habe mich vorab im Internet (u.a. Youtube) informiert und bei Vergleichen lag dieses Gert immer ganz vorn.
    Venyl kann auch bearbeitet werden, hier muss man darauf achten, dass es Venylschneider gibt, welche kein Lamminat schneiden knnen.

  2. BridgetTudor says:


    Ho preso questo utensile per tagliare laminati e SPC e non sapevo bene se mi sarebbe stato utile davvero.
    Ho posato due pavimenti in SPC da 6 mm. e devo dire che con questa ghigliottina si lavora benissimo sul lato corto del prefinito ma facilissimo e molto comodo sul lato lungo, basta una riga con la matita ed il gioco e fatto, poi basta spostare un p il pezzo se si vuole correggete la traiettoria.
    Una vera chicca per chi si appresta, anche senza molta esperienza a posare questo tipo di pavimento.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Der Laminat Schneider ist robust, hat eine gute Qualitt und einen bequemen Griff. Fr den Preis bekommt man eine sehr gute Leistung. Es ist 10 mal besser als das Laminat mit sgen zu schneiden.

  4. RefugiaKinsella says:


    abbiamo posato il pavimento di casa, ottimo e preciso per intestare le doghe, molto difficile il taglio in lunghezza, se si parte con la proiezione del taglio in lunghezza tutto ok, altrimenti correggere difficile…
    indispensabile se non volete/potete fare polvere, sarebbe utile riuscire in qualche modo ad inserire una linea con il laser allora si sarebbe facilissimo anche tagliare in lunghezza, ci vuole un po’ di forza fisica, nel complesso giudizio positivo

    molto utile per non fare polvere

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant tool don’t know why I didn’t get one before now

  6. John Velasco says:


    Ich habe bis jetzt ca. 50 qm Laminat (8mm Strke) damit verlegt und bin zufrieden. Die unschnen Schnittkanten sind eh an der Wand und werden von den Sockelleisten abgedeckt. Lngsschnitte gehen leider nicht und werden zwangslufig schief. Stichsge muss man bereit halten.
    Geholfen hat mir der Laminatschneider sehr, weil ich nicht bei jedem Schnitt raus in den Garten musste, weil die Stichsge im Haus zu viel staubt. Somit habe ich 80% der Schnitte im Raum machen knnen. Das Messer am Laminatschneider ist nicht wirklich ein Messer, hab gestaunt als ich ihn ausgepackt hatte. die Bretter werden nicht wirklich geschnitten sondern ausgepresset. Aber wie gesagt es funktioniert! Einfach darauf achten, dass man kraftvoll -und in einem Zug- die Schneide durchzieht.
    Mein Laminat war 25cm. breit und man muss nachschieben und nachschneiden. Ein Schnitt ist nur bis ca. 20 cm Breite mglich!
    Kann das Teil empfehlen !

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nothing to dislike, does what it says on the box accurately and easily.

  8. Anonymous says:


    L’ho usata per tagliare pavimento in pvc di 4 mm, il taglio perfetto, anche dalla parte lunga. Per me un ottimo attrezzo, lo consiglio.

  9. AlinaWoodward says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis cutter is specced up to 11mm flooring. I had 12mm planks from B&Q and was wary at first. However, with a little care and steady pressure during the cutting process, I achieved good results from it. As other reviewers will state, this does not cut, in the usual scissor sense, but rather it chops through a 3mm wide section of the boards and as a result there is always a degree of damage to the finished edge towards the rear of the cut. That means that you must always cut with the flooring plank facing upwards and you the cut downwards. I had no notable damage to the finished top surfaces of the boards at all as a result of using this tool. You need to be able to apply a good deal of force to the handle and keep this reasonably steady for the duration of the stroke. That said I had to pause and restart a couple of occasions and it was easy to restart the cut with care to ensure the board had not moved position and that you did not pounce on the lever initially but just applied force gradually increasing until the cutting restarted.
    The plastic anvil/stop which you have to clamp in place to secure the edge of the board for cutting, needs to be securely clamped in position. It also needs to be checked after each board in case it has moved back out of position. This happened to me without being noticed and resulted in a board almost getting ruined. I spotted it in time and was able to stop the cut, reset the anvil and then continue the cut successfully. Problem being that if this moves too far, the cutting blade will not reach the complete way across and stops almost full way across leaving too little material to then move the board back to adjust the anvil without risking breaking the remaining uncut board in two at the weak point!! Lesson learned!!!
    The smaller, cheaper version of this cutter cannot cope with boards greater than 8mm as it has a one piece blade and handle, stamped from 3mm steel plate. This one has a seperate blade and much beefier handle assembly to cope with the extra forces involved. For the extra money it gets my vote all day long. Oh, and the floor looks absolutely great down in the kitchen!!!

  10. Kalongkong Hiker says:

     United Kingdom

    This cutter is specced up to 11mm flooring. I had 12mm planks from B&Q and was wary at first. However, with a little care and steady pressure during the cutting process, I achieved good results from it. As other reviewers will state, this does not cut, in the usual scissor sense, but rather it chops through a 3mm wide section of the boards and as a result there is always a degree of damage to the finished edge towards the rear of the cut. That means that you must always cut with the flooring plank facing upwards and you the cut downwards. I had no notable damage to the finished top surfaces of the boards at all as a result of using this tool. You need to be able to apply a good deal of force to the handle and keep this reasonably steady for the duration of the stroke. That said I had to pause and restart a couple of occasions and it was easy to restart the cut with care to ensure the board had not moved position and that you did not pounce on the lever initially but just applied force gradually increasing until the cutting restarted.
    The plastic anvil/stop which you have to clamp in place to secure the edge of the board for cutting, needs to be securely clamped in position. It also needs to be checked after each board in case it has moved back out of position. This happened to me without being noticed and resulted in a board almost getting ruined. I spotted it in time and was able to stop the cut, reset the anvil and then continue the cut successfully. Problem being that if this moves too far, the cutting blade will not reach the complete way across and stops almost full way across leaving too little material to then move the board back to adjust the anvil without risking breaking the remaining uncut board in two at the weak point!! Lesson learned!!!
    The smaller, cheaper version of this cutter cannot cope with boards greater than 8mm as it has a one piece blade and handle, stamped from 3mm steel plate. This one has a seperate blade and much beefier handle assembly to cope with the extra forces involved. For the extra money it gets my vote all day long. Oh, and the floor looks absolutely great down in the kitchen!!!

  11. AntjeDickinson says:


    Klasse. So viel einfacher, schneller und akkurater wie eine Stichsge.
    Ein wenig Abzug fr doch recht kompliziertes aufbauen. Aber ist es einmal zusammen, lsst man es ja so.
    berrascht war ich von doch recht viel Abfall der beim schneiden entsteht.
    Alles in allem ein absolut lohnender Kauf.

  12. David Ono says:


    Ho aspettato questo prodotto per iniziare dei lavori in casa.

    Al suo arrivo ho constatato che la confezione era aperta e va bene perch era un prodotto di warehouse, ma al suo interno mancava una protezione che unisse le lame e il manico pertanto il prodotto del tutto inutilizzabile.

    Che interesse ha Amazon a rivendere un prodotto inutilizzabile senza peraltro provarlo soprattutto in difesa del cliente.

    Sono costretto a restituirlo con grande perdita di tempo per tutti.

    Acquistata al Wharehouse, arrivata incompleta priva di parti

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quality product,takes a bit of effort to use very accurate only draw back is it gets clogged after a few days work and needs to be dismantled to clean.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Beato chi lo ha inventato di qualita ottima ci fai tutti i tipi di tagli dal vinile al pvc l’ho usato tantissimo un gran prodotto.

  15. FatimaAnsell says:


    Der Laminatschneider ist in meinen Augen ein wirklich gutes Produkt. Er ist in einer stabilen Ausfhrung, schneidet sehr gut und genau, und kinderleicht zu bedienen. Ich habe ca 120 qm Boden damit verlegt und er erledigt seine Aufgabe immer zuverlssig.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Con esta guillotina es suficiente de entre toda la gama de la que dispone la marca.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Gran producto, corta muy bien y muy limpiamente las tarimas, te ahorras estar cortndolas con mquinas elctricas que lo llenan todo de polvo, lo mejor de todo es la cuchilla que no se desafila ya que corta por presin por lo que no se necesita que tenga filo, tras un uso intensivo sigue funcionando de maravilla.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Wir haben damit das Wohnzimmer gemeistert und viel geschnitten!Das Teil hat und sehr gute Dienste
    geleistet!!Sind sehr Zufrieden!!

  19. Rebecca Penfold says:


    Perfecto. Con ello me puse todo el suelo de mi casa ciento y pico metros cuadrados… Fcil de usar, con esta mquinas vas que vuelas. Perfecto

  20. MZYUseegou says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLet me start with the most important thing in this (and in all model of all brands) wooden cutter. They don’t “cut”, they actually smashed approximately 5 millilitres of wood, resulting in two pieces

    Please see the video. For reference, the piece I cut in the video is a veneered (both sides) MDF panel of 4mm thick.
    I have cutted a 6mm without problem, and I suspect you can cut even thicker, however with 4mm is very easy and you don’t need to be Hulk, and probably with 10mm you will have to apply all your weight to do it.

    The constructions is solid, high end aluminium and very resistant plastic for the legs (It has dropped a from almost 2 metres and not a single crack). The extra support for keep long pieces leveled is a plus.

    The weird mechanism of the articulated arm help a lot when pushing up the “blade”, keeping the wood down.

    For my needs is perfect. It allow me to cut the pieces to a more manageable size, without the noise and dust of an electric saw.

    If you plan to use it for laminated floor, the cut is not “clean”, but that would be the part that goes against the wall and covered by the skirting, so no need to be perfect.

    It doesn't cut, it smashes, but does it very well!

  21. Sarah Hull says:

     United Kingdom

    Let me start with the most important thing in this (and in all model of all brands) wooden cutter. They don’t “cut”, they actually smashed approximately 5 millilitres of wood, resulting in two pieces

    Please see the video. For reference, the piece I cut in the video is a veneered (both sides) MDF panel of 4mm thick.
    I have cutted a 6mm without problem, and I suspect you can cut even thicker, however with 4mm is very easy and you don’t need to be Hulk, and probably with 10mm you will have to apply all your weight to do it.

    The constructions is solid, high end aluminium and very resistant plastic for the legs (It has dropped a from almost 2 metres and not a single crack). The extra support for keep long pieces leveled is a plus.

    The weird mechanism of the articulated arm help a lot when pushing up the “blade”, keeping the wood down.

    For my needs is perfect. It allow me to cut the pieces to a more manageable size, without the noise and dust of an electric saw.

    If you plan to use it for laminated floor, the cut is not “clean”, but that would be the part that goes against the wall and covered by the skirting, so no need to be perfect.

    It doesn't cut, it smashes, but does it very well!

  22. Nick Perry says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Laminat 7 mm dicke problemlos zugeschnitten, nach ca. 60 m keine Abnutzung festgestellt, Preis supergnstige

    1000x besser als Stichsäge

  23. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Super Gert echt einfach zu bedienen sogar ich als Frau komm damit bestens zurecht.

  24. fallingtoearth says:


    Habe den Schneider fr Vinylboden (zum Kleben) benutzt. Schneidet sehr sauber und leicht. Sehr stabile Ausfhrung und verwindet sich nicht beim Schneiden.

  25. DannielleArring says:


    Habe das erste mal damit gearbeitet. Super Qualitt und Haltbarkeit.

  26. Melissa Ringsted says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Lsst sich gut damit arbeiten. Aber fr den Preis einfach zu teuer.

  27. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Sehr gute Qualitt . Kontakt zum Service von Wolfcraft vorbildlich . Ein Kunststoffteil war defekt. Ruck Zuck Ersatzteil erhalte

  28. TaraCuningham says:


    Habe ihn auf Grund der guten Bewertung gekauft.
    Habe ihn direkt ausprobiert und muss sagen kann man machen, ist eine gute und schnelle Erleichterung.
    Habe mich gewundert das das ,,Messer” keine Klinge hat sondern komplett stumpf, da wre eine kleine Klinge eigentlich echt super.
    Aber selbst so wie es ist sah die schnittkante sauber und ordentlich aus.
    Mann muss aber schon Kraft aufwenden (7mm Laminat).

    Kurz und knapp, wrde es nochmal kaufen wenn es ntig wre

  29. jeisenb2 says:


    Absolut gutes Gert wir sind Anfnger und sind sehr gut damit klargekommen. Schnitte sind wenn mann den Dreh raus hat auch sauber. Bereuen den Kauf nicht.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Ich kaufte mir den Wolfcraft VLC 800 Vinyl- und Laminatschneider, weil ich gut 100m Laminat und knapp 70m Vinylboden damit legen wollte. Das Schneiden hat fr mich als Anfnger auch recht gut damit funktioniert. Es erfordert keinen besonders hohen Kraftaufwand und ist leise und fast staubfrei. Der VLC800 zeigt bisher kaum Verschlei, sollte also mehrere 1000m gut schneiden knnen. Soweit zum Positiven.

    Weder positiv noch negativ: die Schneidkanten werden nicht messerscharf, sondern das Schneiden ist mehr ein Stanzen, bei dem ein ca. 5mm breiter Streifen aus dem Material herausgestanzt wird. Beim Schneiden der Lnge nach, z.B. fr den Wandabschluss, sollte man also die Kante etwas entgraten bzw. von “Stanzresten” befreien, zumindest einmal mit dem Handschuh drberstreichen. Sonst knnten Stanzreste unter die verlegten Paneele rutschen und diese hochdrcken. Ist eben prinzipbedingt so, muss man nur drauf achten.

    Auerdem ist vor Benutzung noch der Griff zu montieren (5 Minuten Arbeit), und leider geht der VLC800 danach nicht mehr ganz in die Verpackung, der Griff steht raus. Schner wre mindestens eine grere Verpackung auch zur Aufbewahrung, noch besser ein komplett montiertes Gert.

    Der einzige negative Punkt am Gert, der mir einige wenige Paneele beschdigte: man kann zwar bis 465mm Breite schneiden, muss aber alle 20cm “umsetzen” und hat nur fr den ersten Schnitt die untere Parallelfhrung verfgbar. Drckt man aber zu weit, und ist nur noch ein knapper cm ungeschnittener Rest “brig”, bricht besonders bei Vinyl am unteren Rand dieser Rand in die Paneele hinein weg. Es bricht dann also unten ein “Dreieck” aus, wenn man nicht vorher stoppt und noch mal umsetzt, um das letzte Stck dann vorsichtig zu schneiden.

    gut, allerdings bei über 20cm Breite mehrfaches Schneiden und Vorsicht nötig

  31. TrevorGopinko says:


    Bisher fr 3 Projekte benutzt.
    1 mal sehr dickes Laminat, 2 mal normale dicke.
    Fr ab und zu Handwerker ok, fr tagtglich Gebrauch eher nicht.
    Da etwas zu unstabil. ( Hebel/Griff )
    Dicke muss exakt eingestellt werden, dann hat man schnell das Zimmer fertig.
    Aber bisher gute Wahl.

  32. Pocket-lint Promotion says:


    Fr die Sanierung des Bodens angeschafft und ich muss sagen, dass das Produkt in Ordnung ist.
    Allerdings ist es strend, wenn man stndig eine Schraube entfernen muss, wenn man zwischen Lngs- und Querschnitt wechseln muss/mchte.
    Hier wre ein Schnellverschluss sicherlich die richtige Wahl.