DMT WM8CX-WB Coarse/Extra-Coarse Duo Sharp Plus Bench Stone with Base, Grey, 8-Inch

The DMT Difference
Since 1976, DMT has been in business to do just one thing: make the world’s best diamond sharpeners. Product innovations such as our signature polka-dot interrupted surface, and others with our continuous surface of high-performance diamond, are praised worldwide for their superior quality.
From pocket-sized whetstones to heavy-duty bench stones, the difference arrives time and again through our undivided pursuit of sharpening excellence.
For DMT products, no oil or pressure must be used to sharpen the tool or knife.
Quality must be manufactured, not fabricated
Diamond Coverage differs widely from one manufacturer to the next. For long-lasting performance, DMT makes certain that each sharpening surface carries the most diamonds per square inch in the industry.
Diamond Uniformity is also key to sharpener performance. DMT uses a proprietary process that ensures near-perfect consistency in grit size. The result is a micronised monocrystalline diamond that covers evenly across the sharpening surface to prove effective with every use, year after year.
Beware of imitators!
Surface Flatness can mean the difference between a well-honed tool and one that is barely serviceable. Flat surfaces maintain consistent, even contact with the edge to produce a bevel that carries the same degree of sharpness from end to end. DMT sharpeners are engineered to be the flattest on the market, and built to outlast other products, which are variable in surface, and often warped, hollowed or grooved.
DMT Benefits
- The most diamonds per square inch in the industry
- Near-perfect consistency in grit size
- The DMT sharpener produces a clean, razor-sharp edge
- Best Surface Flatness
DMT – Applications
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Home and CulinaryDMT Diamond Sharpeners will quickly sharpen the hardest stainless steel kitchen cutlery while removing a minimum of material from the blade, unlike electric sharpeners. Whether you have a Chef’s knife, a Sashimi Knife, Ceramic knife or even a steep angled meat cleaver, DMT kitchen knife sharpeners can do it all. | Gardening and LandscapingHone pruners, knives, loppers, edgers, axes, shears – even lawnmower blades. DMT sharpeners enable gardeners of all skill levels to keep all of their gardening and landscaping tools in top condition. With a sharp edge, garden and landscaping tools produce smooth, clean cuts that are better for plants. | Outdoor Sports and TacticalOutdoor Enthusiasts worldwide prefer the award winning DMT products to care for their edges. They withstand harsh environments and sharpen all kinds of knives, tools and edged equipment that hunters, hikers, rock climbers, adventurers, campers and sportsman rely on to survive and enjoy the outdoors. | WoodworkingSharp tools make every job easier. Unleash your creativity with woodworking tool sharpeners and chisel sharpeners that work with you, not against you. Our woodworking tool sharpeners are valued by woodworkers who want effective, precise sharpening for all of their tools. |
DMT – Product line
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DuoSharp and Dia-SharpThe first rule of shop maintenance is sharpen your tools. DMT Diamond Whetstones, DuoSharp Bench Stones and Dia-Sharp Bench Stones, are renowned by woodworkers and others for their remarkable sharpening speed, precision flatness and ease of use. | Diafold and Mini-SharpThe lightweight DMT Diafold and Mini-Sharp sharpeners are easy to use. The compact models are ideal for on the way. During transport, the handle is used as a protective cover for the diamond surfaces. | Guided SharpeningThe DMT grinding systems enable a professional edge care, regardless of the manual skill. Both novice and professional will enjoy precise, professional, consistent sharpening results. | Diamond SteelDMT Diamond Steel Sharpeners combine high performance diamond and ceramic sharpening surfaces with the realigning and convenience of traditional steels for sharper results! DMT sharpening steels truly sharpen- not just hone. |
Weight: | 567 g |
Size: | 8-Inch |
Dimensions: | 33.66 x 33.66 x 29.21 cm; 566.99 Grams |
Model: | WM8CX-WB |
Colour: | Grey |
Manufacture: | Acme United Corporation |
Colour: | Grey |
Size: | 8-Inch |
Works great to sharpen my chisels and blades for my hand planes… I’m going to purchase the coarse one nex
The product showed up just fine but when I started to put the eighth traction grip rubber legs on it was missing one !
Its supposed to have two for each corner , and it will hopefully work ok with only one traction leg in one corner !!!!!
BUTTT !!!! come on guys !!!!!!
I bought these to sharpen hand planes, chisels and a card scrapper. I messed up one of my water stones because the card scrapper just cut right into it. Not a problem with the diamond stones.
This is an outstanding sharpener. I really like the sturdy design. The size is perfect for sharpening knives. I am using it for kitchen knives, wood chisels, and fish hooks.
The platform is absolutely flat so the blades I am sharpening are also true.
P.S. – Yes, after sharpening a few blades on these, it does start to feel like it is not cutting as well. That is true, but completely expected. When you get these new, the diamonds have very sharp edges that will wear down after a few sharpenings. They wear down to a much more uniform and less aggressive surface. It will feel like it is not sharpening the blade but I promise you it is. If you look closely after, you will notice that the bevel of the blade is actually much keener after this happens. I have not noticed the diamonds wear any more after that.
This sharping system works great, I keep it on a counter in my kitchen and use it to sharpen kitchen knives when they need it. Takes less than a minute to put an edge back onto any knife. Yes, you need to get the sharpening angle right but that doesn’t take to long to learn. Great product!!!
Es ist eine tolle Hilfe fr meine Messer ” mit denen ich zum Brocken reiten konnte “. Jetzt sind sie wieder richtig scharf und wieder einsatzfhig.
Very easy to flip sides. Identification of grit could be a little bigger, but works okay. Sturdy, non slip.
Es buena para acentar el filo el tamao es ideal.para cuchilla de cepillo yo la compre en oferta as qu me sali muy buena por el precio la recomiendo
klasse teil. Lieferung ging sehr schnell und die Handhabung ist kinderleicht. Vorsicht, Messer werden sehr scharf, aber das ist ja der sinn.
Love this unit. Easy to use, my knives are sharp as razors..!
Der Diamantschleifer (eine Kunststoffplatte mit Aluminiumseiten, die diamantbeschichtet sind) selbst ist von recht guter Qualitt, die Schleifflchen (grob und fein) sind sehr homogen, das “Schleifgefhl” ist ber die gesamte Flche gleichbleibend, man merkt kein “Hakeln” oder “Rutschen”. ber Nasen der Kunststoffplatte lsst sich diese unter die Nasen bergreifende Halterungen der Basis schieben, wobei diese Halterungen dann ihrerseits mit Schnappverbindungen in die Basis einrasten. Das ist etwas filigran geraten und auch nicht optimal ausgefhrt, funktioniert jedoch. Hier scheint mir aber so eine Art sollbruchstelle zu sein.
Was mit sehr gut gefllt ist die eingngige Farbcodierung mittels Farbpunkten, die die momentan aktuelle Schleifkrnung anzeigt und durch einen kleineren Farbpunkt darin die Krnung der gegenberliegenden und daher ja gerade nicht sichtbaren Seite.
Alles in allem ziemlich gut und brauchbar, wenn auch nicht gerade billig.
Love this sharpener. My kitchen knives are always sharp now. I gave two as gifts this past Christmas.
anyone who has attempted to cut a mortise or tenon in timber framing knows how important a sharp chisel or slick is. and if you are doing it for someone else (for wages) even more so. This product delivers!
The “stone” is nice. I have the coarse 325 and fine 600 combo. The plastic base is cheap. Better than nothing … but not by much.
Heute kam der 8″ DuoSharp an (blaue und rote Seite).
Ausgepackt und direkt losgelegt.
Ich muss sagen: so schnell hab ich noch nie ein Messer scharf bekommen. Fr den Hausgebrauch reicht mir sogar das Finish auf der roten Seite.
Meine Nasschleifmaschine hat wohl ausgedient.
Vorsicht mit Euren Fingern!
Und Nein, ich bin nicht gesponsert von wem auch immer.
Product was pretty good, until it peeled very slightly from one of the holes. it was very slight, less than one of the circles on the plate. DMT, help me replace this quickly, and thus greatly appreciated, the plates were very good for restoring several chisels & plane irons. the blue side cut pretty well then red side to hone and sharpen it.
The red side is pretty good and could get the blades sharp enough to cut hair off your arm.
I think though if you want to get things even sharper, its better to also get the next very fine as well. I plan on making that a purchase later since i’ve had pretty good results so far.
Mu noch ein bisschen lernen. Mache schnelle Fortschritte. Sau gut.
This is the best in class, easy to use sharpening product. I am so glad my cousin recommended and I bought this instead of the honing stones. I put myself in the ‘advanced skills’ category and there is nothing worse than cooking with a dull knife.
The product came in time in reasonable packaging. I recommend this to everyone.
Product is rescuing cutlery that had long since lost its edge
Fr den “Selbstschrfer” unverzichtbar, wenn Material abgetragen werden muss. Erstklassige Funktion. Nahezu tglich iim Einsatz.
Das schrfen geht sehr leicht von der Hand.
Man bekommt unheimlich schnell und leicht eine sehr gute gebrauchsschfe hin, selbst bei sehr stumpfen Messern,
die quasi garkeine Schneide mehr besitzen.
Ich konnte damit prima alle meine Kchenmesser hervorragend schrfen. Bin gespannt wie hufig man den Vorgang wiederholen werden muss jetzt da man sich an schn scharfe Messer gewhnt hat. Top Lieferant Schmiedeglut.
Der Schleifstein wurde pnktlich geliefert und hlt das, was er verspricht! Im Video wurde fr den normalen Haushalt die Krnung grob und fein empfohlen! Absolut richtig! Klar sind 100 nicht billig aber in diesem Fall im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes preiswert!
Super Teil. Kein Vergleich zu Schleifsteinen. Dann noch bers Leder abziehen und Sie knnen sich rasieren.
I bought this stone to true up my chisels and plane irons. I already had another one of these in different grits. Now that I’ve got a set that goes from coarse to ultra fine my sharpening gets done quickly. And the stand works well and it’s quick and easy to swap out stones.
Ich habe ja den DMT Duo fein/extrafein. Auf der feinen Seite waren zwei kleine Lcher. Das war meine Frage ob Mangel oder Produktbedingt. Es ist Produktbedingt, also wegen dem nicht zurckschicken. Ich lade ein Bild hierzu hoch.
Ich habe japanische Schleifsteine fr Global Messer und auch andere bis zu 18.000 er Schleifgrad. Ist halt immer eine Sauerei und fhrt an manchen Nachmittagen bei doch nicht unerheblicher Anzahl zu mediativem Schleifaktionen.
Habe auch ne elektrische Maschine. Aber der Diamantschleifstein funktioniert sehr gut wenn die Messer nicht gerade ganz stumpf sind. Sonst sollte man schon mal mit 240er nass anfangen….. Ergebnis ist schon fr mich sehr zufriedenstellend. Man(n) kann ja nie genug so Spielereien haben.
Klar, man sollte schon mit Stein schleifen knnen, aber das kann jeder lernen. Geht flux. Also Kauftipp. Japaner ziehen die Messer auch oft an einem Baumwolltuch ab. Also Mutters altes Bettlaken lngs einen Streifen abschneiden, mit einem Fu unten draufstehen, oben halten und dann Messer abziehen. Dazu gibts auch auf youtube von Global eine Anleitung. Geht schnell – besser natrlich Abziehleder mit Diamantpaste. Aber immer Zeit und Ergebnis gegenber stellen. Vielleicht hole ich mir noch den sehr sehr fein, aber man sollte ja die Kirche irgendwann auch mal im Dorf lassen.
Nochmals: die zwei Lchle sollen normal sein. Dann mal los.
Hoffe, das konnte helfe
Super Schrfergebnis. Meine Erwartungen wurden erfllt. Man braucht aber etwas Geduld beim Schleifen von Messern
die kaum noch schneiden. Ist nicht in 5 Minute gemacht. Ich brauche noch ein wenig bung. Sehr zu empfehlen ist das
Video von Schmiedeglut zum Schrfen von Messern mit dem DMT Duo Sharp. Tolle Anleitung.
Werde mir wohl irgendwann noch die Krnung sehr fein und super fein anschaffen.
Ein wenig vorsichtig muss man beim Schleifwinkel sein, damit man das Messer nicht zerkratzt.
Great sharpener and easy to use knives never been bette
Product is as expected, but I got it real fas
Habe den Schleifbock heute erhalten, ausprobiert und bin begeistert, ich hoffe das bleibt so !!
Ich bin voll zufrieden mit dem Schleifergebnis – schnelle Schleifergebnisse – einfache Handhabung.
Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Worked how I hoped it would. Fine grit was suitable for kitchen knives Will probably order extra fine for back packing knife.
I have resharpened all of my knives and scissors. They all work better than new. This tool saved me a lot of money.
Buy diamonds and be done with it. No leveling needed, get the fine/xfine, and the coarse/xcoarse, and you are good… a little leather stroping afterwards works wonders. DMT cust service is grea
great UPDATE== got this back in 2016 and it still works well.
Perfect for the initial sharpening required of large, timber frame chisels.
Ein Absolutes Spitzenprodukt!
Das schrfen der Messer ist ohne viel Aufwand schnell erledig, und lsst sich leicht mit Wasser reinigen.
Calidad excepcional, al mantenerse siempre “plano” asegura un filo parejo en las cuchillas de garlopas y en los formones, para el acabado final es mejor utilizar una piedra.
Very happy with this sharpener. I use the coarse side to flatten my whet stones, the Japanese man made ones anyway. Flat, and fast cutting as advertised. Also I like the continuous strip at the bottom, use it for points and small tools.
Great tool. The stand works well. Just hope it lasts as long as the manufacturer claims.
I like it although I think the grits I wanted were extra coarse and extra fine.
Los microdiamantes monocristalinos son ms corrosivos que las piedras naturales y su grano no es tan grueso. Inclusive usan otra unidad de medidas. La cara con el punto rojo es considerada “fino” en DMT y equivalente a un grano 600 o mediano en piedras naturales o artificiales.
El afilado es ms rpido y no rayan tanto.
Para granos de 1000 en adelante yo prefiero piedras artificiales japonesas.
Viene con una tabla de los calibres recomendados para afilar desde herramientas de jardinera hasta cocina.
La base es muy amplia y slida. Hay una gran cantidad de videos en youtube que contienen varias tcnicas para usar los “DMT diamond whetstones”.
Use this to keep a ice edge on nice knives without making your knive a tooth pick
It works. I think I will supplement with an extra fine stone too. The base is sturdy and holds the stone securely.
Great sharpening tool. Never have to worry about not being flat, never have to tru it up, and is fast cutting. Excellent for all hss tools
Awesome as advertised works great. Watch for rust keep it dry and away from soap
This made me realize that what I thought was sharp was not sharp. I use this to sharpen chisels and plane blades. The results are fantastic. I finish with a leather strap and get razor sharp edges.
It’s wide and long and feels of good quality. Sharpens fast. The stand works pretty good. It holds the sharpener tight. It moves a little as you sharpen. I would recommend this diamond sharpener.
I reshaped the bevels, sharpened, and stropped 2 hatchets to a shaving sharp edge in less than 30 minutes. Kitchen knives only required a few strokes on the fine side.
I am a wood and stone carver and it has helped me a lot to get the razor sharp edge that I need. The holder is plastic, but seems to work fine.
This diamond bench stone has immediately replaced my older and far more troublesome Japanese water stones. The water stones require a lot of fluid to use, break very easily, need to be re-flattened with extensive use and are generally sort of a mess. The 8000 grit waterstone gives a better finish than this stone but it’s really soft and easy to gouge. Overall, this DMT diamond stone wins the contest for performance, durability, ease of use and overall utility
alleine mit Ihm schon eine sehr gut brauchbare Schrfe hin.
Sehr gut auch das er sich nicht hohl schleift.
Wrde ich immer wieder kaufen und kann ihn Empfehlen.
I purchased the DMT WM8EF-WB 8-Inch DuoSharp Plus Bench Stone – Extra Fine/Fine With Base for many reasons. First of all, DMT is an excellent company that produces high quality diamond products. Second, it is dual sided so you get two stones for the price of one. Third, it was a great price. The only thing that might be of concern to some is when you push the end tabs of the holder down to “lock” the stone in place it bends the stone up in the center SLIGHTLY. I have used it with the stand WITHOUT locking it down and have no problem doing that. For that reason I give it only four stars. The stone by itself, five stars all the way.
I use this stone for sharpening large kitchen knives and also wood chisels and plane irons. I am very happy to have this in my collection.
This sharpener is awesome. You can get a razor sharp edge much faster than with regular wet stones or oil stones. It is very good for maintaining an already sharp edge.
Excellent product very fast sharpening, I bought Fine & Extra Fine and it was the right choice. I will get rid of my stones and never miss them.
This sharpener is awesome, heavy duty, fast cutting, cleans easy I’m going to order the corse plate too. I’m happy with i
I bought this with a course/medium stone. You have to be a bit careful with the coarse stones, they’ll chew metal away faster than you think.
That said, it’s a very fast, and with steady hands and a bit of practice easy, way to fix or set an edge. I used it on one of my older kitchen knives; much faster for fixing an edge than my water stones, though I still used the water stones once the edge was set to get an almost mirror-smooth edge.
I would probably get a 6″ one, knowing what I do now. The 8″ works fine, but can be a bit unweildy and the extra space isn’t really useful for even my 7″ chef’s knife.
Practice on a very old, dull knife. After a few tries, using these stones knife will be very sharp and ready to use. Good quality, good price. Will pay for itself within a year’s use.
Es handelt sich um ca. Angaben, manche Krnungen gibt es so nicht genormt aber die Zahl zeigt wo sie ungefhr liegen.
grob=45Mikron/ 325Mesh/ P320/ F235/ J360
fein=25Mikron /600Mesh/ P600/ F340/ J650
extra fein=9Mikron/ 1200Mesh/ P2500/ F700/ J2000
Ich habe jetzt schon einiges an Schrfzubehr (Tormek, Bandschleifer, Lansky, verschiedene Steine etc.) ausprobiert und muss sagen dieser DMT begeistert mich enorm.
Primr habe ich ihn in Fein/Extra Fein gekauft um meine Zwilling Cermax Kochmessersammlung mit ca. 66 HRC (z.B. Zwilling Twin Cermax Kochmesser, 200 mm (Pulverstahl, Micarta, genietet) schwarz mal eben schnell in der Kche nach zu schrfen und das funktioniert wie geschmiert.
Hrt sich allerdings nicht so an!!! 🙂
Das einzig negative was ich beim DMT gefunden habe, ist das kratzende Schleifgerusch welches er verursacht.
Aber nun zum schleifen:
Messer stumpf (schneidet nicht mal mehr den Kchenschwamm)
-> DMT auspacken, Schluck Wasser drauf, das Teil steht dank der Gummife die anfangs etwas chinesisch riechen bombenfest
-> 5x drber ziehen pro Messerseite Krnung Fein = 10 Zge
-> DMT Platte mit 2 Handgriffen umdrehen
-> 5x drber ziehen pro Messerseite Krnung Extra Fein = 10 Zge
-> 5x pro Seite Abziehen auf dem Lederriemen mit Polierpaste = 10 Zge
Messer rasiert innerhalb von 5 Minuten.
Der DMT erhlt meine absolute Empfehlung. Schnell, einfach, sicher.
Mikroausbrche lassen sich mhelos rausschleifen.
Fr grobe Kerben sollte dann aber schon was anderes her. z.B. der DMT in Grob oder halt schnell und einfach der Bandschleifer 🙂
Dank der enormen Gre von 152 x 67 mm auch fr groe Kchenmesser geeignet.
Be careful not to over-use this. It’s a workhorse, it’s aggressive, and it will remove material quickly.
All our knives are super sharp now!!! Easy to use and will last a lifetime!
The Blue course / Red fine are really more like a medium and a medium fine. If I could have gone back I would have tried to get a Black (extra course) and Red (fine).
The base works well and will stick to a table even if the table is covered in water from sharpening. (push the base into the ta+ble and move it around a bit. This particular stone with the holes in between the diamond impregnated steel is better for larger knives, and is not quite as good for chisels on a honing guide. The continuous diamond zone can be good for finish chisels but is harder to fully sharpen them quickly.
After buying my first DMT stone, I bought 3 more and a portable one, and never went back to india stones or aluminum oxide, etc.
This stone is so great! Perfect size and high quality. What a pleasure to use. I am very happy I bought it! Dont think about it just get one, you wont regret it!
Have used it for more then a year and the stone still works great DMT puts out some great products. I will buy again.
As advertised. Fine ranking is a little more course than I’m used to but its a quality product. DMT WM8FC-WB 8-Inch DuoSharp Plus Bench Stone – Fine/Coarse with Base
Just fantastic! I have about a dozen knives to keep sharp in the restaurant, all different sizes, weights, and grades of steel. With this I can get to them all once or twice a week to keep them in good shape. Not quite razor sharp but certainly a good edge for what we need. With a little extra time I’ve managed to bring a couple of the knives to a very keen edge. What I like best about this is how easy it is to use. Splash a little water on in, sit down with a knife and in 3 to 5 minutes I’ve got a good edge again. I bought an angle guide to use with it but after some practice I’ve found it’s not that hard to keep a consistent angle freehand, so never use the guide ( which didn’t really work that well with the longer knives )
After doing some research it’s obvious to me why they charge more then others. I highly recommend this product. Will do a great job on your knives, it did on mine.
I have only sharpened two chisels a plane blade and the diamond surface works great. Flipping the stone is easy but it seems to me there could be an even easier way to do this with spring tension. Time will tell on how long the plastic retainers last that hold the stone. The rubber feet slipped some on my bench but not a lot. I also bought the coarse and extra coarse stone to have a complete set.
The only warning I’d give is that the “coarse” side is slow at removing a large amount of material. So reworking an entire face (like I had to do with the chisels and plane iron) will take some time and elbow grease. But it’s a good workout.
it was easy to use and I got sharp knives now
The device came on time and in good shape. Very good for sharpening knives and other cutting tools.
Works as described and it’s easy to catch the hang of. Restore your blades to surgical sharpness. I have all of them now starting with coarser one and graduating to extra fine. Made in the USA and I recommend it.
The base is a smart, efficient design and it securely holds the diamond stones in place. The rubber feet keep the base from moving and 8″ surface is ideal for large kitchen knives. Ever since I showed the wife how to maintain the edges, I haven’t needed to use the coarse side of the stones for a while. Properly maintaining your knives is crucial.
I have had friends that brought me completely dull knives and had to use the coarse side to help hone the edge profile quicker before I went to the finer grits.
Spraying the diamond stones with a little water provided me with better results and also helps me keep the surface clean.
Overall, I’m very happy with this set and I get quick, reliable results every time. Sharp knife = happy wife.
This sharpener works great – very happy with the performance.
Very handy kitchen tool to keep my knifes nice and sharp.
Und bisher bin ich sehr zufrieden mit diesem Schrfstein (eigentlich sind es ja zwei wegen der unterschiedlichen Krnungen auf jeder Seite).
Mit meinen Wassersteinen hatte ich immer das Problem, dass diese sich mehr oder weniger schnell “rundschleifen” und es damit eher unmglich war, eine ordentlich gerade Schneide zu schrfen. Das mag beim “Kchenwerkzeug” nicht ganz so problematisch sein, aber bei Hobelklingen fr die Holzbearbeitung mu alles ordentlich plan sein. Also habe ich meine Wassersteine stndig neu abgerichtet, was mit der Zeit nervttend sein kann und auch zeitraubend ist.
Der DMT ist auch nach mehreren Monaten teils intensiver Nutzung immer noch schn plan und der Materialabtrag ist recht ordentlich (bei den ersten Malen der Nutzung war er aber noch hher, was aber auch so beschrieben war).
Ich habe mir mittlerweile noch einen zweiten DMT in grob/extra grob (coarse/extra coarse) zugelegt, da der hier rezensierte fein/extra fein(e) Schrfstein wirklich nur fr die Herstellung einer richtigen Schrfe vorgesehen/geeignet ist. Das Herausschleifen kleiner Macken oder Scharten aus der Schneide eines Messers oder Hobels dauert damit natrlich viel zu lange und geht dann bestimmt auch auf die Haltbarkeit des Steines.
Zusammenfassend bin ich also sehr zufrieden mit dem DMT und wrde ihn nicht nur wieder kaufen, sondern habe es bereits (in anderer Krnung) getan.
Update vom 04.01.2018 und ein Punkt Abzug:
Ich bin mittlerweile bei 3 DMT’s mit insgesamt 5 verschiedenen Krnungen (2 Duos und ein einseitiger) angelangt und jetzt wieder auf Wassersteine umgestiegen. Da habe ich mir allerdings einige neue mit extra harter Bindung zugelegt, die sich nur sehr langsam “rundschleifen” und deshalb nur sehr selten abgerichtet werden mssen.
Der Grund fr den Wechsel ist die nachlassende Schleifwirkung des DMT, die dann natrlich auch nicht wiederhergestellt werden kann.
Ein Wasserstein ist immer wie neu, weil whrend des Schleifens stndig neue Schleifpartikel freigelegt werden.
Klar ist der DMT mit Diamanten bestckt, aber gerade bei hufiger Anwendung (nicht nur alle paar Monate mal in der Kche, sondern fast wchentlich in der Werkstatt und dann meist an mehreren Hobelmessern und Stechbeiteln) lsst die Schleifwirkung MERKLICH nach. Auerdem ist man angewiesen, mehrere Steine in unterschiedlichen Krnungen vorzuhalten, was dann bei dem Preis richtig ungnstig wird. Natrlich kann man eine kleine Scharte im Werkzeug auch mit einem feineren Stein ausschleifen, aber dann nutzt man dessen Schleifpartikel noch schneller ab, also lieber einen Grberen dafr benutzen. Habe zum Teil mit relativ grobem Endlosschleifpapier vorgearbeitet, um die DMT’s zu schonen. Mein “fein/extra fein” ist mittlerweile so abgenutzt, dass er eigentlich nur noch zum Polieren reicht.
Im direkten Vergleich sind zwei gute Wassersteine (weil ein DuoSharp-Stein ja auch zwei unterschiedliche Krnungen aufweist) vielleicht vergleichbar teuer, aber sie halten auf jeden Fall lnger durch! Man muss nur darauf achten, welche mit harter Bindung zu kaufen, die sich nicht so schnell ausschleifen.
Very good diamond sharpener. Larger size helps with bigger knives
I highly recommend buying this set-up, in addition to a DMT course stone. With those 3 grits, and a honing strop, you’ll easily equal a 10k+ waterstone produced edge and spend a lot less time re-setting bevels, or removing large imperfections.
This product is excellent. By following the directions all my knives are super-sharp now. The large surface area is perfect for my longer knives.
With the four DMT stones Extra Course/Course/Fine/Extra Fine, I was able to restore a #6 Siegler Plane I picked up at the Flea market for $10. I’ve never restored a plane before, and the blade on this one was chipped pretty bad. After about 30 minutes working through the stones with a honing guide, I just got my first full width shaving on the first plane I ever owned. Love these stones!!! (Now time to see what they can do for chisels.)
Great for my plane blades and chisels. In conjunction with green buffing compound, it leaves my blades very sharp. For the price it is a really good purchase
Fantastic sharpening stone from a well known company in the industry.. Excellent tool and a must have for anyone who sharpens their own knives
Having used Arkansas and Japanese water stones for years, I was very pleased at just how fast and easy this diamond stone works. In additions, there’s very little cleanup or mess. I would highly recommend you try this product.
Awesome diamond sharpening system. Little pricey, but does an awesome job.
What a great tool! I use this on my plane irons, chisels, and kitchen knives and have nothing but love for it. Unless your blades are damaged (big chips or nicks) or you want to reset the angle of a bevel on your plane iron, this is probably the only sharpening tool you’ll need. I have a set of Norton waterstones that I’ve been using for a little over a year but they have worn down very quickly and get out of square easily even with diligent use of a flattening stone. I needed something else for my woodworking tools.
The DMT DuoSharp is very, very quick–no mess, easy to use. I used to take my blades over to the Norton waterstone 8000 grit to put a final finish on them after using the DuoSharp, but honestly, now I just strop my blades after using the Green “very fine” side of the DMT stone. Your blades come out razor sharp in two minutes or less if you know what you’re doing.
Get this for sharpening, you won’t be sorry!
I use this diamond stone in my business, works great….I recommend this to all my clients.
Kirk W.
I bought this to sharpen my kitchen knives. I have Global knives they are professional knives but they dull quickly, I love to cook and I like my knives to be sharp with this I will keep my knives sharp and ready to go. Highly recommended.
The bench stone is well built and easy to work with. I like the fact that this product gives me a “stone” that is much wider than the typical stone.
Received two times a coarse + fine, labeled as fine+extra fine, but i’m tired of shipping back, so i kept it. Great quality though!
Wow, what a time saver. Quickly restores any neglected blade. Bench is great and I have experienced zero slippage. 8in stone seems the perfect size for the most utility and accommodates the majority of blade lengths with ease.
Bought these after returning the DMT continuous diamond stone that I purchased earlier. Very happy with this product. Glad I gave DMT a second chance. **No rust on the stone the day after like the continuous stone I bought!**