Gardena CleverRoll L Easy: Hose trolley with up to 100 m capacity, especially stable, convenient, robust metal hose guide, anti-drip device, tool- assembly (18520-20)

gardena, watering, hose trolley, hose reel, hoses, hose storage

Hose trolley CleverRoll L Easy

The GARDENA CleverRoll L Easy hose trolley enables space-saving storage of the garden hose and is convenient to use. The ergonomic crank handle with soft plastic component and the stable hose guide allow the hose to be reliably rolled onto the large reel. No more falling over thanks to the fold-out stand. Its special shape and the visible wheel stand also support the stability of the hose trolley.

gardena,watering,garden hose, hose trolley,storage hose
GARDENA,watering,hose trolley,cleverroll

The hose guide is convenient, as only the crank on the hose reel needs to be operated.

  1. gardena,hose trolley


    The specially formed fold-out foot ensures high standing security while watering the garden.

  2. gardena,hose trolley

    Hose guide

    Thanks to the sturdy metal frame, the hose is always rolled up in even layers.

  3. gardena, watering, hose trolley

    Maximum water flow

    The angled hose connection on the inside of the reel prevents the hose from bending.

  4. gardena,hose trolley,cleverroll,hose storage

    Anti-drip device

    The anti-drip device prevents water from leaking out after use or while transporting the trolley.

  5. gardena,watering,garden hose,hose trolley

    Frost proof

    Innovative frost-resistance for extended durability.

1 Kick&Stand 2 Hose guide 3 Maximum water flow 4 Anti-drip device 5 Frost proof

The right hose trolley for every garden size

CleverRoll L Easy, Gardena, Watering, hose trolley

CleverRoll L Easy

CleverRoll M, Gardena, Watering, hose trolley

CleverRoll S Set

CleverRoll M, Gardena, Watering, hose trolley

CleverRoll M

CleverRoll M Set, Gardena, Watering, hose trolley

CleverRoll M Set

CleverRoll M Easy Set, Gardena, Watering, hose trolley

CleverRoll M Easy

CleverRoll M Easy Set, Gardena, Watering, hose trolley

CleverRoll M Easy Set

Hose length
100 m / 80 m / 50 m 60 m / 50 m / 35 m 60 m / 50 m / 35 m 60 m / 50 m / 35 m 60 m / 50 m / 35 m 60 m / 50 m / 35 m
Hose diameter
13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm
Frost proof
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Kick & Stand
✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
swiveling one-piece swiveling swiveling swiveling swiveling
Special feature
anti-drip device anti-drip device anti-drip device anti-drip device anti-drip device anti-drip device
Incl. hose and nozzle
✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔
Height adjustable handle
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Delivery condition
unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled
Included hose length(diameter)
20 m (Ø 13mm) 20 m (Ø 13mm) 20 m (Ø 13mm)
Gardena,watering,hose trolley,hose storage

M Easy Metal Set

Gardena,watering,hose trolley,hose storage

CleverRoll M Metal

Gardena,watering,hose trolley,hose storage

CleverRoll L Easy Metal

Gardena,watering,hose trolley,hose storage

Hose trolley 100

Hose length
60 m / 50 m / 35 m 60 m / 50 m / 35 m 100 m / 80 m / 50 m 100 m / 80 m / 50 m / 25 m
Hose diameter
13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm 13 mm / 15 mm / 19 mm / 25 mm
Frost proof
✔ ✔ ✔ ✘
Kick & Stand
✔ ✔ ✔ ✘
Hose guide
✔ ✘ ✔ ✘
swiveling swiveling swiveling one-piece
Special feature
anti-drip device anti-drip device anti-drip device anti-drip device
Incl. hose and nozzle
✔ ✘ ✘ ✘
Height adjustable handle
✔ ✔ ✔ ✘
Delivery condition
assembled assembled assembled partly assembled
Included hose length(diameter)
25 m (Ø 13mm)

Dimensions: 73.66 x 47.75 x 89.92 cm; 4.1 Kilograms
Model: 18520-20
Part: 18520-20
Manufacture: Gardena Deutschland GmbH – DE Parent

155 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Surprise : cet excellent dvidoir est arriv tout mont. Depuis plus d’un an, je vire mes anciens dvidoirs pour les remplacer par ce type de modle de chez Gardena, qui comporte un astucieux guide tuyau et une bonne capacit (avec des rouleaux de 50 m en 15 mm ou mme 19 mm (un diamtre dont, vrai dire, je ne vois pas les avantages rels par rapport 15 mm).

  2. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Produit bien conu et facile assembler en 5 grosses minutes sans outils. Semble plutt robuste pour l’instant.
    Par contre, petite dception sur la contenance: j’ai achet ce dvidoir pour mon nouveau tuyau Gardena 50m 19mm: si les 40 premiers mtres rentrent sans problme, les 5 10 derniers sont trs difficiles, et supposent probablement un guidage trs prcis pour optimiser l’enroulement, sans quoi on se retrouve avec des blocages, frottements, etc… A noter aussi qu’avec un tuyau aussi gros, le poids de l’ensemble devient important et sa garde au sol plus faible, d’o un dplacement plus compliqu.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIl carrello CleverRoll L Easy elegante, di facile montaggio e utilizzo: montato con una gomma High Flex 50 metri fa la sua bella figura. Abbiamo sostituito i connettori di plastica e messi in ottone sia in entrata che in uscita, perch secondo noi migliori. Imballaggio perfetto e tempi di consegna anticipata rispetto alla data indicata. Mi sono trovata talmente bene che abbiamo acquistato anche il CleverRoll M Easy per mettere un tubo Super Flax da 25 metri appena ordinato. Siamo veramente soddisfatti.

    Soddisfatta al 💯%: ottimo prodotto!

  4. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wow der beste Schlauchwagen den ich je hatte.
    Erstes Lob Lieferung am Folgetag der Bestellung.
    Super einfach werkzeuglos aufzubauen, alles klickt einwandfrei ineinander.
    Nur Kunststoff und Alu daher kein Rost zu erwarten.
    Durch die Aufrollhilfe sehr sauberes gleichmiges Aufrollen des Schlauches.
    Funktioniert wirklich, htte ich so nicht gedacht.
    Durch ausgeklappten Standfu sehr sicherer Stand beim Aufrollen.
    Standbgel und Kurbel angeklappt ergibt ein sehr kompaktes, leichtes Gert das sehr mobil ist.
    Der Handgriff ist in der Hhe verstellbar ohne umstndliche Einstellschrauben und liegt mir bei 185 cm
    Krpergre in guter Greifhhe. Krzer geht ja immer.
    Keine Luft in den Rdern daher auch kein Platten wie in meinem letzten Rostwagen aus China.
    Ich habe 25m sehr stabilen 1/2 Zoll Schlauch drauf, ich denke es knnen auch noch10-15 m
    hchstens 20 m mehr draufpassen.
    Die angegebenen 100m gehen vielleicht mit Benzinschlauchstrke drauf, oder mit so einem labbrigen Schlauchteil, das sich plattdrckt.. 🙂
    Ich will aber auch mit halb aufgerolltem Wagen noch Durchfluss haben, daher die formstabile Variante.
    Ansonsten Gardena typische Anschlsse und ein Aufrumstecknoppen mit den man den Anschlussschlauch zum Hahn auch kompakt am Rollwagen befestigen kann.
    Ich hab 59 Euronen gelhnt, das ist er m.E. auch wert zumindest im Vergleich zu dem was ich vorher getestet habe.
    Wie Uv fest der ganze Plastikkram dann sein wird sehe ich in den 5 Jahren, die Garantie drauf ist.
    Mein Fazit nach Aufbau und Erstnutzung.
    Ein gutes durchdachtes Teil.
    Preis Leistung ok obwohl ein Schlauchwagen dieser Machart auch preiswerter zu realisieren wre.
    Da zahlt man halt, dass er aus Deutschland kommt und Gardena draufsteht.
    Ist dadurch fr unsere Wirtschaft gut und nicht fr die chinesische.
    Sofern nicht nur der letzte Fertigungsschritt in Deutschland erfolgt ist, das wei man eben leider nie. 🙁

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWas tinkering with the idea of getting a self reeling hose pipe but reading some of the quality issues online put me off, so thought I’d invest in a good quality manual reel.

    The guiding reel makes it so easy to unreel and the wind the reel back up without making a mess. Sure it takes a bit more physical effort but nothing too strenuous.

    Bit on the pricey side but hopefully will be a worthwhile investment long term.

    Pictured is with the superflex 50m hosepipe

    Easy roll = easy life

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWas tinkering with the idea of getting a self reeling hose pipe but reading some of the quality issues online put me off, so thought I’d invest in a good quality manual reel.

    The guiding reel makes it so easy to unreel and the wind the reel back up without making a mess. Sure it takes a bit more physical effort but nothing too strenuous.

    Bit on the pricey side but hopefully will be a worthwhile investment long term.

    Pictured is with the superflex 50m hosepipe

    Easy roll = easy life

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWas tinkering with the idea of getting a self reeling hose pipe but reading some of the quality issues online put me off, so thought I’d invest in a good quality manual reel.

    The guiding reel makes it so easy to unreel and the wind the reel back up without making a mess. Sure it takes a bit more physical effort but nothing too strenuous.

    Bit on the pricey side but hopefully will be a worthwhile investment long term.

    Pictured is with the superflex 50m hosepipe

    Easy roll = easy life

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWas tinkering with the idea of getting a self reeling hose pipe but reading some of the quality issues online put me off, so thought I’d invest in a good quality manual reel.

    The guiding reel makes it so easy to unreel and the wind the reel back up without making a mess. Sure it takes a bit more physical effort but nothing too strenuous.

    Bit on the pricey side but hopefully will be a worthwhile investment long term.

    Pictured is with the superflex 50m hosepipe

    Easy roll = easy life

  9. RusselH74hxfik says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWas tinkering with the idea of getting a self reeling hose pipe but reading some of the quality issues online put me off, so thought I’d invest in a good quality manual reel.

    The guiding reel makes it so easy to unreel and the wind the reel back up without making a mess. Sure it takes a bit more physical effort but nothing too strenuous.

    Bit on the pricey side but hopefully will be a worthwhile investment long term.

    Pictured is with the superflex 50m hosepipe

    Easy roll = easy life

  10. Johnie23Qmamp says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Um unseren sehr langen Gartenschlauch bequemer auf- und abrollen zu knnen haben wir uns diesen Schlauchwagen zugelegt. Die Lieferung war einwandfrei und auch das Produkt war innerhalb von Sekunden bereit, um seinen Dienst aufzunehmen. Die Aufrollhilfe funktioniert einwandfrei, auch beim Abrollen ist es damit um einiges komfortabler. Ich habe leider nur den Vergleich zu meinem alten Schlauchwagen, aber die 85 Meter Gartenschlauch sind hiermit kein Problem. Der Standfu verleiht dem ganzen einen sehr guten Halt und es ist damit sogar mglich den Gartenschlauch einzurollen, ohne ihn vorher in Kreisen vor sich zu legen. In diesem Punkt war ich sichtlich erstaunt. Einen Stern muss ich leider aufgrund folgender Problematik abziehen: Beim auf- und abrollen lst sich der Adapter fr den Schlauch und zwar innen in der Rolle. Das bedeutet, er fngt zu tropfen an bzw. irgendwann ist er so locker, dass er um die Ohren fliegt. Nun ist das Problem, es muss der ganze Schlauch abgerollt werden um den Adapter wieder anzuschrauben. Lsen kann man das Problem auf mehrere Arten, entweder kleben oder mit etwas Hanf rangehen. Das erhht den Widerstand und er lst sich nicht mehr. Nach der Verbesserung jedoch eine klare Kaufempfehlung. Aufgrund der Problematik gibt es jedoch nur 4 von 5 Sternen.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Ein wirklich guter Schlauchwagen. Der Wagen steht sehr stabil, selbst wenn man am Schlauch zieht. Der Schlauch lsst sich dank der Schlauchfhrung uerst leicht aufrollen. Die Montage geht sehr einfach von der Hand. Fr den gesammten Zusammenbau wird kein Werkzeug bentgt. Viele Teile sind zwar aus Kunststoff aber trotzdem robust. Bisher hatte ich keine Undichtigkeiten. Ich nutze einen 13mm Schlauch mit einer Lnge von 50m.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Ich hatte eine geringe Erwartungshaltung gegenber diesem Schlauchwagen. Sein Vorgnger hat 20 Jahre bei uns auf der Terrasse berlebt, wurde aber nicht geliebt, da ein Probleme beim Schlauch auf- und abrollen hatte, vor allem viel er hufig um.

    Ganz anders das neue Modell: durch den deutlich lngeren Fu rollt der Schlauch ganz einfach ab. Der Knller ist aber die Schlauchfhrung beim Aufrollen die entgegen jeder Erwartung absolut problemlos funktioniert.

    Ich bin begeistert von dem Produkt.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersC’est facile monter. C’est stable pour enrouler et drouler le tuyau, pratique pour dplier et replier, roule bien avec des roues de bon diamtre.
    J’ai mis un tuyau “Gardena 18079-26 Tuyau HighFlex PVC Noir/Orange 50 m”. La roue qui sert guider du tuyau pendant l’enroulement ou le droulement fait un va-et-vient sur une vis sans fin pour rpartir le tuyau sur toute la largeur du dvidoir. Je pense que cette vis sans fin a t “calcule” pour des tuyaux de diamtre 19mm, car avec mon tuyau de 15mm, la roue de guidage se dplace trop vite ( voir photo ), et il me faut constamment la recaler la main. On peut le faire pour enrouler le tuyau, mais c’est compliqu pour drouler ! Ca aurait d tre signale par Gardena.
    D’o mon toile en moins.

    Le guide de tuyau ( "easy") n'est pas adapté pour les tuyaux de 13mm et 15mm

  14. Darcy38Dppv says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent product, best hose reel ever and the mechanism that you feed the hose in works brilliantly.
    Glad I paid the extra cash, build quality looks good and should last several years.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent product, best hose reel ever and the mechanism that you feed the hose in works brilliantly.
    Glad I paid the extra cash, build quality looks good and should last several years.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent product, best hose reel ever and the mechanism that you feed the hose in works brilliantly.
    Glad I paid the extra cash, build quality looks good and should last several years.

  17. Anonymous says:


    L’avvolgitubo facile da montare, il manuale chiaro. molto leggero e pratico, sar da verificare la durata e la robustezza dei componenti in plastica. Nella scatola a trovano anche i raccordi da 1/2 pollice. Acquistato per contenere un tubo da 3/4 lunghezza 25m.

  18. DanielDahl says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product – very pleased. This is exactly what I had hoped for.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product – very pleased. This is exactly what I had hoped for.

  20. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usershabe ich den Schlauchwagen nicht benutzt und bin trotzdem sehr verrgert. Laut Bilder sieht es so aus, als wenn der Schlauchwagen schn nachgezogen werden kann,in jede Ecke des Gartens.So einfach ist das aber nicht, es sah nicht danach aus, als wenn ein zweiter Schlauch bentigt wird um den Schlauchwagen zu benutzen. Genau so ist es aber. Welchen Sinn hat dieser Wagen wenn trotzdem ein 2.Schlauch im Garten ausgelegt werden muss? 8.9.Nun schon einige Male genutzt. Habe mich mit der Handhabung arrangiert und bin eigentlich sehr zufrieden. Im Gegensatz zu dem Vorgnger (40 Jahre alt) Locker bekomme ich 40m Schlauch aufgewickelt 10 m habe ich abgeschnitten fr den Anschluss am Wasser,aber es gehen locker die 50 m drauf. Es geht aber auch um die AyuaEasy Metall Ausfhrung. Anschle prima, Handkurbel leicht zu bedienen, alles in allem zufrieden.


  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The hose reel is sturdy, holds a long hose, up to 100M and winds very easily. Very pleased with this.

  22. Kaitlyn0076 says:

     United Kingdom

    The hose reel is sturdy, holds a long hose, up to 100M and winds very easily. Very pleased with this.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really solid and the worm feed on rewind is excellent. Very very happy

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really solid and the worm feed on rewind is excellent. Very very happy

  25. Quan Campbell says:

     United Kingdom

    A well designed, well built, sturdy hose reel. Well done Gardena this is a great bit of kit that does exactly what it says on the tin. Good quality materials have been used to compliment the outstanding design which both lead to a very strong hose reel. Having bought and returned the Hozelock equivalent I was apprehensive about purchasing another. I should not have worried this is a fantastic addition to my garden. Love the additional hose reel that guides the hose neatly and efficiently onto the main reel.

  26. IWVSylviaxi says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product easy to use only drawback for me is when the hose is fully extended it is heavy and hard to wind back. Easily remedied by dragging hose back then winding on to the trolley. Would highly recommend

  27. Gabby Triolo says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product easy to use only drawback for me is when the hose is fully extended it is heavy and hard to wind back. Easily remedied by dragging hose back then winding on to the trolley. Would highly recommend

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Does the job quite well. The frame design stops the reel toppling over when pulling hose from the reel

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Does the job quite well. The frame design stops the reel toppling over when pulling hose from the reel

  30. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersLe dvidoir Gardena Aquaroll L Easy Mtal est parfait pour un tuyau de 50 m en diamtre 13 mm.
    Il s’agit de la version en mtal (rf : 18550-20) plus solide que le modle identique en plastique (rf 18520-20).
    N’oubliez pas l’achat d’un tuyau avec raccord pour relier le dvidoir au robinet (rf : 18040-20 ou 18011-20).
    Ce que j’ai apprci :
    La poignet de transport rglable en hauteur et la poignet sur le cot pliable pour gagner de la place.
    Le guide (en plastique orange) facilite grandement l’enroulage du tuyau sans tortillage.
    En terme de longvit du guide, on verra avec le temps. Le choix d’utiliser du plastique est-il judicieux ?
    Trs stable avec son pied en mtal articul, une protection en gomme sur le pied serait le bienvenue pour plus d’adhrence sur sol glissant ou viter les griffures sur sol granuleux.
    Le nez de robinet sur le dessus est une bonne ide pour fixer le tuyau en fin d’utilisation.
    J’enlve une toile pour le choix du matriau du guide et le manque de protection sur le pied en mtal.
    Vendu sans tuyau, une housse en plastique anti-UV serait vraiment sympa compte tenu du prix d’achat.
    Je ne regrette pas mon investissement, trs pratique l’usage et garantie 5 ans.

    Si mon commentaire vous a t utile, merci de rpondre oui, a fait toujours plaisir 😉

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersLe dvidoir Gardena Aquaroll L Easy Mtal est parfait pour un tuyau de 50 m en diamtre 13 mm.
    Il s’agit de la version en mtal (rf : 18550-20) plus solide que le modle identique en plastique (rf 18520-20).
    N’oubliez pas l’achat d’un tuyau avec raccord pour relier le dvidoir au robinet (rf : 18040-20 ou 18011-20).
    Ce que j’ai apprci :
    La poignet de transport rglable en hauteur et la poignet sur le cot pliable pour gagner de la place.
    Le guide (en plastique orange) facilite grandement l’enroulage du tuyau sans tortillage.
    En terme de longvit du guide, on verra avec le temps. Le choix d’utiliser du plastique est-il judicieux ?
    Trs stable avec son pied en mtal articul, une protection en gomme sur le pied serait le bienvenue pour plus d’adhrence sur sol glissant ou viter les griffures sur sol granuleux.
    Le nez de robinet sur le dessus est une bonne ide pour fixer le tuyau en fin d’utilisation.
    J’enlve une toile pour le choix du matriau du guide et le manque de protection sur le pied en mtal.
    Vendu sans tuyau, une housse en plastique anti-UV serait vraiment sympa compte tenu du prix d’achat.
    Je ne regrette pas mon investissement, trs pratique l’usage et garantie 5 ans.

    Si mon commentaire vous a t utile, merci de rpondre oui, a fait toujours plaisir 😉

  32. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersLe dvidoir Gardena Aquaroll L Easy Mtal est parfait pour un tuyau de 50 m en diamtre 13 mm.
    Il s’agit de la version en mtal (rf : 18550-20) plus solide que le modle identique en plastique (rf 18520-20).
    N’oubliez pas l’achat d’un tuyau avec raccord pour relier le dvidoir au robinet (rf : 18040-20 ou 18011-20).
    Ce que j’ai apprci :
    La poignet de transport rglable en hauteur et la poignet sur le cot pliable pour gagner de la place.
    Le guide (en plastique orange) facilite grandement l’enroulage du tuyau sans tortillage.
    En terme de longvit du guide, on verra avec le temps. Le choix d’utiliser du plastique est-il judicieux ?
    Trs stable avec son pied en mtal articul, une protection en gomme sur le pied serait le bienvenue pour plus d’adhrence sur sol glissant ou viter les griffures sur sol granuleux.
    Le nez de robinet sur le dessus est une bonne ide pour fixer le tuyau en fin d’utilisation.
    J’enlve une toile pour le choix du matriau du guide et le manque de protection sur le pied en mtal.
    Vendu sans tuyau, une housse en plastique anti-UV serait vraiment sympa compte tenu du prix d’achat.
    Je ne regrette pas mon investissement, trs pratique l’usage et garantie 5 ans.

    Si mon commentaire vous a t utile, merci de rpondre oui, a fait toujours plaisir 😉

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I was quite surprised how much trolleys are particularly vs the cost of the hose, but having struggled with an unruly 75m hose for a while I was determined to sort it out! I’m very pleased I went for the ‘buy once, buy quality’ route as this was a breeze to assemble, is very robust and well made. Highly recommended

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve lost count of how may hose reels I’ve had over the years. This one has been though through by the designer.
    Very stable when pulling out and reeling in. Auto guide works perfectly. The foldaway handle is great. What more can I say. Great value product.

  35. Michael Dorstewitz says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIch habe inzwischen verschiedene Schlauchwagen von Gardena, dieser hier ist meiner Meinung nach der Beste.
    1. ist er der stabilste
    2. liegt er beim auf und abrollen und kann so nicht umfallen

    Es passen 50 Meter 3/4 Zoll Schlauch auf die Rolle, sagt der Text. Real habe ich 40 Meter draufbekommen und die lieen sich nicht mehr wirklich wickeln, vom Kraftaufwand her. Es wird ab 20 Meter sprbarer Krafteinsatz gebraucht den aufzurollen und ab etwa 30 Meter wird es dann wirklich schwer. Das ist zwar normal, ist halt Physik, je mehr aufgewickelt ist und man dem Hebelweg der Kurbel nahe kommt, um so mehr Kraft muss man fr jede weitere Umdrehung aufwenden.
    Die Kurbel sollte daher fmeiner Meinung nach etwas lnger sein als sie ist. Denn wre der Hebel lnger braucht man wieder weniger Kraft beim aufrollen bzw kann mehr Meter auf die Troimmel bringen, die theoretisch knapp 50 Meter aufnehmen kann.
    Es ist halt nicht schn, wenn man die Schlauchtrommel de Facto wegen des zu kurzen Hebels nur halb voll machen kann/darf.

    Generell sind die Griffbgel zum ziehen der Schlauchwagen vvon Gardena zu kurz fr meinen Geschmack. SIch bin 1,84 und beim hinterherzeihen der Rollwagen neigen alle dazu, so auch dieser hier, beim Laufen gegen den Fu zu stoen. Tendenziell etwas weniger als die noch kleineren Rollwagen von Gardena, der Griff scheint minimal weiter weg von den Rdern zu sein, aber immer noch etwas knapp und so kommt der Hacken beim laufen schnell mal in Kontakt mit dem Rad oder Gestell.

    Alles in Allem macht der Schlachwagen dennoch einen soliden Eindruck, der nur am Fahrgestell und den Rdern durch die Verwendung von Plastik statt Metall und Gummirdern getrbt ist. Erfahrungsgem hlt das Plastik von Gardena aber auch Jahrhundete im Betrieb stand, also alles i.O.

    All das ist Jammern auf hohem Niveau. Ich finde zumindest erst ab oberhalb der 200,- Euro berhaupt qualitativ vergleichbares, das dann an der ein oder anderen Stelle auch besser ist.

    In seiner Preisklasse von um die 120,- Euro wie ich ihn gekauft habe, ist der Gardena Metall-Schlauchwagen 100 gut und bekommt von mir daher eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

  36. richbenalmadenavilla says:

     United Kingdom

    Very well built and sturdy hose reel. I bought to use with 19mm 3/4″ hose to which it will take approx 50m of. Be warned though it does get heavy as the larger hose holds more water. The only downside to this reel is the winding guide (large orange reel) doesn’t work properly on 3/4″ hose the screw that it runs on is too fine so only works on STD 12.5mm garden hose, it starts to overlap on the larger hose as it doesn’t move as far over per turn. Would be nice if they could supply an additional screw that works on bigger hoses.

  37. LeroyW44moqzx says:

     United Kingdom

    Very well built and sturdy hose reel. I bought to use with 19mm 3/4″ hose to which it will take approx 50m of. Be warned though it does get heavy as the larger hose holds more water. The only downside to this reel is the winding guide (large orange reel) doesn’t work properly on 3/4″ hose the screw that it runs on is too fine so only works on STD 12.5mm garden hose, it starts to overlap on the larger hose as it doesn’t move as far over per turn. Would be nice if they could supply an additional screw that works on bigger hoses.

  38. BernadetteBamfo says:

     United Kingdom

    Quite easy to put together. Simple to use. Works brilliantly. The hose guide works well

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quite easy to put together. Simple to use. Works brilliantly. The hose guide works well

  40. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersPossedevo gi un carrello avvolgitubo Gardena che purtroppo mi stava lasciando causa l’et.. Ho cercato nei vari Brico e negozi specializzati ma trovavo solo versioni piccole e in plastica. Guardando su internet ho identificato il modello che possiede tutte le caratteristiche che mi servono (portata oltre 50 metri di tubo in gomma, struttura ben solida, passante per il tubo, antiribaltamento e che non sgocciolasse per il troppo peso del tubo non srotolato) e ho fatto una ricerca su Amazon. Ed eccolo qua. Amazon veloce e imballo perfetto! Nella due ultime foto montato il tubo in gomma lungo quasi 50 metri che uso per il mio giardino. Forse un p caro, non so, per non mi interessa perch preferisco spendere un p di pi ma avere un oggetto robusto e durevole piuttosto che spendere meno e dover ripetere la spesa a causa della fragilit e conseguente veloce rottura dell’oggetto pi economico (da noi si dice “chi spende poco, spende due volte”). Se proprio devo trovare qualcosa da dire potrei criticare il colore, magari verde si saarebbe mimetizzato di pi ma va benissimo anche azzurro. Contentissima!!!!!


  41. jenny says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersPossedevo gi un carrello avvolgitubo Gardena che purtroppo mi stava lasciando causa l’et.. Ho cercato nei vari Brico e negozi specializzati ma trovavo solo versioni piccole e in plastica. Guardando su internet ho identificato il modello che possiede tutte le caratteristiche che mi servono (portata oltre 50 metri di tubo in gomma, struttura ben solida, passante per il tubo, antiribaltamento e che non sgocciolasse per il troppo peso del tubo non srotolato) e ho fatto una ricerca su Amazon. Ed eccolo qua. Amazon veloce e imballo perfetto! Nella due ultime foto montato il tubo in gomma lungo quasi 50 metri che uso per il mio giardino. Forse un p caro, non so, per non mi interessa perch preferisco spendere un p di pi ma avere un oggetto robusto e durevole piuttosto che spendere meno e dover ripetere la spesa a causa della fragilit e conseguente veloce rottura dell’oggetto pi economico (da noi si dice “chi spende poco, spende due volte”). Se proprio devo trovare qualcosa da dire potrei criticare il colore, magari verde si saarebbe mimetizzato di pi ma va benissimo anche azzurro. Contentissima!!!!!


  42. ClaudiaStpierre says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersPossedevo gi un carrello avvolgitubo Gardena che purtroppo mi stava lasciando causa l’et.. Ho cercato nei vari Brico e negozi specializzati ma trovavo solo versioni piccole e in plastica. Guardando su internet ho identificato il modello che possiede tutte le caratteristiche che mi servono (portata oltre 50 metri di tubo in gomma, struttura ben solida, passante per il tubo, antiribaltamento e che non sgocciolasse per il troppo peso del tubo non srotolato) e ho fatto una ricerca su Amazon. Ed eccolo qua. Amazon veloce e imballo perfetto! Nella due ultime foto montato il tubo in gomma lungo quasi 50 metri che uso per il mio giardino. Forse un p caro, non so, per non mi interessa perch preferisco spendere un p di pi ma avere un oggetto robusto e durevole piuttosto che spendere meno e dover ripetere la spesa a causa della fragilit e conseguente veloce rottura dell’oggetto pi economico (da noi si dice “chi spende poco, spende due volte”). Se proprio devo trovare qualcosa da dire potrei criticare il colore, magari verde si saarebbe mimetizzato di pi ma va benissimo anche azzurro. Contentissima!!!!!


  43. James K. Willcox says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersPossedevo gi un carrello avvolgitubo Gardena che purtroppo mi stava lasciando causa l’et.. Ho cercato nei vari Brico e negozi specializzati ma trovavo solo versioni piccole e in plastica. Guardando su internet ho identificato il modello che possiede tutte le caratteristiche che mi servono (portata oltre 50 metri di tubo in gomma, struttura ben solida, passante per il tubo, antiribaltamento e che non sgocciolasse per il troppo peso del tubo non srotolato) e ho fatto una ricerca su Amazon. Ed eccolo qua. Amazon veloce e imballo perfetto! Nella due ultime foto montato il tubo in gomma lungo quasi 50 metri che uso per il mio giardino. Forse un p caro, non so, per non mi interessa perch preferisco spendere un p di pi ma avere un oggetto robusto e durevole piuttosto che spendere meno e dover ripetere la spesa a causa della fragilit e conseguente veloce rottura dell’oggetto pi economico (da noi si dice “chi spende poco, spende due volte”). Se proprio devo trovare qualcosa da dire potrei criticare il colore, magari verde si saarebbe mimetizzato di pi ma va benissimo anche azzurro. Contentissima!!!!!


  44. OliviaStark says:

     United Kingdom

    Best hose and trolley I’ve bought. Expensive but brilliant so no regrets.

  45. SashaWilkes says:

     United Kingdom

    Best hose and trolley I’ve bought. Expensive but brilliant so no regrets.

  46. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 85 From Our UsersNachdem nun der 2. No-Name Schlauchwagen seinen Geist aufgegeben hat (windschief, Kurbelbruch) habe ich seit kurzem den neuen Gardena Schlauchwagen im Einsatz und muss feststellen, da der Unterschied doch enorm ist: hochwertiges elastisches Plastik wird hier verarbeitet und beim Zusammenbau passt ein Teil ins andere. Die Standfestigkeit ist top und der Aufrollmechanismus ist auch empfehlenswert.
    Da bei vielen Rezensionen eine Undichte bei der Wasserzufuhr bemngelt wird, hierzu ein Tipp: Es ist sehr wichtig, da beim Zusammenbau der Wasserdurchlaufstutzen von innen nach aussen fest angedrckt wird bis ein Klacken hrbar ist. Einige Fotos bei Rezensionen deuten auf fehlerhaften Einbau hin. Die Plastikkralle muss hrbar ber den Fhrungsring schnappen. Dann ist auch beim ueren Wasseranschlu genug Spiel vorhanden (siehe Fotos) , er reibt sich nicht am Gehuse und er kann sich beim Kurbeln nicht lsen. Leider fehlt in der Beschreibung bei den Abbildungen das Klack-Symbol. Zudem sprhe ich bewegliche Plastikteile ab und zu mit Silikonspray ein um die Reibung zu vermindern.

    Super Schlauchwage

  47. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 85 From Our UsersNachdem nun der 2. No-Name Schlauchwagen seinen Geist aufgegeben hat (windschief, Kurbelbruch) habe ich seit kurzem den neuen Gardena Schlauchwagen im Einsatz und muss feststellen, da der Unterschied doch enorm ist: hochwertiges elastisches Plastik wird hier verarbeitet und beim Zusammenbau passt ein Teil ins andere. Die Standfestigkeit ist top und der Aufrollmechanismus ist auch empfehlenswert.
    Da bei vielen Rezensionen eine Undichte bei der Wasserzufuhr bemngelt wird, hierzu ein Tipp: Es ist sehr wichtig, da beim Zusammenbau der Wasserdurchlaufstutzen von innen nach aussen fest angedrckt wird bis ein Klacken hrbar ist. Einige Fotos bei Rezensionen deuten auf fehlerhaften Einbau hin. Die Plastikkralle muss hrbar ber den Fhrungsring schnappen. Dann ist auch beim ueren Wasseranschlu genug Spiel vorhanden (siehe Fotos) , er reibt sich nicht am Gehuse und er kann sich beim Kurbeln nicht lsen. Leider fehlt in der Beschreibung bei den Abbildungen das Klack-Symbol. Zudem sprhe ich bewegliche Plastikteile ab und zu mit Silikonspray ein um die Reibung zu vermindern.

    Super Schlauchwage

  48. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 85 From Our UsersNachdem nun der 2. No-Name Schlauchwagen seinen Geist aufgegeben hat (windschief, Kurbelbruch) habe ich seit kurzem den neuen Gardena Schlauchwagen im Einsatz und muss feststellen, da der Unterschied doch enorm ist: hochwertiges elastisches Plastik wird hier verarbeitet und beim Zusammenbau passt ein Teil ins andere. Die Standfestigkeit ist top und der Aufrollmechanismus ist auch empfehlenswert.
    Da bei vielen Rezensionen eine Undichte bei der Wasserzufuhr bemngelt wird, hierzu ein Tipp: Es ist sehr wichtig, da beim Zusammenbau der Wasserdurchlaufstutzen von innen nach aussen fest angedrckt wird bis ein Klacken hrbar ist. Einige Fotos bei Rezensionen deuten auf fehlerhaften Einbau hin. Die Plastikkralle muss hrbar ber den Fhrungsring schnappen. Dann ist auch beim ueren Wasseranschlu genug Spiel vorhanden (siehe Fotos) , er reibt sich nicht am Gehuse und er kann sich beim Kurbeln nicht lsen. Leider fehlt in der Beschreibung bei den Abbildungen das Klack-Symbol. Zudem sprhe ich bewegliche Plastikteile ab und zu mit Silikonspray ein um die Reibung zu vermindern.

    Super Schlauchwage

  49. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 84 From Our UsersArticle de bonne qualit, facile monter, cependant attention la longueur du tuyau.
    60 m pour un diamtre de 13
    50 m pour un diamtre de 15
    35 m pour un diamtre de 19

  50. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 84 From Our UsersArticle de bonne qualit, facile monter, cependant attention la longueur du tuyau.
    60 m pour un diamtre de 13
    50 m pour un diamtre de 15
    35 m pour un diamtre de 19

  51. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 84 From Our UsersArticle de bonne qualit, facile monter, cependant attention la longueur du tuyau.
    60 m pour un diamtre de 13
    50 m pour un diamtre de 15
    35 m pour un diamtre de 19

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic, easy to assemble, easy to use and now the hose is kept tidy!

  53. RomaBadilla says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic, easy to assemble, easy to use and now the hose is kept tidy!

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent hose really. Very easy to put together – think I was pretty much less than 5 minutes to get it all clipped together. It’s sturdy and robust, and very easy to use. There are 2 hozelock connectors, one in the inside (for the main reel), and one on the outside, for the bit that connects to the tap. No hoses are included.

    I clipped by long hose in, and it was really easy to roll up, thanks to the long handle at the side (my previous hozelock reel had a handle that was flat on the side of the reel, and doesn’t work even half as well as this one).

    So easy to setup, easy to use – highly recommended.

  55. AdalbertoBrower says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent hose really. Very easy to put together – think I was pretty much less than 5 minutes to get it all clipped together. It’s sturdy and robust, and very easy to use. There are 2 hozelock connectors, one in the inside (for the main reel), and one on the outside, for the bit that connects to the tap. No hoses are included.

    I clipped by long hose in, and it was really easy to roll up, thanks to the long handle at the side (my previous hozelock reel had a handle that was flat on the side of the reel, and doesn’t work even half as well as this one).

    So easy to setup, easy to use – highly recommended.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This takes some putting together, but once it is together, it’s a robust, easy to use quality product with some very nice features like the hose guide. Having some from a Hozelock one which was a lot more basic, the extra quality and thought on this one is apparent – all the details just work.

    I only put a 50m hose on it – for that it works absolutely fine.

    The lost star is simply for the effort involved in putting it together – otherwise it’s a brilliant product.

  57. AGZCandela says:

     United Kingdom

    This takes some putting together, but once it is together, it’s a robust, easy to use quality product with some very nice features like the hose guide. Having some from a Hozelock one which was a lot more basic, the extra quality and thought on this one is apparent – all the details just work.

    I only put a 50m hose on it – for that it works absolutely fine.

    The lost star is simply for the effort involved in putting it together – otherwise it’s a brilliant product.

  58. Steve Conaway says:

     United Kingdom

    The first thing to remember is that Gardena is compatible with Hozelock so when I’d assembled this my existing Hozelock hose fitted perfectly. The whole unit comes well packaged in a rigid box and needs an element of self-assembly. Overall it’s not difficult and there’s a choice of which side to put the winding handle. I haven’t used Gardena before and I’m told that it’s more robust than Hozelock but time will tell. Overall it’s well thought out and having wheels is a bonus if you have the full length of hose on there. The stand really holds it in place and the simple idea of a guide to ensure the hose is easily and neatly rolled on is excellent. I do think it’s a bit too expensive but I guess it’s up to the customer if they want quality or something cheaper. I also think that having a five year guarantee is priceless. I’m really pleased with this and I consider the build and quality to be first class.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The first thing to remember is that Gardena is compatible with Hozelock so when I’d assembled this my existing Hozelock hose fitted perfectly. The whole unit comes well packaged in a rigid box and needs an element of self-assembly. Overall it’s not difficult and there’s a choice of which side to put the winding handle. I haven’t used Gardena before and I’m told that it’s more robust than Hozelock but time will tell. Overall it’s well thought out and having wheels is a bonus if you have the full length of hose on there. The stand really holds it in place and the simple idea of a guide to ensure the hose is easily and neatly rolled on is excellent. I do think it’s a bit too expensive but I guess it’s up to the customer if they want quality or something cheaper. I also think that having a five year guarantee is priceless. I’m really pleased with this and I consider the build and quality to be first class.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This hose reel arrived in a large box full of bits, but actually it took my husband very little time to put it together. My garden is on a slope and my current hose reel (from a leading UK manufacturer) is extremely unstable on this slope and I am fed up with having to retrieve it from the shrub bed. This hose reel, on the other hand, is well braced and stable, so it stays exactly where you put it. Unlike my old one, this is really easy to use – the hose rewinds like a dream and the guide wheel stops it from kinking or becoming snarled. This is German quality manufacture at its best and I think this reel should well outlast the 5 year warranty.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Over the years I’ve had many hoses from one of the leading hose pipe manufacturers. Whilst the reels and cases have been good I thought they were an industry standard. How wrong I was! This is far more robust and reels in the hose ( and out) with less effort than usual. As it has 100m capacity fitting a 50m hose is a doddle. I have deducted it one star from the score due to the fact it flexes slightly when reeling in really quickly, the overall build quality looks like it will stand the test of time. It also looks far more attractive than the hideously bright ones other manufacturers make, I know this is part of their branding but it’s good to see someone buck the trend and design something that not only works better but blends in to your garden better too.

    Swapping my hose from my old reel to this was extremely simple. If you don’t have a reel and are in need then look no further, as someone who has many hoses and several hose reels this is the best one I’ve used to date. Great job!

  62. Sarah Hishan says:

     United Kingdom

    I took this to review because i am disabled and i have 2 gardens. I have a front garden measuring 120ft by 35ft, and a back garden measuring 40ft by 35ft. My back garden is where my outdoor tap is so i have a hard time dragging my hose from my back garden around to the front to water the plants in my borders. Because of the size of my gardens, i actually have 2 x 50m hoses connected together with a hozelock connector so i have 100m in total.

    This hose reel was really easy to put together, obviously due to my disabilities it took me a bit longer to put together, but i had it done by myself in 25 minutes. I liked the fact that you can fit the handle on either side so it is suitable for both right and left handed users, an ingenious move on the part of the manufacturers. It wound my hose easily, the connectors went over smootly and it was a breeze to wind back in.

    All of the plastic componenets were very well made, they clicked together easily and it seems really robust and hard wearing. Mine is going to stay outdoors all the time because i have no shed, so if i had a niggle it would of been that i would of liked to of had a waterproof cover included to keep it protected through the winter. Other than that i cannot fault it.

  63. Russell33M says:

     United Kingdom

    This hose reel arrived in a large box full of bits, but actually it took my husband very little time to put it together. My garden is on a slope and my current hose reel (from a leading UK manufacturer) is extremely unstable on this slope and I am fed up with having to retrieve it from the shrub bed. This hose reel, on the other hand, is well braced and stable, so it stays exactly where you put it. Unlike my old one, this is really easy to use – the hose rewinds like a dream and the guide wheel stops it from kinking or becoming snarled. This is German quality manufacture at its best and I think this reel should well outlast the 5 year warranty.

  64. Emily Leary says:

     United Kingdom

    Over the years I’ve had many hoses from one of the leading hose pipe manufacturers. Whilst the reels and cases have been good I thought they were an industry standard. How wrong I was! This is far more robust and reels in the hose ( and out) with less effort than usual. As it has 100m capacity fitting a 50m hose is a doddle. I have deducted it one star from the score due to the fact it flexes slightly when reeling in really quickly, the overall build quality looks like it will stand the test of time. It also looks far more attractive than the hideously bright ones other manufacturers make, I know this is part of their branding but it’s good to see someone buck the trend and design something that not only works better but blends in to your garden better too.

    Swapping my hose from my old reel to this was extremely simple. If you don’t have a reel and are in need then look no further, as someone who has many hoses and several hose reels this is the best one I’ve used to date. Great job!

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I took this to review because i am disabled and i have 2 gardens. I have a front garden measuring 120ft by 35ft, and a back garden measuring 40ft by 35ft. My back garden is where my outdoor tap is so i have a hard time dragging my hose from my back garden around to the front to water the plants in my borders. Because of the size of my gardens, i actually have 2 x 50m hoses connected together with a hozelock connector so i have 100m in total.

    This hose reel was really easy to put together, obviously due to my disabilities it took me a bit longer to put together, but i had it done by myself in 25 minutes. I liked the fact that you can fit the handle on either side so it is suitable for both right and left handed users, an ingenious move on the part of the manufacturers. It wound my hose easily, the connectors went over smootly and it was a breeze to wind back in.

    All of the plastic componenets were very well made, they clicked together easily and it seems really robust and hard wearing. Mine is going to stay outdoors all the time because i have no shed, so if i had a niggle it would of been that i would of liked to of had a waterproof cover included to keep it protected through the winter. Other than that i cannot fault it.

  66. BridgetBloomer says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe Gardena AquaRoll L Easy Hose trolly is a well thought out product.

    It comes flat packed and ready to assemble with no tools required. Everything pretty much clicks into place with two additional screw fastenings that you tighten by hand. It should take you no more than 10 minutes to put together.

    It feels robust and has a solid planted look about it. The plastics and the metal handles are excellent quality and the ‘click connect’ assembly is easy. Depending on whether you are left handed or right handed, you can chose the side you want the winding handle and the hose connector on. Great for me because I like to wind the hose up using my left hand.

    The fixings are also compatible with Hozelock connectors and as I have a Hozelock Ultimate hose I thought I might as well utilise it. While the reel can hold a 100m hose, the 30m hose I have fitted in nicely.

    Winding is straight forward and easy and a pully guide moves the hose left and right as you wind so that you get an even spread of hose across the reel. It really does run smoothly. The other benefit are the wheels. If you have a 100m hose it will have a bit of weight to it and it makes it so much easier to move the reel around.

    The product is excellent quality and can be stored easily by moving the kickstand in. The price is a little on the high side but considering the quality of the plastics I’d say it verges on the reasonable.


  67. JenniferCayton says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe Gardena AquaRoll L Easy Hose trolly is a well thought out product.

    It comes flat packed and ready to assemble with no tools required. Everything pretty much clicks into place with two additional screw fastenings that you tighten by hand. It should take you no more than 10 minutes to put together.

    It feels robust and has a solid planted look about it. The plastics and the metal handles are excellent quality and the ‘click connect’ assembly is easy. Depending on whether you are left handed or right handed, you can chose the side you want the winding handle and the hose connector on. Great for me because I like to wind the hose up using my left hand.

    The fixings are also compatible with Hozelock connectors and as I have a Hozelock Ultimate hose I thought I might as well utilise it. While the reel can hold a 100m hose, the 30m hose I have fitted in nicely.

    Winding is straight forward and easy and a pully guide moves the hose left and right as you wind so that you get an even spread of hose across the reel. It really does run smoothly. The other benefit are the wheels. If you have a 100m hose it will have a bit of weight to it and it makes it so much easier to move the reel around.

    The product is excellent quality and can be stored easily by moving the kickstand in. The price is a little on the high side but considering the quality of the plastics I’d say it verges on the reasonable.


  68. IndianaPoninski says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a Hozelock one with 50m of hose and thus I have just retired that and moved the hose over.

    All you need to make it all work is some quality garden hose pipe. Adaptors for standard UK garden taps provided.

    It does take up more room than my old one but it is designed to take more hose.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a Hozelock one with 50m of hose and thus I have just retired that and moved the hose over.

    All you need to make it all work is some quality garden hose pipe. Adaptors for standard UK garden taps provided.

    It does take up more room than my old one but it is designed to take more hose.

  70. WarnerPatti29 says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a Hozelock one with 50m of hose and thus I have just retired that and moved the hose over.

    All you need to make it all work is some quality garden hose pipe. Adaptors for standard UK garden taps provided.

    It does take up more room than my old one but it is designed to take more hose.

  71. MarylouPring says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a Hozelock one with 50m of hose and thus I have just retired that and moved the hose over.

    All you need to make it all work is some quality garden hose pipe. Adaptors for standard UK garden taps provided.

    It does take up more room than my old one but it is designed to take more hose.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Super sturdy hose trolley. Comes in bits like a giant mcano set and easy to assemble when paying attention. Not sure my elderly mother would have managed it but thankfully I did it is around 20 minutes. It sits nicely on the floor and o could roll my 100m (Gardena) hose on it. It no longer sits on the floor and now looks very tidy. The benefit of having the hose neatly arranged like this is that now the resident fox cannot use it as a chewing toy!
    Thumbs up
    Highly recommend i

  73. LashayTregurtha says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a Hozelock one with 50m of hose and thus I have just retired that and moved the hose over.

    All you need to make it all work is some quality garden hose pipe. Adaptors for standard UK garden taps provided.

    It does take up more room than my old one but it is designed to take more hose.

  74. Abdul Q says:

     United Kingdom

    Super sturdy hose trolley. Comes in bits like a giant mcano set and easy to assemble when paying attention. Not sure my elderly mother would have managed it but thankfully I did it is around 20 minutes. It sits nicely on the floor and o could roll my 100m (Gardena) hose on it. It no longer sits on the floor and now looks very tidy. The benefit of having the hose neatly arranged like this is that now the resident fox cannot use it as a chewing toy!
    Thumbs up
    Highly recommend i

  75. KatheriClemens says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a hose trolley for an up to 100m hose. It does not come with the hose (I thought it did and was surprised and disappointed). You have to put the trolley together a sit comes in a large box in bits. It is easy to construct and seems quite well made. I prefer my Hoelock trolley hose as it came all ready made and good to go.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a hose trolley for an up to 100m hose. It does not come with the hose (I thought it did and was surprised and disappointed). You have to put the trolley together a sit comes in a large box in bits. It is easy to construct and seems quite well made. I prefer my Hoelock trolley hose as it came all ready made and good to go.

  77. ClintonIsx says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a hose trolley for an up to 100m hose. It does not come with the hose (I thought it did and was surprised and disappointed). You have to put the trolley together a sit comes in a large box in bits. It is easy to construct and seems quite well made. I prefer my Hoelock trolley hose as it came all ready made and good to go.

  78. LouTolbert says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a hose trolley for an up to 100m hose. It does not come with the hose (I thought it did and was surprised and disappointed). You have to put the trolley together a sit comes in a large box in bits. It is easy to construct and seems quite well made. I prefer my Hoelock trolley hose as it came all ready made and good to go.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a hose trolley for an up to 100m hose. It does not come with the hose (I thought it did and was surprised and disappointed). You have to put the trolley together a sit comes in a large box in bits. It is easy to construct and seems quite well made. I prefer my Hoelock trolley hose as it came all ready made and good to go.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good hose trolly that does exactly what it says, it’s a trolly for a hose!. It’s easy to move around and very stable in use and not too heavy.. I knocked off one star as I found it difficult to put together. This may not the be the case with everyone, but once something is a little out of alignment, it’s very difficult.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good hose trolly that does exactly what it says, it’s a trolly for a hose!. It’s easy to move around and very stable in use and not too heavy.. I knocked off one star as I found it difficult to put together. This may not the be the case with everyone, but once something is a little out of alignment, it’s very difficult.

  82. Andrew Morrisey says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good hose trolly that does exactly what it says, it’s a trolly for a hose!. It’s easy to move around and very stable in use and not too heavy.. I knocked off one star as I found it difficult to put together. This may not the be the case with everyone, but once something is a little out of alignment, it’s very difficult.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good hose trolly that does exactly what it says, it’s a trolly for a hose!. It’s easy to move around and very stable in use and not too heavy.. I knocked off one star as I found it difficult to put together. This may not the be the case with everyone, but once something is a little out of alignment, it’s very difficult.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good hose trolly that does exactly what it says, it’s a trolly for a hose!. It’s easy to move around and very stable in use and not too heavy.. I knocked off one star as I found it difficult to put together. This may not the be the case with everyone, but once something is a little out of alignment, it’s very difficult.

  85. StuMack says:

     United Kingdom

    Once assembled, I tested it with a 50m hose with which it worked very well provided I had first taken the time to wind the hose on fairly straight. The trolley didn’t topple over when pulling the hose out and rewinding didn’t involve much physical effort. Moving the trolley is also easy with the handle at a good height.

    The trolley itself seems reasonably robust but time will tell if thee are any weak points. I will update this review if any issues are revealed in extended use.

    My one issue is that the instructions are a little basic and I would recommend taking your time to figure out what goes where and how and not rushing/forcing assembly. Having done that, I assembled our review model in about 15 minutes. Certainly well worth considering if you are looking for a trolley tours your hose on.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThe whole thing took just over 12 minutes to put together once I got the materials out of box and organised on the table. That included a couple of hiccups. The instructions are visual and pretty clear, but there is till room for mistakes to be made.
    That said, the mistakes were pretty easy to reverse. Putting on the new hose was a breeze. Fitted the hose through the hose guide and connected to hose connector and the fun begins. The hose guide is amazing (see video).
    Getting the hose out will be a pleasure in the future. Rather than straining my back trying to rewind the hose and keep the cart stationary hose rewinding thanks to the kick stand that keeps whole thing stable. Impressive design in action. Love it!

    Pretty damn impressive

  87. TorstenValenti says:

     United Kingdom

    Once assembled, I tested it with a 50m hose with which it worked very well provided I had first taken the time to wind the hose on fairly straight. The trolley didn’t topple over when pulling the hose out and rewinding didn’t involve much physical effort. Moving the trolley is also easy with the handle at a good height.

    The trolley itself seems reasonably robust but time will tell if thee are any weak points. I will update this review if any issues are revealed in extended use.

    My one issue is that the instructions are a little basic and I would recommend taking your time to figure out what goes where and how and not rushing/forcing assembly. Having done that, I assembled our review model in about 15 minutes. Certainly well worth considering if you are looking for a trolley tours your hose on.

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThe whole thing took just over 12 minutes to put together once I got the materials out of box and organised on the table. That included a couple of hiccups. The instructions are visual and pretty clear, but there is till room for mistakes to be made.
    That said, the mistakes were pretty easy to reverse. Putting on the new hose was a breeze. Fitted the hose through the hose guide and connected to hose connector and the fun begins. The hose guide is amazing (see video).
    Getting the hose out will be a pleasure in the future. Rather than straining my back trying to rewind the hose and keep the cart stationary hose rewinding thanks to the kick stand that keeps whole thing stable. Impressive design in action. Love it!

    Pretty damn impressive

  89. VickiePurdy says:

     United Kingdom

    It took a bit of time to work out how to put this together…the diagrams aren’t 100% clear. And winding on a hose (50m) for the first time was a bit annoying to untwist (I think you have to lay it out straight but I had already srptarted)
    Howver, when done, it’s quite squish, and certainly a lot easier to reel in than my older Gardenia reel. Very smooth action, very nice!

  90. LorenzaWirth says:

     United Kingdom

    It took a bit of time to work out how to put this together…the diagrams aren’t 100% clear. And winding on a hose (50m) for the first time was a bit annoying to untwist (I think you have to lay it out straight but I had already srptarted)
    Howver, when done, it’s quite squish, and certainly a lot easier to reel in than my older Gardenia reel. Very smooth action, very nice!

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good product, well made, well thought out and dead easy to use!

  92. Sara Coughlin says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good product, well made, well thought out and dead easy to use!

  93. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 46 From Our Usersich habe 45 Meter von GARDENA Classic Schlauch 19 mm (3/4″), die passen gerade so drauf. Die automatische Aufwicklung (oranges Rad) habe ich bzw. musste ich abmontieren, da dies nicht fr einen 19 mm Schlauch ausgelegt ist, und dieser dann so unsauber aufgerollt wird, dass er quasi mit 45 Metern nicht mehr auf die Rolle passt. Ohne diese Rolle finde ich den Wagen gut. Es ist alle Plastik, aber sauber verarbeitet.

    Der Wasserdurchfluss ist super. Am Wasserhan habe ich 6 bar und eine 10 Liter Gieskanne ist in 16 Sekunden voill (luft ber).
    Mit dem Schlauchwagen plus GARDENA Classic Schlauch 19 mm (3/4″) plus GARDENA Profi-System-Spritz-Giestab: Stab-Gartenbrause fr einen hheren Wasserdurchfluss, regulierbarer Wasserstrahl, Lnge 92 cm (2849-20) habe ich die Giekanne in 23-24 Sekunden voll (ob der Schlauch am Wagen aufgewickelt ist oder im Garten liegt => selbes Ergebnis).

    Nur 19mm Schlauch und Spritz-Stab sind es 23 Sekunden.

    Im alten 50 Meter langen 13 mm Schlauch (der war Verweindungssteif, daher ist der Innendurchmesser nochmals geringer) hat es satte 57-59 Sekunden gedauert die 10 Liter GIeskanne zu fllen.

  94. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 46 From Our Usersich habe 45 Meter von GARDENA Classic Schlauch 19 mm (3/4″), die passen gerade so drauf. Die automatische Aufwicklung (oranges Rad) habe ich bzw. musste ich abmontieren, da dies nicht fr einen 19 mm Schlauch ausgelegt ist, und dieser dann so unsauber aufgerollt wird, dass er quasi mit 45 Metern nicht mehr auf die Rolle passt. Ohne diese Rolle finde ich den Wagen gut. Es ist alle Plastik, aber sauber verarbeitet.

    Der Wasserdurchfluss ist super. Am Wasserhan habe ich 6 bar und eine 10 Liter Gieskanne ist in 16 Sekunden voill (luft ber).
    Mit dem Schlauchwagen plus GARDENA Classic Schlauch 19 mm (3/4″) plus GARDENA Profi-System-Spritz-Giestab: Stab-Gartenbrause fr einen hheren Wasserdurchfluss, regulierbarer Wasserstrahl, Lnge 92 cm (2849-20) habe ich die Giekanne in 23-24 Sekunden voll (ob der Schlauch am Wagen aufgewickelt ist oder im Garten liegt => selbes Ergebnis).

    Nur 19mm Schlauch und Spritz-Stab sind es 23 Sekunden.

    Im alten 50 Meter langen 13 mm Schlauch (der war Verweindungssteif, daher ist der Innendurchmesser nochmals geringer) hat es satte 57-59 Sekunden gedauert die 10 Liter GIeskanne zu fllen.

  95. KerryLBMjz says:


    Golden Review Award: 46 From Our Usersich habe 45 Meter von GARDENA Classic Schlauch 19 mm (3/4″), die passen gerade so drauf. Die automatische Aufwicklung (oranges Rad) habe ich bzw. musste ich abmontieren, da dies nicht fr einen 19 mm Schlauch ausgelegt ist, und dieser dann so unsauber aufgerollt wird, dass er quasi mit 45 Metern nicht mehr auf die Rolle passt. Ohne diese Rolle finde ich den Wagen gut. Es ist alle Plastik, aber sauber verarbeitet.

    Der Wasserdurchfluss ist super. Am Wasserhan habe ich 6 bar und eine 10 Liter Gieskanne ist in 16 Sekunden voill (luft ber).
    Mit dem Schlauchwagen plus GARDENA Classic Schlauch 19 mm (3/4″) plus GARDENA Profi-System-Spritz-Giestab: Stab-Gartenbrause fr einen hheren Wasserdurchfluss, regulierbarer Wasserstrahl, Lnge 92 cm (2849-20) habe ich die Giekanne in 23-24 Sekunden voll (ob der Schlauch am Wagen aufgewickelt ist oder im Garten liegt => selbes Ergebnis).

    Nur 19mm Schlauch und Spritz-Stab sind es 23 Sekunden.

    Im alten 50 Meter langen 13 mm Schlauch (der war Verweindungssteif, daher ist der Innendurchmesser nochmals geringer) hat es satte 57-59 Sekunden gedauert die 10 Liter GIeskanne zu fllen.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looking for a great hose reel? This is the one. Assembly was simple without any tools.
    The trolley is very stable with the movable front stabiliser and reeling the hose in, is made easy by the guide wheel.
    Well worth the money for effortless watering.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looking for a great hose reel? This is the one. Assembly was simple without any tools.
    The trolley is very stable with the movable front stabiliser and reeling the hose in, is made easy by the guide wheel.
    Well worth the money for effortless watering.

  98. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 65 From Our UsersWir haben einen sehr groen Garten und nutzen ca. 75 m Schlauch. Auf Grund der guten Bewertungen im Netz habe ich mich fr diesen Schlauchwagen entschieden. Die Gre ist ideal und die Verarbeitung ist gut. Er macht insgesamt einen soliden Eindruck. Dabei ist die Verwendung von Metall und nicht vorrangig Kunststoff, sicherlich beitrglich.
    Der Wagen wird in Einzelteilen geliefert. Es waren alle Teile dabei und alle Teile passten wie vorgesehen. Mit dem entsprechenden Werkzeug ist er zgig zusammengebaut. Es ist nicht der Gnstigste Schlauchwagen gewesen, aber ich persnlich zahle fr Qualitt lieber ein paar Euro mehr ( im angemessenen Rahmen ). Nun auf zum Dauertest…….

  99. Mark Steyn National Review says:


    Golden Review Award: 65 From Our UsersWir haben einen sehr groen Garten und nutzen ca. 75 m Schlauch. Auf Grund der guten Bewertungen im Netz habe ich mich fr diesen Schlauchwagen entschieden. Die Gre ist ideal und die Verarbeitung ist gut. Er macht insgesamt einen soliden Eindruck. Dabei ist die Verwendung von Metall und nicht vorrangig Kunststoff, sicherlich beitrglich.
    Der Wagen wird in Einzelteilen geliefert. Es waren alle Teile dabei und alle Teile passten wie vorgesehen. Mit dem entsprechenden Werkzeug ist er zgig zusammengebaut. Es ist nicht der Gnstigste Schlauchwagen gewesen, aber ich persnlich zahle fr Qualitt lieber ein paar Euro mehr ( im angemessenen Rahmen ). Nun auf zum Dauertest…….

  100. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 65 From Our UsersWir haben einen sehr groen Garten und nutzen ca. 75 m Schlauch. Auf Grund der guten Bewertungen im Netz habe ich mich fr diesen Schlauchwagen entschieden. Die Gre ist ideal und die Verarbeitung ist gut. Er macht insgesamt einen soliden Eindruck. Dabei ist die Verwendung von Metall und nicht vorrangig Kunststoff, sicherlich beitrglich.
    Der Wagen wird in Einzelteilen geliefert. Es waren alle Teile dabei und alle Teile passten wie vorgesehen. Mit dem entsprechenden Werkzeug ist er zgig zusammengebaut. Es ist nicht der Gnstigste Schlauchwagen gewesen, aber ich persnlich zahle fr Qualitt lieber ein paar Euro mehr ( im angemessenen Rahmen ). Nun auf zum Dauertest…….