ZUGU iPad Pro 12.9 Case 2020 4th Gen. New Alpha Model Ultra Slim Protective Cover – Wireless Apple Pencil Charging – Convenient 10-angle Magnetic Stand & Auto Sleep/Wake [Black]

Dimensions: | 28.6 x 22.2 x 1.3 cm; 521.63 Grams |
Model: | ZG-20-129BLK |
Manufacture: | ZUGU CASE |
Super Hlle,
wertiger Eindruck
sieht gut aus
liegt gut in der Hand
Stnder funktioniert wie beschriebe
This is my second Zugu Case. Both are outstanding and can’t be beaten!
I recommend the magnets are strong and for the leather texture it actually good and it got pen holder if you own apple pen. Over all it last awhile and haven’t taken it off
Sehr gute Hlle steht super einziges Problem ist man kann das Pad nicht hochkant stellen, ist bei manchen Spielen nicht toll
Everything on this product seems to be of quality material and craftsmanship but time will tell whether or not this was a good purchase.
This case is sturdy and easy to use. One of the best ones I have owned.
This case is so sturdy and easy to use! It fits perfectly and is easy to hold. I recommend it 100%
Love the magnetic feature on this, it doesn’t move around or slide off track while drawing, will definitely be buying another, will see how long it’s last.
This case is very sturdy. I had no problem inserting my iPad and it is secure. I love the kickstand feature. I am very happy with this purchase.
This is my second one. Absolutely love it. Looks grea
I love its durability and sturdiness. I bought it for my IPad 12.9
This is my second ZUGU good enough for a second go around. It was delivered at the time it was promised.
This was my second ZUGU case for my 12.9″ iPad Pro in 3 years. It provides great protection and allows me to position it for easy viewing on a surface. I mostly use it for reading. I use it every day. This version has slight improvement over the previous generation in that flap tab for opening the cover is a little wider and thicker. That part finally wore out in my previous case cover. I’m satisfied with these case covers.
Love that the case has a spot for the pen and it is magnetized for the cover to the stand piece making it durable when propped up. did not think the cover would be so thin but so far so good with the case that is protecting my IPAD!
I like everything about this. I have multiple. Does not come with screen protector, but easily accommodates them (right now, against all advice, I have two, for instance). Pencil holder and charging work great. Magnetic functionality is strong (usu holds same position when I accidentally drop it).
ZUGU make the best iPad cases bar none. Awesome build quality and awesome protection. I also really love the angle options the case allows for reading on my iPad. Yes they are a heavier than average cases, but the extra weight is more than worth it in my opinion. I will never not buy a ZUGU for my iPads.
Good case, but might be slightly overpriced, but then again; isn’t everything else over priced, thanks to Joe Biden??
Eigentlich hatte ich nach etwas stabilem ohne Schnickschnack, ohne Schnrkeln oder Scifi-Gadget-Formgebung gesucht. Irgendwann bin ich dann doch bei diesen Produkt geladen, obwohl es ziemlich viele schrge bereinander liegende Kanten und Riffel hat. Wenn man es aber am iPad befestigt hat und den damit verbundenen nutzen bemerkt, dann sind diese Kanten auf einmal gar nicht so schlecht. Alles fhlt sich wertig an, das Tablet ist gut geschtzt, die Hlle ist viel haltbarer als meine vorherige und was noch ganz besonders wichtig ist, sie lsst sich gut ausstellen, mit den Neigungen, die Sinn machen.
Premium leather and beautiful quality with sleep/awake feature saving battery life and it’s the most recommended iPad case in the World, do I need to write more!
I purchased this to replace an Apple Smart Cover; I needed something that was more heavy duty and that could better protect my Apple Pencil. This case exceeded my expectations. It was easy to insert the iPad, much easier to stand up at the perfect angle, and not only does it have a built-in pouch for the Apple Pencil, but the pencil charging slot on the side is so secure that I’m no longer worried about the pencil accidentally falling off. This is the 3rd iPad Pro case I’ve owned and has been my favorite from the day it first arrived.
Vorweg: Als Student nutze ich mein iPad Pro 12.9 jeden Tag bis zu 12h.
Ich habs diverse Hllen ausprobiert: Spigen, StilGut
Die sind nicht schlecht aber einfach nur fr den gelegentlichen gedacht.
Das liegt daran, dass zum einen die Hlle weniger robust ausgefhrt ist. Das viel grere Problem ist aber der Faltdeckel” der dann auch als Fixierung fr die zwei Mglichkeiten dient, das iPad aufzustellen. Das Nervige: Will ich vom steilen Winkel zum Anschauen / Scrollen hin zum flachen Winkel zum Schreiben mit dem Apple-Pencil wechseln, so muss ich das iPad nahezu immer einmal um 180 drehen. Erst Recht bld ist der Fakt, dass dann die Lademglichkeit des Apple Pencil an der unteren statt oberen Kante liegt.
Hier ist der Glanzpunkt dieser Hlle. Entgegen der einfachen Alternativen ist hier eine zweigeteilte und magnetische Ausfhrung genau das, was ich immer haben wollte. Ich kann fein und schnell zwischen Winkel wechseln und die Lademglichkeit des Pencils ist immer an der oberen Kante. Absolut alles richtig gemacht – man hat sich hier merkbar berlegungen gemacht.
Auch schn finde ich die Tasche” hinten fr den Pencil, sehr praktisch wenn man das iPad mit Hlle in den Rucksack packt und nachher nicht den abgefallenen Pencil suchen will.
Dass die Hlle sehr gut verarbeitet, hochwertig gemacht und geruchsfrei ist sollte selbstverstndlich bei dem Preis sein und man wird auch nicht enttuscht.
Ingesamt habe ich den Eindruck, dass es kaum Alternativen gibt fr Menschen wie mich, die ihr iPad intensiv fr Bildung / Arbeit / etc. nutzen und Wert auf Funktionalitt und Langlebigkeit legen.
Ja, es mag schickere Hlle geben: Aber in Person sieht sie gut aus und mir ist am Ende Form folgt der Funktion” statt umgekehrt lieber.
– Feels sturdy + durable
– Magnet is strong – sticks to the fridge
– The pen actually chargers in the case!
– Hard to put on the iPad
This is a very sturdy case. I love the sold stand and adjustability. I deducted a star for the weight because I hold it quite a bit while singing and it gets weighty on my IPad Pro after an hour or so. Wouldn’t be a problem if you use your iPad on the table, though
So I got my boyfriend a cheaper version of this case. He wanted that. I got this expensive version. They both are pretty equal to be honest except looks slightly nicer. The case saved his iPad from falling off his car. He left his iPad on the roof of his car and proceeded to drive on the freeway for 20 mins all the way home. It never fell off the car bc of how strong the magnetic hold was. Lol So fortunate!
I bought one of these for my smaller 10″ iPad and was so impressed with its security and functionality that I bought one for my larger 12.9″ iPad Pro. The flimsy one I bought from Apple when I bought the Pro was only because it was the only one available and I wanted a cover immediately for the iPad. After using the Zugu on my smaller iPad I knew it was time to buy the same kind of sturdy protection for my expensive one. I use the 12.9″ as my music library resource when I play in various jazz bands, both indoors and outdoors. This Zugu offers welcome security in case of dropping the iPad. I also like the cutout for holding/charging the stylus, and the addition of an elastic pocket on the back for even more security for the stylus when traveling. The Zugu cases are worth every penny. That’s why I have them on both iPads.
First of all for those who say its impossible or hard to put on, do you guys not know how to install something on your ipad correctly? it was easy.I love the way it covers the edges of my ipad. This is exactly what i have been looking for. Its sturdy and most importantly protects my ipad. This is an awesome case. Next many complaints about how hard it is to take out the apple pencil, are you guys serious? I think to some people anything will bother them because honestly this is the best case i’ve owned and i have been through so many flimsy cheap cases, this isn’t one of them. Like all cases the way you take care of your ipad is entirely up to you, this case will do its job.Don’t expect to throw your ipad around carelessly and then blame the case. These ipads are not cheap, i take good care of it since its like an investment and this is the perfect case for me. I will be using this brand from now on. No it did not break while being put on and fits great around the edges with my temper glass on!! If you have a problem putting it on, ask someone else to do it because from the reviews you guys are somehow bending your very expensive ipads.
Case has protected the pad very well after 2 years. The tab to open the pad is handy but not as sturdy as it could be. Seam became ripped in a small area and with continuous use the tear became larger. I would think that a place where you would open and close several times would be a bit more hardy. Overall I am satisfied and am getting ready to order another one because I do think in comparison with other products it seems superior. The apple pencil holder/charger is definitely a plus.
Oh boy. You want to protect your $1000+ investment as best as possible? This is it. The build quality and material screams durability. It’s a little difficult to get on initially, and adds a definite weight to the iPad, but let’s be real – if you’re getting a 12.9 inch iPad, you probably aren’t going to be holding it like a tablet for long periods of time anyway. That’s where the stand comes in. The integrated magnets are extremely strong, so not only is the kickstand function solid and not “wobbly” like some other cases, you can absolutely use it as a fridge mount as intended! I was in doubt about this before receiving the case as the iPad by itself is a bit weighty, but get this thing on a fridge and it’s gonna stick right where you put it. The case itself fits perfectly and doesn’t mess with either of my screen protectors, even though the tempered glass one isn’t exactly aligned “perfectly”. For the quality, protection, versatility and additional ease of use this bad boy provides, it’s worth the investment. (P.S. – The Like New is a good deal if you’re looking to save a little, as aside from fancy packaging, they actually are like brand new. Trust me on this one.)
Am Anfang war ich skeptisch. 76,- Euro fr eine Hlle. Aber jetzt, nach Wochen mu ich sagen dass, die Hlle ihr Geld mehr als wert ist. Sie ist robust und stabil und die Haptik ist sehr gut. Die Aussparung fr den Pencil ist genauestens angepasst und der Pencil ist sehr sicher aufbewahrt. Die Magnete sind sehr stark und das merkt man bei der Benutzung. UND.das Ding hlt wirklich am Khlschrank ohne ab zu fallen. Allen in allem wrde ich jeden verstehen der Zweifel hegt da ich auch welche hatte. Aber meine sind verflogen und ich wrde mir diese Hlle immer wieder kaufen. Zum Schlu erwhntes ist die dritte Hlle die ich fr mein IPad Pro gekauft habedie beiden davor waren nicht zufriedenstellend.
This case had very positive reviews overall, but there were about one percent that said you can’t put your iPad into it without breaking the screen or that the volume and sound buttons (which are covered by the case) won’t work correctly.
I didn’t find any of that to be true. The cover went on without any problems and the buttons work just fine.
The cover feels much more secure than the previous cover I had on the iPad. This cover is about three times the cost of the previous one, but I think well worth extra the money, the amount of which is small compared to an iPad Pro.
I also like the greater choices of angle the cover provides for the iPad. The magnets hold on pretty well and the stand will usually stay attached to the base when you pick it up.
I recommend this cover for ease of use and to protect an iPad when you move it often from place to place. Go ahead and pay the extra money. It is worth the price.
Was very hesitant about spending this much on a case, but it really is absolutely top quality! I needed a case that had strong magnets that would stick to my music stand, and it is as solid as a rock!, glad I spent the money TBH
Bought to replace the basic ipad case, needed one with a pen holder. This one is very sturdy and everything fits fine.
It’s difficult to rate this straight out the box. I’m very happy with it so far, but time will tell how good/durable it is. It was for my 12 yo daughter…
I bought this for my iPad Pro 12.9 inch. And it’s deafly the best buy of any case I have bought. Very good safety features. Perfect cutouts for buttons. Many viewing angles. Automatic switch off and on of device. And it looks very stylish.
Fits like a glove.Screen and corners well protected. Sturdy without adding excessive bulk. Strong magnet holds screen cover closed in transit. Secure docking station for stylus. Excellent value for money puts Apple official merchandise to shame.
Es gibt in meinen Augen 2 Arten von Hllen fr verschiedene Nutzer. Der erste Nutzer mchte eine mglichst stylische Hlle und der Schutz ist ihm nicht so wichtig, da er das Tablet meist eh nur auf der Couch verwendet. Hier sind Rahmenlose Hllen wie die originale Apple-Hlle echt schick. Diese Hlle zielt aber auf Leute ab, welche das Tablet fr Arbeit usw viel mit sich rumziehen. Das Tablet ist richtig gut geschtzt in der Hlle. Es ist massiv gebaut und trotzdem noch einigermaen schick. Die Stift-Halterung funktioniert gut, und falls man dieser nicht vertraut, hat man hinten noch eine absolut sichere Tasche fr den Stift. Die Hlle geht etwas ber den Bildschirm hinaus, was anfangs beim schreiben etwas nervig ist. Nach kurzer Zeit gewhnt man sich daran und mchte den zustzlichen Schutz des Displays nicht missen. Habe viele Hllen bestellt, und keine war vergleichbar mit dieser!
Very sturdy, nice quality, worth this money product ! iPad is safe even after dangerous accident is still good 😉
Absolutely cannot recommend this case enough. I was a little hesitant due to the price but it had great reviews and now I can see why. This is the third case I’ve had for my iPad and it will be the last! Buy it, you won’t regret it! Also the only case I’ve ever had that actually charges the pen while it’s docked
A case for my iPad Pro was not something I was going to cheap out on. I wanted something protective and sturdy that was also functional and looked fitting for something that is meant to keep an expensive product safe. I got the brown leather case and was not disappointed. It’s been 6 months and this case still looks brand new! It’s still rigid and I see no signs of anything breaking or coming unglued or seams coming undone. It’s premium. It’s so premium though that I’m a monster to anyone who uses my iPad because I don’t want any scratches or stains on my zugu case! Unfortunately there are a couple, but good news is that with the brown colour it’s not easy to see.
I use this with the omoton stand and it fits. I also have the 13″ tomtoc laptop sleeve and with this case it only just fits in – you have to carefully close the zips and kind of push the iPad in while you zip it up. If I need to use the tomtoc sleeve I usually put a basic bumper case on first and then it fits. Or use the zugu case and just get a bigger sleeve.
I LOVE that it can stick to my fridge! However I don’t hang it there all day, or for more than 5mins. But I can imagine if a family shares an iPad this would come in handy – or for ppl who have fridges in handy locations.
The stand heights are perfect for my use. The lowest one is what I use for drawing. Then I use varying heights for watching media, and the highest height when I connect my keyboard and mouse. The pencil holder is great and my pencil charges through the case. All of the cut outs are well thought out. Buttons are super easy to push, unlike some cases which make it extremely difficult to push the volume buttons. These ones are very sensitive and you only need the same amount of pressure that you’d use if you didn’t have a case on.
I’m honestly so glad I got this case, don’t regret spending the amount of money I did on it at all! It’s beautiful.
I found this on a list of the 5 best cases. It was recommended for if you care about utility over aesthetic. Personally I like the look and colour, as it matches many of my red synths. And the multiple viewing angles are great for using the ipad with music apps that are all landscape anyways.
I would definitely recommend this case to a friend.
Questa custodia veramente perfetta: protegge benissimo l’IPad, molto bella da vedere e funzionalmente ottima. Super pratica l possibili di regolare l’altezza su vari livelli. Trovo inoltre ottimo il poter riporre l’Apple Pencil sul retro senza doverla tenere necessariamente sempre in carica.
Super consigliata
Ho subito notato dalla confezione che fosse un buon prodotto, resistente, robusta, bella e magnetica per essere attaccata alla Lim o al frigo in cucina
Love this case, does what it says on the tin. iPad doesn’t even have a knick on it at all. Believe me I have dropped and bumped this in bags etc and it lives to see another day. Worth the expensive price tag.
Just got the case today, therefore I can’t judge durability.
Many reviewers complained about their difficulty to fit their iPad in the case. Actually, it’s a snap. I wonder if they removed the foam insert before placing the iPad.
The iPad fits nicely and securely into the case and I didn’t feel I had to use any extra force or risk to damage the iPad or the case.
All three buttons seem to work totally fine, perhaps one needs to push a bit harder as the case provides protection for them as well.
The side grove holds and charges the Apple Pencil – the tip of the pencil has to be pointing up, otherwise it won’t charge.
The back -ouch for the pencil is a nice way to secure it while traveling. It is not for charging. The iPad does not charge the pencil from the back.
When using the iPad on a flat surface, it provides multiple viewing angles, from almost vertical to a 25 degree angle.
There are two things that I don’t like about the Zugu case:
1) it’s heavy. According to Zugu’s site it weights slightly over a pound, but it feels heavier than that. If you like the iPad on your hands like I do, it’s weight may become an issue after a short period.
2) since the front cover does not fold like in other cases, once you open it to use your iPad the back camera is totally unusable. If you want to use the back camera you will need to hold the front cover at a 90 degrees from the ipad not practical at all.
Bottom line, it’s a sturdy case, designed basically for people using their iPad on a desk (as opposed to holding it as a book). It seems well built and durable.
The extra weight plus the fact that the cover does not fold to allow simple access to the back camera are sort of a deal breaker for a $75 case. If they come up with a model offering that option it would be the perfect case for me
It is good but it is also little bit expensive
We have used this case for a while now, haven’t had any major drops or anything but it’s good to use and feels durable.
Bought the iPad Pro 12 case which I thought was expensive compared to others available. The reviews were good so I thought I would get one. Less than 4 months into my purchase the felt on the inside of the cover started to fray and has slowly gotten worse. It doesn’t look terrible, but for the price I was expecting better.
Stays in position, protects and the covered buttons work well
**please note, this is the only iPad case I’ve used**
I’ve used this case for about 5 months now, and so far it has done an amazing job of protecting my iPad, and keeping it in a stable position while I draw(which is the only thing I do with the iPad). It has a great variation in the angle of how it holds the iPad, and while in use the air vents on the back allow air flow, to keep the iPad cool. My only critiques are that I wish the pencil case on the back side of the case felt more defended, I feel like the pencil would be damaged if dropped on a hard floor, and that the screen protector side of the front flap does pick up tons of lint and whatever is on your work surface, but thats easy to fix if you keep your desk/area clean. Worth the investment in protecting this expensive device, while still being cheaper than an otterbox. Vtubers though, this case will not hold your iPad properly for use in apps like vtuber studio or waidayo.
I have a history of deep research and trial and error through purchasing multiple items & testing them throughout daily life and workflow scenarios before settling in on the best one.
No exception here. After 30 days of the Zugu case for my 12.9 pro, I can say without a doubt it is the best case I’ve ever had. From the magnetic stand to the thoughtful Apple Pencil storage options (there are two- one that recharges and one that does t but protects the pencil from accidental loss) this case rocks. All button functionality is IMPROVED over other cases and without a case. Using this case for work and things like drawing and video editing is made better by providing a sturdy platform. Finally, working the IPad from your lap is a breeze, which was a must have for me.
Pricey, but Worth every penny.
This may be my first review of a product on Amazon ever. I have used this non-stop since March. My iPad hasn’t come out of the case once. The case is slim, durable, strong. I’ve also quit losing my Apple Pencil, and I’m not replacing tips anymore because of the convenient spots to put the pencil. It goes right back there each time. The magnets are a dream!! The different levels of the stand are perfect. It’s held up amazing. Even with two kids interacting with it. I use it daily in my classes to teach (summer school too). I like it so much. I hesitate to give my opinions because everyone needs different things, and have different opinions, but in this case I feel really good about saying this is the best case out there!!! I’ve tried multiple brands. This one works!
This is actually a great case. It’s not too big and bulky to carry, it’s not too thin to where it won’t protect anything.
There’s a good amount of rubber casing all around it to protect it from falls on the sides and being moved around, decent amount of space and some padding to absorb small falls without harm on the front and back.
Nice pen holder on the side and on the back if you feel. It does let you charge the pen while using the holder as well.
Simple to slide into the case, just do the bottom first to make it easier. Will not pop out on accident or anything like that.
Decently strong magnets on the stand so you can hold it on a fridge or bar but obviously be careful doing so.
The stand is amazing as the magnet also helps lock it into place with the sectioned plate.
Would definitely recommend.
I have had a few cases for my 12.9 inch iPad 2018. This case is for you if you want to apply pressure to write on it at a good low angle (10/10). It protects well (9/10). Looks professional (10/10). Sturdiness, it feels really well built. The magnets for the stand are dependable. I had the 11 inch version of ZUGU case and this is the same quality (10/10).
There’s the thin one with just a simple stand setup. Not bad. Serves a purpose if you want something light but you will be extra careful since it doesn’t protect from drops or dings. Writing using that case is 5/10. Professional looking (6/10). Sturdiness, it’s not really meant to be too sturdy (4/10).
I got a $40 version to this product and it was okay. Protects (10/10), writing is not good on low angles, it simply pops flat with little pressure (3/10). Professional looking…not so much. It’s a bit bulkier (5/10). Sturdiness, the flat part of the case has started to bend after a few months. It’s sturdy but I can tell this has a limit (6/10).
Hope this helps!
Beste Hlle bis jetzt an meinem Ipad, und ich hatte schon viiieeele. Zwischenzeitlich wieder ein Magic Keyboard mit Mauspad benutzt, aber Schwerpunkt geht gar nicht und Flexibiltt geht verloren. Daher lieber diese Hlle und ein mobiles Magic Keyboard ohne Maus. Perfekt zum schreiben und zeichnen. Ist auch nicht soo hart das Ipad mal rauszupfrimeln aus der Hlle. Jetzt wenn man es noch senkrecht stellen knnte. Tja
The magnets holds the back flap steady and sleeps every time when closed.
I love this iPad case! I’m a digital artist and I got this for my 12″ IPad Pro. It’s not too bulky, the door closes flat on the screen, the magnets are super firm, and it doesn’t get in the way of charging the pen at all. The magnetic pen charger indent is super snug, so if you have a silicone case on the pen, it won’t sit perfect or charge.
As for durability and protection, I recently fell on top of it by accident when I tripped and everything in the case was in perfect and working order.
The ONLY reason I don’t give it 5 stars is because, for me personally, I would have like some kind of loop or small d-ring to attach my drawing glove to.
Other than that, I highly recommend this case
I have had a S$20 IPad 12.9″ case before I got this Zugu case and thought it was good enough.
Until I have this Zugu case, I was amazed by it’s built quality and all round protection (edges and sides of the ipad). The 10 angle options are a great feature and the magnetic power of the stand is impressive.
The price of this Zugu case is much higher than the rest but it is well worth it if you want a nice looking, easy to handle and a case to protect your new IPAD.
I absolutely love this case. Tried quite a few of the top contenders. Having had an Otterbox for the last few years I had 5, yes five replacements because the small plastic clips and holding parts of the stand etc kept braking. Enough is enough so I tried this Zuga case and I am delighted with it. Light but protective, strong magnets to keep everything in it’s place, brilliant all round.
This case is so well designed compared to others where you can adjust the tilt the screen in 11 steps, to the simple fact you can pick your iPad up and it stays unfolded in the same tilt position while you move it due to it being held in position by a magnet. It is also pretty durable, where I had this on my 2017 iPad Pro and although it was just beginning to come apart a bit around the edge you use to open the cover, this was under heavy use over 4 years. I’m just amazed other case designers have not stolen some of the ideas used on this case!
The only negative is that I wish the supplier would place stock at the UK Amazon warehouse to keep delivery time down. I’m sure they would get many more orders if they did!! 🙂
Entrega inmediata (2 das). Bue producto con buen acabado. La carcasa es de buena calidad y protege muy bien el iPad. Lo tengo con un protector de pantalla y se ajusta perfectamente a los bordes de la pantalla. El interior de la tapa es de buen material. Rgido y protege bien la pantalla de golpes y rallazos ( recomiendo igualmente ponerle un protector de pantalla de aunque a veces pueda perder un poquito de sensibilidad a la hora de operar con el lapiz o el dedo … sin duda merece la pena). Los imanes para posicionar el iPad son buenos. Si tienes el magic keyboard y tienes que sacar el iPad, se desisntala e instalade nuevo en la carcasa con cierta facilidad, sin tenrer que forzar el iPad en ningn momento.En resumen, hay coherencia en relacin como publicitan el producto y lo que se te entrega. Recomiendo el producto.
it does add a bit of weight to the ipad, but as it’s not really meant to be ultra-light having such a large tablet.
I looked at reviews for Ipad cases that work best for those using the pencil/drawing feature. I bought this one because all reviewers said this was among the best for art professionals. I am a tattoo artist and I do a lot of my drawing on the Ipad pro. I like that it is streamlined, yet extremely durable, folds easily with no excess tab or flap sticking out. Magnetic cover stays in place whether you are working or carrying, comfortable enough to use anywhere. looks and feels high quality. pencil stores and charges easily and stays in the groove securely. also a pencil pocket in the back of the case for storing even more securely when not charging. Nice, velvety interior lining, sleek and well designed. magnets are strong, kickstand feature is versatile and stays in place. even mounts securely on fridge or metal surface. Highly, Highly recommend.
Holds the iPad pro well and the pen sits really nicely at the top. The angled stand is really secure with the magnetic system. This company knows how to make a product that works.
Been using this case since I got the 2020 iPad pro. I feel that my iPad is well protected, and I like that it has multiple angles since I write a lot on my iPad. I recently decided to splurge on myself and got the 5th generation M1 iPad pro to match my MBP and just installed the case on my new iPad. It was definitely hard to put on since the new iPad is slightly thicker than the old one, but I was able to fit it in. The only problem I seem to be having is when I am charging the Apple Pencil, the iPad doesn’t recognize the Pencil right away, and I have to push it a little bit harder. I still have to be annoyed by this lol But it is still better than having my new iPad naked, and the new Zugu case is still in pre-order with a tentative release of June 30, so I’m sticking with this.
Had this a few weeks. Expensive but brilliant quality. Would recommend.
Eine echt massive, robuste und durchdachte Hlle. Da gibt es nicht wirklich was zu meckern, auch wenn der Preis nicht ganz ohne ist. Trotzdem muss man immer bedenken, welchen Wert die Hlle beschtzt. Das Pad sitzt stramm in der Hlle und beim Einsetzen ist schon etwas Kraft ntig, aber das vermittelt auch einen sicheren Sitz. Von mir bekommt die Hlle eine KLARE KAUFEMPFEHLUNG!
ber die Haltbarkeit kann ich nach wenigen Tagen der Nutzung natrlich noch nichts sagen.
I had been looking for an iPad Pro case that had a slim profile, plenty of adjustable angles, and sturdy for drawing on the iPad with. I mainly draw at home on a table, so the added weight of the case does not bother me much, but it might be a hassle for people who always take their iPads with them on the go.
It replaced a flimsy silicon case that folds up into a triangle for me. I used to draw on that one, but it’s not as steady and picking the iPad up made me feel like it would bend at times due to the surface area of the 12.9′. The Zugu case solved that problem for me.
Like other reviewers had mentioned, the flap doesn’t instantly align at times when you pack up the case, but once you’re aware of it, you should be able to nail it nearly every time. It’s more of a minor inconvenience really, but the build quality of the case is good and worth it. The kickstand that clings to the dents is magnetic, so I actually clamp my drawing glove there when the case isn’t being used on a surface. It’s a quick fix, if you ask me, but I sure would have loved actual pockets. I tried using the pencil holder in the back, but it won’t let your iPad lay flat with the camera facing down (I don’t want to place it camera side up), so I never use it, opting to use the charging magnet instead.
A bit expensive, but you get what you pay for and this is a really good cove
Performs exactly as described – there are no drawbacks, excellent piece of kit.
Really good case iPad is sturdy and secure I don’t see the iPad bending anytime soon from everyday use with this case on unless i accidentally sit on it!
The quality of the materials used and design were evident right from the beginning. The case has an easy to clean exterior and I found out within a few days how good the case protects an Ipad. I dropped onto my concrete porch from a standing carry position, about 30-32 inches. It landed on the upper right corner and there was a minor abrasion/mar left behind that I was able to smooth out.
The angle adjustments while using in the horizontal are varied enough for any use I had. It does not have the capability for use in a perpendicular capacity, but that did not affect my use. The magnetic closure and hold points for the various viewing angles gave it a quality feel as did the magnetic holder for the stylus. The auto shutoff feature is a nice touch when you close the cover.
Gave it the highest rating because it deserved it.
Excellent cover for my IPad 12 Pro. 12.9 (4th Generation ). Beautiful finish with several magnetic positions- enabling IPad to be used while on my lap. I wanted a black leather cover, but had to purchase the brown leather because for some reason the black is the only one that is not real leather. Having said that , the brown leather is very smart and sturdy. Very pleased. – good purchase.