SHOTGUN Kids Bike Seat for Mountain Bikes | Front Mounted Bicycle Seats for Children 2-5 Years (up to 48 pound) | Compatible with All Adult MTB | Easy to Install

We’re on a mission to raise the next generation of mountain bikers!
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Adjustable width and angle to fit all mountain bikes The Shotgun seat is adjustable to fit all regular mountain bikes, no matter the shape of your frame. | Full rubber frame protection With moulded rubber protection for your bike, the Shotgun seat is suitable for use on alloy and carbon frames. | Easy installation and removal With no modification to your bike required, the Shotgun seat is simple to fit and remove. |
Will the Shotgun seat fit my bike?

The Shotgun seat fits all modern mountain bikes – including bikes with steep, sloping or tapered top tubes.
The Shotgun seat does not fit electric bikes, road/gravel bikes, cruiser & step through frame bikes, or older mountain bikes with cables along the top of the top tube.
The shotgun seat has a range of adjustment to fit top tubes from 30 – 68mm wide, and down tubes from 30 – 100mm wide.

Design & Innovation Award Winner
The jury is unanimous. There’s no better first step into the world of mountain biking than the Kids Ride Shotgun child seat.
Dimensions: | 20 x 15 x 25 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Brand: | SHOTGUN |
Model: | KRS-SB |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Kids Ride Shotgun Limited |
Colour: | Black |
Department: | Children’s |
Department: | Children’s |
Per le persone come me, alte 2 mt, e quindi con telai MTB importanti, sono poche le regolazioni di settaggio disponibili
I purchased this and had to return do to a defect. I dropped it off at Whole Foods Saturday and received the replacement Monday. That is awesome service.
I bought this for bike trips with our 4 year old. I was concerned about him feeling uncomfortable, especially since he has nowhere to lean his back. But he absolutely loves it. We cycled well over two hours with a break in between. Bike seat is well made, easy to install. If we use the bike without our toddler, I just quickly remove the saddle. It was also relatively easy to cycle uphill, I think having the weight in front rather than in the back makes that easier.
Easy to install. It’s not in the way when riding the bike alone, without kiddo. Toddler loves it, and can see when we’re out. I can talk to him because he’s right there. So glad we got this seat and not another!
With the caveats in mind, this seat is great fun. Just keep in mind it’s not as safe as strapping them into a bucket seat!
Bought this when my son was two, he is now 3 and continues to love this seat. He was a little nervous at first but now is very comfortable and confident on it. A great way to spend quality time with my son. Easy to install and remove.
Make sure to have a picture because all the instructions say is to follow the instructions and then there is no instructions. My daughter loves it though.
Sure I was worried about safety. And I was worry about installation. But in the end if you read the instructions, there’s no difficulty it’s straightforward, it’s fast to set up and it’s great. My nearly 4-year-old son loves riding on this seat. Literally screaming “woo hoo! This is amazing!!” I can actually ride with both my young boys on one bike and go for a bike ride it’s fantastic.
Sturdy, solid and safe for kids. Super fun to bring them with you on the trails. Good quality, a little heavy, but easy to (dis)mount.
Great purchase and daughter loves to ride the bicicleta now
Daughter loves it! Couldn’t get her to get off! Only reason for 4 stars is one of the bolts stripped the first time we used it.
I bought this last year for my two year old daughter and she absolutely loves going on bike rides. My wife and I were a little worried at first because it doesn’t come with a “seatbelt” of any kind but it turned out to be a great buy. Highly recommended.
I was skeptical at first because of the price and I was afraid of maneuverability, but it’s worth it and my daughter absolutely loves it! I’ve heard from other parents that the trailer is so heavy and can get difficult to pull because of the drag. Also, it’s scary because you can’t keep eyes on it since it’s behind you but I absolutely love this seat and wish I had purchased it with my first kid! It makes riding with all my kiddos super enjoyable!
My son has upgraded to a 20″ MTB finally, and my 2-year old daughter wants to come on every biking adventure. I wanted something that would allow her to participate in some way other than tagging along on a Strider. This is perfect. She’s fearless, but loved this from the first ride. Haven’t hit single track yet, but rough riding around the neighborhood and a family farm were a breeze.
I love this invention, I love riding with my boy.
Vorab: Das teil macht spa. Leider passt es nur auf Bikes wo die Oberrohrdicke mit der Unterrohrdicke bereinstimmt. Beim Specialized Stumpjumper FSR 2017 passt es nicht.
Pros: Pretty much everything about this item is a pro, very well made (and should be for the price), sturdy, comfy, safe and secure when my daughter is sitting on it.
Cons: 2 cons here. One is that the manual isn’t really the best if you have absolutely no idea of assembling stuff, however using one’s common sense with fitting this to your bike is easily done.
And 2, whatever you do before buying this please for the love of god, or more importantly your son or daughter who’s going to be sitting on the bike with you,,, please check to make sure that your bike does NOT have the rear brake and gear cables run along the top of the top bar. My bike does and so when riding round the garden I was fixed in one gear and only had the front brake to stop. Which if I was riding on the road would see me and my daughter flip over the front and lazer eyes from my missus hit the back of my head as we get up from the pavement hoping I haven’t broken any of my daughter’s bones. That said I’m not going to be returning this as I plan to change my very old bike for a newer one so will be getting a bike where the top bar is free of all said cables.
I do highly recommend this product.
While installing it to my new bike I ended up scratching my bike, its probably unavoidable. My kid seems to enjoy ridding with me so im happy with it. You hmjust have to make sure sure that your child always hold on to the handle because my kid always remove his hand and I have to constantly tell him to hold on and making sure supporting him so he won’t fall just incase.
I hesitated for a while to buy this. Only if I knew then what I know now… my son loves it! After one ride his enjoyment made this worth every penny!
Solid, safe and super fun!
Right out the box this thing is quality built. Its safe for my son and its safe for my bike. I have used it on both my carbon framed MTB and alloy bike. I have kept it on the alloy bike as I ride clipped in on the carbon and I think with this its better to ride flat pedals simply because its a tad awkward getting on and off with a 3 year old sitting on the bike without the added issue of un clipping.
Highly recommend this seat my son absolutely loves it, he feels in control of the bars and giggles and laughs his head off the whole ride!
Perfect for my 18 month old. I also ordered the shotgun handlebars. Best seat on the market and easy to ride with.
Love the concept for the design and our daughter was so happy being upfront to were she could see!!
Cons – we have this on hubby’s mountain bike and it overall fits just fine until we start to ride and my daughters seat starts to filter back. So not sure if it’s a fitting issue or what.
Easy installation also easy to take off. Good quality product. Most importantly the Kid loves it.
I choose this seat because my son is quite tall and was on the weight threshold of a rear child seat. It seemed easy enough to install watching YouTube videos. It’s nice and sturdy and he seems comfortable. I love how he can be upfront and talk to me whilst riding, because of this he has learnt lots about road safety.
flexible, fitted nicely to my bike (Trek), and quiet solid.
quiet easy to mount and remove (takes 5 minutes). my grandson and me enjoy it for 1-1.5 hours of ride, and the seat position really makes it being together.
Excellent seat very strong, comes with quality tools to fi
Arrived on time. Excellent quality can’t wait for snow to go now to try it out. Cheaper than other online sites
I was going to get the oxford little explorers, as it saves so much money – but with this you get what you pay for. The metal is thick, the metal foot bars for the child are like one on a BMX, and the seat is thick and well padded. When it comes to my precious cargo, this is so worth the money.! Don’t think about the cost, think about what you get for it!
Est muy bien, incluso tiene todas las herramientas de montaje, buen material y una presentacin del contenido del paquete impecable
Das einzige wobei ich mich rgere, ist, dass ich dieses Produkt erst so spt entdeckt habe.
Es hat einen stolzen Preis, aber das Juchzen meines dreijhrigen Sohnes beim Fahrradfahren entschdigt. Wir haben beide so viel Spa und freuen uns immer, uns vernnftig unterhalten zu knnen und beide eine gute Sicht zu haben. Ich hoffe, wir haben noch lnger Freude damit und er wchst nicht so schnell raus. Wir knnen es kaum erwarten, bis endlich Frhling ist.
This bike seat is brilliant. Fits perfectly & securely on my mountain bike. I take my 5 year old boy on it to school everyday & he loves it. Definitely recommend this to other parents.
Mein Bike (Moustache) hat 5cm Oberrohr und 10cm Unterrohr-Durchmesser (ins Rahmenrohr integrierter Akku). Habe die Seitenprofile mit Hilfe eines Schraubstocks leicht angewinkelt. Der Sitz passt jetzt perfekt, meine Tochter liebt ihn, natrlich auch den Shotgun-Mini-Lenker. Ist vom Hersteller so nicht empfohlen, ich wollte aber nicht lnger auf eine spezielle e-MTB-Version warten und mir auch kein anderes System zulegen (der Shotgun ist sehr schnell montierbar, wenn er einmal angepasst wurde). Klare Empfehlung!
Was soll ich sagen… Das Kind will nur noch Mountainbike fahren
Das Leben hat uns wieder und die kleine Rakete liebt es so sehr! Jede Pause ist ein Drama und nach Hause will sie nicht mehr 
Passt super auf unser normales MTB und auch auf das E-MTB.