SHOTGUN Kids Bike Seat for Mountain Bikes | Front Mounted Bicycle Seats for Children 2-5 Years (up to 48 pound) | Compatible with All Adult MTB | Easy to Install

Shotgun, Kids Mtb Seat, Shotgun Seat, Front Mounted Bike Seat

Will the Shotgun seat fit my bike?

Shotgun MTB Seat

The Shotgun seat fits all modern mountain bikes – including bikes with steep, sloping or tapered top tubes.

The Shotgun seat does not fit electric bikes, road/gravel bikes, cruiser & step through frame bikes, or older mountain bikes with cables along the top of the top tube.

The shotgun seat has a range of adjustment to fit top tubes from 30 – 68mm wide, and down tubes from 30 – 100mm wide.

Shotgun Kids Seat Shotgun MTB Combo Shotgun Pro Seat
Age range Suitable for kids 2-5 years (48lbs / 22kg) Suitable for kids 2-5 years (48lbs / 22kg) Suitable for kids 2-5 years (60lbs / 27kg)
Suitable for Ebikes? ✓
Mounting Frame mounted Frame mounted Zero Frame Contact
Installation No bike modification required No bike modification required Stem spacer fitting required
Set up time Quick fitting & removal Quick fitting & removal Lightning fast fitting & removal
Adjustability Fixed leg length Fixed leg length Adjustable leg length
Handlebars ✓

Dimensions: 20 x 15 x 25 cm; 1 Kilograms
Model: KRS-SB
Colour: Black
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Kids Ride Shotgun Limited
Colour: Black
Department: Children’s
Department: Children’s

135 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Bought for my 2 1/2 yr old daughter. Was skeptical at first. She absolutely loves it! Ive taking her on some trails with nice downhill and hill climbs with no issues . Highly recommend.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI thought the price was a bit steep but after receiving, installing and using it I can attest to the fact the price is about right.

    The quality is very high. Both the seat itself and the tools included in the box are high quality and I expect them to last for the next 10 years no problem if I take care of them (one kid is 2 and I have another one on the way).

    Installation was not as easy as I thought it would be even though the video with instructions was very helpful. My bike’s a Kona Wo fatbike with a top and bottom tube of different size (the bottom one is way bigger) so it took me a good 25 min to install and then a few more minutes twice after riding it with my kid to make it perfect.

    My boy is 23 months, picked it up right away and absolutely loved it. Massive grin on his face, he wouldn’t stop saying fatbike (which he pronounces fkit…). The first week we went riding over an hour every day after I picked him up from daycare. It snowed, there was ice on the road, no problem whatsoever.

    One thing I really love is people’s face since the seat is kind of hidden. It looks like my kid’s riding shotgun on the top tube 😀 most guys have a big smile on their faces when the see him, quite a few moms look a little worried 😀

    TLDR : awesome quality, very much worth it, if you’re looking at the cheaper options but you can afford this one, don’t hesitate. Your kids will love it for years to come.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The kids love it, the really enjoy riding with it in my bike.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Been wanting one for years, then I pulled the shotgun trigger and I’m so glad I did. I was in love with going out on my bike but having a little one and working full time it’s never easy. So this was a great in between for me. Also the little man absolutely loves coming out with me hence the title PRICELESS..!!!

  5. ManuelaBrassard says:


    Slido. Hay que tener cuidado con el montaje para no daar la pintura de la bicicleta. Es caro por lo que es pero lo son todos

  6. Hollie Schultz says:

     United States

    Enabled us to ride as a family. Love this thing.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    First saw one used at our local bike park, stopped and asked about it. Immediately purchased one the same day. I have an almost 2 yr old and 4 yr old that are huge fans. My only problem so far is that they have to take turns riding with dad.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My kid love it ! I was really hesitating because of the price but finally bought it and cannot be happier. So much moment with my little girl. And I think it’s better than the other famous and more expensive one. Perfect value

  9. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Awesome invention, excellent quality and packaging, even came with real tools. Setup was pretty simple and won’t damage your bike.

  10. RodgerLaplante says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is one of the greatest tools to have when riding with your toddler, other than their helmet. Bought the handle bar also. LOVE IT!!

    This is one of the greatest tools to have when riding with your toddler, other than their helmet. Bought the handle bar also. LOVE IT!!

  11. Anonymous says:


    Es lo que se dice! Comodisimo y prctico para el peque y para los papis!!

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Have only used a few times but my 2.5 yr old loves to ride! We used to pull him around in a bike trailer, but this is so nice not to have to tow and he can actually see and participate in the ride!! Wish I had gotten this sooner!!

  13. JoseEsp says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Seriously the best thing ever, my 2 yr old lives riding front and center. I own a GIANT mountain bike, it fit perfectly and was easy to install with out damaging the frame. I recommended this to so many if my fellow bike riders and recommend everyone with a little one !

  14. Maggie Koerth-Baker says:

     United Kingdom

    This bike seat is a great product as it lets your child really get involved in the ride.

  15. Anonymous says:


    De trs bonne qualit. N’abime pas le cadre car un gros caoutchouc entour la tige rglable.
    S’adapte trs facilement au cade.
    Mon fils adore.

  16. Serenity of Beauty says:

     United States

    High quality materials and all the tools come with the seat, easy to install and worth the money.

  17. Sage Anderson says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Got this to take our 2 yr old along on neighborhood rides and some light trails. He loves riding on it because he can “go fast” and can “see everything”. I would highly recomend you but a dropper seat post to go with it. Comes in very handy when stopping.

  18. Scott Stein says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Great bike seat. It adjusts to bike geometry well enough. It does scratch the bike a bit depending on bike shape. Fit my genius 950 well but struggled a bit on my because of the thickness of the top tube, so keep that in mind. I’ve had it for about a year and it’s great. Do not regret the purchase.

    Great bike seat. It adjusts to bike geometry well enough. It does scratch the bike a bit depending on bike shape. Fit my genius 950 well but struggled a bit on my because of the thickness of the top tube, so keep that in mind. I’ve had it for about a year and it’s great. Do not regret the purchase.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Nicht jede e bike past!!! aber machtbar belastbar,rutsch nicht, sehr bequem. Benutzt mein sohn 122 gross 20 kg schwe

    Gute Qualitä

  20. Al Vaughters, News 4 Reporter says:


    My granddaughter loves the seat. She is just 2 and sits very still, taking in all the sites while chatting away With grandpa! Highly recommend it!

  21. Anonymous says:


    Completely overpriced for what it’s is, but it was worth every penny when I put my two year old on it! Use it all the time, should have bought soone

  22. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I bought this for my small women’s TREK mountain bike, it fit perfectly. My two year old LOVES this seat, she can see everything around us and is safe between my my arms (for those concerned about their child falling off it’s pretty much impossible). The foot pegs have a rubber strip over top creating a stirrup so the foot can’t slip out easily. 10/10 would suggest for anyone interested. I particularly love that she is in front of me so we can play “I Spy” while we ride.

  23. BoydPYOjqqoedg says:


    This is an awesome product! My husband and 2.5 year old have been ripping around all summer.

  24. Anonymous says:


    My son and husband absolutely love this seat! I was a little weary at first about the price, but definitely worth every penny!! My son loves going for a ride on “his” new bike and letting his dad ride with him (lol)!!

  25. Anonymous says:


    Je viens rarement faire des commentaires sur Amazon (c’est mon premier) et honntement, je trouve le packaging au top.

    Les matriaux m’ont l’air bien solides, les explications bien faites et mme les accessoires fournis sont de bonnes factures.

    Cela change du matriel chinois sans trop de finitions. Mme si c’est plus cher, c’est plus rassurant.

    J’ai un VTTAE Canyon ON AL 6.0 donc mon cadre est plus large, il me fallait quelque chose d’adaptable et il rpond bien mon besoin !

    J’ai achet aussi les poignes pour le petit, aprs essai je ne regrette pas, il se sent plus l’aise !

    J’espre faire pas mal de sorties avec le petit, histoire de lui donner envie d’avoir son propre VTT un jour 🙂

    Au top pour le petit !

  26. David Priest says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    It took me the longest time reading all the reviews before I decided on one. This seat is amazing my two year old and I are having a blast cruising around.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersMy 18 month old was all smiles right from the first ride. I usually put my hands over his but that doesn’t seem necessary. Excellent construction and packaging. Took about 10 minutes to install with the tools included. I have to re-place his feet on the pegs on the fly occasionally. No big deal.

    My 18 month old was all smiles right from the first ride. I usually put my hands over his but that doesn't seem necessary. Excellent construction and packaging. Took about 10 minutes to install with the tools included. I have to re-place his feet on the pegs on the fly occasionally. No big deal.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What an amazing invention!
    Had our maiden voyage with the seat and handlebars yesterday and it was a great success.
    I was initially hesitant to buy this as thought my child might still be too small (average size 21month old) but he was totally fine and absolutely loved it. His feet just reach the pegs.
    A vast improvement on our old seat on the back of the bike which he hated as he couldn’t see anything!

  29. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTenia dudas, pero la experiencia con mi hijo no tiene precio. Combinar dos pasiones es algo irresistible.

    Despus de 3 semanas, lo recomiendo a todo el mundo que lo este valorando. Se adapta perfectamente a la bicicleta, es fcil de instalar y desinstalar. La calidad del producto es superior, vale su precio.

    Mi hijo esta entusiasmado. l mismo, cada da, espera la hora para realizar nuestra salida conjunta y descubrir nuevos caminos. Sin problemas hemos realizados rutas de entre 15-20Km de 1h aprox. Tened en cuenta el aguante y fatiga de los nios.

  30. LeonidaShanks says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersNo suelo hacer comentarios sobre productos. Con mi hijo mayor tuve una silla de las que el nio va detrs. Aunque era buena y funcion bien, nunca me gust mucho, porque salas con el nio a andar en bici y realmente estabas totalmente aislado de l. El nio te ve la espalda y no s de lo que se enteraba. Yo no le vea ni interactuaba con l. Adems, su peso no estaba centrado en la bicicleta y quedaba bastante elevado, de forma que no ayudaba a la estabilidad de la bici. Mir modelos para poder llevarle delante, entre el manillar y mi silln, pero no vi nunca nada que me convenciera. Este verano he vuelto a buscar, para llevar a la peque que tiene 3 aos. Y me anim con este modelo y ha sido un acierto. La experiencia de llevar a la nia en bici es totalmente diferente, nos pasamos el camino hablando de lo que vemos, mira hacia adelante y lo ve todo, y al ir agarrada al manillar de la propia bici, tiene una posicin mucho ms activa que en la silla, y tiene que agarrarse ella para ir amortiguando baches etc.. Al no llevar un cinturn de seguridad paramos todo lo que nos apetece porque no se tarda nada en subirla y bajarla. Y no me da sensacin de inseguridad, porque va “abrazada” entre mis piernas y mis brazos, de forma que su cada accidental es muy dificil. Aunque el producto es caro, es de buena calidad. Resulta importante nombrar tambin que el silln apenas ocupa espacio, y por tanto mi bicicleta puede ir en el portabicis sin quitar este asiento infantil, que se ha quedado fijo. Apenas molesta cuando monto yo slo. La silla trasera ocupaba muchsimo sitio, siendo un engorro para llevarla de viaje en vacaciones por ejemplo. Con este silln es practicamente como si no llevara ningn accesorio adicional. Estoy muy contento de haberlo comprado. Slo con la intencin de ver cuntos aos voy a poder utilizarlo, he llevado a mi hijo mayor que ahora ya tiene 10 aos, y obviamente es incmodo pero se puede. As pues creo que que con la pequea podr aprovechar este silln estos aos, hasta que empiece a ir en su propia bici. Tened en cuenta la edad mnima de uso, porque es necesario que el nio se agarre slo. La indicacin de 2 a 5 aos creo que es acertada. Si el peque es ms pequeo, este no es tu silln.

  31. Chris Thorman says:

     United States

    This is a great product to use when enjoying your rides with younger children.

    This is a great product to use when enjoying your rides with younger children.

  32. Leslie Brenner Restaurant Critic says:

     United States

    – Simplest solution to get your kid on a bike
    – low profile, doesn’t alter look of your existing bike
    – kid feels like they are the ones biking!

    – the seat gets in the way of my knees a little
    – quick release doesn’t seem to do anything — still need to unhook pedals to get it off
    – the seat is hard to fix into place

    Overall: Love this.

  33. michaeld says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSper top!
    Es una pasada,
    Mi hija tan solo tiene 2 aos y lo vive muchsimo.
    Es seguro suficiente y adems la llevo con el casco.
    Yo personalmente, elijo esto, antes que una silla trasera, los nios lo disfrutan ms, aprenden ms y es una pasada.
    Yo la tengo montada en mi bici de montaa spezialized y encaja perfectamente.
    Un saludo para todo el equipo de este fantstico invento, y muchas gracias lo estamos disfrutando muchsimo!!!

  34. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEinfach soooo mega! Einer der besten Kufe dieses Jahr! Wir waren auf der Suche nach einem guten Kindersitz frs Fahrrad fr Kinder (Unser Sohn ist 18 Monate) und wir wollten auf KEINEN Fall so eine langweilige Plastikschale fr den Gepcktrger haben. Erstens haben wir keinen Gepcktrger weil wir eher die Downhill Fahrer sind und zweitens sind wir der Meinung dass so ein klassischer Kindersitz frs Fahrrad einfach nicht zu uns passt.

    Unser Sohn hat eine riesen Freude damit! Er will gar nicht mehr vom Fahrrad runter. Frdert absolut die Konzentration, Gleichgewicht, super cool, super praktisch, wir haben ihm im Blick, er langweilt sich nicht und wir knnen endlich zusammen biken gehen!! Und zwar so richtig!

    Wir haben Lenker und Sitz und wrden den Lenker auch dazu klar mitempfehlen. Sptestens wenn er mehr Kraft hat und versucht mitzulenken ist durch den kleinerer Lenker weniger Wirkung da. Zudem hat er mit den Griffen einen super Halt. Montage bei Sitz und Lenker easy.
    Sattel sehr bequem und sehr schnell auf und abmontiert. Werkzeug bei lngeren Touren aber immer mitnehmen falls sich dochmal was lockert. Man wei nie. Und ein Imbus und ein Schlssel ist nicht schwer im Rucksack. Werkzeug wird alles mitgeliefert. Tolle Verpackung! Preis,… Puhhh ordentlich aber lohnt sich absolut wenn man gerne richtig biken geht!!!

  35. Anonymous says:


    Trs content de notre achat notre enfant de 3 ans adore et son papa aussi
    Il a pas peur c’est se qu’il m’inquitait mais pas du tout !

  36. Anonymous says:


    My child enjoys our adventures now that he can ride the big bike! No more falling asleep in the stroller or struggling to hear what he’s saying. The only thing I had to complain about was that their was no mention that the seat should be used on a 26 inch our higher bike. My short self cannot mount a 26 inch bike. With a little adjustment, we made it work on the 24. Easy to set up, easy to just get up and go! Love this product and the freedom it allows! I find my child balance well on it, doesn’t interfere with the controls, AMD aside from having to pedal a little frog legged, I haven’t had to make any adjustments for myself.

  37. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersVersand und Lieferung aus UK verlief problemlos. Verarbeitung des Sitzes ist hochwertig und Werkzeug zur Montage wird ebenfalls mitgeliefert. Ich fahre ein Trek Remedy 8 2010 und der Sitz hat gerade noch so gepasst. Da das Unterrohr des Rahmens dicker ist, als das sich verjngende Oberrohr, biegen sich die Streben vom Sitz gefhrlich nach auen, was sicherlich nicht so angedacht ist. Ich hatte ein wenig zutun den Sitz wirklich stabil zu befestigen, aber nun hlt er was er verspricht. Mein Sohn hat unendlich viel Spa beim fahren, sitzt bequem und sicher und auch bei lngeren Fahrten schlafen die kleinen Gliedmaen nicht ein. Der Sitz ist zwar etwas teurer, aber fr MTB Besitzer durchaus die Beste Variante, Kinder mit auf Tour zu nehmen. Man beachte also beim kauf, dass das Ober und Unterrohr im besten Fall den gleichen Durchmesser haben sollten um Komplikationen zu vermeiden und die Leitungen keinesfalls oberhalb des Oberrohrs verlaufen sollten. Wenn man alle Hinweise des Herstellers auf der Internetseite beachtet, hat man den richtigen MTB Sitz gefunden, um seinen Kindern ein Strahlen ins Gesicht zu zaubern.

    Klasse Sitz, aber nicht für jedes MTB geeigne

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As soon as you open the box you know you have bought a quality bit of kit. Easy to fit in minutes. I was worried about a carbon frame but no problems there. My daughter is only 20 months old but she had no problems on it and you can see as it’s adjustable will suit her for years. Recommend the shotgun handlebars too so your child isn’t leaning over too far.. it’s allowed me to enjoy biking again knowing I can control my daughter in front of me instead of not knowing what she is doing in a rear seat and her just facing my back. She was safe on very uneven terrain too. Both very happy and worth the price tag

  39. LaylaLeichhardt says:

     United Kingdom

    Mine arrived just before the weekend, It took me 15-20mins to have it set up and in a good position for my little one, we took it for a little test ride and she enjoyed it. This morning we took a slightly longer route to nursery and she absolutely loved going off road, now this isn’t pure down hill by any long stretch but bobbing a weaving through the trees she couldn’t stop laughing and that alone is worth every penny I spent on the this new seat. It’s so much better than a rear mounted seat as she gets to see where we are going, pointing out all of the wild life we saw on the way. Money well spent.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Our Grandsons love riding at the front of the bike. The seat is sturdy and way to install.

    Our Grandsons love riding at the front of the bike. The seat is sturdy and way to install.

  41. RenaPinckney says:


    This seat is incredible! My daughter (2 years old) cannot get enough!

  42. bargain sale – Новини Google says:


    if you where able to find one of these you are lucky as I was. Great product for any MTB

  43. PhilomeTyrrell says:

     United Kingdom

    Who doesn’t like spending obscene amounts of money on must have cycling accessories? Take my money!!

    This accessory screams premium quality from the get go. The seat unit is nicely packaged and the components are individually wrapped and protected in the box. The seat even comes with a set of decent tools. Giving you everything you need to get the seat securely attached to your bike. Plus a set of bad4ss stickers.

    The instructions are very easy to follow, with additional support on YouTube. The components fit together effortlessly and also disassemble easily too.

    The adjustability of the seat is great, I have an XL bike and the seat allows adjustment for the width of the top tube, down tube, angle of the saddle and the angle of the foot pegs.

    Yes it’s expensive, but for me it’s the only option I saw that was viable between rear and front mounted seats. My rave review is completely backed up from the experience of opening the box, the process of fitting the seat on my bike and then hitting the trails, works a treat! Also, rear mounted seats don’t allow for you to keep an eye on your little one and I’ve even seen several poor kids getting whacked in the face by peoples rear ends in the past… not a nice experience for them I’m sure…

    Buy one. Honestly you won’t be disappointed.
    But just keep an eye on where your bikes gear, brake and dropper post cables are. If they are on the the top or side of the top tube, or slightly the the side of the down tube you may find the seat impossible to fit.

    Premium quality and a well thought out desig

  44. NoeMallory says:

     United States

    I LOVE THIS! I bought a mountain bike and the front seats didn’t really fit and I was hesitant about the back seats, so after convincing myself to get this (the price was definitely higher than I wanted) this actually was perfect and I’m so glad I bought it. Set up was easy. Super easy, actually the box it came in was fancy lol even came with all the tools, which I appreciated even more. It’s secure and most importantly my 2 year old loves it. He sees everything I see, and that big smile he has on every time we ride wouldn’t tell me otherwise!

    I LOVE THIS! I bought a mountain bike and the front seats didn’t really fit and I was hesitant about the back seats, so after convincing myself to get this (the price was definitely higher than I wanted) this actually was perfect and I’m so glad I bought it. Set up was easy. Super easy, actually the box it came in was fancy lol even came with all the tools, which I appreciated even more. It’s secure and most importantly my 2 year old loves it. He sees everything I see, and that big smile he has on every time we ride wouldn’t tell me otherwise!

  45. Anonymous says:


    Best child seat i’ve ever owned, the quality is spectacular ! You really do get what you pay for with the shotgun front mount bike seat. Quality tools to put it together, easy installation and most importantly my son LOVES it. Would highly recommend this to anyone.

  46. SerenaWdhcy says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This thing is awesome! It’s easy to install, it arrived in the morning and I was able to install it during my lunch break to ride after work. It fit my Kona Lava Dome 29er perfectly, and my 2 1/2 year old son fits on it perfectly. We rode approximately 5 miles, and he loved it. I used to use a kid trailer that was clunky and wonky, but this thing is 100 times more fun, and we can go on way more trails with it!

  47. Anonymous says:


    Week one review. Initial impressions is it is a quality, albeit expensive, product. Box, instructions, seat all well made. Installed it with two year old “helping” in about 30minutes on full suspension mountain bike. Very easy with installed tools, manual and recommended videos.Initial ride was great and we have been out every day since for short rides in the neighbourhood. I’m still having to remind our two year old to keep both his hands on handlebar versus pointing at neighbourhood cats, dogs, fire engines etc but as that gets better looking forward to hitting some easy mountain bike trails! Overall ride quality and ease of putting our boy on the bike much better than the rear mounted seat we were previously using.
    Pros: Quality product, great ride, great fun, easy to put toddler on / off bike
    Cons: It’s expensive, no option for a nap so this isn’t an all day riding option for a little one who still needs those.

  48. Leon Hurley says:

     United States

    My daughter loves this. It took some adjustments to get it right, but we love riding together!

  49. RusselRoque says:


    Das beste was aktive Radfahrer machen knnen. Wir haben mit unserer zwei Jahre alten Tochter schon mehrere Hundert Kilometer auf dem Sitz zurck gelegt und super zufrieden. Wesentlich schlanker und leichter als alles andere auf dem Mark

  50. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The instructions weren’t great but the online video was perfect… that made the installation easy.

    The best part was that my 40lb, 3 year-old fits on there and I have plenty of leg room to operate my bike.

    The don’t claim this, so it’s not a knock, but your kid needs to a be confident staying on this seat. It’s a bit unstable at a first but after 3 or 4 rides, he was more comfortable jumping on.

    You also will need a second person to get going at first.

  51. KERF says:


    Best product ever. My 3 year old rides single track with us for hours and has a blast !

  52. Nick Reisman says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Good quality but does not come on or off quickly. You have to take your time setting it up and installing it or you will scratch your frame. It is nice to be able to take my little guide riding off road.

  53. Anonymous says:


    My son loves it, works great. Only thing is the mountain bike park like the videos that advertised this seat don’t allow them and that’s the whole reason I bought the seat.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My son loves this thing which makes me love it too. We ride everywhere together now. I have been stopped several times for people asking where I got it so they can get one. Probably the best mountain bike accessory I’ve gotten. I have it mounted on my carbon fiber hardtail easy to put on and take off. Takes about 3 to 5 minutes for mounting each time due to having to screw the pieces together. Easy breezy and well worth it.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMy 2 year old REALLY loves this bike seat. It seems expensive for what it is, however it’s well thought out and designed, and just works. It’s supplied with all the tools you need to fit it, and these are high quality tools you’ll probably want to keep, definitely not the throw away ones you might expect with flat pack furniture.

    The seat itself is easy to fit, and plenty adjustable enough to fit most bikes with a top tube.

    Riding with your child on the seat is also good. As they’re not perched at the back of the bike (staring at your bum), but sat just in front of you. The balance of the bike isn’t adversely compromised. You can confidently tackle offroad trails, but nothing serious mind like drop offs and jumps.

  56. [email protected] Courtney Morrison says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have a hybrid mountain bike and it would not fit safely. The design is solid, it just wasn’t long enough for my frame design. The product came really well packaged, seemed super sturdy, had all the tools needed, it is top notch quality, but if it doesn’t fit your bike then all that quality doesn’t matter. Attaching a picture so you can see the types of bikes that it won’t work with. Giving it 4 stars since I’m sure it’s a great seat for other bikes, just not mine.

    I have a hybrid mountain bike and it would not fit safely. The design is solid, it just wasn’t long enough for my frame design. The product came really well packaged, seemed super sturdy, had all the tools needed, it is top notch quality, but if it doesn’t fit your bike then all that quality doesn’t matter. Attaching a picture so you can see the types of bikes that it won’t work with. Giving it 4 stars since I’m sure it’s a great seat for other bikes, just not mine.

  57. Anonymous says:


    No problem installing. 3 yr old son loves riding this. Leaves enough space for the adult, even on a mountain bike size small.

  58. Marcia Sekhose says:


    My boy doesn’t want to ride his little bike anymore. He’s loving this.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My lil girl has so much fun that she talks the entire time. We have endless conversation, what we see, the temperature outside, the terrain when to take a break. We love this thing. She was scared for a couple of trips, maybe 3 and now she is fearless. I stopped at a park picnic table and she dismounted without me knowing and now we do that for her to get on too. So cool, Wish I had one of these for my first child.

  60. AmparoQfkdl says:


    Fantastic product. Honestly I should have done an unboxing video with how nicely this thing gets shipped to you. Full size wrenches included for assembly.

    Best child carrier on the market in my opinion. I had the child seat behind me on my mountain bike which was cool, but both me and my daughter love this shotgun seat.

    Her weight is lower on the frame, she’s secure on it and we were riding together within 25 minutes of me opening the box.

    If you ride and you want to bring your child (my daughter is 2y4m) I highly recommend you grab this.

  61. Jackie says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Overall super satisfied with the seat. Easily attached to my bike and after one quick session my 2 year old is comfortable riding. He loves it now! You do have to pedal with knees a little away from the frame but it’s not uncomfortable. Wish I had this seat when my oldest was younger. Definitely helping him get used to balancing.

  62. johnboy says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Amazing product, easy to install, will fit majority of MTBs. My wife has a trek Marlin 5 2020 and it fits but slightly more difficult to comfortably fit vs my trek fuel ex 8 2018. However, seems like it will fit almost any bike. My son loves it, he’s having such a great time on it. He weighs about 40lbs and is about 38-40″ tall. Fits perfect fine and comfortable as seen in the photos.

    Amazing product, easy to install, will fit majority of MTBs. My wife has a trek Marlin 5 2020 and it fits but slightly more difficult to comfortably fit vs my trek fuel ex 8 2018. However, seems like it will fit almost any bike. My son loves it, he’s having such a great time on it. He weighs about 40lbs and is about 38-40” tall. Fits perfect fine and comfortable as seen in the photos.

  63. Christine says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is a fantastic product simple design and very easy to use. A absolute blast for 2 to 5-year-olds. I can shred trails with my two-year-old, the hardest part is just getting him to get off! Great way to get exercise and spend time with your kid.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI live cycling and since we had our children, it was a forgotten hobby.

    I tried the traditional “behind you” seat but it just didn’t feel right. Too much mass too far bike to ride anything other than smooth paths.

    We got a Thule trailer, same thing

    I looked around and saw this seat. And saw the price…. I weighed it up for about t he re weeks and then went for it.

    It’s the best money I’ve spent.

    Technically, it’s a solid simple structure. Two lateral clamps hold it in place with a threaded bolt for the pegs and a quick release bolt above. On and off in around 3mins.

    I have an Ibis Mojo HD carbon frame which is a work of art and slightly odd in shape. This fits it fine and bar e-bikes, I doubt there’s a frame it won’t fit.

    The best bit is the memories of rides with my boys. We are “proper” mountain biking.

    With the mass centre and them safely between your arms, you can hit some technical single track and throw the bike around like there not there. We chat as we go along, talking about what we can see.

    The only negative is, if you stop suddenly and would normally hop forwards to get your feet down, you can’t. If you have a dropper post, solves the problem.

    If you like MTB and you want to keep your hobby alive AND spend quality time with your children, buy it. Best investment you could make.

  65. PrincessWhitman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersQuality piece of kit, great attention to detail. Easy to install. Easy to remove. Worth every penny. Well done designing and manufacturing this.
    Delivery came as expected on the first day of the window of expected delivery. 2 weeks after I ordered it.

    Quality piece of kit 👌

  66. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDer beste Kindersitz den ich je hatte und ich hatte schon einige… Leicht zu montieren sieht schick aus und Kind hat einen aktiven guten Sitz Fe sind sicher macht einen mords Spa mit dem kleinen durch die Gegend zu fahren und mit sich dabei mit ihm unterhalten zu knnen und ihm in der Mitte zwischen den Arm geschtzt zu wisse

  67. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The shotgun ride for my daughter has been absolutely thrilling for her. I can now take her on the trails with me. She is comfortable and have lots of confidence sitting in front of me. She tends to stand up and with excitement and sing while I ride her around. Fantastic product!!

  68. The Hearst Network says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing! 2yr old loves it and we have been out on the bikes everyday!

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product, built quality is very good so much fun to ride with your child that way. Quite engaging for the child to have their hands on the handlbar next to yours.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This seat is an immediate favorite! My not-even-2-year-old is excited to see and talk about everything we pass on the rides, instead of seeing Daddy’s back most of the time, and only glimpsing other features as they whiz by.
    The seat was installed in a few minutes, while I was chatting with someone about something else entirely. Very quick and simple!
    Our first family ride, immediately after, was much more fun than yesterday’s. It feels much more like going on a ride with friends, where seeing each other and talking is part of the activity. I can only imagine that this will cultivate a better transition for my daughter to riding on her own.
    We love it! When the second one comes along, we’ll buy another, for sure.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United States

    My little girl loves this. She is so happy to ride with me. We used it 3-4 days a week.

  72. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLe shotgun sied parfaitement sur un Giant Trance en taille M
    Il faut pdaler avec les genoux un peu carts mais les sensations la, mme en mode promenade!
    Le petit ou la petite install(e) sur la selle est beaucoup plus actif(ve) que dans un sige l’arrire…
    Par contre la selle n’est pas suffisamment simple installer et rgler pour la monter occasionnellement, elle reste demeure sur ce vlo
    Enfin pour les petits (2ans) je recommande l’ajout d’un sur-guidon avec poignet(qui permettra galement d’viter l’enfant de poser ses main a mme l’alu froid du guidon)

  73. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Awesome product with fantastic packaging.
    Came with all tools to install and built super sturdy! Highest quality product I’ve bought in a long time!
    My son and I ride everyday and the looks we get from people are priceless

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Was sore about price – but the first ride out was priceless! Been out everyday since.

  75. SaundraCwm says:

     United States

    Mi hijo lo ama, el mejor dinero gastado en mi vida.
    Estoy muy feliz de haber comprado este producto.

  76. AlinaOrrozfullx says:

     United States

    Seat is cool. Mounting it is very troublesome especially if you want to take it on and off. We bought it because we couldnt find any other to fit on a duel suspension bike. It does not have an adjustable width so fitting it to a specialized bike frame is almost impossible. I had to bend it to make it work but i did manage to get it set and then figure out how to get it tight enough not to slide since most duel suspension bikes have slanted top tubes making the seat want to slide down if you dont crank in on tight enough to risk stripping screws and bending metal

  77. Gear Patrol says:


    Trs bon achat pour faire du vtt avec ma fille de 19mois
    Bonne qualit prix lgrement lev mais quand je vois la joie que a procure…

    Bon acha

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fitted to my carbon full suspension bike, me and my little un’ can shread some trails togethe

  79. Tempie says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    There is nothing better than riding with your kid and this seat enables that to happen. I like this one because it will fit any bike you have, even the dirt jumper, which is handy for days at the bike park. Only downside is the disassembly process but once you do it a few times it’s not a big deal.

  80. TXDJuneuqh says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersReally fun. Wish it came with handle bars, since my little is fighting for handlebar space. Really sturdy though!
    One note is that there is little room to get on or off the bike normally. I use a curb or elevation since you cant drop forwards on my full suspension mens bike. It might have more space on a womans frame, but it is not a deal breaker. I am able to ride with both my 3 year old on the bike and my 5 year old on his own bike. We don’t need a trailor or.daddy for this anymore!

  81. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Put this on our Schwinn hybrid and it was the perfect upgrade from the Hamax observer.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this product. Easy to use and my daughter loves i

  83. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My little one loves it. It seems to shift a little on my frame but I found a work around. I’m enjoying showing him how it feels to ride.

  84. RobertoYpl says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLsst sich leicht anbauen und auch wieder abbauen. Das Kind war begeistert bei der ersten Probefahrt. Gewicht ist OK und auch die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut. Kann es nur empfehlen.

  85. pelkobarin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersThis thing is awesome, worth every penny.
    It is shown fitted to an aluminium frame commuter bike with metal mud guards. (Specialized Globe 600 I think). Use it for daily nursery run.

    Note: suitable for small frames only: This bike has a 50cm frame. On larger frames there is too much distance between the top and bottom bars. I upgraded to a 57cm frame and it doesn’t fit anymore. (the bike shop did some clever work with a U bracket to make it fit, but this is a modification to the product.) Note the paragraph below about handlebar height though: actually it seems a good combination to use this seat + a small frame even if you should normally have a bigger frame bike.

    Was worried it might get too close to the mudguards at the bottom. Nope, not much clearance but the thing is mounted so securely I’m not worried about it slipping

    Does it look too far forward? I thought so from pics and when I first mounted it, but no this is perfect. Kid can hold the middle of the handlebar, and things don’t get in the way of your knees when you are peddling.

    Do you feel the kid should sit higher? Again no, the handlebar is at the perfect height for them to hold and hypothetically IF I came to a sudden stop, I feel that the kid would fly forward into the handlebar and post, which might “catch” them, as opposed to them flying over the handlebar. I’m not planning for this to happen if course.

    The construction is sturdy and well thought through. Rubber protection for all the parts that touch the bike.

    ONLY slight negative is that the “quick release” isn’t that quick because you have to undo the foot pedals too, which have pretty long threads. I think the idea is that it is a “tool-less release” ie. you don’t need a spanner. Am not fussed though, this thing is staying on pretty much permanently.

    An idea/tip: I’m going to get some handlebar tape to put on the inner part of the handlebar that she holds on to.

    Before the kid got over 15kg I had her on the Thule Nexxt Mini. I highly recommend that too for smaller children.

    It is so much better having the child in front of you. They can see where they are going, you can chat, and it feels much more secure having them between your arms.

    Always ride safe with a kid – no need to race, and be very circumspect around traffic. It is a great responsibility!

    Awesome for (small frame) commuter bikes too

  86. The Zhush says:

     United States

    My 2yr old loves this seat. We have a great time on the trails.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Awesome product. Fits perfectly trail mtb. Worth the money. Simple and easy assembly. My three years old son definitely enjoys riding with me.

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersGreat bit of kit. I did try a cheaper alternative before and it didn’t fit fmy sloping top tube and was poorly constructed with metal against my frame. This however is brilliant. Every aspect of it fitting to my bike has been well thought out with rubber where all contact points are. 100% stable once fitted and most importantly fits my mtb with a very steep top tube. Once we fitted it and went out my 3 yr old daughter loved it as she was upfront and could see everything, she felt so safe she just want to go fatser. It’s so good the wife is using it on her bike for school runs as well. Don’t let the price pit you off it totally worth it, so much easier than a trailer.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI’ve had a few various “Kid’s Seats” for my bikes (a WeeRide, an Oxford Little Explorer and now this) and the Kids Ride Shotgun is definitely the best.
    It’s very similar in design to the Oxford Little Explorer, just much better built.. however this reflected in the price difference.

    Liked – Well thought out, great adjustability and quality materials.. there’s nothing ‘flimsy’ here. Being able to have my son cocooned in my arms as we ride over the easy trails and local woods is priceless.

    Disliked – The ‘quick release’ isn’t a quick release at all. You still need to remove the foot pegs etc to take the unit off the bike. It’s a bit pricey for what it is really, but it’ll have resale value when your little one outgrows it.

    Fantastic way to bring your kid to the trails

  90. CrystleDarr says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    We received out shotgun seat last week and have taken it out on a few rides already. It is difficult for me to get riding in between work and trying to be a present father. This is a complete game changer allowing me to take my kids out riding! It is super easy to ride with them and all of our kids have loved it. I’ve taken our 2, 4 and 5 year old out on it and they all fit. Though our 5 year old’s helmet smacked me in the neck a few times when we hit jumps! Wish we had discovered this sooner.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Great product, exactly what I need it to have my little one with me while cycling on the beach and parks for the weekends. I can talk to her and we enjoy the ride. She is always happy when we ride together and smile on her face at all time.

    Great product, exactly what I need it to have my little one with me while cycling on the beach and parks for the weekends. I can talk to her and we enjoy the ride. She is always happy when we ride together and smile on her face at all time.

  92. DannieWanliss says:

     United Kingdom

    My daughter and I love this. It is perfect. Best buy this yea

  93. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEl nio disfruta ms de la bici al ver sin problema, las estriberas le sirven para ir seguro, y la bici va muy estable al contrario de las sillas que van detrs.
    La estructura que va fijada al cuadro tiene unas protecciones de goma para no daar el mismo.
    !00% recomendable.
    Lo nico malo el precio.

  94. Jacob Silver says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My little one loves this! I bike a lot and wanted to involve my kiddo. This is perfect! She is right there in the action and loves it. I did add the handle bar too which gives her more sense of control.

    Please remember though, your bike will behave differently given the new weight distribution so be careful on turns at first.

    Recommend highly to get your kids involved in your hobby.

  95. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe quality of this kit is really surprising- all the bits are high quality metal, rubber, and the seat is thickly padded.

    The caveat on my overall satisfaction has really
    has to do with the general limitation of mounting a seat in the middle of your reach: even with the saddle far forward as possible, you have to ensure the footpegs don’t interfere with the fork and tire. If you have a medium or small frame, because of reach, it will feel very tight. With the kit mounted on my medium Devinci Django, it’s impossible to straddle the bike with jamming yourself between the nose of the bikes seat and the back of the shotgun seat.

    If you have a dropper, ensure you can straddle the bike seated, with the dropper down. You’ll have to learn that is the safest way to stop and straddle.

    Otherwise- again the quality is really superb- even the two wrenches are drop forged chromium and than allen key wrench is of similar quality.

    I’ve ridden the kiddo around the block a few times and he seems to like it. It should be fun try some flowy single track!

    Best with a dropper post or larger frame

  96. ElmerPTAWk says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Get tons of compliments on it. Most importantly my son loves rolling around trails with dad. Goes on and off quickly. Doesn’t really impede my ability to pedal… turning radius suffers a bit, but it’s great teaching little man how to corner!
    Only complaint is the seat already developed a little tear and I doubt it’s gonna be easy or cost effective to repair.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United States

    My 5 year old daughter loves it, especially the fact that she sits at the front and has a great view. We use it for trips around Boston.

  98. QuyenEERpza says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersSo this thing is amazing… I was originally looking at the mac ride but I have my bars slammed so the 10 mil stem spacer wouldn’t work, no regrets about this purchase at all. We showed some videos to my 2 year old first then we went in the backyard for a bit on it, then rode 3 miles in the neighborhood and she had a blast. Being able to communicate and y’all about things we see was awesome, assembly was a breeze and the quality is spot on. Great product, If your a mtb-ing dad and have little ones this is the product for you!

    So this thing is amazing... I was originally looking at the mac ride but I have my bars slammed so the 10 mil stem spacer wouldn’t work, no regrets about this purchase at all. We showed some videos to my 2 year old first then we went in the backyard for a bit on it, then rode 3 miles in the neighborhood and she had a blast. Being able to communicate and y’all about things we see was awesome, assembly was a breeze and the quality is spot on. Great product, If your a mtb-ing dad and have little ones this is the product for you!

  99. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 37 From Our UsersThis seat has by far exceeded my expectations! It’s true that you have to learn to ride a little different to make this work but it’s so worth the effort. I also use a trailer and this is by far the best and affordable option around. The memories made while using this seat are worth every penny. It also fits my FATBIKE frame. My 4 year old has been on all day trips and he hasn’t complained once.

    This seat has by far exceeded my expectations! It’s true that you have to learn to ride a little different to make this work but it’s so worth the effort. I also use a trailer and this is by far the best and affordable option around. The memories made while using this seat are worth every penny. It also fits my FATBIKE frame. My 4 year old has been on all day trips and he hasn’t complained once.

  100. alessandro fillari says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis seat is a game changer for our mountain bike adventures. Now we can all go out as a family and don’t need to find a sitter. This seat is super comfortable to ride with as it doesn’t change your center of gravity at all. Both my husband and I can easily ride with our 2 year old.