Austrian Audio Hi-X25BT Professional Wireless Bluetooth Closed-Back Over-Ear Headphones

Austrian Audio Hi-X25BT
Austrian Audio Hi-X25BT

Professional Over-Ear Bluetooth Headphones

You decide how you want to connect — via analogue or digital, wired or wirelessly. Enjoy the precision and clarity of award-winning High Excursion technology wherever you are. Hybrid convenience at the professional level designed and engineered in Austria.


High Excursion Technology

All Austrian Audio Hi-X headphones feature a 44 mm driver and a ring magnet system. This design allows for improved airflow and includes the strongest magnetic field in its class. It ensures professional performance in the Hi-X, moves a lot of air, and eliminates ‘wobbling’ of the diaphragm.

From the Austrian Audio Hi-X Series

Reliable Sound & Versatile In Use

Imagine recording a song in a professional studio, listening to your favourite music on the way home in the underground, and then working on your song at home again without ever changing headphones. No matter where you are or how you like to work, your Hi-X25BT headphones will be there for you.

Hi-X25BT Hotspot
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Austrian Audio

Making Passion Heard

Founded in 2017, Austrian Audio has assembled a team of experts with 350+ years of cumulative engineering experience to create the most exquisitely engineered audio products available today. With skill and dedication, we are taking on the industry giants to create products that Make Passion Heard.

Weight: 856 g
Size: Einheitsgröße
Dimensions: 15 x 15 x 4 cm; 856 Grams
Model: X-25BT
Colour: Red/black
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Colour: Red/black
Size: Einheitsgröße

35 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Nach dem Testen von 4 Wireless Overear Kopfhrern bis zu 160 EUR hatte dieser den mit Abstand besten Sound fr mein Empfinden- zudem ist er angenehm zu tragen.

  2. WillRoussel says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTon sehr gut

    Akku sehr gut

    Material sehr gut

    Gute Note bei Stiftungwarentest

    Preis Leistung sehr gu

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIch habe diese Kopfhrer seit sechs Monaten in Gebrauch. Sie sind komfortabel und der Klang ist hervorragend. Vor kurzem wurden die Kopfhrer leider bei einem Fahrradunfall leicht beschdigt. Austrian Audio hat schnell auf meine Reparaturanfrage geantwortet und die Kopfhrer sehr schnell und ohne Kosten repariert. Ich freue mich ber diesen hervorragenden Kundenservice.

  4. DeanJaramillo says:


    Drivs des casques de studio du constructeur autrichien il garde beaucoup des qualits de ses grand frre.
    Prcis et dtaill .

  5. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersNoch nie hatte ich etwas besseres auf dem Ohr. Unfassbar wie angenehm diese Kopfhrer anliegen, auch als Brillentrager fhle ich mich rundum glcklich. Auch fr alle die unter Tinnitus leiden, es wird Euer Leben positiv beeinflussten.

  6. Mike Lowe says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEndlich ein Produkt, den ich mit dem Fernseher verbinden kann. Wegen meiner schlechteren Hrfhigkeit musste ich den TV immer zu laut aufdrehen. Jetzt kann der Rest der Familie normale Lautstrke verwenden, und ich habe mit dem Kopfhrer meine eigene und sogar Stereo, was der TV Lautsprecher nicht hat. Einziger Nachteil: die Lautstrkenregulierung per Fingerstreichen am rechten Hrer ist extrem unzuverlssig! Wirklich rgerlich bei einem ansonsten tollen Produkt.

  7. Dale Smith says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I already have a pair of original AKG Y50 headphones and to me they sound great, better than the pair of bose headphones I also have…….when I needed to replace a pair I looked at AKG and understood that the heart of the original AKG is now Austrian Audio (after a corporate takeover of AKG and ditching of the original team who then went on to create Austrian Audio). Given my opinion of my original AKG’s I had high expectations of these………they didn’t meet my expectations….they exceeded them significantly………These are well made, comfortable, isolate sound well and sound amazing…….really amazing ….you will not be disappointed with these.

  8. NicolasGuerrero says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDiese Kopfhrer saen sofort wie angewachsen. Der Klang begeistert mich und ich hre Feinheiten in der Musik meiner Lieblingsband, die ich vor 30 Jahren nicht erkannt habe. Die Bedienung ist Kinderleicht.

    Grandios.. Danke “Austrian Audio” fr dieses tolle Produkt.

  9. OuhoutiYjb says:


    Ich habe kabelgebundene Kopfhrer renommierter Marken, die nicht so gut klingen. Tragekomfort ist super, lange Akkulaufzeit. Ich kann das Produkt nur empfehlen.

  10. Patricia Puentes says:


    Insgesamt bin ich mit dem Headset vorerst sehr zufrieden, wenn jetzt noch lange erhalten bleibt.

    – Die Bluetooth Verbindung knnte einen besseren Codec als SBC untersttzen. Die Verbindung scheint sonst ok
    – die touch steuerung ist leider ein flop, man bettigt sie oft ohne es zu wollen (zb wenn man klimmzge macht oder den bgel richtet). Wenn man sie verwenden will ist die eingabe oft falsch (zb stopp statt lauter etc)

    Ton ist aber sehr sehr gu

  11. rthibode says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersMir war Austrian Audio als neue Marke, die seinerzeit aus den AKG-Soundspezialisten in Wien hervorgegangen ist, kein Begriff. Habe dann aber den sehr guten Youtube und Amazon-Bewertungen vertraut und wurde nicht enttuscht. Angefangen von der Verpackung, ber das beiliegende Zubehr (Kabel und Adapter), ber das Komfort, Verarbeitung und Klang lsst sich immer mit Hinblick auf den Preis nicht meckern. Ich bentige bei geschlossenen Kopfhrern kein ANC. Mir sind da ausreichend groe, bequeme Ohrmuscheln lieber, die nicht zu stramm sitzen. Die Anleitung bei diesem Modell ist wirklich etwas zu kleiner Schrift bedruckt, doch kann man sich diese einmalig bei Bedarf runterladen und grer ziehen. Einzigartig scheint mir, dass sich der Austrian Audio Hi-X25BT dass sich der Kopfhrer sowohl analog per Klinke, als auch digital per USB oder Bluetooth verbinden lsst. Steuern lsst sich die Wiedergabe per Touch auf den Hrmuscheln, eine komplexe App gibt es nicht, wird von mir aber auch nicht vermisst. Das Modell ist nicht neutral abgestimmt, die Bsse sind leicht angehoben. Fr das Tonstudio ggf. nicht die erste Wahl (dafr besser zur Topserrie greifen), aber fr den normalen Medienkonsum sehr ausgewogen!

  12. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersFr mich erfllt der Kopfhrer seine Erwartungen und ist auch angenehm zu tragen. Ich verwende ihn in Kombination mit dem Fernsehen und hre jetzt Dinge die ich vorher nicht wahrgenommen habe. Auch habe ich bewut einen Kopfhrer gewhlt ohne Geruschunterdrckung, damit ist man nicht ganz von der Aussenwelt abgeschnitten. Dennoch ist die Abschirmung vollkommen ausreichend. Fr den ersten Gebrauch ist ein Blick in die Bedienungsanleitung sinnvoll. Mu dies aber in einem Heftchen der Gre 10,5 x 10,5 cm in ca. 40 Sprachen und in einer winzigen Schriftgre dargestellt sein????

  13. KindraClay says:


    Sehr angenehme Kopfhrer!!! Super Klang!!! Super Tragekomfort!!! Unglaubliche Reichweite !!! Kann durch das ganze Haus laufen ohne die Verbindung zu verlieren. Akkulaufzeit wie angegeben!!! Sehr einfache Bedienung!!! Also rundum zufrieden und happy!!!

  14. CleoLongtiynmbq says:


    Pour moins de 300$ canadiens, voici un casque ferm avec rcepteur Bluetooth 5 et codec SBC, amplification incorpor et connecteurs audio analogique et numrique. Laissez le fonctionner plusieurs dizaines d’heures et vous entendrez le son devenir pus ample, moins strict, plus dli. Ce qui est frappant, ce sont les dtails que l’on a jamais entendu et qui apparaissent comme par magie. Les textures des instruments cordes, le ct rpeux ou soyeux c’est selon apparaissent clairement. L’aigu, priori est trs (un peu trop) piqu mais cette caractristique va s’assouplir. Le Austrian audio HI-x25BT tel est son nom a une sonorit analytique mais sans tomber dans la caricature. Dans la colonne des moins, des oreillettes, les fameux coussins, bien qu’ils procurent un bon confort, n’absorbent pas la sueur comme un bon velours donc la sueur peut perler aprs plusieurs minutes, l’isolation phonique est excellente surtout qu’il n’y a pas de systme d’annulation des bruits extrieurs. Il y a suffisamment de basses mais l’extrme-grave est tout de mme timide.
    Je reviserai probablement mes impressions dans quelques mois, voire quelques annes mais le produit est trs plaisant. ATTENTION CAR LE PAIRAGE EN BLUETOOTH NE FONCTIONNE PAS AVEC DES SOURCES AYANT LE BLUETOOTH DE NIVEAU 4. La source doit mettre en Bluetooth 5. Les gens qui ont cr la compagnie Austrian Audio ont travaill auparavant chez AKG et cela s’entend, c’est clair, net et prcis.
    Excellent Arbeit.

  15. LashundBader says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDecided I didn’t need anc. These hot the sweet point with cost and yes, other good reviews. I’m not disappointed. Very comfortable. Easy to connect and the touch controls (look at the instructions! Lol) work well. Has connected to my laptop, phone and TV with zero issues. Sound quality is very clear without distortion music and voices sound as you would expect, not muffled or different. Love them. Really pleased with them.

  16. Bonny Sallee says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersDer Hauptgrund fr den Kauf dieses Kopfhrers war seine vielseitige Konnektivitt. Klinke, USB, Bluetooth.
    Ich verwende den Hi-X25BT im Studio, zu Hause und unterwegs, daher ist er ein idealer Begleiter fr mich.
    Zur Tonqualitt: er klingt sehr ausgewogen und neigt nicht dazu die Bsse zu berhhen. Leider ist das heute sehr gefragt aber fr mich unbrauchbar.
    Ausserdem ist er geschlossen ausgefhrt und schirmt sehr gut gegen Aussengerusche ab. Der Tragekomfort ist ausgezeichnet. Ich arbeite oft mehrere Stunden damit ohne irgendwelche Dtruckstellen zu spren.
    Fazit: Ein guter Kauf zu einem erstaunlichem Preis. Ich wrde ihn sofort wieder kaufen!

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI liked that you can connect right away to your iPhone , the sound could be a little more bass heavy , these cans are really for musicians not bass heads like me, the fit is great and to be fair watching Prime or Disney+, binge watching a film or show was great so at the price and Bluetooth they are a bargain really!

    Crystal clear Sound

  18. MilanESSlncrgy says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDer Austrian Audio Hi-X25BT ist mit Abstand der beste geschlossene mobile Kopfhrer den ich je hatte. Transparenz, Bass, Hhen, Tiefenstaffelung ist einzigartig. Gratulation an den Phnix aus der Asche 😉 – Martin Seidl – weiter solch tolle Produkte Austrian Audio *****

  19. BerenicZ22 says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSeit mehreren Monaten habe ich diesen Kopfhrer im Einsatz und kann nur das Beste sagen. Der Klang ist in beiden Modi (Bluetooth, kabelgebundenen Betrieb) sehr gut. Ich benutze den Kopfhrer sowohl fr Produktionen am Mischpult und in der Freizeit. Der Sitz dieses Kopfhrers ist wirklich federleicht und im Gegensatz zu seiner Konkurrenz bt er auch bei langem Gebrauch keinen Druck auf die Ohren aus. Zustzlich ist das verbaute Mikrophon zum Telefonieren von hervorragender Qualitt, hier merkt man die Erfahrung von Austrian Audio.
    Der Kopfhrer kommt mit allen bentigten Kabeln und in einer sehr pompsen Schachtel. Hier knnte zwar gespart werden, wer aber das Gert zugesandt bekommt, wird dadurch in seinem/ihrem Kauf versichert! 😉
    Alles in Allem, voll zu empfehlen!

  20. JillianBoothby says:

     United Kingdom

    First, I am no brilliant techi, I just like music. I mainly listen through headphones and wanted to try cordless and after much reading plumped for these. Then, in order, connecting to my laptop so that I could access loads of ways to listen, including Prime Music – EASY, and I say that as something of an idiot in these areas, but it took me in total about 2 minutes, I seem to have to remind my laptop which device I intend to use each time but that’s probably me, and it’s not a problem. Next, sound. Delivery to my ears is very crisp and clear, things that are supposed to tinkle in a treble kind of way do tinkle in my right ear, and things that are supposed to be thumpy do thump in my left ear, and the two, along with voices, do blend very nicely in the centre of my head and sort of leech out to fill the vast space between my ears very well. There is also the question of controls actually on the set, which is something else I wanted, well, all of these are on the right pad, there is a finger poking button bit on the base of the pad, you poke that for on/off etc, then on the side of the pad there pis a finger slidey bit for volume. Apart from turning the set off once by accident, even I managed to master these functions, so I gave myself 4 stars.Basically, it’s a very nice clear, immersive and fulfilling experience with all the music I have tried and I heartily approve. I have a set of Sennheiser and another of Sony but these are better for overall quality. Then comfort, my first test drive of these lasted over 2 hours with no problems at all, they are not as nicely padded or pillow-y as the Sennheisers are, but still very adequate and once the music started I exerted none of my meagre brainpower on how they felt at all, so that was all very pleasant. NOW, the downside, being on Prime next day delivery I expected a nice happy Amazon person with a van to rush them to my door. Not so, they came via “royal” mail, who naturally, needing my X in a box on receipt, gave me ZERO notice of their coming, appeared not to knock to announce their arrival, then, when as directed I used their app to check Saturday opening hours at the sorting office, I went on a vast, meandering wander through just about every section of their company except that which I needed, since this information appears not to be listed. Had I KNOWN they were coming via this joke of a company I would quite seriously have considered not buying them. So it’s up to you, I thoroughly approve of the item and am very pleased with them, but for delivery I have more faith in Father Christmas turning up when he is supposed to.

  21. Anonymous says:


    ein Over Ear Bluetooth Kopfhrer der leicht, bequem, ohne lstige Einstellung per App gut klingt und optisch herausragt. Gutes Produkt zum angemessenen Preis

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect set of earphones. Currently priced at 134.99 which i feel is a great price for what you receive. Excellent sound quality. Truly noise cancelling. Easy to pair with your device via Bluetooth. Lovely and comfortable to wear, nice padded ear muffs and they don’t slip off your head. I love the black and red design. They come in a very well presented box. 100% would make for a fab gift!

  23. Teresa Carr says:

     United Kingdom

    The Bluetooth headphones are of excellent quality. The headphones come in excellent and attractive red and black packaging.

    It includes two cables for wired connection USB C to USB C and USB C to 3.5 mm Jack. You can use this as wired or wireless headphones.

    It’s easy to setup the Bluetooth connectivity and it works smooth.

    All the controls like a power switch and touch panel sit on the right headset. You can control the playlist, volume, pause and play using the touch panel. The controls are intuitive but it takes time to get used them as touch panel is a small line because of which I fumbled operating the touch panel.

    Play/Pause – Single tap
    Slides Down from top – Reduce Volume
    Slide up from center – Increase Volume
    Double Tap – play next
    Triple Tap – Play previous
    Tap n Hold – Voice control

    With every tap, you hear the beep sound which tells you that you pressed at the right place. The control panel is small and needs precise touch because of which it didn’t take intended action. I would have loved it more if the control touch panel was bigger which would help easily navigate through the list.

    Three headphones also have microphone and I had no issues talking to using the headsets. The wireless range is long and I had no disruption or lags. You can’t mute the headsets though.

    The battery latest for sometime and can be recharged using the USB cable. The charging head is not included.

    The headphone are adjustable to fit precise on the ear. You can find these into a smaller size which makes it easier to carry.

    The headsets are very soft and completely contain my ears so you can easily wear it for long time.

    Overall, I liked these headsets but I am not sound expert so don’t know if the cost of 134 is worth it.

    Premium Headphones, Easy on ears but small sensitive control panel

  24. CynthiaMilam says:

     United Kingdom

    Priced at 100+ for these headphones is a bit expensive but a good value for money and definitely worth the price tag as these are really good quality!! I am very impressed with these!

    These were much better then I expected Very comfortable on my ears too and didn’t feel too heavy or big. I use these to study and on my way to work and it’s perfect. Great noise cancellation and amazing bass!! Sound quality is excellent and very easy to connect and pair to Bluetooth. Battery life lasts for a good time too! I like the design too- nice and simple. Would definitely recommend

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A mixed bag really. The sound quality is outstandingly good. A truly excellent and deep sound field crisp and clear at all volumes. These headphones have an internal lithium battery which is charged visa USB connection. There is a volume control which responds to touch and simply slide your finger up or down however it doesn’t work at all. The headphones connect via USB to 3.5 mm jack or via blue tooth. Again here lies the problem! the good old trusty cable works excellent but the wireless blue tooth connection (which was why I chose these headphones over many others) does not work at all. Tried to pair with my cell phone and nothing. I wish the build quality was better or quality assurance at least? For head phones offering this quality of sound reproduction you do expect to have controls and features that actually work. In this price range I really expected better. Feeling generous I have awarded four stars simply because the sound reproduction was that good! However don’t be surprised if nothing else works. Simply put they should have been so much better.

  26. SunnyRadcliffe says:


    Extrem guter sound, super akku-leistung und bequem aber die touch bedienung sorgt immer wieder fr versehentliche Pausierungen…

  27. DarylBraxton says:

     United Kingdom

    Sadly a few weeks ago my trusty AKG N60NC headphones broke. This left me in a tricky situation because I knew it was highly likely I would need to look elsewhere for my next set of headphones due to Samsung’s acquirement of Harman back in 2017 causing a change of direction for the company. I like to see myself as someone who shows brand loyalty when I find a company that I believe make very high-quality products for a reasonable price. After a little research around the internet, I found out that a few of AKG’s management & engineers had formed a new company called Austrian Audio, which intrigued me to look deeper at their headphones.

    I was looking for some headphones on a budget of 150, and when I found the Austrian Audio Hi-X25BT headphones, after reading some reviews on them, I knew I had to give them a try, so I did. For me in a pair of headphones there are four main factors in what decides whether they are good or not so good, build quality, comfort, features and obviously sound quality.

    Build Quality 4/5

    At this price range sadly the build quality around this market is not the best, normally involves a lot of plastic, and although this is still the case with the Hi-X25BT the frame inside is metal which makes the headphones feel well made. I love the look and feel of the headphones and I see them lasting a long while.

    Comfort 5/5

    This was the one downfall of my previous headphones (AKG N60NC), after a couple of hours, I would start to feel a little pressure right in the middle of the top of my head where the band rested. However, with these headphones, I can happily say they are the most comfortable headphones I have ever owned. They are not extremely heavy which makes them feel light on the head. I can easily wear these for hours with no discomfort.

    Features 4/5

    The headphones come with the obvious Bluetooth so you can easily connect them to any device that supports Bluetooth. The set-up process was easy, and they automatically connect back to your device when you turn them on. Austrian Audio also say you should get up to 30 hours of battery life, and although I have not owned or used them long enough to confirm this, I can say I have got some decent battery life from them (Been using them for at least 15 hours and not charged them yet). You can also use the headphones with the USB-C to 3.5 Jack wire included in the box if you desire. A downfall for most will be the fact that the headphones do not support ANC (Active Noise Cancellation). This wasn’t such a big issue for me as I never intend to take these headphones out of the house or use them around overly noisy environments, but I know many people will be put off by Austrian Audio’s decision to exclude this feature. Saying that though they are over-ear headphones, so they do cut out a small amount of outside noise, which is good enough for me. Lastly, the headphones do offer ways of controlling your music (volume, pause, play etc.) and I believe they have implemented these features into their headphones great, but I do find the controls a little sensitive to the touch. I have a fair few times accidentally paused my music when trying to rearrange the headphones. I have overtime got used to this and do it far less, but it was something that bothered me for a while.

    Sound Quality 5/5

    This is obviously the most important factor of any headphones you buy, and I am pleased to say they do not disappoint. These headphones are by far the best sounding headphones I have personally owned. They sound a lot better than the AKG N60NC’s that I highly rated. When I listen to vocals, casual talking or music, everything sounds so crisp and clear, also acoustics sound incredibly vibrant. Most companies these days also tend to put too much bass into their headsets, which I am not a massive fan of. Austrian Audio on the other hand I think have balanced the bass very well, you know it is there, but it isn’t booming too much. I wasn’t expecting the headphones to sound as good as they do, even a family relative believes these headphones sound better than his headphones which were almost double the price!


    I imagine you can get much better headphones if you are willing to spend a lot more money, but for 150, unless you need/want ANC, you cannot go wrong buying these headphones. For the price, they offer great build quality, comfortable listening and truly amazing sound quality. I highly recommend them!

    Overachievers For Their Price Range!

  28. Mark Gregory says:

     United Kingdom

    Blown away by the quality of these headphones in every sense. Sound, design, weight and comfort. The Album “How Long is Now by Finish Pianist Liro Rantala sounds amazing. Cant rate them highly enough. Just buy them.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The headphones are very comfortable. Excellent sound quality. Good connection options. Great build quality. Fantastic quality product for the price range

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great pair of bluetooth headphones from a great company.I have the hix55s and expected these to have the same flat neutral sound signature that would need tweaking through external eq or amp.I was pleasantly surprised to find that the sound signature on these is bang on.Bass is there aplenty though not too sub heavy but not that tight that it isn’t there.Just right mids are clean and forward enough without being too forward and highs are nice and crisp without being to shimmery.I have used so far for music and watching movies and detail retrieval is excellent.Austrian audio have knocked the ball out the park with these.Build quality is excellent.Volume and pause play touch controls can be a bit sensitive and easily pressed by mistake but once you accustomise yourself to the way these work they are fine.Would i buy another pair or recommend these to anyone.You bet.For the price point these are punching way above.

  31. ash says:

     United Kingdom

    I stumbled upon these and Austrian Audio. I was going to upgrade my Marshall’s. Read the reviews on these and went for it. Glad I did. Good sound and really sturdy build. Very easy to connect through Bluetooth and the option to go analogue. My only gripe is the controls which are fiddly. Having said that I’ve never owned a set of headphones with decent controls. Highly recommended.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersKleiner Kopfhrer Verstrker (150) dazwischen umd ab gehts
    Benutze ihn frs Handy
    Bin sehr zufrieden und das passiert nicht oft
    Toller Sitz , auch fr lnge

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI struggled to find these on Amazon amongst all the other products out there but glad that I did. Battery life seems excellent, great build quality, and easy to use. There’s no noise cancelling but they’re closed back and such a good fit I’m not sure why it would be needed. All in all, very pleased and great value

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Userslove these headphones great battery life great comfort and built very well the sound is super for price i own some very exspensive headphones these punch way above there price. nice balanced sound bass is powerfull and deap without being over the top treble is clean and not over the top midrange is crisp and clean super detailed u will hear things u didnt no where there on you fav music just get them for price even double there my new best bloutooth headphones

  35. Shilpa says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to follow instructions, the touch controls are simple and intuitive. Headphones connect to devices with ease. Good sound quality. Build quality appears solid. All around great value for money.