Einhell Cordless Grass Trimmer GC-CT 18/24 Li Power X-Change (Flower Guard, Infinitely Adjustable Telescopic Long Handle, Includiong 20 Plastic Blades, Incl 2.0 Ah PXC Battery and Charger)

Einhell Power X-Change 18/24 Cordless Strimmer With Battery And Charger – 18V Lightweight Battery Grass Trimmer With 20 x Blades, 24cm Cutting Width – GC-CT 18/24 Li Garden Lawn Trimme

From the brand


Weight: 1.77 kg
Dimensions: 92 x 23 x 24 cm; 1.77 Kilograms
Model: GC-CT 18/24 Li
Part: 3411125
Colour: Red & Black
Pack Quantity: 4
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: Lithium Ion
Manufacture: Einhell
Dimensions: 92 x 23 x 24 cm; 1.77 Kilograms
Quantity: 4

125 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Habe ihn gekauft zur Untersttzung fr meine Mhroboter. Fr die Kanten und schwer zugngliche Stellen. Ist robuster als ich gedacht habe. Schon leicht und kommt mit einer Akku Ladung gut zurecht. Standzeit der Plastik-Messer ist ok. Man sollte ordentlich Ersatz haben. Der Benzin Freischneider kommt somit nur noch fr grobe Einstze raus.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is perfect for my medium size garden. Lightweight and easy to use it is just what I wanted while my husband recovers from surgery. Once recovered he will appreciate it too.

  3. CraigS05wxi says:


    Endlich keinen Faden mehr wickeln. Leicht und handlich. Mht auch starke (9mm) Brennnesseln ab. Ladezeit ist fr mich auch ok.

  4. FidelTsefmaub says:


    Bin sehr positiv berrascht. Sehr gnstig, funktioniert Weltklasse. Htte mir nicht so eine Leistung und angenehm bedienbare Handhabung erwartet. Unbedingt kaufen!

  5. Anonymous says:


    Coupe bordure simple d’utilisation et qui fait le travail mais il ne faut pas trop lui en demander.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Nach kleinen Schwierigkeiten bei der Lieferung, ein Teil fehlte, kam jedoch sofort nach einer Nachfrage an mit kleinen Bonus muss ich sagen das alles okay is

  7. Tony45Cojzpf says:


    Leichte Handhabung und gute Ergonomie.
    Bloede Frage zur Nutzung. Wozu benutzt man solch ein Geraet? Zum Haareschneiden?

  8. Anonymous says:


    La compre con dudas, de si iba a poder con las hierbas que crecian todo alrededor del jardin (y mas teniendo en cuenta que tengo bordes de piedra y ladrillo alrededor. Pero la respuesta esta siendo muy buena, la bateria cargo rapido y aunque no es la de mayor potencia, sobra para un jardincito pequeo/mediano. Acabo con los hierbajos, incluso los ya secos, se fue daando por el roce con la piedra y los ladrillos, pero aun asi teniendo algo de cuidado (para eso ayuda bastante el protector de flores que lleva). Con una sola cuchille acabe con todo y no se rompio, encima lleva 20 cuchillas mas de repuesto, muy contento con la compra.

  9. Joerg Colberg says:


    Dieser Rasentrimmer ist super.
    Relativ leicht, gut festzuhalten und der aakku hlt auch lange.
    Ich bin zufrieden.

  10. Anonymous says:


    C’est mon premier model avec ” lames ” et franchement quelle plaisir de ne plus avoir ” tirer ” du fil toutes les 10 sec !!!
    Aprs 2 mois d’utilisation je peut dire que plus jamais je ne retournerais au fil .

    Je m’en sert principalement pour tondre mes 30 m carr d’herbe et je suis super content de la qualit des lames.
    J’avais peur qu’elle ” pte ” en 10 sec avec mon herbe pourris mais en faite c’est solide mme en tapant sur les bordures et des pierres .

    j’use une lame toute les 2 tontes et je force bien sur les bordures , elles ce change en 2 secondes , c’est trs facile et bien moins cher que du fil .

    Pour la batterie fournis avec , un gros 30 mn lors de la premire tonte ou l’herbe tait 30 cm ou j’ai du plus forcer ( c’est de l’herbe mlang de trs mauvaises herbes bien dure et oui ca faisait longtemps que je n’avais pas tondu 😉 ) et pour une tonte normal 1h tranquille .
    Elle se recharge en 1h avec le chargeur fournis .
    La qualit est top , la poign rglable en hauteur et gauche et droite est bien foutu et du coup on penne pas sans compter un faible poids.

    Si vous en avez marre du fil qui pte pour un rien je vous recommande cette petite bcane avec ses lames super pratique .

    Si jamais elle devait cramer , j’en rachterait une autre sans problme d’autant qu’il la vende sans batterie pour 60 balles !

  11. Emily Schiola says:

     United Kingdom

    This strimmer is a wonderful addition to my garden tools. I really don’t know how I managed without it or something very similar.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Samstag mit gearbeitet top sehr gute Handhabung liegt gut in der Hand und er ist nicht zu schwe

  13. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Fr den Preis unschlagbar .Leicht zu hndeln und die Zeit die der Akku hllt ist vollkommen ausreichend. Sehr empfehlenswert.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this because I wanted cordless and light weight, this does a good job and the battery doesn’t take long to re-charge, would recommend

  15. Anonymous says:


    Der Rasentrimmer lie sich einfach zusammen bauen und luft wunderbar. Er schneidet hohes Gras genau so gut wie krzeres.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great price for a great product with long battery life. Would recommend.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good strummer for the price, I have a fairly small garden and have used it 3 times and is still on the original battery charge.

  18. DFFFriedasodt says:


    Prodotto fatto imballato con cura in tutti i suoi dettagli

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had several strimmers over the years and got sick of having to change the wire. This is amazing. Blades last ages. Its so easy to use

  20. ShelleyCheatham says:

     United Kingdom

    Using up the allotment and very happy with it – packs a punch too

  21. Anonymous says:


    Rglable en hauteur mais galement de la poigne pour une prise en main idal

  22. PaulThreatt says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a brilliant bit of it, works perfectly in my garden.

  23. PatsyWillison says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Es fehlt die zweite Batterie und die Maehscheibe sowie die Schutzbrille mfg P. Knapp

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Trims the lawn edges well. Not sure how long the blades will last. One broken in the first week.

  25. AaronMarxi says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Je ne m’attendais pas un appareil aussi performant.
    Je referai cet achat les yeux ferms.
    Avec la mme batterie, on peut utiliser une trononneuse, un taille haie…
    Trs lger, l’assemblage du dbut est trs facile.

  26. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Userssind diese Plastikmesser.Jetzt hab ichs so halbwegs im Griff, aber eigentlich bruchte man so was wie zum Autofahren einen Fhrerschein, einen Trimmerschein mit Abschlussdiplom. Interessant wre auch wohin diese Plastikteile eigentlich fliegen,von zehn finde ich vielleicht zwei wieder. ist zwar eh egal weil sie sowieso kaputt sind. Fr mich paast das Gert, weil ich eine ganz kleine Flche zu bearbeiten habe. Die schon mehrfach erwhnte mangelnde Sicherheit ist natrlich auch nicht gerade ein Kaufanreiz

  27. Anonymous says:


    J’utilise deux batteries 4ah et franchement la dure d’utilisation est optimale pour ce que j’en ai fais. Des bordures mais galement des petites parcelles comme si c’tait une debroussailleuse, ce qui d’ailleurs me donne fortement envie d’acheter la debroussailleuse Einhell et de laisser tomber ma thermique qui a toujours des soucis. quipez-vous en batterie 4ah et foncez les yeux ferms sur cet outil!!!!!

  28. NELKarinajkc says:

     United Kingdom

    Reasonably priced, easy to assembly with a good battery life. Useful for smaller gardens

  29. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Preso perch trovato in offerta a 62 euro con una batteria da 2 ah
    Iniziamo col dire che non un decespugliatore a motore e non vi aspettate che sfalci la giungla, per ha il suo perch
    1 e’ maneggevole e leggero
    2 anche la vostra moglie compagna non avr scuse data la leggerezza e la maneggevolezza…ma attenzione tutto ci non vuol dire che sia fragile…anzi da molta sensazione di robustezza
    La batteria da 2 ah in dotazione riesce a farti fare un 30/40 min di autonomia che a me basta dato che un piccolo giardino…cmq lo ricomprerei…

  30. RHLDoretha says:


    Moi qui ai des problmes de dos, je le trouve lger et maniable, qui plus est trs efficace. Je le recommande

  31. VictoriMcclinto says:

     France 🇫🇷

    j’ai choisis cet article pour 2 raisons, la premire est que je possde un rotofil mais c’est encombrant , lourd , pas pratique donc je cherchais un produit plus maniable
    Pourquoi celui-ci ? j’avais dj un outils de cette marque avec notamment la compatibilit des batteries , trs pratique
    j’en suis ravi , trs lger , maniable , bien pens, j’apprhendais un peu mais en fait c’est mon nouveau jouet prf

  32. MarielMcBryde says:


    J’avais dj le petit coupe bordure de chez Einhell, celui ci est mieux car rglable en hauteur , plus silencieux et un peu plus efficace. A peine reu j’ai nettoy les 30 mtres linaires de mon foss avec de hautes herbes et mauvaises herbes d’environ 50cm 1m de haut. Simple et efficace , j’ai pass trois lames car parfois je m’approche trop du mur et a les coupe. Je recommande ce produit car pour 70 avec batterie chargeur et 20 lames on peut difficilement faire mieux. Pour info l’ancien coupe bordure fonctionne toujours et dj trois ans , je ne l’pargne pas j’ai 2500m de jardins avec bcp de recoin inaccessible.

  33. EmilioRoughley says:


    Veramente valido, poco rumoroso. Lggero per una donna facile da usare. Consiglio l’acquisto per piccoli prati o per chi come me ne fa un pezzo alla volta.

  34. FranciscoGandon says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s good value and does what I want.
    The only snag is that there is no interlock on the switch, so it is essential to remove the battery when it is not in use, to avoid risk of damage or injury to something or someone.

  35. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    precio calidad es muy buena por lo menos ami me gusta mucho

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Light and easy to use much better than one’s that use trimmer line ,I purchased a spare battery but .managed to do all of my lawn edging with one charge.

  37. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Avevo un tagliabordi a filo che andava a bestemmie… appena toccava una pietruzza o qualcosa di duro si tagliavano i fili e dovevo fermarmi, ripristirare i fili e dopo qualche secondo di pulizia dovevo ricominciare da capo. Con questo tagliabordi ho finalmente risolto tutti i miei problemi! La lama permette di lavorare anche con pietre o altro. Ovviamente capita che la lama si conumi velocemente o che si stacchi dalla sede, ma non molto spesso! Sono pienamente soddisfatto dell’articolo. Voglio inoltre comunicare che nel tagliabordi presente una batteria e un caricabatteria. In fase di acquisto non mi era chiaro questa cosa ed ho comprato un ulteriore caricabatteria e batteria che terr da parte perch non utilizzate.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Coupe parfaitement mon gazon le long des murs de cloture et des alles. Un peu bruyant mais les lames coupantes sont parfaites et facilement changeables. Bonne conception. A l’air rsistant et la batterie est puissante.

  39. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Impressive maneuverability, lightweight to carry, very pleased so far after a single use. Need to use more to say more, but a very good start.

  40. Catherine Fredman says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Buon prodotto
    Da lista di vendita erano previste 2 batterie ma ne ho avuta solo una

  41. Anonymous says:


    La mquina es potente, la aguja de corte aguanta incluso en terrenos irregulares, la batera tarda 40 min en cargar para un aguante de casi una hora. Buen producto. Satisfecho

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to assemble and cuts well. So much better not having the string that cuts. My grass had got very overgrown because of having hand surgery but the trimmer soon sorted that ou

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Best strimmer that I have yet owned. Far easier to use than the ones that use a coil of wire.

  44. DarnellNobles says:


    Ich bin einfach nur begeisert. Der Rasentrimmer ist leicht (im Gegensatz zu meinem alten) und auch leicht zu handhaben. Die mitgelieferte Plastikmesser halten lnger als nach den bisherigen Rezensionen gedacht.
    Von mir gibt es eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Hlt was er verspricht. Ergebnis ist okay. Habe nur leider den falschen bestellt da man den Kopf nicht verstellen kann. Das ist schlecht, vor allem wenn man grer ist, schlechte Haltung. Wrde aufjedenfall empfehlen den verstellbaren zu nehmen, man ist flexibler.

  46. Marian2819 says:


    Schnell einsatzbereit und gute Ergebnisse fr einfache und leichte Schnitt- und Mharbeiten an Beeten, Zunen unter Bschen, etc.. Der mitgelieferte Akku fr solche Arbeiten ausreichend. Durch das geringe Gewicht und dadurch das der Trimmer gut ausbalanciert ist liegt er sicher in der Hand und kann gut gefhrt werden. Mankos habe ich zur Zeit keine, ist ja auch noch nicht so lange im Einsatz.

  47. AntjeDelapena says:

     United Kingdom

    Only used a couple of times but so far so good.

  48. WinfredI23 says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great, battery lasts ages on my trimmer if you don’t let your grass grow into a jungle.

  49. Anonymous says:


    bonne machine, s’adapte a tondre et a couper les bordure, je sui trs content de mon acquisition,, je le pr-commande a tous


  50. Mashable Brand X and Apple says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a decent strimmer for the sale price i got it for. I found it much better to use than the nylon wire stimmers you normally get. the only down side is that if you try and cut grass that’s too long or plants with thicker stems, it will slow down. Which is to be expected tbh. Long grass needs cut with a number of passes starting high and moving down. If you start too low there is a chance the plastic blade will fly off. Battery life was decent and lasted longer than i expected.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Battery means not having to untangle the wire from last time. Don’t need an extension lead and it is very light weight and easy to use.

  52. BrigettStephen says:

     United Kingdom

    The only reason I am not giving this 5 stars is because I wish a second battery had been included. The fully charged battery last about 15 minutes and to have a second one would make all the difference from the allotment I am using it on!
    The blades are very easy to change and I really appreciate that because they are plastic the danger of the strimmer goes away once the battery is unclipped.
    It is frustrating when I have to clear the spinning part (sorry no idea what real name is) but I imagine as I deal with the jungle that was/is my allotment this will happen less and less.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Ordered This for someone and the feed back from them was 10/10 they loved it so light weight and No string breaking & stopping to redoing, Said the Tag Bit has gone a long way and still not changed i

  54. EzequieWeissmul says:

     United Kingdom

    Quite sturdy charged quickly powerful little machine and extra guaranteed year on the battery if 6ou register on line. It would not recognise it on the site but the after sales team were excellent and sorted it in minutes. Well done to them all.

  55. WaldoCutler says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Sicuramente il punto di forza quello di non avere fili e muoversi liberamente, buona la durata della batteria.
    Altra novit quella delle lame in plastica rispetto al consueto filo taglia erba e devo dire che taglia bene ed abbastanza resistente anche se ovviamente in presenza di ostacoli (muri e ostacoli vari) la lama tende ad uscire di sede o a spezzarsi ma accadrebbe lo stesso con il filo, quindi mi ritengo soddisfatto dell’acquisto.

  56. KBHKarryrrt says:


    Fr jemanden mit 1,90 m Gre wre es rckenschonender, wenn es sich etwas lnger ausziehen liee. Ansonsten macht es, was es soll. Der Akku hlt erfreulich lange. Die Plastikmesser drften lnger halten.

  57. LucaQEIDkxlela says:

     United Kingdom

    Really impressed at how light and easy to use. Does the job perfectly!

  58. Christian de Looper says:

     United Kingdom

    I was not disappointed with this strimmer, it worked very well on the small area I tested it on, however I feel Einhell have missed out an important safety feature, there is no release button for the trigger which allows it to be accidently activated ( which I did, luckily wearing work boots but did trim the rug ) careless of me but a trigger release would have prevented that happening.

  59. ClydeChristophe says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Fcil de usar y muy prctico, la nica pega es la duracin de la batera que, en mi caso, lo soluciono con otra batera de otro equipo de la misma marca. Buena solucin que las bateras sean intercambiables.

  60. EmileTillman says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased an Einhell Hedge Trimmer and was delighted at the build quality. So much so that I have now just bought the Grass trimmer and like wise it does the job excellently.
    I have found some other makes have poor battery life and fail in a very short time.
    This is not the case with Einhell products they are sturdy made and the batteries are fully interchangeable between appliances.
    I would recommend to anyone.

  61. RobertoHedberg says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this after sending back a Bosch model strimmer. This is perfect. So easy to set up & use. It’s very lightweight which is great & there are plenty of cutting blades in the pack. Simple is best really.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    only used once on my allotment to date, copes well with all paths etc. charge lasts 30 mins. as quoted.

  63. Melissa G. says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersFr mich ist dieses Arbeitsgert leicht im Gewicht und handlich. Auch wenn diese Klingen (rot) immer mal abfliegen und ich sie im Garten suchen muss :), nehme ich das aber in Kauf. Denn ich hatte vorher eine Spule und da hatte sich stndig das Band verwickelt und verhakt. Dann renne ich lieber im Garten rum und suche nach dem roten Teil haha. Fr Mnner gibt es ganz andere Gerte, aber fr mich als Frau ist das Arbeitsgert echt schn und ich freue mich immer wieder, dass ich endlich alles selber freischneiden kann. Ca. halbe Stunde und dann muss der Akku wieder aufgeladen werden. Ich wei nicht genau wie lange es aufldt, aber es war gar nicht so lange. Wer also gerne mal ab und zu die rote Klinge (Plastik) suchen mchte und damit auch kein Problem hat, der sollte sich den Trimmer auch kaufen. Manchmal finde ich sie beim nchsten Arbeitsgang wieder. Ich finde das Gert toll und daher 5 Sterne.

  64. Anonymous says:


    Sicherlich wird es bessere geben, aber fr den Preis absolute Empfehlung. Luft perfekt, ausreichend Leistung, mit greren Akku noch mehr, perfekt fr die im Garten anfallende Arbeit.
    Einziger Punkt, keine Sicherung am Gerteschalter gegen versehentliches drcken.

  65. benw says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMan kann nicht nur Rasenkanten gut trimmen, sondern auch schwierigen Unkrautwuchs zwischen Zementplatten oder Steinen wegfegen”, das kostet allerdings bisweilen ein Kunststoffmesserchen, aber kein anderes Gert macht es besser. Man kann auch unter oder zwischen Struchern oft besser als mit dem Rasenmher das Unkraut beseitigen.

  66. [email protected] Flux BPM Administrator says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersJe le recommande cent pour cent.. Il est genial.. Rien ne l arrete.. Mes herbes et chien dent taient hyper haut.. J ai tout coup sans soucis…il est tres maniable… Facile a monter… Tres puissant. La lame solide.. Si elle rencontre un obstacle elle s ejecte il suffit de remettre la lame plastique en place… Je suis handicap.. Et le manipuler a t sans soucis..trs leger… La batterie tient tres longtemps…


  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to use, lightweight. Does the job for my small garden.
    Only complaint is that a screw was missing so I had to buy one.

  68. ShelleyKap says:

     United Kingdom

    For such a lightweight strimmer it is very powerful and the plastic blades are so much better than fiddling around with strimmer line.

  69. Emma Harris says:

     United Kingdom

    Strong motor but prone to losing blade during use. Like the way it handles and makes short work of grass and weeds

  70. JohannaV94 says:

     United Kingdom

    Good strimmer for the price. A bit tricky to fit the gaurd at the bottom but once assembled it does the job fine.

  71. AdelaHerzog says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Super Teil aber die Plastik Messer nerven. Hier am besten direkt welche mit bestellen.

  72. Jo says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Coupe bordure efficace et lger , bonne dur de la batterie on a de quoi faire

  73. Lisa Marie Segarra says:


    Pour les bordures trs pratique Et je vous aie dj achet plusieurs appareils sur batterie .
    Et en fin de semaine normalement je doit recevoir mon taille haie et je vais voir si a me convient voila CDLT

  74. MackenzMotsinge says:

     United Kingdom

    The performance, lightness and ease to use are five stars

  75. AlbertinaBarak says:

     United Kingdom

    I am happy with this machine! It takes on quite a task although I do nurse it because of the plastic attachments, a couple have already pinged but I would rather use this type than cope with the plastic gut.

  76. Mark Sinclair says:


    Ma femme l’apprcie beaucoup et, du coup en fait acheter un la voisine, malheureusement plus en promo.
    Il coupe bien les herbes des alles du potager et les lames, d’origine, rsistent bie

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The trimmer works perfectly and is easy to use, battery works very long time. Highly recommend.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect strimmer for where grass comes up to a retaining flower bed wall and so, so easy to replace the plastic blade….none of this fannyabout with winding strimmer wire…what a pain that was, especially when you get to the end and then let go…..oh s###…as it spirals off and you have the tedious job of starting again !!!….. I also purchased an Einhell electric chain saw last year…”brilliant”…so I knew this trimmer would be more than OK.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this to go with the cordless mower. Both excellent and lightweight. My wife prefers it to my petrol tools.

  80. QuinnBollinger says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTrs lger.
    Puissance suffisante pour les bordures de mon jardin. Coupe les herbes sans problme.
    Bien sur, la lamelle en plastique est fragile et il vaut mieux viter de toucher les bordure ou des cailloux…
    Satisfait de ce produit.

  81. DeanaJlmcen says:

     United Kingdom

    Light and easy to use. No faff changing the cord. Easy fit plastic blades.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAs a 5′ getting-on-a-bit female, I wanted a smaller, lightweight strimmer with no trailing cable, and this fits the bill. The battery is quick and easy to clip on and off and to charge. The strimmer has cut both our waist high ‘no-mow May’ grass, and thicker weeds and towering nettles on a long bank. The strimmer blade flew off just once, but didn’t break – and was very easy for me to slot back on. Very pleased with this feisty little machine and would recommend.

  83. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Sono molto soddisfatta in quanto il tagliaerba e leggero e maneggevole adatto al mio piccolo giardino.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLove it, easy to use and verry light, assembly was quick, charging the battery is easy and doesn’t take long, pitty there is not a safety button on though, once you have conected the battery you are good to go, so if you need to change the blade or give it a quick clean, remmember to take the battery out first, other than that it’s a fantastic strimmer. Would recomend

  85. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Matriel conforme, trs lger et maniable. Livraison trs rapide. Un succs…

  86. Jennie says:

     United Kingdom

    eally liked this product. Easy to use and light. brought one for my grandad as he is less mobile these days and he does well with it too.

  87. PhillisWrench says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best easiest strimmer I’ve bought. No stress of trying to fit the spools anymore. Should have got one years ago!!!

  88. NanMccoyjzlwq says:


    Trs bien et trs pratique surtout. Plus de fil encombrant, je peux me dplacer n’importe o sans soucis. Concernant les lames, pour l’instant je suis satisfait, pour la batterie, l’autonomie est amplement suffisante.Je recommande.

  89. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der Rasentrimmer ist fr Kantenschneiden gut geeignet. Selbst hohes Gras lies sich ohne mhe schneiden.Mit einer Akkuladung konnte ich ch 40 Min Mhe

  90. Anonymous says:


    Ce coupe-bordure nous a chang la vie quand il s’agit de couper l’herbe de nos longues bordures, ce que nous faisions la main avant d’acheter ce produit. Nous ne regrettons pas notre choix. Il est lger et trs facile utiliser. La lame en plastique, bien prfrable au fil utilis par certains coupe-bordures, fonctionne trs bien. Le manche est tlescopique et la poigne est rglable pour optimiser le confort d’utilisation. La batterie semble durer longtemps. Nous sommes trs satisfaits de notre achat.

  91. Anonymous says:


    produit arriv avant la date prvu , produit plutt facile monter, facile d’utilisation et efficace pour ce qui lui aie demand. aprs voir dans le temps pour sa dure de vie

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use but not overly happy with how long the cutters last.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    No CONS at all. I love the fact that no ;line to use, this comes with blades.. Good Amazon quick delivery and good product, best strimmer I have had..

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This works perfect on a single charge on our large Garden. The cutting blades are very precise and robust.

  95. Africa says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIt was very easy to assemble and easy to use, whilst also being comfortable to use and most importantly for me was the cutting blades and not having to faff about with the automatic feed reels.

  96. mtbgreg1 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI was looking for a strimmer to take over my allotment to clear paths and edging, after trawling through numerous reviews i decided to buy this strimmer, and boy what a buy, It cleared the 2 foot nettles and over grown grass easily, it is really lightweight so that an added bonus, after clearing the plot i am still using the original blade. The battery lasts for about 30 minutes so it took a couple of visits to do the job , but it is quick to recharge. I am very impressed and pleased with my purchase.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So easy to assemble. Lightweight and easy to use. Great that there’s no line. Easy changeable plastic blade. Great produc

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersBought this to do my large garden with as running extension cords is a hassle, also chose this for the plastic cutting heads instead of spools as have had spools lock up and spent ages trying to untangle them etc.

    * The 2.5AH battery did the whole garden and lasted about 30 minutes
    * Super quick and easy to change the plastic cutting heads
    * This has a lot less parts so i am expecting the machine to last a long time
    * 3 Year warranty (make sure to register the machine on the manufacturer website
    * 2 Year warranty on battery and charger (make sure to register on the manufacturers website)
    * Super light and easy to manoeuvre

    I highly recommend this product for anyone from small to large gardens.

    I also like the power x change tech of the battery and will be buying more Einhell tools shortly

  99. Monique Valeris says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy old cordless trimmer broke, so looked at a number of similar products on here. This one stood out as I have a rather large lawn which needs strimming before mowing. This trimmer is lightweight, very easy to use, I have arthritic wrists, but had to get my brother to put it togethe, due to wrists. Great price and speedy delivery, would recommend, it’s fab and you get the blades to go with i

  100. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    difficults pour tailler les bordures de pelouse : la tte de la machine n ‘ est pas orientable