DualSense Midnight Black Wireless Controlle

Dimensions: | 19.9 x 7 x 19 cm; 427 Grams |
Model: | 198264 |
Batteries Included: | 2 Lithium ion batteries required. (included) |
Origin: | China |
Dimensions: | 19.9 x 7 x 19 cm; 427 Grams |
Model: | 198264 |
Batteries Included: | 2 Lithium ion batteries required. (included) |
Origin: | China |
Ovviamente un joypad di buona qualit che ha un costo non indifferente ma ripagato dalla qualit costruttiva.
Angenehme Haptik und unter Windows 10 bisher keine Probleme mit der Verbindung und Kopplung.
Einen Unterschied zum weien Controller hab ich nicht festellen knnen, kann natrlich sein das hier Kinderkrankheiten von 1.gen controller (der weie) behoben wurden aber das wei ich nicht.
In erster linie kauft man hier den ps5 controller in der farbe schwarz. Also ein rein optischer Unterschied.
Gorgeous and very comfortable – a step up hardware wise on the DS4.
Game pad driver support in Windows 10 (Jan 2022) is not quite perfect.
(XInput vs DirectInput vs native)
Windows 10 gamepad testing as ‘Wireless controller’ – Very good
gamepad-tester website – recognised as Wireless Controller (STANDARD GAMEPAD Vendor: 054c Product: 0ce6)
DSWindows not enabled so missing some of its extra features like keyboard/mouse remapping and controller deadband/calibration settings.
Sony Playstation Now on PC not (yet) recognised/supported
Bestens verarbeitet und zum Glck nicht mehr so klein wie die frheren Controlle
Ist tatschlich um Welten besser als der von der PS4, gefllt mir richtig gut. Von der Haptik und der Spielerlebnis sehr gut. Auch das eingebaute Mikrofon erlaubt das Spielen mit normalen Kopfhrern mit Freunden. Klare Kauf Empfehlung.
Arrivato in un giorno. Prodotto perfetto, anche la confezione esterna.
The most impressive thing about the new PlayStation controller is just how lag-free it is for a wireless controller. It’s weighty, but not heavy in the hand and feels a lot more precise than previous Dualsense controllers. Astro’s playroom really shows off what a game changer the haptic feedback is, but since there’s not a lot of games that fully take advantage of this feature it might be better turning it off to save battery.
Bought this controller as a spare for charging purposes, but I use the black one more as it looks bette
I love this ps5 controller best one sony has made so far. Very comfy fit in your hands. Feeling is while gameplay 5/5. Battery life about 6-8 I have had the white one and if your a clean person this colour doesn’t get dirty fast. I like my controllers clean.
Ich liebe dir ps5 Controller liegen gut in der Hand und macht einfach Spa
I’m loving the black pad. Looks a lot better than the white ones well worth buying
Keine Technischen Probleme mit dem Controller gehabt wie z.b Stickdrift. Die Farbe Schwarz sieht sehr gut. Wird auch mit den kommenden Sideplate in schwarz fr die PS5 sehr gut und harmonisch aussehen.
I have to give 5 stars for this product even though I don’t agree with their high prices for the controller. What else can I say it’s a PS5 Sony product.
Arrivato in anticipo…perfetta la confezione e il joypad. Usato dal primo minuto si sente la qualita del prodotto!
Controller works smoothly and is far more responsive than the original PlayStation 5 Controller.
The colour is beautiful and it weighs a great weight, which makes it easy to hold and play games with.
Lights are pretty on this controller as it is black.
The controller lasts for 6 or 7 hours, the buttons are very responsive, it’s got a bit more weight to it than the ps4 controller, the material used feels better, doesn’t feel cheap. And the black with the blue light is dope.
Definitely would recommend
Che dire, un bellissimo pad nero rispetto a quello bianco. Comprato in sconto come secondo pad a quello originale
Well folks, it’s a PS5 controller.
It does just that and it does it fine.
I’m a PC player, so I got it for my PC and it works, so I’m happy with my purchase.
Ich wollte als 2. Controller noch den Schwarzen. Hier hebt sich Sony klar vom Mitbewerb ab, mir gefllt das Force Feedback sehr. Diese Funktion wertet ein Spiel schon sehr auf.
Der Controller fhlt sich super in den Hnden. Hervorragende neue Features wie Haptik Feedback, Mute Knopf, USB-C, Robustheit, Grip auf der Rckseite und ein eingebautes Mikrofon.
Schner Controller.
Sieht gut aus, liegt gut in der Hand und…
wird gleich in die Schreibtischschublade verbannt!
Gibt ja keine Playstation 5 dazu zu kaufen.
I love an Easter egg where at the back there’s PlayStation symbols at the grips if you look very closely. And I hate nothing about the product it’s just great. Best controller ever . Also the shooting feedback in your index finger is amazing.
Really happy with the Black DualSense controller for the PS5. The black is really nice and it has a very nice feel to it.
The buttons on this feels a lot better and feels like an upgrade to the original controllers that come packaged with the console.
E’ stato un regalo, non si lamentato a distanza di tempo, quindi direi bene
Der schwarze Kontroller gefllt mir besser wie der weie Kontroller.
Very nice controller that I’m even thinking about buying another one
Looks sexy in black. Easily the best controller I’ve ever owned. Buy it.
Does what it’s supposed to feel nice an smooth when Being used
You’ll need to complete lift your finger of off them so you dont accidentally touch and press them because they are very sensitive, when playing fifa if you accidentally press l2 trigger you player wont sprint or will do unnecessary flair shot or pass, it would have been much better it the triggers were the same as l1 r1 buttons, hatic feedback is just a waste of time, and microphone included on the controller is useless for anything besides writings messages, when you are in a chat call you cant use it because it picks up literally every press of a button you make, if you are streaming also forget i
“Ja hoor, super!” waren de woorden van mijn vriend toen ik vroeg of het bevalt.
Voor zijn doen is dat zeer positief!
Je n’ai pas de PS5 mais je l’utilise en bluetooth sur PC, elle fonctionne trs bien, trs sensible en comparaison de mes 2 manettes Xbox 360 que j’utilise toujours aussi sur PC.
Elle est plus lourde que les manettes Xbox 360 mais c’est agrable.
Le seul truc que je n’ai pas russi faire marcher en bluetooth pour le moment c’est les moteurs pour la vibration de cette manette PS5. Si quelqu’un c’est comment les faire fonctionner je suis preneur de l’information.
Needed the matte black controller to go with my dbrand dark plates,and they look beautiful together Thanx agai
I like the look of it and it works great!
Colour looks great and works perfectly . Only issue I have is it did have a little scratch mark on the touch pad so unsure if these are refurbishments
Arrived quickly, was cheaper than stores and it’s in black; what’s not to like? It seems that Sony have fixed the stick drift and weak springs on this newer model.
Though the PS5 represents a “step up” in graphics / RT etc – for me it is the controller that is the key advance.
The resistent triggers is such a simple yet a big improvement in immersive gameplay.
Also, black with blue LED lights, definately the best colour option.
Als Besitzer einer PS4 habe ich die schwarze sthetik schon sehr vermisst.
Mit der schwarzen Version des Controllers bringt Sony diese wieder zurck. Ansonsten bleibt es der bekannte Dualsense Controller der die PS5 gut in Szene setzt.
The black controlller feels slightly different to the white controller, it feels slightly less smooth with more of a matte finish. Overall nice controller and goes well with the standard white controller to match the console.
Controller is better than the one the PS5 comes with
Always good to have a second controller, also dunno why ps went white because black is always dope
Do I need to say more? Its one pretty controller!
These PS5 controllers are way better than the PS4 controller and can also be used with the PC wired or wifi an upgrade and a half from the PS4 controllers.
Works just as well as the one I got with the PS5. Nice to have a different colour to the standard white controller.
Lo uso per pc (Steam) ed spettacolare. Comodissimo per lunghe sessioni di gioco e veloce caricamento
Er leistet die Arbeit die er bringen soll. Bisher macht er keine Probleme. Haben den Controller nun seit etwa 2 oder 3 Monaten.
Used for a bit now… no complaints so far still works etc…
Fantastic controller love the black design looks really cool. Definitely the best controller I have used ever!
Makes the game more realistic, i like how your hands don’t sweat when playing
Much better than the standard controller. Feels like its built bette
Local post delayed my parcel for 3 days, but absolutely nothing related to seller. Great joystick, working perfectly.
Ich hab den Controller nachtrglich bestellt, da uns nur 1 Controller zur PS5 mitgeliefert wurde. Er liegt gut in der Hand und alle Tasten funktionieren ohne Probleme. Sehr zu empfehlen.
Hierbei handelt es sich um den Original Playstation 5 Controller. 1 Stern Abzug wegen der Verarbeitung des Plastiks an der Seite was etwas scharfkantig ist und die Buttons welche manchmal einfach im Rahmen” hngen bleiben.
Nice colours and above all these ps5 gamepad are new generation for real!
Die viel bessere Option als der standardmige weie Controller, da dieser nach einer gewissen Zeit nicht mehr wirklich ansehnlich is
Heard mixed reviews about the controllers but so far all good.
Now have one in black ps5 controller and one white
Er erfllt seinen Zweck, hat ein schnes, schlichtes Design und man erkennt die hochwertige Verarbeitung.
Der schwarze Controller gefllt mir von der Optik sogar noch besser als der weie.
E’ un dualsense, perfetto…c’ poco da dire. Acquistato per il colore e dopo aver cambiato i pannelli laterali della mia PS5!
Brought this for my dad for his birthday. The reason was, I have the original ones, which seem to get grubby etx that I’ve now brought some silicon cases, so when these ones were launched I thoight would be Great for my dad. Hes really happy with i
Looks so good, prefer it to the white and pairs nicely with the black plates I bought for my console.
Ordinato ed arrivato in un giorno (con prime).
Tutto secondo l’inserzione, arrivato ben imballato e perfettamente funzionante….
Come sempre, amazon…
Ottimo joystik della play5 ma una pecca che non danno un cavo per ricaricarlo
….peccato altrimenti era pi che perfetto
Macht genau das was es soll. Bischen svhwere als der Controller der ps4 aber nur minimal.
This Controller is such an upgrade over my PS4 one, that i’m in shock.
The lightly Creeping Haptic/vibrations when you pull the L and R triggers…. is amazing to say the least. Just for that 1 feature alone i’d buy this controller instantly. It’s the definition of perfection for a controller in 2021. Absolutely precise L and R buttons, great materials, build quality. Perfect.
This Controller is a huge innovation for Sony.
~~~~ Meanwhile XBOX…. still using AA Batteries………… i’d be embarrassed honestly.
Was really pleased to see other colours being stocked for this controller. Purchased this in black for my boyfriend and he says it’s just as good as the standard white ones, great buy!
Feels and works just like the original Dual Sense, but looks a lot cooler in Midnight Black!
The controller has no flaws. Everything is perfect, just like the original. Very well made however had to reset twice.
Be ke dire come al solito sony sul gamer non sbaglia mai prezzo giusto arrivato in 3 giorni.
Dual Sense in Schwarz?
Sh*** Up and take my Money!
Top Quali. Nur die Rumble Funktion knnte strker sein. (Strte mich schon beim weien).
Not only a different colour but also seems to have better sticks that drift less
Genau wie der weie PS5 Controller nur in schwarz, was ihn aber dennoch schicker macht also fr jeden Liebhaber der neuen Konsolen durchaus nette designtechnische Abwechslung zu den” Standard wei”
Mit dem richtigen Spiel / kompatibel
Eine innovative Meisterleistung .. macht richtig Bock zu zocken, Feedback und Haptik des Controller einmalig wer next gen erleben will !! Kaufen.
Same as original but looks much better easier to keep clean as well
Nothing to dislike does exactly what it says on the tin.
Five stars.
Schner controller, erinnert an die alten playstation controller. Nostalgie pu
It’s the same excellent controller with colours that pictures and videos don’t do justice too.
The controller Sony should have offered with the console when it was launched. Works as expected and looks ten times nicer than the ridiculous white controller. Get this and some third party black faceplates for your PS5 and you have the package that should have been offered from the beginning.
Wie gewohnt gute wu von Sony. Die Farbe ist sehr elegant und passt perfekt zum weien Controller der ps5. Sonst ist er ja baugleich
Bought it as my secondary controller for PS5 and O boyeee what a beauty and craftmanship. Amazing matt black finish and a great addon to already superb PS5 system
Not much to be said really. A PS5 controller in black. Does the same things as the white one.
Using this for my PC as you cant actually get the console.
Great product as expected, pairs well with the black ps5. Also the edges where the palm sits when holding it are completely smooth compared to orginal PS5 contoller, it would usually feel like it was scratching you after a long period of use. This may vary from controller to controller though like the PS4 controllers did
So so far I’ve not been able to test the feedback triggers due to a lack of a PS5 and not having Metro Exodus on PC. I can’t believe Sony still haven’t released a dedicated PC driver, having to still rely on DS4Windows to make their peripherals work, which atleast that software allows me to map additional functions to the touchbar. My PS4 controller profile worked perfectly fine on the PS5, which was nice.
Right side buttons feel mushy and don’t have enough travel, essentially feels like a madcatz controller when compared to the tactile feel of the PS4 buttons. D-pad is average. Analogue sticks feel to have the same sensitivity/resistance as PS4 sticks, though I’d say there’s a tiny bit of grating on the right stick, so the engineering tolerances are nothing to write home about. The construction of the case isn’t my favourite, with seams in places I’d rather not be as you can feel them, specially the flat edge at the bottom of each side. The overall shape is that of the Xbox One style, though atleast the trigger buttons depress properly into the case, rather than leaving big open holes as the xbox does.
It’s much more weighty, which if I’m not currently getting any use out of the adaptive triggers, becomes annoying. Not sure if there is a bigger battery in this as usage seems to be on par with PS4 battery life.
I think the inclusion of a mic mute button is a good idea, though I think it also could have benefitted with some built-in volume controls.
The biggest issue I have with this controller is being able to charge it. I don’t have a PS5 to directly charge it off, so was trying to rely on an Amazon basic 10 port usb hub, which unfortunately couldn’t provide enough power. I then found out that a Samsung, an Oculus and a generic usb wall socket charger also couldn’t provide the right conditions for the controller to charge. After much tracking, I finally found a USB port on my TV and the usb ports on my laptop was capable of charging the controller. After further investigation, I found that anything that provided more than 0.2V on data – line of a usb port prevented the controller from charging. No idea why this is. Whether you need to short your data – line to ground to get your preferred charger to work, but I imagine this will be something Sony will quietly fix in their next iteration. (I would say the PS4 controller doesn’t have this issue, but sadly this also suffered with powercycling itself if the micro usb cable was moved whilst plugged into a USB port that wasn’t power only).
Overall it’s useable, but not an improvement of the PS4 controller like the DS4 was over DS3.
In schwarz finde ich den dual Sense wesentlich schner!was natrlich im Auge des Betrachters liegt!
Ansonsten wie gewohnt gute Quali
Love the colour still the best controller on the marke
Well made lovely design, I had to buy this control as my day one controller got stick drift which I will be sending back to Sony as it’s still under warranty hoping they fixed the problem now with these new controllers. Only time will tell!
L’ho comprato per la mia ragazza, ne stata contentissima, il controller davvero bellissimo e molto comodo, ci si sta trovando davvero bene, l’unica pecca che sprovvisto di filo per ricaricarlo, cosa che trovo abbastanza squallida visto quello che costa.
Damn this controller is stunning. I love it. The build quality and attention to detail is epic. You can see the PS symbols if you look closely on the back. Great purchase
No issues, no drift, just a spot on controller.
Even when I tested the controllers function on a PC tester, it all showed up as perfect.
Couldn’t ask for any better.
PS5 Dualsense is the best controller btw, the haptics, the force feedback triggers, the microphone, the speaker, the feel on the hand.
Nothing else comes close, (Xbox I’m looking at you, still with your AA batteries in 2021)
Wasn’t too keen on the white as it picked up marks and stains so I swapped it out for the black one and it’s brilliant.
Kept one in white as a backup controller (and to match the console colour)
Bonjour, je vien d’avoir le plaisir de m’offrir cette manette noire PS5 qui est juste sublime et qui, pour moi est 100 fois mieux que la rouge, superbe achat ! Je recommande la noire !
Heute bekommen und der neue Look gefllt mir sehr gut . Was soll man sonst dazu sagen . Qualitt wie gewohnt sehr gut.
Was soll man sagen? Der Controller an sich ist schon perfekt. Optisch in schwarz ist er so viel besser als der weie Controller. Seht selbs
Endlich ne andere Farbe. Schwaaaarz. I love it. vor allem mit der Kombi black/gold . Haptik top! Optik top! Danke Sony dafr .