Eclipse Professional Tools Spear & Jackson EWWQR7 Quick Woodworking Vice Release, Blue, 7-Inch

Dimensions: 38.51 x 19.51 x 15.49 cm; 9.39 Kilograms
Model: EWWQR7
Manufacture: Spear & Jackson
Origin: China

77 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This a great vise. Takes a bit to install, but isn’t hard. I did it without help, but another set of hands would have made it even easier.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am very pleased with this vice. It’s well made and Rick solid. The jaws line up and I can see it lasting many years

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    You get what you pay for. It is a heavy chunk of metal, and I am happy with it for the price, but as soon as I get any better than noob amateur I’ll be upgrading. The Jaws aren’t completely square with each othe

  4. OctaviaScarbrou says:


    per ora mi pare uno strumento solido e funzionale, non c’ mezza descrizione n istruzioni neanche in marziano ma insomma ci si impegna un po’ e si monta. Diciamo per ora soddisfatto.

  5. Andre Revilla says:


    Ottima morsa per legno, pratica, robusta e il sistema di sgancio rapido comodissimo. Acquisto consiglistissimo

  6. Anonymous says:


    Tough and well designed.
    Glad I got a larger size than I thougt I needed.
    Quick lock new to me ….. I like it.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Excellente presse pour tabli. Le mcanisme de dbrayage est vraiment intressant.
    Fix sur un tabli “home made” plus facile.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Massimo punteggio a questa morsa, che per quello che costa vale veramente molto. Non grandissima ma si adatta perfettamente al mio banco. Stringe bene e con delle buone ganasce di legno duro (sulla mia ho messo del rovere) non ho il minimo problema a tenere fermi pezzi anche per piallature a mano ‘ignoranti’.
    Bisogna sempre stringere un po’ di pi di quello che si pensa, ma poi nessun pezzo scappa pi.
    Davvero ottima (lo sgancio rapido inoltre la ciliegina sulla morsa 🙂 ).

  9. Anonymous says:


    Buen producto lo mejor es la apertura y cierre rapido.Tamao decente.No pone que es spear&jackso

  10. Dustin Bailey says:


    Es suficientemente grande con apertura de mordaza ms que suficiente, ajusta bien. Buen producto de calidad a un precio razonable.

  11. JosieCulley says:


    Esta prensa es muy fuerte y de mejor calidad. Yo recomiendo.

  12. Staff says:


    Buen torn robusto y clsico, para m no tiene ningn problema , y llego 2 das antes de lo previsto

    Todo el conjunto que le rodea a un producto, servicio y calidad más prontitud en la entrega

  13. Anonymous says:


    Buon prodotto… La sto usando sul mio banco da falegnameria… Svolge bene il suo dovere ed ben fatta

  14. Gabe Gurwin says:

     United Kingdom

    Been meaning to fit one for years and with the lockdown on I decided to get it done. Glad I went for this one as it is top quality and with the quick release as well, very happy !

  15. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Perfect for a small shop with a small work bench mine is 27″ Wide and 60″ Length . This vise seems to be really well made and very easy to install. I recessed the four machine thread bolts I used to install i. I have seen some installation videos of similar vices where they use lag screws to screw it directly in from the bottom. That may work fine in the short run. I just couldn’t trust lag bolts not to come loose. I know I can trust machine bolts. I am very pleased with the quality of the Eclipse 7″ quick release vise.

    Perfect for a small shop with a small work bench mine is 27" Wide and 60" Length . This vise seems to be really well made and very easy to install. I recessed the four machine thread bolts I used to install i. I have seen some installation videos of similar vices where they use lag screws to screw it directly in from the bottom. That may work fine in the short run. I just couldn't trust lag bolts not to come loose. I know I can trust machine bolts. I am very pleased with the quality of the Eclipse 7" quick release vise.

  16. FrederickaLanni says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGut Quick Release ist hier anders gelst als beu den teureren Modellen.
    Man hat einen kleinen Hebel welcher neben der Spindel bettigt wird und durch eine Feder wieder einrastet. Gut und praktisch gelst.
    Bei der Vorderen Backe ist zustzlich noch eine Art Bankhaken integriert welcher mittels Schraube fixiert/gelst wird.
    Massiv ausgefhrt. Fertigungsqualitt ist gut.
    Backen sind bei mir Parallel (3 Stk.)
    Klar ein High End Maschinenschraubstock ist das sicher nicht aber fr den Preis und fr meine Zwecke mehr als ausreichend.
    Nutze Ihn als Vorderzange bzw. Hinterzange an der Hobelbank.

  17. Cheryl Pasquier says:


    Es una herramienta muy necesaria cuando haces trabajos con frecuencia. Me he estado apaando de otras formas pero, ya que la he probado, no podra estar sin ella. He visto en otros comentarios que el cierre entre mandbulas no era perfecto. A m me cierra bien.

    Muy contento

  18. Anonymous says:


    Bueno, robusto y cmodo d usar.
    Pero l soporte a la mesa viene un poco desescuadrao.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Great value for the price, just had to take it apart completely in order for me to paint it red so it can match the theme I’m going for in my garage

    Great value for the price, just had to take it apart completely in order for me to paint it red so it can match the theme I’m going for in my garage

  20. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Userses un tornillo de banco de carpintero bastante decente y no excesibamente caro. tiene apertura y cierre rapido, que en principio creia que no seria muy importante, pero me he dado cuenta de que es extremadamente util. tiene una apertura y un ancho de mordaza mas que adecuados y sujeta las piezas con firmeza. de ponerle una pega, es que la parte trasera que monta hacia la mesa no es vertical, pero no influye (a escepcion de a la hora de montarlo, lo que no es problematico)

  21. Anonymous says:


    Non mi aspettavo un prodotto cos solido e di ottimi materiali ! Ha persino la leva per il movimento rapido e un piccolo sperone per bloccare i pezzi sul banco!

  22. PamelaFairbairn says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought for a smaller workbench, haven’t mounted yet. No shipping damage. Toe-in of jaws is only about 1/32 inch, and the dog retracts below the top of the vise.

    There is some burrs and chatter on the screw. I removed the burrs by wrapping 120 grit sandpaper around the screw and turning the handle back and forth. A tongue depressor (I buy them in the “hobby items” section of the fastener department at the big-box home improvement stores or a crafts store) is ideal for getting into the mating area of the thread on the half-nut and screw with a piece of sandpaper. This knocked the high spots off the chatter marks. There is some red grease on the screw and a small amount of “Chinese grease” (machining swarf, dirt, and oil) in the screw threads and half nut. I cleaned this off with alcohol and applied some silicone spray. That might be dangerous if it gets on any finish wood surfaces, and if so I’ll have to go to wax-based chain lube.

    This fiddling with the screw and lube work is primarily just because I’m also an amateur machinist. The vise works perfectly fine straight out of the box. There is one tiny chip in the paint on a corner, otherwise nothing to complain about at all. This is a vise for wood, not a Kurt or Wilton metal vise.

    The quick release lever was a little tight for my taste. This can be adjusted by unscrewing the screw in the flat metal bar and repositioning the bar to another set of slots in the castellated nut.

    The mounting directions that come with the vise are clearly written by someone who has never used a woodworking vise. The jaws should be just below the surface of the bench top so that the dog, when raised, can clamp a workpiece laid flat on the bench against a dog (peg) placed in a hole in the bench top. Usually, the vise jaws are lined with wood, perhaps with leather or rubber on top of the wood. has posts on how to mount this vise.

    Paul Sellers mounts the vise on the surface of his Nicholson-style bench. Others recess the back jaw. It’s a personal working choice.

    Similarly, I bought this vise over the automatic release models (open 1-2 turns to engage the release) since I think I like the option to open the vise a little more by just giving the handle another turn or two instead of opening 1-2 turns and then pull on the handle. On the automatic models, once the release is triggered, more turns won’t open the vise further.

  23. EliseManzi says:


    Me a gustado por su robustes y su acabado y el material con que esta echo un diez

  24. ErmelinHardy says:


    Come segnalato anche dagli altri acquirenti le ganasce non coincidono perfettamente.
    Al di fuori di questo reputo il prodotto ottimo.
    Molto utile anche l’opzione di rilascio rapido.

  25. Anonymous says:


    habe diesen Tischlerschraubstock als Vorderzange in meine Werkbank eingebaut. Besonders die Schnellverstellung ist ein Highlight und sehr praktisch. Bin sehr zufrieden. Klare Kaufempfehlung

  26. Mike Quincy says:


    Schn Mahaltig, lediglich das Gewinde ist grob geschnitten, aber mit etwas Mhe und ner kleinen Feile…alles gut.

  27. ShaylaLorenzini says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersL’unica morsa a rilascio rapido a 50 circa, un’analoga IRWIN costa intorno ai 200 . E’ solida e ben costruita, solida (circa 9,8kg) il meccanismo di rilascio diverso da quello IRWIN ma funziona altrettanto bene. Le ganasce purtroppo sono la nota dolente, non sono ne perpendicolari rispetto alla base di appoggio ne combaciano tra loro, stringono come al solito sulla parte alta. Ma visto il prezzo e la comodit dello scorrimento rapido ho preferito tenerla adattando con delle viti, per fare spessore, le solette di legno e ho risolto il problema. Per quella cifra la consiglio senza indugi.

  28. KennethPpt says:


    Der Schraubstock ist eine gute Alternative zum herkmmlichen Tischlerschraubstock. Er lsst sich, wie auf dem Foto zu sehen, mit Holzplatten bestcken damit das eingespannte Werkstck nicht beschdigt wird. Er hat einen Schnellspannhebel, sodass man bei greren Wegen nicht nur kurbeln muss. Das Produkt ist sehr schwer und macht einen robusten Eindruck. Es wird unter der Werktischplatte befestigt. Die Schrauben sind nicht enthalten. Ich habe 10 mm Schlossschrauben mit Unterlegscheiben verwendet. Die Schrauben sollten in der Tischplatte versenkt werden, siehe 2. Foto. In eingefahrenen Zustand sind die Spannbacken nicht ganz auf der gleichen Hhe, daher 1 Stern Abzug. Der Schraubstock ist vom Werk her eingefettet. Ein gutes Produkt. Sehr zu empfehlen.

    Gute Alternative zum Tischlerschraubstock

  29. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLa morsa molto robusta e ben fatta. Molto utile la funzione di apertura e chiusura con lo sgancio vite. Si tenga presente che dal punto di attacco al banco la parte piatta ha una altezza di 6,5 cm

    morsa da banco falegname

  30. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersLa morsa si presenta robusta e ben fatta, ma durante il montaggio ci si accorge di qualche imprecisione costruttiva:
    Occorre fare uno scasso sul montante perch la ganascia interna non a 90 gradi ( forse voluto mah ! ), stessa cosa anche per quella esterna seppur con inclinazione minore , certo nulla di grave per occorre lavorarci un po. Molto comodi anche lo sgancio rapido e il dente in ferro retrattile per bloccare dei pezzi in piano.
    Visto il peso io ho utilizzato per il fissaggio non delle viti per legno ma dei bulloni del 10×100 con testa esagonale.


  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBuon prodotto, facile da montare, le ganasce non sono perfettamente allineate ma non compromettono la presa della morsa.
    Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.

    Ottimo prodotto

  32. Anonymous says:


    Tornillo de banco slido. El sistema de liberacin rpida funciona muy bien. El montaje rpido y sencillo.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersich habe meine Hobelbank nach Paul Sellers Plaenen selbst gebaut – und Paul hat auch den S&J Schraubstock verbaut – allerdings das groessere Modell.
    Der Kleinere (ich habe davon 2 – Front und Seite) reich mir aber voellig aus, durch die Belegung der Backen mit Multiplex gewinnt man ohnehin noch ein paar cm, und das Ganze wird ein bisschen Budget-freundlicher.
    Die Schraubstoecke laufen ordentlich parallel, die Schnellentriegelung ist sehr hilfreich, und insgesamt ist die Qualitaet voellig ausreichend.
    Ich bin mit der Werkbank incl. beider Schraubstoecke sehr zufrieden!

  34. JoycelyDowell says:


    Una comora interesante! Muy bien de precio y con calidad contrastada!

  35. Anonymous says:


    Pensavo di acquistare un meccanismo a vite per il mio banco ma ho riposto fiducia in Sellers che usa questo tipo di morsa per i suoi workbench. Io ho acquistato la 7 pollici, la pi piccola. Arrivata, montata e usata per la piallatura con l’ausilio dei dog bench – acquistati a parte. Utilissima robusta e versatile. La mia 7″ ha la parte che si appoggia al banco non a 90 gradi ma di 7 in pi: ho praticato uno scanso sia sul bordo banco, sia sulla guancia di legno, recuperando circa 12 mm di apertura morsa. Non credo che le morse pi grandi abbiano tale caratteristica.

  36. Antuan Goodwin says:


    Ich schliee mich der Bewertung von Bogomil voll an. Es ist ein Sehr gutes Gert fr Holzwerker. Ich bin voll zufrieden und froh dieses Teil gekauft zu haben.

  37. CorinaGillott says:


    Okay, so, like some guys already mentioned there are some small defects, or better say – metal particles leftovers in the bottom part. Not critical though, and can be easily fixed with a cleaning, maybe a couple of small file movements + regreasing.
    Be aware that installation bolts/screws are not supplied. M10 works nicely for me. I am using 2 long at the back plus nylon spacers. Now will fit some birch pads, and all done. Can’t really comment yet above “Durability”, but constrcution looks strong and adequate.

    Sturdy construction and smooth movement.

  38. Anonymous says:


    This product works as advertised. installed it on my bench. I use it as a stand alone vise, and with bench dogs if a board very long or wide. Didn’t come with installation instruction, but a quick google will tell you how to install it.

  39. Wiwi Bloggs says:


    Muy buen producto. Es preciso y ajusta muy bien. Se nota que es resistente.

  40. DanaTalbot says:


    Relacion calidad precio adrcuada, recib lo que esperaba tener cuando lo compr.
    Lo he instalado en mi banco de trabajo

  41. Anonymous says:

     United States

    as expected – I recommend this product. I added some wood blocks to the inside face so I could use it without marking up any finishes. I like this vice.

  42. BelindaBussau says:

     United States

    This is one well made vise. Bought this and installed 6 month ago-replacing a larger 9 inch Record 52 1/2 vise due to workshop space restrictions in new home. The Eclipse is based on the Record pattern and even thought smaller than my previous vise, is its virtual equal in performance. I have added 11 inch wooden cheeks which effectively give the vise operational effectiveness of a larger one. Its cosmetics are flawless, in the painted jaws and in the finish on guides and screw. With six months of use , as Installed in an attached garage, it looks a good as new (no chipping, no rust). Installation was very simple, partly due to its very manageable weight. Arrived promptly with no damaged.
    Highly recommended. Go ahead and order this vise-you will not regret it.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersDas Teil kam pnktlich und schnell an.
    Der Einbau in die Werkbank war nicht schwer, erfordert aber ein wenig genaues arbeiten. Ich habe ihn so eingebaut, da feste Backe bndig mit der Vorderkante der Bank abschliet. Vorher habe ich ein Stck Buchenholz an die Backe geschraubt, an die ndere Zange ebenfalls.
    So hat der Schraubstock jetzt 2 Buchenholzbacken, perfekt. Da meine Arbeitsplatte 4 cm stark ist musdte ich ein wenig unter fttern. Jetzt merke ivh erst richtig, was mir lange Zeit gefehlt hat, er ist sehr oft in Gebrauch, das provisorische fest spannen von Werkstcken hat nun ein Ende. Er hllt alles zuverlssig und gut fest. Ein Kauf, den ich nur sehr empfehlen kann und iederzeit wieder ttigen wrde.

    Perfektes Gerä

  44. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Use it all the time. In combination with bench dogs this thing rocks. Looks nice too.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Great workbench vice! Love the quick release feature and having the metal vice dog on the vice, nice addition! My workbench top is 1.5″ thick, so I had to add a piece of wood 1″ thick as a shim to get the top of the vice even with the bench top.
    I already had a workbench vice mounted on the long side of my workbench but needed one mounted on the short end so that I could work with longer pieces. After mounting it onto my workbench, I drilled 7/8″ holes 6″ apart down the length of my workbench top in line with the center of the vice. I then cut 1.5″ lengths of 3/4″ PVC pipe and glued them into the 7/8″ holes. This gives the holes a finished look and makes a smooth fit for the Kreg Bench Dogs to go into. I also coated the bench dog’s pegs with a rubber coating to reduce the chance of the bench dog slipping up out of the hole when pressure is applied.
    Hope to have many years of use!

  46. MarcyGWCHocgv says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAntes de comprar ste tena un Silverline del mismo tamao, y no hay color. Mucho mejor mecanizado, mejor ajuste, mejor terminacin, todo. Un tornillo estupendo con un precio razonable.

  47. DeloresFredrick says:

     United States

    Well constructed and competitively priced. Works smoothly and fit my workbench without a lot of hassle. I would certainly recommend this vise.

  48. mur says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAfter reading the reviews on this vise it sounded like the one that would work well for my needs. It was easy to install on my work bench after watching a few You Tube videos. I have used it a few times since installing it and it worked as it should. The mechanics work well and it is sturdy. This is my first wood working vise and it didn’t disappoint.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Bought used from Amazon. Vise was in perfect condition and is an excellent high quality vise, only the box it came in was used. Quick release mechanism works very well. Easy to install on my workbench.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Great woodworking vise! The quick release action is smooth and convenient.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersAfter much thought about what size I should get I ended up purchasing the seven inch model and am glad I did. I installed two ten inch oak face boards on the jaws and it has tackled any job I’ve thrown at it. For the usual woodworking chores that a vise like this could be used for it’s been stellar. All the machined areas are well done and work smoothly, the quick release is simple and easy to use and although the tommy bar is rather small it had enough clamping power to hold a solid core door by one corner for me.

    Installation was straight forward and the only modification I made other than adding wooden faces is I replaced the provided steel dog with a wooden one to reduce marring on work. It’s used nearly daily and coupled with some bench dogs has held a wide array of work for planing, sanding, finishing, etc and never skipped a beat.

    I almost purchased one of those multi hundred dollar vises but you know what, I won’t be needing it. This one has worked perfectly over a wide variety of uses without a single complaint and I highly
    recommend it.

  52. Best Nanny Newsletter says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersI purchased the 7 inch model. A good vice at an attractive price point. Even though I purchased the vice through Amazon warehouse deals, the item arrived in excellent condition. It had no visible damage, and all parts worked as they should. This affordable, but well-made and sufficiently heavy, woodworking vice even has a built-in bench dog, a very useful feature. By using the built-in bench dog with bench dogs in your workbench, you can tightly hold many different sizes of wood you are working on. The quick release feature is also a nice and useful feature, especially at this price. There are no mounting instructions, but I don’t view this as a problem. The specific way to mount the vice will depend on the thickness of your workbench, whether you want to “flush mount” the vice, and where on the bench you seek to mount the vice. No single set of instructions could take these issues into account in a reasonable number of pages. Using common sense, planning ahead and analyzing your workbench will be rewarded. Mounting the vice can present unexpected challenges, but the end result is a very practical enhancement of a workbench (if you are only going to have 1 vice mounted to your bench permanently, this type is a good option). I attached the vice to the bench using four 1/2 inch lag screw bolts — thankfully, the mounting hoIes in the vice are sufficiently large to accommodate 1/2 bolts. This permits a very strong and solid connection to the bench. I chose maple wood as the vice jaw liner and, after breaking a few phillips screw heads, decided to use bolts to attach the wood jaw liner to the two jaws. I used two 1/4 lag screw bolts to attach the liner to the thicker of the jaws (these bolts also screwed directly into the bench), and I used 2 smaller hex bolts with nuts to attach the second piece of maple to the thinner “outside” vice jaw. This takes time, but is well worth the effort. The vice is well-engineered. On some poorly engineered vices, the holes in the bottom of the vice, which are used to mount to the bottom of your bench, are in line with the holes on the thicker of the vice jaws — this means that the two bolts may run into each other and prevent proper installation. This vice thankfully does not have this problem. Overall, the vice is an excellent value!

  53. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Good price. Easy installation. Works well with bench dogs. Excellent workbench upgrade.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The quality of the 7″ Eclipse Woodworking Vise is very good. My workbench is a Bench Solutions Fold Down and is only 1-1/2″ thick. I had to add 1-1/4″ spacers to the bottom of the workbench. I used 4″ X 3/8″ bolts. It was easy to install. Love it.

  55. NoblePearl says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersGreat price at Amazon! Got a 7″ version to install on a mini-bench that I built to Steve Latta’s specifications. So far, works fine. We’ll see if it stands up in the long run like the Record 52 1/2 on my main bench. I replaced the steel dog with a small billet of bubinga, drilled and tapped for the 5/16″ thumb screw. I planed a couple of pieces of maple to the thicknesses of the front and back jaws, sawed out areas for the respective jaws to fit into, and laminated these with additional pieces of 3/4″ maple, so that the metal jaws are completely encased. This reduces the capacity of the vise to 6 1/2″ but will prevent any work from getting marred.

    Great price at Amazon! Got a 7" version to install on a mini-bench that I built to Steve Latta's specifications. So far, works fine. We'll see if it stands up in the long run like the Record 52 1/2 on my main bench. I replaced the steel dog with a small billet of bubinga, drilled and tapped for the 5/16" thumb screw. I planed a couple of pieces of maple to the thicknesses of the front and back jaws, sawed out areas for the respective jaws to fit into, and laminated these with additional pieces of 3/4" maple, so that the metal jaws are completely encased. This reduces the capacity of the vise to 6 1/2" but will prevent any work from getting marred.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United States

    A good quality product that substantially beat the price at my local Woodcraft store, and delivered for free! The only thing I’d have liked would be for the holes for mounting wood blocks for the jaws to be recessed rather than me having to drill them.

  57. ScottyOverstree says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis is working well and has a lot of holding power. It seems to be well made also. I bought the 7″ because it was much cheaper but I really wish I had bought the 9″ now and would recommend anyone else do the same.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I just installed this and it seems to be ok. I have a big record vice and the fit and finish are not as good as the record.

  59. Greg says:

     United States

    I really like this vise, it was easy to install and the quick release works great. No complaints and I can’t imagine making it any better.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 51 From Our UsersSo far so good. I’ve used it over the last 2 weeks while remodeling and a few woodworking projects. It is extremely stable and has held very well.

    It arrived quickly bagged and boxed in its original packaging. It came pre-greased and well oiled. It required a little bit of cleaning, but that was expected.

    If I had any complaints, it would be that it didn’t include any mounting instructions/options. It obviously depends on the bench that it will be installed on, but some suggested mounting positions would be nice.

    Great price for a quality tool.

    Great Price, Quality Tool

  61. Georgia Guerin says:

     United States

    This beast is amazing. I looked at this for quite some time before actually buying it. For me, it was hard to spend this much on a vise when I was getting by with clamps. Well that was pure ignorance. I have cut my planing and fitting times down by over half. And that says nothing of the ease in positioning the work piece. I put oak faces on this and they are holding up well. I tried to be cheap and put pine faces on and the clamping power and deflection of the wood was poor. Once I went to a good hardwood I was able to extend the jaws to 10 inches in length.

  62. Hermine68V says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersYou will need to have a solid mount point under the bench since all the mounts are from the underside. There are no mounting instructions, but it is pretty easy to figure it out. I bolted it to 3/4 Oak stock first and mounted the whole assembly to my bench frame, under my MDF top and it is very solid. If you are mounting it to an existing bench top, it will probably take two guys. The quick release is handy and easy to use, and it takes quite a bit of torque to pull the jaws parallel. Very happy with this purchase.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPerforms well. Very easy to install. It has a small amount of slop as the face moves left and right a little but it doesn’t affect clamping at all. Bottom line, I would recommend it and buy another if I had reason for a second vice. I do wish I could find an easy way to install my own wooden crank handle but this is purely aesthetic purposes as I prefer to see more wood on a woodworking workbench ;). Happy woodworking everyone.

  64. [email protected] Jim McLaughlin says:

     United States

    Works well, slips sometimes when I over tighten it, but has always worked flawlessly after that. Would buy it again.

  65. RozellaDartnell says:

     United States

    I looked and looked at vises of this type and they were either too expensive and too expansive for my needs (modest DIY’er) or too cheaply made to be useful. I expect my tools to perform well and all my power tools are DeWalt or Porter-Cable, so when I found this vise it looked like a perfect fit for my needs and new work bench. It is heavy and although I got installed single handedly, another helper would be helpful. Once installed it performs perfectly and does exactly what I need it to do. For the price I am well pleased.

  66. EstellaAcker says:

     United States

    Vice arrived on time and was as advertised. I have only used it for3 weeks but it works great for me and should do the job for the hobby wood worke

  67. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Seems very sturdy, I added some wood to the jaws in a couple minutes, drilled some holes in the work bench and installed 1/2″ lag bolts and I was ready to go. It came with some grease on the moving parts but I added more just to be safe.

  68. eithneloveslipstick says:

     United States

    Nice little vice,works like a charm and easy to install.

  69. HyeGoldman says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is a heavy duty well made vice. I bought the 7 inch which is adequate for nearly all my needs. I love the quick release and that it has a pop-up dog for use with the bench dog system on my assembly table. I did need to grind a bit (not much) on the back of the casting so it would set true and square when I mounted it to my bench as it’s simply raw casting there and not machined in any way, probably helps keep the price down. Also took a bit of shimming the mounts where it bolts to the underside to keep the faces square to my bench, but I expect that most such vises would take a bit of careful fitting. Overall the casting and machining on this vise appear top-notch. I think it’s a really good deal for a small or hobby wood shop. I used through carriage bolts countersunk and plugged flush on the top of my bench as I felt this stronger than just lag bolts from the bottom. It’s a bit more work, but I feel worth the effort so it won’t shift or loosen over the years due to normal humidity and stresses. This unit works like a charm.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI am extremely impressed with this vise. It is well made and heavy duty. The screw is smooth and the quick release works great. This is the best value in a woodworking vise I’ve seen at $65. You can’t even get a used vise for this price off an auction site after you pay for shipping. The only thing is that the 7″ is a little small for my taste but at this price I couldn’t pass it up. No instructions for mounting but it’s pretty straight forward and if you’re buying a vise like this you should have the skill to mount it.

  71. ThadEumarrah says:

     United States

    Great product, great value. Seems much more expensive than it is.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United States

    High quality vise that does the job. Will need to attach hardwood blocks to each flange which is the one problem. Holes for wood blocks are provided but since the bench side holes are not threaded, attaching a block was a bit more difficult than necessary.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis is my first vise and seems well built. I’ve had it less than a month, but it has held up well. There were no installation instructions, so I went to the manufacturer’s website. Then I found myself on You Tube. Installation took less than an hour (not including the trip to the store for lag bolts. I did route out my work bench so the front face of the back plate is flush with the edge of the bench. Then I installed sacrificial wood on both faces of the vise. Now when the vise is working, the pressure rests along the entire length of the wood piece, not just at the metal part. Hopefully that makes sense. If not, go to You Tube.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I recessed the base of the vice into my workbench so that it was flush with the edge of the bench.

    Works like the factory says it does, a great vice

  75. RodrigoRasheed says:

     United States

    This was the best woodworking vise that I could find on amazon and It works great. Best for the money

  76. JinaDingmqpegcn says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersThis vice takes some work to get installed, especially for a beginning woodworker like me, but it is very much worth the effort. This vice has been a joy to use, and it has also enabled my young son in his woodworking projects.

  77. EzekielHayward says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersVery nice vice. Timely delivery. Very heavy and seems like high quality. I will get it mounted and write and in depth review after I use it a few times. So far it is very heavy and seems like it is well made and good quality