GL.iNet GL-MT1300 (Beryl) VPN Secure Travel Gigabit Wireless Router, AC1300 400Mbps (2.4GHz) + 867Mbps(5GHz) Wi-Fi, Pocket-Sized Hotspot, IPv6, Tor, MicroSD Slot, USB3.0 for Wi-Fi Repeate

Impressive Dual-band Wi-Fi Speeds
Beryl is a high-performance new generation pocket-sized router that offers powerful hardware and first-class cybersecurity protocol with unique and modern design.
It comes with dual-band Wi-Fi which delivers you impressive gigabit-speed up to 400Mbps (2.4G) + 867Mbps(5G). Providing an excellent WiFi experience for customers on the go.
With MU-MIMO technology, Beryl can support up to 40 wireless devices simultaneously.

Powerful Hardware- MediaTek advanced chipset
With MediaTek advanced chipset, Beryl offers you the optimal high-speed Internet experience.
Extremely lightweight design, Beryl can be used anywhere. It’s small enough for travel and powerful enough for small spaces. The top-notch security features of Beryl can secure your data while traveling or at home.
Beryl uses the latest stable OpenWrt (19.07.4), an open-sourced operating system based on Linux. Users can install different applications within Beryl, which is the perfect solution for IoT projects.
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Your Privacy is Safe with UsAs with other GL.iNet products, Beryl supports 30+ OpenVPN and WireGuard VPN services. Also offering impressive VPN speeds with 91Mbps on WireGuard and 21Mbps on OpenVPN respectively. You can even configure your router to act as a VPN server and you can access the server whenever you want. | IPv6 SupportedBeryl is the first router from GL.iNet with the latest version of the Internet Protocol (IPv6), adding an extra layer to your cybersecurity. | Tor AnonymityTor service is pre-installed in Beryl. Users’ online identity and browsing data could be concealed from surveillance and traffic analysis by using the Tor service. | Encrypted DNS with CloudflareObtain a fast and secure DNS performance, while preventing DNS hijacking and domain theft with Cloudflare. You can choose freely between different encrypted DNS proxies (e.g. bn, cs, d0wn, etc) by just one click |

CPU: MT7621A, Dual-Core @880MHz
Memory / Storage: DDR3L 256MB / FLASH 32MB
Wi-Fi Speed: 2.4GHz(400Mbps), 5GHz(867Mbps)
Ethernet Port: 3 x 10/100/1000Mbps auto-negotiation
Antennas: 2 x undetachable external Wi-Fi antennas
Power Input: Type-C, 5V/3A
Working Temperature: 0 ~ 40°C (32 ~ 104°F)
Storage Temperature: -20 ~ 70°C (-4 ~ 158°F)
Dimension / Weight: 118 x 85 x 30mm, 184g
1 x WAN Ethernet port 2 x LAN Ethernet ports 1 x USB-A 3.0 port 1 x Type-C 1 x MicroSD card slot 1 x Reset button 1 x Mode switch
Package Content
- Beryl (GL-MT1300)
- Ethernet cable
- User manual
- 5V/3A Type-C power adapter
Weight: | 531 g |
Dimensions: | 19.2 x 15.7 x 5.21 cm; 531 Grams |
Brand: | GL.iNet |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | GL Technologies |
Reference: | GL-MT1300 |
Works well. Works even better with the firewall hack to increase speed using Visible
Works perfectly. Great Wi-Fi signal, no speed degradation. Highly recommend
The Beryl travel router is great value for money when it’s on special at about 25% off retail price. It works well with OpenVPN and is great for remapping a subnet mask for business VPN applications. The AX3000 (the current version of Beryl) has a much higher OpenVPN throughput and is WiFi 6.
Does exactly what you expect from it. I am using it with VPN on and, when connected with ethernet, have no complaints about the speed. Light, portable and powerful – if you move a lot around then you should have this router.
Really like this wireless router, its exactly what i need, and fit in my computer bag, i needed some information good communication with technical support A+++
Great router, easy to set up. Too big for travel though, I ordered a smaller one.
I have this thing set up with my same SSID and password as my home network. So when I travel I just plug in to a spare eth port or connect it to the hotel’s wifi. Then all my devices just work. Recently my home router died and this thing came in clutch as a backup until I could get a new primary ordered, delivered, and setup. Life saver in the work from home era!!
When I say this is the perfect item , I’m not lying! Let me just say I Travel for work but needed extra income so I picked up a work from home job that has to be connected to Ethernet. I was able to connect to my laptop in my hotel room when I was away. U can listen to any bag reviews but it worked for me!!!!
Well built, compact size for travel or home use. Easy to understand user interface, easy VPN configuration.
El precio es muy elevado, pero las funciones que ofrece te pueden salvar la vida. La velocidad mxima de la LAN es baja.
When you hook it up you need to make sure that you forget the Wi-Fi net work from your phone first AND clear your browser cookies, and then do the set up. I had previously connected to the Wi-Fi on my phone and then tried to hook this up, and I never got the “connect to our hotel Wi-Fi” pop-up page because I already had the cookie in my phone. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out what I had done wrong, and then when I “forgot” the Wi-Fi network in my phone and re-joined, it correctly gave me the pop-up, and then the thing was just connected from there on for over a week with no problem.
Ich nutze den Router um VR Videos von einer angeschlossenen Festplatte per DLNA zu meiner Oculus Quest 2 zu Streamen. Im 5Ghz Band erreicht das Teil 21MB/s was auch fr 8k Videos reicht.
Dann verwende ich die VPN Funktion mit Protonvpn was auch gut funktioniert.
Ich nutze zur Zeit dein Beta 2 4.x Firmware die noch einige Macken hat. So funktionieren Samba shares nicht und Webdav nur im anonym Modus.
Mal sehen was die nchste Beta bringt. Die originale 3.x Firmware funktioniert auch hat aber weniger Funktionen und ist im WLAN etwas langsamer, deshalb habe ich die Beta probiert. Wer etwas experimentierfreudig ist wird das Gert mgen.
Setup was EXTREMELY easy. Used it behind a hotel’s captive portal.
No issues with wifi signal.
Use interface was simple and nice to look at.
Highly recommend!!
I haven’t used the VPN features yet, but will be looking at those very soon.
Die Einrichtung hat mich einige Nerven gekostet, da die vorinstallierte Version einen Bug hat, der verhindert, dass sich der Router per WISP mit der Fritzbox verbindet. Also erst per LAN-Kabel anschlieen, Firmware updaten, und dann erst kann man sich mit der Fritzbox per WISP verbinden. Vorher gab es immer eine Fehlermeldung, das Passwort sei falsch, was natrlich gelogen ist.
Auerdem untersttzt dieser Router neben OpenVPN und Tor auch WireGuard, aber WireGuard wird auf der Fritzbox erst ab Laborversion 7.39 untersttzt, was auf Leihmodems erst in einigen Monaten kommen wird. Also Geduld, dann ist es ein netter, kleiner Reiserouter mit nervenaufreibenden Schwchen bei der Installation, aber einer der wenigen mit vernnftigem VPN-Support.
Me encanta que sea un artculo compacto y con seguridad TOR, creo que esta marca de routers ha superado por mucho a otros de mayor precio…
I played with the iPhone tethering too, and that also worked great.
I did hit a snag in testing it because I wanted to know for sure that it was using the tether and not the wifi repeater. It was reluctant to let go of the wifi connection. Once it finally did I was able to test. After testing I has a terrible time trying to get it to go back to the wifi. It would show that the connection was working but the light stayed blue, and I had no internet. I tried reconnecting a few times without luck. Eventually I just reset the unit to factory defaults and reconfigured everything. Guessing that there is a bug in the firmware that once you have forced it to disconnect from a wifi that no matter what it won’t reconnect.
Kind of an edge case because in real usage I’d probably never remove connections, but it was a confusing hour trying to diagnose it.
First of all I wanted this mainly for travel, but to be able to travel, connect to the hotel WiFi and use my VPN so we could still stream services from home. For example this works great if you take your Firestick abroad with you, but equally connecting to a phone or cloud gaming.
These are relatively easy to set up ‘normally’ by following the instructions. It can get fiddly if the hotel/cafe/train your trying to connect to doesn’t give you an authentication page or log in. However that aside you could be up and running in no time, I’ve managed to get this to work on hotels in Greece and Spain.
One thing you should know if planning to run it on a VPN. There are a couple of options, and I’ve been through a number of VPN providers.
First up openVPN can be configured on the router, set up is quite straightforward (just follow instructions) but connection I found very limiting no matter what VPN or VPN location I tried. I could get 5-10mbs, but never high or steady enough to stream decently.
The second and best option is WireGuard, the downside is not all VPN providers offer this, but it’s by far the best way to connect. I used torguard for this and it works a dream with speeds in the region of 50mps (assuming the provider speed is higher). I’ve also found configurating this directly on the router is better. Using the ‘app’ to set it up, I found it regularly wanted me to sign in and would drop connection.
Great little router if you know a little about what your doing. I take this with me everywhere!
One sits in my truck (2019 Ram 2500) and connects the onboard hotspot to my home network via wireguard vpn, this allows me to send dashcam and truck data to my home automation environment. Since the dashcam only supports 2.5ghz wifi and the truck only supports 5ghz wifi, this works as a great IOT bridge for those situations.
One sits in my travel trailer so I can get internet when at the camp site. I can use the wifi repeater (I love the captive portal relay feature) to connect the RV to the campground wifi or connect it to my AT&T hotspot. In a pinch I can even tether it to my wife’s verzion phone or my work t-mobile phone. It’s also setup to connect to my home environment via wireguard VPN so I don’t have to deal with YouTube TV wanting to authenticate my location when I’m traveling (assuming decent enough internet).
My third one goes on the road with us whenever we’re traveling to hotels or airbnbs. I set this up to the local wifi network and I don’t have to reconfigure my travel rokus, my kid’s tablet or any of my or my wife’s equipment. Everything just works (and also, connects to home via VPN).
I’m really impressed with these travel routers. This is my 5th gl.inet device and every single one has been well worth the purchase. Keep up the great work!
Der Router lsst sich leicht in Betrieb nehmen. Software Update ist leicht einzuspielen. Die Konfiguration ber die Standard Webseite ist einfach. Wer etwas komplexere Konfigurationen konfigurieren mchte muss das ber OpenWRT machen. Dazu werden aber etwas tiefere IT Skills bentigt!
Hallo, ich hab mir diesen kleinen Mini Ruder gekauft, weil ich etwas kleines mobiles gesucht habe, was ich auch als nas verwenden kann. Dieser kleine Winzling schien mir doch sehr geeignet, und ja er ist nicht schlecht. Er ist schn klein, kann man berall mit hinnehmen, schade dass es dazu noch keine passende Box gibt. Das Gehuse ist meiner Meinung nach sehr gut verarbeitet, nur die Software ist leider etwas holprig. Die Software an sich, beziehungsweise die Weboberflche ist zu mindestens bei Jere frei. Soweit lsst sich auch alles als blinde Person, die auf einem Screen Reader angewiesen ist bedienen., nur ein ganz groes Manko meiner Meinung ist die Sache mit der Datei Freigabe. Es ist ein vllig veralteter Standard gesetzt, smb1 ja nirgendswo mehr groartig untersttzt wird, aus Sicherheitsgrnden. Man hat keine Mglichkeit diese Einstellung ber die Weboberflche zu verndern, stattdessen gibt es eine Anleitung, wie man das ganze per winscp oder ssh konfigurieren kann. Ich habe es mit der ersten Methode probiert, also mit winscp habe wie in der Anleitung im Handbuch und auch auf der Seite des Herstellers dazu die entsprechende Konfigurationsdatei bearbeitet, und danach das System neu gestartet, es hat sich nichts gendert. Ich habe danach noch mal in die entsprechende Konfigurationsdatei nachgeschaut, alle Parameter sind ordnungsgem gesetzt. Den Fehler habe ich noch nicht gefunden, ich werde mir das bei Gelegenheit noch mal vornehmen, denn es kann ja nicht sein, dass das einfach nicht luft. Ich hoffe dass da von Seiten des Herstellers die Firmware mal noch nach gebessert wird. Ansonsten ist das Gert nicht schlecht, VPN und Tor habe ich noch nicht probieren knnen, werde ich mir auch mal vornehmen. Ich finde es etwas sehr seltsam, dass auf der einen Seite so viel Wert auf Sicherheit gelegt wird, dann aber bei der Freigabe man auch keine Mglichkeit hat spezielle Benutzer anzulegen. Im Groen und Ganzen kann ich das Gert empfehlen, allerdings diese Freigabe Option, ist sehr stiefmtterlich behandelt worden vom Hersteller schade!
Ho acquistato questo prodotto per utilizzarlo principalmente come extender di reti WiFi e per connettervi un HD con film e serie tv da condividere ai dispositivi quando sono in vacanza. Sono gia in possesso di un TP-Link TL-WR902AC e devo dire che il Beryl MT1300 di gran lunga meglio.
Per fare un breve confronto tra i due prodotti posso dire che collegati alla stessa rete WiFi e testando la rete estesa facendo uno speed test, il tplink va a 2 Mbit/s, il Beryl a 30 Mbit/s. Quando condivido un HD sul tplink questo ogni tanto rallenta tantissimo, costringendomi a riavviare il dispositivo, mentre non ho riscontrato di questi problemi con il Beryl.
Sono rimasto un po’ deluso dalle prestazioni della porta usb 3.0 presente sul beryl, dopo aver collegato un ssd tramite un box usb 3.0, mi aspettavo prestazioni molto migliori, ma collegato alla rete WiFi 5g e provando a trasferire un file dal router al cellulare non supero i 7 MB/s utilizzando il protocollo smb e i 17 MB/s utilizzando il protocollo ftp (che va installato a parte).
possibile configurare il router utilizzando l’interfaccia web, utilizzando quella standard e semplice di glinet o quella avanzata luci, ma per alcune cose bisogna essere abbastanza capaci e leggere un po’ sui forum per capire come fare (per alcune configurazioni bisogna collegarsi in SSH).
Cos facendo per sono riuscito ad esempio a ridurre la luminosit dei led e a schedularne lo spegnimento nelle ore notturne.
Nel complesso funziona molto bene, l’ho pagato 76,90 euro, ma secondo me doveva costare una 15ina di euro in meno.
I bought this primarily has a VPN router for the home to stream Netflix, etc. For that purpose, it works pretty well. The reason for only giving 4 stars though is that it sometimes seems to drop the VPN connection (once a day) and I have to manually connect again. VPN speeds can also be sometimes slow, but that is likely more to do with the provider rather than the unit itself. As far as the Wifi is concerned, it’s fast – as fast as the internet you’re likely to be getting at your place. I haven’t tested the TOR capabilities, nor will I. This product is most likely going to be used by people who are travelling and either want to set up a quick Wifi Network or use a VPN. For both, it’s a great device.
Relies on mains supply – no battery for mobility. Got round this with 3.5A recharge
Long story short the router is great. Signal and speeds are good, however any issues it causes may need a more technical user to diagnose. My example of this is when I modified the default LAN IP from to 10.xx.xx.0 which is a valid private Ip subnet the router lost internet. The only cause I could find for this is either a routing or NAT issue. Changing it to 10.xx.xx.1 solved the issue but it is still a good example that this is a less user friendly and more tech friendly router. Otherwise speeds are good and adding a Wireguard client config is easy.
Very good. Good signal. Easy to install with proper guide.
This router is solid! I ran a VPN through it and ported into a second VPN for work. Unfortunately with all that porting the connection speed was quite slow, but as a one VPN or primary router it was sufficient. The router often tries to grab the main signal if I’m connected to a different router, which caused connection issues – deducted a star for this.
Literally set Beryl up at home with all your devices, then when you get to a hotel connect Beryl to the hotel WiFi.
All of your devices are now connected and behind a firewall.
I’ve not used a VPN with it yet as I have a VPN app on my phone which works fine.
This is a great little router. but I returned it due to the slow OpenVPN speeds. Without VPN, I was getting full 300+Mbps down. but once I turned on Nord it slowed to 20 Mbps regardless of proximity of the VPN server. The Slate AX router promises 100 Mps over OpenVPN, and opting for that product over the Beryl.
This is an essential tool for making holiday WiFi actually useful. It’s saved me a couple of times, and has the flexibility to remedy a number of shortcomings that you may find with your holiday hotel/rental WiFi. Remember to pack a travel adapter, a very long Ethernet cable (trust me), and set-up WireGuard on your home router (or subscribe to a VPN). A well executed product.
Powerful Wifi and great to setup as a hotspot for other devices, allowing you to share guest Wifi to all your devices and also run a VPN if needed. Supply is 5v 3A and will run happily from a USB PD power bank I’ve found.
Occasionally, it will not see all available wireless networks. I have travelled extensively with this router. In about 1 out of 10 apartments, it won’t see the wireless network that I need, while my phone never has this issue. I updated the firmware to no avail.
Another issue is that this router can induce noticeable lag. If you plan on gaming, keep this in mind.
Overall, it’s not bad. Despite these issues, it gets the job done.
I travel a lot and the bane of my life is poor WiFi signal in hotels. This little gizmo certainly helps and adding a VPN can keep you safer too
The first router I purchased was defective. It has deteriorated quickly and fully mirrors the bad reviews I see here. However, the next one I got works beautifully. It would be great if the company could make these more consistently sturdy. When they work, they are great!
Bought this to replace another brand travel router. I was getting weak Wifi signals on several devices, especially my Roku streaming stick.
The external antennas on this really improved the signal. Seemed easier to find the right hotel WiFi to connect the router to also.
Still doesn’t help if the hotel’s Internet is poor. Radicular on weekends when everyone is streaming, but no router can fix that. I haven’t really found any hotel with “enhanced” Internet is any help either.
I wanted to have a good router as to take on my travels this works well for multiple devices to connect via a hotel wifi that may have limits
Use it to VPN back into my home network while travelling. Love it. Really easy to setup, great speeds with multiple devices connected and a good strong signal strength. Perfect 🙂
Zuerst war ich sehr skeptisch, ob ich den Artikel berhaupt bestellen soll, da es doch einige Bewertungen gibt, die dagegen sprechen.
Als der Artikel ankam, verband ich ihn gleich mit dem WLAN meiner Fritzbox. Dies funktionierte dann auch. Dann machte ich ein System Update des Routers. Kurz danach konnte ich mich nicht mehr verbinden.Ich kontaktierte sofort per Mail die Herstellerfirma und die Firma stellte mir sofort am nchsten Tag einen Fix zur Verfgung. Seit dem geht alles wieder! Super Service, bei Problemen! Ich rate einfach bei Problemen die Herstellerfirma zu kontaktieren. Ich kann mich nun wieder ohne Probleme
mit dem WLAN meiner Fritzbox ber den Router verbinden.
Klasse Service bei Problemen, direkt am nchsten Tag bekam ich einen Link zum herunterladen einer neuen Firmware und damit war das Problem behoben!
Sehr gut, spitze Service!
I had this router for a few months now.. I got very excited as it solves alot of problems. Working remote the VPN is great. I don’t have to sign update all my devices wifi when traveling. Those are the good..
Here are bad:
1) VPN didn’t work on lan but that was fixed with update firmware
2) wifi range is bad, it doesn’t like walls or even corners in the same room. Have to be line of sight and close
3) VOIP (Google voice/wifi calls), Zoom, remote desktop have unusable performance. Zoom barely works at all, google voice constantly disconnects
4) sometimes Router heats up and drops internet over and over
Despite all this I still love it for the VPN and roaming network. I would buy a separate small router for wifi and just use this as gateway/vp
It isn’t going to win any awards for speed. It can be a little finicky to set up. But it is probably the best travel router with a ton of features in a convenient little package. I bought this mainly for a cruise so my wife and I could share internet. As long as you have a decent wifi signal to repeat, and you don’t expect coverage beyond a fairly small area, to works well.
I bought this network hub specifically for using my LTE cellphone connection as my internet connection for my home network. It works great! I now have unlimited internet downloading on my home computer and television! Sometimes my speed exceeded 20 MPS with this unit using the USB port for my internet!
So we put this in our camper to help create a mini network while tethering on phones or at various campgrounds via WiFi. It works great with our smart TV we just plug directly into it and then using the USB C the phone can be tethered and charge as the same time. We are going to expand this further but having a single SSID for the entire camper is so handy.
What an amazing little device! Solves the captive portal issue when you follow the instructions in those tutorial videos. Had kept a solid connection to public WiFi better than my phone. I haven’t used the redundancy or fail over feature yet but it sounds like A great feature. Awesome interface with both the control panel and app. Very easy to switch sources, turn off data, set data cap speeds, rename your device, use guest networks, and more. Highly recommend.
Btw, that side button seems useless. Would be good if it was an LED OFF switch!
I’m an IT guy, so I had to go digging around to find the settings needed on the command line to switch the device from the US frequency band to the legal frequencies for the country I was traveling to. You can get into trouble (albeit highly unlikely) for using frequencies not allocated for 2.4 / 5 gig at a given location – it’s country specific. Had to edit a file by SSH’ing onto the device, updating a couple of numbers and rebooting it. Wasn’t quite sure if what I did was correct but my device appeared to be transmitting on a permitted frequency.
Other than that, it was nice and easy via the UI to set up. Had a Windscribe Wireguard configuration so that I could pretend to be in the US while out of country and the hotel I stayed at appeared to allow me to repeat its signal (was half expecting a captive portal login). My Firestick knew no difference. Thought I was in the US, though some apps were a bit more intelligent about location determination. This isn’t a fault of the router.
It was rock solid for what I needed it for.
My parents live in an apartment building that provides WIFI, but the WIFI is often shaky, and it is restricted so they can not share files and printers on the network. I bought this to solve the problem. A small isolated private network allows them to share files and printers, and still access the main WIFI for access to the internet. Their files and printers are safely guarded from access by anyone else.
The device started and worked flawlessly. Plugged it in, immediately their three computers and several phones could see it. It is was easy to get it connected to the main WIFI. Performance is quite good. Security is good. It has been running several weeks now without ANY problem. It turned out to be a perfect solution to the problem.
Networking can be a complicated subject, but it is nice to get something that is simple and just works.
I might take a point off because it doesn’t always allow my laptop to login/authenticate to the WiFi service (requiring me to connect directly first and clone the MAC), but I would also add a point since I can power it with USB instead of using my RV’s 110v AC inverter.
It would be nice if it could connect to both 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi points simultaneously — I’ve found that the strengths of these networks have varied and sometimes drop out, so it would be nice to have the MT1300 have backup/fail-over connections.
I purchased an AR750 and returned it. The router kept freezing. I purchased this instead. Much better performance and stable. GUI doesn’t freeze and router is working well. I am using it for work and as long as you don’t have too many apps open at the same time the performance is good over WIFI. I am using it with a VPN provider. Easy to download the OVPN software and I like the size, very compact.
Needed a gizmo to allow wireguard access to home network while abroad.
Works absolutely perfectly, gets a solid 30mbps (My home network upload is the bottle neck here, rather than the device)
Super reliable, looks good.
Very open, nothing is locked down or hidden from users. Can install additional openwrt packages as needed.
This was my first time using a travel router and it was a bit confusing to set up because I didn’t know what I was doing but I contact support and they were quick to respond and help me set it up. It’s honestly really easy I’m just not tech-savvy and didn’t do a lot of research on how to set it up. So far it works great with my Nord VPN. I don’t lose connection when I’m connected. The only problem that I don’t like is that it always needs to be plugged into the charging port for it to work. It also needs to be connected to my laptop too so that’s a pain but overall it’s a good buy.
I only use this as an access point for legacy equipment.
The quality is first rate, so is the interface.
I like that it has intelligence. When you connect something to the Wan port it automagically goes “Ok. I need to be an access point”
It is completely customizable, but for me it’s great out of the box.
I got this device to use in a hotel when I’m traveling to encrypt network communication and provide easy connection for my family to a VPN. I’ve been testing this device at home and it works great so far. Once I configured the device to connect to the VPN, I could also set a programmable switch on the side of the device to connect or disconnect from the VPN as needed.
I also am using the Linux shell for network monitoring with tools like tcpdump.
This was a great purchase.
I have connected two laptops (one via wifi and one via ethernet) and my phone to it and it works very well with fast speeds. I tested the speed between LAN devices and wifi to wifi I can get 20 Megabytes per second and wifi to ethernet i can get 30MBps so its very fast (Tested with HTTP downloads and iPerf3, I haven’t been able to test ethernet to ethernet speeds so that might be even faster) I also tested accessing the internet and got 8MBps which is the ISPs limit so using this is no slower for me. The web interface is very easy to use and has everything the average person will need, it also has LuCI for anything more advanced. The apps that the router allows you to get also work well, only problem is some of them (like AdGuardHome) you have to manually install yourself via SSH onto the SD card because the built in storage isnt big enough, but its not too hard to do and when it is set up it works perfectly.
This WiFi router is so much more than a PC router or a WI-FI repeater, it is an Android external storage HDD multimedia FILEHUB. The RAVPower app doesn’t recognize the SAMBA (SMB) protocol so, use ‘Network Browser’ in the Android PlayStore. Otherwise, you’ll have to access the local network device with your PC file manager. [ Of course, smartphones can access SSD external storage directly without a router interface using the stock file manager app ]
This is my first GL-iNet and I have to say I’m quite impressed. I typically use a hotspot hub for internet and this connects easily to that as a repeater. It’s easy to setup and small, making it easy to travel with.
The only issue is when the hotspot hub is powered down or I take it out of range and bring it within range of the GL-iNet it completely does not detect the hotspot hub. I did quite a bit of research on the issue and at least from my experience, with the unit that I have, it wasn’t as complicated to troubleshoot, I just had to power off/on the unit… very simple to detect the hotspot again. This does not happen all the time.
My only gripe is that it draws 3 amps. Have it been more closer to 2 amps, it would be more portable to run off of a battery/solar charger.
Currently, I use it as my daily driver and I am happy with it. A year long run time with it, while traveling, is going to give me a better idea of how well it does, but otherwise, I would recommend it.
Some more high tech places like schools or apartments like to really link accounts to singular devices behind wayy too many authentications than just a single pass code. This device simplifies that problem by becoming the new gateway for many of our simpler wifi required devices. My ac adapter arrived defective sadly, wouldn’t fit in the port, so I had to buy a third party 5v 3a usb c but it works flawlessly aside from that. Tp link always loved to disconnect, this though is much stronger and never dies.
Update : GL compensated for the defective cord. Very kind people
All-in one. Great router with VPN configuration, easy to setup with WireGuard and OpenVPN as a server or client configurations.
Great produc
Bought this product as a wifi extender because i required ethernet ports and didnt want to run 100ft of cable from my router.
The device works great, no hiccups. Easy setup! Connection speed wasnt an issue for me in the first place but the device tested out at 30-40mbps for those that are looking to buy.
This little router packs a pile of power and flexibility in a really tiny package. Amazingly, this can host 2.4GHz and 5GHz wifi networks all while connecting to either band Wi-Fi as a client for routing to internet. And, it also supports guest networks on both bands, also while hosting private wifi networks. The amount of software plug-ins is amazing. And having ethernet Jack’s on both the Wan and LAN sides is killer. Having the ethernet available to me recently saved me at an event when the wifi adapter on my mini pc quit working. Connected the pc via ethernet and used the travel router as a wifi client and problem solved!
This product was puchased to serve as a travel router for my RV. I shopped around extensively, reading multiple reviews and specifications. In short, I am extremely pleased with the product, especially with the OpenWRT based software. Easy plug n play, but also highly configurable. The USB2.0 port is a bit weak for powering an external hard drive, but that is to be expected (no issues with flash or NAND drives). The compact size, configurability, and price point make this a great choice.
A regular home router takes a hard wire and routes out to either another hard wire or wireless.
This is where this unit shines in that you can use either a hard wire, another wireless, a tether from a phone hot spot, or a dongle and then route any one of those inputs out to yet another hard wire or another wireless. If you set this up at home, and get all your devices hooked up to this wireless, then at the destination, simply hook this unit up to the destination’s access point, then all your previously set up devices are now up and running. Firmware updates are frequent, and there is an active forum for any questions.
Nice unit.
Etwas Einarbeitung braucht es, dann hat man ein tolles Produkt verfuegbar. Luci und Addons erweitern unfangreich.
This router is good and achieves much faster speeds than the GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2 mini router. For using OpenVPN I think it’s absolutely worth the extra cost because it’s so much better and not much bigger.
I get ~12 Mbps download speed and ~8 Mbps upload speed. The wifi signal is good. I’m not very knowledgeable about technology and I find the interface user friendly. I have used Express and NordVPN and both are fine.
ein echt guter kleiner Tausendsassa, ersetzte bei mir den GL-AR300M16-Ext der jahre lang sehr zuverlssig seinen Dienst tat. Nun wurde der 100 Mbits LAN-Port aber zum Flaschhals und muste dem GL-MT1300 mit 1 Gbits LAN-Port weichen.
Dieser GL-MT1300 ist bisher etwas hackelig in der Config in luci und hngt sich hufiger auf, der Dauerbetrieb wirds jedoch zeigen. Wenn in Luci nicht configuriert wird luft er hingegen recht stabil, ich hoffe dies wird ein Update beheben und fr mehr Stabilitt sorgen. Im Verdacht habe ich den USB 3 Port, hier gibt es hufiger Probleme zum WLAN hin und folglich auf die Stabilitt.
Wichtig zu wissen, es werden nicht alle Kanle untersttzt. es fehlen Ch. 12 + 13 und 52 – 140. In Luci knnen hingegen die 5 GHz Kanle 52 – 140 manuell ausgewhlt werden und funktionieren dann auch. Ob dann hier jedoch die vorgeschriebene Radarerkennung funktioniert, konnte ich nicht ergrnden.
Externere Antennenanschlsse von Haus aus wren toll ( so wie am GL-AR300M16-Ext ), aber ich habe diese nachgerstet, was auch relativ problelos mglich ist – Garantieverlust inclusive, Pigtail uFL.Mini PCI passt. Die verbauten Antennen sind sicher nicht schlecht, jedoch es gibt bessere mit mehr Antennengewinn und dieser wirkt sich extrem auf die Reichweite aus, im Sende- wie im Empfangsbetrieb. Oder es kann die Sendeleistung reduziert werden ohne an Reichweite / Bandbreite zu verlieren. Gemss BNetzA muss die Sendeleistung dann sogar reduziert werden ! Die Richtwirkung verbessert sich aber in jedem Falle, horizontal bzw. vertikal – je nach Ausrichtung und verbauter Antenne.
Das Anpassen der Sendeleistung ist auch in luci nur in 4 rudimentren Stufen mglich ( 20, 10, 5, 1 dBm ), auch hier hoffe ich auf das Update.
Leider luft der Adguard nicht auf dem GL-MT1300, oder ich habs nur nicht hinbekommen.
Alles in allem aber ein guter kleiner Router fr den Heimgebrauch mit Verbesserungsbedarf, unzhligen Einsatzscenarien ( WAN, Thetering, USB-Modem, WLAN-Repeater, WLAN-Accespoint ) und OpenWRT.
Falls dies lesen mag : bitte upgradet den GL-AR300M16-Ext mit Gig-LAN-Ports und/oder den GL-MT1300 mit ext. Antennenanschlssen und macht den Speicher etwas grsser um auch wirklich ein paar verschiedene Apps laden zu knnen ! Bitte vertreibt den GL-MV1000W wieder, dieser bietet alles Notwendige mehr als ausreichend ! mit Ausnahme der ext. Antennenports und ggf. des 5 GHz WLANs.
It’s everything I had hoped the GL.inet Slate would be! I had originally purchased the GL.iNet Slate, and was disappointed with its performance and stability. The Beryl is great. I bought it to use when I’m travelling and working out of a hotel or air bnb. I tested it for a week by connecting it to my home wifi and my work laptop. I worked with it 5 days a week, always using the built in VPN client (just as I will on the road). I got about 70-80 mbps throughput with the vpn connected (use wireguard, NOT openvpn if you want any throughput at all). It handled Teams video conferences, repo pushes, development against remote datastores like a champ. I’m really excited to take this thing on the road with me.
Only thing I haven’t tested: I need to make sure it works well with a captive portal, where you have to log in. There are instructions online for that, I just haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet.
-1 star because I initially had issues with the wifi component. Specifically, you can’t set it to “auto” when finding a channel. All sorts of issues if you do.
I’ve used this to connect via 5g to my oculus quest 2 and was able to stream half life without any issues.
Most impressively, when my home router died, this router was able to keep my entire network (50+ devices) running smoothly for multiple days. No issues with multiple zoom calls and heavy network usage.
The device is able to support WireGuard directly (and therefore any devices connected to it also has the same connection). If you know how to setup a modern router — this devices gives you plenty of power/flexibility.
Excellent for repeating of captive portals. Versatile router with a great interface, found to be the cheapest around.
Great if you work around nordvpn not giving Wireshark settings. Not fast enough to handle open VPN.
The Beryl is a monster, you can do what ever you want. I truly recommend it.
The down side is that you can not buy the replacement EU adapter of the charger, instead you have to buy the whole charger with the adaptors.
I hope that in the future GL.iNet will allow to buy the adapters for the charger separately.
This router is really good at being a very easy to setup router for many connection types (WAN, tethered, 5G, VPN, etc) using also a powerful open-source OpenWRT core.
I bought this to expose my WireGuard VPN server over Wi-Fi so that clients wouldn’t need the WG app installed or for devices like my Roku box. I had WireGuard working over Wi-Fi in less than 10 minutes from opening the box. I know OpenWRT/Linux very well. I know exactly how to setup any normal OpenWRT-compatible router to do this. But it was too easy to do it with this router to be worth the hassle of doing it myself.
This router was to go in an RV. It’ll have a wired connection most of the time, but it is nice to be able to mobile tether, or use a 5G dongle, with it. I will be checking out, and probably recommending, other non-travel routers by GL.iNet in the future. Best/easiest way to get OpenWRT, especially for novice users.
J’avais le 750 de la meme marque. Ce nouveau modle est un gros pas en avant en terme de performances et de fonctionnalits.
Niveau performance, ce routeur ne sera jamais un bottleneck dans un hotel la sdcard que l’on peut ajouter est tres pratique pour accder ses film sans encombrer ses dispositifs mobiles.
Autre point: support natif d’openvpn, de wireguard et de tor. Parfait surtout quand on voyage dans des pays ou les usages d’internet sont svrement contrls
Je ne voyage jamais sans.
This was the perfect solution for connecting a device on public wifi to a VPS server. I tried to build my own raspberry pi to do this but I couldn’t find a 5Ghz wifi adapter that would connect to public wifis using channel 48 or higher. Now, I am sure there is a solution but after a week of trying I gave up and tried this. I didn’t have high hopes but as soon as I plugged it in, it found the public WiFi and I was able to connect directly to my VPS.
I also love the cloud feature since it allows me to remote into the router to do adjust port forwarding tools remotely. For the price this this is awesome.
Very functional for the price. Small enough to be classified as a travel router. I purchased this specific model because the power port is a USB-C port and can be powered using a USB-A to USB-C or USB-C cable with a proper power source.
Fr die, die ab und an ihre Internet Verbindung verlieren, falls der Router als Router genutzt wird:
Es existiert scheinbar aktuell ein Bug, der bisher nur in einer neuen Beta Version gefixt wurde. Die Stable Version braucht wohl noch etwas Zeit. Ich musste den Router jede Woche Hart-Neustarten.
Ich hatte das Problem und ein Update auf die Beta Version hat es komplett gefixt. Wie das geht, kann man sehr leicht per google finden.
Ich nutze diesen Router als Ersatz fr den von Vodafone bereitgestellten (absolut besch**en) Router.
Ich habe mir zuhause ein Setup mit einem kleinen Server eingerichtet, auf dem Dinge wie Home Assistant, Nextcloud, Pi-Hole usw. laufen. Ich habe die einzelnen Dienste vom Internet getrennt und dennoch versucht, sie per selbstsignierten Zertifikat ber https zu erreichen (gerade bei Nextcloud definitiv eine gute Idee).
Hier gibt’s allerdings ein Problem bei dem “wunderbaren” Vodafone Router: Man kann nicht die IPv6 Funktionalitten abschalten. Auch bei Android ist das aktuell nicht mglich. Problematisch wird das Ganze, wenn man den DNS Dienst des Pi-Hole nutzen mchte, da man den DNS vom Vodafone Router nicht einstellen kann. Hier nutzt das Android Gert einfach schn immer den IPv6 DNS, der durch den Router bergeben wird.
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: Vodafone Router musste ersetzt werden und dient jetzt nur noch als Bridge.
Der Router hier hat so viele Funktionen, dass ich als Technikaffiner Mensch allerdings ohne Ahnung von Routern zu haben, doch so einige Zeit bentigt habe, bis alle Einstellungen fr meinen Fall gepasst haben. Was aber kein negativer Punkt ist sondern ein absolutes Plus! Die Mglichkeiten, die durch das OpenWRT System bereitgestellt werden, erlauben einem sicher, dass Gert auf jegliche kleinen Wnsche anzupassen.
Perfektes Gert, wrde ich definitiv wieder kaufen!
I used it as a WireGuard VPN server. I have been running it over a month on a 300/300Mbps network connection. It works great. I was able to ftp a 4Gig file around 4 minutes. I was getting way over the advertised 90Mbps. It’s nice that it automatically updates firmware within the specified time.
The MT1200 is giving me lots of confidence so I bought the S1300 today. I want to see if I can get higher throughput than the MT1200. If successful, the S1300 will replace MT1200 as the VPN server and the MT1200 will replace the QNAP built in client.
Plays nicely with many common VPN providers, and as it supports OpenVPN I can set up a direct link with my Synology at home. This thing is massively power, so much so it has a stronger signal than most of the ISP provided routers I have tried!
Very easy to set up to share a tethered mobile connection (I used an Android phone), but it really proved useful when the home broadband went down for a period of time.
We get a good 5G signal, so simply plugged the phone into this device, and plugged a network cable into the existing master Mesh repeater. This then provided full WiFi connection throughout the house and ensured all devices (including smart plugs and bulbs) worked until the broadband issue was resolved.
Other major benefit is that the connected phone gets charged and doesn’t get hot (as would be the case with wireless tethering).
So simple, really effective. Genuinely useful for both home (especially WFH) but also out-and-about as it has it’s own WiFi output. Would definitely recommend.
So easy to setup at home and work from any location in the world as though I was sitting on my patio.
Good set of features with the standard firmware and the ability to flash full openwrt if you want to get advanced. Used it when working abroad to have a wireguard vpn connection back to my house. Works flawlessly via wired or guest wifi connections. Best current travel router for the money IMO.
Whoever is responsible for this product (and my guess is product line) ….really cares! The best packaging, very nice UI, perfect grammar on all of the packaging and documentation (no mixed language nonsense), good online doc, access to the OS, easy to understand. Although this is a pip squeek travel router it is very capable and fully featured. I haven’t run it long however my application is unusual and taxing. The router has performed flawlessly. I recommend it. I have no negative comments.
This is perfect router I using at home during this time unfortunately only if you want to switch off the power the router stopped working and this is software not hardware so the best think to keep the router on by all the time.
In my opinion this is not the best idea but gives you the minimum protection and secure your network .
I eventually returned it because it uses proprietary drivers for the WiFi hardware which did not work smoothly with luci
I use this router at hotels and it works really well. I can connect all the devices I bring, transfer files between them and even from the SD card in the router. It has really strong signal which is adjustable in the UI. The configuration interface is nicely simplified and doesn’t look like a low quality rubber stamp interface you would usually encounter with travel routers. This router is really good. I have no negative things to say about it. I look forward to using it.
I will need a little more information, as I learn this instruments setup. I used it to broadcast my 5G phone IP sharing, after a hurricane, when all wireless, satellite, cable IP, DSL was down. It worked fine. Takes a little more experience with it, and your source IP, in my case a 5g Nord phone. I’ve not used it since electricity and cable were restored in my neighborhood. It was useful for my issue; a little more complicated for me to understand, although I did get it functioning for almost 2 weeks. I was able to receive TV over IP, email, and the normal data that flows on G5 cellular. I will report back when I get more information, but as of now, I don’t need to use it, so I’m not working on it. I will learn when I have the time.
Einfach ein Geiles Gert. Ich kann es nur empfehlen. Klare Kauf Empfehlung.
Trs content de mon achat il fonctionne trs bien mais c’est assez pointu installer si on veut utiliser touts les possibilits
Works sharing iPhone internet through usb cable, no installation needed, powered by usb -c yet to test with a nighthawk 5g but since it has cat 5 wan out I’m assuming it won’t be a problem because I could just plug into any lan port on most sites to get it working. Marvellous bit of ki
Used in replacing a smal dlink travel router and I am not disappointed – good interface – – tether from my smartphone – good security.
Apple TVs are great! Well, if you don’t need a VPN. I purchased this mini-router because I can’t install a VPN on my Apple TV and I didn’t want to put my entire network on a VPN at my main router level. Yes, I could have reconfigured my main router to put the Apple TVs on a VPN, but I wanted something simple. The GL-iNet easily solves my problem. Configuration and setup were a breeze. When I travel, the mobile router allows access to my home network media servers. Not to mention, but it also alleviates the problem of installing VPNs on multiple devices. I have no complaints.
Prior to the “Beryl” I have been using a GL.iNet GL-AR750S “Slate” as my travel router.
Before buying the Beryl (when compared to the “Slate”) especially if you want it for travel (i.e. light and compact), I believe that the Slate is a better option due to the smaller size, lighter weight and lower power requirements (so any USB power adapter is sufficient).
The Beryl does offer more functionality but I experienced issues with the 2.4GHz wireless network where the 2.4GHz was not visible when using “Auto” for the channel selection.
One other negative for the Beryl is the single “Cylon” strip light. I find the simple indicator LEDs on the Slate more intuitive/meaningful than the single “Cylon” strip light which just tell you whether Beryl is operational.
Mit den Routern (wir haben drei 1000 und einen 1300 im Einsatz) lsst es sich gut arbeiten.
Die VPN-Verbindungen mittels WireGuard sind ca. 20% schneller als eine VPN-Verbindung zwischen zwei Fritzboxen 7590.
Die Gerte haben uns so sehr berzeugt, dass wir diese nicht nur mobil sondern auch stationr nutzen.
Very useful for when you need to travel away from home. I use mine with a connection to my Wireguard server at home. Stick a 128GB SD card in for watching media whilst travelling. Connect a 2TB drive to allow photo back up whilst on the move.
I’ve used several of GL-Inet products now and all have worked really well.
The USB-C connection provides power to the connected device, so my phone was always charged up. Wifi signal was strong enough for my needs. I didn’t test it through walls or anything however. The setup was easy for a person with basic networking skills –dropped into the browser, and set it up in about 5 minutes.
Great value.
the router works excellent. it is easy to config. I use it to connect via VPN when it is necessary (holiday, work from abroad… ).
fully recommended !!!
Ich nutze den Router als Hausrouter und habe Speicher des Routers durch SD-Karte erweitert. Und kann Apps installieren und genau so stark wie ein Fritzbox.
Der WLAN Signal ist strker als meines Vodafone Routers.
Just started Van Life and was looking for something to repeat wireless networks near wherever I park. I can verify that it did work with a captive portal for Spectrum Free Trial Out-of-Home wifi which allows you to login with account holder credentials and save the device as approved.
So far, very happy with the purchase. The UI is beautiful and packed with features!
I do wish the device came with removable antennas.. looks like I will be modifying mine to accept removable antennas at some point.
Highly recommended!