Bosch Professional 06016A1001 GKS 12 V-26 Cordless Circular Saw (Without Battery and Charger) – Carton, 33.8 cm*21.0 cm*13.2 cm

Weight: 1 kg
Size: 33.8 cm*21.0 cm*13.2 cm
Dimensions: 21 x 13.2 x 33.8 cm; 1 Kilograms
Model: 06016A1001
Manufacture: Bosch Professional
Size: 33.8 cm*21.0 cm*13.2 cm

108 Responses

  1. AidanLatimer says:


    J’ai achet cette mini si circulaire pour la pose de ma cuisine ,elle est trs maniable et facile d’utilisation je vous la recommande

  2. PISFreeman says:


    Habe mir die Sge mit etwas Skepsis gekauft. Nach den ersten schnitten in Weichholz war ich sofort begeistert. Auch OSB und MDF schafft das kleine Ding nahezu mhelos. 14 mm Walnussholz ebenfalls ohne Probleme bei minimalstem Ausriss. Einfach nur ein Top Gert.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Es una herramienta fantstica, parece mentira con lo pequea que es y lo bien que desempea su funcin, cortes limpios en madera con la hoja que trae de serie.

  4. BettyHawthorn says:


    Zugegeben, wenn man sich einmal fr ein Akkusystem entschieden hat, bleibt man ja fr gewhnlich in diesem “kosystem”.
    Die “kleine” 12V Sge liegt super in der Hand und schneidet Mhelos auch durch Hartholz (2,5cm Eiche). Klar hat sie einen anderen Vorschub als eine kabelgebundene Maschine, leistet aber dennoch erstaunlich viel.

    Ich nutze sie hauptschlich zum Ablngen von Plattenmaterial (OSB, Multiplex, etc.) und dafr ist sie hervorragend geeignet. In Verbinung mit einer FSN Schiene finde ich sie in Przision und Anwendungsbereich unschlagbar.

    Klare Kaufempfehlung!

  5. BonnieAPQT says:


    Das Teil sieht auf den 1. Blick aus wie Spielzeug aber das Teil ist wirklich super. Richtig schn handlich. Der Akku muss natrlich entsprechend bumms haben, sonst ist schnell Schluss mit sgen.

    Einfach schn praktisch, wenn man nicht immer nur die groe Handkreissge raussuchen will.

  6. benw says:


    Ich bin total begeistert von der Leistung der Maschine. Klein, handlich und sehr stark. Wrde ich mir jederzeit wieder anschaffen.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I wish I’d bought one of these years ago. Simple, accurate, sturdy and easy to use.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Es muy ligera y precisa. Al no depender del cable ee corriente, puedes usarla donde quieras.

  9. Kate Reilly says:


    Die Sge sieht zwar aus wie ein Spielzeug, ist aber vielseitig und przise einsetzbar und ein absolutes Top-Werkzeug. Hatte zuvor zwei andere “Mini-Handkreissgen” anderer Hersteller (230V Netzbetrieb), die z.B. fr gerade (1m lange) Laminatschnitte (Dicke 10mm) nicht zu gebrauchen waren und die ich daher zurckgegeben habe! Diese Sge liefert zusammen mit dem Makita Sgeblatt fr Laminat absolut saubere, dnne Schnitte, ohne die Laminatoberseite zu beschdigen. Dabei sind die Schnitte absolut leichtgngig. Die Staubbelastung hlt sich dabei in Grenzen, auch die Lrmentwicklung ist (im Vergleich zu anderen Maschinen) eher gering. Unbedingt empfehlenswert!

  10. AddieBlankenshi says:


    I think it is a fundamental piece for someone like me who has a small home DIY workshop. Lightweight machine yet robust enough to cut 2cm pine boards. I bought a 1mm thick Makita blade to try to save as much wood as possible and the truth is that this machine is excellent for straight cuts and with this new blade I can make very clean cuts although it only has 1,400rpm which is surprising. I recommend your purchase…It’s Bosch.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The circular saw is very good, I bought the saw without the battery pack as I already had the 2amp batteries with a drill. The 2amp batteries are fairly useless I was able to cut 8 roofing battens before it started to play up. I would recommend purchasing the 4 or 6amp batteries as these will keep the saw going most of the day.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Ich lieeeebe diese Handkreissge. Sie schneidet wie durch Butter und hat ordentlich Wums. Liegt gut in der Hand und ist schn leicht.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this to help with a kitchen install project at home, worked a treat.
    I also in day to day life and an electrician and this will make lifting floor boards so much easier.
    Well done Bosch another good handy little tool added to my vast array.

  14. CassandEspie says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve had this for a few months now and been happy with it overall. I do think it would be much more useful (for me at least) if it had a slightly bigger blade and depth of cut, even just 5mm more. Another thing to bear in mind is the blade spins somewhat slowly, and has a small diameter, resulting a low tooth velocity and accordingly a bit of a rough cut (almost like a hand saw). The flip side of the slow blade speed is it will cut full depth in hardwoods without stalling. The ergonomics are great when using the saw by itself, but the included accessories (guide rail adapter/fence and dust extractor port) aren’t very well designed.

  15. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Nice, lite tool. The delivery to Israel was super fast about 3 days.

  16. VictoriThornber says:


    Das Schnittbild ist schon ganz gut, haut mich aber nicht vom Hocker. Fr 90,- habe ich aber auch nicht erwartet, dass schon ein super hochwertiges Sgeblatt vormontiert ist.

    Dafr glnzt die kleine Sge in allen anderen Punkten, die mir wichtig waren.
    Sehr Handlich, schn leicht, wenig Schnickschnack und eine Schnitttiefe von mehr als 19 mm (max. sogar 26 mm).
    Mit einem 2,5 AH Akku lassen sich bei 15 mm OSB-Platten mehr Meter machen, als ich erwartet habe. Ich hab nicht genau mitgerechnet, aber es waren auf jeden Fall gut ber 16 meter.

    Den Fhrungsschienen Adapter konnte ich nicht testen, da ich zu geizig fr die Original Bosch Schiene bin 😀 Ich verwende da meine selbst gebaute. Das klappt auch ganz gut. Der Adapter kann notfalls auch bedingt als Anschlag verwendet werden, ist aber dafr nicht so der wirkliche Bringer.

    Auf die L-Boxx hab ich bewusst verzichtet. Ich hab ein paar davon, mag die Dinger aber einfach nicht. Die Inlay’s sind mir zu sehr vorgegeben und man hat kein Platz fr diverses Zubehr. Schn, dass man bei Bosch blau hier die Wahl hat auch nur die Pappkarton Version zu whlen. In beruflicher Anwendung siehts natrlich wieder anders aus. Da machen die Boxen durchaus Sinn.

    Bleibt nur noch der Verschleiss der Sgebltter abzuwarten. Ich hoffe der ist nicht ganz so hoch wie bei der grnen 230 V Bosch Mini-Handkreissge (15 mm).


  17. Bethany says:

     United Kingdom

    This little circular saw is very comfortable in the hand. Nice and easy to use and very light. Ideal for cutting floor boards and tongue and groove panels. Really happy with it , wish I’d purchased sooner. Another quality Bosch product.

  18. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Superhandlich. Viele Mglichkeiten. Fast wie ne grosse. Ideal fr meinen Camperausbau!!! Und meine Akkus freuem sich ber mehr Arbei

  19. LavernUOOexbh says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant bit of kit for all of those smaller jobs cuts well and with a 4Amp battery, lasts really well I’m impressed another great addition to my ever growing Bosch pro collectio

  20. GenevaShin says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFr den Bau eines greren Schrankes wollte ich als Ergnzung fr meine Handkreissge ein handlicheres Werkzeug haben, um kleinere Schnitte an Leisten etc. schneller und einfacher auszufhren. Und dann das. Ausgepackt, Probeschnitt gemacht… und die Handkreissge im Regal gelassen! Smtliche Schnitte an Buche Leimholz und an Dekorplatten habe ich jetzt mit der Minisge gemacht, auch auf 2,5 Meter Lnge, gefhrt an einem Richtscheit. Unglaublich leicht, leise, und unfassbar saubere Schnittkanten. Klar, bei Leimholz quer zur Faser franst es oben leicht aus, das tut es mit der Groen aber auch. In Faserlngsrichtung habe ich noch nie ohne Nachfrsen so akkurate Schnitte bekommen. Der Akku hlt zwar nur fr rund 4 – 5 Meter, ist aber auch in weniger als einer halben Stunde wieder voll. Da ein zweiter Akku dabei war, absolut ausreichend. Durch den Staubsaugeranschluss lsst sich sehr sauber arbeiten, nicht zu vergleichen mit der groen Maschine. Ich htte nicht fr mglich gehalten, dass man mit der langsamen Drehzahl wirklich Schnittleistung schafft. Aber 3 – 5 cm/s bei 20 mm Hartholz sind durchaus drin.
    Was das Sgeblatt betrifft: Ich habe mir wegen verschiedener kritischer Rezensionen zustzlich ein Makita-Blatt gekauft. Ich hatte aber noch keinen Einsatzfall, wo das Originalblatt ein schlechtes Schnittbild hinterlassen hat und das Makita-Blatt sich htte hervortun knnen. Mal sehen, vielleicht revidiere ich das eines Tages, aber bislang ist es fr mich eher Geschmackssache – beide machen, was sie sollen.
    Kurzum: das Ding benutze ich jetzt fter. Stichsge, Kappsge und Handkreissge kommen nur noch zum Einsatz, wenn es gar nicht anders geht, zum Beispiel, wenn ich mehr als 26 mm Schnitttiefe brauche oder irgendwelche Rundungen schneiden muss. Beides kann die Minikreissge natrlich nicht. Aber von den 100 Euro habe ich bis jetzt keinen Cent bereut.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Quite probably the best power tool I’ve bought ever!

    Lightweight, easy to use and provides a great clean cut on MDF.

    The only slight niggle is that setting the guide can be fiddly as the Allen screws that clamp it in place tend to cause the guide to move fractional as they are tightened.

    On face value great value for money but as it was a body only tool, the cost increases quite a bit when you add the cost of a decent battery and charger which had to be purchased separately.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quite probably the best power tool I’ve bought ever!

    Lightweight, easy to use and provides a great clean cut on MDF.

    The only slight niggle is that setting the guide can be fiddly as the Allen screws that clamp it in place tend to cause the guide to move fractional as they are tightened.

    On face value great value for money but as it was a body only tool, the cost increases quite a bit when you add the cost of a decent battery and charger which had to be purchased separately.

  23. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Fr Ihre Gre und Leistung super Sge , kann ich weiterempfehle

  24. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das einzige was verbessert werden knnte, ist eine vernnftige Markierung, wo das Sgeblatt schneidet.
    Ansonsten unschlagbar.
    60 m Laminat mit nur 2 akkuladungen verlegt.

  25. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Kann ich nur empfehlen.4Ah accu drin macht ihre Arbeit Immer wieder.

  26. John Kim says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I haven’t used it a lot to judge it, I will say one thing tho I expected the saw to run a lot faster than it does. Its OK with mdf and soft wood haven’t used it on hard wood!

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Machine itself is a great purchase!…Easy to use, seems durable after significant use cutting through 18mm thick subfloor.
    I bought the machine only WITHOUT batteries. Amazon set only offers 2.5amp batteries and they are not up to any length of work, so the set was not value for money. I bought 2 x 6amp 12v batteries & charger from an indep. retailer and the 6amp batteries give you no worries about time in use. Machine is light and cordlessness means you can get on with job that much quicker. Ive still not read the manual so i guess it must be easy to use 🙂

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Machine itself is a great purchase!…Easy to use, seems durable after significant use cutting through 18mm thick subfloor.
    I bought the machine only WITHOUT batteries. Amazon set only offers 2.5amp batteries and they are not up to any length of work, so the set was not value for money. I bought 2 x 6amp 12v batteries & charger from an indep. retailer and the 6amp batteries give you no worries about time in use. Machine is light and cordlessness means you can get on with job that much quicker. Ive still not read the manual so i guess it must be easy to use 🙂

  29. Ashlee Clark-Thompson says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Seit mehr als 10 Jahren nutze ich die 12V Gerteserie. Die Maschinen sind ausgereift und in der Handhabung einfach spitze. Klein, handlich und gut fr die tragbare Werkstatt.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Die Sge ist perfekt fr kleine Holzarbeiten. Eine perfekte Alternative zu Stichsgen.

  31. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Gute Power, solange der Akku voll ist. Mit einem Akku kommt man lange aus. Klein und handlich. Zusammen mit einem kleinen blauen Bosch 18V Akku Schlagbohrer mein absolutes Lieblingsgert…

  32. BrendanZ71 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a great little circular saw. Nicely-made and well designed – in my opinion better-designed than the competition, because the handles on those are somewhat awkward to hold and use compared to the ergonomic design of the Bosch saw (the “bent” handle shape etc is what makes it better to hold & use). Used with the FSN 800 track, it will cut perfectly straight lines. It uses an 85mm saw blade, of which there are many available from Bosch (& other brands), whereas I have seen other blade sizes for small circular saws on other brands that are VERY limited in choice of blades. Good safety features too – button must be pressed before you can pull the trigger & the blades comes to an instant stop when the trigger is released. Very pleased with it & would definitely recommend it.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I have to admit that I am a bit of a Bosch fan and my workshop looks rather green, but this is my first tool from the professional range, and I have to say I absolutely love it. I wish I would have bought it a long time ago. The saw has just the right size that you can quickly grasp it and cut whatever needs cutting. Since I bought this saw all my other saws have been literally gathering dust in the workshop. Battery life is good and since my set came with two batteries, I have never run out yet. The saw is pleasantly quiet, compared to other circular saws I have used, which makes working with it an additional pleasure. In terms of accuracy, I have not done super accurate work with it yet, but so far I was able to get nice clean and straight cuts from different types of wooden panels, even if I did not use any guides. Overall, I can only recommend this tool.

  34. ElmerMessier says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have to admit that I am a bit of a Bosch fan and my workshop looks rather green, but this is my first tool from the professional range, and I have to say I absolutely love it. I wish I would have bought it a long time ago. The saw has just the right size that you can quickly grasp it and cut whatever needs cutting. Since I bought this saw all my other saws have been literally gathering dust in the workshop. Battery life is good and since my set came with two batteries, I have never run out yet. The saw is pleasantly quiet, compared to other circular saws I have used, which makes working with it an additional pleasure. In terms of accuracy, I have not done super accurate work with it yet, but so far I was able to get nice clean and straight cuts from different types of wooden panels, even if I did not use any guides. Overall, I can only recommend this tool.

  35. NicholeRayner says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Used this to lay around 100m of flooring, both 6mm ply them Karndean boards and it worked a treat. I used it with the Bosch guide rail and it easily it very accurate long cuts without any chipping, even with the supplied wood blade. Only slight winges – it chews through batteries, you need 2aH or preferably 3aH and it’s got a slightly different setting to Bosch”s 18v saw which makes using both with the same rail slightly difficult as you have to change the edge strip.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Used this to lay around 100m of flooring, both 6mm ply them Karndean boards and it worked a treat. I used it with the Bosch guide rail and it easily it very accurate long cuts without any chipping, even with the supplied wood blade. Only slight winges – it chews through batteries, you need 2aH or preferably 3aH and it’s got a slightly different setting to Bosch”s 18v saw which makes using both with the same rail slightly difficult as you have to change the edge strip.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for cutting skirting board, and for that it has been perfect. Gives very accurate cuts. The only downside is the cutting depth, for example you wouldnt be able to trim down a door with this as it cannot cut deep enough, but for most other tasks this is perfect, and as it is so small it is very easy to use.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for cutting skirting board, and for that it has been perfect. Gives very accurate cuts. The only downside is the cutting depth, for example you wouldnt be able to trim down a door with this as it cannot cut deep enough, but for most other tasks this is perfect, and as it is so small it is very easy to use.

  39. WardBuckner says:

     United Kingdom

    The absolute best tool every DIYer absolutely needs. I am actually a full builder but do my own work. I have just converted my loft and put cladding all over. Looks lovely and the mini saw was a real treat to use and time saver!

  40. agnesbuengarnas says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersFor context, I am an occasional DIYer with a preference for Professional Brand tools. I set this context because there are bound to be some things that will be high priority for someone working with these tools in a professional capacity that may not necessarily apply to the DIYer. Additionally, I do own a mains powered mini circular saw for the demanding tasks and finally, I opted for the L-Boxx version which comes with a guide rail, fast charger, dust extractor attachment, allen key and 2 x 2.0Ah batteries included.

    With the context set, here are my observations about the Bosch GKS 12 V-26.

    1 – The saw
    Lightweight, great ergonomics, wonderfully compact. My recommendation is to practice some precision cuts to get a feel for the dynamics of the tool. I initially found I was always a little to the left of the line but eventually figured which alignment features to use. By the time I was done, I was able to cut 18mm hardwood plywood to millimetre precision. A constant cutting speed was useful in producing a really clean surface. Additionally, I was able to stop cutting partway through the job and resume without kick-back or locking by ensuring the saw was free. The above combinations of precision cutting and ability to restart the job mid way meant I was able to cut 38mm material in a couple of passes – ok for DIYer, non-ideal for anyone with much sawing to do! Note that the max spec for the tool is approximately 25mm thickness. The LED is effective at illuminating the work piece, but no laser is provided. Also, for a right handed person, the blade is effectively on the far side of the tool requiring viewing from the top. These little nuances are what makes for a 4-star rather than 5-star rating.

    2 – Battery Life
    Battery drain is quite high when working the tool hard but you do get through a fair few tasks before it is time to recharge a 2.0Ah battery. If the tool is quite central to your activities then a 4.0Ah battery might be the way to go. Luckily, I have 3 x 12V 2.0Ah batteries to keep going. I am not sure if my observation was accurate here but I thought the tool sounded “faster” with a fully charged battery so perhaps that is something to pay attention to so you don’t get caught out. I did get caught out with the tool simply stopping midway through the cut.

    3 – Accessories
    I opted for the L-boxx version which comes with a new 12V fast charger2 x 2.0Ah batteries, a dust extractor attachment, guide for parallel cuts and allen key. The allen key is stored on the tool, quite subtle and can easily be overlooked. It is needed to attach the parallel guide and dust extractor if needed.

    3.1 The guide:
    I am not sure about the guide though. It could be my simple lack of experience here but I felt the tool was somewhat fighting the guide and consequently, the finish was not as clean a cut as I saw with my free hand cutting. I therefore dropped the guide and stuck with simple measurement. I suspect some more practice here may be the answer. Note that the parallel guide mentioned here is not the precision “flat bed” large (and very expensive) option

    3.2 The battery Charger
    Bosch advertised the unit enclosed with my saw as the “NEW” fast charger. It is not the sleek looking “pointy” one but a more regular square shape, but charges a 12V battery in about 25minutes if not less. Having at least one extra battery is useful here because I can charge for longer if necessary.

    3.3 The batteries
    The L-boxx version I got comes with 2 x 2.0Ah batteries. The saw does drain these quite rapidly so my recommendation is to always have one fully charged spare ready to go. For those new to the Bosch 12V line, please note that the “non-professional” range of 12V batteries is not compatible with the professional range. The batteries do not physically fit the tool. There are workarounds I have seen on youtube but it is important that is understood.

    3.4 The dust extractor attachment
    I was disappointed that my standard vacuum hose did not quite work with the dust extractor attachment. I have recently purchased a separate 3rd party attachment (the Bosch one is rather expensive for what it is) but at the time of writing this review have not tried it out

    3.5 The L-Boxx
    The L-Boxx supplied with this option is the “briefcase” size 136 complete with inlay for the saw, batteries, guide and charger. The thing about cutting tools such as these is that you realise very quickly that you do need storage of some description. Note that you can get L-boxxes on their own – perhaps second hand – but they probably won’t have the right inlays and generic foam pad would be needed.

    So all considered, I have been thoroughly pleased with this saw despite the little (very minor) niggles I have highlighted and have certainly felt a lot more confident taking on jobs I wouldn’t normally. For example, I was able to cut a clean notch in situ in some hardwood plywood using this saw to do the bulk of the cutting before I brought out the oscillating multi-tool to do the final plunge cut.

    I highly recommend this tool, but like other reviewers would state that it makes a great second or third in addition to a main (read bigger) saw of some description and you will need at least one spare battery! It is truly handy, light weight, compact and used properly produces precise and clean cuts! Love it!

  41. Miss Style Apothecary says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersFor context, I am an occasional DIYer with a preference for Professional Brand tools. I set this context because there are bound to be some things that will be high priority for someone working with these tools in a professional capacity that may not necessarily apply to the DIYer. Additionally, I do own a mains powered mini circular saw for the demanding tasks and finally, I opted for the L-Boxx version which comes with a guide rail, fast charger, dust extractor attachment, allen key and 2 x 2.0Ah batteries included.

    With the context set, here are my observations about the Bosch GKS 12 V-26.

    1 – The saw
    Lightweight, great ergonomics, wonderfully compact. My recommendation is to practice some precision cuts to get a feel for the dynamics of the tool. I initially found I was always a little to the left of the line but eventually figured which alignment features to use. By the time I was done, I was able to cut 18mm hardwood plywood to millimetre precision. A constant cutting speed was useful in producing a really clean surface. Additionally, I was able to stop cutting partway through the job and resume without kick-back or locking by ensuring the saw was free. The above combinations of precision cutting and ability to restart the job mid way meant I was able to cut 38mm material in a couple of passes – ok for DIYer, non-ideal for anyone with much sawing to do! Note that the max spec for the tool is approximately 25mm thickness. The LED is effective at illuminating the work piece, but no laser is provided. Also, for a right handed person, the blade is effectively on the far side of the tool requiring viewing from the top. These little nuances are what makes for a 4-star rather than 5-star rating.

    2 – Battery Life
    Battery drain is quite high when working the tool hard but you do get through a fair few tasks before it is time to recharge a 2.0Ah battery. If the tool is quite central to your activities then a 4.0Ah battery might be the way to go. Luckily, I have 3 x 12V 2.0Ah batteries to keep going. I am not sure if my observation was accurate here but I thought the tool sounded “faster” with a fully charged battery so perhaps that is something to pay attention to so you don’t get caught out. I did get caught out with the tool simply stopping midway through the cut.

    3 – Accessories
    I opted for the L-boxx version which comes with a new 12V fast charger2 x 2.0Ah batteries, a dust extractor attachment, guide for parallel cuts and allen key. The allen key is stored on the tool, quite subtle and can easily be overlooked. It is needed to attach the parallel guide and dust extractor if needed.

    3.1 The guide:
    I am not sure about the guide though. It could be my simple lack of experience here but I felt the tool was somewhat fighting the guide and consequently, the finish was not as clean a cut as I saw with my free hand cutting. I therefore dropped the guide and stuck with simple measurement. I suspect some more practice here may be the answer. Note that the parallel guide mentioned here is not the precision “flat bed” large (and very expensive) option

    3.2 The battery Charger
    Bosch advertised the unit enclosed with my saw as the “NEW” fast charger. It is not the sleek looking “pointy” one but a more regular square shape, but charges a 12V battery in about 25minutes if not less. Having at least one extra battery is useful here because I can charge for longer if necessary.

    3.3 The batteries
    The L-boxx version I got comes with 2 x 2.0Ah batteries. The saw does drain these quite rapidly so my recommendation is to always have one fully charged spare ready to go. For those new to the Bosch 12V line, please note that the “non-professional” range of 12V batteries is not compatible with the professional range. The batteries do not physically fit the tool. There are workarounds I have seen on youtube but it is important that is understood.

    3.4 The dust extractor attachment
    I was disappointed that my standard vacuum hose did not quite work with the dust extractor attachment. I have recently purchased a separate 3rd party attachment (the Bosch one is rather expensive for what it is) but at the time of writing this review have not tried it out

    3.5 The L-Boxx
    The L-Boxx supplied with this option is the “briefcase” size 136 complete with inlay for the saw, batteries, guide and charger. The thing about cutting tools such as these is that you realise very quickly that you do need storage of some description. Note that you can get L-boxxes on their own – perhaps second hand – but they probably won’t have the right inlays and generic foam pad would be needed.

    So all considered, I have been thoroughly pleased with this saw despite the little (very minor) niggles I have highlighted and have certainly felt a lot more confident taking on jobs I wouldn’t normally. For example, I was able to cut a clean notch in situ in some hardwood plywood using this saw to do the bulk of the cutting before I brought out the oscillating multi-tool to do the final plunge cut.

    I highly recommend this tool, but like other reviewers would state that it makes a great second or third in addition to a main (read bigger) saw of some description and you will need at least one spare battery! It is truly handy, light weight, compact and used properly produces precise and clean cuts! Love it!

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A fine little tool,easy to handle just the job for older people like myself. Would have been 5 star if the guide rail adaptor and the allen key had have been in the box.
    Dave Nicholson.

  43. JeraldGilroy says:

     United Kingdom

    Yeah handy little thing, is not the most powerful bit of kit but I guess you know that with it only being 12v. cuts 8ft MDF and plywood boards no problems.

  44. WWDPoppybgtlvxx says:


    Produit simple a utiliser, pratique pour planche OSB ,quand on est seul

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Just Wow!!! For a 12v circular saw this is very impressive, seems slow but made short work of a sheet of 18mm Ply and 25mm MDF very surprised, battery on these materials isnt great (2amphour ones) but they charge quick and its tiny size and ease of use is ideal for home DIY or less demaning site work 10 stars

  46. Otto Kratky says:

     United Kingdom

    Just Wow!!! For a 12v circular saw this is very impressive, seems slow but made short work of a sheet of 18mm Ply and 25mm MDF very surprised, battery on these materials isnt great (2amphour ones) but they charge quick and its tiny size and ease of use is ideal for home DIY or less demaning site work 10 stars

  47. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersCreo que es la segunda mejor compra que he hecho despues del taladro Gsb de Bosch de la misma familia, la maquina funciona de maravilla tiene potencia (incluso con la bateria pequea, no se le ha resistido nada en las pruebas que he hecho), para los aficionados a hacer manualidades en casa va de maravilla. Si estas pensando en comprarla, no lo dudes, no te arrepentiras!!!!! Piensa que por ahorrarte 30 en otras marcas,no vas a obtener el mismo rendimiento, ni la misma calidad. Aunque es pequea y manejable, al tacto se ve que esta hecha de buenos materiales.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good little saw, blade guard is a bit flimsy otherwise I’ve found this saw really useful. I found clamping a straight edge approx 20mm parallel to the cut mark, then using that to run the sole plate against to ensure a good straight cut. I use this saw every day in my workshop. Comes with 2 batteries.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good little saw, blade guard is a bit flimsy otherwise I’ve found this saw really useful. I found clamping a straight edge approx 20mm parallel to the cut mark, then using that to run the sole plate against to ensure a good straight cut. I use this saw every day in my workshop. Comes with 2 batteries.

  50. QWOMindaddex says:

     United Kingdom

    I am finding uses for this saw, but I agree with other reviewers that it’s not really powerful enough. Also the hand position isn’t entirely comfortable compared to other circular saws, where the handle positions the hand to the back of the tool, rather than the top. It has, however, been a godsend in cutting large pieces of plywood, where you can hold the sheet steady with one hand, while you cut with the other.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am finding uses for this saw, but I agree with other reviewers that it’s not really powerful enough. Also the hand position isn’t entirely comfortable compared to other circular saws, where the handle positions the hand to the back of the tool, rather than the top. It has, however, been a godsend in cutting large pieces of plywood, where you can hold the sheet steady with one hand, while you cut with the other.

  52. FriedaLapsley says:

     United Kingdom

    Surprisingly versatile,despite its light weight. I used it to cut the cladding timber, light framing wood and even 25mm oak wood. Has stood up to each task quite well .. Find it indispensable part of my toolkit now.

  53. NoellaScheffel says:

     United Kingdom

    Surprisingly versatile,despite its light weight. I used it to cut the cladding timber, light framing wood and even 25mm oak wood. Has stood up to each task quite well .. Find it indispensable part of my toolkit now.

  54. Anonymous says:


    Die Sge ist super und auch sehr handlich.
    mit einem 3A Akku sgt sie wirklich gut.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersFor the level of work I’m doing with this thing it is perfect, if you’re buying it to replace a full size … don’t.

    This machine is perfect for smaller jobs where you need a steady hand, just bare in mind that you’ll have limited depth for your cuts, and provided you have a steady hand you’ll get nice straight free hand cuts. The battery life for me is very impressive on soft woods, although I haven’t yet tried it on hard wood.

    – Small depth on cuts.
    – Freehand cuts will follow grain if done carefully.

    – Long battery life (light duty)
    – Very precise and easy to use (generally)
    – Very ligh

  56. Carlo7998nzi says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersFor the level of work I’m doing with this thing it is perfect, if you’re buying it to replace a full size … don’t.

    This machine is perfect for smaller jobs where you need a steady hand, just bare in mind that you’ll have limited depth for your cuts, and provided you have a steady hand you’ll get nice straight free hand cuts. The battery life for me is very impressive on soft woods, although I haven’t yet tried it on hard wood.

    – Small depth on cuts.
    – Freehand cuts will follow grain if done carefully.

    – Long battery life (light duty)
    – Very precise and easy to use (generally)
    – Very ligh

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 36 From Our UsersBosch pro wins again.

    I’m a big fan of the Bosch pro 12v/10.8v range. Yes, they are the same. Bosch just changed the name.

    I bought this saw to complete a shed project as there was a certain amount of trimming that needed doing.
    I’m already an owner of Bosch pro 12v kit so there was the added advantage of extra batteries in this purchase!

    I purchased the L-Boxx version with two 2ah batteries plus another charger. I love the L-Boxx system and couldn’t turn it down at 145 pounds on a deal. With another two batteries and charger this was a complete win!

    * Quiet. No ear defenders required.
    * Up to the job – easily (and quickly) cutting 18mm OSB and half-inch treated pine.
    * Accurate. Even without a rail the supplied guide was great.
    * Stands in for a table saw for some tasks. Because it can actually be used one handed, and *if* you have a suitable work-surface you can pull a piece of timber *through* the saw safely. There’s a knack to it but it does work!
    * Minimal kick-back. Because it is low rpm and high torque, if things go wrong the kick-back is actually not too bad at all.
    * Braked. Yes, this may save your fingers!

    * Can drain batteries quite fast on heavy work. The 4ah batteries would solve this. Not a problem for me as I have multiple compatible batteries.

    The best bit! … buying some 8×4 OSB from wickes and cutting it in the car-park to fit in the car (yes, I checked with the staff first, they were fine with it).

    Overall, an absolutely awesome piece of kit. Love it! Great addition to any DIY or tradesmans toolkit. Just wait for a deal if you are unsure.

    Another Bosch pro 12v masterpiece!

  58. doughealth7 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 32 From Our UsersBosch pro wins again.

    I’m a big fan of the Bosch pro 12v/10.8v range. Yes, they are the same. Bosch just changed the name.

    I bought this saw to complete a shed project as there was a certain amount of trimming that needed doing.
    I’m already an owner of Bosch pro 12v kit so there was the added advantage of extra batteries in this purchase!

    I purchased the L-Boxx version with two 2ah batteries plus another charger. I love the L-Boxx system and couldn’t turn it down at 145 pounds on a deal. With another two batteries and charger this was a complete win!

    * Quiet. No ear defenders required.
    * Up to the job – easily (and quickly) cutting 18mm OSB and half-inch treated pine.
    * Accurate. Even without a rail the supplied guide was great.
    * Stands in for a table saw for some tasks. Because it can actually be used one handed, and *if* you have a suitable work-surface you can pull a piece of timber *through* the saw safely. There’s a knack to it but it does work!
    * Minimal kick-back. Because it is low rpm and high torque, if things go wrong the kick-back is actually not too bad at all.
    * Braked. Yes, this may save your fingers!

    * Can drain batteries quite fast on heavy work. The 4ah batteries would solve this. Not a problem for me as I have multiple compatible batteries.

    The best bit! … buying some 8×4 OSB from wickes and cutting it in the car-park to fit in the car (yes, I checked with the staff first, they were fine with it).

    Overall, an absolutely awesome piece of kit. Love it! Great addition to any DIY or tradesmans toolkit. Just wait for a deal if you are unsure.

    Another Bosch pro 12v masterpiece!

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am very happy with this tool it cut the sheets of plywood and MDF very nice indeed.

  60. ElsaRector says:

     United Kingdom

    Had a makita saw but no were near this powerful, went through a sheet off 22mm ply no problem its seems to have a low rpm but gets the job done so some it’s got alot of torque never stopped once and I’ve got the track and used a few times know but be careful its come of the track slide twice but still not sure if that’s me or i

  61. CortezBSGn says:

     United Kingdom

    Had a makita saw but no were near this powerful, went through a sheet off 22mm ply no problem its seems to have a low rpm but gets the job done so some it’s got alot of torque never stopped once and I’ve got the track and used a few times know but be careful its come of the track slide twice but still not sure if that’s me or i

  62. RainaDasilva says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI was a bit dubious when I first saw the size of this tool. It was a lot smaller than I had expected, as I’m used to a traditional mains powered circular saw. But this is a great piece of kit. Light and easy to handle, so it’s easier to make accurate cuts. First job was to cut out and lift an old plywood floor, then replacing it with 18mm marine ply, and the saw did the job with ease. The batteries last longer than I expected, and as there are 2 supplied, you are never left stranded. Charging is quick as well. Overall a great addition to my toolkit. I wish these had been available years ago, as it would have made my life so much easier. As long as you don’t expect it to perform like a big heavy mains saw then you won’t be disappointed. If you are an avid DIY man or a tradesman, buy one; you won’t regret it.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI was a bit dubious when I first saw the size of this tool. It was a lot smaller than I had expected, as I’m used to a traditional mains powered circular saw. But this is a great piece of kit. Light and easy to handle, so it’s easier to make accurate cuts. First job was to cut out and lift an old plywood floor, then replacing it with 18mm marine ply, and the saw did the job with ease. The batteries last longer than I expected, and as there are 2 supplied, you are never left stranded. Charging is quick as well. Overall a great addition to my toolkit. I wish these had been available years ago, as it would have made my life so much easier. As long as you don’t expect it to perform like a big heavy mains saw then you won’t be disappointed. If you are an avid DIY man or a tradesman, buy one; you won’t regret it.

  64. Anonymous says:


    Dommage que les batteries 4Ah sont vendus beaucoup trop chre, sinon bonne article si ils nous vendaient les bonnes batteries.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEl producto est perfecto para completarse con toda la linea de bosch de ese voltaje y es perfectamente funcional y practico

  66. ZulmaWanjuiul says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat little saw. Cuts through 22mm chipboard flooring fine and leaves a lovely clean cut. So much easier to handle than a larger circular saw, although not a replacement for the bigger jobs.

  67. Anonymous says:


    C’est un trs bon outil mais le moteur peine beaucoup (se bloque frquemment) dans les planches de bois.
    Dommage mais a reste un bon produit quand mme, lger et pratique.

  68. LLB staff reporter says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersExcelente producto, es compatible con accesorios de la misma marca, as como de otras marcas, un desempeo y prediccion inigualable, llego mucho antes de lo indicado

  69. Anonymous says:


    Trs bonne srie ces outils
    Je recommande fortement
    Pas besoin de chercher une prise, une rallonge….
    Et les batteries communes , excelle

  70. Anonymous says:


    Also ich bin wirklich bekeistern von diesem kleinem Teil!
    Ich nutze sie Hauptschlich fr Schalungsbretter und Gipskartonplatten. Das geht mit dieser kleinen Kreissge so schnell und Przise das ich mich frage warum ich mir das Teil nicht schon vorher besorgt habe.

  71. DanialKillough says:

     United Kingdom

    why didn’t I get one of these before brilliant, and it also fits on the rail of my rail saw even bette

  72. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAls Alternative zu meiner schnurgebundenen und sehr schweren Handkreissge habe ich mir fr die Verarbeitung von OSB und Siebdruckplatten diese Sge gekauft. Sie wird bei mir betrieben mit einem 4ah Akku. Das Standardsgeblatt reicht mir aktuell fr den Innenausbau aus. Fr feinere Arbeiten wrde ich mir ein anderes holen. Zunchst erstaunt ber die langsame Drehgeschwindigkeit des Sgeblattes ist die Leistung doch fr mich vollkommen ausreichend. Gre und Gewicht sind der grosse Vorteil. Ich baue derzeit um und schneide vorrangig 15mm OSB fr Holzstnderwnde zu. Hier ist sie top geeignet. Mehr als 20mm verarbeite ich damit nicht. Wenn man jedoch leicht verkantet, stoppt die Sge sofort. Hier macht sich die geringe Leistung gegenber einer strkeren Sge bemerkbar. Einziger Strpunkt ist die Beleuchtung, die zwar das innere Fhrungsfeld gut ausleuchtet, aber damit die vordere Fhrungsnase abschattet. Das spielt bei Tageslicht keine Rolle, aber in der Dmmerung muss man schon genau hinsehen. Deshalb der Stern Abzug. Ich wrde sie jedoch jederzeit wieder kaufen.

  73. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersAls Profi Zimmermann bekam ich natrlich Gelchter und seltsame Kommentare als ich sie dabei hatte. ( Spielzeug um sich die Fingerngel zu schneiden usw. ) Allerdings ist die kleine doch ganz praktisch wenn man kleine Querschnitte doch mal eben ablngen will/muss und nicht immer die richtige Sge umstellen mu. Fr die Gre ist man echt erstaunt wie tapfer das Dingelchen doch arbeitet.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIt struggles to cut 25mm floor boards but does do it. Just don’t expect it to replace a proper circular saw. Rotation speed and torque isn’t great either but I don’t think that’s the point. Where it does excel is fine adjustment cutting of facings, skirting, soft wood battens and flooring etc. in situ. It’s comfortable to use and not too loud. The led is pretty bright and being a Bosch, the build quality is excellent. It uses the standard 10.8/12 V Bosch batteries.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIt struggles to cut 25mm floor boards but does do it. Just don’t expect it to replace a proper circular saw. Rotation speed and torque isn’t great either but I don’t think that’s the point. Where it does excel is fine adjustment cutting of facings, skirting, soft wood battens and flooring etc. in situ. It’s comfortable to use and not too loud. The led is pretty bright and being a Bosch, the build quality is excellent. It uses the standard 10.8/12 V Bosch batteries.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a great bit of kit…. saved me hours of hard work. Runs like a dream and not to loud at all. Have no regrets or issues with this saw at all.

  77. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersCoole Minisge im Hosentaschenformat… Wenn dieses Ding neben meiner 85 steht, sieht das schon lustig aus….
    Serienmig mit Adapter fr die Boschschiene, und ABSAUGUNG… unglaublich.. Dieser Absauge Adapter fehlte bei meiner 85er, und da htte ich ihn wirklich gebraucht… Bei der Miniaturausgabe hingegen bisher nicht.
    Was soll ich sagen, sie sgt, ca bis 1 zoll Bretter (Buche etc. bei mir) vllig problemlos. Bei Gehrung logischerweise weniger dicke Bretter. Natrlich ist sie viel langsamer als eine richtige HKS.
    Aber sie sgt….und man kann sie (fast) in die Hosentasche stecken…
    Geile Erfindung!

  78. DelilahCaudle says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersDie Bosch GKS 12V-26 Professional ist eine tolle Ergnzung zur normalen HKS.
    Es gibt ausreichend Einsatzmglichkeiten wo man keine groe HKS braucht und die kleine 12V-Maschine kann richtig was.
    Wer eine kleine Handkreissge sucht oder braucht ist mit der Bosch GKS 12V-26 Professional bestens bedient.

    berigens sind bisherigen 10,8V-LI-Gerte nur umbenannt worden in 12V und die Akku’s, Gerte und Lader sind kompatibel zueinander.

  79. TimothyFrame says:

     United Kingdom

    I already had the drill so I had a battery – made this an obvious choice. No regrets – it’s small, and yes it does spin slowly. But it cuts quicker than my old Black and Decker and with far less fuss; and how often do you need a circular saw for anything thicker than 25mm? Connected to a vacuum there is almost no dust, and it’s pretty quiet. Not noticed any problems with battery life – though I’m not using it for serious professional use. A classy bit of precision made kit – like trading in a ’70s Capri for a Tesla. I imagine.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersReally lives up to expectations. Very efficient cutting, bearing in mind the limited depth. Perfect for cutting & lifting floor boards, and great for cutting new wood to size. Eats the batteries, but two supplied and charger is very fast, so you’re never stuck waiting for a battery to charge. Reasonably light, and thus easy to use, so much better than a corded normal size saw.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersReally lives up to expectations. Very efficient cutting, bearing in mind the limited depth. Perfect for cutting & lifting floor boards, and great for cutting new wood to size. Eats the batteries, but two supplied and charger is very fast, so you’re never stuck waiting for a battery to charge. Reasonably light, and thus easy to use, so much better than a corded normal size saw.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSuper little saw. Only used it to test it out at the moment, but it easily cut a floorboard and decking. Just remember it’s cordless so don’t expect the performance of a mains powered saw. As I already had the batteries so its cost effective. Very useful tool to have. Like it very much.

  83. siteboss says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 92 From Our UsersEin Wunderwerk der Technik

    Mega saubere Schnitte mit einem wie einem kleinen wie Spielzeug anmutendem Gert.
    Obwohl ich auch einige Stimmen las das das mitgelieferte und auch fertig montierte Sgeblatt unrund laufen wrde und das Makita Specialized Blatt noch sauberer schneiden wrde, mu ich sagen das das Werksblatt schon eine Wahnsinns Show abliefert! Luft rund und es franst nix aus. Mal sehen wie lange es hlt…

    Schnitte in 15mm OSB gehen schnell und durch wie Butter, htte ich so nicht erwartet.

    Bei schwcheren Akkus, welche in Schraubern noch problemlos laufen (Akkusymbol 2), streikt die Maschine allerdings schnell mal und zeigt dann das rote berlast Symbol an und schaltet ab.
    Ebenfalls ist die hrbare Drehzahl unterschiedlich ob nun ein vollgeladener 1,3Ah oder 2Ah oder 2,5Ah oder 4Ah Akku im Gert steckt. Grsserer Akku – schnellere Drehzahl.

    Kritik: Was mir fr meine doch recht krftigen Handwerkerhnde missfllt ist die Anordung der Betriebssperre. Man kann sie zwar von links oder recht bettigen/eindrcken aber die Position empfinde ich als unhandlich. Strt aber weiter nicht. Ausserdem ist die genaue Montage des Anschlages nicht mglich da beim anziehen/lsen der Schrauben die Schienen rein/rausgeschoben werden. Fr mich spielt dies zur Zeit keine Rolle da ich sie Freihand verwenden mchte. Ansonsten mu ich allerdings abraten wenn hiermit genau und oft mit Schienen gearbeitet werden soll. Eventuell lsst es sich beheben indem man andere Schrauben mit gelagerter/loser Spitze oder irgedwelchen Unterlegscheibchen verwendet.

    -Schn leise und trotzdem sauber und schnell

    -Sgemehl sehr fein, es entsteht aber keine unangenehme Staubwolke beim Betrieb.

    -Sehr stabile Ausfhrung und auch Verstellung des Winkels und der Eintauchtiefe

    -Zuverlssige Abschaltung beim verhaken. Dies passierte mir nur aber sehr oft wenn man das Gert als “Tauchsge” missbraucht. Gibt einen heftigen Ruck und dann ist sie aber auch aus bis man den Schalter lst und kurze Zeit spter erneut einschaltet.

    -Schalter schaltet nur ein/aus, Geschwindigkeit ist fix und nicht regelbar (ausser ber die Akkugre bzw den Ladezustand)

    TOP Teil!

  84. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIch habe die Handkreissge fr eine kleine Renovierung angeschafft, eine “groe” Handkreissge war mir hierfr zu sperrig wird aber sicher auch irgendwann folgen.

    Zweck der Erstanschaffung war das Sgen von Laminat, dafr ist die Sge natrlich fast schon zu viel des guten, aber der Raum in dem ich verlegt habe ist extrem verwinkelt, Treppe, Schornstein, mehrere Sttzbalken etc. Es waren sehr viele lange Schnitte notwendig, die ich nicht mit einer Stichsge machen wollte.
    Die Schnitte waren perfekt gerade auch ohne den Paralelanschlag, das mitgelieferte Sgeblatt fand ich auch sehr gut, auch wenn ich noch das Makita 24 Zhne mitbestellt habe bisher so zufrieden, dass ich es nicht gewechselt hatte.

    Es gibt 2 Mini Kritikpunkte, die ich zusammen um einen Stern abwerte:
    1) Die Schnittiefe drfte gerne 1-2 mm tiefer sein, fr eine Kchenarbeitsplatte wird es knapp nicht reichen. Das wusste ich natrlich beim Kauf, aber finde ich dennoch erwhnenswert, weil das dann zumindest fr meine Einsatzzwecke eine groe Kreissge sparen wrde.
    2) Ist der Motor sehr weit unten Platziert, mir ist es bei einem kurzen Folgeprojekt negativ aufgefallen, als ich mir einen Schnitt in einen Schrank machen wollte und hierfr ein Brett als Anschlag anbringen wollte. Musste dann auf ein sehr dnnes 3mm Brett ausweichen um nicht hngen zu bleiben. Hier wre etwas mehr Abstand sehr angenehm gewesen.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For small jobs this is amazing.
    Doesn’t quite give a perfect 90 angle but close enouth.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This isn’t available in the US (shame on Bosch) but it’s wonderfully ergonomic and the perfect size for both finish and (more importantly!) for model railroading projects. Thank goodness AmazonUK stocks it. Thanks Jeff Bezos!

  87. House Staff says:

     United Kingdom

    Quality product from european engineering designer, not available from U K. Great stuff available till 2017.

  88. TorstenErtel says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice little saw.
    Fairly powerful considering it is only 12V and mostly maneuverable
    thanks for fast shipping.

  89. What Hi-Fi? says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat little machine, light weight and easy to use. Batteries dont really last that long but theyre fast to charge. The carry case is massive in comparison to the contents.

  90. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAttention aux livreurs. J’ai trouv le colis ouvert pour regarder l’intrieur.
    Rien dire pour le dlai de livraison.
    La machine est conforme mon attente. C’est la batterie qui est un peu faible pourtant c’est une 4 Ah.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 27 From Our UsersI purchased this for use on the other side of the pond. Its a great bit of kit. (why do you guys say that, it sounds silly) The bare tool comes with a dust extractor attachment and a clever multi use edge guide that can also be used with my festool guide rails for use as a track saw. The saw has surprisingly slow blade speed, however the slow blade speed gives it the torque to plow through wood with my 12v batteries…. Er um the identical 10.8v for you guys…. I have no Idea why this tool is not available in the US and It should be. Bonus! it was super cheap for me due to your brexi

    Perfect for the other side of the pond

  92. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersDa ich schon einige 10,8V Akkugerte von Bosch Professional besitze, habe ich mich entschieden, meine kleine Sammlung hiermit etwas zu erweitern. Vor der ersten Benutzung war ich wegen dem geringen und regelrecht sanften Gerusch der Sge skeptisch bezglich der versprochenen Leistungsfhigkeit. Doch jetzt nach ein paar Einstzen mag ich das Gert keinesfalls mehr hergeben. Ob Sperrholzplatten, Rauhspund, OSB-Platten, Spanplatten oder massives Holz, alles wurde mit dem mitgelieferten Sgeblatt von Bosch zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit gesgt. Das strkste was ich bisher gesgt habe waren 25mm OSB-Platten und in 45 Grad Gehrung Vollholz-Vierkantpfosten um diese etwas auszuklinken, auch dies ohne Probleme.
    Es empfiehlt sich definitiv mehrere Akkus zum Wechseln zu haben, die 1,5 Ah-Akkus sind relativ schnell erschpft, mit den 2,0 Ah geht es etwas besser, ich denke ideal wre der groe 4 Ah.
    Aufgrund der maximalen Schnitttiefe von 26,5 mm ist dies Gert nicht fr gngige Kchenarbeitsplatten geeignet und natrlich auch kein Ersatz fr die 190er netzgebundene Kreissge des Zimmermanns. Das Werkzeug muss zum Anwendungsfall passen.
    Dennoch fr kleinere Arbeiten, Regal- und Mbelbau, Verlegung von Laminat und Raubspund, Vertfelungen oder hnliches absolut zu empfehlen.
    Mitgeliefert wird auch ein Adapter fr die meisten gngigen Fhrungsschienen-Systeme, empfohlen allerdings hauptschlich fr die Schienen von Bosch, Festool und Mafell. Der Adapter kann auch als Parallelanschlag verwendet werden.
    Schliesst man einen Staubsauger an, so kann man relativ staubarm arbeiten. Die kleine LED vor dem Sgeblatt hilft seine Markierstriche gut zu erkennen.

  93. FE Online says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis is a valuable addition to my tool collection. I have some cumbersome, heavy, circular saws that are simply overkill for cutting most sorts of board that I work with ( which are generally 15mm or less ), and a pain to carry around. This tool does the job well on the materials I’ve used ( chipboard, ply, MDF ). The blade is very thin with minimal kerf ( width of cut in practice is about 1.5mm ), and there is no riving knife, so the blade can bind if you don’t clamp/support the work adequately, but it’s not a big problem. There’s a dust collector adaptor which works better than some other saw dust collectors ( usual caveats about needing to convert a 19mm outlet to something bigger ). There’s a guide, which isn’t very good at all – it’s a plastic molding that only makes contact with the workpiece ahead of the blade, rather than ahead and behind. This makes it very easy to go off line, and the thin blade/no riving knife compounds the problem. I had to adapt the guide by gluing a block of wood to it to give the ‘behind’ support it needs. You can also use the guide with a rail, but I didn’t try that. Don’t trust the guide markings – mine seems to be about 0.5mm off. And there’s enough slack in the guide clamping arrangement to make a difference, so be careful to clamp it straight too. But apart from issues with the guide ( which lose it a star from me but some folk will never use ) it’s a great tool that makes some jobs quicker and much more comfortable.

  94. MilfordCamara says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersGood little saw with longer lasting batteries than the Makita – although that’s not saying a lot!
    Pros; Biggest plus for me was the fact it cuts Formica/laminate covered boards with no chipping.
    Good straight lines (mostly) – I use this instead of my jigsaw for small straight jobs.
    Cons; Battery life could be better – get two batteries
    The guide is not good, in fact I changed mine for one taken from an old circular saw.

    The picture shows a unit I made with all the custom sized drawer fronts cut from B&Q gloss white doors
    4 stars because of battery life.

    Fantastic for Formica

  95. Jelle de Bruin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI purchased mine through another website to ship to the USA. The saw blade was attached to the saw in a sort of eccentric fashion so remember to check it before using the first time.
    Very lightweight and versatile saw – used it to cut corners out of subfloor material. This is good for quick, short cuts as anything longer will use up the battery.
    I also have a Mafell (Bosch) track system but have yet to attach this saw to that track. Online videos indicate it will work. Nor have I hooked up the vacuum attachment to comment on that.
    The depth of cut on this limits it to basically plywood. If you need to rip thicker pieces, you would use a table saw. If you have to cross cut thicker pieces of wood, you would use a miter saw.

    Used this to cut some masonite (1/8″ thick) and it was mixed in the quality of the cut. I don’t think it spins fast enough for a clean, finished edge. I think this saw would be great to take with you to the hardware store to breakdown plywood to rough sizes in the parking lot, so that you could then transport the wood home.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersGreat saw. Definitely one of those things, which you try and then ask yourself “how could you survive without it”?
    Works like charm, slices through laminate or wood like a hot knife through the butter.

    The only drawback – it is on lithium batteries. Got mine with a increased 2.5 Ah capacity (two battery cells included). The saw depletes a battery cell in a few minutes of intense work, however, it takes about 30 minutes to recharge. Therefore, either one needs to buy additional cells and one more charger for a non-stop work, or get used to often brakes.

    Obviously, this tool IS NOT designed for all day professional heavy-duty work. Other than that – it is brilliant.

  97. TorstenValenti says:

     United Kingdom

    my husband loves it, far better than the Makita trim saw it replaced. it will even cut through floor boards, just take it easy and give it time as it is a little underpowered for this kind of work, but will do it. Get one

  98. NicoleDunckley says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersComme toujours, Service de Livraison, rapide et efficace. Achet sans accu, prix trs raisonnable.
    Produits Bosch de qualit, robuste, maniable, peu bruyant, lger, bonne prise en main. Sans fil, vive la libert.
    La protection de la lame est efficace, arrt/frein immdiat en cas d’efforts trop important.
    Utilis pour couper des tasseaux, panneaux OSB et MDF, AGLO. Le systme de profondeur de coupe et d’inclinaison est facile d’utilisation et efficace. Trs content de mon achat.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with the product, and quick delivery.Thank you.

  100. PrincesBivins says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersImpressed by its versatility. Easily cuts through floor boards and have used it to cut ply wood to complete a flooring project. Cutting depth a bit shallow but does the job well as long as its limitations are realised.