3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Wireless 3DX-700066 Wireless 3D Mouse, Black

SpaceMouse Wireless

Pair with CadMouse
When you pair a 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse with a 3Dconnexion CadMouse (not included) the results are extraordinary. Your SpaceMouse smoothly positions your object or view, while your CadMouse selects and creates with ease. Itâs a natural and comfortable work style that canât be matched. The 3Dconnexion CadMouse and our line of SpaceMouse 3D mice donât just play well together. They were made for each other.
Weight: | 560 g |
Dimensions: | 7.8 x 7.8 x 5.3 cm; 560 Grams |
Brand: | 3Dconnexion |
Model: | 3DX-700066 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Manufacture: | 3D Connexion |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 7.8 x 7.8 x 5.3 cm; 560 Grams |
Genau das, was ich gesucht habe… Keine Schnur mehr… wie sch
Bentze diese SpaceMouse fur Fusion 360 mit Windows 10.
Vorteil :
-Sehr przise zu steuern
-lange Akkulaufzeit
-steht sehr stabil auf dem Tisch auf Grund des hohen Gewichtes
-Ein/Aus Schalter hat sehr viel Spiel (sollte bei einem so hohen Preis nicht sein )
– kein usb c (usb Typ b Micro )
I’m a motion designer that works heavily in cinema 4D… this thing is amazing! can’t imagine visualizing a model without this device, also recording camera work realtime is super intuitive and fun.
love this product.
Build quality is as good as it looks. It’s a nice, heavy chunk o steel, all top-quality fit and finish. The wireless is more appreciated than I expected. It gets moved around often, and is typically in front of something, so no cable makes it easy to just pop around, or toss into its case.
I use this with the wireless Cadmouse left, and really love the combo for Maya. Navigation is a dream in all apps that implement it. Some software, like Mudbox, hasn’t been as well supported recently, and some of the best use cases, like ZBrush, have never supported these.
3DConnexion can’t do anything when devs don’t build the sdk into their software, which is the only reason I hesitate to recommend this to everyone. It’s been the saga with these for over a decade. Research your software if you don’t already know. It’s disappointing when switching from Maya to ZBrush, and not being able to glide around. It works in Blender, and many other leading apps, just not all you might wish for.
If you’re already familiar and informed, just buy the drnd thing. I don’t regret it. I owned a Spacepilot (big paddle with buttons), but much prefer this combined with a keyboard or a snes-style game controller. The firmware lets you assign an 8-spot radial menu to each of the two buttons, which pops up around your pointer and saves a lot of reaching for extra keys. This and all other behavior can be customized for each app. It’s all pretty well designed, and makes the daily workflow more pleasant.
I’ve always loved 3dConnexion, and this one is a faithful upgrade to an impressively useful design.
Build quality is as good as it looks. It’s a nice, heavy chunk o steel, all top-quality fit and finish. The wireless is more appreciated than I expected. It gets moved around often, and is typically in front of something, so no cable makes it easy to just pop around, or toss into its case.
I use this with the wireless Cadmouse left, and really love the combo for Maya. Navigation is a dream in all apps that implement it. Some software, like Mudbox, hasn’t been as well supported recently, and some of the best use cases, like ZBrush, have never supported these.
3DConnexion can’t do anything when devs don’t build the sdk into their software, which is the only reason I hesitate to recommend this to everyone. It’s been the saga with these for over a decade. Research your software if you don’t already know. It’s disappointing when switching from Maya to ZBrush, and not being able to glide around. It works in Blender, and many other leading apps, just not all you might wish for.
If you’re already familiar and informed, just buy the drnd thing. I don’t regret it. I owned a Spacepilot (big paddle with buttons), but much prefer this combined with a keyboard or a snes-style game controller. The firmware lets you assign an 8-spot radial menu to each of the two buttons, which pops up around your pointer and saves a lot of reaching for extra keys. This and all other behavior can be customized for each app. It’s all pretty well designed, and makes the daily workflow more pleasant.
Perfect for 3D add another level of Drawing and 3D, Love the merchandise
10/5 stars amazing functionality, but problems with wireless…connects but very laggy
If you do 3D design work you’ll love this accessory.
It works really well, makes a lot of diference in 3D modeling process
La pila dura mucho tiempo, hasta con largos horarios de trabajo durante muchos das.
Facilidad para el manejo de los modelos en 3d (en mi caso uso Catia, Ansys, NX Unigraphics).
La compatibilidad con otros programas es sencilla pero fcil de configurar, ejemplos como Adobe acrobat, WhatsApp, etc.
Muy recomendable!
If you do 3D modeling you have to have this. Efficiency and ergonomics are the two most important things about this. Say goodbye to clicking the scroll wheel down for panning and your dominant hand becoming numb…this solves that.
Die Ware ist excellent. Hohe Qualitt, durchdacht und uerst hilfreich, wenn man im Architekturbereich mit 3D Modellen arbeitet. Beim Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis wurde deshalb um einen Punkt gekrzt, da das Gert nicht gerade preiswert ist. Ich denke, dass dies bei einer ernst zu nehmenden Konkurrenz anders wre.
This was the cheapest option I found for this product so I was a little nervous, but it is the exact product I would have gotten elsewhere, the mouse is beautiful and the perfect weight to stay put. The 3D Connexion software is free online so be sure to install that during your first use!
Love it don’t know why I didn’t get one years ago
Die SpaceMouse macht was sie soll und das wirklich gut. Man bentigt zwar, wenn man noch nicht mit ihr gearbeitet hat, einen kurzen Moment um sich an sie zu gewhnen, aber dann macht sie richtig Spa. Ob man sie nun mit 3D Programmen (Capture 2020, Vectorworks, SketchUp), klassischen Desktopanwendungen (Browser,Excel etc.), oder auch mit anderen Programmen verwendet, ich nutze sie zum Beispiel zur Ansteuerung von Movinglights bzw. generell zur Lichtsteuerung (ETC Eos Nomad (ber zustzliche OSC-Software)), macht sie richtig Laune!
Llevo slamente 2 das usndolo para fusion 360, pero es un antes y despus.
Como bien dicen algunas crticas, una vez te acostumbras, es como tener el objeto en tu mano.
Pero voy a lo importante: LA CONFIGURACIN.
En mi caso, tuve que poner todas las direcciones en REVERSE. Nada ms empezar a utilizarlo me senta una barbaridad de incmodo, casi como si el movimiento hiciera lo contrario a lo que yo quera. Entonces vi el apartado de “Settings” y dije “Tate!”.
En efecto, en Settings, puedes configurar la direccin de los 6 movimientos posibles, y una vez probando cada uno de ellos, los puse todos en Reverse y el cambio fue GLORIOSO.
Una comodidad y una finura exquisita. Y la guinda del pastel: Los 2 botones para poder aadir hasta 16 funcionalidades con los que mejoras an ms la velocidad de trabajo (en mi caso la misma funcin de Fusion 360 me es ms difcil de usar por la distancia de los iconos).
Algunos dicen que es cuestin de una semana en acostumbrarse, yo creo que es cuestin de horas y de poner las Settings a tu gusto echndole un ratillo y paciencia.
En definitiva, una compra totalmente recomendable, sin importar el precio de venta.
It works so well with Fusion 360 that I think it is a mandatory purchase if you are a 3D CAD user. It takes a little bit of getting used to manipulating the part but you can really do about anything you want to do with it. I like the USB rechargeable internal battery which is a little bit easier to manage than separate AA or AAA batteries. I almost downgraded to 4 stars because it requires the little USB dongle. There is not a good way to store that dongle when moving the mouse between home and work which I often do. It is easily lost.
How did I ever get along without this???
Setup was quick and easy.
The control takes a little of getting used to, but once you have it down and play with the demo and training apps, it becomes a natural extension.
In 3D apps like Maya or 3DS Max, you can configure it to behave as a camera control or an object manipulator.
The wireless connection is flawless; no hiccups or connectivity issues of any kind, as long as I’m within 30 feet and don’t have a lead plate between the mouse and receiver.
I definitely should have bought this sooner.
Better than expected. The description of this product is pretty straight forward.
This is a great product. It does an amazing job of allowing fluid control of Fusion 360 (the 3D program I use).
The only thing that I find frustrating is when I have it paired to two different wireless connectors for my desktop and laptop, sometimes it takes clicking through on the app to re-connect it again for my first use after switching – especially with the laptop.
This is a great product. It does an amazing job of allowing fluid control of Fusion 360 (the 3D program I use).
The only thing that I find frustrating is when I have it paired to two different wireless connectors for my desktop and laptop, sometimes it takes clicking through on the app to re-connect it again for my first use after switching – especially with the laptop.
The company I work for provides a connexion 3D mouse for all the employees that design in CAD. I would definitely miss it if I didn’t have it. I bought one for when I work from home.
Die beste Entscheidung seit langer Zeit. Wenn ich darber nachdenke wie ich mich vorher abgemht habe bei der Navigation in zb CAD Software, freue ich mich bei jeder Nutzung wieder auf’s neue. Installiert war Plug and Play. Lsst sich fr jede Software individuell anpassen. Einfach genial.
Great quality. Easy to setup. Learning curve is minimal. One of the most useful things I’ve bought. Use it for designing things in Fusion 360 for 3D printing.
I love this tool on the applications that support it like Fusion 360, but other tools like Substance Painter or Blender it is disappointing.. but mostly disappointing that there isn’t more configuration that can be set to emulate certain movements.
When it works with the software it is amazing
I love this tool on the applications that support it like Fusion 360, but other tools like Substance Painter or Blender it is disappointing.. but mostly disappointing that there isn’t more configuration that can be set to emulate certain movements.
When it works with the software it is amazing
Me encanta el producto… ahora disear en el ordenador es como estar pilotando un avin… lo dicho, me encanta…
My husband uses this thing daily for his job. There was a bit of a learning curve but now he could not imagine working without it.
Funcionamiento perfecto, demor un par de semanas en llegar pero vali la pena la espera.
Batterie hlt wirklich lange, wie beschrieben.
Schicke und robuste Hlle gibt es auch dazu.
Ein Kabel vermisse ich an der Maus nicht.
Lleg enseguida,muy bien embalado,se maneja muy suave y rpido..perfecto para trabajo de animacn.Muy buena calidad,merece la pena
Sehr praktisches und qualitativ hochwertiges Gert. Erleichtert das Arbeiten und Konstruieren erheblich. Ein muss fr jeden der oft mit CADProgrammen arbeitet!
Great product. I am using top of the line version at work for Solid Edge 2020. This is handy for travels. You still get the smooth 3D control with two buttons. I would recommend it.
Great product. I am using top of the line version at work for Solid Edge 2020. This is handy for travels. You still get the smooth 3D control with two buttons. I would recommend it.
Ich habe mir die SpaceMouse fr Arbeit mit Autodesk Fusion 360 gekauft. Am Anfang war ich etwas skeptisch, ob sich der teure Kauf lohnen wird. Heute mchte ich ohne die Maus nicht arbeiten.
I bought it for SketchUp’ing and found it very useful tool. It helps a lot to navigate, to turn around. Just daily super good quality tool worth the money. I needed to change axes for better comfort just for my taste, how I feel intuitively it has to move each touch. Some little nuanses to improve would be for Skechup, how it behaves and how it turns, not for the mouse.
Finally sitting at the table I really do not need it wireless, but bringing it somewhere is more nice without cable – we have enough wiress already. And the case is superb. But I wish this tool could be connected directly to macbook bluetooth, not this old style USB connector, because my computer needs adapter (no longer USB holes on macs, only usb-c). Cannot imagine working without it 🙂
Das Teil ist sehr gut, wenn das Programm darauf abgestimmt ist. Mit Fusion 360 echt klasse, mit Freecad nicht so. Der Preis ist fr Hobby Bastler wie ich finde etwas zu hoch. Wenn man es jedoch hat, mchte man es nicht mehr abgeben.
Es un gran producto, el empaque es el correcto, incluyendo el mouse, cable alimentacin y receptor, adems de una funda para transporte. La calidad de materiales es perfecta, plsticos suaves inoxidable, el peso es perfecto para evitar deslizamiento, la configuracin es rpida e incluye un pequeo tutorial, se pueden modificar los botones para algunas funciones, yo lo utilizo con Catia y esta mas que perfecto como segundo mouse, si se pudieran elegir los shortkeys sera perfecto.
An as, tambin se puede usar en pdf, excel y Chrome.
Despus de 2 meses la batera est al 40% con usos de 10 horas diarias.
Por ltimo, lo nico que me gustara mejorar sera que el adaptador usb se pudiera guardar en el mouse o qu estuviera algn forma para evitar perderlo ya que es muy pequeo.
Die Verarbeitung ist einwandfrei und wertig, die Maus hat ein gewisses Gewicht und verstrmt einen “soliden Hauch”. Ich htte sie viel frher bestellen sollen.
A must have for anyone doing 3D modeling / sculpting work!
One of my essential tech tools now
I use it with Revit / Revit LT and it works it charm.
un excelente dispositivo como apoyo en diseo 3D. Totalmente satisfecho. Calidad de materiales, duracin de la batera. Solo modificara el driver para que fuese ms estable, hay ocasiones en las que deja de responder y hay que ejecutar el programa 3D connexion de configuracin para que vuelva a responder. Por lo dems es perfecto.
Lo uso con 3Ds Max y Autocad y va de maravilla. Parece un gadget innecesario pero ya que lo tengo ya no puedo trabajar sin l. Lo recomiendo al 100%
Excellent product for 3D design/ CAD software. Intuitive ultra accurate mouvement from main Control and two customizable buttons. Can’t work without it now.
Lo mejor es poder rotar/mover/orbitar los modelos 3D sin importar que estemos en Solid, Rhino o catia… ya eso es bastante!
Y el alivio para la mano derecha… se hace evidente luego de un par de das!
Love the mouse. Works great.
I have one small complaint with it. The mouse uses a USB receiver similar to what a cheap wireless mouse would use. Theres no where to store the receiver on the mouse when transporting it. They give you a case for the mouse, but you kinda have to just stuff the receiver in there with it. I think they could have thought that out a bit better, but non the less it’s a small complaint on a product that works beautifully.
I loved this so much that I had to buy a second one for the laptop as well, its so awesome and it speeds up my 3D designing by allowing my workflow actually flow
I have one for work and that made me want one for home. I’m still trying to get use to the controls and the 2 buttons. This does make designing that much easier.
Cat chewed through the wire on my original one. This one has no wires! I use one at work, and have one at home. This is the best controller for manipulating 3d views when working on CAD models.
Ich wollte mit fusion 360 dann versuchen. be am CAD Modeln jetzt seit ein Monat. Ich muss sagen man kommt natrlicher Weise klar. Rein instinktiv bewegt man die Space Mousse und die Pc Maus simultan.
Es ist jetzt schon unangenehm ohne damit zu arbeiten.
Akku hlt sehr lange! Geht mit Kabel. Man hat 2 Buttons die ein Rad aufploppen lsst. Damit kann man shortcuts/Makros etc draufwerfen.
Wrde sie Weiterempfehlen!
Great build quality. Works as expected. Makes 3D navigating as smooth as silk.
Es un instrumento bastante til, solo que no es completamente compatible con algunos programas de 3D.
Tolles Teil. Benutze es zum 3D Modellieren mit SketchUp fr Architektur Modelle. Navigation ist sehr intuitiv, Geschwindigkeit lsst sich einstellen. Ich kann auch einstellen, ob ich das Modell drehen mchte, als ob ich es in der Hand halte, oder ob ich die Kamera bewege, die ich in der Hand habe. Insgesamt sehr wertig. Mchte das Teil bei der Arbeit nicht mehr missen.
Ich finde deine 3D Maus optimal sie lsst sich gut mit anderen Gerten verbinden. Einfach nur supe
Works well, will spoil you for solid modeling. Not impressed with battery life, but it stays plugged in most of the time.
I love this mouse. I have the bigger version but bought this one because I travel alot and the bigger one is not practical to travel with. It is everything I was expecting but is much heavier than I anticipated. Might even be heavier than my laptop. Although I’m not a fan of the wait due to the reason I bought it, I understand that this weight is necessary for the mouse to kind of stick to the platform you have it on while using it. Otherwise it might just slide all over the place. Just something to note. Overall a great product…feels durable and does what its supposed to.
Recomendable 100%
Works best with bricsCAD, autoCAD sucks and will continue to not do anything to fix its problems and charge you up the wazoo for their licenses, switch now if you want to help make cad a better community!
I do a lot of CAD work. I have had the portable compact wired mouse since years and consider it an absolute necessity when working in 3D. Wanted to cut the cord, and use the older wired one for mobility. Love this new 3D mouse, just a touch more than my old one.. I can turn it off and move it away when not in use without having to deal with a cable in the way. Had a bit of trouble with the range setting it up with a sit / stand desk. Plugged it into the back of my workstation, which is ~3 meters away when the desk is in stand mode, there was a lot of jitter and drops in connection. I resolved this by plugging the receiver into my monitor’s USB hub and now it works perfectly!
Als die Maus dann endlich kam, war ich erstmal enttuscht. Aber sehr schnell strllte sich heraus, das der Fehler VOR dem Bidschirm lag 🙂 Ich benutze diese Maus mit einem iMac und Fusion360 und hatte beesehen, das ich noch die Treiber” fr diese Maus installieren sollte. Nachdem ich das tat und nach ein bissl Eingewhnungszeit klappt die Arbeit mit Fusion und der Maus ganz gut.
Kurz und gut … sehr empfehlenswert in dieser Preisklasse.
3D mouse. I always wanted to get this mouse, I bought it a while ago for the workplace when working on CAD tools. It is a beautifully engineered invention. Huge assemblies? no worries this product is of great help. Save 50% time easily
Super useful for those that do a lot of 3d modeling / work in 3d environments. I do with there were better Houdini support.
Its so help for designer specially in complex part and assembly. Quality of product is nice. Easy to install and case is also nice its good for traveling kit. Overall i like it lo
I love this thing! I am an amateur designer but use it in Fusion360 all the time. Takes a bit getting used to it. It was a little pricey for me. However, the quality is excellent and will last so no regrets. Recommend for Beginners to Pros.
Solid build! Easy to connect. Dependable.
Do not work with some web based 3D app. I.e. A360
After several attempts and a kindly technical support email answering my concern about the installation on MacOSX 10.14. And downgrade the driver, I was able to install and try my mouse. So far so good.
es un producto de gran calidad, funciona correctamente, lo recomiendo.
Can’t live without it now that I’m used to it.
Pros: I’ve never been able to move around a 3D environment in a way that felt smooth or natural before. I’m an artist, so I’m not generally concerned with exact measurements. If I were an engineer this might not be so useful.
Cons: It’s kinda heavy, so I’m hesitant to carry it everywhere I’d like to. I wish it worked with more software, though what is compatible covers my needs. My biggest complaint is that the on/off switch is also surprisingly unsatisfactory.
Ich benutze die Maus hauptschlich fr Antennen design und PCB design (HFSS, CST, Eagle, …) und da hat die bisher prima funktioniert.
Am anfang war es bisschen schwierig die richtige Einstellung zu finden und sich auch noch daran zu gewhnen, aber wenn man es paar Stunden benutzt ist es ganz einfach.
Was mich ein wenig strt ist der Schalter, womit man die Maus an und aus schaltet; der wackelt bei mir ziemlich stark. Da wei ich aber nicht, ob das nur an mein gert liegt oder an alle. Diese Mngel ist aber eine ziemliche Kleinigkeit.
Sonst ist die Verarbeitung super! Ist schwer (was ziemlich positiv ist) und sieht dazu ziemlich elegant aus.
Kann es nur 100% empfehlen! Dieser Preis ist es auf jeden Fall wert!
Cuesta un poco acostumbrarse, pero cuando lo haces acelera el proceso de diseo y sobretodo la inmersion en el.
This has been a great investment. High quality and ease of use, two of its best assets.
It’s impossible to go back after using this. This thing is amazing once you get used to them.
Wow, this device is awesome! It takes some getting used to but after some practice I am now able to navigate my way around drawings in Inventor easily and quickly. It’s very Intuitive and almost magical. Get one!
Don’t know how I was working in fusion 460 with out this
Works great!
Works great in Solidworks 2018, DraftSight 2019, Fusion 360, and DesignSpark Mechanical.
I love how versatile it is! I find I prefer scrolling with my 3D mouse than using the scroll wheel! That aside, it’s crucial if you want to do any sort of 3D modeling.
This spacemouse doesn’t have any negatives other than the price. But, considering the very high quality and excellent performance, the price is fine. If you need to navigate or manipulate 3d space, this may just be the controller for you.
Great product for CAD work. Takes some practice for me with with the left I have the other hand using the mouse but it makes designing so much easier and adds to the joy of designing. It work in other apps as well but I’m just getting started. Solid feel, well built.
Cons: comes with one usb communication dongle. I wanted one for the office and one for home. They seek it in there website but it is $10 which is a lot for a $0.50 part. I thought that was expensive, but no I was wrong, the only way they will ship it is by fedex and charge the customers $10. Why? Just to piss off customers who love your product? They don’t even offer it as an option when you buy the space mouse.
Put in an envelope and a put a stamp on it stamp for $4 and make a 50% margin.
it is good to navigate many different cad viewports without confusing
i been hate to switch different tools some are left mouse buttons to navigate some are middle they all different but this one magic device solves all the confusions
and some games detect it as joystick so i could control helicopters in arma3
very cool!
I dont like that it has only two programmable buttons. I should have gotten the bigger one.
I got this to replace my space pilot pro because I find myself transporting my laptop a lot lately. I use it in Fusion360 and DesignSpark Mechanical and it works perfectly. Once you get used to using a 3D mouse, you won’t want to CAD without one!
I use this as a travel version of my spacemouse enterprise. heavy weight, great quality and completely changes my CAD abilities. I couldn’t live without this thing
This is a great help when using cad. Once you have it you can’t do without it.
Works like it should. Maybe go for a wired one if you don’t travel as it is much cheaper. You won’t move it as much as you would with a mouse (it has a weight in it!).
Perfect (even a must) for 3D designer.
I use this on a 2016 Macbook Pro. I use it with fusion 360 on the mac side as well as Inventor Pro on the windows side. I run windows in a Parallel virtual machine and I just move the USB device from mac to windows and it works. Overall this mouse is awesome. The portable case is tough and keeps it protected in my travel bag. Highly recommended.
Awesome product for 3D design in Inventor. Basically doubles your efficiency.
Very high quality but there is definitely a learning curve for this. I would say don’t expect to install and fly like in the videos immediately. I am still working on this…..
Tutorial video was valuable it includes is valuable. This thing is amazing in fusion!
Genial, me gusta mucho ms que las versiones grandes y ahora que incluye el estuche lo puedes proteger para llevarlo contigo, la batera le dura meses, dependiendo del uso pero claro, lo nico malo para mi gusto es que el adaptador USB no tiene espacio designado en el mouse (como otros mouses que son hasta magnticos) o tampoco en el estuche, an as es mi producto favorito de 3Dconnexion.
Venditore gentilissimo e disponibile.
Prodotto arrivato nei tempi giusti
E in condizioni perfette
Just as advertised and great price. Works perfectly and great size for desk top or laptop.
After just a few hours using it I feel like I can’t live without it anymore.
Eingewhnungszeit bei mir : ca. 1 Woche bei tglich 1 Stunde. Nun will ich nicht mehr ohne.
Outstanding Mouse! Works perfectly, very sensitive and allows 3D movement seamlessly with CAD.